Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 16, 1900, Image 5

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    tfACIt W3TUKUWUS.--
Saturday nlglit last n. number of
i,ntilCH wen were aooui town mu!
.Mie of Uicm tried very hard to dc
pjete the stock of whiskey on sale
here. One in particular got the
dea'itito his head that it would be
9 good stroice 01 poncy 10 Hinnsn
no a little lurimurc mm mix u
iir kind oi ucviiiry, bo nc re
paired to the house of ill-repute ad
Uiilnc the stable on River street
and began breaking up the chairs,
w which the fairy who holdn sway
there objected, caiicu in her figut
inruanaml trouble began. Tlic
jijturber was ousted, knocked out
in the first round ami left the itn
print of his form in the mud of the
gutter, rcacc necmcu 10 oc re
-tored, but not so, for in n short
lime after the inmates began
quarrelling among themselves and
suddenly through the fog and gloom
of the night the shrill voice of the
female shrieked out help! hclpl
lielol It seems that the lover who
waxes fat on the charms of this
fallen creature hud got his tank full
and being elated with his prowess
in having thrown out the previous
disturber, took n notion that his
ilave and producer deserved a beat
ing to warm up her lagging love
nd make the flame burn brighter.
No one within sound of the cries for
help cared to be mixed up in the
diigraceful row and so let them
fight it out, and it is learned that
this soiled dove was badly beaten
by her paramour. No arrests were
made. Several times of late dis
graceful rows have occurred at this
tame place nud leniency has been
meted out to the participants and
is at this time, but the next time
trouble of this kind happens at this
resort all the parlies will be shown
up and the authorities asked tore
move them out of the city limits.
On Thursday evening, November
8th, a gold medal contest was held
atCreswell under the auspices of
theW. C. T. U. According to the
rules of the organization those who
hare won silver medals ure eligible
to contest for the gold medal. Two
young ladies, the Misses Nettie
Burdick and Bessie Wood, from
Cottage Grove entered the contest
with four of Crcswcll's aspirants.
An excellent program was rendered
in which each contestant showed
careful preparation. Miss Burdick
covered herself with glory and won
honors for Cottage Grove by bring
ing the medal home with her.
About twenty people from Cottage
Urove accompanied the contestants
to Creswell and all bad n good
Oa Monday evening at Odd
Fellows' Hall the ladies of St
Valentine's Circle of Woodcraft en
tertained their many friends with
a choice literary and musical pro
gram and provided a sumptuous
banquet for the delectation of nil.
The hall was tastefully and pro
fusely decorated and the aroma of
choice flowers filled the brilliantly
lighted rooms. An evening of un
alloyed pleasure was enjoyed and
nil present had nothing but com
plements to bestow upon the ladies
or the happy evening accorded
The Y. W. C. T. U. will give a
book social at Martin's Hall on
Saturday evening, November 17.
A good program will be reudered
and refreshments will be served at
its close. All who ntteud are re
quested to bring a book or maga
zine for admission or 15 cents will
fill the bill. The young women
we embarked in a most lattdlble
field of good and should be and
will be encouraged in their chosen
Work. Fill the house and show
the young women that you are
with them to a man and woman too,
the tKcrunu.
The literary-minded and culture
f Cottage Grove was well repre
sented last Friday evening nt
Martin's Hall to listen to the able
'ecture of Dr. P. S. Strong, presi
dent of the University of Oregon.
His subject was; "Governor Mc
duffie's Message on the Slavery
Question," and was handled in a
easterly manner.
.uiwHrH. Dennett, Murlln
fy or, Lurch ,uul Vaniienburg. '
1 '-no"H minutes woro rend
Pl;rovdnll(, routine b.ulncH ,
Ordlni.ncu No. 41 was rem! lint, ice-"-"Und
third urn. and passed as "read .
r7 "r,"""o provides that tbo city
ntt-r Into a contract will, V. II. Abrams
or I vo yearn for tl, crecton nml
maintenance of nil electric llK.t plant lo
tin. sli tlm city o(CottaKU drove with
thirty 32-candlo !.,, mii ,0veiiteuii
16-cnml.o power lampa at the nominal
expense of $MB pcr tmnt,,
Motion made, seconded and panned
tlint the Recorder lumin tlmtn vi,.rr.,.u
w tbo Htreot fund In favor of George
.-, ,. lor f iW!mi nnU 0UJ fo. j;i()0
On motion council adjourned to next
regular ineetlnj: niulii.
The Champion group of mines
has been bonded by P. J. Jennings.
llic intention is to consolidate the
Helena No. 2 with this group and
make a large concentrating plant of
the Champion mill. In the lower
tunnel of Helena No. 2 they have
discovered by crosscutting that the
miners have been driving alone
side of a large body of ore which is
base, containing gold, copper, sil
ver, lead nud making n very high
grade concentrate. James Duval Is
superintending the work at No. 2
and Champion. They arc building
a trail from the Champion mill to
the buildings on No. 2 where a
tunnel is to be constructed and
driven 600 feet this winter. Mr.
Jennings says the company has
plenty of money in the treasury to
keep up the developing work for
one year.
Just before the last storm John
Stoneberg and Baker & Johnson
lad a number of loads ol filling,
rock nnd gravel hauled in front of
their places of business on River
street and raised the street grade to
the required standard at their own
expense, half way across the street
and the full length of their property.
This portion of roadway belongs to
the county, and as there was no
ikelihood of the county making
the improvement this year, these
enterprising citizens did it out of
their own pockets. They now have
n dry frontage before their places of
business, where heretofore was deep
mud in the winter season. Such
enterprise is very commendable and
it is to be hoped that other property
owners will do something in the
direction of putting their property
in passable shape.
On Saturday last quite a number
of the veterans of the civil war
were in town to attend a meeting
of Ord Post, which was held at
their hall on Fourth street. Nomi
nations were made for officers to be
elected on the second Saturday in
December, at which time all the
nost members are earnestly re
mitted to be in attendance as a
lull vote is desired.
A literary society has been
started here and preparations are
being made to celebrate Christmas
with a tree and a good time at the
school house.
Mrs Will Coffin's niece Miss
Haskins of Eugeue is here visiting
Miss Benetta Whipple spends a
good part of her time with her aunt
Miss Annie Underwpod.
John Robinson helped Mr De
Spain move his goods to Philomath
last week and he is expected home
Tuesday or Wednesday.
The number of scholars at this
school is increasing.
On November 6th sixteen millions
of American citizens voted. This
is a larger vote than was ever cast
before in this country or in any
other country at one time.
T. jr. Hunt of VVildwcxxl was In town
this week.
Mrs. W. F. Kottenbacli of Lewlstoii,
Ida ho who has f been visit ng hor grand;
mntlinr Mrs. Mnry J . White and otiier
on her return home on V ednotday.
-"i WUNOlh-i'ltOOKKDlNQB.
l 8 l on Monday November 12,
AH About Yoti.
W.O. Itrown of Portland visited Dr.
onupp thin week.
Dr. .1, H. Mooro of Coqulllo mado Dr.
bnupp a visit tbo pant week.
Oscar Itcldnour oatnn down from tbo
Hluck JJutto mine this woek.
A. C. Anion nml Wild nui.n. l V...
gene aro registered at tbo Bherwood.
Dr. Hnnnn lniwln iu-n f.,u. 1
WhIIh lo Drain undone to Lorano thin
TllO Clllcfltrn TvnnnrUnr Cntrtnanti linn
' ' O J -"'1V1 U'JIll llllll I III"!
a new ud in thin itsue for tbu holiday
MIrh Gortlo llurdlck returned from
I ort nml lu. Hntnnl.iu ,..i,r -i.n i..,..
niifciu diid linn
been for bo me time.
"Cop," tbo feweler. bag n funcv nil on
next liaiO. lln WfltltH til uan vrm un
don't forgot to call.
Friwl llrvtm nf Hn. ( etyvtt, ivitn.. l. Tin.
- - j . . - v. , IIIIIIU .1. iJVJ
nomiii was iii town for a few days on
I'liniuusH nnu pieaHUiu.
Jlim0! Ilctnimwnv linn rntnmnil frnni
a trln of IhihI
land for tbo past week.
GeorL'Q W. RnUHi Olmrli.M f5i.lilrnnplinr
and Karnent Lockwood of Jiobemiu are
registered at tbo Cottage Grovo.
H. T . T.nmlor fu hnrTtn ntrnlti lTn
WCIIt to 1'ortlnnil thrn wni'liM mrn nml
drove back a bis band of sheep.
Mm. .T. 1. Hurt tinrt lipr llrllrnrv nntv
on Main street. Head her ad on next
page. Call on her and try her nice
nreud and cakes.
Head tbo Bon Ton meat market nd on
next page. The new proprietors are
MesarH, Vcateh & (iarouttu. Go and
getuupuaintcd with them.
Jack Hicks returned tbir week from
an extended visit at Albany and other
. 1..... I I a. .1. . 11
IUIIHB UIIU Jllin gUiiU lip KJ 111(3 11UUK
liutto mino for tbu winter.
T. F. Smith. Dan Coltou. Kd Jcnks
ami Hilly lliggius, after it sojourn in
low 11 tor several uuys, nave uii gone
kick to tbo diggings In iioliemia.
C. I). Clement, state denutv orcanlzcr
of the order of Fores tors, was in town
this woek perfecting the work of the
new lodge recently Installed hero.
Attorney J. C. Johnson, who has been
down to Marlon county since last tiattir
day, was called back by one of bis
clients to prepare 11 case lor tlie supreme
W. It. Perkins, wife nnd two children
ofltaker City arrived on Thursday to
visu relatives anu menus lor some unie.
Mr. Perkins is n b otber-in-law of J. P.
Andrew Brund, tbu new owner of the
Sweepstakugrouiion Klepliant mountain
in lsonemla, called at tlie nugget oincu
this week, lie has gone to the hills to
remain until about Christmas.
J. II. Shortridui', who lives up the
Coast Fork, was in town on Wednesday
and bombarded tho Nugget office with a
jug of sweet cider made from the. choice
apples grown on his place. Many thanks
W. W. Bretherton. Central Pacific
claim agont and ailiiiNter of damages,
was In town this week looking alter tnu
nronortv inte rusts of bis company nnd
iiIko viewed tho tract of land whuro sev
eral cows were killed this past summer.
ltnrker& Martin, the now proprietors
of tho Kxohangoon Mainstro t, bavo an
nd in this Issuk on next page. Iload ft.
Their door is open every day in tho
week except Hiindnv. rney don't Know
you, but aro willing to shake nud be
L. A. Sutherland, mino foreman at the
Black Ittitto mine, made 11 substantial
call at tho Nugget ofllro this week. Mr.
Sutnerland was in town for several days
having come dental work donu as his
teeth have been bothering him very
much of lato.
Hello Central. Lorane will soon
have a telephone.
Miss Fannie Woodruff has
finished her school at Buck Creek
and returned home.
Mr and Mrs Joe Schneider have
goue to Southern Oregon where
Joe has a position in the mines.
J Atkinsou has returned to the
Black Butte mines after a week's
visit with his family.
Chas Morrow foreman of the
Bucklie & Co. sheep ranch at Grass
Valley is visiting his parents Mr
and Mrs Calvin Morrow this week.
The Loraue Agricultural Society
met at the Loraue Hall last Satur-
day and elected the following
officers for the ensuing year: Pres.,
Mrs S G Lock wood; Vice Pres., P
F Davis; Sec, Miss Millie Lock-
wood; Assistant Sec, H M Doty;
Trcas., Geo Landnth; Ivx-Com.,
I P Inroan, J Atkinson, J H Cipw,
Tno Simnson. Mrs Cowan, Mrs
Mr and Mrs WH Davis' 2-year
old daughter came near being
fatallv burned last Tuesday even
inc. In some unaccountable manner
her clothinir got afire. Her mother
was just entering the house with a
nail of water and hearing the
screams and taking in the situation
.... i 1 ..I. -
at a dance promptly ciusueu wc
water on the flames extinguishing
them While the child's face and
chest are badly blistered and burned
we trust there will be no serious
lit Brief.
Go to Mndsen's for lino jewelry nnd
holiday silverware.
For band loaded shells call on Grlflln
nnd Veatcb Co.
Clippings for salo at the Cottage
Grovo Cigar Factory.
CO Prs. Men's nnd Boy's Boots at cost
for spot cash nt Kakin & Bristows.
Suits! Suits! 1 Tailor mndn suits 11
Up todato In every respect, from $15 up.
Call and see samples.
Geo. Boiilman.
.Grluln-Veatch Co. carry the finest
lino of Ammunition in South Lane Co.
For quality nnd cheapness in fresh
meats go to the Central meat market.
Beautiful rings nnd silverware at
Madson's for tbo holidays.
Geo. Bohlman, the up-to-date tailor,
will show you goods, all shades and all
prices. Think of it. A tailor mado
suit for $9 nnd up! Pants $4 and up.
Fresh candles every day, mado from
pure sugar nt tho Tailor shop.
Caps for Boys and Girls nt 15c each.
Kakrn & Bristow.
See tho fine display of millinery at tho
parlors of Mrs. .1. S. Medley.
A quantity of fine dressed lumbor and
flooring for sale. Apply at the black
smith spop of Eby&Boren.
W. F. Scbuller has bought tho George
Cummings farm at Gowdyvillo. It con
sists of 17 acres under cultivation, good
dwelling and outhouses and nil in No. 1
shape and only one-half milo from town.
It is for sale for cash or trade or on time
at $1,500. If you are looking for a nice
home and good land this is your oppor
tunity. For further Information apply
to W. F. Schcllkh,
Cottage Grove, Ore,
To the boy or girl who brings us on
January 1st 1901 tho greatest number of
our soap wrappers with our advertise
ment thereon will be glvon one of those
'cow clocks" shown in our window.
Kakin & Uiustow.
$3,500 STOCK.
Shoes and groceries, all No. 1 goods.
"Will sell for cash or on time orexchange
for property of equal value. I mustget
out of business at onco on account of ill
health. This is a splendid chance for a
man who wishes to get into a good pay
ing business. Apply to
Cottage Grove, Ore.
Bowaroofair dried or half dry floor
ing, uoilinc and rustic. The Booth-
Kelly Lumber Co., aro making special
prices on kiln-dried lumber.
Golden Rule selling out. Bootf,
Shoes. Rubbers at cost. . Groceries
at reduced prices.
W. F. Schullkr.
On Thursday morning the rock
crusher met with an accident by
breaking one of the cogs. This
will cause a delay of a couple of
days in street work, which has been
going ahead finely of late, owing to
the good weather tuts town nas been
having. The last block on Main
street near the bridge is now about
half covered with the first course of
rock and if the weather holds out
good it won't take long to finish it.
Contractor Lea is pushing tne work
as fast as it is possible so to do and
is making a first-class job ot it as he
goes along.
When vou foil life is hardly worth
tbo candle take a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will
cleaneo your stomach, tono up your
liver nnd regulate your bowels making
you feel liken new man. For sale by
Benson Drug Co.
Mrs. J. P. HART'S
Main strbbt, Cottage Grove.
Bread, Pies, Cake and Fancy
Pastry of all kinds constantly
on hand. Call and see.
Main street, Cottage Orova, Ore.
Land Offlco nt Roseburg, Oregon ,
Novomber 13, 1000.
Notioo is boroby given that tho follow
named settler has tiled notice of his in
tention to tnako flnnl proof in support
of bis claim, nnd that said proof will be
mado boforo Joel Ware, U. 8. Commis
sioner, nt bugeno, I.ano Kjo., uregon. on
March 2. 1001. vlr: William F.
Onnadv. on II. E. No. 0660. for tho W
SW X, Sec. 8, Tp. 20 8.. R. 3 West .
Ho names tbo following witnesses to
provo his continuous residence upon
mid uultlvatlon of said land, viz:
Isaac Wilcox, Homy Dreese, Frnnois
Smith, Uharloa Wright, ot.waiKor. uano
Co., Uregon.
J.T. Ubidoks,
g: We have a Magnificent Stock of FINE SHOES,
gl Our prices are lower than like quality sells for any
5s where else, and we guarantee shoe satisfaction in :j3
W every respect at W
Money -Saving" Prices .
w ....
ju. we iiuiiK we Know wnai ine people wnm. u
To suit the public taste and purse and meet popular de fr
W raand is our business ambition. 4 W
St We will fit any foot or pocket-book and assure satisfac- g
g tion, and then "the proof of the pudding is iu the eating."
Wo are living in a rapid age :
and you must move with it.
Keep up with the times. If you seo a chance to benefit yourself grasp
the opportunity.
You Can Benefit Yourself by Calling At
IBenson Drug Company.
'ure Drugs
W. S. Chrisman.
The Fashion Stables
Ghrisnjap BaSls, Proprietors.
Reasonable Prices'"
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single..
Wheeler & Scott
Ovor 60 odd natterns of wall paper to
choose from and more on tho way, at
Jenkins & Lawson's.
Sportsmen remember Griflin it Veatch
Co, carry a lino lino of Shot Guna nnd
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought
at the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with
us. We shall be pleased at all
times to quote you prices
upon all lines handled by us,
whether you buy or not.
Our Stock is New, Neat and
Clean, and having had years
of experience in business, we
assure you the very best goods
the market affords, and the
lowest possible prices,
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore,
... as
an ago of Progression. Tho World moves
and Chemicals
Eli Bangs.
Proprietors of the Bohemia &
Black Butte Stage Lines, p
Cottage Grove, Oregon;
Sewing Machines
Ball-bearing and High-grade Vertical'
Feed and three under feed machines?
Prices to suit.
For sale by-
wanted. 300 to 500 cords wood
cut at Black Butte mine. Apply
at the mine. Wm. Harris, Supt.
To secure a good tight floor or ceiling
and one that will nlwavs remain an imn
Kiln-dried lumber. The Booth-Kellv
Lumber Co. at Saginaw kiln-dry nil in
terior finish nnd rustic and nre offering
special bargains in nmo.
Go to Geo. Bohlmnn'a tnilor shon
Main street npd seo his fall lines of
samples nnd goods. He can please you
in any stylo or lino you may desire.
Wo sell good goods at good prices for
our customers, Central Meat Market.
A car load of Columbia River cedar
shingles for salo by Jenkins & Lawson.
boots & shoes!
The Prices will please
you, and in point of
Quality and Beauty fljl
L cannot be beaten;