Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 23, 1900, Image 7

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    'omen 4lnt
maord for tlio
naroB of romuiu
" . i- ftnttmnuntl.
fflt vvf
Mm. Plnkhnm
In lynn :
woition iiuvv
Ld to honlth by hor
j nil Intiorsio Mpb.
mm aro rooolvod,
,(. ro
LJ y womon only.
1..4 la nnrtlftod to hv
mayor and poatntaa
dlynn and othora of
Iffnkham'a own olty.
S for troo hook van"
htiihoso ooHlffoatoa.
Ury ailing woman la
Mi to wrlto to Mra.
ham and got nor aw
froo of ohargo.
tft York Unit liio liuy iKuirn--.nmlit
ueiossiiry lo mtoiit
IllI regular nuininvr fwituw.
It err i-ooTKOitu. okt i'oot.
i ham:.
I i- it it viitir ferl fead
aH'i ''' lirnliifiirHlilr. If
iirtin t .),! irrmrimiu miw, irr
RiJt-r'j'c It irsls itinl riiiiifiiri:
If ...... - I II, MM .M f.tlatll Hllll
af IWI, l'iirr Mini I'iiIIihih shis.
hfnirui . I iuii"ii in hii iwiii niiii
Uiin nirr (r ( liilltlniiia. HMmtiliiK.
I - r..t.l I Va Iikvk livrtr Ml .
jMhia t ii'l j;et ImitMirr ifrl
to, ftr It (minx. Kiilil dy nil
.... ..,.1 .1.. n !. fur Vi Trul
EIW 1'iu a. 1 - ' . -
t fill. AiMrrss, AIImi H. 01m-
iu&r. f
Latlteiol Ilrtwnll, Im they over
w aster or Im1!. TIiom)
fairs c?nfit'(l almost uxohinlviv
to Portutfueso resilient) o( thu j
f Georgie's Gab.
.:?,..... '?. """
II HV In 1.1
lly u... i...
" WIDri'VllllH ilnllilll,. l .. ...
jLmtua llruiuo Qulufiiu Titli-
1 11 drnytltu rofutxl (11111110110
lUitocuro. K. W. Orovo
alien each box. 25c.
rnslonnl truatinnnt thonvoniKO
Ui Uo hivo In I'olaittiuo In IUU
I.w.lucir rutnl lir "(tliputiimul "
l4Tlr Ilia lllicumtol Co., tU V.
t. TOIt,
junuii ! loit to all ilmiiio, 11
jiriwblJu li thu only iirKuiuunt
Lu Lrcome iucIi a common
Uut a ixrsoii entirely free from
Iapmlng complaint is Rcldom met
IlliciMtomarvtoapcnk of Catarrh
more wrious titan a bad cold,
e wdimmntion of the noc mid
It it. In fnrl n romnllmtril mill
igtroui dlicase ; if not at first, it
3 becomes bo.
Mood is quickly contaminated by
I'n iccrcitons. nrtu inc jkiisoii
0 the general circulation is carried
ffcUoi the svstein.
fti, suites and snrny are unsntis.
ri "iu uiappoituiiifj, uccausc mcy
ttreich tin.
It clenniea the hlooil of the
d eliminates from the system nil
1.- Kcrcuons, ami tnus cures uior.
HUd permanently the worst cues.
McAW.ter. of rrxlluric. Ky..
J2 . nut.
ti" 1ft to me Is,
.'!lfm Jut v to
"ill's Bpeclfic
r idne. I sin
C?Jyone suffer.
i:iy'"h. Have
' " ' ;ri' wlmrn . Titthhh, ,..
'" ' "", '"''"K Kn. .111.1 unkwul. V ,1
Ion t euro how r. m, lliu,(l) ,
' "'""hill l ,.,,,, i
"' riwliiilniw f MutliirK roiiKri
...... nhn.K ,,,, . Jm M u
ic'hiim Urn imiu timilH hhhMIo Htl
'i. wliu tin. V..f,ir ()f Uh country
m inn Mini itnjrliiK 'rnxin on n ft,ww
ln-r IIotiKf ii.orKl.lK.'.l for nil ho can
K l Oil It. 'J'lllU'd ) (
Wi.nt rile Inu noiiii'hiniiiy ttuit'H only
llvnlln HiIh iotiniry nix y.nrH to o i
i tin- I'oI.h mill imvo a Volo Unit
otiiiiM hk imirii ,m nl0 ,mij ,t K(,(H
I'llt III III.' box hy a , wim. Krill0
"irntifti wilur fnt In thu ii'voliiKhunV I
'Mm tlit. wurht jiitrt of It Im tlio Hbw 1
. Look Ht Hie way they run (IiIiikk.
HiTf thr flmt IIiIiik you no Hoiiiu ff.
Iw llmt liiiHii't rimy more (,'ramnicr
Hutu a (Jrouiid Iiokk ftniicH iiIoiik and
P'lx lo ht- a Imjm. 'riifii jirltty noon Im
roniruU n nntl Kevcnly four
wilm mid (,'i.ih riiy ronlrnctH and lives
In a Unit iohI tlniriy IhoiiHiiud
dollars. Down the ntnft n I.llllo ilcct)
thi'y arc n (NiIIIiIki. irofciMir wIiohu
wife IihsI to Do her own hoimoworl;,
and Imw itifiiny volt-s Iiiih he? One
iiii'Mully llitlo ThliiK lhal don't count
niiy wy IUiw. he'h a niiii; wiiinji and
ui'Hriy always thinks Moth hIi1im arc no
rtiwiun that he may as wt-11 stay at
Iioiiii. anil Khow his conlcinjit.
'"n.nt's where tint Tuff crowd roI
the iiiIvhiUIiIki'. S'hnt'H the list' bcliiK
n nun it.iwiiwI KIuk when Niiuihiiddy
In the iti'xt IiIim U that StHric.l In life by
chuiiluie Siiltloous at lint City hall can
Kit tin (iniiK out on lAH'kKhun tiny and
cast nliifty I'oiir vo ten Just the .Same
ns If tlny were all his own? I
'This country Is Colng to lis doom!)
vtlth thu ItolU'is all Krcnsvil. It's a Mid
After (aw cot the iihIics that fell
olTeii his rlis'nr semped up uittw nst
Him If siiiuthliiK couldn't he Done
sImiiii It
"Vm," he says, "I s'pone sumthlnc
Ciiiild he done, but Die trubhle Is the
Km to IntelllKi'iit uinsHcs keep so blame
hlzzy looking IntelllKent nml telling
evcryhhuddy what's Colni; to happen
Hint they don't get Out and IIuhhi'1 and
stnntl Together. If they would do that
Kverythlng would be Safe. Hut while
the limn that tot school three sensoim
before He mine up lo the city niid got
to be a Mook keeper In n buggy facktry
Is sitting at Home talking about It the
fellow Hint has a Job In the Mottling
works nroutitl the corner and upells
Toinmus Jefferson with n little g Is out
miirchliig In n polltlekle pnrnde and the
llrst Thing you no he Is an Aldermun
or genu to the Leglshieher when they
are n seimtor to elect. They don't haft
to send n cnrrldge around To get him to
vote If It's mining, neither. He ain't
afraid of getting his Feet wet or having
his ping hat iiiiismmI. HIk vote counts
Just as much as If he was the Presi
dent of a bank, and Miinetlmw two or
Three times as mutch. If they don't
watch him, nml "
"I'nw, did you register?" maw nst
kind of sudden.
I'nw looked scared for n Little while,
and then went over nml commenct to
Play with thu baby.-Chlcngo Times-Herald.
Home TiK, lhnt Hfw Tlielr Bwuerlor
, . '"lelllKeiicc.
J Here are a KOod many ants of differ
'in varlutleH on i)w yl at ,ny country
I'lnco near Covington, and last year I
'Klin lo mult,, a systematic sluily of
tl'J'lr habits. I found It a iiiust faseln
"ling pursuit, and have resumed It with
'VV' ,"""IH""" during seventl visits
"''w J'-'r. A Utile Investigation will
j'oiivltico nlinoMt anybody, 1 think, that
Hie am approaches nearer to a mail In
Point of Intelligence tliaii any of tho
ower iii.IiuhIm. Koine of the things 1
have seen are so marvelous that I
would hesitate to speak of them If slm
Ihtr wontlers had not been fully record
fd hy trained scientists.
Near one of my flowerbeds Is a eolom
of small red ants that are extremeb
Industrious lu collecting food, and they
frequently perforin tlm most astonish
Ji'K engineering feats lu transporting
heavy burdens to tlielr homes. Not long
"go I watched a party of about n dozen
tlmt Inn) found the body of a small
Klder, and were drugging It toward the
"est. Tin. spider had hairy legs, which
struck out lu every direction and
eauglit on oIihIjicIch, greatly retarding
progiess. For several minutes the nn In
rolled away with their awkward booty,
nnd then stopped and seemed to hold n
council. A minute fragment of dry lenf
was lying on the ground: presently they
nil hild hold and pulled the spider on
top of li. They then seized the edges
nnd slid It along without dllllcully.
On another ocnslon I saw a largo body
of these same nuts start out for a raid
on another colony. They marched like
nn army, with scout thrown out at the
nidi, nnd, when several feet distant
from the nest, divided Into two parties.
One kept straight on and was soon en
gaged In fierce combat with the other
tribe, while the second detachment
made a detour and fell upon the hill
from the rear. The result was n great
victory for the Invaders.
Anybody that feels Interested In the
subject, and that will put In a little
time at close study, will he certain to
witness exploits fully as astonishing ns
thoce I have descrlhed.-TImcs-Demo-crat.
Sandwiches tlmt nro to he served nt
nn nltornoon ton should not ho spread
with bnttor or tho filling tnixturo qtilto
to tho ciIro of tho broad. This Httlo
precaution will provont tholr soilliiK
the gloves of tliQHo who hold thoin.
Tim Olilmt liiiiikiiiitfl
Is In tho iiossfuMim of tlm Hunk of Kng
himl. It is ihuiil December 10. IMW, nnd Is
for ITM, on itirnunt of Its litre suirie is
imiiId very vnl.mhle. Oi.o of Hie oldest
niid must vitltiiililo stomiicli medicines is
llostt-tter's Htoi.iiicli Hitlers. Kor l.ftv
years it hui enreil dyspepsia. Indigestion,
nervousness or Insomnia. It will euro
when faithfully taken.
At n strcot fair in "wlohltit Mils fall,
otio of tho ohlof features will ho an
arch 40 (out high, constructed entirely
of apples,
8100 JtKWAItl) 8100.
Tho readers of tills paper will bo pleased to
Juarn tlmt there Is nt least one dreaded dlscaso
lliat science lias been atilo to cure In alt Its
stakes, and tliatlscatarrli. Ilnll'aC'atarriiOuro
In tho only positive, euro known to the medical
Irnivrnlty. Caturrli belnx n constitutional dls
case, rc'iulrcs a constltuilonal treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the lilood and mucous surfaces
ol tho system, thereby destroying thn founda
tion of Hie disease, and Klvlntt the patient
itrensth by b.illdlni'Up tho constitution and
assisting naturolu doing its work. Tlio pro
prietors Imvo so much faith In Its curative
bowers, that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars
for any easo that It alls to euro. Bend for list
of toitlrnonlaU. Ad.lross
F. J. CIIKNEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Hold by dniCKlsts,7&c.
Hall's Kfcii.liy Tills are the !'-
An Kgyptinn contemporary says:
"Our whole island is now girdled with
golf courses. All tho world is no
longer a stage, hut golf links."
This slgnaturo ia on every box ot tho genuine
Laxative Bromo'Qtiininc Taweu
Uio romody that cures n cold lu one day
Ceilings tlmt havo been smoked with
a koroficuo lump should bo washed off
with soda water.
The Host l'mscrlptlon for BTnlhrln
ClillU and Fovor is n hottlo of Groves,
Tnstolosa Ohlll Tonic. It is simply
iron and nnlnino in n tncteless form.
No Onro, No 1'ny. Prico EOo.
Daring tho present contnry 400 hn
mnii lives, 25,000,000 and 200 ships
hnv-j been lost in fiuitloss offorta to
find tho North Polo.
Mfikn Your f.lvfir r.lTidy.
A lazy, languid liver keeps you In had health
nil the time. Wake It up to lively action with
(,'ascarcts Candy Cathartic. All druggists, 10c,
2jc, COo.
Meat has been preserved in n frozen
state for 80 years, and fonnd perfectly
eatable nt tho end of tlmt time.
Mothers will find Mrs. WInalow's Sooth
!ng Byrup tho best remedy to use for ths lr
children during the teething period.
Before tho next tourist season opens
tho Swiss railway from Spies to Fouti
gen will ho completed.
1'lso's Cure lor Consumption is an infal
lible niedieino for coughs nnd colds. N.
W. Samuel, Ocean drove, N. J., Feb. 17,
If a man tnko no thought about what
is distant he will find sorrow in storo.
WANTKII Men mid women of Rood
clmnirter to represent established house,
mi siilurvt splemllil opportunity Ail
dresw ' O. Itox ftH7, I'ortlMiul, Oref-nn.
Every Exertion a Task
Every Care a Burden
There is fuiliiro of tho strength
to do and tho power to onduro;
there is vcnkllo8H "nil over" that !h
porHiHtcht nnd constftnt.
Tho vital functions nro impaired,
food does not nourish, and ,tho
whole system is run down.
A medicine tlmt strengthens tho
stomach, perfects digestion, invig
orates nnd tones is needed.
What Hood's Harsnpnrilla did for Mrs'
Ty. II. Ourliuid. Hliiulv, Tmui., it ha dona
for others. She look it when die wnsnlt
run down without appetite, losing llesh.
nml .limbic to do her work. It restored
her appetite, increased her weight, and
made her nell mid strong. This is her
own unsolicited statement.
Hood's Sarsaparitla
Promises to cure and keeps tlio
promise. The earlier treatment ia
hc-gun the hotter bgin it today.
. ll..t.l-l-t
fStcUous"'' Cal,r,u " takeiJKccord.
ia the only purely vcr.
I etable blood purifier
known, and the greatest
jof all blood medicines
nml tAiitn
,hve Catarrh don't watt until it'
I?. ""P-w-ted and chronic, but be
J110 f S. 8. 8., nnd send
ook on blood nnd skin diseases
tlour Iiuysicians about your case.
i Uutll you ht i,tn nd I..U I our watch
I Mil ,1 ra,ur, rrlia al Oat-lltlrsnt
Ula than I... k.k ... l.anli.r
Our wattliaa at. Itita.t with (lia umnuall. 1
lia, 17 Jan, 1,4 Spatial I J-ll. J. or I )aw.
.lanaaaa or Klfla nefaaaaal, Known
uia world ovar aa tna uaai. ami
Caaa la hnnllns aolld fold patlant
4yyVL p.alai soudsrouah for s railroad
.f..i.i.iik a1! ....
aaiuu oaaai band your aour..a
and wa will. anJ w.lrh O. O. 1.
I with .rlvll.a tt full'Slamtna.
Hon. Call lu any aipatt and II
found a.ll.fa.tnr and
' til bail Walrh ., off.rad for lUCb
T a.Mlw par 15.15 sml aii r.n chair
1. JihsmiM not ons csn FREE a
IHUii.,.. f,'?0'ror naiUO dayi Willi ovary
?lit!25ff.,.,iw,',B Writs st enwss
u ( uniraisnlcinilc.iUios-i
sal -Jffl Jl rl
i ! I 'Wii m i ai d
-lSil.ntKfc AIL fLSf miS
r"rae. hnU , H.
A Great Conntrya
III n recent speecn acnnior rrjvi
forth these striking facts: j
"Our wheat crop, in mn "m."
than that of nny other uatlon-23 per
cent of the world's crop.
"Our corn for the same year was ten
times larger thnn that of nny other nation-".!
per cent of the world's crop.
"Our export of provisions was three
times greater than that of nny other
"Our cotton crop was live times great
er than that of any other nntlon-75 per
cent of the world's production.
"Our coal production Inst year ex
ceedetl that of nny other nntlon-31 per
cent of tho world's production.
"Our plg-lron production Inst yenr ex
ceeded tlmt of any other natlon-33 per
cent of the world's production.
"Our copper production wns more
than one-half of that of the wholo
""Our railroads were six times tho
length of those of any other nation.
'Tho United States will enter the now
icntury as tho lending world's producer
In all the factors which outer Into In
ternational commerce."
Mn.ccUp Jt"",luu C'urcli.
Tho present orthodox church of Hub
ila Is divided Into,
Including oito In Alaska and forty-three
vlcnrlnl scats of bishops. Ihissla hns
now 117 archbishops, Including three
metropolitans, slxty-soven eimrclilal
vicarial archbishops and thlrty-nlno
bishops. Most Itusslnu hlcrnrchs Imvo
attended tho seminaries nnd academies.
FIsliliiK Industry or I.nlco Krlo.
in tho iko Brio fisheries ,3,728 men
nro employed and 2.710,0M capital.
Last year's catch was valued at 1,100,
800. Never dispute with a man more than
70 years of ago or with a woman of any.
A balo full of cotton Is certainly ft
baleful blessing.
Austria has women miners.
Milwaukee has a cooperative box
Women barbers are uot allowed to
work In Newark, N. J.
The Massachusetts .VS-hour weekly la
bor law has been declared unconstitu
tional by the courts.
The International Typographical Un
ion hns becu recognized nt the Paris
exposition by being awarded n gold
miihi! or l-riiiiil tirlzi for Its oxhlliit In
the department of social economy. j
The Printing Pressmen nnd Assist-1
nuts' Union of Richmond has been
granted n nine-hour work day, the '
same as the tyiogrnphlcal union now
enjoys. This order nffeets about seventy-live
or eighty men nt present.
At Frisco the Itonrd of Supervisor
has passed an ordinance reducing the
liours that laundries may be In opera
tion each day. which is designed to re
duce the hours of labor of the over
worked employes of thefe concerns
from fifteen to twelve hours.
The announcement will be received
with unusual gratification by nil inter
ested In the labor movement, that the
division which hns existed lu the or
ganized rnnks of the painters nnd dec
orutois of America hns at hist been ob
literated; that the long contest Is nt an
end, that the feeling of bitterness Is
removed, nnd that once more mere is
but one organization of the craft, and
that one Is now utllllated with tho
American Federation of Labor, with
nil Its allied national, local and central
The United Brotherhood of Leather
Workers on Horse Ooods nnnounces
that no horse can consider Itself n un
ion animal unless It wears a collar or
harness which hns been made by mem
bers of the organization, nnd which ar
ticles display the union label. Tho
liorseshoers and horse-nail workers,
both of which nre. like the leather
workers, allillated with the American
Federation of Labor, coll attention to
their union stnmp and union label re
spectively, and declare that no quad
ruped con consider Itself strictly union
unless it hns been shod by union men
nnd union nails.
A decision of unusual Import to work
lnginen Is tho one recently rendered by
the Supremo Court of New York, sus
taining tho right of members of labor
organizations to strike against the em
ployment of non-unionists. It has long
been contended by labor leaders that
what Is legal for one man Is legal for
two, thrco or any number of men act
ing In concert. From the time that all
strikes were held to bo contrary to law
by the English Judges, tho definition of
"conspiracy" hns been narrowed by tho
courts In this country, notwithstanding
tho tendency of some lawyers to broad
en tho term respecting combinations
of workingmeii. until this decision In
Now York admits almost tho wholo
contention of trade unionists. The rca
son for this Is doubtless tho fact that
tho law of "conspiracy." If applied to
workingmcn, would be equally uppll
cablo to business monopolists
London VcROtnrlnns Orgnnlzoil.
A federal union of vegetarian socie
ties exists in London. London has a
vegetarian hospital with twenty beds la
connection with it,
TIim Dnui-titer of n Former Governor or
South lHlotli ttialtis mi
Knvliihio l'osltluu.
From the Oregon Independent, Salem, Ore.
Tho daughter of Hon. J. H. Fletcher,
formerly governor of South Dakota, not
now a resident of Salem, Oregon, has
lately attained an cuvinhlo position.
Her success is remarkable, especially
when tho (act is known that for somo
tlmo it wns feared hor ciueer would bo
shortened bocauso of ill health.
Kx-Governor Fletcher iu speaking of
tho happy event in his daughter's life
said: -
"For over two years my daughter
had been declining from a strong,
hcnlthy, rosy-cheeked person to a pale,
weakly and helpless uirl. She was
afilictod with terrible headaches, and
apparently grew weaker nnd more lan
guid, nnd apparently without canso.
Wo became greatly alarmed and feared
thnt her days were already numbered.
"I tried several doctors, ono after
tho other, hut nil without avail. Fin
ally, to' please a friend, I bought a box
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo
People, and to our surprise, before it
was used her headaches ceaeed, the
color began to return to her cheeks and
lips and her strength began to assert
"I bought flvo boxes more and by
tho timo she hnd finished them bIio was
completely restored to her health, and
today our hearts uro gladdened with
thn society o( n robust, rosy nnd
healthy girl instead of a pale, tired nnd
sickly ono. In her case tho transfor
mation was rapid nud wonderful, nnd
I can never speak too highly of the
splendid merits of Dr. Williams' Pink
No discovery of modern times has
proved suoli n boon to women as Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People.
Acting directly on tho blood and
nerves, invigorating tho body, regulat
ing tho functious, they rostoro tho
strength nnd health to tho exhausted
woman when every effort of tho phjsi
olan proves unavailing.
For tho growing girl thoy are of tho
utmost benefit, for the mother indis
pensable, for every woman iuvalunble.
Kvorywhore Dr. Williams Pink Pills
for Pale People aro recognized as a
spocifio for diseases of tho blood and
norves. For paralysis, locomotor atax
ia, and other diseases long supposed
incurablo, thoy havo provod their effi
cacy iu thousands of cases. Thoy aro
one of tho greatest blessings ever bo
stowed upon mankind.
This remedy Is Bold by druggists
generally, or will bo sont, postpaid, by
tho Dr. Williams' Modloino Co., Sche
nootady, N. Y., on rocoipt of price, 60
conts per dox, six boxes for $2.50.
A fruit tree propagator has produced
( n seedless npplo. -Theso new apples
jarasuprior in flavor to tho ordinary
, kinds. High prices are being paid for
the trees.
Stops tlto Cough and
Works Off tho Gold.
Laxative Ilromo-QoininH Tablets euro
n cold in ono day. No cure, No Pay.
Price 25 cents.
Itural mail delivery is progressing in
a way to satisfy both tho peoplo and
tho department. In Carroll county,
Maryland, every farm houso now has a
daily free mail delivery.
I When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
lonlo because the formula Is plainly
nrinted on overv bottle showing that it
table, potent. Taste Good, no I is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste-
ii. Weaken, or Orlpe. 10e.24c,ttic, . tll - . ., ,
CONSTIPATION. ... le8E oim- ho C"re' 1,0 1 C0-
'IsjuiTereil tlm tortnresj of the damned
with protruding piles brought on hy constipa
tion with which 1 was nnllcted for twentr
years. I ran across your CASCAUETS In the
tonn o Newell. Ia., and never found anything
to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from
piles and feci like a new man."
0. H. Kctrz, Mil Jones St., Sioux City, I a.
Plessant. Palatali
uoou, Meter Slcsei
... CURE
Slar.faff Kaaf.rf C-wpaMV. Chicago, Staatraat. Ka'
Hfl Tfl HAP Snlil anil irnnranteed bj all drag-llU-IU-tJAll
ul.lam (itMCI'.Tnhaeeo Habit.
In China a doctor's fee varies from
8 cents to a quarter.
(The Famous German Wood Preserver)
Permanently Destroys..
JWOne application Li all that is required. It lasts for years. If
your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the
following distributing: agents: Perfection Pile Preserving 0., Seattle.
Wash.? Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn &
Co., San Francisco, Cal.
Write us. ?end for our New Illustrated Catalogue.
'I Iih Only Sure "ur ittii!
I 11 t fill t h 11 e 11 n Itellef for
lilt II' I-10. MAI.AKIi, HKMtr WEAIC
u buttle tnitnr and linve It In the bouse. It wilt
save suffering and doctor's bills. Harmless for
children's u-e. Contains no opiate or other harm
ful lucre Herns, Absolutely pure aud concentrated.
Irge bottle of 300 iloses for 91, prepaid by mall or
exprets, or we will send you (postpaid) a trial
bottle for 2.1 rents. Aeentsuunted.
111331 EliEU.IIIC CURE WKPilT, 164 lilt it, dutljl. III.
tianitanmaaft la-lf. dnnhla raMnlatMi watch OTaf offarad
Q K iiimajii, . .....y ....... ..j
JO TSirSv or onan (at.. jlUdwith si.
laiIU1IOB foil
Ith. propiWr.(v
lid and h1ii1i
qntekt -.lnndlibtU
lorn ImprovamtotiIn
ii-w s,y ims on cunt suiimmi,
o" irng- With proprrr will iMti
?.u.:,20 YEAR GUARANTEE. "
fsrneqaltau7ll0wlilrollwkirh. 8ntC.O D.fortS.91
Ii You Need a
RON PI? or any piece ot Machinery, It
1JV,1,-',-',. will pay to write us for cata
logue aud prices.
RUSSELL '& CO., Portland, Or.
ut aiprosrharff , "Ith FUCK KXa-l5!TI0.1. If
notsaulacur7. caa Doraiurnauaioar sxponao.
n ala.anl QoMplataJ Chain worth Ono Dollar.
It $1.03 la aanl wiin oraar. it oar. bo Kxpraaa umao mual
t nt with ordtr ni foot vrlllblhlppdbf rcfltUrtH)
nitll, WrlU Oenti or U11. Jewalry CatApcu f ret.
People's Jewelry Co., 0ept.33 Sate Bldg. CHICAGO,
an now CCRiDLK bi onr now inmitlonj only t now born
deaf are lncurablo. 11KAU liOlSta CUSK lUIHUUTLLT.
lescrtba your oaso. Ezamlnatloa and adrle free.
Voa caa cure 7oaMlf at home at a nominal cost.
You can't make a mistake 11 you get a
You can euro 7ou-soif at noma at a nominal cost. ., I li i . n n L , rv
International Aural Clinic. a&u -ta JVIltehell, IteiUlS & StaVef Go.
Beware of Them
There are two afflictions which
perhaps Rive tlio most pa la
aud trouble, viz;
Both disable and cripple,
St. Jacobs Oil
Is their best cure.
Gin, Brandy, Rum
12 full Quarts. 19.00. Per callon, $150. XXX
Orders for JZI.OO and upward delivered free to
nearest Itnllroad or Steamer Landing, niauk
Cat-esand Kegs.
Established SO Years.
-av Kvn.
Ilavo mad o Dropry and its com
plloatious aspeoiony for twenty
years wiin tus most soumhui
snccess. llavocuredmany thous
and oases, ....
2. iu U.6SSI.J1U uuu,
Sox N, Atlanta, Oft.
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache and nrs
penata, Itemo' o l'liuplos.l'urlfy the Ulood, Aid Ulgcs
tloa,lTovcntr.l!!ouanes. Do not U ripe or Sicken. To
convlnreTou.YHUmallsamp nfreaitullbox.VSo. DR.
B OS AN KO CO. , rtliu.lfkla, 1'a. Sold by DrugElata.
JOHN POOLE. I'oiitlaiip, Onuootr,
can give you the bout bargains In general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel I X L windmill, sold bv him, is nn-eaualled.
ir BICKFOKU, Washington, 0. C. they will ro
ll celve quick replies, ll.illi N. II. Vols. Staff
COt li Corps. 1'rosecutlng claims since 1873.
A guaranteed Cure for Catarrh and
Consumption, ?1.0U, U I.ock llox 14.V
W. H. SMITH & CO., Buffalo, H. Y , Piop.
Na 1'. N. U. So, 47-1000.
WIIKN wrltlnir t.. udvurtlsers iilA.a
meutlou thia liiiuer.