Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 16, 1900, Image 2

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Published Every Friday.
An lntori'KtlliB Collodion o( Itnma 1'roin
tlie Two Homliiplicrcii rreentod
In h Coiirictmml Konn
The ministers at Pekin havo agreed
on tho bnsia of negotiations.
An investigation ol Berlin's corrupl
pollco forco has been orderod.
Knitter la ranking a slow trip to
Uuropo on account of illnesa.
- Russia baa no intoutiou of building
another railroad across Asia.
Nomo stoamor Roanoko, ropoitod
lost, has reached Port Towusend.
Woodburn, Or., bna granted 30-year
franchise for light and water system.
Wu Ting Fung, the Chinese minister,
thinks thnt when allies withdraw from
China railroad construction on a largo
Bcalo will bo begun there.
Tho state board of health authorities
of Mississippi, report one case of yel
low fever at Natchez. Tho patient is
tho wifo of a local Baptist minister.
Isaao Hull Adams, a grandson of
President John Adams, and a nephow
of President John Qulnoy Adams, died
at his home at Qunioy, Mass., aged 87
The Toronto soldiers of the South
African contingent returned to Toronto
and were received with tremendous en
thusiasm. Traffic was suspended for
.hours, and altogether the demonstra
tion was one of tho most notable in the
history of the city.
An explosion took place in the dry
house connected with the works of the;
Winchester Repeating Arms Company,
at New Haven, Conn. The walls of
the building being blown out and the
'windows in the aajacnt buildings ebat
tered. No one was in the building at
tho time.
Yice-Admiral Alexieff has addressed
a communication to Li Hung Chang
asking China's intentions regarding
Manchuria and inviting her to resume
the government of that territory under
Rusislan protection, which, he says,
will be of "mutual advantage to China
and Russia."
The queen of Fortugual, at Cascals,
a fashionable resort, made n thrilling
-rescue. She has been staying at the
Palace Cascals, and was on the beach
watching Catalo Croom, her boatman,
bringing his boat into shore. Sudden,
ly a bugo wave overturned tho boat,
doom's arm was broken and he was
overcome by tbo undertow, which car
ned him beneath the waves. Tbo
queen is an expert swimmer. Seeing
that her boatman was drowning, sho
sprang into the water before any of her
attendants could prevent her. With
rapid strokes she swam to the boat
nan's side and held him up until per-
cons put out in boats and rescued both
the queen and her boatman. Croom
was taken to the Royal Palace.
Two men were killed in a railroad
accident at The Dalles, Or.
Orders for five new Russian warshipc
will be placed in this country.
The big Atlantic liner St. Paul suf
fered a serious accident at sea.
Forty livos woro lost, in tho Bay ol
Tho steel trust has bought a (loot of
lako steamers.
A typhoon sunk a British gunboat at
Hong Kong.
Amoricnn boots and' shoos aro in do
main! in England.
Dietrich, Republican, is oloctod gov
ernor of Nebraska.
Tho monitor Araknsas was launchod
at Newport Nows, Va.
It is rumored that Coutrollor Dawes
will succootl Socroatry Gago.
Steamship Universe will load at
Portland for Vladivostok.
Govoruor Goer designates Novombor
20 as Oregon's Thanksgiving day.
Sixto Lopez says the Filipinos will
continuo to fight for independence.
Stanford University dofeatod tho
Oregon olevou by a score of 34 to 0.
Tho Colombia robots were completely
defeated by tho government troops at
'liuena Ventura.
Tho oity of Chicago has oflioially
tendered its $34,000,000 drainage canal
to tho United tSates government.
A monument to commemorato tho
victory of Admiral Dewey at .Manila
will be erected in San Francisco.
luo population of Now Jorsoy, as
officially announced, is 1,88,000, as
against 1,444,933 in 1800, an inceraso
ol 30.3 per cont.
Charles H. Pinkham, well known
as a manufacturer of proprietary modi
cines, died at his home in Lynn, Mass
nged C6 years.
Tho president has appointed Freder
ick S. Stratton, of California, collector
of customs at San Francisco, vico
John P. Jackson, deceased.,
Tho populaton of Ldaho, as officially
announced by the United States census
bureau, is 1G1.772, as against 84,385
in 1800, and increase of 77,387, or 01.7
per cent.
Tho population of Colorado in 1000
is 530,700 compared with a population
in 1800 of 412,108, representing an m
crease during the decade of 137,502,
or 30.9 per cent.
In New Orleans, William Daniels
and Ross Johnson were convicted of
tho murder of a deputy sheriff who
was protecting a negro who assaulted
a white woman at Lake .Charles, La.,
and were sentenced to tho state pen!
tentiary for life. This is the first inci
dent in that state where would-be
lynchers have been caught, tried and
Bryan carried Missouri by 28,000,
Bryan's majority in Texas is 175,-
McKinley 4,000 ma
Sides Are Claiming
Defeat Frlnk for Oovernor r ffiiih-lngloll-I'lurnllly
In Oregon
Ii I'lltiiK Up.
Portland, Nov. 0. Only ono doubt
ful state remains Kentucky. The
Domocrats claim tho Btato for Bryan
by 7,800; tho Republicans aUo claim
tho state, but eivu no tlguros. It will
require tho official count to dotormino
tho result.
McKiuloy carried Nobraska by at
least 2,000. Tho legislature is in
doubt, and will not bo determined un
til tho official count of Douglas county
is in. Tho Republicans aro figuring oil
a safe majority on joint ballot.
Other states aro practically ib first
roported. Tho doctoral vote follows:
1000. 1800.
McKinley 202 271
Bryan 155 170
In Wnaliliigton.
Seattle, Wash., Nov. 10. Tho
majority for President MoKinloy in tho
state of Washington will bo botwooii
11,000 and 12,000, and John R.Rog
ers, Democrat, for governor, will have
something like 1,300 over Frlnk, his
Ropublicun opponent. The avornge
majority of the two Ropblioan candi-1
dates for congress, Jones aild Cusmnan,
will bo 0,000 ot moro, and tho legisla
ture will bo heavily' Republican. All
tho state Republican ticket, oxcopt
Frink, is oloctod by largo pluralities.
All these things woro made clear by
yostorday's roturns. Every county in
Western Washington has been heard
from and the only two counties in East
ern Washington about whiou there is
any uncertainty aro Cholan and Oka
nogan. With thoso, scattering rotmns
show that tho only question is to the
size of tho Democratic pluralities.
Later returns aro moro likoly to in
crease tbnn decreaso Rogers' plurality.
McKinley has curried 20 counties
Rogers 17. with ono (Mason) a tie.
riumiitr Abiii " u fl,in
Portland, Nov. 8,-Yostnrday'ii ad
.mi.,... tlin iftiirns (if tlio OrftfOH
'lection slightly increased tlio Republi
can plurality in tho state-from 14,-
105 to 14,825. TIh'ku ugures nrj
inbjoct to material change, however,
for they aro based on unofficial reports
from only 500 of the 700 preolnotH In
tho state, the remit in tho other pro
ducts being estimated. Tho 500 pro
ducts report votes as follows: Mc
Kinley, 40,637! Hrynn.38.180. ltlsoitl
mated that tho unreported prodnotH
..til miii innq n tho Republican plu-
talltv. Tho products from which no
return has yet boon rocdved ate tho
imalloi and remoter ones. Probably
tho total voto of tho state will not
reach 85,000. In tlio prednots which
havo boen reportod there has boon Httlo
.tUnllm. In clvilll till) VOtCI Of tllO
! throo minor partion, and tho official fig
ures will suroly shrw a material in-
crcaso for them abovo tne totals giMn
tiiis morning. 1
Complete unofficial returns havo ,
been received from onlr sight coalition
hi tho stato llonton, Clatsop, Morrow,
Multnomah, Polk, Wasco. Washington
and Yamhill. Ono product is lacking
In Josephine and ono in Linn. Tho
last namod county is something ol a
lurpriso, in that it gives a plurality for
Bryan of only about 40 votes, w hllo the
Republicans had ooncoded that It
would go Democratic by about 500. In
Jackson county, with two precincts .
still inisslng.tho Republicans havo a ,
Tngnt Rebellion Will Be Sup.
pressed Soon.
Oenernl MnoArtltnr H MhiM'kI Ht
Careful 1'lnn f Cam
lmlllii, Washington, Nov. 13. All tho mom
bora of tho cabinet oxcopt Keurotiirlort
Long and Wilson attended tho meeting
today. Tlioy remained in session un
til nearly 3 o'clock, and discussed tho
UhlncHo situation, us woll as matters
pertaining to Cuba, tho Philippine
Hiid l'orto Rko,
Two of tho three bourn that tho Mis
sion lasted woro occupied in it discus
sion of foiolgu affair, noeomllotod in
part by tho fact that tlio president in
tends to treat this subject oxImitHtlvoly
lu Ills forthcoming niOHmigo to con
gress. Itoforcuco was made to tho ex
pressions in portions of tlio Kuiopoiiii
press that thu United States pulley re
garding China would undergo a marked
change after tho election. It is author
itatively annmineod that, after an ex
huastlvo review of ovory etop of tbo
ChincM) difficulty, from Its Inception
up to tho pronoiit moment, by f-'ocro-tary
Hay, tho cabinet ratified uvory de-
few votes the bent of it. tour years "", "' ; , .. ,;
Jl. J.niJ,, rnuntv ravo llrvau nearly , I'' judgment that tho policy o
l"000 plurality, and Linn gavo hlu. " """ "
nearly 700 out ohango to its logical conelunioii.
y iw. 1 I Accordingly, tho present legation guard
VOTE IN WASHINGTON. ,u Pokln will bo nmlntiaiiod, and Mich
i tioops iib yet remain to bo withdrawn,
iieKiiii.r'i smjm-iiy in timt nut. i" ,,CCording to tho original programme.
,0'000, . will bo shipped to Manila. With this
Seattlo, Nov. 8. Mcuinioy lias car-1 ftl(Uti(m t0 jl(s forco, Gonornl Mao
ried the stato of Washington by a pin- Arthur is oxnooted to rmiew tho cam-
'HE LANron.
Later rtelitrna Fro.,, i
, MM.r.;
Alabaina-Tlio n - ."'
wMlboat loft,t4o;oii0 Un,Uo
rnninn ICnoiiull I.L.
onto a nhiralltv ,.f . ,10wm
j urn Illl IIIIM f
--"vu or .
this statu,
ley nnd :
. w 111 l.lllll,. I
w "KrownndtliniMT,"?"1'!
t will road, 40.0110 c&n'''
llu of Kan Frauosleo .
107,002, IliyanH, '
c nets in 1800 ltv0 McKl'
iiryan Ul.bOl. Tim li...
Co.orado-1,,,, J- j
Hlvei p,
RlVei r,i
LM,.1. . . .
xn riwHiiiiH unto
"injuiriy ol 811,000.
inuriiiiiv in .in .
congresHinun eluoted m
iinnoi-.i,lft,1 w.
nor. of tin . ."""t
his defeat this
gainst him
.i i .
nuimi roiruns reculifwi u .
tato hoadmiarter- le.."'"''
" I4UII1 B11
.i .-;.."""'
1IIHT, Ol Illll NOUOIlll ,ll..l . 1
.l , j 'IIDIIIPI
limy ruueh l t.r
rotruns reeiiiimi ..
rnmiimiarter im. ..V"
tto confirm t'liairiniiii l(o, !
eta oment that McKliiiJ.," 1
y I run olo,o to loo.oio 0ft
YtoS(fo, governor -J
Inillaim-Tl... 0,)(.tnil , .
plurality of nuywlmn. J l r.
!3,00Q to tho Itepan.rZ:;
ncKot, ami nine, ami perlnMo
coiiKrossmim, and thu cliolcrof ,
latum, hat will havo n it, ' V
majority of 40 on joint b,ol
4th congrcsilonal dlntrlct li ,'ti
(lnnitf ..i. . .. '
rality approuohiug 10,000, and it may
possibly exceed that figure Tho task
of obtaining' accurate returns from tho
itate has been attended with unusual
difficulties, and from many counties it
has boen possible to obtain only state
ments of majorities, actual or estimat
ed. Tho Western Washington coun
ties, except King, have us a rulo given
unprecedented Republican pluralities.
lirvnn 10: Frink 18 counties and Clark elves 000. Lowis S00. Cowlitz
j pngu against tho ruiiollioiis ! lllpinoH
j with tho greatest energy. Adminlstra
tion officials horn think that us soon
A a tho rosult of tho election becomes
known throughout tho Philippine, tho
roslstenco to tho authority of tho Unit
ed Statos will bo overcome.
Kitchener is to stop pursuit of Boen
and estabisb garrisons among them.
The king of Corea sent the allied
troops a largo gift of flour, rice and
Experiments with storage reservoirr
for irrigation aro being mado in Mai
hour county, Oregon.
An immense crowd attended the un
veiling of the statue of tbo late Presi
-dent Carnot at Lyons.
American financiers are to partici
pate in tho nationalization of the Swise
railroads and German capitalists arc
Professor Schurman replies to Sixtc
Lopez, in whioh he shows it is for thi
highest good of Filipinos for American
to succeed.
Tho suit of the stato of Texas against
the Waters-Pierce Oil Company for
penalties amounting to $100,000, for
alleged violation of tho anti-trust law
of 1800, ended in favor of tho company.
The deaths from tho jailorad wrook
near Keswick, Cal now number
three,. James Hart, of Charter Oak,
la., died from the effects of bis injur
ies. The name of ono of tho other
skilled has been discovered to bo E. J.
ilowen, of Castle Rook, Wash. B.
Woodruff, of Ashland, Or., may re
cover. Adjutant General Corbin has re
ceived from Judge Taft, president ot
the Philippine commission, a dispatch
forwarding a message from Honor Duen
camino, formerly secretary of foreign
affairs in Aguinuldo's cabinet. The
pnessago was telegraphed to the presi
dent. It is understood that Senor Ba--encamino,
bosides unreservedly accept
ing American sovereignty, submits a
jproposition to organize a force of Fill
jpinos to mako war upon the supporters
of his former chief.
Wyoming gives
Bryan carried Boston by 12,000 plur
McKinley carried Baltimore by
Bryan carried .Nevada by a small
Connecticut gave MoKinley a pural
Ity of 23,000.
Mckinleys' plurality in Pennsyl
avnia is 200,000.
MoKinley's plurality in the city of
Pittsburg is 15,000.
Cincinnati and Cleveland gave plnr
alities for MoKinley.
McKinley carried his own stato by
an increased majority.
Bryan carried Greater New York by
a majority of -7,aui
McKinley received a plurality of
2,000 in Buffalo, N. Y.
At an election riot in Denver, Colo.
two men were killed and four wounded
The voto in tho city of Chicago was
close, MoKinley receiving 180,070,
and Bryan 172,524.'
Lincoln, Neb., tho home of Bryan
gave McKinley a majority of 1002, a
gain of 655 over 1800.
In Adlai E. Stevenson's home pre'
cinct in Bloomington, 111., tho vote
was: McKinley 306, Bryan 112.
At i-noemx, Ariz., a woman witn a
shotgun killed a Mexican robber who
was trying to steal a calf.
Firo broke out in a candy factory at
Albany, N. Y., and communicated to
an adjoining building, causing a loss of
Before nearly 85,000 people, the Co
lumbia football eleven today defeated
Prinoton by a score of 6 to 5, on Co
lumbia field.
In Still I'lllng Up.
Portland, Or., Nov. 10. MoKinley's
purality in Oregon is still piling up.
Owing to an error in a former footing,
his lead this morning is made to ap
pear 500 less than yesterday, whereas
it should be about 100 more. Reports
continue to pour in that former Bryan
strongholds have either gone for Mc
Kinley or greatly decreased the Nebras-
kan's majority in 1806. For example,
five precincts in Malheur county that
gave Bryan a plurality of 100 in J890,
this year gavo him but 44. Malheur
county, which has all along been con
ceded to tho Democrats, is now
thought to have gone Republican by a
majority of 50 to 100. This leaves but
three counties in the state which have
given pluralities for Bryan and their
combined vote is only 205.
Fifty-six precincts reported yester
day, making a total of 506 out of 760.
MoKinley's voto to date is 42,105:
Bryan, 20,670 The latest estimate of
McKinleya' plurality in the state is
Berloun Strike at Tanipn.
Chicago, Nov. 10. Spanish-speaking
cigar-makers in Tampa, Fla., have
started a strike against American
workmen, and official reports received
at headquarters of the International
union in this city toddy indicato that
the trouble is assuming serious propor
tions. Noarlv 1,000 English-speaking
workmen have been made idle inconso
quenco of the position of .their onpo
Yellow Fever In Mlnalulppl.
jacKson, miss., iNov. 10; Ono new
caee of yellow fever was reported to
tho state board of health from Natchez
this morning. Mrs. Butler, tho first
patient reported, died last night. She
was a niece of ex-Governor Lonyino
A surgeon of tho marine hospital serv
ice is now in Natchez endeavoring to
trace tne source of infection.
up moro
2,000. Walla Walla, on tho oust side,
gives 050, and Spokane 360. Tho con-
j gressioual tickot runs woll along with
tho presidential, and both Ciiehmau
and Jones aro olected by largo majori
ties, at least 8,000. Cushiiiaii's home
county. Pierce, cavo him 2.756.
! Frink has been slashed in ovorv i them
county of tho stato. He loses King,
Piorce and Spokane counties, and his
pluralities come only from tho smaller
counties. Some of the southwestern !
counties have given him very hand-!
some pluralities, ami it looked for u
time hiBt night us if lie might overcome
tho Rogers lead, but at midnight ro ,
turns from Eastern Washington and
from his own county of King seemed to ;
make it clear that le had lost the olec-!
tion. It is still possiblo that tho final ,
returns may so reduco tho Rogers plu
ralitiea as to count him in, but it does
not eeem at all likely that it can bo
done. No returns ate available us tc
the legislature, but it is undoubtedly
Heavy Yflmta on the Orrnt I.nket Are
Chicago, Nov. 12, Professor Cox,
forociiBt official of tho weather bureau,
says tho gala which broke on tho hikes
Wednesday night and proved to bo tho
heaviest storm of tho year, is abating.
On Lako Superior four courorto woro
.torn from their steamers and throo of
aro still adrift or havo eoue
nnoro. ino vciioouur station! was
wrecked ut Good Harbor, Mich,, and
may bo n total loss. Tho schooner
Maumco Valley was driven ashore noar
Port Colliorue. Several large stoameri
wero driven buck to Chicago after bo
ing exposed to tho galo for a few
hours, and larito boats wero generally
seeking shelter on Lakes hurperior,
JUlohigiui anil Huron.
The wind, which at many places at
tainod a volooity of over 40 miles an
hour, was accompanied by fine snow,
and, with tho bitter cold, made it hard
work for the mariners.
California Btauds fifth among tho
statos as an oil producer.
W. P. Rend says European countries
jnust look to America for supplies of
AJ1 tho street mail boxes ip Tro
raont, O., were broken open and tbo
contents rifled.
Rov. Sam Jones, the evangelist, is
brokon in health. His physician has
ordered him to take an absolute rest
ior several months, j
A very light vote was polled In
South Carolina. Tho full state tioket
and lull congiessional tioket was elect
ed by tbo Democrats.
Thu American Rico Growers' Dis
tribution Company, has been incorpor
ated under the laws of the state of
Louisiana, with a capital of $15,000,-
000. W. K. Vanderbilt is president.
One of the inoidonts of election day
was the suicide of Fred Janecks, of
Chicago. Upon reaching the polls ho
remarked that ho was about to cast his
nrst naiiot. Tins no did, tnen pur
chased a bottle of carbolic acid, and
upon his return home committed sui
cide by drinking tho contents of tho
Tho S3 largest towns of England and
Wales hayo a total population of near
ly 12,000,000.
The total number of dosorters from
the Frouch army slnoo January 1,
amounts to nearly 7,000.
The Pennsylvania railroad's system
oi pensions lor employes may bo ox
tended to its western lines.
Ramon Reyes, a Filipino, asked the
privilege of registering at Omaha with
tho view of voting for president.
The St. Michael IteierTHtlon.
Washington, Nov 10. The secre
tary of war, under an order of the presi
dent, has directed that all lands lying
beyond a radius of 10 miles from the
flagstaff at St. Michael, Alaska, be
turned over to the secretary of the in
terior. When this reseivation was
first created it had a radius of 100
rranco-Ainerlonn Cominerclitl Trentr.
Paris, Nov. 10. The customs com
mittee of the chamber of deputies met
today, 'ihe opinion prevails that the
re-election of MoKinley will lead to a
Franco-American commercial conven
tion being shortly submitted to the
Washington senate, whose vote is
awaited before the measure will be
brought before tho French chamber.
Smallpox Amonr Inillnni.
Washington, Nov. 10. The Indian
bureau has received n telegram from
the Shoshone agency in Wyominc an
nouncing that smallpox has brokon out
at zander, near tlie Indian reservation.
Vaccine virus for 1,700 pereons, which
tho agont asked, to havo dispatched to
him immediately, has been forwarded.
neiiiHiuU nu Acoountlii);,
Chicago, Nov. 10 E. H. Griffiths,
who olaims to be tho largost holder of I
ino stock anu uonds of tho Soattlft
Traction Company, has, with othors,
brought suit in tho superior court hero
to havo an accounting of the finances
of tho concern. The dofendants aro
the members of tho reorganization
committee, which took charge of tho
company when it was evolved from the
Seattlo Eloctrio Railway & Power
. Injr or Greeting.
Canton, O., Nov. 8. President Mc
Kinley was up early this morning after
a few hours' rest. An armv of mes
sengers poured in thib morning, bring
ing congratulatory telegrams, and
friends and neighbors gathered to ox
tend their congratulations. The pres
ident breakfasted at 8 o'clock with
Mrs. MoKinloy and then went to tho
library, where ho ran over tho morning
papors and listened to the dispatches
as Secretary Cortelyou picked them
from the thousands received. Thuy
camo from all quarters of the country
anu worio, many being cablegrams
from ambassadors and ministers
abroad. All the members of the cabi
net had boen heard from. Senator
Jlanna ond many of his associates of
the Union Club, of Cleveland, joined
ina'message expressing their satisfac
tion. All tho dispatches breathed a
spirit of personal devotion to the pres
ident and a patriotic sense of the result.
The Election In Porto Uloo.
San Juan do Porto Rico. Nov. 8 It
is estimated that 75,000 Republicans
voted at the election yesterday for a
commissoner to congress and members
of the house of dolomites. Not mr
than 200 Federals voted. The eleotion
was exceedinlgy orderly. There urn
no reports of disturbances. Commnni.
cation with tlio Interior is slow.
Hllzxnril In Mlnneaota.
Minneapolis, Nov. 8. A bllzmrrt u
bearing down upon this section. The
weather has turned cold and hoavv
snow storms are reported from varioui
places. New Richomnd, reports five
inones. witn tne snow still falling and
the wind blowing a galo.
OurDemnnd on Morroceo.
Tangier, Nov. 8 -Unitod States
Consul Gunner is understood to have
made further strong representations to
tho government oillciuls. urcino !.
iy.iiouv ui me American claims It
is also again reported tlmtan Amorioan
moor ia to oo sent to onforco the do.
mauds. M
Approved by Von lVHlfleraee.
Pokin, Nov. 8,-Count von Waldor
seo approved tho soiitnn r
passod upon tho fivo leading officials a
Pao Tung Fu, whom a
inquiry found responsible for tho mur
dor of Amorlcan and English mission
arios. General Yen, who has arrived
here, will act as an advisor of the Chi
nese ministers.
Health authorities estimate that 10
per cent of the mon who go to Cape
Nome never come baok alive
(lain Wrought llnvno on f.nUn Krln
Clovoland, O., Nov. 12. Tho terrific
storm on Lako Krlo coiitinnod today
with nnabuted fury. Tho captain of
tne passenger stoamor City of Krlo,
winch arrived early today from Huff a
lo, reports thnt ho sighted the mast of
a sunken vessol sticking ont of tho
water about 25 miles off this port. The
tugs sent out to locate tho supposed
wreck rotumed to this harbor tonight.
They reportod finding tho stoamor ICa
ligula riding at anchor 30 miles out.
Thoy could find no traco of n wreck.
Fire In n lleilrtlng Mine.
Redding, Cal., Nov. 13. A firo, the
origin ol which Is uttrihutod to chemi
cal aotion, is burning in the Peck tun
nel of tho great iron mine. Tho drift
has been closed and tho 100 mon em
ployed tliero have beon laid oft. It it.
thought tho firo can bo confined to the
placo where it startod. The ore is ho.
lieved to be on fire, but on explosion is
not anticipated. Tho demand of tho
men in this tunnol for an olgbt-hour
sniu rocently precipitated a striko,
wmcn was ended by the miners ac
knowledging thoir defeat.
Iluller In Knclnml.
London, Nov. 12. Gonorul Sir Rod'
vers uuiier, on tho Dunvegon Castlo,
irom Oapo Town, roaohod the quay at
Southampton last ovening at 8:30. Ho
was groeted by Lord Woleelov and his
stau, as well as by an immenso assom-
myoi townspeople. At 0 o'clock he
sat down to the mayoral bauquot, the
first Of a R0ri0S of funntlnn In liia
honor. After tho banquet, hd wai
compolled to appoar and acknowledge
irom tho baloony of the botnl
demonstration, and great crowds prom
enaded in front of tho hotel, noronad-
ing him and slnciuu natrlntln nniun ..n.
All , O-
ui u mm nour.
Sletnl Workers' Mlrlke ICn.i.,1.
Plttshurc, NOV. 12. Offlnlnla nf
Amaigamutod Association of Iron and
btooiworkors annouueo tho sottlomeiit
touay or tho strikos at tho Rivorsldo
iron works of tho Natloiiol Tubo Com
pany and the Jlessomor, Alu plant of
ino ionneseeo Iron, Stool & Railroad
Company. The resumption of tho two
plants will give omploymont to 8,000
Indiana dects nil n.,
congroiMiiion uxcept in the 2d ii
12th distikts. 'd,M
Iowa Returns from BOouljj,
648! AIoK,"l0Jr, 20.0CGi Brju,
Kansas On tho bnMs of Ilmlte'
turiis Republicans claim Kin..,,
25,000 for tho national ticket J
000 for tho stato ticket nnd tfat
tion of ovory Republican cotpt,,
with tho possible exception cf it
district. Republicans c,n 1
lihitnro by u safe majority eg i
ballot. 'i
Louisiana Tho entlro ili Ml
slotial districts in LouIhUm in cr
ly womocrauc. nryau s raijeiti
tha stato will bo in oxceiof M,M
."laino .McKinioy's mijorib
Mnino will vary butafowW
from 28,600, n Ions of 10 per ceil.
1800 and a Bryan gain of 21 wd
to hear from. Maryland's tilnniJ
McKinley and Hoonovelt in jenrrdj
eleotion was 14,140. A eolid Be
lican delegation to tlio i'dsatl
was oloctod. j
Matiuicliusotts The complttcrJ
tins state is: .M chimin;, EJ,
Bryan. 160,607.
Michigan McKinley'i tlnnl
00,688. Tho oultro couganlould
gallon is Republican
Missouri Tho DeiiinmUtitnt!
cd congressmen in 12 Mltnorl
trlcts, nnd tho Itepulillcinj la
with still two tho 1 a i It sod th
to bo heard from. These creelii:
by thoDemocrxts.
Montana Bryan's plnralllr 11,1
Mississippi Bryan's plurality
Nevada Bryan's majority li
New Hainpshiro The fatuM
majority in .the stato on both tte
ornatorlal and national tickets wit!
Now Jcrsoy McKinley'i plon
62,020. Six out of eight cosgreti
Now York McKlnley'a plon
North Carolna North Wrffl
elves llrvan a maioritv of not leu
80,000. Tho noxt coogreiilonl
cation from this state will cctl
North Dakota -Itopubllcaa plan
Ohio Unofficial rotorni rew
from 88 out of the 88 conntlMn
the claim of 70,000 for MoMnItf.
we oloot 17 of tho 27 memleii of
crois. a cain of two Democrat.
PATIItflTMtmtl n rvimnlete rttf
give MoKinloy 287,733 plumllt.
llhn.ln Ta1nn.lnn Olal leinrvf
XfnVi,,in.. mi R"l Hi van. ii
T)n4K Min..Aaannn IfMnilhMCflD
WUIH VUtliVDaillUU !
South Carolina It is not cto"
probablo that Biynu's ronjomj
c.ii .i,o. nr an nnn in tne hhic
..... n.,w, . uu,v.'u - . i
n'... .., llrvun'a tilnra IIJW
iUUIIOMUU J ' ' i u
th.i. iirt.,nv'a minority il
Vormont MoKiuloy's plurality
-7l ll A rnxnnltlllatlOn 10
1 num." .
alula indloatos a Democratic p.-a
fiatitlul ticket of over
000, nnd the olootlou of tho Deml
in every congessionnl diin. j
Wo.t vir,.lnln In a siaiei" fl
.1 I.l.,l,.l.f SnnrntarV J.
BUDU Ub llliUlllK.'"l'w - ia
. u n.nni,innn state oomn!
Ul U1U Jiujll...v
gives lamuuiuu ii ...vis
nnm.tV In tlio stato. showing WOfc'l
' -:t z. -
has nearly 30,ouu majuv.
.... i.. nu.n iionuuuci""
vv lHnniiHiii -xiju .-i
i i.....iu nf nt least JUl"!
jiuYu i. '" ..,.n
vvisoonsin. ah i ."i -- ,..,iai
....... . ninred. The iB'""l
Is ovorwholmmgly Ropublican.
WvomiiiK-Hoturns from i
oi..iu n,,f. nf lino in Wyouiiiige'J
WJWU MM " . (fit, UT.
majority of 8,000 for orw
Infneted Tree Iliirned,
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 13. Tho dopart
fnent of ontomology last nlnht burned
80,000 troos from u Nashvillo nurseiy,
whioh, it is alleged wore infected with
tho San Joso scale. Stntn I
gist Scott left this morning for Wood
hury to destroy 20,000 moro trees
which ho has oollooted thoro. Tho
trees, it is said, have hnnn l,
, , - ' UtW i vu
tho stato without the propor certificate.
MlueM KM""'
m q A cave-io
lacomii, iuv. u --..- resa
M ft ol- tfnvhnlllKlO. JWW-vi .
eo in ino nruwi ui ,;,, fni )is
Thndend aro: Krl ?'? I
Lodem.Gust fersZ4
a married mau, tho others ' m a
Tho ucoideut warf cau; - n
-1 inn huh" - in
awav oi vuo ui
booms. About
in the initio at tl
the throo killed