mil...... '-' "118 (I ll.... fl ti' V i ) IM. ir J'ii ( li f., 0 U fr. HMIMn, ,. Uli w,.r( I'l'lcii ,,, .1 ... ar r 1(( . ' "t 'in. ,iin MII.I (in ,,x ' !' (imj. ""I" i(t. ''I- I'JKl I" NlllIM ,j "'OX) fig " 'I ll, I' lll'lr, "l klllil o IIXIRlluln S.IKl J '' ll IIII'lJ like n k si . 'iiii'lier'i 'li'"ii k.hJ "inch W dM.' ri n tlx J on n ivc overt li'liraie -tlllfWll, I It'll n-llll Ha Id fi '"I Otlld rxi rl u If '111(1 lj K vc yd II like tn I llJU'llC li tunny 'ki I wliat la "I roi no f lie wl Wjie,, ItU ..,J i nun truk "i M ailt J n'"io ttnlnv . ii ..i """""IK iier lllllul ' 'Ulli .(ln Unio rur ,IIH1 If III llll I 1 .... 1 "IIS ,m7 "lins,.r i.j ',0' 1 UII, " "I (IKKd I III IN 110 THROAT, a. BKG01.E THI.LS 01' JpECTHI) I1I.KSSIN0. and lM Not rl"".k Alntl.l Yra-now .nll rldr!"" I" .... V...II...II LJW Midi. j . l. . . ..,.. mnonr iiiiriiouHius unit K(VuU o imlunil Ihwn . 1....1. mill nil si fWMi ru r ft ..,01 W.IIHIi -1 , .i-llliur iixitiiniln of n iiinii'n , - The- CiaUoo (.Writ, li. v ""r "I n.-i Nlr ,0 H"'"e nuino ruCCIIt u irnirv, ii " '"iu inn tlllUllli liu 01 til liy li 1IHI. They UV v lliu ......u," . 1 " "t' 11,1 Z ""'''r.' '!r Pirn,,!.,, b1l,. tl I ... u 1,1.1,1 , , ' ..." l " " c,k"0'd;"-'K'r.lfc,llg ,,,,,,, ..1. til. .l.l p1' Brrf Iffilon" to Uio tn.ll.ful IrStUo ilneii It Ih ntti fit I?. "u llncfllllt. O '""'I (lUtlllK i vnc.n nun pn.nm nil till Ik ih.I 10 UloUMl.Hls ol ll(i "purruwK m .... iimvctjim.r mm ,ir...... .. '. ' uioro win iiijii.i .. .. I, . ',,..',,,,,'u v.'''"' iiTiMii.H-.niv . . HI' "'" "iimuh III. Ilm u 1. t'Ollnell'tillnin iSTT iinuirui itntlpatliy M " tipionr tiiiioni; . ,,, ...... 'cmti-fm (.sii10i,ill. JV'' iinir ...... 'j , Hood's Sarsaparilta Ihi If ii ilozrn 1 rl vci ilo xyiiiciii, To lltlp (hi CHy. ' The Port Towmend, Wanh., I.onrd ol trmlo )mn bcon uleeplnit n yonr, lint tmu Jtut boon nKflln liroitght to Hfo nml be gins to hintlo for the city nt once. Pacific Coail Flhllng Ship. Tho flrnt boat bnllt for tlio nnvy on tho I'acino const wn tho Charleston, i'hon camo inm.y others lnalncllnj tho Oretfon. And now tho great Wiscon. in. Tho fastest boats oi the navy wero built nt Frisco. HOW'S TfHSZ I'lrtl lias L'l.CklH), After tO till! I rijhllnj (he J.pi nd Tim (,.,1, ... , . ... ' M' . ,r". 10 l,u' tl,lir In Uil.iatiicn drlvon out ulr ,., .... . . i.. i..... IHlW'Hi'iKn VI I'll. II.., U,. ... . , ' '""'fcu 'MMU.I II .i.- .,1.1'nrni.f- i.f U,W "I"11" 'f flW lllllllll... f l n. ii, cltmlr.n wiiu -.;" iil.i..,i.piii... .1 .. - inmira im im iiotlcil 1 miw "Wijlt furious about tin- (Mi.'koo, ii, I rnnrHK- " VII I Jill t 1 1 M A ttfiUflfr ll Hi . hwoIIuii ii.. i i : "'" .vr r.'t fed Wlitin in tor- ii.. L J inlfcrrd from n snvoro 111- mm lv n linril cold. iiir IUbw m? volco left mo anil I. ..ihIh .lllftllt II wI.IbIMIP I j. Ill rntrn. rLim! h flvo locnl Til.ysl- Jiltfrward wt to how lurk i"r ui ronins. iiowuvor. burn-il Its . .i i ii.... ......i..n.. I .. . ... 4lttd III" lumiHiK iiuiniiu ; ii i.urci' imuii' cIIhuciI, rfcir dlKii(xiwl my jwir- robins Iiiiiik oi. to their blir tidvcr- '"V . ...... il.... . I... I... -l.i.. lurv ...1.1. .1... .. ... " jjili, n.iiv ui" mil. Bum " "i-ii-Tjiiiiiiiiioii, Tlio throat tt w eniirii.y imrniyKuu uinr ruit-r fiolnt of nttmk. nml ,Hjlitl'le Irtlnlly . I ro- the cuekoo was oih i- or twlci- m Hani ut utlirly dlnliwirteima. irnwol Hint It oiu'IhmI Its Iwnk unit f " . I ft A f I ..I.. I. i&U1 'K'll jvmn i iihvii iu- p'iniKt;ii lllstunlly. HotVUViT, WClKlit jm levtiro toinnoli illsorilitr told. nn,i the cuckoo finally succco.k,! Ii jrwrflKo timi' I'HiK tali trouble, whole tlims AftiT tin. bird bail Uowr. away the nnttirnlUt went over to the sjiot. Uu fniiiiil n robin's nest contalnlnc three t'Kk's. one of which wns that of n cuckoo. The vkk was covered with n (IKT I'OOT. that Its neck Hirnrifii in..iii.,.. .... ""inn. iirrvftitsi umi ,. r.. Lt . Hutu..! ,i , , . "v iiiifi, ii w vnii t.un. . . V ""'"""iniiHic. li "lu "mi mid some larKo object A . v., , v K "r "ut. tr- n novtoim, this ,.,u f0 ,UX( l TWi i inadu for ii ilirfcrciu ik.hh i., ,i, i,...,... ' utit fM-i. tdi.ti 1?." . " " and was not lnolwtt,, )y NI.,irr.vl( i i.?'''"'" '""J ofnll imln'nii.i film ,.- t i.i.. i . j," IX.Mil. or Kr, . 1 , -'"V. '"?"!"''"! IruplM. i ii,oe ,)re', nr r; ".r Bf:tirTv.Ynui A,le" a 01m- o touiiioii illsoriier toiu. mid the cuckoo llnally succie.lcl KO I decided to try In .linking wy (,,, Ult. hwl!(. II(.rtJ k I'llls for IMIa IN-o- II n..inlti.Ml for n few inouiei.ts, Its . 1 wns iiiucli lieno- (nil belli,.' visible to the observer the The tallest innn in tlio world is Lew is WilkliiK, n ymiii farmer who lives near St. 1'mil. Miuu. His height is 8 feet, 11$ inches. B.iin fit lox ntiil so was en Nloilit in ti.wir use. .My KrouLlo was roiioveii. my Ken- M Lksii.o Krtwtiy Jitijiroveil Urorpflo 1 reifiiluod control LmmIoicsui. I hi vo usihI live let "" - of the observation of Bit l sin nun ii jvni i .'ii foil control of my volon. 1 ornttful thnt I wish to nmko to otnern ino wouuuriui curn- jiciin ol nr. vv... turns' i-iiik Writs i'oople. ItS. HAIIHIIVi A. IIJtUUIiK." i to sod subscribed before mo badly of May, 1600, nt Yp.ll- im. lM P. KlItK, Notary l'ubllo. Wniditeimw Co., Mich. iIiDoililiik' iurirlslii In this likable ns It is, to tlioio who itkstDr. Williams' l'ink Pills for )frlsro so oomimunded thnt ittiiuiultnnoauily on tho blood IjwTM. Jlioy tone up tlio syitem suoot b excelled ns n correotivu to'dred digestion ns wns pnived ulcre una. Their iiower In ro- wilted uurvo tlssuo initkes kbtilnsblo In the trentiiient of Itirslyils, mid to this fitot Mrs. uevei the reilorntlon of her volco n cuckoo i ctuslly InyliiK nil orb Is recorded. This bird's Dillon wns such that It could J not hnve Ix-oti Inylnj; tin i-kk. AkoIii ! Hie fact that the bird squawked when I hard pressed by the robins proves that It was not cnrryliiK'un i-bb lu Its mouth, i I'liinliy there wns the lump In tho' tliront and the snllva on the eKB. From ill this the naturalist concluded Hint the cuckoo Is In the of swallow Ins Its cbr as far ns the upper part 3t Its esophnBUs or KOtnewhat lu the mine manner ns sotiu snakes nre snld to do on the approach of ilnner, nnd dlsBorBlUB It lu the nest which It has rhoson ns the cradle of Its offspring. TO CIMIB A COM) ijr )NK IIAY Tilkn laxative llromo Oulnlnn All ilrmL'l'te rnfiitul tin. If It falls to euro. K. W. Grove's bI nature Is on each box. 2Cc. There nro In Woe tern Queensland, Australia, (II artesian wells, the mini mum daily capacity of uny of which Is , 800,000 Billions. Wo qffjr Onn Hundred Dollars Howard (oracy case of Cstarrh that tan no, bo cures! by Hall's Catarrh Cure. ' w J-Ct'ENEY A CO., Prorw., Tolodo. O. We tho undcrnlgncd, have known P. J. Cheney forthotiMtl&vrnri, nnl hcUovohlm perfectly honnrahlc In all builn trnnnot lion; ami fln snclal 7 ablo to carry out any obllgftUuns mrxla by their Arm, Wwt A Tnt'AX, Whoieialu DrusRlnti, Tolcio, Waldiko, Kisan a JUrvih, "nolcialo Drur lata, Toledo, 0. nail's Catarrh Cure lt ken. if rnally,ac:lnK Clrcclly on tho hlood and m cons surfaces oi Ihoayucm. I'rl 10 Tto per bo' tie. fco.d by nU dr'iei UU. Tcitlmonl. Ulrcc. XUIl's family i'liii r th-UiU Wanti the Canal. Thn Peattlo chamber of commerco Is nKltaHiiB In fuvor of tho Nicaragua cuua). CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of cekj Lots of Applet. In ouo day rocently 12 cars of npples j woro shipped from Walla Wulla. Will Make Lawi, Mombors of tho Oregon legislature will gather nt7 Salem, January 14 and got into action. The Chlneie Almanac Predicts tlm weather, nnd notes tho dnvs which are considered luckv or otherwise for coiiiiiicncIiiL- nny utideriakliiB. or for applying remedies to dltcnses. A luckv day Is not necessary when HoMciter's Stomach Hitters Is tnken for constipation, Indigestion, dyspepsia, btllousuc. liver or kidney troubles. It will cure all these disorders. begin We lure alinnit reached the Tvieiiiieiii century, nml no rem edx hMyrteijiulled CiAlll'IKI.D TK .which Ii the Oil I (UNA I, II Kit II M Kill CI NK for Ihcriireof Coi.itl.tloii and Hick Headache. Law and Order in Seattle. A determined effort Is bolntf mndo In Seattle to stop tho wide open busi ness incident to tho Klondlkoaud Nomo rushes. This signature la on every box of the genulno Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet the remedy that cure n cold In one day The eucalyptus trees In Australia penetrate from 180 to 220 feet Into tho soil with their roots, which absorb nil moisture within a radius of 30 to CO feet. Idaho Legislature. Tho Idaho legislature will busfnoas at iioise, January 7. YOO KNOW WHAT YOU AltKTAKINO Whon you take Grove's Tastoleas Chill Tonlo becauso the formula iB plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron nnd Quinine in a taste less form. No Cure, No Pay. COo. Boise Is at II. ISotso, Idaho, has raised $5,000 nnd will donblo It soon for a new V. M. C. A. building. The licit I'reaerlptlon for Mnlnrla Chills and Fover is a bottle of Groves. Tasteloea Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form, No Cure, No Pay. Price EOo. Big Flour Mill. Tho new flour mill at Everett, Wash., starts soon with daily capacity of 000 barrels, to bo in ado 1,300 next fall. oooi) HKAirii. To maintain cood health, It is necewary to keep the blood -pure and the aratcm cleansed: TakeUAHPlKI.II TKA, It ii the beat blood purifier known, Portland Do Move. Surely Portland is waking np. Itains stopped excavating work for a new bilck block. A big tarpaulin was Etretched from adjoiniue buildings and tho work of making the big baeement goes on. I COME AND GO In many forms Rheumatism Neuralgia Lumbago Sciatica makeup a large part of human aufferinir. They come suddenly, but Ihey go promptly by the naeof St. Jacobs Oil which U a certain aure cure. 5 y I I y t y y y y y y y t SLICKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Don't be fooled with a mackintosh I ... M 14 a.wl m Alfl V BUI IUVUCI vuaw is yw wsiuhviwis H ik.t u.i 11 t.. A..l ik.k..l. C UMll Will r-Cy jrvu ui 111 nam- B s k.,,,. Ik Cleh VI ran A D 4illckr. If not for sale In your I !town. write for cauiosije to A. J, TOWER, Boston. Mas irande AM SfUff Eir.n u Fade Stops tho Oounh and Works Off tho Gold. Laxative Dro'iio-Quinluii Tablets cure a cold In ono day Price 25 conts. Health and Beauty. No' beauty with pimply akin, dull eyca, bad breath. Clean your ayatcm and keep It clean with fragrant Catcareta Candy Cathartic! All drugglau, 10c, Uc,,60c. jwri of useless but oxpousivo sisL William's Pink Pills for Pnlo fcicoauln in n condensed form nil UiubrellnK Tor Hnvnces. Nearly twenty HuBllshinen are now at work 011 seven umbrellas for an Ashanteo chief and Ills faithful stntT. There Is nothing under the sun 11 chief cnu wear, not even excepting n cnst-olT Ilk hnt or a. red llmd cavalry coat, so calculated to strike nwe Into the nil wis of refractory natives and so Imbue them with a spirit of obedience ns a "gingham." Tniders, when they want to obtain frcu access to the country of May She Get Both. Walla Walla is moving for basket factory and fruit drier. LIEUTENANT PETERSON Says Poruna Is tho Finest Tonic and Invlgorator He Evor Used. Lieutenant Charles Peterson, Hook I&wati necessary to Klvo now life ono of ti,c hoMtllc tribes, make presents and ladder Co. No. 2 . writes tho lol toeiitotho blood sml restore of wornout clothlns to the natives, or , JowluB ,0,t"' Pcrniia Medicine ICWDfrvC.I. llioy nro ll II Ulllall- ,. . .vumn" lo n nartlcu ar V obst ?dl!e for such discuses ns locomo- ,, -,,.1 t.iit-nnplous chief. Idili, psrtlnl pnralysis, Kt. Vitus' , A 1 omlou gyndlcnte of gold coast t. Il'lfttlitl IIAliniliil.1 (liniimn. . . Kirou. headache, tho after effect r t UnlbrcHa In question, 1 t',at 1 Moblo toperlorni my duties. liTiDt. iMilt.lti.tbm nf D... !,m.ri ''"A" K r" . ut . " . 1 ' Sovornl of my friends ndvlfcd me to Co., from 837 llolmont nvcnuo, Chi' cnito, HI.: "Last year I had n sovero attack of la iirippo which left mo very weak, so Pfrippe, palpitation of the heart. ludttllow complexions, nil forms falnm either in mnlo or femnlo. ffllllsm'i Pink Pills for Pnlo Poo Wield by nil dealers or will bo ffmtpalj on recoint of price. KO latox or six boxos for fL'.r.O, ifirs Dover sold in bulk or by tho - V addressing D. William's wlae Company, Schenectady, N. Y. t'O of tho hlciiust stonninrs ndaat ping built ut Now London, Conn., us raclfio const mid Oriuutul Capacity, 83,000 tons. ll talnt..l III H.."" r.'tHtnt iiiwnii- ?F"Dg Itself In ! form ,.f .. ii... 'of the neck and "'i Catarrh offensive lores tbacesses anil nf. while swell. -lure a I .... . -i which will Us given to bribe the vnln, dusky warriors. James Smith & Sons, of Oxford street, nre milking them at .15 for the large one nnd 20 each for the others. When llnlshod the umbrel las will be gorgeous beyond the dream of tho most Imaginative negro. For the chief present will be nearly fifteen feet across, iiultc n descent sized tent. In fact, on state occasions It will be so used. The handle wlll then be stuck In tho ground and six slnves will net ns tho tout pegs. The mnterlnl from which It Is being made Is Blik, and tho colors nre to be "red, white and bluel" What will some or our political stump orators say to thlsV Itound the edge will bo a deep, rich i fringe, and on the top an elaborately Phnaitl cun surmounted by n British Hon, rampant. For the staff the umbrellas will be somewhat smaller and less majestic. What rejoicings there will bo In the in,i wiim tho carriers nrrlvo with The narcnt .. ...i i.,.in-.. iimlir,1ln- nml bother wlUsccln th, -i' c.iy men be' with Uio return ror weir goou-iuuumi nuu ihoughtft.l nctlou!-Ix)ndon Express. I build up on Purniin, and 1 found it by i lur tho llucst tonlo nnd invigonitor I i had ever used. In two weeks I was strong and well, nnd If ever I nm ex ' posod to unusual hardahlp Incident I with my duties nt tlies, I take n doso or two of Perumt nnd liud that it keeps mo in good health." Charles Peterson. What Portland Needs. A writer says what Portland needs to No ouru No Pnv ! become a big city are cheap and plen- tuui ivt Billys nuu n ur-uuu& u. unlimited capacity. Mntlinr nlll fl.,,1 AW. Wl.lnu.'. a big Ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their cuuaren during the teething period. Dairy Business Growing. Reports from all over tho Willamette valley, Oregon, show that the dairy business Is growing rapidly. I'iso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as a couch cure. J. W. O'liniKW. 322 Third Ave., N., Miu ueapolis, Miuu., Jan. C, 1000. A cousin of Dr. Livingstone, Mrs. MacQueeny, who was Kate Living stone, is alive at the ngo of 104, a Salem, in the Isle of Mull. T" APE WORMS "A tape worm eighteen feet lone al toast came on the scene after my taking two CASCAItETS. This I am sure has caused my bad health for the past three years. I am still taking Casciirets, the only cathartic worthy of notice by sensible people " uio. w., uaira, uisa. n r o n r- a. highest arm IV Um JB'tBISUtUMM HIGHEST CRADE FULL nACL nEARIHQ THE FINEST, Stronirpatiinil Jloat Kolliibl' Kualest Itunnlntr SInclilne In the World. Four Motion Feed Z?"uHso. ROUND TOOL 8TCEL NEEDLE BAR. Selr-Threadliic Khnttle, Self-Settingr Needle, Automatic Jtobbln Winder, I'errrct .Stitch ltegrulutor, Aatomallo Tension Itelcaae. O tTJfe WE SHIP FORINSPEGTION OhN Anerldenceof ood faith on your part, we Mk you to eeu,i us 13.00 wltt yonr onler. Write your name, pmt office addreni and railroad f hipping point pIainlj-,Be will themhlp bytrelirht, C. O. U- with pnTilege of examination, thle perfectly constructed, full liall Bearlnk'iNo. W Arllnictoa Ma ehlne complete, lryoullitidthe Machine Imper fectly eutlafactory uiiil cxurtlr rh represent ed, superior In eTery way and worth lU0.00more than ny other machine you hare ererien advertised In tbts or any other papr, pay the asent the balance due, 119 1.. sinrl (hnrrrti inrl thn mai?filni In Tnurn. If th machine la noteatlKfactory It will be returned at nur expense and your W.00 will be returned to yon In fuIL THE BALL BEARINGS top all friction and afford auaoiute etN vo uie opera tor. Tn Dana are far r 1 1 11 w i 1 1 sj 1111 rr m this aVaVaWJ? raA anre liver, uiauc iiuiu hub kiui tl and run In an oll-tem- nerel tel cud which can be ad 1 lilted br the eonea ro aa to take ud the me rat trifle 01 wear. A $50 MaChlM (or 5I548 cut riiowh 1 hp. macuime OI'E.N HK.Vl.r l-OU LE. AH Attachments Free 'Vlusm'cas.. One rnffleror gatherer, one ahlriiiii7 plate, one Under, set of four hem men different width, up to of an Inch, one tucker, one braider, oe quitter, one attach ment foot, one tbreeul-cntfer, also foothenimerand feL ler, needle, bob Line, tcrew driven, oil can, oil .nd loktructlon boolc THE POLISHED OAK FOLDING CABINET will please you premtly. It Is made of choice quarter sawed oak, tborouRbly seasoned Llln dried, band rubbed and pollnlied to a rich j-Uno finttth. When the machine U closed It becomes an attractive stand or center table. Send for our Special Bowing Machine Catalogue No. A -377. ITH FTTEF. We manufacture 13 different styles from t sip. Write m all quetlons answered promptly and cheerinlly. A fl All DIIVCDCI HUIfsU Tve rn Clve yon Talnable polnta In selecting a machine UA Oil IlUltnd UN IUH 168164 W. VAN BUREN ST., CHICAGO, ILLS, S3 The Famous German Wood Preserver Giofuta THE OFFSPRING OF HEREDITARY BLOOD TAINT. ofuU is but a modified form of Wood (.,B.V.?. V0.n,u.,i?Uou Hrltnln'M Now "Wur Meilnl. Tho mednl for tho South African cam paign will be the most exienslve and th most ornato Issued by tho War Of- Bpo In recent years. The medal proper r'Jkraal signs for f"fJ i n flve-nolntcd star, with a gold ccn Rlime'forlT,ed'easc develops slowly tor surrounded by a ring of bronze, on 4ndiii'i i. the P010" " ,n tu , which tho words "South Africa" appear L "i"'1 b"ls out St the first favor- 8. S. S. cures this wast- opportunity, 5'C.V?ct've disease by first nurlfvlns Rl. i g VP the Wood and stfrnulaUna Pwylgorstiug the whole system. t'.Btl. ... t. . .. . ... PI "TinV J uooquare, nasnvuie.Tenn- iinpo oi ttiii -feWaVW.wydauBjftcrfell wMtQ nnd 0no cncll Of V rUeof i...i rolP 'hl wound the glands on . whimj " . . . I. ;i0, face became awoii.n .na imr.tcd. hni.r will nrobnbly bo n fcVBh'L?ur.,ny!e?fl,:nVeW each Important engagement, f ,, and a few bottlea curej htr en- 1 I In rnlBCd letters, tn ' ceiiiui vi n mlnlnturo of tno guecn. xuo mcwi Is tho samo bIso as tho Khedlval Star of lorn Tho ribbon Ifl of four colors, a of khnkl in Uio center, two oi rcu anu uiue. Imr granted SS; makes new and pura blood to nourish and strengthen the body, and is a positive and EWM ' turc lor ocruiutu, 8,1 form f Wood poison, , ffi th$teA or squired, and no id I Ml? blood. If you have any kuu. ?r your child has Inherited VlwTJ t0nt, take S. S. 3. and get tlcdi 2 ?0Ocl condition and preveni fcWi 7TT uolnR further damage. bhytW.' .r ?r free book and write our r, -iv-ians about vmir nr. THE Ju7,rtever ot medical advice. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. pntirirn trrun Boiii br drucilsts. Nonr Knough "Got that Job o' cards dono fur Doc I'lllera?' 'aalted tho Jayvlllo editor. "Yes, It's done," replied his foreman. "Joey mndo n lectio inlstnko n-settln' It up. Mobbo doe'll kick, but I reckon It ain't bo fur wrong." "What Is It?" "Joey mndo It 'Prescriptions Careful ly Confounded.' "-Philadelphia Press. Arbor Bay l Uruguay. Tho Uruguayan government has very wisely decreed a "holldny for planting trees," Bomothlng after tho stylo of "arbor days' In the Unltod States. Girls, tbrcro aro no microbes in ths kisses of a cigarette fiend, but- I CATHARTIC j TRAOS MASH NtOISTtRIO g Plaaiant. Palatable. I'otent. Taste Good. Do Good, Neier Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 2Jc. SOo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... lUrllsff Ktmtij Cifii, CfcU.r Malr,l, X.t V.rt. SIS Ufl.Tfl.RAf! 80,(1 anrl KMaranleerl by nil drug flU" I U-OAll aim to Htr.TrhoA Habit, SEND NO MONEY Until vou hava n and Uit'd oar wtxtch. Ws Mil at rttUrj 1'rlc at OiflUirsiid Imi lhn MrhAt van h& t PIT nUtvihtr. Our wtrbti sr fttUd with Ihtunaquillad ll Jtwties eptui UMiua, oriwci Wallktai or Klf la ftarat, known aV Ti I The above is only one of fifty thousand letters we have on file attesting the merits of Peruna. Thoro aro a great multitude of poo plo in all parts of tho hind who linvo ontlroly lost their health as a result ot la grlppo; who havo recovered from an nttaok, but find themsolvos with weak ened uervos, doranged digostlon, nnd with vory Httlo of their formor powors. Thoro is no disoaso known to mau that lenves tho system In suoh an out rngoous nnd oxasporatlng condition aa la grippe. For this class of sufferers, Poruua is a spooiflo. Peruna Bhould bo taken ac cording to directions nnd in a few weeks tho sufferor will bo ontirely ro itored to his acoustomod health. Address Tie Peruna weuiomo ju Tho man who wants to make hla will Columbus, O., for a freo copy of ' 'Faotf eon always find a way. nnd Faces." tht world over Kl tht boiL M VARRANTED 20 YLARS Cut It hunUnr-teh fold pktttrn smmvlDtr. titrt 14 ktrtt SOU pUtti loot sroaih for rtllrotd priMtti. Bpttltl Offtr Itr t cit60dtni Stnd your addrtti 1 aodwswiiutna wiun v. u. u. with rrMltft cf full sttmlns tlon. Call In soy tifttt and If found ptrftctlr I'tUfActory and . tiatat warvh aver offcrtd fur lUCb irlctPtr fl.14 and txpraitcriarr- ethtrwUt not ont ctnt FREE a t.oo eh la for ntit 80 dtvt wlUi attry srtteh. BUtslf UdltferOtntiwttehliwtntod. WrlUttonctM may not td vtrtUt thlt wttrh tt th ll prtct tln. CiUlt f rtt. Sxcelalor Watch Co.. 347 Central BsjkBldr.,Chlca m.m.Pormanontly Destroys ..CHICKEN LICE AND VERMIN.. jp One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. If your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the following distributing agents: Perfection Pile Preserving Co., Seattle, Wash.? Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon. Whittier, Coburn & Co., San Francisco, Cal. Titr Russrii. cohhhjnd traction siiit or m.iii o. l I I r i p Are Yg IBes&f?? All e&sea ot DEAFNESS or HARD-HEARING uyonrnnw invrmiiomonivthote norn ixi-A nnwf'1'ltini.K deaf are Inourable. 1iku xoista ftiFK iubkuiitklt. .uxammntion and advice free. tome at a nominal cost. Ieacrlbe your ease. 12xam You can euro you self ut In International Aural Clinic. iL'&' To Self-Supporting Women Without Interrennit with your regular dutir,y 600 rou sul i your vna of JUU'TIONH. can make money by mrnna of our offer of 817, HSU iai'tlrulara. Sena fur full Til tc llEHNKATnit 7 to 17 W. 13th St.. New York CUTLER'S CARBOUTEoTmSlNE A guaranteed Cure for Catarrh and Consumption. fl.OO. 1) Lock Box 145, W. H. SMITH a CO., Buffalo, N.Y, Prop's. JOHN POOLE. Portlans, Onsaoit. can give you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills, The new steel I X li windmill, sold by him, Is unequalled. The "Russell" Compound ENCIN Is here to stay. It is the Most Economical ud Powerful Engine built. 'Write us for full particulars. RUSSELL & CO., PORTLAND, OREGON. The Only Sure Our nnd Tmtau t nneoui Kallrtf for F RHEUMATISM IC1ATIOA, NKUItAI.HIA, NKKVOUS N1CSS. UVM'KI'SIA, 1IKAIIAOHK, OA I'AKKII, OUOUP, UltONCIIlTIS. I, A OKiri'K, BIAI.AllIX, IIICART VVKAK-SK8S- CKKKl'lNG NU3IIINKSS, etc. l)uy bottle tndiiy and have It In the house. It will lure sutTerlng and doctor's bills. Harmless for IhtlUren'a use. Contalna no opiates or other harm ful uiKreillenta. Absolutely pure and concentrated, barge bottle or 300 doses for tl. prepaid by mall or ixpresa, or we will send you (postpaid) a, trial ottle ror 23 conts. Aire. its wanted. musm tuEuimc cuat ctifiii. is uii it, chitijt, m. DROPSY 10 DAYS' TBEATUEfiT FREE. Have made Dropsy anil Its com rilioatloua a iceclaltv for twenty -inooesi. Bavecnredmany tboni- aaucaaos. S3, a. O. SSS'S liOMU, Box II. Atlanta, Qv w,.mnVuun pension BICKF0R0. Washlnafon. D. C. titer will re- rnlvAmilek renllea. 11. Mh N. II. Vols. Btaff COth Corps, prosecuting claims sine 1878. or 2 lOTT,l IF NOTHING BETTER MADE Yoa can't make a mistake II you get ..Mitchell.. Mitchell, Iieaiis & Stavep Co1 PORTLAND, ORECON. Trrr1 mt nr IK AMERICAN WATCH t hsndtomMt U-K. do obit (oldplatttlwttclitvtr offrrtd Mattiiiuiiy Of rtvta.auiLtii loroptnfaoa fllttdwlUi a c """AMERICAN MOVEIVIENT Unltatlaa, full Jtwtltd, nlektlfln Uh, proptdr ftiu Uttd aodadlutttd. laklitlnsnd wtihatll nodtrn Improvtmtult la faclooa cf Iht UtiaiftiBatdlEL With nrnnars will laat. !'oVu.S20 YEAR GUARANTEE.,'" j3tuciqull3u;IO!ollJo1JwHi. E.nlC.OD.forSI.SI au4 tipruichuiit, with,. ol KUEK I.XiaiStTIO.1. II not iiUif actory, etn b. rstura.dat our tipeuM. mm r i Jtn.l..nlOoUplunl tilnorUlODIolUr. I H fe. fc. K 1.5 It Mat lll oii.r. Wk.ra a. Iipr... OB.. l.Uiii3 b not Kith ordar sal tooJl wlllUililpplbr.flil.r jnill. WiltwbMbira.nUerUrtlet. J.w.lrrC.liii.frM, f sople's Jewelry Co., Dept.33 Safe Bldg, CHICAQQ, iOUISI MIC IfAn M nn.0 m . . . ... wi.. .- w ii t muuh. uTunicKuoaaacuaauaujs peptla. Itemove I'iiunlos.rurlfy the lllood. Aid DLres tloa.rreventlllllouiness. IWnotOrlpoorBlcton To S?JlllJllc.9.I.cS1irU"n,,,mP efreeifullbox.iOo. OR. BOSANKOCO.,rtu44lpUs,r, Eold by Druggist. N, P. W. U. o. 40-1000. w II KN wrltlne t ndTertlsars nleaaa mention tills paper. mi Tlf