Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 09, 1900, Image 5

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    R J. Jennings has relumed fiom
.u extended lolli'ofllic East tttul
CAiiail" Io)k,, B" BPlckftml "pa
n newly ninde lwnedict on'n
tddnl tnr. He haa made fflml
l 'S clear old mother' heart by ti
'' visit with her mid tlie scenes
0f liih early boyhood, and then took
h, the 1'iim lple hig cities of the
. I ...i.witnd U'llll i Ult llllktllurr
IJasl !" "" ' ..K
I hustling turongs mm (iweu on
t,e Atlantic seaboard. He looked
er tt(. grounds that arc now fust
Itlng eupi:d stately buildings,
wherein tlie vast 'number ol ex
hibits will he shown at the great
j.jn.Aniori- aii exhibition at Buffalo
to he held next summer, mid then
o:1to the windy city of Chicago,
from tl"'rt' he cam direct to Port
I Hid nul then home. His many
i-,nn,i h -re are well please I to
rluvelinn hack again nnd he seems
,(,!, a. Unlit- and joyous ns a boy
with 'v P"'r f red-top boots.
Ho will no.v devote his energies to
U,!, mil an 1 nutke things around
th? H leiia hum. Ulck we are
yon arc home again.
K1N' "
purine; the cloning hours of last
tvak th Cottage Groveltes were
" -l.-1MUrnnts )1)(ue
,ur u,,. .'.rt. me of democracy. I,. SIM;ccIl ()f Climn!titrn tn an
K. i;dmuiison of Kugcne made a
Vcrv tri'lii.iblv and lucid argument
from h's Mandoint. I,ee M.
1'i.i.i . i (a Kplendid yotng
iu in t il. 1 1 in an earnest and t lo
,Ut: i tv, inner of the lx'iiign bijss
miri t" ii"W from democrat i .tsceu-
! if.. im I il be did not jrial.i: con
ir 1 ...iuot Uin fuult, for he
.11 ;'i it i nild be done in a p'jor
1 tun-. M n. K. At. Vt.ti h, that
!ir!ir : ' -iiK-crat and ge iial ;;entlc
unn, !" tiricd the I, ,'.. . to a
, rm'! 1 li'iuse of IiLhoM Aien-lsof
.uh 1: ti.'s. J)ob Is ni home be-
.111 aii-'icuce and is m tiniest,
iiit'.'t li'img and erya(i talker.
II 111 1 I tie good points, beeame
ttitty .it timcti, kept his Iiearers
Miiii !r n I r about two hours and
lire, i ..1 .ilvo after salvo of ap
p!i' . II" IJryan d not sit in
t ' 1 - Vi'i ! Iiovsit will be by no
'.1 Mr. Venteh.
' h-.-r day C. II. Jones had
. fine to rep ive a verv
11I painful wound 011 the
"!. j i- t over tlie 1-ft eye. by
ilofnn nx. He went in'o
"Mi'.'d to split 5ot:.i- kind-
f.r V
'lie i-
I'l'.''. There wa a clothesline
ti '. !: ! a.-uss the shed which
in-. : !;i '' notice-. He raised the
to '':ikv; the handle come in
o:ii ' . u itii the line in its descent
fch.-b ihn-w it suddenly back,
kin.iking kiui senseless fornshoit
time and cutting a gash In his fore
head!y two inchM long. Dr.
Saapp attended him and he is
(jettini; on nicely but he will wear
a M ir for a long time to come.
One- ot the iK-st three-psoplc shows
eame to town last week that has
been seen in these parts for a long
time. As a contortionist, acro
bntist, trapees aerinlist and slack
Hire balancer fiodfrev is at the ton.
- (
His wile as a tarpsscorian evolu
tionist is a star and the baby wns
just as cute as cute could be. They
Went to Kngene and to be appre-.
eiated ought to be seen.
i.U'n-KK. - -
President Strong of the Univer
sity of Oregon will lecture on Fri
day evening nl Martin's Hall.
His subject will be 'Governor
McDuffie's Message 011 the Slavery
Question." The admission fee
will be 15 cents, which will be de
voted to the benefit of the public
school. All are invited aud an, iu
lercsting and highly entertaining
hour will be had.
On Wednesday Mr. Hardy Crow
stormed the Nugget office with
some choice specimens of the splen
did fruit he raises 011 his furm near
Lorane. He left two huge Glori
Mundi apples, a large quince, a
Pound pear and three Hnuuer pota
toes, all handsome specimens.
Many thanks Mr. Crow.
J'OV.tL XJiirs will Iw found
0,1 tlie Fourth I'tiji).
"'I ' l.'.'.K v,
l'itl llf-r. u-lw. ....... r. ..
I, . . ' iroin
State Geological .Survey
dil on to the taf north, l,a9 re
finicd home safe and sound. The
expedition la
worked !, . . i
... 1 Mort" ta Cotzebuc Hound I
.ey traveled over 700 mile, f j
llmr barren country, during which !
time they explored the VUU n,,,t !
Tubulic livers and M,i i,, , I
WMerc ODcnition
ceased for thU
season. On the return their vessel, 1
the Pathfinder, left Uolifiu bav on I
-.tiivi 1111 it
I' V . i :
( t ( i i
September ,8th and made a safe 77 " " -where
the party wns disbanded, j , Miss Kthel Vcmch of Salem is virility
vjrccn nw nil the wonders of the i
iiorthland, stood all the horeships
well and Imd but ten days of sick
ness, when lie was laid up with
Oregon nua-les. l'v is now de.
voting his atiuiii.)!, to tiiining in
Uohimia, wlur-j lu- 1 interested
wfth others in a group of claims
whidi are showinx up j well audi
which. h- l)t!'o-i 1.(...r t,:.n '
I . '! .18, will bring Imn j
handsome returns In the future.
On Monday evening nt Masonic
Ilnll the Hon. R. O. Smith of
flow audience. Hills bad
jccl) !
circulated calling for a republican
rally and an invitation extended to
all, and the result was more than I
gratifying, cs()ecially iu the assem
bling of so large a number of lndic.
Mr. Smith was at his best nnd set
forth the truth and falsehoods of the
campaign iu burning language!
that pierced through the iniquitous I
spots and opened up to sunlight the !
cause of intelligence, morality,
honor and progress. He held the
closest attention of his large au
dience for two hours while they
listened to his eloquent array of
facts in support of republicanism
and his denunciation of the theories
and false prophesies o( democracy.
C. H. Uurkholder presided at the
THE '40 OJtAMA.-
On election night lite amateur
company put on the boards at the
Opera House their excellent little
drama of the .days of '49 to a
crowded house. The play went
off1 without a bifch aud the new
fett:ires intrnluced helped im
mensely to flavor its former fine
rendition. All the participants on
the stage did themselves proud and
the entertainment was a decided
suceeKs iu everyway. The feature
of providing election returns be
tween the acts was an innovation
new to many of our town people
& .
audience at limes to almost a fever!
.... :
llCIll. i IIIB CUIII.-1US1UI1 1111: piii-
the floor of lite hull was cleared aud
put iu shape for a dance. Many of
the older people sought their homes,
but all the young folk and quite a
number of baldheaded bojs took
pnrt in the festivities that ruled the
hours till dawn, and nil had a fine
NOW Ol'KN. '
The Y. W. C. T. U. reading
room is now, an established fact and
henceforth will be open everyday
aud evening for the accommodation,
pleasure and instruction of all who
desire to avail themselves of its
privileges. It has been fitted up
iu nent and tasty shape and will
provide a most comfortable and cou
ireninl nlace to imss a restful hour
j,, tie SOciet of the most gifted
authors. On its shelves and tables
will be found at all times the lead
ing newspapers and periodicals of
the day. The young men of this
city are especially invited to make
us6 of its opportunities. It is un
der the direct supervision of Mrs
McCttrdy, who will at all times
mnke the rooms pleasant for those
who wish to come and will be
pleased to imparl the fullest infor
mation that comes to her. The
rooms Were put in shape aud inndc
to look inviting by those artists iu
house decoration who always strive
to please, Jenkins & Lawson, and
they have made a real cosy place of
these rooms. All are invited to
call and make themselves tit home.
nnd served to warm up tue uig:tfouoto I'hiloumtli. in llenton county,
All About you.
Dr. Ilulllnger, Dentist.
T. K, Youittt ,vlnltt!il Kugenoon btisi
nes this week.
T. !'. Smith wiia in town from I5o
hemm thin weak,
. "".KnnxolKngeiio eauio down on
business this week.
William Medley Is In town from the
11,1110 ,,,l"0H
...Mrs. John Allen who has boen very
'" improving.
1 inn iiiiTiii r nv n ir.twnii in mi
viHit t,,lH WUBk w,tl' JIis8 u,,(1
!?" 'J-,Co,l"n wl'wn thin week
; jjiiuiiv 117 vii it
nany wynnu tins wubis.
Tliuro will ljf unrvlcoH nl llm f Ilirlutlnti
Clitirch noxtHtuiday. Kvorybody uome.
Mrs. J. JJ. Lawrotico of Kttgono was
Hits (uist of Mrs. H. A. Cuttle tins week.
Kd Jonks oamo in from lioliuinia tills
wtk and was qnartmud at tlio Slier
wood. Mrs. Ada Vauchn of Bnkor Cltv Is
vinititiB this wobI: with Mrn. Jolin
. W. W. Thomiwon emtio io town from
()lt.miu this wl-ok and registered at the
Miss Colfman is and has been for
fxiiuu dnyi very ill, and is attended by
I'r. Knajip,
Mrs Joint Adams has boon down with
abndc-uKoof typhoid fuvorund is now
C. 11. Tolbert is in town from tiio
liluek Hutto iiiiuos nnd stopjiiu at tlio
Mark Cowling of thn Jllnck lititlo
mines, eamo in tiiis week nnd plit, iiji at
lht" Hlcrw.,od.
MiiiH Mnu'Rio Whitsett is up from
Suvdnaw and is a (jnest at tlio CotUigo
(.novo hotel.
'N. Hi ItnsHol!, 0110 of Hohomia's
iniiierv, eamo down this wuek and is to
he found at the Hhurwood.
Amos Htoiio has come out from lio-
lir - nnu and will go cast to nis old homo
'" 1J" -ton for inter.
w illiuni lligniH eamo out from tlio
Uohemia hills this week and was
registered at the bherwood.
y. C. I.qclwood of Ilohemla came
down on husineHs for a fow days andean
be found ut tlie Cottage Grove.
Albert Stock, one of tho owners of
one of tlio rlehuat of noheniia mine-, is
in town for a duv or two 11114 week.
V. JJ. liehne, superintendent' of the
Helena mine, eumw down from liohemia
this week and n,-is stopping at tho Sher
wood. James Jones has severed his connec
tion with tho county rock crusher and
for the present is located at tho Cottage
it rove.
CIS. I'aylee, who lives about tun
miles east of town, was iu town thiH
week and favoiod tlio Xuggut with a
siilwtantial call.
Mrs. George Clark and her son I-'ranl;
of Comstuck havu been very ilt with
typhoid fever, bat are now out of danger
and getting well rapidly.
Mrs 1S.J.I. Hart hns removed her
Imkerv from the lower end of town to
t tho li'uildiiiK recently, occupied by the
ACine reai.iuruiu on .uuin buuuu
P. J. Jennings has returned from his
trip to the Helena mine in Itohemia and
feels highly elated over tlio future
prospects ot tho mine. Ho goes to Port
laud. J. T. do Spain and family have moved
ll-'lll lliuii mu
fr-ini ttiuir old Home at tne uiviuoanii
whuro they oxpect to .dwell in .tho years
ticome and grow rich from tho trtitta of
tlio uoil
At the M. K. Church next Sunday at
":!;0 j). 111. itov. C. Ii. Crandall will ad
dress the young people on "Tho I'owi
bilitfes of Human Life." Kvorylmdy
welcome. Jievivat sorvico every night
thia week.
Mrs. John S. Medley, who has been
for ninny 'lays hovering between lifoaml
death with 'acute bronchitis and hoart
failure, is i-lowly rallying and her many
friends are now very hopeful of her ulti
mate lestoration to liealjh.
V. II . Shane. 0110 of Ilohemia'a
etaunchest advocate and tho owner of
good claims there, eamo to town this
week on business and to exercise his
prerogative as a sovereign citizen at tho
polls. Ho was registered at the Sher
wood. G . V. Mcliovnnlds, who lives about
6 miles southwest, noar tho Divide,
called at the Nugget olllce on Wednesday
morning to get tho election returns. He
is a veteran of the civil war, and to say
that lie was pleaeed with tho result of
the vote just polled is to put it tame.
Ho was highly elated and fultliku shout-
On the Helena ' No. 2 contract
woik has been in full swing for
many weeks past. On one of the
tunnels 140 feet has been run and
on another 100 icet has been com
pleted. In botn tunnels' excellent
ore has been 'encountered. A new
contract has been let for 300 feet
to tap the ore body about 500 feet
below. At the end of the, tunnel
the ledge shows very fine ore which
carries values of gold, copper, lead
and silver which run high. Active
work-is going ahead at the Helena
and the recent clean-up of the mill
is one ot the best in the history of
the mine.
In Brief.
Dr. Illillinger, Dentist.
Go to Malleoli's for flno jewelry and
holiday nilvorwaio.
, Kor hand loaded tdiolls call 011 Griffin
nnd Voaloh Co.
All work warranted one year.
"Cop" the jeweler
Gut your dirty suits cleaned at the
Kugune Steam Dyeing and Cleaning
Works, Geo. K. Uriilitli, local agent.
Clippings for Halo at tlio Cottage
Orovo Cigar factory.
CO l'rs. Men's nnd Day's Hoots nt cost
for spot cash at Kakiu & DristowH.
Suits! Suits!! Tailor rnado suits!!!
Up toduto lu overv respect, from $15 up.
Call aud sou samples.
Gho. I'oiii.mam.
Dr. A. .T. Ilulllnger, Graduate Dentist.
Permanently located.
Grlffln-Venlch Co. carry tho linest
lino of Ammunition in South Lane Co.
"Cop" the jeweler buys gold
and silver at market prices.
For quality and cheapness in fresh
meats go to tlio Central meat market.
To tho boy or girl who brings us on
January 1st 1001 tiio greatest number of
our soap wrappers with our advertise
ment theroon will ho given one of those
"cow clocks" shown in our window.
JCakin & HlURTOW.
J'eaiitiful rings and tfllverwarj at
Madfien's for the holidays.
Geo. Jioliliimn, the up-to-date tailor,
will show you goods, nil shades and nil
prices. Think of it. A tailor made
unit for ?9 and up ! Pants $4 and up.
Fresh candies every day, inado from
pure sugar at thoTaiftir shop.
Caps for Hoys and Girls nt loc each.
Kakin it Jiristow.
Dr. A. J. Illillinger, Dentist. Latest
things in non-breakable plates Gold
Crowns and Dridges. Permanently lo
Jlewareofair dried or half dry floor
ing, ceiling ami rustic. The Iiootli
Knlly Lumber Co., nro making special
prices on kiln-dried lumber.
Go to Geo. Dohlman's tailor shop
Main street and sec his fall lines of
samples nnd goods. Ho can please you
in any style or line you'mny desire.
Emblem buttons and pins at
"Cop" thejewelers, M. V. A.. W.
of W., K. O. T. M., K. of P., I. O.
0. lf., and Masonic.
Don't run around with dirty clothes
when you can get them cleaned for a
song at tho Kugeno Steam Dyeing and
Cleaning Works. Inquire of Geo. JC.
Griflilh, tho hnrher. 1
See the lino display of millinery nt the
parlors of Mrs. .1. S. Medley.
John Stonohurg's barbershop nnd
baths Also a lino lino of cigars, to
bacco, confections, etc. Tyy him
Golden Rultselling out. Bootf,
Shoes. Rubbers a,t cost. Groceries
at reduced prices.
W. F. Schui.lijr.
As I nm going to spend the winter
months iti California I will return, here
nn or about February 15 or March
1st 1001 to practice as usual
Drt. A. J. IIuLLlNGmt.
' Wo havo 'decided to continuo Vnir 10
per cent on" on stoves for this week. We
have the stoves. If you want a stove
comonnd ?ce us, if you do not want a
stoyo como in and see us anyway.
WltKMIiKK it Scorr.
Notably among tho pleasures afforded
by thu Shasta Itouto Is tlie winter trip
to Southern California and Arizona.
Ilenowed acquaintance with this section
will ever develop fresli points of interest
and added sources of enjoyment, under
its sunny skies, in tlio variety of its in
(liistiios, in its prolific vegetation and
among its numberless resorts of moun
tain, shore; valley and plain.
Tho two daily Shasta trains from
Portland to California liavo been re
cently oqtiippcd with tlio most approved
pattern of standard nnd tourist sleeping
cars, but tho low rates of faro will still
continuo in ellect.
Illustrated guides to tho winter re
sorts'of California and Arizona maybe
had on application to
l'ortlaud, Oregon.
Mr. Tnplin's boy at Saginaw,
who is about 7 years old , was kicked
on Monday by a horse and for
some time it was thought he was
killed. He was carried into the
house as dead. Dr. Snapp was in
the neighborhood, was summoned,
and after applying restoratives
brought the little fellow around all
right, but it was a close call for the
youngster. ',
, Snbsoribo for tho Nugget all the Bo
hemia mining news, $1.50 per year.
1 0sVDiM BfXRfcMNS I
IE We have a MgnificenFstock of FINE SHOES, 2
iZZ our prices are lower than like quality sells for any 3
wnere else, and we guarantee snoe satisiactton in
every respect at
MoneySaving Prices.
We think we know what the people want.
To suit the public taste and purse and meet popular de
mand is our business ambition.
ST: We will fit any foot or pocket-book and assure, satisfac
z tion, and then "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." :3S
,j We are living in a rapid age: an age of Progression. The World moves
j M and you must move with it.
K Keep up with tho times. If you see a phnncc to benefit yourself grnsp
Ifc. tho opportunity.
You Can Benefit Yourself by Calling At
33enson Drug Company.
tire Drugs
W. S. Chkisman.
The Fashion Stables
Ghrisirian & Bas, Proprietors.
2 4
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
bmvtv til . .nrMti' rri mm ml w
Wheeler & Scott
Over (10 odd patterns of wall paper to
choose from and more on tho way, at
Jenkins it Lawson's.
Sportsmen remmnber Griffin & Veatch
Co. carry aline lino of Shot Guns and
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought
at the highest market Values.
Call and get acquainted with
us. We shall be pleased at all
times to quote you prices
upon all lines handled by us,
whether you buy or not.
Our Stock is New, Neat and
Clean, and having bad years
of experience in business, we
assure you the very best goods
the market affords, and the
lowest possible prices .
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore.
and Chemicals
Eli Bangs.
Proprietors of the Bohemia g
ft and g
$ Black Butte Stage Lines. g
(, y
Reasonable Prices
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Sewing- Machines
are Just that
Ball-bearing and'High-grade Vertical
Feed and three under feed machines.
Prices to suit.
For sale by
wanted. 300 to 500 cords wood
cut at Black Butte n ine. Apply
at the mine. Wm. Harris, Supt.
Tho Eugene Steam Dyeing nnd Clean
ing Works guarantees fast color on gonta
suits. They com? out looking liko fiew."
Geo. E. Giifiith, local agent.
To sccuro'a good tight floor or ceiling
and one that will 'always remain so use
Kiln-dried lumber. Tho Booth-ICelly
Lumber Co. at Saginaw kiln-dry all in
terior flnisli and rustic and nro offering
special bargains in mo.
Wo sell good goods nt good prices for
our customers, Central Meat Market.
A car load of Columbia River cedar
shingles for sale by Jenkins & Lawson.
sBOOTS & shoesH
The Prices will n1
w 1
you, and in poiut of A
J! Quality and Beauty f.iS
cannot be beaten.
idcr. m