Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 16, 1900, Image 4

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Knttred nl the poatoRlc at Cottage drove.
Oregon u Second Clan mall matter.
Subflcrlptloa print, 81. CO In advance.
Adrorttalng nln ntadn known upon
Friday, November 16, 1900.
The city council has entered into
a contract with W. H. Abrams for
five years to erect and maintain a
power and light plant and to pro
vide the city with thirty 32-candl
power and seventeen 16-candle
power lamps for street illumination
at the nominal price ot $115 per
month. The contract makes pro
vision for lurther lights at. any
time during the tenure of the con
tract at $2.60 for 32 and S1.60 for
10 power burners. It is provided
that the contractor begin construe
tion of the plant within two weeks
and push the work to completion
at the earliest possible time. Con
iractor Abrams will put iti new and
powerful dynamos and the best of
modern appliances and when the
plant is installed it will be an up-to-date
one in all respects and the
streets will be well lighted. Before
the fire burned up tho former plant
the lights were blurred, dim and
uncertain, but for all that they
were a God-send to the utter dark
ness that now prevails, and when
the new plant is completed and
turns on the electric current the
citizens of Cottage Grove will have
cause formuch rejoicing. It is ex
pected that it will require about six
weeks or until about the first of
January before the new light will
be turned on.
The Nugget at no time during
the campaign had a doubt of the
result of the presidential election,
but it is somewhat surprised that
the victory was so sweeping and
complete for republican principles
of sound money, prosperity, ex
pansion and progress. The people
have spoken in thunder tones and
the verdict is against Bryanism and
democratic theories. Every north'
era state except Montana is found
in the republican column. For
national honor and integrity the
Pacific states stand proudly forth
California gave the republican
'iMi ninfli nnnnnl uf-cctnn nf tli
National Irrigation Congress which Eastern Papers Comment on How
meets 111 Chicago, November 21, 1 it Happened.
22. 21 and 24. 1 goo. will discuss
tlii rnnvrvnt inn of tJii writer ro
, ... . i, r , me jxcw 1 uik wuuii, Asm!.,
auuitcs ui iuc neat uv iuii uicati- , .
1 . if tl .1 - " An . nUtil. nC
vnlinn nnrl the nnnctmrtion of Saj'SI WUCH U1B IB-Wi
, smrntelv rcntnrmeci. upon iuc
aniline - .. . . 1
direct demand ot Mr. uryan aim
with the comnlncent assistance of
Croker, though against the clearly
expressed judgment of the dele-
. .... 1 eates the fate of the ticket was
losccmeir advantage 111 a general . . , ...
winm,(innnffi,n.t ml tw sealed. That plank became a null-
. j . , ., j.j. 1.
sioue arounn me canaiuaie s uttK.
It was impossible to keep the
money question out of the cam
paign, even though as an issue it
was dead. Mr. Bryan's silence 011
16 to tin the east led to attacks
upon his sincerity, and was re-
hundreds of acrei where now single as an admission of the utter
aeieuseiessness 01 me pianK 11c iiau
insisted upon reiterating. If the
free-silver policy was "party sui
cide" in 1896, it was a provocation
to "punishment alter death in
1900. Doubtless the decisive idea
in the minds of tens of thousands
of voters who supported McKinley
unwillinclv was to doubly safe
guard the currency.
federal storage reservoirs,
motto of the congress will be "Save
the Forests and Store the Floods."
The manufacturing and business
interests of the cast have been quick
will be well represented.
The key to western prosperity is
water. The congress of the United
States practically controls the ques
tion of water development.
The building of great federal
storage reservoirs would reclaim
Ladies' Jackets and Golf Capes
Misses' Jackets and Golf Capes
Children's Jackets and Golf Capes
i Lurch's
Lurch's I
acres are reclaimed by private capi
The Irrigation Concress has
assumed a national character, and
the programme which has been
prepared for this session will at
tract wide attention. Some of the
most prominent men of the country
will speak senators and members
of congress, government officials
and some of the heaviest business
men of Chicago, who see the
chance for development of trade
through the opening of the west by
irrigation. The great Auditorium
Theater, which seats 4000 people,
las been secured tor tne evening
should control them today.
The Atlanta Constitution, Dctn.,
says: The result by no means
affects seriously either the present
or the future of the country. Our
ueonle have the happy faculty of
1 1 -
taking care of their interests indi
vidually, which constitutes the
safety of the aggregate. 1 hey may
at times be blinded to the purposes
says, bor tour years more a re
sessions, aim illustrated lectures publican administration will con
will be given on forestry aud irri- trol the affairs, foreign and domes-
gation. tic, of the nation. To the repubh-
The National Irrigation Assoc.- can party the people have voted a
ation has the matter in hand, and continuance of authority. That
is striving hard to bring the subject does not mean, however, that all
forward as the one greatest and the administration's past policies
th Hfe-hlood of a party in power, but they will
j, ,! ti..
of industry, and to protect pros- qiii" 'K ''"'
perity from even the menace of eve the Eldest would be brought
danger. They would "rather bear
the ills we have than to fly to others fet-and iness will continue 111
that we know not of." "? '?
oi the vagaries of politics. The
ine rnuaacipuia ieoger, ma bpIc who have take care of
themselves so well
continue to do so.
heretofore will
VEATCH Near Divide, XovemW 10,
1900, to thuwifoot John Vcatch, n
by the New Hardware' firm of
WHJiliWiK it SLUi r, successors to j'tiillips & Davison
most important question
fore the country.
now bc-
Sinco tho advent of tholittlo 8-pouml
and acts have been given a vote of "T., " V V , , man " ,
Returns from all the states are
along flnt 1 y and tlieru la in u eh joy in tliu
enteh home.
conhdence. With respect to some
of these policies and acts many loyal
republicans were and still are radi
cally divided in opinion and con
viction, and thev stood together at
now complete and the result shows thf nr,iic onlv nmn the vitnl iccup TAIT At Snn Jose, California, Xovem-
. .. .OI a souncli Saie, nonest currency. monui ami L'liiayu. iniermont in tlio
Bryan 155. Kentucky is in the To hold them as a comnact nartv ."wo cemotorv castof Croswell, on
Bryan column given below, but the Li.vavs sufficient to win the victorv.
t ! A t- 1 - -- - I '
repuoucans ciatm ui oe oeaien oui the administration must do that
which all sagacious and patriotic
Americans can and will approve
and uphold. The vote of confi-
of its count by fraud and will
test for that state;
for m'kinley
1 tfrm Jo n.
.. '! ; dence, if given at all, will be given
Connecticut 6 r... .
Deleware 3
four years hence. Yesterday the
sole issue was safe, honest money,
15,000 and Washington 10,000. Tnfjiana' "'"".J for which McKinley and Roose-elt for 8ix .venr '
ni. . r I li I in IHOU liu retnrnnl pr
jl as outcome assures tue people 01 1 Jon-n , , uui;uuqucruuiy sioou
ims grem country lour years more Kansas ,0 The Baltimore AttiPrioaM
of good times.
On the front page of this issue is
a communication that should be
read and acted upon by the moneyed
men of this community. Asmelter
is something that Bohemia needs
and needs badly. Too long already
have the business men of this town
waited for capital to come in from
the outside to supply this want.
'God helps those who help them
selves," is an old proverb, and no
town or camp was ever built up
without the business element put
their shoulders to the wheel and
all push together. When a smelter
is built in Bohemia money will
flow into this town, and that flow
of money is just what this town
wants and must have if it is ever to
amount to anything. Now is the
time to be doing something and all
should work to that end.
November 10, 1000
John Tail, of Creswcll, Oregon, died
of. heart diueago nt San June, California,
Nov. ti, 1000, nged 03 yearn, 1 month and
and 24 days. He wan born in the Shet
land Island, Sept. 12, 1832, and came to
Canada with Mh parents when Hix yearn
of aje Rtid later tliey settled near Ch
cago, III. In 1850 he wont to the pil
field of California, whero lie workci
fairly Hiirct-.n-ful
In 1850 ho returned enet and engind i
farming near Joliet, III. lie removed t
Oregon May 8, 1870, and bought a farm
near Cremvell, Lano countv, and had
resided, there continuously since. II
was married to Miss Eliza J. Owen, of
Frankfort Station, III. Jan. 5th, 1800
and was the father of ten children Hi
wife, four children, John L. of Chirks
Maine 6 Here is the opportunity the de
Maryland 8 mocracy has been waiting for. The
Massachusetts 15 conservative intelligence and sturdy
Michigan .14 1 manhood of that party since the
Minnesota 9 hour of Bryan's ascendancy has
Nebraska . 8 recognized in him the very oppo- ville, Tenn., Arthur B, of Creswcil, Wm
New Hampshire 4 site of all that was desirable. In W of shedl18. Bort' K, of Creswcil,
W Wc the hour f 1,,'c AaKnt : o:t,i- m,u u" "uiUr, 'ugnus ian oi uonii
:: " ,rj , riV ; uiencc, California, survive him.
xT.t. t,.. J. r t,.. j J LONp-A1'". 13,1900,
J.1UHU iuKuiu patijr ui xivuu unu iiryanism,
Ohio 23 Quick, concerted action will do the
Oregon 4 work, and send Bryan among the
Pennsylvania 32 populists, " where he properly be
Rhode Island. ; 4 longs. If such action is taken,
Kobort Lorn:, son of William nmi Mik!
Jxni, ageU 1 year, 2 months and 25
The fond parents have the deep svm
pathy of tneir many frionds in the loss
of their baby boy, but consolation will
lather han called him to Join the nn
gelic hosts on high.
South Dakota 4 the democracy will rid itself of come in tho thought that tho Heavenly
Utah 3 Bryan and Ins nostrums and make
Vermont '. 4 possible its return to the faith and
Washington 4 deportment of its founders. It will
West Virginia 6 then be worthy the support of re-
Wisconsin 12 putable and orderly men, and
Wyoming 3 America will be saved from the dis
grace of another campaign such as
loiai 292
Alabama -. 11
Arkansas ..' 8
Colorado 4
Florida.... 4
this has been. The way to
generate is 10 regenerate, and 1
the democracy really desires re
generation, now is its opportunity.
The Chicago Chronicle. Dem
Georgia 13 says: From Maine westward to
Henry Villard, the well-known
railroad magnate, financier and
philanthropist died in New York
on November 12. A number of
WAriva n(VA Tin 1nnn(al r 1 Vvn 4t i jl
Jwa ,.u.ay tu I(lflho ,-; , the Rocky Mountains, north of the
ineumversiiyoiuregonandvniard Kentuck " Ohio River line, there is nQt a
Hall is named in his honor. He Msiana ; democratic governor, there is not a
wasoorn m opire, Havana, April Mississippi 9 United States senator, there are
ii, 1835 and came to this country Missouri ; i7 few democratic congressmen and
in 1053. ne possesseu a uuiversii'
education and was a student of law
COP,MJThe Jeweler
Wat chen,
Emblem Pin,
Emblem Itutton,
Cuff JIutton,
Locket. Etc.
m 1 7
Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing
All l Arrntitiwl
"COP," The Jeweler
Davidson' Old Stand.
and became one of the leading rail-
toad financiers of this age.
ST' 3 democrats in office of any descrip-
North Carolina uonare so rare tnat a party em
uon't Let Baby Suffer.
South Carolina 9 bracing at least one-half of tte Ufi
lennessee 12 population may be said almost with 17.
President J. H. Orcutt of the
Drain Normal School writes the
Nugget 'to extend an invitation to
all teachers in this vicinity to at
tend an educational meeting to be
held at Drain on Friday evening and
Saturday the 23d and 24th inst.
.CfirtArinf Atirlntif AnlrArmnti will cvitrA
nn address on Fridav eveninc the Settin along
Texas . 15 iiteral truth to have been excluded i'nWaV"",6."' Eeneral Sfwita
Virginia ,2 frnm nnrtMnnt:nn : UoW'o'nn1
. Uilulls. ,, ta. been elm.,e,, fhaTfl7e m In.
Total "us .unm,al,e estate the BKaXW
monercl combination between b !Jr.P.eWMfe.fartoMrlouatai Sill
- " muiitri tviln I iia na nl .
At last accounts from the hos- worst elements of democracy North lHMl I.itytM nhLnl
Ditals in Portland two of the victimfi nmi finnih nH tl, ..1: p.,.. want. iUi.AiJ:iJSMA
1 " w " " fujiuinui ui tile eaillr Onn hX-r ini . """-"""' nira laKOIi
of the Cow Creek wreck. Enirineer West has brought n m,ft Ji!.f TaiLMff
Drenuanand Fireman Riddle, were political organization which has St
nicely and it was controlled the affairs of the republic fS. la m win "n
in many important eras and which
Beef, Mutton, Pork, Veal,
J3acon, jLard, Saisage,
Pish and Game in season
Cbe Chicago Cypewriter
a complete course of the Gregg system ofl
onoriiiand tauglit by mail lor Mo. ii'
will enable you to own your own type
writer and become an expert stenographer
by utilizing a little spare time each day.
The CHICAGO was awarded the Gold
Medal at the Paris Exposition, is a yiiible
writer, has standard keyboard, and is the
most speedy, simple and durable of all Typewriters, uud turns out
the most attractive work.
General Agent for Oregon, Albany, Ore.
Price $35.00
Cottage Grove
m Mill!
We are now prepared to furnish
all kinds of Brackets, Mouldings,
Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door and
Window frames, Screen Doors.
Windows, Pickets, etc.
Woodwork of all kinds made and
repaired. We will also work Floor
ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, or
size Studding, etc.
Bon Ton
Main Street
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Send Vour Orders by Talep&ow.
The Nugget office carries a full line of legal
blanks and visiting cards,
. -v