A V1I.LAG15 BLACKSMITH SAVED 111S JjITTLB SON'S LIKE. Mr. lit II. Black, tho well-known village blacksmith nt Grahaniavillc, Hullivnn Co., K. Y ; "Our llttlo urn, five years old, lias always been sub ject to croup, ami so bad have the at tacks been that wo have feared many times that ho would die. Wo have had the doctor and useil "hiniiy medicines, but Chamberlain's Couh Remedy is now our solo reliance. It seems to dis solve the tough mucus and by giving freunont doses when theuroupy synip toma appear wo have found that the dreaded croup is cured beforo it pets aettled." There is' no danger In giving tins remedy for it contains no opium o other injurious drug and may be given as confidently to ti habeas to an adult Kornalu by Bunkos Duuo Co., Cottage Grove. Lyon'h k Ai'1'i.kciati:, Drain Druggists. ' SOTICiTFoiriUJnLlCATION. Land Oijice at lloseburu;, Oregon. Oetolrer 22.' 1000 Notice is herel)v uiven that the fol lotting-nained settler lias filed notice of Jus intention to make nnal proot tn sup port of his claim, and that said proo will 1m made before Joel Ware, U Commissioner, at. Kuuene. Lane County Oregon, on December 1. 1000, viz: Ellen Thompson, formerly tuien u nite, on n K. No. SG10, for the SW H NAV M See. 12. Tp. 20 S,, It. 1. West. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: John Frost of Wulkei. Lane county Oregon, Latfson Single, John Elliot, Al Til...... ffll C . J. T. BllIIXlKS, . Register, SIX KRIGHTKUL FAILURES. Six terrible failures of six dilTercn doctors nearly sent "Wnr. II. Mullen o Loekland.O., to an early grave. All said he had a fatal lung trouble and that he must soon die. But he was urged try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. After taking five bottles he was entirely cured. It is positively guaranteed tocurc all diseases of Throat Chest and Lungs, including Coughs Colds, La Grippe, Pneumonia, Bron- ehitis, Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup, Whoopinc Coimh. 50e and $1.00. Trial bottles free utBEXsox Druo Co Store. Continued from First page. here than in Cripple Creek and of a much higher commercial value. But the prospector here is com pelled to throw over his dump ore of a better value- than the average worked at Leadville. Then there is tlje fluxes to be shipped in. Let me say to you there is but a very little of that required that is not produced in our own catup and a is proven, by proper management this can be made a paying bust ness. The merchants here will profit by creating a market for their supplies. The miner will profit by beintr furnished a cash market for his product, enabling "him to do more development, increasing the value of his ptoperty while he is getting money enough out of it to live on. The snvelter will pay a dividend to its stockholders instead of levying an assessment. The miners will form an agree ment to furnish the ore graded, so there can be no possible show of loss to the smelter people. There is now ar assured amount of ore to keep a 20 ton smelter in operation for two years, and in that time there will be enough development to require more capacity if a market is furnished. Ross. m o y n n 1 bfl iti m rj if kami 11 u n I HI' ART ClitcitKO. l-ort'iuuv j-oj'lnl OilSn m AtlnmlK r.xpres '.) pin Vli limit. Iimtoti Time Schedule Suit jliO. I'onvor, l-'t. Worth, OmnliH.Kiin. 8118 i.lty, St. Louis, Chicago niul 1 nit. Suit l.nko, Denver I't. Worth, Omnhn.Knn. wis City. Si. Uml, Chicago undiist. Stuikiuio l-UyCr 0 p in WhIIii Walla, l.owls ton, SH)1nno, Min neapolis, St. l'lllll, I ninth, Milwaukee, ChloiiKo mul lUist . 8 i III ileum Stra.msmii's All snllliiK dates tib- Joet to chimifo. Tor Sun l-'riiiielsi-o Sail ovory Ailnyn Drug BRAVE EXPLORERS Like Stanley and Livingstone, found it harder to overcome Malaria, Fever and Ague, and Typhoid disease germs than savage cannibals: -but thousands have found that 'Electric Bitters is :i wonderful cure for all malarial diseases, If you have chills with fever, aches in back of neck and bead, and tired, worn out feeling, a trial will convince you of their merit. XV. A. Null of Webb, III., writes; "My children suffered for more than a year with chills and fever; hen two bottles of Electric Bitters cured them. Only 60c. Try them Guaranteed. Sold by Benson Duua Co., Druggist. EDITOR SEES WONDERS. Editor "W. V. Barry of Lexington; Tenn., in exploring Mammoth Cavp. con tracted a severe case of Piles. His quick cure through using Bucklen's Arnica Isalve convinced him it is another world's wonder. Cnrts Piles, Injuries, Inflamation, and all Bodily Eruptions. Only 25c at Bexsox Dkuo Co, MADE YOUNG AGAIN. "One of Dr. .King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks lias put me in my 'teens' ngaih" writes I). II. Turner of Denipseytown, Pa. They're the best in the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 25c at Bunso.v Du.ua Co., Drug Store. SENT FREE. So sure are we that. the locating of a lew of our Electrjc Belts will develop into numerous sales of our Belts and Appliances, that wo aie willing to send 0110 free to any sufferer from the follow ing diseases : Cold extremities, Crysto cele, Female weakness, Kidney com plaint, Leiicorrhca, Liver complaint, Paralysis, Lost vitality, Nervousdobility, Keif abuse, Worn-out women, Sciatica, "Weak and Nervous women, Irregular menstruation, Impotoncy, Rheumatism. Diminutive Shrunken and Undeveloped Sexual organs, and Catarrh. Address for illustrated circular, etc., fc'anharium City Electrical Co., Rattle Creek, Michigan. I ftx To remove a troublesome corn or bunion: First soak the corn or bunion THANKSGIVING ON THE FA KM. By F. II. Sweet Oh! the farm was bright, Thanksgiving morn, With its stacks of hay and shocks of corn, Its pumpkin heaps in the rambling shed, And its apples brown, green and red; And in tho cellar, its winter store In bins that wero tilled and running o'er With all the tilings that a farm could keep, In barrel and bin and goodly heap, Hung to the rafjers, and hid away Oh ! the farm was a pleasant place to stay ! And here and there was the Jersey stock, The sheep and horses, old Prince and Jock, The turkeys and geese and awkward calf, And the goats that made thu children laugh ; A pair of mules that a friend had sent Out to the farm 011 experiment, Pigeons and fowls and a guinea pig, Dogs that were small and (logs that were big, Chickens that were white and black and gray Oh! the farm was a pleasant sight that day! ' - Out back of the house the orchard stood, Then came the brook and the chesuut wood, I The old saw-mill where the children ' play, The fodder barn with its piles of hay, The walnut grove and thecranberiy bog, The woodehuck hole and the barking log, The wintorgreen and the robber's cavo (Wherein who entered was counted brave.) The skating-pond with its fringe of bay Oil ! the farm was a pleasant place to stay ! The big homo barn was a placa of joy For the romping girl and the climbing boy, With beams and mows and ladders to mount, Horses and oxen aiid sheep to count, Hunting of nests of sly old hens, Tunnelling hay and fashioning dens, Helping the men to do up the chores, Shutting windows and locking the doors, Letting some work come iu with the play Oh ! the farm was a jolly place to stay ! Oh! the pantry shelves wero loaded down With cakes that wero plump and rich and brown, With .apple pies and pumpkin and mince, And jellies and jams and preserved quince, Cranberry sauce and puddings and rice, The dessert dishes that look so nice, Vegetables, breads and bonbons sweet, A great brown turkey and plates of incut, bailees fixed m the daintiest way Oh ! 'twas a glorious sight that day! Daily Kx. Sunday S l 111 Saturday 10 ) lit C a m Kx. Sunday. 7 a m TuoO'hnr. and Sat. COI.UMIIIA RtVKll srcMKiis To Astoria and Way-Landing. WlLMMftrTK ItlVIill Oregon City, Newborn Salem and Way-Uuul. lags. Nat.stKTTK AXU Vamiiii.i. Itivuns Oregon rity, llnvion mid Way-uuidlnts. Leave lttfmrla ,":.via ni lllll IS SN KR HIV.KI! ltlpiirla to Lew Iston. AlllllVK t l la 8:10 am I i 111 1 11. tn Kx. Sutid'y l::!0i tn Kx.Suud'y .'lifti 11 in Mini. Wed. and Kri. Leave I.owiUm 1'allv '.1 a in W. H. HURLBURT General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregoji. vioit DH. JORDAN'S cheat im?m of &kaiw :051 MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL (LctwKQ Slxlh iul Seventh J Thplarcct Anatomical UEjoum In tlio Wurid. Orrateat attraction in the City. JL xopnturjui uuaijor viitiort. irenlmohM'N, ornnycontrnct" (MlUheuelnnaltlvf.-t'urnl hy thn nlilfwf. Hnivli.llt itt. tl.n .untfl.. Cuiuu iiUbllslitd M yarn. A nn Hlnmil rnniiTr nmr.in.-n ' un. uu.iurt.i ri;uii t uiacHsla ToiiBg nn'ii atid ml.lillr I nc.'U uit'ti wan un niiirerliiK tnim lite rai-cti of youthful InilK-1 years. Ncrvi,ii3umlph,Vle:ii DrMlllj , Iiii. l'lcn. Giiiiorrlicpn, Cilrrt, l'rrqiif.,tr r UrlciallHc. fir. Ily couililiintlon of remodlM, ot Kreut curatlvn powrr, tlio Poctur i iiivisunrrnmtpt! 1111 ircuimnc Illlil 11 will not A only ulHird Imm.'dlale rll-t. but permuneiit r t cure, luo Doctor dan nut claim toni'tdirm A ' miracles, bat H well known to bo a fair mat P . rinltHre Plivnlrliin iinil Kurirnti. tirnpmtnni ) Iu blspeclaltr Dlirnui ot Slvn. a . SYI'IUI.IS thnrouBhly erndlcnted from 1 thn system without tliouseof JJcrrur.i. a rrawi ntleu by an JJxperL Itatllrnl rure lor Rimlniw. A niililr fltirl m,tti-.,i A cure for Pllrit, I'lonro nud riluluc.by Wn I f tW conctirrm and Mb ,JP' ityo..' mi on.M-rovoltOYonriuMro-i. WITHOUT A OEM IN AUVlKiJE. f "i 'YJVt ORDER, iitalliftlKryouwMil;ilr';a'ii)an,i -I. CO. II. an Ainu ova , ollaa ,u yautu unci n to iir.il n , it LVioro voti accent It if 1 1 u 1 anilimmitlianwt ' it mil rnr a r Mimra i i u n ilc"' r.-i in nnr o cl c. rcfam It anil wo will ly all oxiiroMcliamm ill niii fltioolal Afifiit'H iiiiI I'rluu of 'fIOiii.' . thi "cSt harUlu'la a Mt-yrlr off c'.l. Wo itui.tkl.l 11 oa'!rycTO,.VlimuVa!.w. if vmi do imt t, in trHVorcpitwiit. Woarti l.Alil.t'Hn 1. 1IH11 t.'l.i: M'A.NI I'M VI'ltr.IIH ami tAko tliU nictljud of iiulfkly, l.itn.iiicinn our J0ll .M li.l.i. Till" ollVr nf n namil liil at IfiNUw l.ilcoU n'ltlDEn AtlEtttn each town to mirfwvntui laalptli'Pcuixi a ltlUt.lt i J 'S."."",;.".. v: ! 'm ii,.i.i l,li... nin.l, u.t Willi II'ITI'II V'lll.nir- faitcn kcat tM'iit aad U liulM anil finncn'rw "A" llrm. Hi" I ml olio of lli o kmiiiIiki I Jlinlnn'r llrl'l m lilloi twilttti. tiMiUanil wwoiIm tlio l nbUlnalil. hliamclwl la rnuuioi l-"""'. ' . iii.l.lip.t nml nrnaiiiuiilMll llMvrl&l linYhca nw"l . . ll lal.rlit i.atin. Wo tl.r.mitlitr U..t.u;ry.r of mMi'rtnl that ttc Into Ul wnehlne. Our kliiillni: jntt't ttmn SPtiGSriSATIOHS. i iiniw ul inlnta. Iiaiaorcd riimnilcr tloloo .i fi Juiiliilai twilali. tiMilnanil wcwoiW tlio Iwl NOTIOK l-01tl'irill10ATl0; united HlaifM I,mi( oin t. Honebing, Oieeun (h.( i, !'0' .Kollco Is hi. roily uVvimi 1 1 1 . t 1H,' . liu.ee will. tl.uyp? ,v ,m if'V' 1 ! I'M IIIM MII11I iir '"V I'UuIh Iii Imiilml . 7 .T. ....", Y HlHtes of Ciillforn . r ,,,mlH. 11 and Wael.lne IT" vllJ N ii " " v. 1 iiury, .iu "nV'IS "to any ono Kiullnir tlio MfUlOrMh la full with onlr t IU t'lSKE ioml tit'O a Itcnutoo llunllrb 10,0110 uillo liil lltrrn rjfliv iiiitrr. or a lilKli irrado floor .uinn. Your iiHny a" 'wc. If yon ro Knl UTinarT'lUUPCI C Wo do not inanufartnm Mia eliean iltri- tjllLMI nriUCLdi raontiilon' klml or iiw , men Mur ium i.nHu. ..ii.m ml u.l im hlirli irratie. wo mil iiirnim iiinm. up hi 'ntYli'ncili nrM.! tu IIJ.I0 complete Wo uu.ttot Bitnrn in "trjmmi. 'iHlV. IMl:l!I.MI a lilcycla or any ono ciii.mi innu-r nn it how ul lot n tell J ou !iow inncU wo can Mra you oil I hi, fi" :' '''V ,, ,. : In OllVawlii'cl Kuranawlityiuto HAIt.V A "If ' 'f ; UMlbtx to Urn tii'Juufcatdpi.:vr"VLt,y rou . ,. . ..i.i ... ...i.thim, N.urfMi liAArt n itr;i.ii mi.eiinivTiiii.i wi 1 Vo.i Tout a -i it T.Vl each I al o o;n''io)oni umplM a;.d MwA,?J,ffl Olllt Itllf.l.Vlttl.lTV liuninuwiloiwl. V.'o rcfrc to any lnk or I. wliiw ralli-oail coniiwny. Wo will wml you lotlyM of irfuroucc illrw-t from III" lamwt "" 'l,JJtt,V1it?i,l JIi! iu Ot?tlH Vfllin nni",M:i t Jny. TliHowir iru tlm.itlal forawof hlpiiwalwlluoutilciwuiwiii bttiU lUUll UlitSljll lv withdraw lvriiwioo ( 'iil.oi.ami'i.f tld Ki'-r. Tho practical nido of ecionco is roflootcd in niiiio lJ".l."lSV'!".".' II"' K a or B;..!.f .?! Kit 111 llJWIlMllllt ,i Utl Lt West, and will' ,.Vr 1 "'"'jw t Umber or hiui.u IMI1 HirmH.'s and lu eMi.bllHl, h c I ' hi. d land lirfon. tli l(t.i, 'r B f eeiver of tl.U (jlllee at ltoJcl , ,r ' fJ onbatu.d,.y the 'Juu, day 0l Cuj Ho namcHiiH wllnenNVH: I Joseph I'eikliiM, John U.kI, A 1'blllll.H, 1.1). lilnier oftX-'r,' Aiiv. iiiiiI 11 pi-rHoiis elalMilnj vcm-ly he abuve-ik'ncrlbe,! ,9 ri.iiluiulii. I.. III., .l i . : ,,""IIB i inn uirir I'liiitni, j olllcoonor before Haiti Uth dnv nti ceinbur, 1000. y J.T. ItltllHIKH, ItfKlHt Paints M'o Curry a l'till Line ,,t PAINTS, OII.S, 11UUSIIHS WAU, PAPUK, GI, A EVr.HY MAX nnnlylne to in will receiver .lrio;i'f onfafonnf lilaroninlaliit. A Ife will Ounrantee a VOMTIYJS CU2E tn V L-onviunriiin l ukis nun pirictiy pnvaio. citAnur.8 VMtr reanoxaiilix . Treatment personally or by teller. Write fur Boole. IMIII.OSOI'UV OF ' MAKItlAfli:. JfAiLKD I'uue. (Aviduaulo oooKiornjeu.j lauorwriie DX mom & CO.. 1051 Market St., S. F. SOUTH AND EAST VIA SHASTA ROUTE OF TUB N THE in Oh! tho farm was bright, Thanksgiving morn, The sun shone elearon tho hav and corn. fit warm waiemo Boiien it, men pare K Tlio guestH came early with laugh and Trains leave Cottage Grove for Port land end way Btationa at, 3:07 a. in., 12 -SO p. m. Lv. I'ortlund 8:OTa. m. 7:('0p. m. Lv. Cottage Grove 1 it'll a. in. 2:57 p.m. Ar. Ashland 12::Ut a. in. 11 ::iua. ni. Ar. Sacramento... 5:00 p. in. -1 :."15 a. ni. Ar. San Francieco. 7:45 p. in. 8:15a. in. Ar. Ogden 6:45 a. ni. 11 :45 a. in. Ar. Denver !):00a. m. 0:00 ti. m. Ar. Kansas City.. 7:25 a.m. 7:25a.m. Ar. Chicago 7:45 a.m. fli-lOa m. Ar. Lo1" Angeles.. 1:20 p.m. 7:00a.m. Ar. Kl Tapo 0:00 p. in. 0:00 p. m. Ar. Fort AVrirth.. . 0:S0 a. m. :S0 a. m. Ar. City of Mexico 0.55 a, m. 0:55 a. in. Ar. Iloitnton 4:00 a. m. 4 :P0a. m. Ar. Nhw Orleans.. 0:25 p.m. 0:25p.m. Ar. Washington.. 0:42 a.m. :42a.m. Ar. New York 12:43p.m. 12:43 p.m. Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Og den and El Paso, and tourist cars tn Cliicaeo, at. Louis, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Ja pan, China, Philippines, Central and South America. Fee T). T. Awbrev, Agent, Cottago Gtove Station, or address 0. If. Mahkiiam, G. P. A. Portland. Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. down as closely as posaiblo without drawing blood and apply Chain borlain'a Pain Balm twice daily; rubbing vigor ously for five minutes at each applica tion. A corn plaster should bo worn for n foiv days, to protect it from tho shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm is iinequaled. Try it. For ealo by shout, And the boyd and girls scattered about, Seeking the pets they had known be fore, Climbing' through window instead of door, Racing from barn to corn-crib or mill, Shouting and laughing with gleo, until Tho diunor-horn sounded. Oil ! I say, Laud Office at Ilosoburg, Oregon. September 21, 1000. Notice iH hereby given that tho following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make-final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said nroof will bo made before. Joel Ware. U. S. Commissioner, at Euireno. Oregon, on November 12, 1900, via: George A. Miller on II U. No. 7428 for tho NW 1-4. Sec. 10, T, 21 S.,U. 1 Ii. lie names tlio followine; witnesses to prove his continuous residenco unon and cultivation of said hind, viz:- James lloninson. Wi hner Smith, of Eugene, Oregon, Lawrenco Ilicky, II jiarr, ot rortiauii, uregon. J. T.'UitiwoKH, Register. A monthly publication of inestimable vnltio to tho Btudent of every day scientific problems, tho mechanic, tlio industrial export, tho manufacturer, tiio inventor in fact, to ovory Avido-awako person who hopes to better his condition by using his brains. Tho inventor, especially, will find, in The Patent Record a guide, philosophor and friend. Nothing of importance ..Illnnl ..T !,U SI A.... I nf rV,1ft mlltlfO. ll-fr V I ll 1 1 1 f T IU IIIVI. scntcd in clean, conciso fashion, so that the busiest may tako time to read OclSll clIlCl IJO()l and comprehend. Tho scientific and industrial progress of tho ago is nccur atcly mirrored in tho columns of The Patent Record, and it is tlio only publication in tho country that prints tlio official news of tlio U. S. Patent , Kstimtitca Cheerfully given Office and the latest dovelopcmcnts in tho field of invention without fear all classes of work or favor. sunscnii'Tiox price onu dollak n:n yk.vk. THE PATENT REGORD, Baltimore, Md. A Few Bargains in Real Estate Offered by XT Xt I t I Haiti ah wa1 liumun 11 uu lito 9 No. s6 2co acres well improved land, 150 acres in growing grain; 2 miles from Cottage Grove, 1-4 mile from' railroad; 53,500. Terms easy. No. 78 520 acres in Douglas county, 16 miles from Cottage Grove: well watered, good house, large barn; 175 acres in etiltuation, balance pasture; $4,500. No. 68 A2-acre tract 1 mile from depot; house, ham and orchard; $325. No. 77 5 lots and good 2 story dwelling near C. V. church; $1,700. No. 63 House and lot; $325. We have for sale several choice building lots, tracts, stock ranches, a sash and door factor and Bohemia mining property. HEMENWAY & WHITE, Cottage Grove, Ore. ....AOUNTS l'OK. HAVE FOBMOEE TIUS 35 V2AKS BtKH ITINERATED FOIt TIIKIIt KXTIlEBEACCtJUCT J v 1Vt mrtl:n niii" J -1 S "Diamond' $ 1'iStol with two STtvoa-DuuaND HotsaTAWT tbrx.1 o lengths of .barrel, 6 and 10 incJicx. livery one guaranteed. 1'ricc, Postpaid, $5.00 with 2 G-lnch barrel: $7.t0 with 10-inch barrel. Wc make a full lino of rtjlcn; rrice,froni $0.00 upwards, Every arm we turn out is wurranted SAPE, SOLTD AND ACOUItATK, J. STEVENS TOOL a v... 1. 1 ... a i , t . t , ! . .. - 1. 1 1 r r 1, i. riiiriinnn i, 1 1 t uice 00.. EW'VJfa Clcavclanil : Collage : Cl The L'est Keady-Mixed Pain the market. Mm k Lwsen. NOTICH I'pit ri lil.K ATlO.V Iinil Olllce a KoxcliurL', Oiri;! hepteinlivr n .Mitire is nerenv given that tlu-d iim-uameil nettler him llletl notlco intention to iniike Until proof in hii 01 iiih ciaiin, it f id unit fit I1 pruol v niaiie ii lore joci nre. 1 . i;otrS nioner tit l-.ttgene, Oregon, on N'ovi1 12. 1U00. vise. JanieH A. ltnliiimii II . K. No. 7427 for thu NH 1-1, .Si T. 21 i?.. It. 1 K. I ) :;:iiiii'r) the following witne.-i prove hie euntiniioiiH reiiiilt-m't-tipnij cultivation ul ralil latiil, vix : (u-orne A. Miller, Vihner Smi Kuueiie, Oreu'i'ii, birt'ienee Ilit-kv A. llarr, of l'ortlauil, Orcuon. J. '1'. lliiiixiriS IH';!!' NOTICK 10 It l'Um.lCATION y Ubnho.v Dkuo Co., CottaKe Grovo. 'Ttvas nleasant upon tho farm that day! vo.vs & Ai'J'J,koate, Drain Druggist. I . ro fiavo on hand Jargo Btoek of Jsilu-dneu looruii,', x-'elint; and rustle in you uperiiU jirieoa. J3ooin-Kj:i.i.y Lvmjser Co. K. G. Dun, the head and front cradoa 1 2 and 8. Let un .m.k vm, " U4L wmmernui agency tuat ocars his name, died Saturday-last. in 'New York 611 "I have used Chainhorlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine," says Mr. E. S. I'liipps, of Poteau, Ark. "It cured moof hloody flux. I cannot speak too highly of it." This remedy always wins tho good opinion, -if not praiso, of those who usoit. Tho quick cures which it effects evon in tho most severe cases make it a favorito ovorywhero. For sale by Jin.Nso.v Daira Co,, Cottago Grove, Lyons & Ai-i'migatk Drain Druggist?. Jlohemia Nuggotand AVcekly Oreganianl $2.00 per yeur. Laud OlhYc at Itimebnn.', Ori-d Hcpteinlx-r'-'J. 1! Notice is hereby jjivon that lliefi inir niinitd eel tier Iiiih tlli-il iinlici-i intention to iiiako llnal priMif in port of liirt clit i 111 . and that h.-iIiI will ho made before Joel Ware, I J CotiiuitHHioner, at Kugene, Uri'itorj oveniiier im, niuu, vu: niiiiiu Phillipx on II. K. Ao, 7-107 fur tlu I NW1-ISAV 1-1, See. 28, T. 1US., He iinmeH the followini: vthmf prove his eontiniiuiiH reHlileni'v tniei cuitlvallon ot hiiIi! land, vu: U tar es Co eon . ti. W . nuiuii bert Fernet!. James law. of Cren Ore. I J.T. UltllKIKH, IteglHt I3KLGIAN HARES. Here is a chance to get your Into a paying business on a si :apital . I have a choice lot of h Ijrade Belgian Hares that l win 11 nairs at verv low uriccs. T Is no need to scud to UainoM Ivlien you can get the same tfl Iiere at home. Lord Britain FStyles, lashoda, Yukon, Red R !nnd other fashionable strains ai stock. V. A. Rankin, Eugeti I ndiiiliilmriilur (if thu t-ntulo of Vi in. Bulilim. Do Iccateil, him filed tils tlnnl ni-count In tho iibovo nainuil t-xtatu nnd that tho 8th 1ny ( Iiicc-omecr iuuu, 111 trio notiroi ono o ciovk 111 tho nfturnoon thereof hag boon not (or tho ilnto n( hearlngnuld llnal account lit tho iifllco of llio Oountv Judge, Iu KiiKcno, tune County, Ore Kon, 01 which imio aim mncouu iiortonii iiav liitrolijectinn to tho allowaiico and iipiirurnl I of tho mine mav iinneiir and bu hoard .. . . . . ...... naicu mm uin nuy 01 iovoinuor, ivuu. Jah. 11, Htkwaiit, Administrator, SOUTIIKRN OALIFOKNIA. Notably among the plcanurc.1 nflb Notice la horobv idvou that Jan, ll. Hiowart. I bv tho Shasta Route Is tho winter I. .1 ...... 1 11 ... (..t.t..U I I A I . t I !J to Southern California aim an Ronowed acquaintaneo with this sed will ever develop fresh points of Hit and added sources of enjoyment, ti its sunny skies, In tho variety of It dnstricH. in its prolific vegetation among it numberless resorts of m tnin, shore, valley and plain. Tho two daily Shasta trains Portland to California havo beon ll v nouinned with tho most appn pattern of standard nnd tourist sleej cars, but tho low rates 01 i eontliiuo in eireot. Illustrated guides to the winte sorts of California and Arizona ma had on application to , 0. II. MAIIKIIASf, G . P. A., Portland, Orcgo W. H. SMITH Proprietor of the CAEE ROYAL on River street, near the bridge, Cottagk Grov, Orb. Short orders day and night. Every thing first-class and the best the market affords. Marcus Daly, the Montana millionaire, died in New York 011 November 12, after an illness of many months, He recently re turned from Europe, where he had sought restoration of health. He was one of the great copper kings, of Montana, APMINJSTIUTOK'S NOTICE, n ( hnroby fiTlve: mlatod Administrator 1 tiventhatl have beeij 3 S nls'trator bl . thewtow 0. poinmii """"",,i AH persons VaiiBcholack, deceaseit. aii 1 red t0 cla m nBiilat eft!" Schers to mo a eon 1 1 h p 111 w 1 1 h Prop" , XW)tv, Or. a 111 oiiico at l-"'"'B"l""Arri tho dato of ai ...oiiin iy tnnnths from ino ",.. iia.cd this nth ?1!y, Ad.nlnl.rp