Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 23, 1900, Image 8

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Mr. H. II. Black, the well-known
Uu .......
hullivnn Co., N. Y., says: "Our little
wen, flvo years old, has always been sub
ject to croup, nml ho bail lnivo tho nt
tucka been tlint wo luivo feared iminy
thneu that hu rtould die. Wo hnve hud
tho doctor and used mnny medicines,
Imt Ctiutnberlnin'a Cotiidi Remedy is
now our sole reliance. It seems to dis
solve tho tough mucus and by giving
frequent doses when thocroupy aynip
totna nppear wo have .found that tho
drawled croup is cured bctoro it gets
settled." Theroisno danger In giving
this remedy for it contains no opium or
other injurious drug and may bo given
hs confidently to iilmboas to an ndult.
For sale by Bassos Dnuo Co., Cottage
Urove. Lyons & Applkgate, Drain
Land Office at liosehurg. Oregon.
October 22, 1000.
"Xiitii-p is bprebv civen that tho fol
Jowing-namtil settlor has Hied notice of
liis intention to make Until proof in sup
port of his claim, and that, wild proof
will be made before Joel are, U. b.
Commissioner, at Eugonu, Luno Comity,
Oregon, on December 1, 1900, viz: Ellen
Thompson, formerly Ellen White, on II.
E. No. 8810, for t'he NV H X,
Ht-e. 12, Tp. 20 S., R. 4. "West.
She names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
John Frost of Walket. Lano county.
Oregon, Lawson Single, John Elliot, Al
Elledge, of Cottage Grove Oregon.
J. T. Bbwohs,
Six terrible failures of six different
doctors nearly sent "Wm. II. Mullen of
Lockland, 0., to an early grave. All
said he had a fatal lung trouble and that
he must soon die. But he was urged to
try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
mtmption. After taking five bottles he
was entirely cured. It is positively
guaranteed to cure ull diseases of Throat,
Chest and Lungs, including Coughs,
Colds, La Grippe, Pneumonia, Bron
chitis, Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup,
"Whooping Cough.- DOcand $1.00. Trial
bottles freo iUBen-sox Dnuo Co. Drug
Like Stanley nnd Livingstone, found
it harder to overcome Malaria, Fever
and Ague, and Typhoid disease germs
than savage cannibals; but thousands
liavo found that Electric Bitters is a
wonderful cure for all malarial diseases
If you have chills with fever, aches in
liack of neck nnd head, and tired, worn
out feclinsr. a trial will convince yon of
their merit. W. A. Null of Webb, III.
writes: "My children suffered for more
than a year with Chills and fever
then two bottles of Electric Bitters
cured them. Only 50c. Try them
Guaranteed. Sold byBEXSox Dm:a Co.
Editor V. V. Barry of Lexington
Tenn., in exploring Mammoth Cave, con
traded a severe case of Piles. His quick
euro through using Bucklen's Arnic;
Salve convinced him it is another
world's wonder. Cures Piles, Injuries
Tnflatnation, and all Bodily Eruptions
Only 25c at Bexsox Drug Co.
"One of Dr. King'a Now Life Pills
each night for two weeks has put me in
my 'teens' again" writes D. H. Turner
of Deinpseytown, Pa. They're tho best
in the world for Liver, 'Stomach and
Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe
Only 25c at Benson' Dituo Co., Drug
So sure are we that tho locating of a
few of our Electric Belts will develop
into numerous sales of our Belts and
Appliances, that wo aio willing to'sond
ono free to any sufferer from tho follow,
ing diseases: Cold extremities, CrystO'
cele, Female weakness, Kidney com
plaint, Leucorrhea, Liver complaint,
Paralysie, Lost vitality, Nervous debility,
Self abuse, Worn-out women, Sciatica,
Weak and Nervous women, Irregular
menstruation, Impotency, Rheumatism.
Diminutive Shrunken and Undeveloped
Sexual organs, and Catarrh. -Address
for illustrated circular, etc,
Sanitarium City Electrical Co., Battle
Creek, Michigan.
io rcmovo a trouoiesomo corn or
bunion : First soak the corn or bunion
in warm water to soften it, then paro it
down as closely as possible without
drawing blood and apply Chntnborlain's
Pain Balm twice daily; rubbing vigor
ously for llvo minutes at each applica
tion. A corn plaster should bo worn for
n few days, to protect it from tho shoe.
As a general liniment for sprains,
bmises, lamonofea and rheumatism,
Pain Balm is uncqualed. Try it. For sale
by Benson Dituo Co., Cottage Grove.
Lyons & Appi.eqate, Drain Druggist.
Wo have on hand a large stock of
kiln-dried flooring, celling nnd rustic in
grades 1 2 and 8. Lot us make you
gpocial prices.
Bouxji-Kklly Lumber Co.
A reader nsks: "In case of the
death of both McKinley nnd Roose
velt, who would succeed to the
The presidential succession net,
approved January 19, 1S86, makes
the following provisions:
"In case of rcuiovnl, death,
resignation, or innbilityof both the!
president nnd vice resident, n
member of the cabinet shall, in the
following order, act ns presidei t
until the disability is removed or a
president is elected: The secretary
of state, secretary of the treasury,
secretary of the war, attorney gen
eral, postmaster geucrnl, secretary
of the interior."
President McKinley has ex
pressed a desire that all the mem
bers of his present cabinet shall
remain with him until the expira
tion of his second term. Barring
breaks in the cabinet, the presi
dential succession would descend
in the following order:
John Hay, secretary of state.
Lyman J. Gage, secretary of the
treasury. ,
Elihu Root, secretary of war.
John V. Griggs, attorney gen
eral. Charles Emory Smith, postmaster
Tohn Davis Lontr, secretary of
the navy.
Ethan Allen Hitchcock, secre
tary of the interior.
Tho prospect is remote of a cabi
net officer succeeding to the presi
dency from the death or inability of
both the president and the vice
president. It is within the range
of possibility that all these officials
might die during a single adminis
tration, but the possibility is so
faint that it need occasion no alarm.
By the terms of the act of succes
sion it is further provided:
"That whenever the powers and
duties of the office of president of
the United Ststes shall devolve!
upon any of the persons named
therein, il contrress be not then in
session, or if it would not meet in
accordance with law within 10 days
thereafter, it shall be the duty of
the person upon whom said powers
and duties shall devolve to issue a
proclamation convening congress in
extraordinary session, giving 20
days notice of the time of meeting."
If, by any extraordinary culmi- J
nation of fatalities, the line of sue-
cession should approach extinction.
congress, thus called in special se;-
sion, could provide for further ex
tension of the line.
.'JilcKinley and Roosevelt are not
yet legally elected, and will not be
until the electoral vote has been
canvassed. If either or both should
die before the electoral college has
made its choice, the republican
electors would vote for others. In
1872, when Horace Greelev was
the democratic and liberal repnb
hcan candidate for president, such
an emergency arose. Greeley died
November 29, 1872, and the demo
cratic ana liberal electors were
compelled, on the day of voting,
December 4, to vote for other per
sons. bpokesman-Rev ew.
According to the census figures,
12 states have shown an increase in
population amounting to 30 per cent
or over in the last decade. Of this
list seven ace in what is known as
the semiarid region, where the far
mer depends in a large measure on
irrigation forsuccessinhis vocation
1 hese leading states: in the order
of their increase, are: Idaho, 93;
Montana, 84; Wyoming, 52; Wash
ington, 49; Utah, 33; Oregon, 32;
Colorado, 31. The states of the
middle west, which showed the
argest proportion of increase a
third of a century ago, have falkn
ow in the list, and in many cases
have been passed by states of the
east and south.
The percentage of growth in the
semiarid region of the far west bears
out the assertion of irrigation ex
perts that the country tributary to
the Colorado and Columbia rivers
and in the Rocky mountain dis
tricts will be in the future the ex-
panding nrca of our national do
main. The tide of possession of
settlement bearing upon its crest a
multitude of honicseekers, hits al
ready set in. It may not be at its
full, possibly will not be for several
decades, but thete is every reason
to suppose that the percentage of
increase in the first decade of the
20th century will far exceed that of
the 1st di.i le of th; 13th.
, fl flu ? B 1 JJ il
4 l in
8! I J urn
4 p 111
l::SQ pin
3:30 11 m
Mun Wed
anil I'M.
Da in
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
visit DR. JORDAN'S great
(frtwrca Sixth aod STlbJ
ThelurcctAimtomlcal Hojfum
In tlie World.
Grralett nttmrtlon tn the CUy. JL
vmuJerful tluhtjor vlilton.
ll'raknf, or nnyenntntct.
p1 tflie:iftelrniil 1 1 vel j cti rc.l by
tho ot'leot HprcLUlit nn the l'wllla
C'cutit. ItabllUied X yran.
.. H I. . .1 .H.,.fl
ncfll llln who ure nfrrlntr 1
trum the HlVcti of youthful ludlo- r
' years. Kcrtriiiiauiiilpiiralrnl lchllliy,Iin. p
creuuns or vimine in matiirr k
I cittloin; rporimtlirrliieH, lruMinlur
rlKPn, Oonorrlitsn, tilrrt, Frritir,iv
I ir L'rliitttlnir. ole. Ily u oombtunttnn nf
remeillen, ot ifrcat curative pon cr, the Doctiir
) lia.1 so nrraiiiiMllil trralmxnt Hint It tvlll nut
only uir.irU fmmetllute rt-llI. but Permanent
i cure. Tbo Doctor don nut claim to petfurm
' miracle, but It well known to bo a fair and
. quure rhylclan and Hiirgeon, iire-emluout
r tu uis)f:iuityHAJifas. (f l jjrn.
NVI'IIII.IV llinroilrrhlr rd lonleA tmm
I tha syitem without thouof itemtrj.
TrnttM nttetl bran Kxnrrt. Itndlcnl
rtirr fur Itupiuro, A quick and rwltnit
rurefor I'llm. riuro anil Flttllcc, by
I vtt rfuiuaus bvcuii iuinif.3 intiniHit,
EVKIIV MAS applylnBtouswIlIrccclvo
iurA9Ucunfuonnl ijlscnnipiniur.
Ills will Uunrtmtre a 1-OMTlYJi CC3E
-nn.uiiti..n FKKrj K"n ptnctiy private,
Treatment nenumtlly or by letter.
Write f..r Root. IIIII.OSOIH"r or
I W AKItTAau. Mailed Fuze. (A. valuable
douic ior men.; can or writs
OR. JORDAN & CO., 1 051 MirletSL.S. F.
Trains leave Cottaee Grove for Port
land nnu way stations at 3:07 a. m.
12:20 p. m.
Lv. Portland 8:"0a. m. 7:00p.m
Lv. Cottage Grove 1:20 a. in. 2:57p.m
Ar. ABiiianu iz:v.s a. m. ll:;iu. nj.
Ar. f-acramento. .. 5:00 p. in. 4:05 a. m
Ar. San Francisco. 7:45 p.m. 8:15a. ni,
Ar. Ogilen 5:45 a.m. 11 :45a. in
Ar. Denver II :00 a.m. 0:00 a.m.
Ar. Kansas City.. 7:25 a. in. 7:25a.m.
Ar. Uitcapo , 7:40 a.m. 0:30a ni
Ar. Los Angelos.. 1:20 p.m. 7:00a. in
Ar. El Paco 0:00 p. m. 0:00 p. in.
Ar. tort ivortn... U::i'a. m. Ii;:l)a. m
Ar. uny oi .Mexico u 5E a. m. 0:05 a. ni.
Ar. lloiuton 4:00 a. in, 4:00 a. in
Ar. JVw Orleans.. 0:25 p.m. 0:25p.m.
Ar. Washinplon.. 0:42a.m.
Ar. New Vorlc..,.12:43p.m.l2:4:(p.m.
Pullman and Tourist cars on With
trains. Chair cais Sacramento to Og
den and El Paso, and tourist cars to
Cidcaco, bt. Louis, New Orleans and
Connmitine at. San Fr.inclsro with sev
eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Ja
pan, China, Philippines, Ceutral and
South America.
6eo I). T. Awbrer, Agent, Cottago
Grove Station, or address
0. II. JIaiikjuii, G. P. A.
Portland, Oregon.
Land Ofllco at Hosebtirt, Oregon,
November 13, 1000.
Notlco is hereby L'iveu that tlio follow-
nained eettlur has iiled notice of bin in
tention to mnko final nroof in Hiitinnrl.
of his claim, nnd that said proof will be
made boforo Joel Ware, U. S. Commis
sioner, at Ktigcno, Lano Co. Oregon, on
March 2, 1001. viz: William F.
Cnnady, on II. H. No. 0000, for tho VT Y,
SW 1 Q,. O
Tp. 20 o., it, 3 West .
Jio names ttiu ioiiowiiik witnessoH
prove ma continuous rusutenco
and cultivation of said land, viz.:
Isiinc .Wilcox. Honrv Dreenc. FnhicIb
Sinitli, Olutrlod Wriglit, of.AVulker, Lano
Co., Oregon.
J.T. Bunions,
Take the Jiohemia Xutge .
1 Kr art Time Schedules
Chicago- Salt l-iiko. I envor. Ft.
1'ortlnml Wortli.OniHhn.Knti-
-ieioInl l.iiy, St. Iritis,
:I5 it m Chicago ami 1- nt.
Atlimtlti Salt tako, Denver, r t.
Kxptcss Worth.-umiilm.Kiin-ilnm
miii City, St. Uml,
Via limit- Chicago unit tust.
Install t
Sjioknue Walla Walla, I.otvW
Flyer ton, SimkHtie, Mln
Cpm netipn'li, St. Paul,
I ninth. Milwaukee,
rhK'ttyo nml Hunt.
Slut 1 OrRKKTXlMMItn
All s til t:iK ilaics nib
. Jccl to 'hano.
Far s-rtti Frniti-lsis) .
1 Sail every ."ulayn
Dally K.X. Ct'M'MHU lilVKli
Sniiiluy . SrK.tMr.K.H
S 11 ill
Saturday Th Astiirla ami Wny
lBim 1 Ijunllnss.
(lllluHx. ! U'lLMMCTTK IttVRK
Sunday, ' Oteicuii City. Ncwborsr
Salem ami Vay.Lnntl.
7 11 111 WlIXAMHrTK AND'
TueOhur. Yamiiiu. liivmu
nml Sat, Oregon Cltv, Itavton
nml U'ny.Ijiiulitii:.
Loae Ssakk lttvctt
Miliaria Wimrlii to Lctvlston.
3:115 a m
c a a
V IVt ilk
UllUHT nilbbl.tli ntenlato
lunii houwe artcrtli ami tell at i
OKU oil
InrAfh town for ih w 'ivitte, Woluv
W iTfi t to
mitral coiumtiy.
SJD Yuun
n " ii fk I'Muwii itii i i'
UMlVf H tin Tt-l'iiilriwii tv innh
The practical nido of
A monthly publication of inestimable value- to tlio ntudont of every day
scientilio jiroblcms, tho mechanic, tho industrial expert, tlio manufacturer,
tho inventor in fact, to every vidc-awako person who hopes to better hia
condition by using his brains. Tho inventor, especially, will find in The
Patent Record a guide, philosopher and friend. Nothing of importance
escapes tho vigilant eyes of its corps of expert editors. Everything is pre
sented in clean, conciso fashion, ho that tho busiest may tako timo to read SilSll HUCl DOOTS
and comprehend. Tho scicntiho and industrial progress ot tlio ago is accur
ately mirrored in tho columns of The Patent Record, and it is tho only
publication in tho country that prints tho nows of tho U. S. l'ntunt
Oflico and tho latest dovelopcments in tho field of invention without fonr
or favor. sunscnimox i'kick oni: dollak i'un ykaic.
A Few Bargains in
No. 56200 acres well improved land, 150 acres in growing grnm; 2
miles from Cottage Grove, 1-4 mile from railroad; $3,500. Terms
No. 78 520 acres in Douglas county, 16 miles from Cottsige Grove:
well watered, good house, large.baru; 175 acres in cultivation,
balance pasture; $4,500.
No. 68j A2-acre tract 1 mile from depot; house, barn and orchard; $325.
No. 77 5 lots and good 2 story dwelling near C. P. chinch; $1,700.
No. 63 House and lot; $325.
We have for sale several choice building lots, tracts, stock ranches, n
sash mid door factory and Ilohemia mining property.
HEMENWAY & WHITE, Cottage Grove, Ore.
The JOB OFFICE of this
paper is at your disposal for
the hest of printing of any
and all kinds at barely liv
ing prices.
When yon need anything
in the line of printing please
remember that the motto of
this oifice is good work,
good material, neatness and
dispatch, and the prices are
within reach of all.
A irr T RSS
i feu iiiuinv vnr
X ft littimoml"
Y I'latOl Willi, IWO 3revEM-DumoM
" -
Y .,... 7. 1 ft f '.tit.
ono yunrantccil. I'rlcc, Postpaid, $G.0O with
JL G-incli. barrel : .9V. JO niltli i..i
- - r r ' ...wvvff (.( ,
Wo make a full line of rllen; Price, from $6.00
X ujiivards. Every arm wo turn out is warranted
O Srnd Slami or Calnheut, 1; (). Jlx
ni.rroriiltoyeiirivlilreei WITIOUI it tlt.ili fN ZiUYiriUL.
CiVJ UJ YiKKt OHfJ,ViT, ftAtovlielhrr jciiwUIi lM't'iriiin'
1'hr. Wili:i:it ' ! on tl'l'r llf;ii ?u ,u uiiciat nut e-.
nine II luiir Wow you eri'ei'l It. it l H I'M ll n,l mine t:mn
i you i
ul our Htioelnl Acimfii imiuo iinc or i- uw.
it the ireUKl t.iiruittii?ii it Weyi le ever offtiwl. We mii.iulnil iiil
tunny wliwl on Hie,nil yim nwl jn y r I f V'' l
ifymlViii"ltiiviltteiewMit.i Vtmif HXt'l.I'fil VK IllltVt'
JIAM I'ACI'I Ui:itM end UU tlitu nutliul ut nili'lilV fiitrwlueliul
iiu' ItlOO M()l)i:i.i. ThU ullvr nr it mie vrliM.1 nt tiililow rlce it
iii1eto.eciiro HIDlSd A QCHT in Mtli town to nirrwntue
unilt.t.oertlort. tMmirrnM iiuiko mini; hiL
rni-nirmflTlnilC I'mme.ltllorMinehi iJillee, tt Inrh. l'eil
SrCUilTlUA I IUNCi Hheltir vunlrM tul.lna wllti reruetl eniinrn.
tlnn. ilu-li 1 ilnta. Iiiiiiruretl eiiutmlrr iloflre K) fant.n xwt ikI kikI
So TJx lt!J7Ar, (ier..wiii tlmUt;thlivl.Uuh.iiiHll.nirfr
tlio ratieii nin' lint knnnni lifeerJ "A" tlro. Ill" (ft 1 oiienrthe
rail " ni.f ? InSon U.ei.i.i.t, llieueiiulne tl ft,foBf:T lltel
IliSahWrilokeUnir on .irkiliilil ltU We tliuijiinrliljr tMletery flee
of mlorli lht ud Into tkla uiaclilne. Our hladtnc lear'a mar-
.... Kilt. mj.!i titi.vt.ln.
CnCC toanyoneaeiHlttiiUin l(UtOeali In full with enlar o IU
rilCCi ieiKlfrtw a wnuliie Hurdlek U0D0 mlia Urref Mltem rrtl
nieteri ortilrhitraaol1orluiiiv Your moiiejr"aclillotiaiiiol
CJIICCI C We tlo nel manufaeture the elieap ntrv-
men tor klml of vbrela, aiich inaur ff v
il .oil m liluli inule. We mn (iinil.ti Itiem,
or'it.t to liltOcoinweKV
tin nol icuarntitee nor iroirv.
no ur nun
kiinntiM Mr ii 'ti iuimLIii vvrr i tui. BrtM for Umti I Ui
any took or .jnilnotw hwi in 7 Wl f !'. P.r
- v iiiiniiniH iii"wi.' -; a,x j ni
t ftAm tmrio tf Hill Mtvr.
it Iff n l' 1IPIVHV nimviiinvjwmiii
GOmPMY, cm
Bcienco is rollcotod in
Real Estate Offered by
li IWMlll'iT '
, "- .
tid lut ui tr II o how much w cn yoii i oil tho miiw nohln?. .
iT. . iZl't u t'iiitV it ii k Ti ivill-l! .4 In trail. hlth w
United Hluton Laud Olllco.
liofobiiiir, Oii'Koti, Oct, il loot).
Nnth'olH lioroby nlvun that in ,.0iii.
plhinni wllh the piovlwldiiH of Uu. ,,,
of uonuri'HS of Juno !l, 1H78, 1'litltlcil "An
not fur thu Hidd of 1 1 tn I it! r IhihIm In tlm
Hluli't i of Ciillfnriiln, Oregon, Nuvmlit
nnd WiiMlilnglon 'lorrllory," UH ex
tended tn nil thu imhllu Liinil HinhiM ,y
act of AugiiHl l, 1802, Ciiunploii ll.Jl)m;H
of Coltiige tlrove, Couiily of Lane, Btniu
of Oiegon, Imih thlHilny llliil H
olllco bin sworn Htiilfinent No. 12110, Uw
i lie puiiiliMHi1 of thu HK I., of Secllon Ni
IK, In Towimhip IS. 22 8,, limine f,'
West, nnd will oiler proof to nhow thnt
the hind nought Ih imoiu viiluiililu for Itn
limber or Ntonu tlinii for ngrleiilliiriil
purpoHuM, mid to extnliHidi )H cliiim t
Hiildliiiitl before I lie Ileglniur nml (,.
culver of this olllee at HoHehing, Oiegon
onSntuiday thu 20tli day of bvcvinbur,'
llo iiiuiiCH us witueaneMt i
Joseph PurkltiH, John Lewis, V. p
1'hilllpH, I, 1). Palmer, of Cottage Otovv'
Any ami all pemuiH elulmiug Ui.
venely the Hh.ive.tlenerlbeil IiiikIh mu
reiiuepted In lllu their vlatinc In Una
ollfeuouor before said 20tli ilny o Dm.
eemlHrr, 1000.
J.T. HiiiptiKH, ItegUler.
Wt Curry a Full Line ol
Ustimn'cH Clicrfiilly given on
nil classes of work.
Cleveland : Collage : Colors
The L'cst Rendy-Mi.xcd Paint on
the market.
Jenkins & Lara.
IjiihI Olllee ut Itonebiirc, Ortrnii,
Kepleiuber-'7. IIMI.
Notice Ih hereby jjlvcn thnt the follow-InK-nnmed
nel tier Iium lllfil uoiiee ol liln
intenlion to mnko tlniil nroof in cim-
1 port of bin ehiim, nml thnt filial proof
I will bu inmle before Joel Wiire, 1. K.
I Cuiiiinii'i'lnniT, ut Hngenc. Oreisiui, mi
'November 1, 1000, viz; Hnniiu-I K.
I'hillipH on II. .. .. 7107 for the bit .1.
.- W 1-1
SW 1-1, See. 10 S., It. :t
He tinmen tho following wliiiifce to
prove IiIh ronlinuniin nuiilentf iiimjiimiiiI
imltiviiilon of Id lunil, viz:
OhitrlfH Uoleoril, (!. W.'.Smilh. Al
bert Kernel), Jumert Imw, of 1'renwell,
J.T. HllllMIIIH, I't'lHltT.
Here is a chance to get j'our boy
into a paying business on a small
capital. I have a choice lot of bijjli
grude Hclgian Hares thnt I will sell
in pairs at very low prices. There
is no need to send to California
when you can get the same thing
here at home. Lord Dritaiu, Sir
Styles, I'nshoda, Yukon, Red Kovcr
mid other fashionable strains nie in
stock. 1 A. Rankin, Eugene.
Notiibly among the plenni!re iidonled
by thuShiiNta Itoutu Ih the winter trip
to tjoutheiu California nnd Arizomi.
llonewed iteqiinlutiineu with thin tet:tioii
will ever develop frewh points of lutereHt
und added HoureeH of unjoyinuut, uniler
itn sunny ekien, in the variety of itH In
diiHtrleM, in itn prolific vegetntion nnd
iimotijt itn niuidjcrk'HH rexortH of uioiiii
tnln, Hhoro, valley nnd phtin.
Tho two daily Simula truiiiH from
Portland to California luivo been re
cently equipped with tho mont approved
pattern of Htniidanl and toui iat Hleeplnx
ears, but thi low rates of fare will Htill
continue in ei";ct.
IlliiHtrated kuMcs to tho winter rc-
Hort' of California and Arizona may bu
had 011 application to
O. II. JIaukiiam, 0. P. A.,
Portland, Oregon.
No 1 1 00 Ii herobv Klvcnthntl imvo lioen ni'-
polntcl Ailiiilnlnlrittor of the otntonf (1. II.
ViiniRhnliK.k. dcppaind. All noriuini hnvllIK
clalma ngitinat mill culnlo aro rdinlroil to re
noiit llioin with prnpor voueltord to me nt mjr
olllco ut Cottage Orovo, I.hiio County, Orctron,
ttltliln iix moiitha from tho ilato ol thin notice.
Dated this (ith day of November iikki.
JAMKH IfKMKNWAY, Allllllnlttrfttor.
Nnllpali harohv irlvoit thnt Jim. 11. Hlownrl.
mlinliilatrator ol tha enlato ol Wni.Sulilin,
ceanoil, has flleil hid lliml account In tbs
atiovo nitmcil mtato and that tho Hlh day pi
Dccomlior 1000, at tho hour of ono o'clock In
thu afternoon tlicroof hits heon net for the Into
of hcarliiKKitld llmtl iiccount at tho olllco of liter
County J mliio, In Kturono, Lane County, ire
iron, at which timo nml plnroitll poron hav-
lt.i nl.lnnllnnii tn Dm itllou'illina Ullll ODlirOVal
of tho atna may npiicar utid bo heard.
uaicu im mil nay oi novomuuf, mm
Jab. U. BrswAitr, Admltilitrator.
Proprietor of the CAFE ROYAL
on River street, near the bridge,
v Cottagij Gkovb, Ork,
Short orders day nml night. Every
thing first-class and tlie uesc uc
market nffords,
Paints !