Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 09, 1900, Image 2

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Published Every Friday.
An Intcrntlng Collection nf Item from
tho Two IIomUplmroR Presented
In n Condensed X'ortn.
Franco mar send n large foroe to
China proposes nn indemnity of $40,
Ex-I'rosidcnt Clovolnnd stands for
sound money.
President Kruger will trnvol incog
nito in the capitals of Europe.
Tho official announcement of the to
tal populntion of tlTe United States for
1000 is 70,205,220.
Emperor Nicholas, of Russia, will
propose another conference with a view
of settling the Chinese question.
General D. M. Frost, for 50 years
one of tho best known residents of St.
Louis, is dead nt that city, aged 77.
Major Henry J. Ilearzy, editor of
tho Daily Statos and one of tho strong
est newspaper writers in the South, is
dead at New Orleans. Ho was 00
years of age.
Tho transport Hancock has arrived j
at Manila with threo companies of tho
Twentv-fifth infnntrv and thrnn nffl. G41' nSnlnst 232,422
and 100 men of tho marine corps.
Tho United States transport Mead
arrived at San Francisco, 28 days from
Manila. The Mead brought 254 sick
soldiers, 5 insane and 18 dead. Eight
privates died on the voyage.
Smallpox has broken out on a num
ber of Indian reservations in the West
and it is feared that when the cold
-weather sets in the epidemic will be
como more widespread and more malig
nant. One man was killed and sis othors
Injured, one perhaps fatally, in a col
lision on the Chicago & Alton railroad
near Mitohelr, 111. The passengers re
ceived a shaking np, but none was ser
iously hurt. !
The. government of Russia for tho
eecond timo within two months has
imposed a special tax for the benefit of
the Red Cross Society. The first wae
a tax of from 6 to 10 rubles upon li
censes to travel abroad, according to
the length of the time for which the
license was granted, and now railway
tickets are taxed 5 kopecks when the
fare is 2 rubles or upwards. It is esti
mated that tho tioket tax will yield
$125,000 yearly and that on licenses
$100,000. It is understood that the
czarina, whoso interest in tho Red
Cross Sooiety is keen, originated the
idea of imposing the taxes.
Alvord, the absconder, was arrested
in Boston.
Japan wishes to hold the balance of
power in the Orient.
Harvard dofeated Ponusvlvauta in o
football game by a sooro of 17 to C.
A sorious Btriko of stroot railway
employes is on in Jamaica.
A lettor wrlttou by a private in n
Manila hospital states that Agulualdo
is dead.
Tho oloso of tho campaign in Now
York elty whs marked by n pa ratio ol
87,000 Republicans.
Tho nnval increaso programmo foi
1001 involves tho construction of 32
vossols of 151,600 tons displacement.
Osgood Field, grandson of Samuel
Osgood, tho first postmastor-gonoral ol
tho United Statos, died iu Paris, aged
Sensational disclosures which were
brought out at a criminal trial at Rer
un showod tho corruptness of tho po
lice forco.
A German forco had a hard flcht
with Chinese regulars in a pass ueai
tho great wall, in which tho Chiuost
wero dofoatod.
Tho safe of tho Farmers' and Mer
chants' bank at Jackson Center, O.,
wop blown open by desperadoes and
$5,500 was socurod.
General MacArthur has cabled a list
of casualties during recent engagement;
with Filipino insurgents, showing nine
killed and 11 wounded.
The steamor Sonator arrived at Seat
tle from Nome with 333 passengers and
$500,000 in treasure. Sho encounter
ed a succession of violent galos.
Tho population of Yermmt, as an
nounced by the census bureau, is 343,-
in 1800 an in
creaso of 11,210, or 3.3 poi cent.
Twelve miners were killed bv an ex
plosion in a mine at Berrysberg, W.
ATn. Tho explosion was tho result of
an accidental discharge of dynamite.
Commander Booth-Tucker and sov
eral other officers of the Salvation
Army, have purchased homes in Mount
Vernon, in which city it is said the
American headquarters of the army
will be located.
The navy department has directed
Admiral Remey, at Cavite to convene
a court of inquiry to inquire into tho
charges of cowardice against Captain
Hall, United States marines, preferred
by Minister Conger at Pekin.
The joint commission appointed to
juvusugaie me aesiraoiuty or a pneu-matic-tnbe
system for the Chicago mail
seriyce will make a favorable recom
mendation to the postmaster-general.
This improvement is expected to bring
about a revolution in local mail facili
ties. British troops in Alrica have been
ordered to China.
The screen door combine has been
forced to dissolve.
A census shows that the City of
Mexico, Mexico, has a population of
over 400,000.
Eight distinct
Government Claims to Have
Checked the Uprising.
the Clcrcy Iini.lli-iiteil In tho Affair,
Which Wn Strengthened by Ihn
CrUla In Ciilnlimlii.
A. llesperate AHbciU Made by r""'
Italian Mine's. N
Mount Pleasant, Pa., Nov. 3. Four
Italian minors attempted to rob I ay
Clerk William llostlir. of tho Sont"
west Counollsvlllo Coko Company,
whilo ho was making Ills trip today be
tween this dtv and Alvortou with tliu
pay roll of thoAlvorton iVsTarr Work,
omountlng to $4,000. Mr. llcwtlvr U
dead, his companion, Harry Burgess,
mossongor of the company, is wounded,
two of the Italians are dead, u third
fatally wounded and the fourth In in
Hostler ond Burgess loft this city at
1 o'clock this afternoon with tho safe
mnraliiim? the money. When thy
leached tho summit "f the long hill
Madrid, Nov. 3. Tho latoat nows ol
mo Carlist movomont is moro favorablo
In iht nnrnrnmniit- It In iinsnrtnri that
tho chief of tho Berga band has offered j just below which lies Alverton, a large
to snrrondor, if ho is pardonod, but it coko town, without a second's warn-
isnddodtlmt tho government has do- lug four Italians fired a volley irom
cidod to act vienroiiRlv nnil nnrdnn no 1 llioir hidlm.' nllice. and sprang forward,
one. Tho Bnsnno provinces remain flrimr as thov advanced. Mr. Hostler
Powers Determined to Re
move Chinese Empress.
Other U ii r I Cnimldereil In tlm Itc
till.llnlnnrllt of I'll lull
Washington, Nov. 6. It was statod
todav in miiirtuni well versed in Chi
nese affair,- that outside of tho ques
tion of indemnity, punishment, etc,
uow under nogotiaton at I'ekln, thoro
iii-o threo vital and far-reaahiiig uuon
Hons to ho determined, via!.! Flint,
the removal of the empress dowager,
Young 'personally aim iiinmgn tue niiiiiuuuu u
J'lttsiiurg, Nov
Uhliman M
" ".lit,,1;;;"'
fnl enthusiasm pant n'lT". In
ut'ienratod toil...
around tlm i M)"t,
Irni'Preolan 'i;X(
t of the ,,.J ...U l,'llil!iil.
.. .i . ""Utter u-: .
II n 7
I . " '
Sol. i I
t.1.1... n,.'l
1 111
It 9
1'IUItf. illnlv I
urOjMil art ,,d Hoin,,r0 1U'
tholr regard. Mi...... ' . "will
speaker of tlm dav u.. ..
prolonged npplmis... iilh.'jNd
I I.Tli I .... I. ....
W'i'llll JIIIH II
from thin vouiil'
howovor, that she
"TO In I.
r"lbllo. I t
..,11 ,. ' 1 k
rtH of war, which lm.,, ... f.
ond una aim the ilf-truptlo,, olh!"
tho nrtN of ,, ' Hit,
I , Z S i,r ijdvisers, from all participation
I return the rubbers' lire with effect, and the Chinese goyernnionti d, the
tlm linvson' linilMR uruanuii ui " i.n.ouiiuij mini uj m
nulot. Tho following statomout has foil doad at tho lim volley
boon issued by tho Spanish minister of
tho interior:
' I ' Tl. rt..rtI..A..M . . . Aa. t lw. ,. I,,.- .1 ,
UU V 1 V. . J I UlllUU. . a Wk' VI. . -- - - - , .,1.1,. .,,, ......,,.,.. m.. ........ ..
tho decline. It is now limited to tho fell dead. A few seconds later ho flro.l ' " .u "l " "
aud in tho mountains near Herga, his revolver in tho face of another, and , otior hy tho payu ent of l.e duties in
which is fleeing before several columns as tho thief fell his two remaining im - B ' "T , !, :
of government troops. Tho resfcof the panions. became to.rllled, and. leaving !. " 1onbllnir tho present
lo nun. Tlin tmno l.avn t ,n .ln.i.1 nnn . mt nut with t 111) WOUQI ei '"' """ "I"" v"" "
li'ipplneM and w.,ir, . ."'.M
No iiatlon e i,m,mu) reol
war. Irun uroatm
inu extent
pensluula is calm. Tho troops
returuod to Igualada. They ouoouu
lorod no revolutionaries."
The Mnvt'iiicnt Wan rrfiiiinture.
Paris, Nov. 3. Tho Tomps this
evening publishes a dispatch from Ma-
ilrid, which says tho military authori
ses of llarcolona are censoring alt tho
ocal papers, that all information re
pecttng tho Carlists is prohibited, and
hat nothing is allowed to bo tolo
;raphod or telephoned oxcopt official
mllotius. The correspondent of tho
Temps adds:
; "It is now cortaln tho bauds of Car- J
lists are moro numerous than at first :
stated. Tho two bands nnmber 800
uon each, and tho movemont is woll
prganized, but promaturo. Tho Llbor
pi and Republican press declaro tho
vitality of Carlistn is duo to tho freo
dom allowed tho religions orders. The
lower clergy nio implicated in tho up
rising, which is strengthened by tho in
dustrial crisis in Catalonia."
ouo over tho hill to the south
llurgots managed to drive on to Al
verton with tho body of Mr. Hotlei
and tho safe, where he guvo tho alarm.
t Mount Pleasant and vicinity, with tin
clerical forco of tho coko company,
I turned out, and soon corralled tho two;
who had concealod thomsolvos in a field
on tho Durstiuo farm, a mile from tliH
stiver duties
cent ad valorem, and third, the estub'
liHhmeut of a minister of foreign af
faire, iu place of tliu old and cumber
8omo system of tho Titling 11 Yiunun.
Tho demand for tho retiiemeiit of
tho empress dowager is said to result
from tho conclusion now generally
accepted that tho imperial govern
ment of China was responsible foi the
"UUS tinlliS
itronuth of imttni. ,.f.. ,or in
miter of tho pe,.,...' .Jn,lltl
.i . . . ' i rum t.. i
iinHervation I am in..m,,i t iri
that tho A r Ul ,01bU
element of nation.,! ,L. "
'Tho tost of lortliums
Cirllstn mill Catalonlnnt.
Now York, Nov. 3. It is learned
from Biarritz, says a Paris dispatch to
tho Times, that the Spanish Carlists
are trying to approach ttio Catalonia
'evolutionists with a view to common
j'.ction agiust the present Spanish gov
ernment. It is not thought, howovor,
niiii, mo uatiuoniaus win identity tliolr
town. A numinous to surrender win I I'oxor uprising. mi. uiuprunj uinv
answered hy a vollev, in which ouo nl ngor was the ruling authoiltv of tho
tho posso rocoived a slight wound in ! imperial government during tho upris
tho chest. Tho outlaws from tholi this resK)iulbllty is brought home
fortlllod position mndo n fierce Mund "lroctly to her. lhero is understood
for n few miuutos, until ono of tin , ' 1,0 110 purine, howovor. to visit
posso succeeded lu eottltiL' In their : "' lHirsomu puuisnmoni or
rear. Ho shut ono thiongh tho head,
killing him. Tho other surrendered,
In tho meantime, another division ol
tho posso overhauled tho third robber,
who had rocoivod a ghastly wound.
Tho ball, outeriu' his mouth, pene
trated his head, and came out at tin
back of his neck, lie is not oxpoctec
to rocovor.
nl .1..- i
tO 1IOMSII.H 1 1. """"ttS
ahus.ngi, Wealtb:S7l
can von I ml u,,..i 1 'US
of wnnltln, ''""Util
cnrHo tlm nn Ti...... ""I
.,.. ..7 .""'" '"Me,!,
lm tin. mm.. I.. I . . .. "Wl
imi tlm .M....U .. " u,11nj
vuin in iiieirdliJ
fort ho henellt of the pwple, JJM
i.v.... .....u Ki,u(i reimoil to Ueti
..v... ... wnnis, AliifrlciBf
of wealth are pnhiin )ut..iJ'
misiimont or 1 1 . -"nun.
IndiL'iiitv. hut morelv no to foim the ! ""' . ",r 0"mplt.
,nn,.,,l i nt ... t ,.v. ' ' IU." i 0,1 V" Wm Initfr
elude her from all partlolpatlon in it. ?!". 0 .. ''"'"'"''n'Plc m
ing monument of tho (ouinlcr't nn,
uunuu. mire ouo can rimi the tt
offeotivo means for the ouli..l.ti..
the mind and tho iiiliftiug0( nc'
, , .. nuuiiiiQn ,
It Is deomod ndvttablo for that reu
ion that sho should remain permanent
ly away from Pekin, and that her ad
visors also shoull bo kept away from
iJio scat of government.
Croix Ie.iil Want t llrmalii Uinlri
Danlili Hula.
St. Thomas, D. W. 1., Nov. 2. A
an extraordinary meeting of the colon
ial council at St. Croix. D. W. I.,
Mondar. tho vice-chairman ilonoimceil
'cause with tho Carlists. ond it is .iJd ! the statements mado by A.' .1. illack-
to be nnlikolv that the lnttnr will wood, the United Hates consul at St.
jnako much headway. Weyler's np- Croix, and chairman of tho colonial
pointment as captain-general of Madrid council, in an interview printed in
was directed bv tho Government's fun? I Now Vork, October '20, in which Mr.
'rl. ...... ,.f -i i. it t..
toms duties has arisen from tho need of ,i,.,.,.i ....i..n ... l,,10l
..,,.1. .".iisniDIO bi iu,.
, anil to nil person. The day will.
finding a source to pay war ludemnl
ties, which tho various powers domuud
of trouble in Catalonia.
Tho oigarmakers of Tampa, Florida
are out on a strike.
Fall fishing on tho Columbia is
about at an end.
Venezuela was visited by. a great
eartnquake, killing 15 persons.
Damage by flood is reported from La
Urosse, Wis., and Winona, Minn.
Professor Max Muller, the famous
philologist, died in London, aged 77.
Thero was a general resumption of
work in tho Pennsylvania coal region
The new gold strike in the Baker
City, Or., country, is extensivo nnd
A Demooratio leader predicts that
Idaho wIH give Bryan a majority of
Chicago postoflice clerks have affill
ated with tho American Federation of
Tho Boera aro said to have 15,000
armed men in tho Hold in Orange River
Prince Hobenloho says he resigned
because ho was ignored on important
Chinese looters stole Mnnchn throne
and colossal archaeological objects of
great value.
Boxers at Pao Ting Fn deolare the
provincial treasurer ordered them to
kill foreigners.
Prince YI and Ying Nien aro added
to tho list of those whoso exocution
France has demanded.
More than $20,000,000 in gold dust
and bullion has been deposited in Seat
tie assay offlcothis year.
ooveu people were Klilou and as
many injured in a Northern Paoiflo
train wreok near Livingston, Mont.
Many persons were injured and per
haps killed, and a dozen buildings
wreokod in a New York fire and ox
At Spoakne, Wash., Mrs. Edith
Strobe!, wife of an engineer on the
Great Northern, killed herself by blow
ing out her brains with a revolver.
Sho was 20 yoars of age, and before her
marriage was a Tekoa, Wash., girl
.temporary Insanity is said to have
been the motive.
earthquake shocks
were felt in Jacksonville, Fla., but no
damage was done.
Tho Venezuelan government has de
creed the resnmpion of payment of in
terest on all debts and loans from Nov
ember. .
Many people wero killed and injured
in Venezuela by an earthquake, and
railroad and telephonic communication
is interrupted.
There have been serious tax riots in
the Serat district of Roumanfa. Two
local officials were killed, and tho
troops who were 6ent to enforce pay
ment wore resisted by the peasants,
who killed eight of them. '
Tho Susquehanna Coal Company, nt
William Penn, Pa., granted the de
mands of the mineworkers -in thnt col
lliery and will resume operations
This Is ono of the largest collieries in
tho country, 700 men being employed
uy tho explosion of a alcohol vat at
tho Homestead steel works, ot Pitts
burg, threo workmen, Andrew Dlikiv.
Michael Donder and John Harnett,
were terribly burned. Dolikiv nnd
Donder, it is thought, will die. Tho
explosion was caused by alcohol com
ing in contact with natural gas.
Official confirmation has been to
ceived at Vienna from Mostar. in Her
zogovino, of tho reports of a collision
growing out of a boundary dispute be
tween an Austro-Hungary military pa
trol and a force ol Montenegrin sol-
dieis. One Montenegrin was killed
and sovoral wounded.
A belated dispatch from Pretoria
tells of the failure of British negotia
tions with General Botha for tho sur
render of the Boers. Botha received
General Paget's flag of truco courteous
ly and admitted bis defeat, but said it
was impossible to treat for surrender as
long as any burghors wished to contin
ue the war. President Stoyn was more
irreooncilable. Ho refused to even see
the bearer of a flag of truce.
The young man who for sovoral years
annoyed the Pullmans in Chicago by
demanding money of them and oallinz
himself Gustavo Pullman, has been ar
rested in New York. Ho called at tho
hotel where young Georco and Suncer
Pullman are living and sent his card
p to tho former. Pullman had him
ejooted and ho returned and domanded
$00,000. He was again put out and on
his third visit was arrested.
Tho well-known Spanish painter,
Joaquin Sarolla, has beon awarded a
ilrst-class medal in the Paris exposi
tion, and all thoso who admire his
works aro pleased ot hiB success. The
Mndrilouos call Sarolla "tho painter
of tho sun," becauso no ono can sur
pass him in those wonderful (scenes of
outdoor lifo painted in full sunshine,
brilliant light everywhere, dazzling
to tho eyes, with heavy shadowa lying
where tho light cannot penetrate.
Five thousand honov bees, as thev
leave the hlvo, weigh about ono
pound, but when tho inseots leturn
from their visits to tho flowers,
freighted with honey, they weigh near
ly twice as much.
The untruth of today is called a lie:
tho untruth of a hundred years 1b
called a logend.
The a vera co man would rather losn
$5 on a horse race than a nickel
through a hole in his pooket-
The Liberals Hare Started a Second
Itevolutlon. t
New York, Nov. 3. C. B. Halt,
unneu states mlnlstetr to Colombia,
South America, who has arrived here,
and is on his way to his home in
Wheoling, W. Va.. said in an inter-
tiviy uiui. jiiuiiura in uoiomnta uro
sadly mixed. Tho Liberals started a
second revolution a fow days ago, ond
It lias developod great strength. The
fighting has been fierce and up to date
the killed and wounded have number
ed 30,000.
"While the Liberals have met with
ranch success, it is my belief that the
government will bo eventually success
ful. But tho revolution is seriously
disturbing business. General Prospero
Pinzon is in command of the govern
ment forces, and the revolutionists are
commanded by General Rafael Urlbe.
The scene of the trouble is the depart
ment of Cauca.
"In the recent election. San Clem-
enti and Senor Marroqnin wore elected
president and vice-president respect
ively, ban tiiementl, on aoconnt ot
the state of his health, could not live
in Bogota, and went to Villeta. In his
absenco, Marroqnin started a rebellion
and nssumod the presidency, securing
the recognition of all the foreign
powers except the papal seo. Both San
Clementi and Marroqnin, however, are
drawing their salaries of 80,000 pesos
per annum. This is payable in silver,
uU1) uju uurreuoy oi uoiomuia Is so up
set that it is difficult to place a value
upon it.
"Thero is a demand thero for Benltn
Seamala, who is hero in New York.
He was formerly United States vice!
consul nt Bogota. The Marroquin gov
ernment charges him with conspiracy
and he is praotically an exile."
Blackwood was quoted as saying the
sentiment of the pcoplo of tho Danish
Wost Indies is Strongly in favor of an
nexation. Tho vice-chnirman said the
allegations mado wore opposed to the
facts in tho caso, and that Mr. Black
wood spoko without the council's au
thority. A resolution was adopted to
cable King Christian, of Denmark,
submissively expressing "tho wish ol
tho inhabitants to contiuuo under tho
Danish crown," and expressing tho be
lief that annoxatinn to tho United
States would bo against tho wishes ol
the majority of tho inhabitants. Some
of the members protested against the
passage of the resolutions, but tho vice
chairman overruled them. There was
- A I. 1 1 -.1- i. r m m
stvled "The taw. Pmt.t ' a !!! . I.0"0 our patrolmen. An
Ions and ordnr v rrnu-.l I.m.Io.I i... I unttn.Uon P''"nel them and
band of music, marched through the I VJi Ti " Wn8 cruol; lt WM
dermaii Tr..... In Clilmi Obey
Knlrr' Innlriirtliina.
Borlin, Nov. 5. Considerable impa- '
tlonco at tho moagcruess of tho ihia'b
from China is finding expression here. I
Ilio inference is that Gorman censor- 1
'ship over such Information is very ,
strict. Lettem from private in China i
beg u to lltnl their way into tho Social
I Demooratio papers, showing that the
Gorman troop give no quarter. Tho
; Bremen Buergbor Zoitung publishes a
lottor from n soldier in Pekin, " who
said ho wltuosHcd the following scene:
"Sixty-oight captive, some of them
not yet adults, wero tied together hy
their pigtails, beaten bloody by the
Gorman, coniiiollod to dig tholr own
graves, and then shot en masse."
Tho Halhorstadtor Volk Zoltnng
prints a communication from Pekin, in
which tho writer says:
"No prisoners aro taken. All nro
shot or preferably sabred to savo am
munition. Sunday aftonioou wo had
to Dayonot 71 prisoners. Thnv Im.l
i como when foreigner will visit 11
icuy, not so union to seo tlm ptj
(iiisirim oHiniiiiNhmeut us tOMti
institution, winch spreads iu foM
f.ii-..ti.i (..lit.. 'ri.iu i. . i
" ""in UJ Will 14 MCH
! ly lamouH for the great eilucttom
, a uiauiiiacturlug center. !j &
I Manning monument ol the htM
benefaction stimulate others toiollj
tin noblo example. May the Tod
Touch Oaiic llroken Op.
Chicago, Nov. 3. A depository
stolen goods iu unusual qimntltes
been unearthed in Chicugo by tho
nco. 'len thioves. men and
The Alvord Cine.
Now York, Nov. 3. The caso of Cnr.
nelius L. Alvord, tho defaulting note
teller of tho First National bank, who
is charged wilth ombezzlino $000.onn
. LL t i I . '
wonu oi mo oanK-s lunds, was nol
transferred to tho United Statos court
roaay, as had been oxpectod. Al
vord'e counsel objected to the trnnnfnr
and the case was postponed until tomorrow.
Washington, Nov. 8. General Man.
Arthur, at Manila, notified the war do.
partment today that Major John Davis,
United States volunteors, dlod at Ma
nila this morning of chronio Bricht'.
disease. Major Davis was a nativo of
Illinois ana a veteran of tho war of the
rebellion. At the timo of his death he
was chief surgeon of tho Third district
Df Southern Luzon.
were arrested, and two wagon IoikIb o
stolen property, valued ut thousunds o
dollars, was recovered. Vina MoNur
ney, nn alleged shoplifter, is sni.l tr
have maintained tho resort. It is be
lieved that tho gang has associates ir
muuy other large cities, and the build
ing raided was tho headquarters foi
thieves who are working svsti'
in all parts of the United States.
Tonne Nrgro Pleml I.jnclie.l. -7
Birmingham. Ala., Nov. 2. At
Duke, 10 miles north of Anuistcn, ar
18-yearold negro boy named Abernathj
attompted a criminal nsjault on tb
14-year-old adopted daughter of W. N.
Thompson, n section foreman on thi
Louisville & Nashvillo road. Tho ne
gro was captured threo hours later
1.1 .....I 1 . 1
luuijuueu iiii'j lynched.
Murdered anil Thrown on Taoki.
Noblosvillo, Ind., Nov. 2 An nn
kuuwu man was lound dead neur thii
" n ne mne Jirle & Western rail
road tracks. Tho body was nuked and
the throat was cut, the head crushed,
ono foot amputated and his arw
broken. It is believed ho was niur-
ucrou ana nis hody thrown
on th
Grain Klerator llurtieit.
Honderson, Kv.. Nov. 2 ts 1.
elevator and plant of Maron Wilier &
Company was destroyed today, oninil.
ing a loss of $120,000: lnB,,,,L
nnn ' "v"i"i'
Kacapnil I'rom Alralraz.
San Francisco, Nov. 5. Threo pris
oners have escaped from tho United
Statos military prison on Alcntraz is
land. Among tho escaped prisoners
was Frank Kinuo, who was under it
sontonco of 1C yoais for dosertion nnd
treason. Kinno was brought hero a
fow months ago in irous from Aianila.
Ho had desortod his command and ac
cepted a commission from tho robot
rmy. Ho was cauuht load inn 11 ehitrirn
of rebols. In tho number captured by
uiu American troops at tho timo Klnne
waB takon wero several American pris
oners. Kinno claimed to bo himself a
prisouor of tho Filipinos, hut tho
Americans who wero with tho party
declared this to bo a falsohood, and de
nounced tho mnn ns a traitor and a
rebel. Ho was tried by court-martial
ana sentenced to servo 15 years at Al
catraz. Tho othors who etcapod with
rvinno aro u. b, Huntington, under
sonionco 01 10 yoars, and J. M. PottB,
lervlug flvo yoars.
Hamburg, Nov. 3 Tho provincial
court has laid an embargo nnnn hn
i.j i .1.. ....... . " -
Bum iu mo vaiuo 01 3,01)0,000 marks,
which arrived at Coxhavon today on
tho imperial steamer Bundesrath
from Dolagoa bay. This step was
lajcen, u is aiiegou, lor tho purpose of
reimbursing insurance companies here
for gold withhold by the Transvaal
government during the war. The
Hamburgisohe Boorsen Hale, how
Bver, denies a rumor that the gold wa
thipped by Mr. Kruger. ,
Hlie or the. Cotton Crop.
Now Orloans, Nov. 2. Final rennrt.
000 bales! "op for 1000 at 0,070..
$700 in the
todav. lm ......
w ,,IB
S monov bv turn ,..
Ilepo.ltor Kobbml In n llU.
p. v tT'Jl- 3-While VYUIian-
"Kvenswoou, a
o waKiug a aoposlt of
rirai, national bank
rouuod of all
nnVrr." M. "v. option
vmuauuji,0 stealing.
Federal Court Will Try Alvord
Now York, Nov, 2.WstH At'tor
ney Gardiner announced this after
noon that Alvord would bo tiirn,i .
to the United States antlSritl d VM
Hcareil Her to Death.
Roohestor, Now York, Nov. 5. Tho
authorities of Alloghony county are
moKing ior the porsons who manufac
tured a skeleton out of animal bones
which frightened Mary Oldfleld, of
Karrdalo, to death Wnrlnn,in
Maty Oldfleld, accompanied oy two
fiends, was roturnlug from a Hallo,
woon party, where they had listened to
gruoBOmo stories until tholr hair stood
on end. Whon about to outer tho
uuua u raining of bones was hoard
overhead, and looking up tho trio
wero ovorcomo with horror at sooiug a
(skeleton of glgantio proportions swoop
ing down on thorn from nbovo. With
a cry of torror Marv dronnn.i ,1oa,i a
soarohing party found a wiro lendimr
from tho ground to n troo ton rn mm,
was attaohod a akoloton by u pulloy.
Suei Asylum Oflloem.
Chicago, Nov. A
...u was roioasod from an insauo nsy
urn yesterday by Judge Dunno, has
brought suit against tho superintend.
nt and other officers of tho nsylnm.
He alleges ho was illegally detainod.
Granted tho Inornate,
Hazloton, Pa., Nov. 5.-OuyIo Bros.,
BtrlpiDg contractors, todoy granted
Jhelr men an inoreaso of lo por cent io
vr uny, which 1 ui'iiriiiy Join
ijuu in uuiuuriuiiiK, uu ever OMcnl
from year to year as an oieatcli
tlonal interest."
After tho oxorclses a reception 1
tenderod to Minister Wu iu lie I
gniiery, wiieru too (iluiim(l)W jtl
mot and shooK hands with about 11
I.I veil 13.1 Vrnr7
Now York, Nov. C O'eoriteffil
ington Freomiiii Horner (irteD, lcd
negro slave, llud in the nlins boipl
at Hempstead, L. I., ycstcrdtriti
roputod ago of 123 years. Greta
Baid to lmvo been born cuafirmci
Kllzabethtx)rt, .1., on Janoirrl
1777. Ho was Bold to a Vtrjlfl
, plantor named Horner, by whom, itg
said, ho wiih sold to Ueucnil W11I11.I
ton. In 1812 ho was mmlen free ma
ami thou came North and was en
od by Georgo Greon, a Lodj Ii!
farmer, with whom he remained for J
yearB. Green's faculties romnined ij
impntiod until 1C veins hko, whenJ
sitiht and heariui: beuan to (nil, audi
entered the imorhouse, where he hi
Ilvod over ulnco. He used ttn wnui
nnd tobuoco. hut is said never
lmvo shown anv bad effects from elttl
Ho was married sovoral tlmei
said to lmvo been tho father of 37 cb
dron, most of wham aro dead.
HoelHllata arretted.
New York. Nov. B.-SIx ipeI:
of tho Soclnllst Labor pnrty, wo
sistou on talking to an onormom m
ut Sovonth street and Avenue w
night, wero arrested hy the police, if
clnitni(l thnv llilil 110 POmilt 10
A trnnil nl itliilililllir WHS done
tho pollcomen, who nuinboied over 5
Tho Socialists wont book to ther hea
quartors, overlooking tho corner, aii,. 1,IT,.,l ,.n,l IL-nd HL'lllU. '
corwd hooted tho nlolco, and the ol
nliurund tllO CTOWi
v.....f,.., w n
Pl,.. .!.(- n.,l,a nn n cOOnB"
heads and arms and drovo them N
.... .1... ...... ..Innrlncr lt. 'C
IIUIU IIIU RklUUb, v..' a .
thov took tho men to tho station-Ma
Thoyworo In colls only a short"
whon they wero hailed out.
Confeited to Arion.
T-lnllno 'I'nviia. NllV. C. HIM0
.....l.u. ----- . ..flAB
Erwiu wns today convictoa w ?W
irnava in thn Tirtfi Itnntinry. fcrwin
WM W j.w - ,
tossed to having buruod VV"'
which there was 15,O0C I insur
and claimed tho ownors had hiroa
to do BO.
Robuildingof tho Spanish fleets
bo entruBtod to Fronch builders. '
don, fourirmoroacrpioi"' tafl
burden each, ond 100 torpedo W
Tlio ordor ia to bo oxocutod wm
. . ..... i.. .Tunan,
IlllddllUt Jlevivn. y
Tacomn, Nov. O.-Aocord ng o .
.i..i. it. llnfldhifltB 01 MV,, . colebra
aro miiKiiig gruai. -- onntarj i
tho beginning of the new conW ,
active miBsiouary work im gja
arrival of somo gaoreu , extrao
was mnuo mo uuo tlon
dinnry domoustration of neve
their faith. Tho roads over W,,
rolios wero homo were ,d
oloth, which wob 7o ,lme
.mail pieces at more thM W
ralno, roalizing over 02,000 y