Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 09, 1900, Image 8

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Mr. II, II. Hl.tck, the will-known
Villiiuo Miu-Uftiiitli at (irahiunsvillo,
Sullivan Co., N.Y., ayn: "Our little
nrn, five yearn old, 1ms always boon sub-
jeet to croup, nnd bo bad Imvo tho nt
tucks been tbnt wu Imvu feared' ninny
tiiiiOM tlmt bo would dio. Wo have bud
the doctor mid usiM many niurik'inos
but Chamberlain's Coub liumedy is
irv our colo reliance. It cvcma todis
hoIvo tbo tough mucus und by giving
frequent i1ohi8 when theoroiipy synip
tom.i appear wo have found that tho
droudi'd croup is cured before it gets
settled. " There- is no duliger in giving
this remedy or it contains no opium o
other injurious drug und limy bo given
ns confidently to n Imuo ns to no adult
l'or side by IIknhon' Dnuo Co., Cottngo
(irove. Lyons & Aei'LEaATM, Drain
Land Ojlico ut Ilosoburc. Oregon.
October 22, 1000.
Notice is hereby eiven tlmt tho fol
lowing-mimed Hettlu'r bus tiled notice of
his intention to make tinul proof in sun
port of his claim, and that wiid proof
will 1)0 mailo before Joel Ware, u. i?
Otuiimwioner, at Eugene, LunoCounty,
Oregon, on December 1, 1000, viz; lillen
Thompson, formerly Jilien nite. on 11
K. No. SOW, for tho NV H NAV H
.See. 12. Tp. 20 S., 11. 4. West. '
She noines the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon ami
cultivation or sain mini, vhs:
John Frost of Wnlket. Lane county,
Oregon, Lawson Single, John Klliot, Al
Ulludge, of Cottage drove Oregon.
J. T. BnnxiKS,
Six terrible failures of six different
doctors nearly sent AV111. II. Mullen of
Lockland, O., to an early grave. All
said he had a fatal lung trouble and that
be must soon die. Dut he was urged fo
try Dr. King's New Disc.oveiy for Con
tmmption. After taking five bottlos be
was entirely eurod. It is positively
guaranteed toeiire all diseases of Throat,
Chest and Lungs, including Coughs,
Colds, La Grippe; Pneumonia, Uron-c-Mtis,
Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup,
Whooping Cough. BOoand $1.00. Trial
bottles free atllExsojJ Dnuo Co. Drug
Like Stanley and Livingstone, found
it harder to ovorcome Malaria, Fever
anil Ague, and Typhoid disease germs
than savage cannibals; but thousands
have found that Electriu Bitters is a
wonderful cure for all malarial diseases.
If you have chills with fever, aches i
back of neck and head, and tired, worn
out feeling, n trial will convince you of
their merit. W. A. Null of Webb, -III
writes: "My children suffered for more
than 11 year with chills and fever
then two bottle9 of Electric Hitters
cured them. Only. 50c. Try them
Guaranteed. Sold bvBcxsox Dr.ucl Co
We linve frequently lintl occasion
to refer to the average annual yield
of butter from the dairy cows at
the Minnesota State Farm, which
is about 350 pounds per cow. This
wns when the herd was composed
of aged cows. During the past ten
years there has been building a
new herd composed almost entirely 1
of heifers. This will give an op
portunity to note what changes will
take place in the yield and quality
of milk from the time a, cow drops
her first calf until she passes the
breeding age. This is , the reason
for beginningva herd with heifers
with first calf.
There arc now complete records
of twelve of the heifers, during the
past lactation period and they range
from 084.81 to 46S.37 pounds of
butter each, and averaged 320.49
pounds. The aim was to have
them do light work while they are
growing so they will develop into
strong, vigorous, useful and long
lived cows, for they are to be an
experiment during their life-time.
And since some cows will remain
profitable until they are from 15 to
20 years old, there is a long job be
fore the experimenters. There are
young cows now bred to come in
early in the fall, and arc stall-fed
about coo days during the winter,
during which time they give about
200 pounds of butter each, which
is sold for 25 cents a pound. They
are in pasture about 165 days, when
their butter sells for 20 cents. The
cost of feed is not figured yet, but
.--til- - t a t&t 1 r.
1 win ue aooiu 25 cacn, so alter 1
they are credited v ith the skim j
milk and calf their net earnings 1
will be in the neighborhood of $75 1
each, which is certainly giving a ,
good account of themselves. The
Farmer. !
1 Kl'ART
I Oi'llll
9:15 11 m
U um
Vln limit-l.iglon
' Si.ivkuno
0i m
8 p ut
Tlmo Schedule
Suit l.nko, I'onvor. l't.
Worlli, Onmhn,K"iui
wm Uiy, St. J vi Ik.
Chlrairu 11ml lnt.
Suit l,Vo. Denver. I t.
Worth. Onnl hit. Kit M
M (lly. 81.' lxlUlKyl
viuengti nun 1' ist 1
WullH Wtrtla, l.owlic
tun. RiMiVniia. M 111"
lumpo'ls, Ut. Villi!,
1 iiintn, .Mi;Hune,
ChliMiifo Ami h'HKt.
Alt iMtllua .Infos tub-
Joct to elianxa.
Vor Sun Kriitiflnmf
still every (lilny
Dully Kx.
S 1 1.1
10 P m
0 n 111 Kx.
7 11 m
unt Sut.
ToAstnrln nml Way-Dimlluyt).
Oromv.i City. Nettber
Siileiu nml Wiiy-lJiinl-infs.
(ffj 8 .v.... . .KiKsJf.'i ttM Hi faU. .
. .... Wjg&A kL$ X-ti''r: vr
jfflfTai PSKiW "ih . -1-1. 'i .!.. In ri.l.'yi ' V., Wi'mnni-aMTtr.iiw
.. Bit Villi fcMMitlll !., i;mi nion Uu mn'ki ,ih1.."u nl itoI mitii 11 1 i.rint vam
Kh W' iwUk KB I V uiil 1. 1 J il.l'.l Til! 1 uliof nf K rl'il liw.l l, U.l).if iflro t
A Wi B; I lViUJB ilvnni.iiii..iSA jiOOttr in to nmni:iu
fdKI ilH lui" .'H'MAS' i "X4 u .i ti M n vi!.r-'ll llil'liinim i. jiwhtiuhmv t i"-;n,;r
-WW UKinWlftlM". in i ci.l'l wiihm tin. I-1 uijii.IJ. KimimlM In
lvl- mfflxMKllY. SB 11... ' . 1.1 1 . iirnwli (rnwi. Iilirlilr nnl-heit (' I ":""'"". J 'i"'11
JK I A HPtRwn;' I 11 i.-I 1. ui 11 1,11 il Wr V'"". 1!,
JVl BtFTai ' i Iffl r i. r" il. l t'lii ' 'I" "' "lili Our lli.Jliijt ir'ii Br
BBJ iVi W WUt'MLM'SSjfr ,V LVJS SS t.uioh n. rn .11k mt .m
W P 1 Wjjll'EilF WHEELS. &!f!Sb?s;l
' Ws. m . 1 1. ' In lirrS'ut! Iiik::jm i.hjti ' -r ? ' rhs.'" ,l"'
,i' ... ? J.V.iii! i 1. litiiii ' vhmthiibWv u to IIAHN A UKIW'l.n I ri!lr
ItW- ti'"1CLi: 13 BUI trth'it ".I'"f '. W I n ! i. V I '.
l"i. Ill nrlitoftli,p "' witJ4tMIM
Ix. SmiU ) " " uy,V Y Y,lUn j,,Ti t, n-r.r In . h.'i k .. l.wUM-huilnlTjiri. or 1 xptyw
SEKB y6! QMM J5i".iM?Wr !',r!,:.'.. XllXtt;
P l'im-n will, ll.o pr v" ',,l,ln,''tn.
n'Hnp tin, h01i S ""jM-'i1
nun M Mi
YammiCi. ItrYKwi
Oioimn Cttv, liHvtun
und Wiy-rni11nii.
I-osMi I
Dally I
Pnakk Uivi:ii
j;iprlii to l.ewtoton.
8;r0 p in
nml Fti.
'.I II 111
General Passenger Agent,
rortlnnd, Oregon.
Editor W. V. Barry of Lexington
Teiin., in exploring Mum moth Cuve, con
traded 11 cevero ease of Tiles. His qnic
cure through using Uucklon'u. Arnica
Kalvo convinced him it is anotlic
world's wonder, dirts I'ilos, Injuries
Inflamatiou, anil all .Bodily Eruptions,
Only 2oc ut Be.nsos Dnuo Co.
"Ono of Dr. Kind's New Life Pill.
each night for two weeks lina put me in
my 'teens' again" writes D. H. runier
of Dempseytowji, Pa. They're the boat
in tho world for Liver, Stomach mid
Bowols. Purely vegetable. Never gripe
Only 25c at Benson Dnuo Co., Drug
Sosnrenro wo that tho locating of a
few of our Electric Holts will develop
into numerous sales of our Belts and
Appliances, that wo mo willing to sond
ono free to any sufferer front the follow
ing diseases : Cold extremities, Crysto-
rcle, iemido weakness, Kidney com
plaint, Luui-orrlien, Liver, complaint.
Paralysis, Lost vitality, Kurvoua debility,
Self abu?e, Worn-nut woinen, Sciatica,
Weak and Nervous' women, Irrognlar
menstruation, Impotenoy, Ilhoiimatisni
Diminutive Shrunken and Undeveloped
Sexual organs, and Catarrh.
Address for illustrated circular, etc.,
Nanitariuui City Electrical Co., Battly
Creek, Michigan. ,
To removo a tronblosomo corn or
bunion: I'irst soak the corn or bunion
in warm water to soften it, then paro it
down aa closely as possible without
drawing blood and apply Cliainborlain's
l'ain Balm twice daily; rubbing vigor
ously for live minutes nt each applica
tion. corn plaster should bo "worn for
n few days, to protect it from the shoo.
As a general liniment for sprains,
liruihVH, lameness , and rheumatism,
Pain Balm is unerjiialed. Try it. For slilo
by Bbnso.n Ditua Co., Cottage Grove.
Lyons it Ai'i-lkoatu, Dnlin Druggist.
The increase in the use of rape I
as a forage plant in the United i
States in the past five years has
been phenomenal. At the present
rate of increase in its use it will be
but a few more years until no far
mer who keeps sheep will fail to
have a rape field for them to
pasture on every fall. There is no
other portiop of the United States
so favorable to the growth cf the
rape plant as Western Oregon and
Western Washington, but it is
proving valuable everywhere ex
cept in extremely hot and arid
sections. Oregon Agriculturist.
Pvioit DR. JORDAN'S cheat
fl!lwcea Sixth iliilStreatb.J
Tholnrcot Anatomical Hasoum
In tbo World.
(Irralril attraction In (An City. A
woiulerful ityhljor vUllort.
ortdlvTiKMHmllMrl.i vm cilln- Q
the oldfst SP(vliilltnii the Tucllti!
Coast. JiitublUliid 3'J years. a
nn ininM mihi.. m.i.nrfi
uiu uunu1.1 ri.uti c uiatnau
T"tinc lat-ii and mlililir
nciMl men whn iiro miriTlni;
finm the ffiVcN nf youthful liulli.
CrtlnilV Or lXiPSu In mnhiro.
years. Kcrrnusiuiil plipik'iii lrl;llltv,Iui.
lfllIICV. JllJlIllltltl III fill ll.onmi.H.
I cutlo'i.i; .SiiiM'itiiilorrlHpii, I'l'iiMiti,,,.
i lwa, Connrrlltcsi, Ulrrt, I'rrqitrnrr
I of Ui'liiullutr, fic. lly 11 coniblnntlon of
remeillfxi, of Kreut cumtlvn po cr, the Doctor
1 MuauiiriiuiKL'ii iin irPHimPnj IIIU( Il will noi A
only alTiiril Ininu-illato rellpf; but Dennntient r
1 cure. 1 lis Doctor does nut cltrfni to nctfurni A
' miracle, but It well known to bn a filr nml a
1 squiro fiiysician una oiirffeon. iiri.emlucut
) lu blsnpeclalty Dhraitu ot JJeii. Q
, KYIMMJ.X tlinroiiBhly emdlcn led from
) thn sj-Bteru without tlio moot JIci-rnii. Q
TriiKm flttei brnn rinpr. HntiiKi r
I ciirp for Itiiplnrp. A qulclc nml mrtfwif A
cure for I'llm. Flunurn nml Flliilic,uy
I Dr. Jordan's special painless metlio.1. X
EVJMtY annlrlnirtotiiivvlllreoilrn V
our hon'tt opinion of lifsmniplnliit. X
' Wetolll (iunmntee a 1D&IT1VE CCSE tn I'
k evrrycase i"e wuiertnkc.
I'.invmntiou nml ntnctiy pnvato.
cir.inai:s hvahoxablu.
Treatment personally or by letter.
AVrllo fur Rnnlr. I'll I I.1V( I" II-V C1T
I M.vnitlAfli:. MailkdI'iiee. (A valuable
bout for men.) Call or writs
OR. JORDAN & CO., 1 0SI Market St., S. F. 'I'..-.,. -'"l, AOVn.l.
.1 ;'"'iiirv." ..: 1
..... ::' piibiu- Liu'., u fx.
11 i'mii AiiKUHl- , IK Y (:,,.. ' "'""I'll hy
.. C othiKodMn,., (V. , 1 I.Jon
.."W1' ,,,,M ""H-i.iv 1 ll(;-.K?t
inn i- 11 in nworil HlMIM
.MO llllllthltHIl of Hi,. Ul.
111 1.. mi. . 1 . '
in. Ill lUWIIIlp
' ""'I III
il Nn in, 1 l
ifiih. v.. ..; '.'".rt'i'iioiiv,;
Wfht. nml will' " 'llll!l- ,. .;
diiihcr or Momi i)m, !" "'''b furli,
ttu iMMfM, mill to ,.Hti,i1H,, i,1';1' 1'imi
.olveroflhiolll,,,,. ,&",'J:,,'
a'tl..miM..,u,'' Mo imtiicHtm wHncuM-M- '
iMHU'llll I'HlklllH, J,, , 1 ,.,
I'l'iim-H, i). iVi;,,;, 1 W , p.
Ull'gUII, ' "lute,
Tho practical nido of science la rcilcctcd in
A monthly publication of inestimable valuo to tho Btutlent of every day
scientific problems, tlio mechanic, tho industrial expert, tho manufacturer,
tho inventor in fact, to every wido-aVvako person who hopes to bettor his
condition by using his brains. Tho inventor, especially, will find in The
Patent Record a guide, philosopher and friend. Nothing of importniico
escapes tho vigilant, eyes of its corps of expert editors. Everything is pro
seated in clean, conciso fashion, so that tho busiest niny tako timo to road
and comprohend. Tlio scientific nnd industrial progress of tho ago in accur
ately mirrored in tho columns of The Patent Record, and it is tho only
publication in tho country that prints tho ollicial news of tlio U. S. Patent
Oflieo and the latest dovclopemcuts in tho field of invention without fer
or favor. suiiscuiptiox rntcK onk dollar vim yijau.
THE PATENT Battsmsm? Mst,
veiwly the nlM.v.-t!,.t.t.r,i '," 1 ' '!
I'tKlllCCttHt to llln 1 1 ie
otlfi jM... or Mori, mid .Ju, ,! '".
eomlmr, 11KM). "" u' l't.
1. I . Hinimm, (,,
Wo Carry n mil 1 ie ,
Sasli unci Doors
Kstiitmtes Clicerlully
nil classes of work.
C'ven on
Cows are getting scarce in the
east and a carload jvas recently
sold in Chicago at $47.50 per head.
If it were not that great gain has
been made within a few years in
average yield by cows kept for
dairy purposes, there would not be
enough butter produced in the
United States at the present time to
supply the home demand. A great
many farmers who -a few years ago
were engaged in 'dairying with
cows more suitable for beef pur
poses have given tip dairying since
cattle have been hitrh. Oreeon
We have on hand a Jarj:e stock of
luln-dried lloorinc, ceiling and rustic in
gnuii H 1 2 mid 3. Let ua make you
tjii'i iiil prices,
Mr. DeSpain has sold his farm
to Messrs Lea and Tucker and will
move his family and household
goods to Philomath this week.
Miss Uleeua Unggs is visiting
her mother Mrs Will Coffin.
W S Miller went to Eugene last
week and his son Tip went on a
visit to the Coyote Creek country.
James Miller is up from Saginaw
to' stay until after election.
Dominigo Peritii has been quite
sick but is now recovering.
The rock crusher and ' engine
have been covered over and work
has been suspended.
It was announced that Rev.
Burnett would preach here last
Sunday. A large crowd gathered
but the preacher failed to put in
Trains leave Cottace Grove for Port
land nnd way etutiona at 3:07 a. 111..
12:':0 p. m.
Lv. Portland 8:00a.m. 7:0np.m.
Lv. Coltaco Grovo 1 a. in. 2:57p.m.
Ar. Ashland 12 :S.'! a. null ::in a. m.
Ar. f-ncramento... 5:00 p. m. -IsST) a. m.
Ar. San Kiancieco. 7:-t5n.m. 8:15a. in.
Ar. Ogilen 5:15 a. in. 11 :.') a. m.
Ar. Denver 11:00 ji. in. i):00a. in.
Ar. Kansas City. . 7 :25 a. in. 7 :25 a. in.
Ar. Ciiicaco 7:45 a.m. IKHin, m.
Ar. Los Anueles.. :20 d. 111. 7:00 a.m.
Ar. Kl Pupo 0:00 p. m. 0:00 r. m.
Ar. tort "Worth... 0:30 a. 111. 6:30a.m.
Ar. City of .Mexico 9.55 a. in. 0:55 a. in.
Ar. Houston 4 :00 a. m. 4 :00a. m.
Ar. Nhw Orleans.. C;25 p. m. 0:25 p. m.
Ar. Waphincton.. 0:42 a.m. fi:42a.m.
Ar. New York. . . .T2:43d. m. 12:-l.'in. in.
Pullman and Tourist rars on both
trains. Chair cars Sacramento to On.
den and El Paso, and tourist rars to
lihicaeo, bt. .Louis, New Orleans and
Connectine at San Francisco with piv
eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Ja
pan, China, Philippines, Central and
South America.
See T). T. Awbrev, Agent, Cottago
Glove Station, or address
0. II. Maiikham, G. P. A.
Portland. Orcjion.
The JOB OFFICE of this
paper is at your disposal for
the best of printing of any
and all kinds at barely liv
ing prices.
(. 1 1 . C '.ii.. c .
The Heat Ready-Mixed Paint cn
the market.
. Jenkins it toon.
Itiltl Olllcc it Uo-clninr, Orr;n.
...... , Si'l'leiiiiM-r 21, mi,
notice in heri'liy irivcn that tliffulln.
IllK-IIHIIIOll fcltler llllH llll il tmlllV lllllH
Inli'iltinii lo iniike thin! iru in mii.i(t
ofhiK cliini, iiihI 1 hut fitiii pr K,l rilll
niMilt) b fort- .lool Wan'. I . K. t
floniT HI I'hiKfiH, rircyon. on N'fvcmif
12, 1000, viz. .Iiiiiii'h . ItoliinMni in
ft. K. No. 7127 for the NK 1-1,,
T. 21 S.. It. I K.
He niiini'8 the follntvin uilnrMlo
iinne hiit dominium rt-riili-iu-i-iiiHn iul
uiiltivuilou of hiIiI land. vu.
Umrvt' A. .Miller, Wilmt-r
ISusi'iiv, Omcciii. Lmvii'iifu llickv. II.
A. Uarr, of Porilitiid, (lictrnti.
J. i. Iliiiiii.rn,
NOTICK l'OK l'l'llldCATlO.N.
Yhen you need anything
in the line of printing please
remember that the motto of
this olfice is good work,
good inaterial? neatness and
dispatch, and the prices are
within reach of all.
riotleo la hereby givonUmtl Unvo Lean np
poliitcil Ailmliitstratarof the estate ofn. II.
VuilSI'linlauk. dOl0SOll. All linrurum hnvlnir
claims naallut wild ctnlo aro rrumiroil In nrn.
fcont thoin with jiropor vouehorB to mo at my
oIIIpo nt I'ottuBO (Irove, Lime Comity, Orcston,
with the propor voncherii, within six montln
iniiiijhe 1I1U0 of thin notice.
patcU thliUth duyof November 11X0.
Jameu IUmekwav, Administrator.
Land Oflieo at Ilogeburp, Orepon.
Sopteml)or21, 1000.
Xotico is horoby eivon that the follow
ins-nanied settler ban filed notice of his
iiiiciiuon 10 11111K0 ntiai proof in sup
port 01 1113 claim, and that said proof
win uo niacio uotoro .lool Ware, U. S.
Commissioner, at Kngene, Uroeo'ti. on
iiuiumiTO j, jyuu, viz; uuoice A
Miller on. II E. No. 7428 for the NW
fim. in Tl Ol C T -I n
Ho names tbo followim? witimsona
nruvo dim coi LintioiiH riiM 1 inn..! n.,n., .,.,.1
cultivation of said Intnl. viz ;
James Itobinson, Wilnior Smith, of
Eiimme, Oregon, Lawrenco HicUy, II
A, Parr, of Portland, Oregon.
, , 1 J. T. PiiiDOKs, Kcgiatcr.
"I bavo used Chamberlain's Colic, 1
unoiern aim uiarrlioea Homcdy and find
it to be a groat medicine," says Mr. E.
S. PhiprjB, p Potoau, Ark. "It curod
meof blopdy flux. I cannot fipcak too
nigniy 01 it.-' This remedy always wins
the good oplniuii, if'.not praise, of those
wbousoit. TJ10 quick cures which it
effects -ovon in tho most sovoro cases
mako it n favorite everywhere Vnrni
by Pu.vson Dnuo Co., Cottauo Grovo
Lvo.vs & AwuHiATE Drain Druggistp.
Jlobomia Nugget and AVeokly Oregoniun
$2.00 per year.
A Few Bargains in Real Estate Offered bv
easv. '""Uill. ?3.5o. Terms
No, 56 2Co acres
N- 78Sf Ji county, l6milcsfrom cottar Grove
balance pasturrsoo ' S '75 av in t'vation,
No. 63-House and lot; $325. cme,lu, ,lear C- p- chmch; $1,700.
HEMENWAY & WHITE, Cottage Grove"' Ore.
"I ir.. ...
a, irv niunu our
o Xiamond
t J'lstol With two STr.n ' ,.
t G-tnch barrel : , ,Fn VIV 'An' 00
I Wo malca a full lino of rijle". Z 1
ix jy viuiNS AKMR
Ijtinl Ol'lt't nt Ho-ebnry, DriTon,
Hi'pU'iiilifr27. i.
NiiIIcoIh bt'ii'by tivon lit Ihp follow
IlIK IIHIIHsl 'tlttllT I11IH liliil nntii-fiil
intiMilliiii to uiiiht' proof in flip'
Hirt of bin claim, and th. t fiml prod
will Ih) iiihiIh lafnie Jml Wnri', V.
OoiiiiiiiHnliiiici-, hi Erj-eiit. ()n?on. hi
Novt-nibiir 2S, 1 000, viz: Kimurl F,
I'billlpon II. K. 7hi7firll'I.ol3.
NJVWSW l-l, See. 2H.T. JUH..B.3
Ho namc.H the followim; witncuw'tn
prove IiIm coutiiiuiiiiH reHiilencutiiiontinl
uiiltivuilou of Hiiid land, viz:
ChurloH Coh-ord, 0. W. Smith, Al
bert Kernell, Junius Law, of C'renwdl,
.T.T. IliiiDOK-.PrgUter.
Here is a chance to get your hoy
into a paying business on a small
capital. I have a choice lot of high"
grade Belgian Hares that I will sell
in pairs nt very low prices, mere
its no need to send to California
when you can get the same thing
here at home. Lord Uritain, Sir
Styles, Kashodn. Yukon, Red Kover
and other fashionable strains aie m
stock". If. A. Rankin, Eugene.
l'ltOI'ltlKTOK OI'
Wines, liquors and Cigars.
Choice Brands.
A Favorite Resort.
iwtttwomo ), 1497
tool CO.,
CMicOPrn imi 1 . mice
.... . ". .1.... iiia vn.nnrtner'
ship heretofore oxlutliiit between ' J1
Jionnoii nun J. a lieimon iinuer ", ".
of tho Iloimon llrnif Co.. has thl 'Iu,.l,.c.?il. j
uolvoil by tho mtitiil consent of tnojr""'
B. Honsoii rotirliiK therofroin. , . ,h. (irra
Thobunlnesa will bo contlnneiUn tM 9
niimo uiulor tho imimiBpiiiciit 01 m ' . ,
Iloinon. who nmuinos ami will l"y U1"
nKnliiat Iho linn. T..,rn have
Thoiicnomits duo tho Ilonsmi nruj?Cp., n
ni...,i in .tin 1... n.iii nf 1 14. Meuiey. "1.:
'':;irh ntruotloii w
collect tho Biuiie in onler thut t he bnj ne t
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