Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 16, 1900, Image 6

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    nrur? n.. -
",u vjioiv10DIUE
Natural l'licnumciimii Met wlth '"
l'urt or Colora.lo, Wyomliiti "il
Montana, Unit Science Hn Not Vet
Hud Opportunity of lnvetiKntluu.
"or nil the natural phenomena pocul
lar to tho Itoeky Mountain region nouo
. i terr 1) 0 UIU1I Uiu
mysterious storm known to the I milium
us -tlui whito Ueitth. Seh'iitltlc men
lmvu never jot lmtl an opportunity or
investigating It, because It cornea at Hits
most unexpected times ami may keep
uwny from a certain locality ror jram
Well-rend men who have ueou wining"
amount of money. Whew i iwrrea in
) KnirllHh army I havo stood beside
tlfo Indent Kn I when thoy wore
II red ) ''lit I imVO liover iiuiiiti liny
thing to compi'o to that thunder. When
I think of It y lert sine imgied, my
rlcht sldo eht ', ami tho cold tiwcat
HtiiiulN out on it y forehead."
O'Hrlen wiih found lying ttltnost under
tho hoofs of a homo that was standing
stock still, fearing to tiead on Mm. Ilo
was taken to tho University Hospital,
where tho doctors worked over him for
five hours before them wan any Hlgn of
returning consciousness.
Freeburn, the hoy, wan not Injured
at all.-'l'hlladclphlii North Aiuorlcnn.
HI Wife One oT tho AccoiiiplUlied
I.niltrn nt th" CniiHnl.
The Japaneso legation nt Washington
In one of the most popular and best ad
It say that It Is really a frozen fog. jut m,nUterwl of ,ho i,.KHt0iiH at tho enp-
where tho fog comes from Is more than
anvuue can bay. This phenomena oc
curs most frequently In the northern
part of Colorado, In WyoniUig. and oc
casionally In Montana
"About two years ago a party of three
women and two men wero crossing
North Park In a wagon In the mouth of
February. Tho air was blterly cold,
hut ilrv n.4 n lump and motionless. The
sun shoue with almost startling brill
laucy. As the live people drove along
over the crisp snow they did not export
euce the least cold, but really felt most
comfortable, and rather enjoyed the
Hal, yet It Is ono of
the youngest. Tho
first minister from
Japan visited thin
government only -10
years ago, and It Is
scarcely 110 years
since tho famous
embassy with Mr.
Iwnrkurn nt Its
head arrived here.
This embassy had
as Its object thu
making of treat lei
with tho United States and other civil
ttn I'rnrtl.'iil it
,N War.
Tho general iiiniiouv7ttof,;
knny, which Iinv . oftl'
hear Paris, mv , , JWi,
10 most striking r,.,lllr(! 7' mti
l,,e'- ary utility ih,. , 1
on an extensive,l7l'
tho most Intricate ,...,, ,' ' "om
far miln-rlor to horn..- J' '".Nr.,
gouoraU and most of" ule T, ,0'
their staffs have bo,,, fu '"'S:
mm, light motor vntH , 7' lt!
proved of tho utmost vah 1
"v I FT!
Hiiin-iiu-caiiip covered nn.
ileuted distances In f..I
Pfllllv. (Son It- . . ,uur" ll!
- hi-iv n uniAfii. .
trees by the roadside.
"suuueuiy one or me women i.iu ..r , , . . .""'"
remarked tliat . " , , " ' 111111
cars can lie utility .J
In that time he gavo eighty "e of horses by genernln m n,A
otllclal dinners and a banquet for 1.(100 Iters would appear doomed, HoatrftJ
I wuz scttin' with the sinners 'way back
by the door.
In the pew thut smiles a welcome meet
in' eveuin's to the poor.
I wuz jest the .hardest sinner that salva
tion ever knowed
A reg'Iar ol' backslider that had lost the
gospel road.
Twuz a Wednesday night pra'r' meet
in when they talked from left to
An the word come that the preacher
wouldn t be with us that night.
An "Who would lead the meetfn'r A
woman raised her han'.
An Jlolly, with the bright, sweet eyes,
marched up an took the stun !
heart wuz palpitatin'J an'
would Slolly say?
didn't keep me waitin' for
bright eyes shined my war!
give that ol' time hymn out an'
they sung with sweet accord.
With Molly's voice a-leadin' 'em "Come
Ye that Love the Lord!"
An' lots of 'em went up fer pra'r', an'
got religion true;
An' Molly called acrost the pews: "John,
ain't you comin', too?"
An' I come! I couldn't stan' It! They
hollered out, "Amen!"
Wltn Molly's ban' a-holdin' mine I got
religion tUen!
Atlanta Constitution.
tel., Mmitirnln inni;4 liriv illllL'H uwnv l . ..... . , - .
..,! utu... .... - - - - V 1 .....I utH,,! ..t.t n ..w,.n Tllll 1,11 If lll.llllllll.i l. .1
l.i i .llo.l.w.llv n m tlin iilii., " l'w.. ..v,. ----- ... .. mo toB .
wiuu u bwu ua iih"'( - - ,. . ,1,., .... ,i -i.. i innKii e n ((inmii.i,. .,.,.
lull. v ...v.- if..i, .' itiiitboai ( -- - v ..11111 Ot ttlA tJ
was AmlmHsatlor hvnkura with the ml eomemiinic itritiicH, ami fumIihn. (J
tt ....... , i. .I...V.1 r.,.... .. I rnintrnl with full 1
hand up to her f, co a. d renm rked nt - American capital that ho 'on by noon,
something had stung he ;r. 'ill ,un other omn)llwl , WnUlnKton for six1 Where nuto
..w. ,. . .... iu months.
n..l,t I,. ...v.... 4 11 .irt.iitll trfimttl tit
this. A moment later they noticed that . . wul" r". . B. ,cu n,, ? vvm auin waumu J
iiiuiK vt-i pvc-u iii-ii-, iiiiii iiuiiirLnillu ..wni ..... 1,11.11- iviira IUr tflf t03a
inivs are sun 10111 01 111s iiriuceiy en- uimsiinm. i no roaun around ChirfrJ
tertalnlng. Diplomatic Intercourse be- simply swnrin with auto cyfM J
tweeii the United .States and Japan was cars and wagons worked by clpctrWtJ
...I..I.II..I....I I... 11. f 1... I- ....!. . .. .....I . .. "m'Ji
rnmuiiaiii-u iv iiiiHiuiin vjnu, 111111 i'1-iiirii-iiiii nun nirain ACCUleoti iJ
since tlieu It uns never been Interrupt-, Inevitable, but they have Itow f.J
ine present Japanese minister, re
cently appointed, Is Mr. Tr.knhlra, who
served as consul general In Now York
In 1S01 and who also represented his
government as minister to China nt
several European cnpltaR
HE turned her head very slightly,
3) so that the man behind her caught
' tho narrowing of her eyes with.
sudden anger, and the tilting of her
rounded chin.
"Clumsy!" she said In a voice ringing
with scorn. Shq caught up her skirt,
just raising it from the ground, and
lmstcncd on. But she threw a few more
or less acceptable home thrusts ovfer
lier shoulder as she went.
"I can't think what you have been
doing with yourself lately. Not Im
proving, anyway. And you won't get
on in tiio direction you are taking, I can
assure you. It makes me Very doubtful
as to the truth of all your yarns of con
questthey are just wliat I. took them
for fairy tales, every one. For no girl
would be tame enough to bo trampled
on, If that is your habit. Oh, of course
you saw the braid hanging. You could
not be so bllndg that."
Sho gavo the offending skirt, with the
loop of braid dangling uncomfortably,
a further hitch. She had tho daintiest
ankles tho word expressed her alto
getherand the man following her
made no objection.
It was, Indeed, his continued silence
she seized on next to misconstrue.
"At least," she said, with sisterly
straightforwardness, "you might apologize."
They had reached the landing stage you say such an exceedingly nice young
where the boat was moored. The girl I mau, while you are about It?" sho
proceeded to take her place In It with f asked mockingly.
mounted. She actually hesitated be
fore she spoke.
So he was given the opportunity of
speaking, and this time he availed him
self, willingly.
"I do apologize," he said, "very hum
bly." Ills manner nud the laughter In
his eyes did not, however, accord
wholly with, such an attitude.
"Well really " she began, but he
Interrupted her.
"I will go further you will grant It is
a long way further I will explain."
"There seems room for It "
He was quite a genius at seizing his
chances. He took her words as a con
cession, and dipped his sculls into the
water at the same time.
"I shall be able to talk so much better
when we are moving," he said, artfully.
I fancy my stroke may prove as
worthy of comment as your brother's,"
he added. He was still smiling, and he
noted, with growing satisfaction, that
so was she.
"Well, of all the- "
"And you do not even know who 1
am! Cueek? On, don't be bard. Luck
If you like. I am proverbially lucky. I
am not to blame for that, am I? Your
I brother told you he was expecting his
I college cnum, cnarles Dean? I was
' Just coming along neither of you saw
jue. I beard you send hlni back. for
your enpt " he paused, with sudden
"You are not cold?" he questioned
anxiously. "I forgot, and I have noth
lug In the way of a.wrap to offer you
"No, I am not cold," she said, as stlflly
as she could.
"You walked on, you know, and then
tempfutlou. seized me. An evil spirit
disguised, most charmingly disguised,
as a piece of braid! And I could not re
sist It. I was only afraid you would
think I had been suspiciously quick
for a brother.'' . ,
"I Just wasn't thinking," sho admit
ted, dimpling.
The mood for confession grew on him
"Or that you might look round," said
"I wish "
"No, don't say It! Hear me out first
Honestly, I was not entirely actuated
by motives of mere selfishness, as
might at first appear. I put It to myself
like this: Here Is a charming girl going
to spend a most perfectly delightful
summer afternoon on the river, with no
more exciting companion than the
brother she has known from her earli
est days, whose thoughts are as open to
her as her own; who hasn't a peculiar
Ity, or even a virtue, left undiscovered,
I argued with myself about It. Should
I let such a paltry thing as the lack of
an Introduction prevent me from giving
this girl a treat "
"Oh," she cried, "you really an
"Yes," he said, "It stands to reason
oven as a study, a sort of unexplored
continent, so to speak; a jstrange young
man, In such a case, must present him
self In the light of an acquisition."
Her eyes were dancing. "Why don't
the calmness and ease which only can
come to her sex through practice and
long suffering. She was seated with
tho ropes In her hands before sho really
looked up at tho man who had followed
her Into the boat by this time.
"Now let me see the stroke which
takes captive your best girls," she was
paying, and then her eyes met his.
Though It would have seemed more
appropriate that ho should be tho one
to blush, It was to her cheeks the color
"I will go ono better,". said he, "with
your permission. Such an exception
ally nice pair!" and ho bowed.
"Oh, you nro dreadful dreadful!"
But she did not say It as a fact to bo
deplored. Sho looked away from tho
soft summer landscape, down to tho
edge of her sergo skirt with Ita trim
ming of braid and the fateful loop.
"They do sew these so Insecurely,"
she said. "You haven't a pin to spare?"
"It seems almost a pity," sold he,
while she busied herself over It; "but 1
suppose It will be Just as well now."
The nfteruoon was, as he had said, de
lightful, and his swift stroke left. noth
ing to be desired. It was not cold, after
all, and she never gave another thought
to the cape until she saw It, when nt
last they got back, hanging deserted on
the bout house door, where her brother
had left it when he arrived there to find
her vanished.
The brother and sister were very
alike In disposition, aud took things
lightly nnd as they came. So he never
openly resented her desertion perhaps,
as her new friend pointed out. he. too.
had his more than adequate compensation.
This is Just a story of the Inevitable.
For the man of resource was somethlnc
of a character reader, and he had look
ed at the girl before, he stepped.
iihe called It, In her kindest moods, an
anticipation, but he maintained that he
gave the Incident Its most appropriate
title when he named it a "forerunner."
And this it wns.
The weather favored them, and his
visit lengthened from a week's end to
a week and more. Ample time for a
man of such ready methods to win for
himself a girl not Indisposed to bo won.
Thus his visit to the brother ended In
his marriage with the sister an old
tale, but often a very pleasant one.
It was later In the season, nnd boat
ing interests had given way to tho ne
cessity of stock-taking In fashionable
wearing apparel, and discussions on the
relative merits of new and antique fur
niture. "I could almost wish," she said sweet
ly, "that It was possible to trim a white
satin wedding dress with braids In a
sort of squiggly pattern of loops and
"If you contemplate having one loop
pendant to trip me up during the cere
mony," he said, laughingly, "I am off."
"Then, perhaps, It Is just as well to
reserve braid as a trimming for sere
and cloth," she said.
the distant mountains were disappear
lug behind a cloud of mist. Mist In Col
orndo In February! Surely there must
be some mistake. But there was no
mistake, because within ten minutes a
gentle wiud began to blow nnd the nlr
became tilled with tine particles of
something that scintillated like d!a
mond dust In the sunshine. Still the
people drove on until they came to a
cabin where a man slgualed them to
stop. With his head tied up In a bun
die of mufllors, ho niched out nud hnud
1 ed the driver a piece of paper on which
wns written: 'Come Into the house
quick, or this storm will kill all of you,
Don't talk outside here.'
Of course no time was lost In getting
under cover and putting the horses In
the stnbles. But they were a little late.
for In less than n hour the whole party
was sick with violent coughs and fever.
Before the next morning one of the
women died with nil the symptoms of
pneumonia. Tho others were violently
111 of It, but mauaged to pull through
after long sickness.
" 'I Been you people driving along the
road long before you got to my house,
aud I knowed you didn't know what
you were drlvin through,' said tho man,
as soon as the surviving members of tho
party were able to talk. 'That stuff ye
, considering the number of moton
f.... nrn II. I.'...,.,- II , . . I
I'M-I "mirier. 1
Mrs. Clara II. Kcator. wliohuipj
l.x months In tho lieliturs' MijriiI
alx months In the debto1 drfiiriwrl
in. ... ... 1 '-a
ins nut- is mi iiccom limned . latiy. or no county la In V hlcaco. vbn. I
She comes of a noble family and was Jewelry llrm, who claim Hlieowwlid
- . . . i
VJU.wo ror jewelry, imve mid m
educated nt one of the bent schools
for women In Japan, established and
conducted after western models. She
was married to Mr. Tnknhlra In 18S7.
shortly after his education was finish
ed, nnd since then has lieen with hi in
upon nil of his diplomatic missions.
She Is n line looking woman, even from
the occidental point of view, which
differs so materially recnrdiiifr th
beauty of women from that of tho
Orient. Her complexion has tho tinge
and softness for which Japanese wom
en are famous, her eyes are large nnd
expressive, nnd her wealth of glossy
mncK unir is worn in the iirevnlllnir
style, brushed back from n nrnttv
brow. She dresses In
... I ..... I , J li
board, say sho will Introduce inj
prise to her prosecutors one ot ttn
days nnd get out of prison.
Her six months' Imprhtonmcnt fcj
seen in the nlr is smail pieces of Ice. aml no womnn o diplomatic corps
froze so cold It goes clear down luto
your lungs without melting. If any man
stayed out a few hours 1 without his
head covered up he would be sure to
die. One winter about eight years ago
It cleaned out a whole Indian tribe
possesses more gorgeous Jewels.
Hour tho I'lucntorlal Art In Practiced
y t iintiliii Cclrilnu.
T it. I . . .. .
ii mis country tne lis icrinan Is n ,ii.. i in rv rrJ
across the Wyoming line. They are mnn "'''o nses hook and line or thp net , ty, ami It has cost the firm about 111
more nfrald of It than they arc of rat- 1,1 roIIowlng his profession nnd folks to keep her there. This tloei not If
tlesnakcs. That's the reason they call vro,lI(1 8,are wlth wonder to see him 1 elude attorneys' fees. Ilut JIM. Ktl
it me "wnite death."' "-Will Sparks. ."""" " ock or birds to help r dons not mind her nuartca S9
In Ainslee's. " catching fish. Yet this Is douo lu I i,- . .....i ,M mi Mtt
I rtt.t m. . i "-vn iiui 1 1 ii it v n ! uuv ' " -
' l,,L "'imman mny ho inll faro for which tiio firm ran HI
ESCAPED FROM THE BOLT. 8uen 1,18 .Bnmpon surrounded by cor- week. She has a comfortably furnltl
"""""" which nnve neon trained toi
Man Struck by Llshtnlnic TelU What dash Into the water nt his order seize
ui be,atlon Were. the fish and bring them to the' Iwnt
This la the story told by Peter Should a cormorant capture a fish too
O'Brien, stable boss for J. G. JIcIl- large for It to carry alone, one of its
vaine. of Flfty-nlnth street nnd Kim- companions will K0 to Its assistance
wood avenue, who was struck by light- and together they will bring It In. '
D,.hm, "... . If tlle 0hlna'an wishes to catch'tur-
"When the storm got so bad I went ties ho will do so with the aid of n
nto a shed that we used to wash rigs sucking fish or remora.' This llsh lma
to and sat down. Jim Freeburn, a young on top of Its head a long disk or sucker
ed apartment, three good meali da
from a restaurant, plenty of fruit q
Dowers, a good bed and a rocking cbij
A Great Boon to Humanity.
Bloxlde of sodium seems to bo one ot
tho greatest boons to humanity which
tho century has given that is, if the
reports as to tho recent demonstration
of Its qualities before the French acad-
emy of science prove to be substan
It Is said that this product nossesses
tho property of renewluii oxveen. the
iiio-sustaining principle In air. as well
as of absorbing carbonic acid as it Is
given off. Two men with a new an
paratus containing bloxlde of sodium
are alleged to have put on dlvlnir dress
es from which nil nlr was excluded.
and remained for the space of two
hours under these conditions. SiiIira.
quently they remained under water for
nair an nour under similar conditions.
Tne availability of this new menna
of vitalizing air In the case of snh.
marlno craft seems obvious. But Its
use Is likely to be very extended, on.
nbllng firemen to penetrate the densest
smoke without danger of suffocation,
and miners to pursue their calling safe
ly, by depriving "tiro damp" and nox
ious gases of their power to work harm
and death. Boston Globe.
Fancy Hike for a Queen.
Queen Mnrgherita of Italy has
most beautiful bicycle In the world
Tho wheels are of gold and the frame-
is ncuiy ininiu wuu jewels and mothor
of pearl.
Tho tiresome orator tries to mak nn J
iu icuKiu tor ma ueuciency m depth.
fellow who works around the stable,
was with me. I was sitting with my
left hip and shoulder aud the left side
of my head pressed against the wall of
the barn. Freeburn was nlwut four
feet away from me. A llghtnlnir rod
runs from the stnble nt the point where
was sitting, but I never thoucht of
"All of a sudden there was the loud
est noise I have ever heard, and the
most blinding light I havo ever seen
I was lifted clean off my chair and
tnrown out Into the center of tho shed.
I felt llrst as though a thousand spikes'
had been run Into my side. Quick aa
thought the feeling chnnged Into oue of
utter vacancy. It was as though some
one had cut off my right leg and arm
and scooped out the left sldo of my
bead with a shovel. Sly tongue seelued
to have been broken Into a thousand
pieces aud I could not move a single
piece. I remember that I was afraid
to open my mouth for fear the frntr.
ments would drop out.
All theso were sensations of a mn.
mcut. I can remember reeling about in
the endeavor to nnd soinethlnt? tn im
on to, and crying, 'Oh! Oh Oh' with the
B... ....... uuiiv u ueai-muie makes I
wanted Jim to come to nm. imt i, .
only a young fellow nud I guess I look
ed so horrible he wns afrnld nf t
could hear tho horses plunging nnd
snorting and my Impulse was to go to
hem. As I started through tho door
leading to the stalls I heard Jim say
"'Dou't go In Uiero, don't go in
there '
Then I felt myself falllm. t i.....
onto the door with nil my might, but
m.yJ!an.?S 8 lppe(Jl 8lPPei1' slipped!
"That's all I know about it i ...,
all right now except that I am partly
narnlvzeil In niv ln i.i .
. . '.. . " "uana una somo
J which u attached Itself beneath
moving objects such as shnrim.
and tho bottoms of ships rather than
make the effort necessary to Indepen
dent movement.
The tlsherman fastens the remora to
a long cord, tied to a brass ring about
s tall, and when he reaches the tur
tie ground puts It overboard, taking
care to keep It from the lwttom of the
boat. When a turtle passes near tho
remor.i dnWo i,n. ,.,. . . .
," "- mm anu rastens
to his shell. Struggle as he will tho
turtle cannot loosen the grip of tho
sucker, nnd the Chinaman has only to
V 7, , e onnK 1,10 turtle up
to the boat, nnd take him aboard.
Washington Post,
Poor Lo's HellKlous System.
So benign wns the relitrimi.
of the Indian that Pach department of
tho animal kingdom was nrnvi,i,i ...m.
a little divinity to look after Its nf.
fairs. Thus tho Spirit of the Great
Swan looked after all swnn h, ci.u
of the Great Turtle controlled all tur
tledom, and so on through tho list, ev
ery kind of nn animal having Its own
protecting spirit to cunrd it i ...
nnd punish Its eenmles. These dlvlnl-
"-"m, are unuer the control of the
111 "ini-reit a great Interest In
tho human race, and any ono of them
might become tho protecting genius of
nny particular man.
Baconians Out of Court.
School Vlsltor-Now, then, boy,
Number One, who wroto "Macbeth?"
Boy Number Ono (trembling violent-
i) x-iuuso, sir, i didn't.
school Visitor I
but who did?
Boy Number Ono (with a spasm of"
vlrtue)-Please, sir, I didn't wnnter be
Odd ItCHtiltH ofOraftlng.
Our Brussels corrcmionilent '
graphs that It has Ih-uu rcicrved for
Belgian gardener to show the model
plant what It can do In the way
craftlne. Hitherto It has been ci
tomnry to assume a spirit of determ
ed excluslvoness to be Itnpianiea
ulants that. In fact, a stock will u
no graft unless It bo of the sameph
family with itself. The Ingenious tf
trlan has chanced all that. He ba.
deolares. crafted the sugar map'
tho lilac, the French bean on tbe ci
tor oil plant aud the cabbago qd
A Dally Mall representative ran 1
to Holborn yesterday to bsk at.
ter'H crnftcr whether these twt,
might be. Tho seed-plant expert
that he would not go so far n to
that they might not, but If they m
ho did not know It. Ami again,
. ihnnt Tho result W'
,TUU, ,..... - ,.
not be a species of sweet Hac
might be used In fruit tnrts, no
French lcnn with medicinal proper'-
attached, nor a cross between a
bngo nnd a tomnto.
Thn nrnft nroKnrvoS Its OWn cnan
ter. Its habit of growth mny In W
cases bo modified, but the mm
as before. Moreover, these freaK V"
do not seed. You mny get the
step, but not further. Thosuga
WOlllll milium ..n - ..
i. fniti,i nont lino to of
iTeiicii ucii" " ,. ,rni
French bean nnd tho cabbage ffj
know you didn't,
dlfllculty In talking. I wouldn't Z i f. ,ale' but lt wns Rob nter, oyer
through tho experience again f6r anv u J r sent 1 BCo Wm a-doln' ot
i MIUUUU XH-i'lt
, tw n enbbage -on
nmi tinH.intr more. It Is therefore r
.IT." ,7. Tiiimi. but rntuer
ciever ui mv -, .
i nt course, he
necessary iuih.-o". mi
manage to graft mint npon g"
n,1 Irninrl hoaUlS tipOIl PaiS"-
melted butter.-Inj" Mall.
t7 Hnronil
NO unanu" mho 8
"Isn't he one of those people 8
very well met in a '"dMw"pBff"'
x... V...-I nnr,! hut whom you "
hesltotototakehometodJnn j
"No," answered Mr, iw k,J
tho contrary, I'd u"Sffou
him homo with me, where i there
hi trvmic w
00 no excuou iu.
aftor-dlnnar speech.
y i