Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 07, 1900, Image 4

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C. J. HOWARD - -
Considerable controversy again
exists os to the ndvisnbllitv of
EDITOR, legislating the bible into the public
Knterctlnt the potomc at Cottage Orovo, schools making it n 'fixture
Oregon ai Second Claw msll mailer, from which to reail daily
1 1fnnt tr t)in nnni1. Snmi nnnnco
(lb(,OtltloI,rt,!e.WI.0O,ln(.vac. ;t( mnny ;nsUt llpoJ jt nm, stj
Artv.rt..iB r.t. ,.m,in km.Wn upon indifferent. The oues-
nppiicBtion. ,. . ,. ,
I ilUII YWlllIll UOCll 13 IlUk Wilt UIUI
will nrrncinn nnrlfpitlnf nnrm
Friday, Dkcbmbuu 7, 1900. LDon the nnrt 0f.P:tW,n(V..e foror
against, for to the conservative
Tir.-rt.. m.rrlif .M.f ... ilmcn Unr. I mind it 5 tint pttcpii linl in tlif till 111 !r
ui j uu iiiiut f ill. in ajii I -w. ..,. ... ..... j-. .......
winter evenings writing a book on schools, neither would it result in
.ITT . it -rx .. I 1M. l.!l.f .. J
I 11.11 111. 1UC U1U1U IS U jJWU UWK
and every man, woman and child
"How It Was Done.
The Iowa State Register con
tinues to speak of Iowa and Ne
braska as Western states. The
editor should take a day off and
visit Oregon and Washington.
Compare the condition of Main would profit by the renHng there.
and Wall streets this year with that of but it is hardh. consi8tcut to
of last year, and see if you perfer make the reading or listening there-
tllC "Old" Or the "new." rnrnmnnWnr,. Tl,r rct.,.w
more essential to the boy or girl
than the studv of the bible. Let
them be given a pood education
along good and wholesome lines
and as they take on knowledge and
venrs. J lirv will tnbi nn flir h!hl
' I j w j ..... ..... --- "
T-.I. -T .. ... I . .
mary unen juease me wen Known ot their own accord and then thev
lecturer is now seeking a divorce will profit by the reading of the
irom her husband. Well, Mary good book. When you compel
ought not to have anything tied to students to make it a study in the
her apron strings not even a re- tender years of school life, jou
spectable husband. set before them a dish distasteful,
a , , , and in place of bringing the book
Another lad slipped and fell from :.. j . .,
, , , , , . 1,lto Bd repute the young pupil
the break beam of a Southern Pa- t. ... j .. . . .
cfic car the other day and ,n con- it wUh -ust dis t Let
sequence Ins brains and bowels those who wish read it. It will do
were scattered over a mi e or more them rauch good. Ut those who
of track. Beating the beam will do not wish to read the bible alone
auun uc L-oiismerea aimosi as aan- .1 .t. r
- I uum. lucv sec iuc ucicssiiy oi ac
gerOUS as lOOt Dall. nnirincr l-nrm-Wcr f thn i,t- r
CiOd and thev will tnlrp to r with n
It would be a grand stroke for vm that mnnnt whlnn.,)
industrial advancement if a branch service through compulsatory read
railroad could be built irom this nig.
city through the great Row river
timber belt to the Bohemia mining Alba Hey wood visited Cottage
district, thus creating a market for Grove tllis week and played to a
the immense lumbering interest as ful1 ,,ouse- However.Mr.Martin.the
well as giving the rich mines of Bo- manaEe" of the Opera House, went
hernia a chance to reduce the ores. be,liud on the attraction in as much
as the first $50 had to go to the
In this there is food
t t, - .1 . Icomnanv
1 13 iu uc icgicueu mat inc roaa - -
supervisors cannot find ways and for consderable thought. If Mr.
means, or at least an inclination to Martin had billed some third class
improve the square at the east end mini5trel attraction he would have
of the bridge on Main street. The made good mol,ey on the bill, but
street known as river street is a when he tl,rew the doors of his
county road and the county should houfe fen toatar in the enter-
taurine line who is seldom eaualed
with the improvements now made a"d eVer surPassed-a frost fas
. . I t1-t1 illA fVnnrJ nMHl. S A. 1 1
oy tne city on streets abutting. l"c suuu hcujjjc unu wiey stay
In this case several reasons
The public schools of this citv may be assigned. First, Alba
seem to be run in a very satisfac- Heywood was a stranger to us.
tory manner this year. The Secnf'. ",s prices were above that
teachers have shown special tact in of the ra&-tin,e attractions
....w..... n vi. iiuunii apcLlill iaci in 0 .
tniinfiiramsnf nnj tt. 1 : ;j tnailV Drefer to en lr n wennd olncc
....(jwuiwui ..iiu iuc atuuui im saiu
to be under .splendid .control and sllow ioT a second class price than
fhe students taking on their books to S've a little more and take in an
rapidly. This is as it should be entertainment refined and versitile,
and can only be accomplished glittering with the best thoughts and
through firmness and good iiidir- brightest sayings of a prince among
ment on the part of the teachers. entertainers. When Heywood comes
to town again, he will not have
The Ttnsrhtircr Plninont I Olllv One or two old titnp frtPnHc
- Mat u(uvniwi U1J I r a.'HW
the able management of Conner & but tbe half of the town people who
Roach is doing a "land office busi- saw bim Wednesday night will
ness" to be envied by every poor cause the other half to
printer in Oregon. However the come out and see what kind of a
paper is worthy of every dollar circus the other half delight' in.
thrown to it and the business men
generally in Roseburg appreciate ?,,e Oregonian celebrated its
the sterling qualities of the paper. mt,etn oirtndayDec. 4. Among
May its ghost not "hant" us for tbe attractive features was a fac
many years. simile production of the first edition
of that paper, which when com-
This is the time of year when our pared with the handsome pages of
hearts should warm with thoughts Oregon's great paper now makers
and deeds of charity. Many a poor the old time print grind his teeth.
man and wnmnn nrf in nroni nnf The two editintm nf Dpi-, a
w ... null., IlUl - .w. f I .
Because they are not willing to splendid illustrations of the old and
work, neither because they could and the new way of doing news
riot manage properly under fa- paper business. If the Oregonian
vorable circumstances. They should continues to improve in the future
"ui "iimcu suupiy oecause the " luc Fa!"i miy years uence it
whirhyind of misfortune has ,ead the newspapers of the
toppled their plans, scattered their world. Why shouldn't it? It is
specifications and mined their well the product of the west, the result
wuvanceaDusinessioundalton.s The 01 ine euorrs ot men with brain,
pest ot us failget off on the wrong energy and determination
foot and only a few of us survive 1
the Shock from a fninnrifri nnint nf A visit to Rosehlirff cnnvtnpK
. . 1 - O . ...w
view. Many who do again mount oue tbat the little city is oue of
ta. r I rvA....t. J. 1 . Cl 1 .
me wave 01 success tio so not &,uwlu l,1,lt a" enterprise, well
through their efforts alone but suPpHed with wide-awake business
through the efforts of kind hearts men The last four yeare have
who go out to them in encourage- dea" fairly with Donglas county's
T r . 1 1: 1 . .
jucui. rcw 01 us nave moans to",Ci,uHu,,' ana py me ena ot the
give, bnt we are all rich iu new McKinley administration Rose-
thought and kind words if we
would shatter the look of selfish
ness that entombs the nrlceless
jewel of Charity. Open no the L.G. to Geo' Bohlman'a tailor shop
door and encourage and cheer , nd. 8ee. his Ml 1,nes of
tViP tl.t, , Jir eamplea and goode. He can fleasoyou
those who are Jess fortunate. ( jn my otylo or line you may &nm.
burg will be a town second to none
south of Eugene.
Notice or Application or II. S. Rckd
ron patent rou tiik Hiddk.sTiikahuiik
Before tlio United Slalna Idiml OIlU-o nt
Kosebiirg, Oregon, November 10th, 1IKX).
Notice Is horubvulvcn tlint U.S. Ttrnl.
xrlioiie 1'oHtotHcu midrosH Ih UrunlH Vih,
UreL'on, litis imulo iiniillentlon for 11
UllitlHl States DiltlMlt fur tin-
Trpiirtilrn PntiMiilliliitnil fit.ii ..I..I...
- - wM..w.....,vi. Vlllllll,!
mineral stirvcv No 405, nituuted in tlic
ijooomm iiiimnir uicirioi. Jine turn
Douglas Coiiiitk-,SlRte of Oreon, lyiim
111 BLI'IIUIIB ( IlllU JO, lOWIlSllIll J3 HOtllll,
rmiKe 2 east, and section 12 of township
-o buuiii, raiiRe ono cn, anil constHlini;
of the Hidden Trvaaiire mining elaim,
tlio Holy Terror mining clafm, tho Civile
iiiiiiwiK ciaim, -no.Miiry i-.iiiiniiiBelalm,
tint Lato Acquisition iiilnini,' claim and
the Itlackbinl mining claim anil more
)iiruciiiariy ueecrioeu as loilows;
uni.v TRiiimi t nm.
neginnini: at eomer No 1, ii pine post
5 feet Iohk. 0 inches unuare. sot L fii.i (
the ground with mound of stone along
muu iiiu urigimu post SCrllcU I-L' Inl-
405; whence tlio Houthw est corner of gee
tion 7, (owii8liipl3, south oi rangoUeiist,
auuin u uegrees east, luua leet; the
United States Mineral Monument,
established in Mirvey No. 229, for "Ho
hernia Mine" bears south 7 degrees 15
untunes west, L'523 reet; and running
North 40 degrees 35 minutes oust, to
turner .mi. , in ifCl. lllellco
South "Odcgrces 48 minutes vast, 1403
leoi iiirarner io. ;i. Tlicnco
South 40 degrees 35 minutes west, 411
iter, 10 corner o. i. Tlicnco
in 1 v uckicc 10 iininiicH west,
1403 feet to corner No. 1 and thu place of
ui iji7;iiiiiiii
I ltegmiiing at corner Nn. 1, a fir post,
j feet long, 4 iiiclie.i Hjuiiro. driven a
few inches to bed-rock and surrounded
oy a mound o rock, scribed 1-MOo,
whence southwest corner of section 7,
towilshlu23 south, nun... ...( ,Z
south 42 degrws 53 minutes east. IK
il-l-iiiiiu twieiicu .uinenn .Monument of
survey No. 229 bears south 1 degree wost,
1975 feet, ami rimmm. tlw.n....
North 74 decrees 4J mi
.wi UJS
feet to corner No. 2. Thence
Aortn degrees 40 minutes east, 697
feet to corner Nn. 3. Thum...
South 74 degrees 49 minutes cast, 1500
tvi iu .uiiiur u. t, xnenco
South 27 degrees 40 minutes west 697
feet to comer No. 1 and place of be-
Mary p. T.nnp.
Ileciiinini? nt inrnr Vn 1 .i
with corner No. 1 Holy Tunnon Ixxlo of
inis survey anil the S. K. corner of the
locauon, wnence tho southwest corner of
section 7, township 23 south, range 2
east, bears 89 degrees east, 1005 feet and
wiieiice inu .uiiierai .iionument estuh-
llSllCli in SllrVeV fin. fHl tumrM 7
degrees lo minutes west, 2523 feet; and
1 uu hhik iiiejieu
North 74 degrees 49 minutes west
1500 feet to cnriu-r V Tl,.
North 40 degrees 35 minutes east, 411
leet to rorner Xo H. Tli..n....
South 74 degrees 4!) minutes east, 1500
. ....... K.. i f ' .. . ... '
iV . r'f 'k,J " lucniicai with corner
o. noLV lEiiiiou lxluof thissurvev,
SoUth 40 dpffrpPH ?U1 mlnnln. ...... Ill
feet tocornir No. land phiceofbeuinnliiL'
in-jjiiniiii); nn:oruer xvo 1 on line 2-3-Ci.yue
Look of this survey, a lirpost 4
feet long, 4 inches square.'set 18 -iinilies
... b.wuiiu, nunucu 1 iv-, wnence tne
u,iin.roriier 01 seciiou , townshiii
23. south nf ranee, 2 f.iit. r.V
degrees 10 minutes east, 2070 feet and
niii-ncu .11 menu .Monument, established
in survey No. 220 bears south 25 degrees
50 minutes east, 2924 feet and ruiinini;
North 00 degrees 4 minutes west, 450
feet to corner No. 2. Thence.
norui si degrees east, 680 feet to cor
ner No. 3. Thnnm
South 60 degrees 4 minutes cast, 450
bv. tubulin:! xiii. t. mence.
South 32 degrees west, 580 feet to cor
nor uu. 1 nnu place oi Oectlinini!,
Beuinnintr ut nirntrtln 1 t,i: 1
... r i,r . .. w . . v luvililUill
with S. W. corner of this location, a post
,w,.h, -1 uiuiii-Bniiiure, sei loinciies
in the ground scribed 1-405, whence the
southwest i-nriiMr nt rniKiInn v .-.... .1.1..
23 south of rangeZ east, bears north 88
utuicco ut west, 4itt leet anil
whence tho Minimi lr.r.,nant ...i.
- ... .'.W....MIVIII. VDtUU-
lished jn survey No. 229, bears south 43
uubicco ouminuies west, 2049 feet and
running thence
North 27 degrees 40 minutes east, 503
feet to corner No. 2. Thence
South 40 degrees 45 minutes cast, 1327
feet to corner Nn. 3. Th
South 27 degrees 40 minutes west, 603
feet to corner No. 4. Thence.
worm 40 degrees 45 minutes west, 1327
vuvtu i-uincr no. x ana piaee 01 begin
Beginning nt corner Nn. 1. iitontu.!
with corner No. 1, Clydb Lode of this
survey, whence the southwest corner of
section 7, township 23, south of ranee 2
Ann luin -a aA..4t. .i ... vim
wB,f wib ouuiii uuureea on ininutcH
ciioi., wo icotunii wnence tlio ailneral
Monument. estnhllshHt in mi..o.. v n
bears south 1 degree wett, 1075'feet'and
North 27 degrees 40 minutes east, 697
font a jsAMMn KT fl m I '
ivti. iu wiiicr uu. xn en 06
South 70 degrees 48mintite8eanL 1463
us. iu vumici uu, ii. ineiico
South 27 decrees 40 minutes west, 697
u buiiiui a i'. j..icnco
North 65 degrees 38 minutes west, 021
feet to corner Nn. R. Tlmr.,. '
North 74 decrrePH 3D
...,mvq "IJOI.OIU
lAnf i f.mnrm XTa l 1 . Mm ' .
n nff. " ""
Tho notices of lonntlnn nf tl
, , , v mw ivi cuuiiiir
Tho Hidden Theasuub ia of record In
w- -m A W m. IIS 9
Lurch s 1
" " ' 1 ' 1 1 "MMHtM
A Great Reduction
Ladies, Misses and Ghildrcns
Jackets and Capes.
Call 6aHy for Bargains, i
Lurch's I
of the County Clerk of Lane county, Ore
gnu, in Hook 4 of Mining ltecords, page
The Latk Achuisitiox is of record in
tlie otllce of the County Clerk of Lime
t.. II.. .1. V-.. K ..I !!..
countv, ureRon, in ihwk ou. u ui .Min
ing ltevordis mge
t.... Hi ini.iiiiti ul rei'intl in the
odice of the County CVrk oi Doughs
eonntv, Oregon, In Volume 0 of Mining
uecorus, jiiigc oiu.
The presumed general course or di-
u.....l . .1... util.l llllillW I IIV tUITItl.
Illllllll III lliv r..i. ........... ....'...
Consomkatki) tiUAUtr. claim, together
uilli tlui uni-fiu-e ifrouild is sIlOWII 1111(111
t lie pint posun nerewiiu.
Wliililmrliit or mltiiinini! clniniN are
the Helena. Mineral burvey No.3(W, and
the SVhlto V'ings on the north and the
Kuimn, Mineml Survev No. 371 and the
Henry, Mineral Survey No. 371 on the
Anv and all persons claiming wIvithoIv
I... ...!..! I ....1.. l.ul.. ........ u..j
inu mining Kruwiiii, umi, i j iciiiirw,
or anv portion thereof so described, sur
veyed, platttil and applied for nre here
by" notified that unless tliolr adverse
claims are duly filed us according to law
and tho regulations theround r, within
.1... .! V. II. ...1 I... 1... til. ll.rt
inn nine prcrrriifv ,,v l" "
Ketristcr of the United States Laud QUI fi
ll t ltoseburg, Oregii'i in the County of
uoiicins, Mate oi uregon, tney win on
barred in virtue of tho provisions of said
J. T. BllIDOKS, ItKnlSTKH. ,
Arc You Wanting a Heating Stove or a Cook
We nrc Selling our Heaters nt n Ten Per Cent DISCOUNT
and giving n God Uig Discount on Cook Stoves. Alr,
lmvc a IJig Stock of IIAKDWAK15, TIN.WAK1S, I'AUM
IMPIJSMIiNTS, Ktc, to select from.
6oio in ami Set- trim I Wc Jlai for Sale.
HAItlUS At Drain. Oregon, December
k rf, . . f . . f -
.1, jaw, 1-4. j. Harris, oi ineuiiioiiiu.
Deceascil wasa meinberof Ord Post of
this city and his coinrads regret his
sudden demise.
To secure a rood tiulit floor or ct'llinu
null one that will always remain so uso
Kiln-dried Iuipher. The Ilooth-Kelly
Lumber Co. at Saginaw kiln-dry nil in
terior finish and rustic and urc offering
special bargains in .ame.
Over (50 odd tuitlcrnsnf wall miner In
nhniwi frnm ntifl mnrii mi tliMU'nv nt
Jenkins tt Lawson's.
Fresh candies every dav. made from
pure sucar at the Tailor shop.
Take the Jtohcmta Xwrua .
LUr, ine jeweler
Emblem 1'ltm,
Emblem Httttonn,
Caff Button,
Locket, Etc.
Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing
"COP," The jeweler
Davidaon' Old Burn!.
I Central Market
i MeFAHLAND A CO.. Piwiiii.
I -x
JBeGf, Matron, Porfe Aeal,
Bacon, Lard, Saiisage,
Pish and Grarne in , season
tm-mki MmYU
Cbe Chicago Cypewriter
a complete course of the Gregg systein of
Shorthand taught by mail for $40. This
will enable you to own your own type
writer anil become an expert stenographer
by utilizing a little spare time, each day.
The CIHCAGO was awarded the Gold
Medal at the Paris Exposition, is. a visible
writxr line clamlnnl t....t.-..i -..j .f.
most sncedv. simolc and dnr.n11r nf nil T..r., ...t
- , w- j 1. it iivio. iiiiu luuia via
the most attractive work.
General Agent for Oregon, Albanj', Ore.
ooooo'l m
Price $35.00
i 1 ".
Ciroceries, Flour
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
and Feed: CottagC GrOVC
"Z u i ivuuru m
yplumo 7, page 20, Records of Minim;
Claims, in the office of tho County Clerk
... - vuuiii.y vjerK I
for Douglas county, Oregon, and in the
u my jetK of Lane
in Hook 5 of Mlnlnrrl
office of tho Count
county, Oregon, i
Records, nacre 412.
Tub lioLY Tpimnrt la nf i-Anl 1.. .1..
viukv 01 nio uouniy uierK oi Douglas
COIintv. Oreornn. In Vnlnim. 11 l ni.ri.
Records, page 815 and in the office of the
i V .'?.r.K ?l anoTOU'itV, Oregon, in
iioolc 4 of Mininc Tcennrrlii moo Avn
Tho Or.vnit la nf racnril lt il,,. ni' r
the County Clerk of Lone county. Oro-
wiv ui wining ivccuruB, pago
431. I
The Mabv F, is of word in the office I
All kinds of Produce bought
at the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with
us. We shall be pleased at all
nmcs 10 quote you prices
upon all lines handled bv us.
whether you buy or not.
Our Stock is New, Neat and
Clean, and haying had vears
of experience in business, we
assure you the very best goods
the market affords, and the
lowest possible prices.
Remember the place: Phillins'
oici Rtanrl, Cottage Grove, Ore.
We are now prepared to furnish
I ... . - -
an Kinds of Brackets, Mouldings,
Cornice, Sash and Doors. Door anrl
Window frames. Screen
Windows, Pickets, etc.
Woodwork of all kinds made nnrl
repaired. We will also work Floor
ing, Rustic, Sidinrr. Ceilliif. nt
she Studding, etc.
Bon Ton
Main Street
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Send Tour Order by Tefspftoiii,
The Nugget office carries a full line of legal
blanks and visiting cards.