JUST COMMON FOLKS, If only How wo should mUs the minor chimes " wuy grandest poets nuns, Tjiere'd bo no simple little rhymes; The modest clinging vine adds grace lo nil the forest's giant oaks, And 'mid earth's mighty Is a place To people with just common folks. Not they the warriors who shall win Upon tho battlefield a name To sound the awful din: Not theirs the painter's deathless fame; iNot theirs the poet's muse that rings The rhythmic gift his soul Invokes; Theirs but to -do the simple things That duty gives just common folks. Fate hns not lifted them above The level of the human plane; They share with men a fellow love In touch with pleasure nud with pain. One great, far-reaching brotherhood, With common bunions, common yokes, And common wrongs and common good- God s army of just common folks. TWO POOR BOYS WHO MADE THEIR MARKS IN THE WORLD. o a I An ITnrnrtcf Irvia Mnfrhmnfrnr. A ... - n , O tell me, old fellow, how on ) earth It Is possible for such a metamorphosis to have taken place. Not a month ago we sat here, two hardened bachelors, determined to rcmnln bo to the end of our days, and now I find you transformed Into a most devoted husband." A hearty laugh was the Immediate answer to this outburst, and Dr. Tren ton, to whom It was addressed, took a puff at his pipe before replying. "Well, you see, Jim," he said, "I thought It would be fun to surprise you thoroughly for once. But Delia shall tell you the story, and you may be sur prised to learn that you yourself, un consciously, I admit, made up the match." "I suppose It Is for penance. Will, that I am to narrate my own mistakes and misdeeds to Mr. Allison. Two months ago I was a stupid little coun try girl. My eldest brother had sent for me to keep, his house. Our parents have been dead many years and I had lived with an aunt. Henry, my brother, had written me that It would be Impos sible for him to meet me at the depot, and that I should drive to the Tudor Flats, where he was living on the fourth floor. My poor brain was cer tainly In a whirl after my long drive through the noisy streets. When I ar rived at the Tudor Flats 1 walked bravely up the stairs. "I know you will laugh at me dread fully, Mr. Allison, but you must remem ber that I had never before seen so many stairs. In my Ignorance I was unaware that the entresol does not count; therefore, when I arrived atta landing where a door was ajar and an old man servant replying to an Inquirer" the the doctor would not be home until 2 o'clock, I naturally concluded that I had reached my Journey's end, for my brother also bears the title doctor. To old James' astonishment I walked calmly In, saying: " 'The doctor expects me. Please have my luggage seen to.' " 'But, miss, I don't know,' he ven tured, 'I have the strictest orders never to allow any one to enter my master's study during his absence.' " 'I am the doctor's sister, and he him self nrranged my coming,' I answered, condescendingly. "With that he admitted me, mutter ing: 'Never heard about a sister,' Into the smoky, dusty apartments, which 1 assumed to be my brother's. "Much to James consternation, I set to work and dusted furniture and books, spread a clean cloth on the table, and prepared a lunch (though James In formed me 'Master never eats at home) of fresh butter, home-made bread, cheese, ham and apples: then decorated tho room with roses and honeysuckle brought from home. "To pass away the time, I took.up a book and began to read. A note fell out of this book. My eyes fell on the first words and my attention was Instantly attracted. It was signed Charlie Alli son, and read: " 'Dear Old Man: So you have decided to Instnll that awful creature in your house, though you acknowledge that all hopes of peace and comfort of your life will be gone. My dear fellow, do be ad vised and give up this preposterous Idea. At any rate, don't be surprised if I cut your acquaintance for the present, and leave you to enjoy the company of Miss Delia. Your friend, "CHAItLIE ALLISON." "My dear lady," Interrupted Charlie, "you don't mean to say It Isn't possible that any misunderstanding arose out of that? My dislike and " "I do mean to say so," she replied, laughing; "It was quite possible-In-deed, natural I should assume that those words referred to me. I was at first highly Indignant and then began to cry. My resolution was soon formed; I would go away at once and not ever see tho heartless brother who had dis cussed me in such a manner before my rival. "Whllerepacklngmy bag I came upon a photograph of myself, A sudden im pulse made me write a few words on the back of It and Icavo it on the table. Then I heard steps outside. It was Henry, I thqughc. He should not find mo there. Seeing tho door of a small room open, I slipped In and closed It behind me." "Let me toll tho rest," Interrupted tho doctor; "I fancied I was dreaming ns I became aware of tho invitingly spread table; then I noted two covers laid ns if for a delightful tete-a-tete, and upon my napkin a photograph of the sweet est face I had over seen. Listen to what was written under it: " 'As I am so ugly; as I destroy your peace and drive away your friends, I DESTItO? BIG TUBES CALIFORNIA GIANTS ARE RUTH LESSLY CUT DOWN. HENRY VILLARD'S DGEDS. Reported the Lincoln-Douglas debate Iteported the first Lincoln campaign. War correspondent, the Civil War. Foreign correspondent of American newspapers. In 1SUI owned New York Evening Post and Nation. ' In 1875 president Oregon Steamship Company. Itecelvcr of Kansas Pacific Knllroad Company. Completed In 18S3 tho Northern Pacific Unilroad. President Northern Pacific Itailroad Company. President Edison General Electric Com pany. Chairman In 1SS0 of the Northern IV clflc directory. Marcus Daly graduated from digging potatoes to digging copper and accumu lated a fortune of $30,000,000. Henry Vljlard rose from reporter to railroad president, became a Napoleon of finance, lost two enormous fortunes, ami died a millionaire. MARCUS DALY'S MONEY. Capital represented by him. .$100,000,000 His personal wealth Copper Interests represented First price paid for his cop per mine His annual wage roll paid.. His horses cost Ills works of art cost His private car cost His hotel cost His personal living cost per annum His annual Income was ap proximately Nccetunrr Wimto of I.iimlierliiK Mum motlia Over Vtiy Per Cciit-Korcitry Department Delimit I Hint Hllortu Do Muilc to Save Ven KomiilnliiU llrovc Gilford Plnchot. United States fores tur, has Issued a pamphlet concerning tho big trees of California which mis created no llttlo comment through Its endeavors to state clearly ami oiuplinl Icullv tho necessity for tho preservation 1 of tho California mammoths. The writer protests against tho rato at ...I.I..1. .1... I.t.. ......... ...... lll.tl... llltutflll'l,! j W II1C11 UIU tUK HUB HIV UUIIIh u.nuy- 'by private owners, pointing out clearly that tho chances of a rcuewal of tho wonder growths arc to bo llttlo con a Id orod. "Most of the scattered groves of big trees aro privately owned and, there fore, In danger of destruction," he 22,000,000 75,000,000 3.-,000 S.000,000 1,000,000 aoo.uoo 40,000 200,000 0,000! 2,500,000 Fhl.I.INO A 1110 TUCK. leave you to lunch alone and shall find a home elsewhere.' "While puzzling about what this might mean, I heard a terrific yell from Delia, my parrot; I opened the store room door and Delia, my wife, fell Into my arms. "After explanations had been made I restored her to brother Henry as housekeeper, but claimed her In five weeks for my own. Now do you be lieve that you are a matchmaker?" Boston Post. RUSHING INTO THE CITIES. Youtic Men Invite Failure br JJisay- Inc Unir.'eJ Field. Some published fragments of the new census statistics are very depressing to the old-fashioned, yet very sensible, people who have been hoping that the movement of villagers and country peo ple to the large cities had been checked. What Is the meaning of the continu ous rush to the cities? The old expla nation was that farmers' sons and daughters wearied of work that was never finished; they had heard of city demands for labor and of city wages, payable always in cash and at stated dates. They had also Jieard of city pleasures, some of which were said to cost nothing, while others were very cheap. But young people do not con stltute the whole body of people who nre crowding Into the cities, for me chanics and artisans of all kinds arc In the throng, for In the villages and coun try districts employment Is irregular and pay uncertain. The more aspir ing of them hope for the larger oppor tunities and recognition that the coun try dares not promise; they know, too, that such of their children as Incline to study may become fairly, even highly, educated In the city without special cost to their parents. Of the "seamy' side of city life they know nothing, for their acquaintances who "went to town" hnve not returned to tell of it; few of them could return If they would. The few who go back to the old home steads are the men who have succeed ed, and In any village such a man In effect resembles a gold-laden miner from Cape Nome or the Klondike his example threatens to depopulate tho town. Nevertheless the rural districts are not going to bo depopulated, except when their soli Is very poor and their malaria overrlch. A countrywnrd movement started In some cities a few years ago and it has been Increasing in volume, It may bo almost invisible in some localities, for 3,000,000 square miles is an area so great that any city's overflow might be lost In it. The men who nre trying scientific farming aro all from the cities and they have car ried their city Ideas with them. As a rule, city brain and city money aro suggesting and backing the rural at tempts to have good roads, pure wat er, perfect drainage, high farming, high-grade schools, free libraries and many other ameliorations of old-tlmo conditions. Yet In one respect the city man in the country Is a disappointment to all classes of the dissatisfied, for when they talk of going to the city ho persistently says, "Don't," and he sup ports bis advice with a dismal array of facts and figures. Saturday Even ing Post. i Tlio American Is Vulgar. "Wo must all agree that the American has beyond other men an Innate respect for women and for helpless things," writes "An American Mother" In tho Ladles' Homo Journal. "He has usu ally, too, a wide acquaintance with tho world which hinders him from Intoler ance nud vanity. He has also a tact too fine to blurt out unpleasant facts to his companions, as docs tho English man, who, qulto unprovoked, hurls dis agreeable truths at you with a ferocity and a gusto that is indecent. A week with your dearest English friends Is enough to make you In lovo with lying. The denrer you are to thcrn the moro likely aro they to talk incessautly of writes. "Lumbering Is rapidly sweep lug them off; forty mills and logging companies nre now at Work wholly or In part upon big tree timber. The southern groves show some reproduc tion, through which there Is hope of species hardly own." , . , perpetuating thexo groves. In the Lmv W" XJZ"Li northern groves tho n.uo.vm. .mii'i ii.iii nun ii vivacity li,,Iila (u nlmiKt Pi-nnli- In, Mv..., .,..n.. I 1B lls to the occasion! h J Is ready to weep d L Iu'' of the big ln,,i. -m, , ,i i i. i ....... I trvc with facts eouco.ri.lug each of the ested in your new bicycle or b, bv At 1 57? n. 'T f' or grumbles. He sniffs the odors of foul drains, quaffs typhoid germs In "most Interesting. Most of the other his water, sits 1.1 nvPrliPt,,l at.,, nnr ' ' " '"I ""':'-" ul ur (Tnnmii tf 1 1 1 1 i n,i,l ffi., j I ...... 4 and stands In overcrowded stnx-t cars 1 ihe Cnmverns grove will " be "'""W blgges't and TaSst reeR u':. most it wi.'r. with nil ,hM ..im. contaminated surroundings and prac- Is he not a more agreeable fellow? Why, , with all the traits that go to make up a courtly gentleman why Is he vulgar? Simply because he is not certain of his own position. He asserts himself every moment lest you may mistake him for ! nn Inferior. This uneasy self-assertion ' Is the explanation of all our bad man ners. 'I'm as good as you!' Is the secret thought with which too ninny of us meet every fellow-creature." Uir rtirtkli-r nn, . place, tho onormotis slzo and weight of tho trees necessarily entails very con slderablo breakage when ono of (hum It Bounded V.ay When III. w falls. Such a tree strikes tno ground i "-win inherent in . ... . ...-. A UMM'llWl lliltt'lt tlln ul.iL... I.i Inequalities aro siillleleiit to miiami tliu vu mm back. brlttlo trunk at Its upper oxtromltyiuio! "". mini, -i want almost useless fragments. Tho loss KO Into n Jmrdwaio Moro today one of tho sources of wuhIo. T)io great miy. dlnineter of the logs, and, In spllo of tho I "om mi nixoiiiiuoihiiiiig er lightness of the wood, their enormous ""' uiu reu miiMuein, H1 weight nmko It Imposnlblo to handle K1-'1 "e cIioho tho iiiiihi,.,,,, thorn without breaking tnem up. i'or "I'l'uiinnu umo ronnali this purpoHu gunpowder Ih tho most Mlmplo purchiiHo. nt Wnn , only often of wasteful shapes, but less very nlco Judgment Is exorcised In I preparing tho blast a great deal of wood ItBoir Is scattered In useless spun, tern." "At tho mill, where waste Is tho rulo , lu tho manufacture of lumber In tho United States, tho big tree malum no I exception. This waste, milled as It Is to the other sources of loss already men tioned, makes a total probably often 1 considerably In excess of half the total volume of tho standing tree, and this Is , ..... . -"""'-m 111 lllllipiOH. - " ' 1H' MM Ifl'l t.l.l VI, tVlllll III! I III (lltft I I. .. .r.imn inlying or a miw really Is. "W'hv." Haiti In.. i ,t., u saw. Ativ f nil will t i . ' "'IMM " I.I" V..',.. I II. II Villi i.llllr .., 1. 1.. . u-lirlf vnli tt'inil t. ii... i. . I'PI... 1. 1.. 1.... uln.iilu ..u ti cnlii III II 1 (Mllllll Mil VIMll I'llll In. u..... mixed forest, composed of many spo-1 viimt l want to une it fur ' oles, The result of sequoia lumbering mo man wiui me red uni-aii. iu. IIIIUll lilin lUii rtfc If milium tlllllt'iir - - "i ununr, ji( iitfi destruction caused by tho fall of enor mous tree Is In Itself great, but thu principal Hourse of dnmu-go Is tho liu-1 mouse amount of debris left on tho ground- the certain noiirce of future fires. This mass of broken branches, folks do." "Saw what?" asked n i,.rl( "I iioin Know." iidmiiteii ii. plumed shopper. The clerk l,rl,-l,lmi,.,1 .... , led tho way to the rear ,r n,,, I... .....I IU ..f ... II.... . . H IM t 11111 ulii.il. .. .. ....... ... .. mure feet In thickness and ucccxtmrlly gives rlso to Hies of great destructive power, even though the big tree woml Is not specially lulhimmuhlc. The ilevan tatlou which follows this lumbering Is as complete and deplorable as tho un touched forest Is unparalleled, beauti ful and worthy of preservation. As a varletlos of saws wo Inn,. n 11, Mill, I. "nliui-rt'iilliiii ii .i.i "ii rjf lion or nicir lines ami prii-, H may you in mo.iiug a decision nt., metal saw. It Is the imrilrst i.. . i ......i.. i. .... . in. il in iiiimi ill ii ifinv inn. ...m...i " " 'ihm-i li jl, in maimer of metals. It is small rule It has not even had tho advantage ami sells for ff'J lo$L'.r,ii. a'i-oii of being profitable. Very iniieh of this appalling destruction has been done without leaving the owners of the big tree ns well off an they were before It began." Scrlc of Iiiniililcta to He Inntiril. The pamphlet which was published by the forestry division of tho Depart' mont of Agriculture Is one of a series which will be Issued In behalf of the .i niii ..r i... ...ii I., . AllllI lit I 111 1IIIIIII1IV IVIIICII boechwood and oak. Mm latter moro expensive. Is that the Mini you want?" rri inti .ftiii ii... h...i .......... . sorely perplexed. "So," h.-u1 don't think so. We have no mil our iituiMi in iviiru nil iimt i . "Perhaps you would like n ttrtitx'J" MIHwiiuiti.il lli ..k. big trees. The report was prepared for I tli.ww Ih of hardly no high a grail, the Information of the Semite Commit tee ou Public Lauds, which was at thu An Kpltnph i'or Huskin. The London Academy has awarded a prize of one guinea to J. It. Anderson, Lalrbeck, Keswick, for the best In scription suitable for the proposed me dallion of John Ituskln In Westminster Abbey. Mr. Anderson's epitaph is as follows: He Taucht Us To Hold In Loving Itevercncc Poor Men and Their Work Great Men and Their Work God and Ills Work. In connection with this competition It is Interesting to quote what Ituskln himself said on epitaphs: "Take care that somo memorial is kept of men who deserve memory In a distinct statement on tho stone or brass of their tombs, either that they were true men or ras cals wise men or fools. How beauti ful tho variety of sepulchral architec ture might bo, In any extensive plneo of burial, If the public would meet the small expense of thus expressing its opinions In a verily instructive mnnner, and If some of tho tombstones accord ingly terminated In fools' caps, ami otli ers, Instead of crosses and cherubs, bore engravings of cats-o'-nlne-tails as typical of the probable methods of en tertainment in the next world of tho persons not, It Is to be hoped, reposing below. Key to tho Worklng-dlrl's Success. "Whatever vocation the girl wage worker settles upon she may ns well accept the fact, first as last,, that slip shod performance and Inadequate equipment will win no favor, will not even secure a foothold," writes Marira. ret E. Sangster In tho Ladles' Homo Journal, "iho ranks aro overvu-hoi-n crowded, and tho second-rate w'ork must go to tho wall. In most fields tho supply Is well in excess of tho demand, and only tho capable, tho efficient, the competent and the trustworthy may hope to find their niche. As a grain of satisfaction let It bo added that those possessed of these desirable qualities, those who aro ready for service ami aro responsible In their work, are suro' to bo appreciated aud will never ceaso to bo wanted." LOGGING HATLHOAD IN A DIG TUBE KOI I EST. so; what's Barter. "I should like to subscribe to your paper. Would you bo willing to tako It out In trade?" Country Editor Guess your business? "I'm tho undertaker." Urooklyn Life. Guards oh European Iloynlty. Every royal palaco In Europe has its special private police, who, In one gulso or another, nre always on tho lookout for suspicious persons, English Public niiiialngs. The public buildings of England alouo are valued at a sum approaching $1,250,200,000. A woman Is never bo proud ns when her boy voluntarily asks for a fork with which to eat his pie. tlcally all the literary aud scientific as sociations of the species connected with It, has been purchased recently by a lumberman, who came Into full posses sion on the 1st of April, 1000. "The Sequoia and Geueral Grant Na tional parks, which are supposed to em brace and glve'securlty to a large part of the remaining big trees, nre eaten Into by a sawmill each and by prlvato timbering claims amounting to a total of 1,172,870 acres. Tho rest of tho scanty pntches of big trees are In a fair way to disappear In Calaveras, Tuo lumne, Krcsuo nnd Tulnro counties, they nre now disappearing by the ax. In brief, tho majority of the big trees of California, certainly tho best of them, are owned by people who have every right and In many cases every Intention, to cut them Into lumber." I clentlilc Value of lllc Tree Further along these same Hues the value of the big tree Is thus considered: "The big trees aro unique In the world the grandest, the oldest, the most ma jestically graceful trees and If It were not enough to bo all this, they arc among the scarcest of known treo sne cics and have the extreme scientific val ue of being tho best living represent a tlves of a former geologic ago. They are trees which have come down to us through tho vicissitudes of many cen turies Bololy because of their superb qualifications. The bark of the big tree Is often two feet thick nnd almost non combustible. Tho oldest specimens felled nre still sound at the heart and fungus Is an enemy unknown to It. Yet with all these means of malutenanco the big trees have apparently not In creased their range slnco tho glacial epoch. They havo ouly Just managed to hold their own on a llttlo strip of country where tho climate Is locally fa vorable." Everyone who Is Interested In the big trees, as everyone must bo either from curiosity, a natural love of the forest or for scientific reasons, must deplore tho destruction of these forests. Every, one who has visited a forest In any part of tho world will regret tho destruction of these Jungles of beauty. Every thoughtful American Is waking to n realization of the criminal carelessness with which tho forests of this country havo been wiped out. Tho lumborlnc of tho big trees, with Its accompanying waste and devastation, seems a partic ularly unnecessary aud almost Immoral proceeding. Forester Plnchot says of It: "Tho lumbering of tho big treo Is destructive to a most unusual degree. In the first time considering tho preservation of tho Calaveras and Stanislaus big treo groves. It Is the first document on tho subject which has ever lieen published by the government, strange ns the fact may seem. Prof. W. U. Dudley, of Stanford University, who nlded with the work, Is now preparing a more do tailed account of tho big trees and tho big treo groves, which will bo published by tho government forestry olllce. Tho pamphlet now out contains an excellent map of the forests of California, con tabling big trees, together with n do tailed account of each of tho larger groves. King Oscar Was III Host. A story Illustrating tho slmpio bon- iionuo or me King of Sweden nud Nor way Is told by M. Gaston Honnlcr, tho uoianisi. ji. Houmer was botanizing near Stockholm, when ho mot a stranger similarly occupied. Tho two botanists fraternized, and M. Honnler suggested that they should lunch tc- gemer nt an Inn. "No; come homo nnd lunch with mo instcau," said tho strninrer: nml im l ,i tho way to tho palace and opened tho Bine. M. Honnlcr was nnturnllv ntnntci,,wi but his new acqualntnnco wa most apologetic. "I'm sorry," ho said, "but I hnppon to bo tho king of this country, nnd this Is tho only place I've got to entertain anybody In." So they wont In mid lunched, and tnlked botany together nil the afternoon. Florida Tobacco. Florida, according to local papers, is becoming ono of tho great toim duclng States, and tho product hns been pronounced In somo respects equal to that of Cuba. Sumatra wrapper tobac co raised lu Florida recently took tho prlzo at tho Paris exposition over tho world. A Matter of Tasto. "Beg pardon," said tho postal clerk who had sold her tho stamps, "but you don't havo to put a C-cent stamp on a letter for Canada." "I know," snid she. "but thn .i,n,i Just matches my envelope, you know " Philadelphia Press, ' When people say they will do nnv. thing In tho world for you, they mean about ns much as a candidate when ho says his ambition Is to servo file country nnd his countrymen. You can't tell by tho slzo of the bill what tho slzo of a ton of coal 1. I could let you have a good one dollar. Hut you're not a butcher) Tho inn n who wanted a mv his head mournfully and the iv ' tinned. ' .CII. ...... lu .......I... 1. 1.. I general utility purpouc. winch cost you only W) cents. How dovt strike you? N'o? Thi n here's tin liietmaker's saw. I ran give you a good one for 1. Tlien I have over ..I I...ul ......... .1... I I. .In .... Iflillllin'l n num.. uir iuiu iirnrait used by nil manner of artilirern. the ordinary wood saws which will you anywhere from .V) cents to f that hack room we have still oilic r'eili'H-the iwo-man tmfxt i buzz saws ami circular saws If take one of the latter. I'll g v(. j good one for$.0. Would you like l them'" Tim tttnti tt'ltli flu tml iiiiiulnnlin 1 ed about hltn womle lncly nv 1.H..l. ...... i I... ..r .. dreamed that there were so many fereut kinds of sawn. I guexi I w ' take any till I find out Just what l I want." The clerk bowed affably. "I rej being unnble to make a nale." he n "hut I really think that the w plan." New York Sun. Our OvorDirnlslicil Homes. "Moro simplicity In our homes wo: mako our lives simpler." writes ward Itok, In a plea for the oxerelfc better taste lu furnishing our homes tho Ladles' Homo Journal, "Many wd en would llvo fuller lives because tl: would have more time. As It Is. Ii drcds of women of nil positions In I are to-dny the slaves of their Iioi aud what they hnvo crowded IntotheJ Comfort Is essential to our linpplm Hut with comfort we Miould stop. Tli we aro on tho snfo side. Hut wo get nud over tho danger Hue when we beyond. Not one-tenth of tho thin that wo think are essentlnl to our In plest living are ronlly so. In fact. should be an Infinitely happier a healthier people If tho nine-tenths wi taken out of our lives. It Is nstonlHlila how much we can do without, and w thousand times the better for It. A It doesn't require much to test this p pel of wisdom. Wo need only to he iw urnl to get back to our real, Inn selves. Then wo are simple. It Is on becnuso wo havo got away from U simple and tho natural that so many our homes nre cluttered up as they ar and our lives full of little things tn aro not worth the while. We havo heij the kneo to show, to display, and w havo lowered oursolves with tho trlvw and tho useless; and filling our lira, with tho poison of artificiality and th; unnatural, wo havo pushed tho He"! tho Natural, tho Simple, tho Hcaiitlfit tho best and most lasting things ou of our lives." Honvy I'oimltloH lor Selling Whisky Charles StelnbHitk, who was eotivic ed at St. John, Kan., on forty-nun counts of selling whisky in violation oi tho prohibitory law, was fined fl.OH' and sentenced to forty-nine months I' Jail. As ho cannot pay his lino ho will if tim snntoneo Is carried out, have t servo It out In Jail at Uio rato of Hi cents a day, making his total sentenc. practically thirty years and nlm months. A hosnltablo shocmakor has a can. In j,9 window reading: "Any man. woman or child can hare fits In thh shop." a tailor Is Justified In giving bi cus tomers fits occasionally.