'fen. ,UlJ mat, i 1 runiJ ' tig Wetl f ttlr It OJ (J I'Utfc ". in i took u' art! Win, 2 C D)( J 'TttllrJ the 8iaHT8 0NANQ,NEATf Muhjt wilil a.7, . ""K'IK'.TM ,ul I !" ld' IIIO "urn,! of , jvu.ch 1 i::'r woivi-h, mo c-fiiiiri.t t... .i... "IU.,I tiBM. . .. ' . r With nil i.iu 1 "'i'llllU, With Mil IllH CUIllllliL'. Ik ..ri.... l uiulcr tlio wh.,.1-h,uuuu rfil aA mi tt4 mi J thtj tlri en Al itfl AO, his ill ive 'ouSV"''" 1"' n,,",,m,r" 10,2 n, Mny"e. ,'!,,tl! HI'""- lomiM rim tln-ouKti u wild ,, I I a. I U..H l..Kt., WOOdC-tl HWUtUPH 1,0 "l,ll,,1Ml '"'I't'iiotnilili, ,i,M t,H.y , r. 'irly nil kliH f I.iik0uh wild or by il. alii of tlm l,,mllll,t the mil iimlH c-nu Ih-hiti. Hca.,)t.rlcrosH the nu-liH. ,i,l often the foollKl. rabbit ala-H to the middle of the track be lWM.ii the rnllH m, rneeH the locomo the for mllr iifitll ho pluiieH Into n culvert or a bridge. "It Iiuk oceiirrl to me nevernl tlmt-H In my rullruml exrlenee." mild the old fiiKltii-er, "Hint ,. Aiiierleun skunk Will IIIHlie llllllM'lf fOIlKlllfUOIIH lollKCT mid louder tlmu any other IIvIiik thing. Imminently 'I we lly alon Hlxty iiiIIob nn hour through the !ooiii of night, n little wobbling body dark mid gray Im Keen by the glare of the headlight running diagonally across the track. The ntilmal may possibly ,y cinlck ac tion mid a skillful iimneuver escniie the wbeeli, and Insianily our nostrllH are tinluicd with an overiiowerlng scent which almost makes up faint. We arc -'00 yards away from the cause of the smell In an Instant, but It clings to us for miles, and the passengers In the cars who are awake wonder what kind of oil Is burning In the suiiiioscd hot ......... i. . . . Iiftvnu If ..... I. ....... ... I. til ..... ....... iFKDCh mumuniii iiiih citiciiiuici - imiipuu iu i.in mu mini j (be bunion eyo travuis ovor s.iim) " i" memory rungs to us still 'I in reading an ordinary sized rr at least live miles." ,1. He linn ii I ko octlmated that the uIkM a few weeks ago ns the hantHii being roads 'J, MID iiilln , Hlng fast mall on the Lake Shore was hioJ-writlng nuil print in u life I muiciug up lost time across the Imllnnn swamps, a nig red rox ilashwl out abend of the locomotive and took the straight, level track right ahead of tho train. In another Instant n great black mid tnu hound with his tongue pro truding, anil his long, lank body stretch ed out at full speed, took the roadbed Just llfty feet behind the fox. More, steam was turned on, and with their heads out the engineer and llreman watched the contest of speed. It was a grand nice between the two nnlmnls, with the mighty engine coming close after them sl.xty-llve miles nn hour, ond tho headlight showing the Meet fox straining every limb and muscle, and his enemy slowly falling behind. The old hound appeared to know that there was danger In his rear and took to the west-bound track, and In another uiln uae (lit rushing train went past him, but the fox, taking ndvontnge of the com plication, disappeared In the woods again. On the Pennsylvania railroad east of Altoona the track Inspector found the remains of n wildcat on the track, and on the Philadelphia and Krlo beyond Lock Haven n large black bear ran out In front of n freight train and was killed. Deer nre often seen crossing tho Philadelphia and Krlo tracks In the Pennsylvania moiitilaius, and In the wild, lonesome places where the trains stop for water If the attentive passen ger who Is nwake will put his head out of the window and Union he will bear the scream of the panther and the hoot ing of the owl. Pittsburg Post. 'OOT- I In ar.r rotiTNoiiK. hut KA K. Inidtr At (bin PdiKfiii your Oct fed Iikn, ntrtrous mid ii i rurliii.lf. Il ihittimartiiiK feel nr tlxlit Mine. f r hi K"of- 1-.;ioi- lireMfiim! nunl'iin.; Ijn talking run. l ii ret mh . .1 lei i nmr iimi lifi. iU"ii'r mm iiiin.u mhii Ikifti.inu mid in 1 1 ! i i h i r ii 1 1 luiiii niul Icftrwn cure for l InHilnliis. Smimiiimk. jjpn-hni-iril reel. v lim n mcr so.. if'nniuiiiiil" linn t ut'i luiiiKiiri' Ki'i UUr. Trv U i,. bold l.v nil taw snil liie ntnrrn fur '2.V. 'I'rittt Litf Kirr. Aililri'f, Allen S. OUn- k I lluy, N Y. IlteroRitnonest of all trees is tho III ',Mcli nourishes in every part nl 'mid. 1 10 Cl'IlK A CO I, II I.V ONi: lt.T iMtLaxntivu llromn Qiiliiliin Tab- All driiggUtft rcluiiil tli" money lilillito euro. I, W. (irovo'H slg- i Hon each box. L'lic. IOm winegliifrM of strong borax water liiutof raw starch will muku col IiibJ cuffs etlir mid gloscy. ItkiBtit rrnarrliitlmi for Miilhrln paod Fovor is ii bottlo of (irovei. Chill Tonic. It is n m nl v fiiad qulnlno in n tiiHteloss form, No Pay. Prlco fiOo. feChlrngo Historical Pooloty Iiiih ii MW lintlilliig that cost !f 180,000 imirnry of over L'0,000 bouiiil vol uil C0.0P0 uiiliiuiuil voliiinus bo (iraauy busts, paintings, etc. .Wen will Ibid Mrs. Wlnslow'sKootli 'rnp me best remedy to um fur th1 'KH during iho tocthiuc jiurlod. r'hall marblu tlnily with ammo- m wuter in pluco of soiipsudH. n nil JOO Km. There ar never any ex ternal signs of Cancer until Jl'ta nd tile system f Imrniit.hl v mn. "'"Wby this deadly virulent poison. I--vu oorc or UCcr appears on some n the lxxly; it may be small nnd -".m ooKinff at nrst, but as the can- - vcus iorm ana are deposited ly Mood near the sore, it increases in "ll Severity. Willi tlmrn tlir.nl 111 if l No W bX the .urircon's knife or flesh f-K-- plasters, nnother comes and is "'TC . e real n'sasc is in the blood, Keif?,mint must beKin thcrc Tlle jiK0 b'ood must be invigorated and ,li V..' , ' tni wben ,,,is is tIo"e cancerous "'JCtn nn In...... . i ii in -,!..., --.(,v-i iviiuiauu liic wjiu yiiu DlVlllitural v nn -J M..V4 VU11II1V11VJ V ffilMh W. IT...H - Wr Ave.. Hrl.lnV ffl- 2J for 'h"e l Irhlrh I v, M Inmrible, and Iu' '"inie, mj-- r"'i I3m n raiuf i. . wic sore Mhort il'0 llle ,,,rPr,"e ' the phylclans, i..,imy "Ppetlte i plendlil. ilcep ii Jia ', am enjoying perfect lieaUli." overcomes this de structive poison and removes every vestige of it from the svstem, . 1. lllUMailCIV. 11L.I1 UIWU. SVn the body and builds up the .j.' hive fl Sllfintrlnifa BAm nrlinvf. In. i If aSy blod taint, send for our free 4 " "vw, una wnic xo our nieuivrui lte 'or any information or advice A l If 111 LV. MV.V M V we ."8ke "o charge for this scr- prompt and rsttit COnf!r1in IFT SPECIF'lO CO., ATLANTA, OA. ntrh iniroa, irrup Uie I A Dangerous Wall,-, A high trestle bridge, a quarter of n mile lone, supports the single track of tho Nickel Plate Hallway neross tho valley of (.rand Ulver, Ohio. Recently a young man crossed this bridge under thrilling circumstances. A Cleveland exebnngo tells the story. Ho was half-way across when a fast train rounded the curve behind him. There wns not n moment to lose, nnd lio quickened his pace, not nn easy task on the ties. Ah he noared the end the train wns closo behind him, and ho had Just tlmo to swing himself over the side of tho bridge ns the locomotive thundered by. ' Tho ends of tho ties were slippery with grease, nnd his foot slipped ns ho left tho track. Ills right hand, stretched out blindly, touched nn Iron brnco, nnd ho clutched it. Then ror n mnment ho swung In flpnco, nnd In nn- other his loft linnd found n plnco bo ildo his right nnd his feet touched a wcl :omo benm below. WHh bleeding fingers clutching tho slender Iron bar that bent and vibrated, moments scorned hours: uut ni icugiu tho trnln passed, nnd tho young man wns nblo to climb slowly to tho track nbovo, and crawl over tho tics to firm ground. A Practical GUI, wi.on RParchluc for a wedding pres ent remember that a cako saw-that Is, a thin, Hat knife, with one edge cut Into enw tooth-Is the best knlfo to use to cut a loaf or enke. Kor a bride's loaf a silver one Is often used, nnd Is nn ap preciated wedding present, and one to bo handed down In tho family. It Is so unusual a gift that It is not likely to bo duplicated. Tho Ileal "Flowi-ry Kingdom." T?inwf.ra hinom In tho Sandwich ruinnds nil tho rear round; therefore, It Is bolloved that that country Is moro deserving than Japan of tho title "Flowery Kingdom." inohniw in tho latest rule, when a young man falls In lovo with a girl, tho girl's father Is compelled to board him about half tho time. Art find Vnt.. A millotin of iho Now York Zoolog. loni Hooiuty reportd that tho expert nieiit of decorating tho walls of tho dril-houso with paintings of landscapes iiiih had at least ono interesting result tho cranes have sovoral times tried to walk through tho walls. !li,' intuition, I lie hiiim; fur tin, piennnt (llilnpun en "iikIimikiius Ih Mm al.UMi of the Cliinesa '"iiniprniiis by tlin InrHmi powers. An "iiier giput revnltiiloii coim-s from tho HlMienl ihcsioiiiiH.il. Ovcriuxed dlcemlon "'' "'"'l' V' 'PHtit.M, illlligl'Stll Ivs- li'.lii and iiniuU...y. HoMcttei's Htoin '" Ii lllili-rs is I Im. hc-xt ineillrlne lo take. ".'.''"".V1" iK'rviiMiess or sleeiilcssuess. "on I lad to iry it. Wash mirrors in warm suds, thon dust with whitl and polish with chamois skin. SfpPB "'a Cough and War Sib Off tho Gold. Uxntivo IlTinno-tjiiiiiiii ii Tablets euro a eul'l in omi day. No ouro, Ko Pay. I'rlco 25 cunts. I I "for lx yearn I vn a victim orly poplH In lu worn form I tuiilil eat notliliiK tii t mlllt toust, mill in tltnesinykiomueh would not rataln and dlKct oven that Lant March I began taklin; CA.SCAItr;TS arid since then 1 have steadily Improved, until 1 am a well m I over wm in my life." David H. Munriir, Newark. O. Tho "elephant beetle" of Venezuela N tho largest liisect in tho world. A fill-groun ono weighs about half a pound. AN EDITOR'S EXPERIENCE. riesannt, t'alumMn. Potent, Taite Ooftd, 1)0 Qood, .Norr rtlc'Ken Weaken, or Orlpc. 10c. lie. Wo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Rl.rllMC R.m.iI fuMpaM;. (Iileiie"i 0lr.il. w Tftrk. lit llfl-Tfl-n Af Sld and ciinrnnlerd lr all drug fill' I ll-UHU ni.,. , inlleiviv.imrrn llnl.lt Hub your Imnp chimneys after wash ing with dry salt, and yon will bo sur prised at tho now brilliance of your lights. ' sioo m:vA ui sioo. AIJMY LIFE CAUSE:S PHYSICAL AND MI-.N TAL DISABILITY PUK MANY YbAKS. . It.(M(l I'ri.tn DkiiIIi l.y HiihiIIiii- tin A.lti rlUciiH.iit , Jiiiiiiiiillat ii f .Nolo Ailvlni't 1 1 h Itmtiliira nnd I'rleitila. Friirn Tanner .1 l)nlr)-man,Nortli Yaklmn.Wash In !8f:j, I entered tho regular fj. H. Army and was assigned to Co. "Ii," Slxtn Iiifmitiy, thun stationed at Port Dnughis, Utah. My boyhood days had been spent on a farm in Kentucky, but I bud not beoii accustomed to manual labor for sovoi'al yoars previous to en tering upon active military duties. Tho constant and excessive daily drills, sleeping in tents mid genoral exposure of a n'vero u Inter, brought on n pecu liar nervous trouble, which soun iiica pai'itiited mo for all garricou work. The Mist surgeon ordered mo to tho hospi.al and diagnoi-ed my caso ns muscular rhuomatism. My lower limbn seemed to bo dying losing all Feoko of outward feolliiL'. The most excrucinting pains madu mo nlmost wild with misery and I could not stand alone. My uppetito was ravenous, di gpntiou perfect, lungs strong mid gen eral health good except for this dis tressing dihiiiiility. After several days' treatmont with uo elinngo, 'tho surgeon concluded 1 had heart failure, lio prescribed tinc ture of digitalis, and gnvo mo soveral ounces of this without any effect, ex cept that I kept getting worso. In t'..o fall of 1884, I was dlscbargot' on sur geon's certificate of disability, and bo gun Ihu ililllcult tiiBk of existing and trying to regain my health in a strango laud, surrounded by unsympathetic people. My condition continued to urow moro shinning. I was compollod to use a heavy staff to provout lulling. All attempts at manual and mental labor were made under exasperating dilllcultios. I teemed about one-half dead. My weight was less than 140 pounds, though I was over six feet in height. I tried olectrlcity with no avail. Soveral local physicians gavo mo treatment which was not effectivo. Many well advertised remedies for uervous debility wcro taken with no satisfactory rosults. 1 read all tho modical authorities obtainable, mid finally found my symp toms under tho head of Locomotor Auixia. Tho author said thoro was no euru for tho disonso, and I believed him. lie recommended n mixtnro of iodido of potassium and sarsaparillu, as a possible aid to oxistenco. 1 took sev eral bottles of this formula aud double tho strength. This failing, I niado up my mind to dio as toon ns possible. There was no comfort, pleasure or hop pinesB iu life which kue"W nothing but pain. j Ono day 1 read the oxperionce of a man who bad boon aflllctod with Loco motor Ataxia, and cured by tho use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple I bought ono box nnd tried tho romedy, following tho directions very closely. This had a littlo effect, nnd I procured n half dozen boxes, and took them before I was convinced that a euro was possiblo. I began with ono pill after each moal, in a few doys I took two, and finally U6ed one box n woolc. My pains gradually difappoar ed, color oamo to my flosh, 1 could walk, run nnd jump, and actually dis pensed with a oauo. Words cannot portray my feollngs. Tohay 1 weigh 200 pounds, am perfect L healthy and fool 20 years younger than I did 10 years ago. Journalists ami nil brain workers nre liublo to aflllctlons such as I suffered. To all such I would advise tho uso of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Polo People in couuection with cold water bathing, morning and evening. I will cheor fully answer any and all questions asked by tboso aflllotoil. JOUL SIIOMAKEK, Kdltor Farmer and Dairyman. North Yakima, Wash. RnliBcribod and sworn to boforo me, this Ud doy of January, lauu. JAS. IS. UUl'J, vjouuiy vjieriv. A specllio for oil forms of weakness Is obtained in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Pconlo. The blood is vitalizod and bocoinos preguont with tho elo- ... fiifn Tim nervous systom is UlUltta ...w. - reorganized, all irrogularitios ar.o oor- reotod, strouctn returns " disappears. Po roniaiknblo novo oeeu .i... L,rn, nprfni-med 1)V tllOSO llllls that thuir fame has spread to tho far ends of I civilization. Wherever you go you win find the most important article ineveiy drigstorotobo Dr. Williams' Pink PUU. Tho rcadom of tliln jiaper will bo pleased to ;carn that tlicro Is at leant one dreaded disease, lliutucienro lias liccn nblo to euro in all lis uanci, and that is catarrh. Hall'sCatarrhCuro I iniiiuumy jiunilivu vuru Kliun 11 lif liiu uieuicut II..IVI ll.l. lamilll 1. uui.BlllulliUIUl UIB- eime, require a comtftii'lonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Turols taken Internally, acllni? dlrrcily lipoit the blood and mucous surfaces of tho syatcm, thereby dcstrnylnB tho founda tion of tlio tl'ifanc, nnd Klvlnic the patient Btreiruh by bnlldltiKiip the constitution and altlng nature In dolus 't work. Tlio pro prlelors have fo ranch faith in Its curative bowers, that they offer Ono Hundred Dollari lor any cako that it falls to cure. Send for Hit of totltnonlal. Addrcos , F. J. Oil j;iJEY & CO., Toledo, O. Hold by driiZKlts,7Gc. Jlall's family fills are tho best. For tho first tune somo blind fish from tho Mammoth envo of Kontucky havo reached Kuglaud alive and been placed in tho Loudon Zoological Gardens. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Tho rico-eating Ciiinmnon could con sumo tho present world's crop of wheat and still go hungry. (8 CfcjSrrrzs This signature is on every box ot tho genuine- Laxative BromoQiiinine Tablets tho romedy that enrcu u cold In ono (lay Tho nnmbor of newspapers and period icals in tho United States has increased from 5,871 in 1870 to 21,178 in 1800. Health for Ton Cent. A lively liver, pure blood, clean skin, bright eye.", perfect health Cabarets Gundy Cathartic will obtain and secure litem for you. All drug gists. 10c, 25c, DOc. Instead of 'an engagement ring the Japouoso lover gives his sweetheart a pinco of beautiful silk for a sash. I do not believe Piso's Cure for Con sumption has an equal for coughs and colds. John V. Boyeh, Trinity Springs, Im!., Feb. 15, 1U00. Tho retired list of tho regular army includes 704 oflicers on half pay, aver aging nbout .$3,000 each. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU AUK TAKING When you take Grovo's Tasteless Chill Tonio becauso tho formula is plainly printed on every bottlo showing that it is simply Iron and Quinino iu a tnsto lose form. No Curo, No Pay. EOo. An ingenious table intended for tho uso of invalids who aro confined to tho bed, has been dovised. It is so arrang ed that it can bo raised or lowered, ami can bo increased or decreased in diameter, to ovorlnp the eido of tho bed. By pressing a knob it can bo con verted into a reading-desk, nnd spring clips are provided for holding tho lead ing matter in position, Tho mechan ism of this tablo is so easily worked that an iuavlid can operate it without assistance. IMtlllllllllllllllllHH t SRSKl 20 YEAR GUARANTEE..1" f Two Big Pains I seem to be the heritage of the human family everywhere, Tiz: Rheumatism and Neuralgia but there la one sure aud prompt cure for both, viz: ;i St Jacobs Oil ii EX JlP CATHARTIC H TSADf lUSrl HIOITIBtO ftgf A Plionplinrflgeeiit CrnD, There was rocontly added to tho aquarium at Calcutta a gigantio crab about two feet m diamolor across its shell, and having legs three foot long, which wfs captured in ding-not in tho Indian ocean about a milu from tho slioro and at a doptn of 40 fathoms. Afte- being placed iu a. largo tank it dovotired tho fish and smaller crusta ceans that were its fellow prisoners, nnd later, in tho ovening, surprised its keepers nud visitors by omitting n whlto phosphorescout light, strangely illuminating tlio gloomy corner whero it had concealed itself between two bouldors. Why Cnrtnln Mntnla Cnnnot lln Cast. As is woll known, somo metals aro unsuitablo for casting, while others, liko iron, can readily bo cast in any desirod shape. Tho property of casting woll is said to depend upon whether tlio metal contracts or expands on so lidifying from tho liquid form. Iron, liko water, expands iu solidifvinc. and henco tho solid motal may bo seen MOQtl'S $3BS3fftSBFiiiS8 liUllklUf; ill 111U lllllllll null ItliUUL IV. I Gold aud silver contract in cooling, and therefore, are not snitablo for cast ing. The $m&ii of the Bzuvk That in wliore 8omo people feol weak all tho time. They are likely to be tleBpondont nnd it is not unusual to find them borrowing trouble ns if they hadn't enough already. The fuct is their kidneys aro weak, either naturally or becauso of sickness, exposure, worry or other influences. "I am thankful to sav." writes .T. I. Caintibcll. of Hvciimorc. III., "that Hood's ! SnrMipiirilln bit cured me. For many I years I was troubled with Jmokncho. At times I was so bad I bud to be helped from I the bed or chair. I nm now well and strong and free from puiii," What this ' great medicine did for him it bus done for others. PrnmioriH in nurn mill kenns tho promise, iscgin treatment, wnn Giraffe skins havo becomo extremely valuablo bocauso of their scarcity. Ten or 15 yoars ago it was common enough for n hunter in South Africa to kill 10 or CO ot tho animals in a day. At this rate thoy wero rapidly being exterminated, and now n giraffe ckin is worth anywhere from $20 to $50. Africa is tho most elevated of all tho continents. It is tho continent of "plateaus." Tho great table hind in the south has a mean altitude of over 3,500 feet; tho wide table land on tho north lias an average elevation of nbout 1,800 feet. Hood's toduy. I To clean bottles cut a raw potato in to small pieces and put tliem into the bottlo with a tablospoonfnl of salt, to two tablcspoonftils of water, and shake well together until all the marks aro removed. It is a groat mistake to mako a large tea biscuit. Ptoporly speaking, a tea biscuit should not be more than two inches in diameter and proportionately thick when baked. This gives a doll cute, moist, flaky biscuit which will be cooked through beforo tho outside ' crust has.become hard or over brown. DOU YOU WANT YOUR SON EDUCATED FOR A BUSINESS LIFE7 YAMHILL AND KLKVF.NTII 8TKKKTS, I'OKTI.A.VD, OIIKOO.V. Write us. fend for our New Illustrated Catalogue. (The Famous German Wood Preserver) aa ....Permanently Destroys.... ..CHICKEN LICE AND VERMIN.. SFOnc application is all that is required. It lasts for years. If your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the following; distributing- agents: Perfection Pile Preserving- Co., Seattle, Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn & Co., San Francisco, Cal. NOTHING BETTER MADE You can't make a mistake il you get .JVUtchell.. Mitchell, Iieiuis & Stave? Go. PORTLAND, ORECON. AN AMERICAN WATCH ah litndtomfltt li-K. donbl goIdpHtd watch vr of?r4 """"AMERICAN MOVEMENT bo Iaiutiii( fall ieweltd.nlcktlfln h. croniIy itru Utd a&dfrdlnited- aolckt ftlntnd with ill modern ImproTtmtnii la fftctou cftht fiijffitmdL With proper rrwlltlti lftIM.1 rTTTSraK. 3.H1 s.lt JLn.lutnlQoldpUtid thln wortiOn.Collsr, f Htt 11 1 i.va it i.ni wkii ora.r. n n.ri ssprti vwtt inu.l t itnt wllh order .nd ROOtll wlllbBhlnnadbvr.vl.tr. rail. WtllwhtthrOntiorMi1li. j0wlryetJRi'frt People's Jewelry Co., Dept.33 Safe Bldg, ClIICAGO. FINE OLD ...WHISKY... Gin, Brandy, Rum 12 full quartn. 9.00. Per callon, $2.50. XXX rdltT AND S1IKKUY, I1..V). alt. noon goods Orc"ers for fcH.OO and upward delivered free to nearest Railroad or Steamer Landing, Blank Cases and Kegs. LOUIS CAHEN & SON Established SO Years. BAN F1CANC1SCO. OA I.IFOltM A. jrnetqoAltoMytOnltdfoMwt',h. Kent CO D,forl3.8i not itUfctory, ca b ret urnt 4 ! our iptmt, IB $Z nf S.Sl l22&5-3? W lls?5iir- t"1 "aaa RiafplKHi si p rPlilii XlilislsSlillililllilF WRHFHTRi The Only Surd euro and - MiHHiinuuo r u 1 1 i jo r Ms9 YmalBesaf?? I All oatas of DEAFNES3 or MARD-HEARINQ inowCl'IlADtKbyonrnow1nTtntlonjon)Tthoe borq deaf are InmirahlA. l)eorlba your oaaa. You oaa our Tou-telf ut hom At International Aural Glinio. WXbX Cxainlnatlon and adrlc free. nominal co( BRILLIANT Self-making Gas Lamp Mates us own Kas. JCvcrybody can now liuve llctit brliililemtid better timn electricity ut about 1-10 tbecost of Ven- sine or common sua. One quart gaso lene lasts 18 hours, giving 110 candle powerllgbt) more than s electric bulbs or a mammoth lloclifster lamp. Any. body can run them; can be carrlid around or litinff anvwherei nerfettly sure i nnnroved bv Innur&iicecomDanlesi over 15,000 In dally we nearly two years; all rec ommend them. Local agents wanted. 11KIUJAKT OAS LA Ml CO., ii Btste St., Chicago. HELP IVANTKO. WANTEll-Jlcn anil women of irood ohnrnotor to represnnt nstiibllsliod houio uu .niury; spmiMiKi opportunity. All. dress 1'. O. llux 637, roitluntl, Oregon. . BONN'S.0 isb. mm wm hrw ONE FOR A DOSE. Curo Sick Ileadacho and Dys- nw,' mi ruhiiiuuusausB, A'unoiunpaortic :cn. to cL.!',i!'wlll,nil,,"mP afrooiiuiiltft.sto. DR. BOS AN K O CO. , rfciudaljihu, !'. Suld by DrucKlata. JUIl I-UUljfj, 1 ORTLANP, URKCJOir. cna give you the beat bargains in general iiiucliinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and wlmlnillls. Tlio new steel I X L wlmlmlll, sold by him, Is tin-equalled. mm Iff. SCImTICa, NeUKALCIA. Nfew VUSNESS OYS epsli, 'HAnr NUMBNESS, eto. lluy A bottle lodav and lmve It In i tho lnluse. It will "are miff.'rliigand doctor's bills, llarnilesi for children's nte. I'on tulns no opiates or other harmriil nigiedleuta. Absolutely pure and concentrated. Large bottle of 30O iluses tbr f I, prepaid hy mall or express, or we will send you (postpaid) a trial bolile forSJ cents. Agents named. 8WIIS0I HHEIWWIC CUBE COMPUT, 181 Uli SI, Chicago. 111. CUTLER'S CARBDLflTE nf IODINE ,.p.if 's,a"lS'i,5's',i?"', " W.H. SMITH 8 CH EulWo, H. V . Pup's. DROPSY 1 io oa5'ThEAtmet fuee. i Havamado Dropsy mill Its com piloatioBs OBptoialiy for twonty voniovfiiu tug UV4V wuuuuiiui f Jacoesa. liavocurtiinaiiy thouj- ... UM.ai ES.S.S.SSEH'SB03, Box N( Atlanta, (la. .So. 4B-iuoT HX wrltlnp t. advertiser lis "leul.ou this putiur. nTt. n. rT w