3d BOHEMIA NUGGET. rnblUhed Erery Friday. CATER NEWS. COTTAGE GROVE. . . OREGON. EVENTS OF THE DAY An Intereatlnfx Colluctlon of Itcma From the Two Hemispheres Presented In a Conileiineil Form. Ambassador Ghonto lecturod on Lincoln nt Edinburgh. Terry McGovern difoated Kid Broad at Tattorsalls, Chicago. Tho troaty of Purls was donounood at tho Spanlsh-Amoricnn oongross. Industrial commission honra testi mony on labor strikos and sweatshops. Indomnlty claims by Philippine cor porations will bo submitted to congross. A bill to diefranohiso negroes was introduced in tho Georgia legislature. President McKinley asks tho mom bora of tho cabinet to remain with Lira. lirnzil nnd Argontina may force Chile to grant Bollva's demands in legard to coast lines. Union labor makes a demand for .stato positions in Washington nnder , now regimo. An Idaho danco hall tragedy result od in tho death of two in on at tho town of Gem. Thirteen persons were killed and 14 others injured seriously in a tire damp explosion in tho Pluto coal mine, at Wiosa, near Unix, Germany. In an explosion in a gelatine mixing house of a powder company at Lo hrante, Cnl.. 15 miles from San Fran cisco, one white man and two Chinese wero killed. A special. dispatch from Tien Tsin, says a lorce of Russians has captured llio arsenal northeast of Yeng Tsun, with trifling loss, killing 200 Chinese and capturing a quantity of arms, and treasure. Max J. Lnsar, the diamond smuggler, pleaded guilty in the United States court at Buffalo, N. Y. He was fined $500 and sent to tho Erie county jail lor six months. He . smuggled dia monds which were sold for $31,000. The bodies of 22 persons who wero killed by the collapse of houses inshore by the typhoon which struck Hong Kong recently, have been recovered. More than 50 bodies have been taken from the harbor, and the remains of many victims are still to be found. Tho damage to property and crops is enormous. Two mon hold up a saloon at Tnoomn and secured $12. Flro at Canton, China, destroyed bo- twoou 200 and 800 houses. ltobbors blow opon tho vault of a bank in Qulncy, III., and soourod 3,.)00. Flro at nn Oshkosh, Wis., lumber yard destroyed $70,000 worth of fluo grndo lumber. Tho transport Logan has arrived at San Francisco from Manila, with 273 sick soldiors. Two mon woro killed ami four seri ously injured in n train wiock near Jackson, Miss. The stoamer Nomo City lias nrrlvod at Seattlo from Nomo W'iUi 250 miners and $100,000. Flro dostroyod tho business portion of tho town of Phillppl, V. Yn., caus ing a loss of $100,000. A hoavy snow storm is ragtag in British Columbia, $20,000 damago be ing dono in Vancouver nlono. Two fishormon woro drownod in tho bay at Seattlo from a small sailboat", whioh capsized in n gust of wind. The Amorican legation building at Caracas was injured beyond repair by tho recent Venezuelan oartliquako. The University of Oregon football team defeated tho University of Cali fornia team by a score of 2 to 0. The Unitod Mineworkers have dooid- ed to bring into their organization all workers in nnd about the mines. j Governor Candler, of Geoigia, has ! issued a call for a National Maritime 1 congress at Brunswick, Gn., Jauuarv j 30. . ' Tho murderous Apaches of Mexico, j will bo hemmed up in tho mountains j and exterminated by the Mexican troops. I Anarchists woro not concerned in the j recent assault on Emperor William. It 1 wns merely the act of a demented Ber- lin woman. j Three Anicricuns were fight with 200 bolomen in the province of Panay. The enemy lost 100 killed 21 wounded and 50 prisoners. One hundred dead bodies were found in a swamp just west of the city of Galveston, Texas, on tho island wheio thoy had been deposited by tho storm of September 8. OPEN DOOR IN CHINA Cotton Manufacturers South Petition For of the It. CENSUS OF ALASKA. IMPORTANT TUADK NECESSITY Secretary Hay Aakert to Uae III Oilier- to Prevent dualns; Alnrketa to Americana. I flood of Washington, Nov. 17. Socrotarylluy has received a potitiou from Hourly all of tho loadlui; cotton manufacturer!) of tho South to tako such action as may lie within his power to prevent tho in torforonco by any European powor which might olosu tho foreign markets to tho cotton mannfaoturors of tho Unitod States and injuro other Ameri can interests, lho petitioners doolaro that tho "opon door" policy is neces sary to secure tho retention of tho im portant trado in cotton drills and Bhlrt ings with China, most of whioh aro manufactured in Southorn states. It Is declared tho withdrawal 'u this trado in Manchuria would soriousty nffoct not only tho manufacturers of cotton goods but Southorn cotton-growers and employers and omployes'and laborers in tho cotton mills. Tho peti tioners roprosout fully $15,000,000 in capital and doolaro thoy havo lost half their trado since tho Boxer upris ing nnd nro running on half timo. Gonoral Chaffeo has cabled tho war department tho following from Tnku, under dato of November 10: "Sixth regiment. Unitod Stntos cavalry, will remain in China, under command of Lieuteuant-Colunol Theo dore J. Wint, with troops I, K, L, M. "CHAFFEE." CHINESE DISCOVERED AMERICA. Kvlilence Contained In Ancient Iteoords Unearthed In Pekln. i Monteroy, Mox., Nov. 17. Tho re killed in a ' Prt ua American officers havo un earthed ancient records in Pekin show ing that the Chinese discovered Ameri ca 1,500 years ago, and erected temples in Mexico, has aroused tho greatest in terest nmong tho scientific men of Mon terey and throughout this country. The Chinese temples alluded to nro in tho sta'te of Sonora, on tho Pacific coast. Tho ruin of one of tho temples In old Kentucky, a football game be-1 was discovered near tho town of Uros, The Paris exposition is closed. Russian troops are being withdrawn from Pekin. The military force in Porto Rico is to be reduced. Admiral Crowinshield says onr navy is crippled by lack of men. The.envoys at Pekin have Agreed up on a basis of negotiation. Chinese are worried by the recent executions at Pao Ting Fu. Henry Villard died at his home near Dobbs Ferry, K. Y., aged 65. Marcus Daly, the Montana copper king, is dead, aged GO years. Morocco declines to pay the United States' demands for indemnity. I Congress will be asked to provide for larger and more elastic army. Tho British reoccupied Philoppolis.in South Africa, after four hours lighting Importation of American steel bars threatens extinction of England's ir dnstry. Tho election of Beckham, Democrat, as governor of Kentucky, will not be contested. Spanish papers print a letter from Don Carlos condemning tho recent up .risings. The reform in the British army will require in future 10 months of scientific drill for the soldier. A fatal hotel fire oocurred at Popo Jar Bluff. Mo., in wnicn four persona -woro burned to death. The mineworkers of America wish to iavo operators meet them to arrange annual scalo ol wages. Ex-Senator John L. Wilson an nounces his retirement from political leadership in Washington. Li Hung Chang eays demands for punishment of Prince Tnan and the dowager empress are too humiliating. Thero is still somo friction among miners nnd operators in the anthraoite soctionr but it may bo peacefully ad justed. The annual report of tho United States Indian commissioner says Indian population has not decreased since set tlement of tho country by tho whites. Two passenger trains collided on a curve on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railway, between Sherman and Denni son, Texas. D. II. Weaver, fireman, was killed. A. O. Andrews, vice-pros- J Ident of the Grayson county bank, of Sherman, was probably fatally injured. Japan lias passed a law to pro Jiibit lads under 20 years of age from smoking. Tho home of the late Bayard Taylor nt Westchester, Pa., kown as Codar croft, was sold at sheriff's sale to sat isfy a claim. J. M. MoKnight, formorly president of the German National bank of Louis ville, lias been sentonced to Ave years' imprisonment at bard labor for embezzlement tween a Cinoinnati team and a Dan villo, Ky., team, ended in n fight in which a majority ot tho Cincinnati players were compelled to go to tho hospital. A serious snow storm is raging in South Dakota. The Chinoso emperor and empress will return to Pekin. Fire destroyed a considerable por tion of tho Corean palace at Seoul re cently, u'eneral Botha has sent Lord Roberts a statement of the terms on which no will surrender. The Japanese empress was attacked by a lunatic who threw iiis purse and his shoes at her. The firm of William L. Strong & Co.. of New York, has failed, with liabilities of $6,000,000. Henry Elliug, a pioneer of Montana and president of six banks in that state, died at his home in Yirginia City. During tho progress of a bull fight given by women toreadors at Alicante, Spain, the benches collapsed and eight persons wero killed and 200 injured. According to Commissioner of Immi gration Fitchie, of New York, immi grants have arrived in this country at the rate of 1,000 per day from all countries since Jnly last. Thirteen insane soldiers from the Philippines, who had been confined in the Presidio hospital at San Francisco, have been sent to tho government asy lum at Washington, D. C. Yale college will educate free of charge five Filipinos provided young men of exceptional fitness and high character bo selected by Judge Ttft, of tho Philippine commission. At Denver, in an action beenn by Uean liart to prevent Sunday theatri cal performances, Police Justice Thomas decided in favor of the theaters, hold ing that the city ordinance on the sub ject is void. The Peruvian bark Fiancisco Tozo cleared from Astoria with a cargo of 520,054 feet of lumber, valued at $5,734.78. She was loaded at tho Knappton, Wash., mills, and goes to (Julian, Pern. The stato supremo court of Minncso ta has decided that tho eo-called "jag cure law" is unconstitutional becauso it applies only to connties of over 50, 000 peoplo and it is limited in its bene fits to a certain number in each conuty, one per year to eaoh 10,000 of people. Adrew Carnegie has andtbor surprise for Pittsburg, involving tho expendi ture of several million dollars. His purpose is said to bo tho establishment of a polytechnic school for tho instruc tion in practical mechanics and tho in dustrial sciences. lho amount of money which will be epout by Mr. Carnegie in founding and endowing tho school is $3,000,000. new school houses Kansas within tho Moio than 150 have been built in last year. Apricots stand second to oranges as n money making orop in California. Roughly estimated, tho presont apricot yiold is worth $2,500,000 to that stato. It has been discovered that Monon gahela river is rninous to boilers, hav ing 10 grains of sulphuric aoid to ono gallon a disastrous ratio, according to exports- in that state, about two years ago. One of tho largo stone tablets found in the ruins was coveted with carved Chinese characters, which wero partly deciphered by a learned Chinaman who visited the ruins nt the request of tho Mexican government. This Chinaman made tho assertion at tho timo that the ruins wero thoso of n temple which had been erected many centuries ago by Chinese, but his statement was not re ceived with credence. It has been long claimed that tho In dians of tho stato of Sonora aro the do scendents ol the early Chinese settlers. They possess many traditions and characteristics of the Chinese. If the report of the finding of these records in Pekin is verified nn expedition will go from here to explore further the ancient temples of Sonora. Dlahoueat Onlclltl. Yokohama, Nov. 17. Several mem bers of the Tokio city council, having been accused of accepting a bribe from the Mitsui lead plpo factory, all tho members resigned en bloc, but were snbscquently re-elected with the ex ception of the incriminated members, warrants for whose arrest have been issned. Fire In n Ilrldce riant, Detroit, Mich., Nov. 10. Firo which started in the engino-room of the Detroit Bridge & Iron Works early today did between $05,000 and $75, 000 damage. Five hundred mon aro thrown ont of employment. The loss is covered by insurance. Repairs will be begun immediately' and the works started again as soon as possible. Queen Draco Mot Dead. Paris Nov. 15. Inquirios made by a representative of tho press at the Servian legation here show that there is no truth in the report published by the Echo do Pairs today that Queen Draga of Servia is dead. The legation officials have not even heard that the queen is ill. Wealthy Man' Suicide. Fort Wayne, Ind., Nov. 17. Frank Alderman, a wealthy real ostate man, killed himsolf today. Ho walked into a hardware store, purchased a revolver, loaded it and then sont n bullet into his brain. He is thought to have been in snno. He was a prominent Republican politician. Another North Sen Cable. , Washington, Nov. 17. Consul Leis toe, at Rotterdam, in a report to the state department, says that a third telegraphic cable has beon constructed recently between Tho Netherlands und England nnd will expedite tho dolivery of American cablegrams via London. Enumeration or tho ronulaMun of the Territory Cniniileteil, Woithingtoii. Nov. 10. The conans bureau recently completed tho enu meration of tho district of Alaska. Tho schedules havo been rocolvod at tho olllco and aro now in process of tabula tion Tho director of thu census today gavo out tho following statouiont with reference to tho work in tho territory! "Saiuuol O. Dunham, who had charge of tho work in tho northorn dis trict, roturnod to Washington n fow days ago and Hubmlttod his llnal re port. Ho loft Washington on this work May 4, 1801). "Tho natlvo and mixed population of tho northern district of Alaska Is 12,052. Tho most populous district, with respect to the uatlvo population, is tho country lying between tho mouth of tho Yukon ami tho Kuskoquifi rivers, nnd extending back from tho coast 100 miles. Maurico Johnson, tho agontlfor this district, travolod over 2,000 milos with n dog team during tho winter, and enumerated 3.01U persons, all of whom wero Indians. Tho Inditing in this region aro probably tho most ties Ltuto people on the North American ecntlnont. Mr. Johnson reports that from Deccr.nbor 1 to .March 15 ho visit ed 74 interior villngos, and during tho timo raw but three tiros burning in tho shacks. The jxjor creaturos huddlo to gether in thoir miserable dwellings during tho long winter, and subsist on frozen fish and a little seal oil, which thoy seouro on tho coast during tho summer. Tho fur-bearing' animals, ! which formorly furnished thorn with natural clothing, nro nearly extinct, and they have been forced to adopt tho whito man's garb, and. as thoir poverty provonts them from securing enough to cover thoir nukednoss, there is groat sufforiug from thu cold. "Tho spiritual condition of thoso natives is no hotter than their physical, as thu missionaries devote their atten tion to tho more attractive Holds in tho gold rogloiiB and along the river, whoro thoir work may bo seen. "Tho Nomo district is tho most pop ulous in Northern Alaska. Tho enu meration showed a pcrmauout whito population on Juno 1 of 0,704. During tho summer about 18,000 peoplo lauded j at Nomo, nbout 3,600 of thoso coming from Dawson. About 12,000 havo ro i turned to their homos in tho states, leaving about 0,000 peoplo in tho region contiguous to Nomo. It is probublo j that tho population of tho town of i Nomo during tho winter will be bo- i tween 4,000 and 5,000." BOXERS' FATE FIXED Princes Tunn and Cluing to Prison for Life. Go OTHKBS :KAKH' IiITTIjH RHTTKlt Moderate and lluinimn Onnmo f United Hlnt Un Advanced It Prestige I" Clllllll. Ihn Washington, Nov. 10. Minlsior Wu has received fiom Director-General .Hhong tho following catileitrnin, whioh ho comniuniorttcd to ficuretiiry Hay to day: "An imporial dooroo of November in deprived Prince Tunn nnd Prince Chang ol thoir ranks and oIIIcoh, mid orders thoiu to bo Imprisoned for life; l'rlnco Yih and secondary Prliicu thing to bo imprisonm1; secondary Prince Lluii to bu deprived of his rank; Duko l.itu ami lulng Nlun to bu degraded in rank; Rang Yl being dead, no penalty can lio imiHed u lion him; Chan Shu Clilao to ho degraded, hut retained In nlllco, and Y'l listen to bu oxllud to tho lurthest boundary." Tho Chinoso olllclulu niniitloiied in the dooroo nro among tho highest in China, nnd comprino most, if not all. of thoso against whom thu powers do manded rigorous punishment. l'rlnco Tnan stands nt thu head of tho nntl foreign and lloxer movement. Previous edicts degraded him nnd took uwny hid olllco and servants, but this judgment of life imprisonment is thu most sovoro thus far given to any of tho leaders rospontilhio for thu trouble. From n Chinoso standpoint, it penalty to a prince of it romalns to .bo semi whether tho pow ors will regard it iih ndeiitmtu to l'rlnco Tumi's offense. The others mentioned wore Tumi's active ushocIateH, mid two of them woro specifically mentioned for punishment, along with Tumi, in .Secretary Hay's noto of October !l, in which ho advised tho Chinese govern ment that this country would expect thou olllcials to receive their just do sorts. Kaug Yi is ono of tho afllciitls who diuil suddenly when the domauds for punishment had beon made, probably by suioido. Yu Ilslon Is another who OIQAflMAKEn8 fllOTINQ. 0 I .... 11.1 nnniMin nMiinn JtntiTfWii Ttrtl J Tmnpi., Fin., Nov. 1 0. UIotlnu twoou International nnd ItcHlHtlaii Unions of olgitriiinkurd homiii hum day at thu fnotory of (IuhxhIok. m,j 11 T tv Co., of 'lain pa mid Chicago. iirm was worning ii Mill lorco of t(,J tiaiiom men, miinmirlng iumt mj ino iiiiernauoiiaiH marched to t, M 4..... .....1 .1 .1.... .. "S wiij iiiim tiuiiimiiiuii iimi lllt'Ml in' coiiio out. Thin wiih riiimtod mid t jiiiuriiiiiioiiniH iKKlliirud tllliy would At...... ....a. flt... - ilium urn. i mi promise nru micoUifl .....I ... .... I.. ...... 11 I ,rW M. i. un ui iiiuinii. until iiiiiu started enter tho gnto tho Italian dnorki... 1 t Lit. (.. . ' nruu upon linn, huh wiih ipn. kiv , iowcu ny an oxoiimi(,o;o several in drod shots. Tho front mid sidn ,,i buildings woro riddled with imii, but no ono Iiiih boon reported Injur Police olllcors ills Pernod tho iM,,i, I'.vory fnotory closed nt noon u,t day. Tho mayor lias sworn In ion tru policemen, and tho sheriir lilln on numorotiH deputies to his Um, iiinjiir ikmuuu it prucnimimoi) lirlni) torcniignt procunHioiiN ami do mm tioiis oi tlio rival trades unions pim, for tonluht. Tho Internationals havo nlimit members hero, while tho ItosiHtiim muni tiers milliner over ,1,000. Uliii.ii li l..l(.... it... . """v ..1'iinii, inn vuy nun i' routed n wildly excited condition, ,, tun streets in tlio neighborhood oi cigar faotorloo havo been thron ll.ltll .Kin.. 1.1 'M.I.. 11111 'Ulllli 411IH 111 ItTllJUOI), 1 I)) meeting oi business men passed a r lution uuthorlr.ing tho chairman to point conimiuooH, wnicn thu nn. din. 'llicBO committees mot nnd tw that nil tlio mini should go to work morrow morning. Tho Intornntim; havo agreed to this proposition pru cully, but tho lieslntlancia I'nim, is mi oxtromu i still considering tho matter It tho blood, but thought it will bo ndonted llllfntn tin ing. All tho factories nru now m guarded by deputies. MESSENGER BAXTEM'S VICTll Council 1 1 1 ii IT lliililmr thn Oiitmtt Wtinltlir I'Miiillf. ChlciiKO, Nov. 10. Thu bandit i I.11I...1 A ..... I n i . . . Yim Kiiimi wuiuuur last ny r.Xid .MoNsongur Pnxtor, on thu Kami ('A bt. Joseph iv Couiall Wolfs raiiroaif mid to havo boon thu niitcnat wealthy Massachusetts family Information was given Ijieutuinuit han, ot (lotoctlvu Headquarters. jj "crook" whom ..... ... .1.. . .n.llm Inl,.n .1 1...ll.l " .UKJ.1IH UM.r .......... ..i... , imH known for yean but tho reports Indicate that iiu is still nlivo. THE COLOMBIAN WAR. A Declalvs KngiiKriiKiiit liny Mure lleen Fought. New York, Nov. 10. Late advices from Cartagena say a spooial from Panama, Colombia, indicates that a decisive engagement may have been fought between the revolutionists and government troops in iiolivnr province General liufael Uride, head of the rebels, was still at Coioual on Novem bet 7, organizing his forces for an ad vonco on iiarranquilla. Ho had incor- Wits C'ourap ii r thn tfnltril Mtntfta. Thero is no hesitation in energetical ly denying tho Jvirape.-iti Implication that the Unitod Status govornmont is moved in its Chinoso courso by scnti uiontnl nnd unbusinesslike considera tions. On tho contrary, it is )iointud out that, whilo sentlmout is on tho side of our govornmont in this matter, it is accompanied by tho soundest busi ness considerations. Tho animating purposo of tho stato department now is to provont the destruction of Chinoso integrity upon pretexts; to maintain too opon door, lor wnicn our govern porated into his armv most ol tlio gov ernment troops ho captured at Corogal, mont long has contended, nnd to so euro and is said to havo been joined by many ! indemnities for tho past, and guaran- Farm Machinery Plant Burned. Chicago, Nov. 17. A special to the Record from Geneva, 111., says: Fire totally destroyed the plant of the Ap- ploton Manufacturing Company in this city. It started in tho paint shop. Tho loss is $250,000. Thu company manufactured farm machinery. MncArthur Ileuiovei tha Cemorshlp. Manila, Nov. 17. Tho censorship was removed touny. General Mao Arthur, howover, has issued directions to tho cablo cdmpauies ordering thorn to furnish him with n copy of all pross dispatches. Return of the I.oeuii. Ban Francisco, Nov. 17. The trans- port Logan arrived from Manila tonight and went into quarantine Tho Logan brings 278 siok soldiers, 80 prisoners and eight Insane. recruits from tho Bitriouuding country who had been attracted by his success. With captured supplies and trans port he was then practically ready for an ndavneo, and it was believed ho would soon march on tho imitortant coast ports. General Ospina, with a strong gov ernment force on November 7 was re ported as having arrived at Ovojus, a short march from Kl Carmen, whoro the first opposition was to bo offered to the advance. El Carmen is a strong 8trugotio point. Should Uride' defeat Ospiua'H army, it is buliovod at Panu- ma the government resistance in the east would bo practically overcome and IlaianquiUa and Cartageun will again tail into tlio hands of tho rebols. "nclflo Mall Presidency. New York, Nov. 16. A meeting ol tho directors of tho Pacific Mail Com pany is to be held tomorrow, at whioh it is likely a president will be eloctou to succeod tho late 0. P. Huntington It was stated on good authority that tho man, if agreed upon tomorrow, will bo named by Southern Paoiflc in terests. It as boon furthor ascertained that tho recent extraordinary buying on the stock exchange of Pacific Mail shares wns mado for the Southorn Pa cific, and that this company now con. trols an absolute majority of the out standing stock of $20,000,000. Ordered to Leave France. Paris, Nov. 15. Caesar Delia Croco, who was naturalized in Now York in 180B, has been ordered to leavo France within 24 hours or be imprisoned. Croco said the roasons for his expul sion wero political. Ho has recently been dependent on oharlty, Booking aid from tho United States embassy, con sulate and charltablo institutions, though he conteuds ho is about to como into a fortuuo. Last year ho was ar rested at Toulouse, imprisoned and ro- leased at tho Intervention of the Unit ed States ombussy here. toes for tho futuro. A TERRIBLE PENALTY. The Union, Colo., Murderer Ilurned at tho Ntake. Limon, Colo.. Nov. 10. Chained to a railroad rail sot firmly in lho ground, on tho exsvit spot whoro his fiendish crime was committed, Preston 1'ortnr, Jr., or, as ho was familiarly known, John Porter, this evening paid a terri ble ponalty for his deed. It was 0:23 o'olock when the father of thu murder ed girl toucliod tho match to tho fuel which had been piled around tho ne gro, ami 20 minutes later a last con vulsive shudder told that lifo was ex tinct. What agony tho doomed boy suffered whilo the flames shnvoled up his 11 eeh could only be guossod by tho torriblo contortions of his faco nnd tho cries ho gnvo from timo to timo. The exocutlonors, who numbered nbout 800 citlzoiis of Limou county, hod not tho loast semblanco of tho or dinary mob. Thoir ovory net was do liborato, and during nit tho wo pur a tions, ns woll as throughout tho suffer ings of tho negro, hardly an unnoces sury word was spoken. Grimly they stood in a circle about the flro until tho bodv was ontlroly cousutnod and thon qulotly thoy took thoir way back to Limon, from whonco thoy departed lor their Homes shortly afterward. Attack on the KaUer. Uroelau, Nov. 10. Emporor William was tho object of an nttomptod outrago today whioh, however, failod. As ho was driving in nn opon cnrriiigo to tho oulrassior barracks, accompanied by tho horeditury priuco of Snxo-Meiuing- or, a woman in the crowd hurled a short hnnd-choppor, or hatchet, at tho oorriogo. Tho hatchet struck tho oar- rlago, but the rapidity with which tho vehiolo was passing saved its occu- JeMe Jaiuea' Widow. Kansas City. Mo., Nov. 1C Mrs. Zeralda James, widow of Jesse James, tho noted Southwestern bandit, died at ner homo hero today of a complica tion of disoasos, ufter a lingering ill noas. KfTeot of Colombian Karthquahe. Washington, Nov. 10. Mr. Itussoll, United Statos charge at Caracas, re ports that tho earthquako in Colombia last month waB much moro sovero than at first discovered. The peoplo desort ed thoir houses and slept in tho stroets, and between 12,000 and 16,000 build ings wuro destroyed or damagod. Uub'nlo Plague In Kgjpt. Cairo, Nov. 16. Two fresh cases of bubonic plague aro reported in Alexandria. L pants. Head Kml Colllalnn. Oil City, Pa., Nov. 10. A houd-ond collision betweon u Pennsylvania oxtrn freight train nnd n Luko Shoro passetr ger train occurred two milos west of Polk tonight. Iloth engines wero de molished, nil of tho passongor couohos loft the tracks, and -10 oil mid coal cars of the freight woro dorailod. Prevented Negrom Krom Votlns. Loxingtou, Nov. IO.-tA. S. Thomp son, a prominont farmer of Ilourbon county, Goorgo Lonry nnd Samuol Adams, oolorod, woro hold in $1,000 hull by United States Commissioner Hill to tho fodornl court tho first Mon lny in January, nt Frankfort, ohargod with oonspiruoy to provont negroes from votlug at tho lost olootlon, It Is ohargod that crap games woro started and tho negroes participating weio ar rested just beforo the olootlon so ns to keop them away from tho polls. 4 . t I . i . . . -i navo hi reason to nouiil tlio inn story," said the lieutenant, 'mull though ho is it thief, 1 havo confldil I in hid word. A week lir 1(1 dnjij j foru tho train hold-up on tlio Khu ' vity, nt. jsoopn x council mum rfl j road, my informant mot the man I in Chicago. Thu plans were thou! 1 ing mado for tlio hold-up, 'Kvum ! cyo on tlio paper, said tho man, you'll hear of Komuthlng near Couq i IllulTs.' My Informant did not t 1 know that n train was to bo held but when ho read of thu attempted : bory nnd tho killing of ono of thu I dits, ho knew who it wax that did! job. Later ho saw a picture nnd 3 scriptlon of thu dead robber nnd red nlzod tha man nt onco. Ho would I toll mo thn immo of tho thief who killed by the uxpress intsfcncor, si said It would only sudden a family 1 jmvo had their slmro of sorrow fori acts of a wayward son." WHOLESALE BODYSNATCHIf Horrible Dlaciivrry Mnile In a Sllrlill Cemetery. Knlnmnzoo, Mich., Nov. 10- nuthoritloH of this city were infonfl today of a horrible case of wliolei bodysuntchlng which took place iui Springbrook cemotcry in Newul county. Nino bodies, so fur ns kud nt present, woro exhumed and all! ono woro thono of portions who had i within tho vast your Tho ninth ' tim, which is supposod to havo I Mrs. Henry Knowles, although body is in such a stato of docompj tion us to bo unrocognlzab'o, was i covered in n hedge fenco about a (i tor of a milo fiom tho cemetery. diod bout flvo yoars ngo. The con tory is in nn isolatod spot, and un Wednesday thero had not been a bul thero for nourlv throo wooks. 8 Isnao Duuton, tlio sexton, went to j n urnvo yostordav. tho discovery mado of remnants of collius, will scorned to havo beon knocked npj with nn nx and woro strown uboatl grnvoyard. Itenmlni ot n Train Itnhlier. Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. 10. Hotivl Cnsa Grando nnd Floronco n pnrtl humors found n skeleton which isg Moved to ho tho romalns of HttrtB vord, loador of ono of tho most flosj ato bands of train robbors that opornted in Arizona, Thoro is senj lv anv doubt that ho was killed William Sitlos, one of tho momhois tho tmnir. Wild animals had torn tho flosh from tlio skoloton, lint pd liar murks on tho skull and fllliiitdj tho tooth mado identification euro. Thrno Ilnnirlnira In ArUonit. Phnnnlr. Ariz.. Nov. 10. On thn tmoxiiectod hannens and furi olomonov is oxtondod by Presidout j Kin ev or Govomor Ulurpiiy, tnruu i will lin hniiDod Kalnrdav for inn rd in Arizona. Thomns and Willi iinl.l.imnn will hn nroouted nt Tol cfnim for thn killiiiL' of Tod Mooro, Sautingo Ortoz will pay t' ath nlty for tho murdor ot w. a. Moffafl E P it t 0 hot II 'I It e h bit I Pi. In ill ,t In Ml Mr al, ilOl) hi till) pr I tin till I on ott r.i Throe Kirroe T.ynohoil. Tffnrantl. TflX.. NOV. 10. TlirOOS uuaowatvw" . m 3 ,,n imii Imon nrrostod lorifl Kiuua ii.iv. ... i j..,. .mi utrnmiiiiuu w a-- m.ll.Mn.nnrn tnkoll from tllO jOll 1 t. niiknowii norsons nnd nnnj fhn railroad bridco across Cypl i. Thn nfioroos llrtd OOUfOSSOIl ""r"'..... " Th mob that did i.... nipomnnnrod tho jailer tefephono lino o t.mt jailer could not cominunicnto vi"j sboria. Peso ,rei, V.vv Pot aaj ""ent otil, hue