SORROW IS BUT FOR A DAY. Let us dream-let us sing by the, way, v.u m uui lor a uayi ' XllO WOrlll U niWniT l.ornl. ,n Mill With ever the sweetest ot songs for you, And answered shall be the prayers we pray: "Sorrow Is but for a dayl" The rivers In music say, "Sorrow la Imf rr .. The bills and the rills the song repeat- lO the listening vlnlnla nf vnnr fpet. And the high stars sing on their heaven ly way: "Sorrow is hut for a dayl" It is but for a day for a day; It will fade It will vanish away; And over the darkest the thorniest sod. We shall reap in tbe beautiful lilies of Uod. And the wearisome winters shall blossom like May "Sorrow Is but for a dayl" Frank L. Stanton. BOAT THAT IS INDEED AHPHIBIOUS. This Is a peculiar boat called "a warping barge" that Is In use on Ilrltlsh Columbia rivers. Navigation on many of these streams Is obstructed by falls mid rapids over which It is Impossible for a boat to pass. The Alligator crawls around these obstructions in the manner shown in the picture. It Is a Ihtt-bottonird craft with a strong winch and cable In the bow. When It is necessary for the boat to make a trip overland the cable is carried out ahead and hitched to a tree, the steam winch is started, and the winding in of the cable pulls the boat ahead. ho 5 5 A ThunHAf Chnumr O wm s I w tr VI M s rp HE sun was shining brightly 1 1 when Lucy Manning went down w town, .and It was oppressively not, but she looked dainty and cool in ber crisp milled lawn and white lint. Having bought a few yards of ribbon, a shirtwaist, "marked down to half," and an lco-cream soda, she started homo. The trolley car was almost empty nnd she took a corner seat, near the front. Suddenly the sky grew dark, light ning flashed, thunder roared, and rain came down in torrents. The conductor struggled nobly with the curtains, but before Lucy's were down she was wet through. She looked at her gown sor- best friend, nnd of course he was nice to Grace. And be wouldn't tell Snm's secret even to clear himself. O, dear, dcnrl" "Mr. Fulton, ma'am; come for bis coat," said a maid, at the open door. "I'll see him, Nora." Lucy gathered the great coat In her arms nnd carried It to the drawing room. "Miss Manning," said Lawrence, as habits and hygiene," nnd also practical work In civics. "This course alms di rectly nnd pertinently to equip the citi zen with nn understanding of the chief social, Industrial and llnnnclal prob lems before the public, ns well ns with a practical knowledge of the operations of government." Just before election time every year nntlonnl, State or local tickets are nom inated or those of the outside world are he came forward, "why didn't you send adopted. Each classroom Is divided It down by Nora? It was Inexcusable Into ns ninny parts ns there are parties for mo to leave It on your hands, but I represented In the class, and the parties forgot all about it." vie with each other In decorating their "About me, too?" asked Lucy with a sections. The enthusiasm runs high blush. and boys and girls alike take nn active Lawrence started. "Lucy, what do interest In nil the proceedings. The day you mean?" before election' day the school Is closed 'What I said. Did you forget me?" early and the entire school participates "My every thought was of vou. In the election. The school authorities Lucy." "Well, I forgive you, Lawrence. don't like quarrels." erect Australian voting booths, and In spectors nnd policemen and Justices are appointed, girls ns well as boys otllcln- Lawrence was wise enough to accent ting In nil of these capacities, even to "forgiveness," and to assumo that It being policemen, in n mimic way an covered last night's offense ns well ns the details of an election In the outside to-day's." t world are observed and the result an By nnd by Lucy asked curiously, nounced to tbe school. A. M. Garrlng "How did you happen to be carrying ton, the professor of civics, nnd the see- that heavy coat on this hot day?" retnry of the school both state that the "O. that's easy enough, dear. I was Blrls taue fully ns much interest in tno bringing It home from the ofllco for preliminary campaign and in the actual mother to pack away in enmnhor or voting ns do the boys. bprlugileld, something. She asked me to do it way Mass., Republican, last April.' BAtiES TRAVEL WITH TAGS. Little One Often Shipped AcroM Colin wimi. n... l.itnr through train pulled Into the Union station with a hlssltiK ami roaring of steam and wneeis u u the army of tired passengers hurriedly debarked nnd hastened for thu gates one. of the train porters whistled and called to a uniformed attendant who wnu wiilllnir In t'ltrrv handbags to tho waiting-rooms. 'Oh. Mill," called the porter, "hero a couple of 'tags.' Ulmnio a luimi. iintvii iin ntiin stt'iis of the car helped u tiny boy of (I years ami turned him over to thu attendant while ho reached up again for n little girl about two years older. They were piniuij Imt iii.ntlv dressed and from the lad cont and the little girl's dress depended iitioii thu breast of each a common snili ping tag, which twirled nnd Muttered lu the breeze. The nttemiani lurueu u over to read the directions. "Davenport via Itoek Island." he re neated. "All right. Tom. Is tho trans portation all right?" "I'Mne and daisy." said tho porter, "Thrntmh from New York, llavu to Htnke Hi. 'in to the bus fare, though, I guess." "I'll tlx that with O'Brien," volun teered tho attendant. "He'll haul 'em over to tho ltoek Island nil right." All this time tho two children had been standing patiently waiting to see what would be done next with them gnzlug round wonderlngly nt tho big train shed, the hurrying crowds and the panting engines. Taking a hand of each, the attendant led them towurd the waiting-rooms and they trotted along ns eonildlngly as though they had. known him all their brief lives. 'You come right along with me." said the railroad man In a soothing way "and we'll see about getting something to eat. Are you hungry?" "Yes, sir," piped both children. "Well. well, we'll have to llx that up." went on the man In tho blue mil form. "Come right along lu here," and he turned toward the lunch-room, Just like a man," commented his fiancee, sagaciously. Chicago Tribune. ARE AUTHORIZED BY LAW. lrnjet' Urcnnizatlons Have a Leiral btanUinc in New Zealand. '.trade and labor are organized throughout New Zealand, nnd as such are recognized nnd legalized by the state In the act of 1S94, says the Lon don Daily Mail. The very title of that act, though not changed, .originally ran: POSTOFFICES OF THE SEA. How Mall Matter Is Taken Care of on tbe Ultt Ocean Llneri). A work with which but few persons are familiar is that performed by the men of the postal department of the big ocean liners. Twelve hours foi each of six or seven days occupied in 1 passage, they labor on a pitching, toss. lug vessel In a small space about fifteen feet square nnd three stories high. Electric lights gleam night and day In tho compartment 'where the postal "THKBJi'S THE GLOVE I LOST LAST WIX-TKR." rowfully; the color was running; It was ruined. She minded the gown's plight more than her own. "What a -pity," she said to herself; "I was sure that t would wash." Just then a tall, good-looking young man appeared at her side. "Good-morning, Miss Manning," he said; "pardon me If I offer you my over coat. You will .catch cold In that thin gown, I am afraid." ' Lucy drew herself up haughtily. "No, thank you, I shall do very well as I nm." "But I Insist," and Lawrence Fulton dexterously wrapped the coat around her. Then be sat down on the same seat, but so far away as to be almost In - a puddle. Lucy eyed him furtively, "I don't care if he does get wet,' thought she. "Mean thing. I wonder how he happened to have his overcoat with him this hot day." Presently ber conscience began to trouble her. "Mr. Fulton," she said "why don't you sit farther over this way? You are In the wet." "I am perfectly comfortable, Miss Manning, thank you." "That's absurd," answered Lucy, "You are almost In a puddle." "It doesn't matter," said Lawrence, "Nothing matters now," he added, half under Ids breath. But Lucy heard him although she gave no sign. The car sped three blocks, but neither of the young people said another word, At Superior street Lawrence arose, bowed, and left the car. "Goodness," exclaimed Lucy, almost aloud, "he has left his overcoat." But the car was already nt Chicago avenue. When Lucy arrived at her gettlng-off place the ram bad ceased. She emerged from the overcoat a much-bedraggled object. "I feel like a freak," she said to herself, impatiently, as she walked two blocks In her wet and spoiled finery, with the heavy overcoat on her arm. The sun had come out again and added to her misery. Arrived at home, arrayed in dry gar ments, and, happily, feeling none the worso for her wetting, she ruefully Bnrveyed the overcoat. "I suppose I must send It back; he will never como for It after last night." Sho shook It out, preparatory to fold ing it, nnd a long white glove fell to the floor. "Why, there's the glovo I lost last winter at tho McDonald's dance," Lucy cried. "Stupid boy, to take it and car ry Jt around." But her heart softened a little. "That' was tho night after ho asked mo to marry him. O, wo had such a good time nt that dance." "Lucy, have you heard the news?" cried a younger sister, bursting into the room. "Grace Anderson is engaged to Mr. Worthy," Lucy gasped. "Who told you, Molly?" "Grace herself. She was hero this morning. I can't stay to talk now. I want to tell Frances," nnd tho impetu ous young lady whisked herself away. "And to think td think that I sent Lawrence away because I thought that he and Grace were were too much together. Sam Worthy Is Lawrence's "An act to encourage the formation of Industrial unions;" and the whole bpirlt clerks work, for it Is hard enough to de- of the movement is that both employers cipher the addresses on the foreign mall anu workmen should form their unions matter, even In tho light of years of and associations on representative lines under the provisions of the net, and that all questions should be dealt with by the unions and societies up to a cer tain stage, and then brought by them, and them only, before the boards of conciliation, and .ultimately, if neces sary, to the arbitration court. Tne trade and Industrial unions of New Zealand are required to comply with all the ordinary business safe guards which should surround the cor porate bodies which they form, and then but not till then they are registered by the state and placed In a position to act and be heard In Industrial disputes. Penalties are attached to all breaches of the provisions controlling the unions, and In some cases to enforce the award experience. The sea postal service Is now lu Its tenth year and Is In opera tlon on twelve trans-Atlantic vessels. It has proven such a success and is of so great an advantage In expediting the foreign Snails that the government Is considering the establishment of the service In other vessels. The postal clerks are usually located In a small room below the berth deck with low ceilings and narrow berths, In this compartment the separation racks arc placed. The compartment ot the racks are labeled with the principal cities of the country towards which the vessel Is bound, and It Is' the duty of the postal clerk to have all the mall delivered to the ship upon leaving port ready for distribution when Its destina- if m . hi LOXK CHILD OX A Tlllf. "We've got auother dollar yet," said the girl In a motherly way, taking out an old purse from her dress pocket Be- BADOON sit A At...I.Iko A..I,,,,,, ' "mli.ieiil Hon i! V'll,-ltl. mlng the war lu T t?fr miitiHtng mmi bm,!,,v.M., A'Hca n "H'HtiiK mad boiilcva i-d .' ,ftlc ti ii 1 1 .mil, i nr I in,. tlmtthulirl hlu;:j ooiiH ami uvn gm-. ' V?H Hours. l''rai.W) .!,,.,;;, , " Kl'l l him, although hor eyes wore nhlnlajf with (ears. "Well, give them this anyhow," mild tho old man, Mllpplnu; a dollar Into Hill's hand; "they may need It boiiio place." "Suio 1 will," Hiild tho attendant, anil the old couplo hurried away to catch u train, after giving ouo last loolt at tho little Dues solemnly munching their toast. When tho meal wan ended thu llttlo ones were taken Into thu laillua' wait-lug-room and turned over to tho ma tron, another motherly woman, who was used to taking euro of llttlu ones traveling with "lugs." They woru In troduced to tho washroom nnd llxed up a bit after thulr long rldo and then iiu tiu.v bud a wait of Kovornl hours bo- fore tho other train was duo to leave, thuy slumbered peacefully In " comer of thu room behind a screen. Mean while Ulll had "llxed It" with O'Hrlen, the 'bus driver, that they wero to tu whisked over to tho other depot with out charge, that there might lo no pos sibility of their getting lost on thu streets or street cats, and u few niln- ......i iw.riit.ii ill., ifiii'u iuiiiiiii iiiiiii linn , . r 111111 ui'iiui ill iiui ... . Ill-n linmv "V ...ti, III tn ready to pull out they wero turned In tlienniuu of thi.(j,i f sv "p fc over to another friendly rniiroau man, ny leaving tbu nngon with . . . ..i i i Hi. .inH mm I'tiiimi uiim in tiitiH.... WHO HlU't'll uimi v..."- j .... ... v...,,M. ,,l a uioiikiiy tho jitU'Ulum or uiu conuiiuiur mm uu munvwi uint the oonv. "'"ii y.. ror it m.,1,,, ""'""J ingsliorlngoor,,,,,,, " "hj The on tin. y tlmtonullrituh vg, ,;,ot,f( "" hi nave ..,:,;; tTt H nioiiHo baboon as tm. oiiip.I? ",J J lo had ih. ... ' V of 111 KOlllll'l-H. 1..HI. ...... I A' uini'i linn; I'llllil ii.. .1 .. . took him under Mh p .rffi wiw not I(.m iu.r. ' ""'""ri. lml made ' ' ' "'""M after tho first ongag,., ' 7 d ikihIIIv.. .1..H..I.. i. .. I'O look! ...; ,: Ult' "omul f.:, Ing thu Vnnl Ulvr. " ,r ,eH rodo tip to the ..Hirer- ,lf J, V.'sand demanded. , , 0 "'Ml brakenuiii to them. 'Keep an eye on 'em," snld tno in mvcitifJ hllll IlllKHlMl Uu, r "KWMItl . m,ll .., ., mi ... . .1 tendiint to tnu liriiiieumii, nun uu mini , .y he would. So good an eye did Uo keep , on them that before tho train left half thu people In thu car knew thu llttlu ones wore traveling alonu from an or-1 plum asylum to a Htraugu bomu lu thu i West, ami they were loaded down wiiu annles and popcorn and other truck. One woman Insisted on renting n pillow from the porter for thu llttlu lad; an other bought a pictorial magnr.lno for the girl, and by thu tlinu tbu train pull' ed out the homuluss waifs were as com fortnble as kind lunula and looso change could make them. Thu brakuman look ed on from thu door. I only hopu the kids will bu na lucky wherever they land," hu said to tho tralnboy, and then they rolled out foi thu West Chicago Chronicle. LAW AS INTERPRETED. ue b A policy of Insurance against loss or damage by wludHtoruiH, cyclones or tor nadoes Is held, lu Holmes vs. I'hoculx usurancu Company (C. C. A. 8th C), 7 L. It. A. 'MS, not to cover damngo by hall. t.'nllnri. In ntiMnt nr i-nfiirro nil nrdlll- uce prohibiting the riding of bicycle 1 k"8 BM lllc'i' rol,t'1 on "nil hotdlnrn, on sidewalks Is held, lu Jones vs. Will- 10 mowiuio nrtieii-s that were tone liiiiiHlmrir fVn.l. .17 L. It. A. 11)1. itlHUf- "P '' down wildly, an the win Ik-lent to umkua municipality liable for ' n,0"K me rocky road, Injury to a person struck by a blcyclu j l iok anerwani the monkey ; ridden on the sldewnlk. i ""? wml "" "icu in the Maxladi A CAM KM, boon, who bad stuck to the wijjj wus working bravely, picking INTEKIOH VIEW OF A SEA POSTOFFIOB. of the court they are heavy, the max! mum belng500 for each union, and fall lng tho recovery of this there falls a maximum liability of 10 on each mem ber of It. Tho effect of this registration Is to make tho union and all Its members subject to the Jurisdiction established by the act, and although the registra tion may be cancelled on tho applica tion of any union, this Is done under due safeguards; and no cancellation is permlted during the progress of any conciliation or arbitration proceedings nffecting tho union which applies. Neither docs such cancellation relievo any union or Its members from obliga tions incurred Jn any previous award of the court. No workman may leave his work, or employer lock out his work men during a dispute. TRAINING IN CITIZENSHIP. Urooklyn School Which Snccessfully 'I euchcB Iloth Hoys nnd Girls. Tho high school department of Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, claims In its cata logue "to lit boys and girls for Intelli gent citizenship." This Is not an Idle claim, for beside tho ordinary work of high schools the course Includes efliclcnt manual training, scnslblo phys ical development, with "separate lec tures to boys and girls upon, personal lion is reached. On ono aide of the room is a separation table on which registered packages aro sorted and which holds a small pair of scales fox weighing them and stamps for marking supplementary mall. One deck below, reached by a narrow companion way, aro the newspaper racks-great Iron gridirons with b,i yawning sacks of canvas suspended be neath. Into these pouches the third nnd fourth class mall matter Is thrown with marvelous precision and rapidity. A trap d6or In tho third floor leads to the collar of the floating postotllce, one deck lower, and hero the bags of mall are deposited when tho ship leaves port. An fast as a dozen or so aro emptied by tho men at the separation table and distributed at tbe cases, another bunch Is hauled up. Thus hour after lmnr i fair weather and foul, toll tho men who earn their livelihood by facilitating the exchange of news, of business mmtn and other expressions of the human emotions. It Is no sinecure to bold the position of postal clerk and great ex perience is necessary to enable one to till the place properly. Tho worth good men Is appreciated and tho mr. eminent pays well for service In this tine. Tho hand that grasps too much hold. but little. side thu long, folded blue tickets was paper dollar, "Never you mind about that dollar, said their guide. "You'll probably need tuat before you get to Davenport." The little boy had not said a word He was evidently either In a daze over the whole affair or supremely coufldent that everything was all right In tho lunch-room half a dozen trainmen were stirring their coffee nnd a uumber of passengers were snatching a bite to eat, "What you got, Bill?" asked a brake man. "lliose jour famllv?' "No; a couple of kids going to Daven port on tags," said BUI. "Bright-look ing youngsters, ain't they?" they were helped up on the stools nnd while a waitress set forth a lot of things to eat ono of tho passengers, a wime-uaireu om gentleman with his I wife hanging ou his nrm, was attracted oy tue oud-iooklug tags "What are these for?" he asked tho iraiu attendant. . i. .. ..i.i,., kju, must.- cniiurcn are being sent from New York to Davenport and tho roms down East tagged 'em so they nuuiuu i but, iosj, explained tho rail roan man. "Do you mean thnt these babies aro traveling alone?" demanded tho old man. "Oh, ryes. It's quite common," said Bill. "Wo get 'em every month or so " "Poor little dears!" exclaimed tho mouieny om woman, watching tho big round eyes with which the bov ni, served the preparations for bronkrnt "Where are their parents?" asked tho uiu gemieman. "Dead, I guess," ventured the train, man. "Anyhow, they'ru belne shinnmi from nn orphnn asylum In New York to a farmer in Iowa who adonted 'om They'll be all right," ho added, as ho' uw me iook or coucern on the faces of the old couple. "The boys will take Ul "mug uie line. You see most of tho boys have got kids nf thnil mtrn nn.l (I, .'.. l , . " " r ' " BUCU R "uslncss mm iney never can tell whnt'll happen to 'em or when It's golnc to striim they have n soft heart for orphans and they keep nn eye out for 'em." uy this time tho children worn .n Ing Into the breakfast with a win ,i a thought was suggested to tho old gen tlemnu. who seemed to bo qulto work ed up over the situation. "Let mo pay for this check," he sug. gested, putting his hand In his pocket ...... , ,c. aoesn.t unnpL,n too often, you know, and I can stand It once In a while, 'causo I've got kids of my own. m tlx 'em up for the 'bus rldo to the other depot, too " Tho old man nnd his wife looked at each other and sho nodded brightly to A State hospital created for purely government purposes under the exclu sive ownership and control of thu Statu Is held, lu Mala vs. Eastern State Hos pital (Va.), 47 L. U. A. r377, to be not liable for Injury to an Inmate by neg ligence of the persons lu charge. An ordinance penal to re ceive Intoxicating liquors Into a munic ipality without paying n specific tax for the privilege of so doing, although the liquors may havu been lawfully purchased elsewhere, Is held, in Hen derson vs. Heywnrd (Ga.), 47 L. It. A. tIGU, not to bu authorized by the general welfare clause in thu municipal char ter. A provision In an fnsurauco policy against other Insurance Is held, In Uni ted Firemen's, Insurnnco Comixiny vs. Thomas (C. C. A. 7th C), 47 L. U. A. 450, sufficient to override nny supposed agreement to consent to such other In surance, which Is based on the fact that the Insurance agent knew of the Inten tion to procure It wheru the agent was nn Insurance broker noting for tho In sured. A statute denying the owner of land nny recovery for trespass thereon by animals unless he has Inclosed the premises by n lawful fence Is upheld in .May vs. roindexter (Va.), 47 L. It. A iiii-iiiuuui wnen tnu iioer attititc fiercely. A terrible lire was imttiH on them, and the colonel and mmj men fell mortally wounded, Jocko, bl stead of scampering nwny. Imitated t! action of the survivors and mf.i cover. "Ho found It behind nn uptorwi leainer bucket, nnd remained tbl showing no fear, but taking lafialtj pains to keep out of the way of proje IIJl-H. This exploit made him a popular fil vorlte with the entire army corp. "1 the men oven excused him when im discovered, during nn arduous mini In bent and dust, that .locko bad focraJ out how to unscrew the stopper! of u canteens, and that he had drtmk cr! wasted nlmost nil the water of the nfi incut. POPULATION OF THE CAPITALS! C88, against the contention that It do- prlves him of property without duo process of law. But such a statute Is held to bo no defense to one who drives his cattle on to another's land beennso It Is not fenced. Executive officers of the State gov, eminent are held. In State ex rel. Now unenns Canal & B. Co. vs. Heard (La.). 47 L. It. A. BI2. to have no right to dccllno tho performance of mtrolv ministerial duties on tho ground that the statute Imposing them contravenes tno constitution. With this case is a note on the unconstitutionality of a statute as a defense ngalnst mandamus to compel lta enforcement. Now Wuy of Killing Hats. Tho extermination of rats bv tho nn. plication of a bacteriological process has recently been suggested nt tho pn. teur Institute of Paris. It is snld a microbe has been found which wilt produce a deadly pestilence when In troduced into a population of rata ami cause their annihilation, or, at least, mako them a negligible quantity. Tho bacillus In question was deriv...! fmm field mlco suffering from a snontnn. eous epidemic disease, and by elaborate processes of repeated culturo was transmitted through a series nf mi nnd rats. It Is reported thnt In r,n per cent of the experiments there wns ii cowpieio disappearance of the rats that In 80 per cent their numw ly decreased, while In 20 per cent tho method failed. 1 10 On Hor Now Dress. "Hero, waiter, you have nhni. . threo consommes Instcnd of iw v. sir; there Is tho one I snllled on .! amo's dress."-Journal Arausnnt. Whllo women admh-o truth in they aro not pleased with th fM,n,fi! ncss that leads him to admit that ho has been In love before. There Is a kind of a woman thai every rnan hatea at sbrht A Dccrcime, cm tit Allium-, Blnee tbi I.unt Ccnaim Not tue l.'ulf. Tho population of the capital cltle 3f two .States, New York and Nebralc, la less at present, according to the cen Sim reports, than ten years neo, Al 3iiuy'n present population, UI.OOO. showi a decline of 772 compared with 1890, ami Lincoln's present iwpulatlon, 4V 0OO. shows a decline of ROSS. TblJ fact has suggested that State capital throughout the United State inaylme declined lu population- such Is not the case. Thus Providence, the capim oi Hhode Island, has gained 23 per cent b population during the last ten K3r,;( Hartford. Conn., hns Increased from Kl.000 to nearly 80,000, or 50 per ctM Trenton, N. J has Increased from oi, 000 to 7:1.000. a train of 27 tier cent, !: Columbus, Ohio, Increased from 83,000 to 125,000, a gain of 42 per cent. In fact, considering that the capita" of American States havo been And chlollv with reference to their graphical situation and without refer1 ence to their facilities for business com- m nlcatlon with other places, it is caiw for surprise that American caplWJ should show bo largo an Increase , year. Thus Indianapolis, tho capital o Indiana, almost exclusively dependeni upon railroad connections, iwi f mm inn ovi in nniirlv 170.000 popu lation In ten years, a gain of more baa 50 per cent, nnd 0 per cent greater tnw Clovelnnd'H and 00 per cent greaw .1 -....- hi- iin Afnlncs. U". canltnl of 'Iown. has increased in w years 2-1 per cent in population. " rlsburg, tho capital of Pennsylvan inuvin tins increnBeu ou per ci.-".. , capital of Colorado, shows n gain 25 per cent; St. Paul, Minn., n gain 01 23 per cent, nnd Salt Lnito w Wthc pied '4 CI kg. WW , P"el pita PL" Mi. 3 23 per cent, nnu mm i""" Wo,h.Bk , of 10 per cent. Itlchmond and Na n M vllle, tho capitals of Virginia and 1C. H 'nossee, show a considerable gam population, and Topeka, the cP"PJ Kansas, shows 8 per een J N though census fl8" 'df "tK falling off in tho populn o IdJJ atnt Trenton, tho capital of V B" . nrffnnavc Jorsoy, has gained more i'"''"" jer-BWi iy during tho last ton years than soy Qlty.-Now York Sun. y Norway a Khy C"whleb ffe mi,. nl TUnrfincnn C0UHW7 " . ,. WE has a lower death rate than " Norway. - . mnn keeDS hi Xlti UV ' ililVUJ eat by locking his door.