Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 19, 1900, Image 8

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beets, castor oil bennS. '
ri. J. Cuow 3 squash, one
weighed 67 pounds, pears, 9 va
rieties of apples, fiti6 King Phillip
corn, birds-egg beans,, grapes,
kinds of potatoes. Took second
premium for general exhibit $2.50
A. B. Ciliiumt x kinds of
apples, Belflower, Russet and
Grnvcnstein;corn, White Dent and
King Phillip; potatoes,, beets,
carrots, llubbnrd and Pikes Peak
squashes, Drumhead cabbage
M. Raii.kuack 5 kinds of com,
o kinds of beans. 3 kinds of carrots,
parsnips, 2 kinds of squash, 2 kinds
of potatoes, big cabbage, tomatoes
citrons, potaio vines 6 feet long.
P. p. Davis Apples, corn, sun-
flnvers, copv of statute of terri
torial laws printed at Oregon City
in 1851.
T. V. Ixman varieties of
f - w
apples, 3 kinds of potatoes, relics
including a pocket knife zoo years
old, minerals from Bohemia and
Southern Oregon.
Mrs. E. Tompkins 18 varieties
of plants. Took first prize.
Mrs. Charles Cowan Took
second prize for potted plants.
Mrs. Jerry PiPESj-Took prize
for rugs.
John Settle Got premium for
iine shakes.
Sam McKernen Took pre
mium for fine hand-made shingles.
Mrs. John Settle Took pre
mium for finest light bread.
Mrs. L. E. Ward Got prize
. for a beautiful biscuit cushion.
C. E Russell Wheat, barley,
oats, cheat, timothy, velvet grass,
Oregon Plantou, millet. Took first
premium, the Daily Oregonian.
Mrs. Cowan Best exhibit of
canned fruits, got .premium of
Weekly Oregonian.
Mrs. Atkinson Took pre
mium for best exhibit of apple and
blackberry jellies. ' .
Mrs. Hardy Crow Took prize
for best custard pie'.
Mrs. Doty Took prize for best
pumpkin pie.
Miss Davidson Took first prize
for the best roll butter, fancy glass
set by Hemenway & Burkholder.
There were 18 competitors in the
butter contest.
Mrs. Russell Got the second
prize for butter, a fancy clock.
The exhibits were all removed
before dark and the hall renovated
and put in order for dancing. At
9 o'clock about forty couple bad
arrived and the dance was soon in
full fling underthe. able manage
ment of Charlest)ti. At 1
o cjock a splendid supper vas
served at the residence'of Mr. Lott.
After which the- tespsecorian fes
tivities were resumed and to the en
trancing strains of seductive music
the fleeting hours sped until day
light. Everybody had a good
time and all will long remember
the meeting of the Loraue Agri
cultural Society Fair in the valley
oftheSiuslaw 111 1900.
A startling incident la narrated' by
John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows:
'I was In an awful condition. 3fy skin
was almost yellow, oyoa'sunken, tongue
coated, pain continually Jn back and
Bides, noapputito, growing weaker day
uy day. Three, physicians had given
1110 up. men 1 was auviseu to use
Electric Bitters; to my great joy, tho
Ilrst bottlo made a decided improve
meat. I continued their nso for three
weeks, and am now a well man. I
know they robbed tho grave, of another
victim." . No one should' ail to try
them. Only GOe. Guaranteed, at Be.vbon
Drug Co., drug store.
Since the dog liceuse is being en
forced the marshal has collected
taxes for 22 dogs, and several have
been given away and taken out of
town. The marshal is being very
lenient with the owners of a few
dogs, but has their promises to pay
up, and thinks that all will comply.
wuntueiaw as soon as tuey can
spare the wberewithall,
I.EG uroken.
Geo. Robitisou of Saginaw ivas
kicked by a horse Wednesday
morning, breaking his leg. Dr.
Snapp was summoned to attend
the injured man.
"One ilny hist winter a lady fame to
my drtui More and asked for a brand of
uoiigli iiiedieine tlint I did not huvo in
etock," cays Mr. C. It. Grtimllii, tho
popular drtipuist of Ontario, N. W'Slio
was disappointed ami wanted to know
what cotiyli preparation 1 eonltl reeoni
inond. I said to her ilint 1 could freely
recommend , Clitunbct Iain's Cough
Ituinudy and that sliiu'ould take a bottle
of tho remedy ami after jdvliitf it a fair
trial if iho did not. find it worth tho
money to briii back ibe Irottlo audi
would refund the price paid. In the
courpo of u day or two tho buly came
back in coinpHiiy with a friend in need
ofa cough medicine anil advieed her to
buy a bottle of Oliiiiiiberlain'n Coujili
Homedy." It is for mile by Hrn'son Drco
Co., Cottage tirove. I.yonsA Aitlxuath,
ITrnin l)nijrgls,t..
Could not express the rapture ofj
Annie K. Springer, of Philadelphia,
when Dr. King's New Discovery cured
her of 11 hurkinp coitph that for many
years bad mail-j life a burden. She says:
"After all Other remedies and dnctoin
failed it i-oon removed the pain in my
t -r I II..
cliesl ami 1 can now Mt-t-p mhihuii ,
something I can seaicely remembei
loiug before. I feel like pniindmi: its
praises rlironghout the Universe." Dr.
King's New Discovery is guaranteed to
euro all troubles of the Throat, Chest
Lungs. Pi iccoOc and $1.00. uaranleed.
Trial botilca free at Densos Darn Co.,
Was the result oi bis splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where Momach, Liver,
and Kidneys and bowels are out of or
der. If vou want those qualities and
the success they bring, use Dr. King's
New Life Pills. Only -' cents at
Uensox Diiug Co., Drag Store.
Notice Is hereby elvoii that tho undcrslirntxl
exwntor of the otnte oi I. M. While, Do
cenred, hns tilwl In the County Court of Lone
I'onntr, State r.f Oiegoii, Cis ilnal ai-eonnt as
such ex eentorof salil os tatc niid that Monday the
5th dny of November, VXD, at the hour of-one.
o'clock In the afternoon of rata dav has been
fixed by said Court as the time for hearing ob
jections to said re;xrt, and tho settlement
Dated this 2nd day of October, iron.
N. v. White,
Executor of the ostato of 1. M. White, de
Land Office at Itoseburg, Oregon,
September, '18, litOO.
Kotico is hereby given that the follow
ing-nuiiied settler bas tiled notice of bis
intention to make final proof in sup
port of bis el.iini, and that said proof
will iir union Imliirn .lrnl lire. 11.
Commissioner, at Eugene, Lane Co.
Oregon, on November fi. 1900, viz: Scot
F. Jackson, on U.K. No. 8012, for the
N U KW M and S . XW li, Sec. 32
Tp. 19 S., l. 4 West.
He names the following witnesses to
prove Ins continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz:
A. D. Addison, E. S. Addison, John
Vt Into, of I.oninu, j,nno Co., Oregon
George M. Hawley, of Cottage Grove
Lane Uo., Uregon.
J. T. Biudges. .
Land Ofllco at Roseburg, Oregon,
Sept. 19, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that tho follow
named settler has tiled notice of his in
tention to make limit proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will bo
made oetore Joel v are, u. b. Uoiimus
sioner, at Eugene, Lane Co., Oregon, on
October 29. 1900. viz: William F.
Cnnady, on II. E. No. 9G00, for the T' y,
SAV i, Sec. 8, Tp. 20 S U. 3 West .
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation oi said land, viz:
Isiiac Wilcox, llenrv Dreese. F. M
Smith, Charles Wright, ofWalker, Lane
uo., uregon.
J.T. Bridges,
Land Office a Roseburg, Oregon.
Septembers. 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settlor has filed notico of his
intention to inako final proof in suppoit
of his claim, and that said proof will lie
niado u lore Joel ware. U. . Uoinmis
Hioncr at Eugene, Oregon, on November
is, iwuu, viz. Janies A. itouinson on
I.E. No. 7427 for tho NE 1-4, Sec. 10,
T. 21 S R. 1 K.
Henaml'S tho following witnesses to
prove Ins continuous resilience upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Georgo A. Miller, Wilmer Smith, of
I'.ugone, uregon, luwrenco lucky, U
A. Barr, of Portland, Oregon.
J. IYBridgus,
- Land Ofllco at Rosobunr, Oregon.
September 21, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the follow-
ng-named settler has tiled not co of his
intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said moot
will bo made heforo Joel Ware. U. S.
Commissioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on
November 12, 1900, viz: George A.
Miller on II E. No. 7428 for the KW
1-4, Sec, 10, T. 21 S R..1 E.
He names tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence unon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
James Robinson, Wilmer Smith, of
Eugono, Oregon, Lawreneo Ilicky, II
A. Barr, of Portland, Oregon. .
J. T. Burnous, Register.
I have 75 to 8o goats for kale.
Vbs Veatch,
Talic tho hohemla Xtcffe
Tho practical flido of
A monthly" publication of incstimablo value to tho student of every day
scientilio problems, tho mechanic, tho industrial expert, tho mant.fa t.trcr
U.o inventor-in fact, to every wide-awake person who hopes to bettoi us
condition by using his brains. Tho inventor, especially, will finrt m l c
Patent Record a guide, philosopher and friend. Nothing of unportaneo
escaties the vigilant eyes of its corps of export editors. Everything is pre
sented in clean, conciso fashion, so that tho busiest may tako tune to read
and comprehend. Tito scientific and industrial progress of tho ago is accur
atoly mirrbrod in tho columns of Tho Patent Record, and it w only
publication in tho country that prints tho oflioial nows of tho U. 8. Patent
Ollico and the latest dcvelopements in tho field of invention without fear
or favor. sviiscku'tion rnicn oxi: I'Kit year.
THE P&TEfflT REGfBRB, Baltimore, ffl&
rrliofn m rut
conceroa and bl aupply hnuwa a.Irerll-'e and Mil na With irrailo. ecan runiuii inem,
Iiowct. r.ntta tor rltpl! orM.; to complete. Wo do lu.t ipmrantee 'or worn,
ncnd thera. lltl'OItli ISDEIIIMJ a blycle of nny tns el.o. no matter jho or how
cheap, wrllo ti andlt u tell ou liov. ui'icli wo can m e yoil in Ineaarw "fli J;
If juu tirjflM! C niowheclwcma.liitj.utiKAi:N A lilt ' OI. h .yUI-
aro UNADLC: 10 UU I trtbatl'iatil liclf. ri'Uf.wilr V I tl.l l. e 1 own
In each town for thlspcvwc. Y.'o fcavo twyeral hundnd ti;i fit UA.MllVIIRKl.t ULoiH'ilr o tu.n o
will clone ontot3t j ai'Jc.u'.u al oaoraer' ad W jnodcla Trr clH-an. '.J"'' V." L
Ol'n ltr.LlAllll.lTY liun.iuontl.mod. .v refer U m.r 1. er b"tl 11-1 houjo HI "W'F"
railroad oonipany. Wo w .11 o:id you Uau-ra of ivferc.iw ilir,-t from e lir ;trt bank. In 1 1iUb o If J -iii i i Ii It.
OiUn VllSSU flOHITH tjJay ihlil.winlcoandilio.ejc-lnl tceraiof elilmientwltl.outilitltwiii
CI7iU lUUlJ UrtUliH lo withdraw nTcrj-iKivi. r.-l.lve ntmtvl IWi paw.
e. l mams v$ ww-r- "
The JOB OFFICE of this
paper is at your disposal for
tiie. best of printing of any
and all kinds at barely liv
ing prices.
When you need anything
in the line of printing please
remember that the motto of
this office is good work,
good material, neatness and
dispatch, and the prices are
within reach of all.
A Few .Bargains in
No. 56200 acres well improved
nines irom cottage urove, 1 -
easv. v
No. 78520 acres in Douglas county, 16 miles from Cottage Grove-
...... .v., i.uuoc, iuiKt: nam; 175 acres in cultivation.
balance nasture: SA.cnn. '
No. 68 A 2-acre tract 1 mile from
?T ",m,Buuu uwunuig near u. l'. criutc l' Sl,7oo.
No, 63 House and lot; $325. t "
We have for sale several'choice building lots, tractsstock ranches a
Sash and donr (nrtnrv nnri llr,1,r.n,:., . '
j Muiuuim luiiiin; jroperiy.
HEMENWAY & WHITE, Cottage Grove, Ore.
y .w. ....... , w....., .4111 ji; mcncB. JZvcvil AvT65M
OH tlHarnntPMl. T'l'tnn. T.,,. r.7 arr ...... H-t-ifyM
X G-inch barrel s ,CArt ii
Y - ' ,, . " -
" una or rlles; Price, from $6.00
..j,..w u w, it ivv mm
b ctena xtatHP for Ltitaioeat. J ft. Jtnyi
Bcienco b rolloctcd in
cHi.p-ov,-.1ioyorJdro. WITHOUT A OCXT tfi 1 ADVANCE.
4Ti?J t "J rOCStt OflOEl?, rlU,,'cll,,,rr7 r,HlVi'?riliiit!
one el . n-funo II nml l!l lr MIpjp" cimrgri
cs. Ttm "KONTRCSE" Oiayclo CM R.50
r Spoctal . AK-t' K',r Ji?t"I
U tho grtSieii , blinwtiiln n tlcycl etir odirwl. We innnl w ll rqul
toany 110 Mlircl on tho uiarkt t,aml you iiwl t.0'f,7SI',1,.y.,,WvJt'T V
M-AM TACTI III-.n-H nd tako thU inrthwl it M"'1'!.1,".'
our J0UO JH)li:i,i. TliU oltrr or n Mmple wheel at Hill low rleo li
roJoto.ecure HIDE It A CENT in eachUn to rvprewnt in
nn.1 uka onlorn. ouroironuiliialto monr ft. ,. ,k
tlonn, Hiibh Joinl". Iimirovea exiwmler Uol u fantcn m iwi jia
ImnJIo han lt,nl Aix-Acroni tho relclirateil Mnl hnhjaiHl 1 awi'r
tho ca-lest ruiuilnit Icnowni Kiror.l "A" till Hie anil .meof llio
lmwtexiicnslT0tln-O!i themarkec The irenulno I Mrliir lljBU'pIo
Mdilloi Ycitaak tools nnj acceworlei the lift obulnalile. hiMiiirlia In
liUck, maroon orcoach irrecn, highly Ilnlthnl ami ornainrntnti lwll
nnl JieU nlcktlhift on all bright iwrla. W o thonnmlilr tt every 1 1 era
of maicrlal Hint bo Into thin machine. Our blaillne jmr'a euar-
ntr bond Willi eacll bicycle. ..... .... , ,
CDCI- to any one acn Jinn tho KUiOc.uli n full llh onler we will
rtiSIb eendfroo a irenulne llurJIrk 1U.000 mile Mrttl mliern cyclo
meten orahliliirradol!ooriunn. Vour money a' "cl!lfyouannoi
OUKftn lUURri e We do hot manufaeltiro tho cheap .lfrt
bnkAr W ilKCLOi iaenttorel!lmlofhe.-Knichaiiianyiieir
Real Estate Offered by
land, 150 acres in growing uraiir 2
4 mile from railroad; Sr-ioo Terms
depot; house, barn and orchard: Si-s
ni-t,..,i. 1.
w I1HTO, 1
our is warranted
cis TOOL On
rtnrnnr.n ... i
Time Sclirilalc AlllilVIt
Halt l.nko. I Piivnr, I'l. !
city. hi. I..'iil,
t lili'iiKininit i nt.
.-nil Lake. IHmvur, H. Hi IJ it in
Worth, illiwtw.knll'
m city. Hi 'V'"'
t.'llliKi'Hlll f'1"1'
WalU Wiilln. lAtwIt- Tm
ion, Himkiiuo. Mia
lllot. HI. I'Htil.
1 lBlll.MllWllli0.
ClilfHtriiHIiit Hn't.
i oe.NtTr''Hii,',1 l'M
1 All Mtltlnn iUiw tub-
im-l toelinllKO.
, rurm I'miifUi
j bull every Stliiyit
COI.l'NUIA ttlVKIt I'. I, . .
i To Atnrl unit Way-
otemm cur. Nonbetic llx.wiuil 1
, Suiuin unit Wmjt-Uiiii-I
Vamiiii.1. KIvmiw Mini m.
Oimnmi I'lty. IHiytiiii nml iTli
nml WMyUmlliiait. i
i ItlirUl I.oh Woii. l.wirtin
i ' Unity
V n m
1 KfAlIT
H I. 'in ta
VIh limit-
0 l
a p in
on in 1'v
! Ht.
:!:..' h in
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
'visit DR. JORDAN'S cncAr
Thelriret Analomlcnl "cwim
In tliv Wornl.
(irratrtt nllrntllrm In lh. Clfy. U
uvKMfrriiii .ijmjvr rif.i'tia.
AVrub nrr, nr Miymtitrnet.
etl.llv.u.e.iMialllt i'l fin ril lit'
tiie ul l.-t HiiiTl.. I.i.mi the I'uolliii
Coaiu r.tuoiJii'
Vnnir tiitti nml itiltltllr
ngoil turn "ln ittt DiifTi-rl'iK A
iiiui nun.- r
i niMUirr 1
' ytrn, Ncrvoiuinl phvit ni lit IiIIHj.Iim- f
k llIIMI17 , HWMW..., Ill Hl IIKWUIII'
f ritiHMij nirniiniiirniu'ii,
. rliifn. lotirrliait. Jtrri.
) of llrliinllMff, vtr. Ity it en
) Imnoiirriniict I1I4 tr.Mlm''t Hint II Hill mil A
' only uir.iril InimeOliila lellet. but reriimneiit r
t cure. The lloctur il.n1 m.t eltni iur.erf.irm
inlrucl., tint H well knuwii lu be n mill ff
. wMjir l'li-.rliin nml riiirRenn, nrr-culueul
) lulih.eriiilt'-IUt'nr ut Jlcn. Q
. NYI'IIII.IH ihiirniiKliiy etT.llrtr.l from .
) tliri nynteiii ulllinut lliouxipf jleirnr.. U
Truea lllleil hr on i:lrt Itnillrnl
rurt llimiiiro. A niilrle ami rrtittml a
rurttnr I'llrn. flure en. I riftllir,by
I IJf. Junuira uperlAl i.Hnlr melhiHl. A
i.yr.iix jixx iiiyintoinuireeir
OiirAwjInnbilwiiif lilsn.iiipUli.l. A
ll mill lunnmtte a 1-OSlTH'Jl In
etvrjv mw ree un'trri"e.
t-'in.'iii!tii'.ii -1 1 1-; 1 . na piriciiy rnrato.
cir.iuunH vKtir uhasosaulk
Tre-iiiuent nerMiiiutly or by teller.
Writ f..r llonlr. I'lIII.OSOIMir Of'
I MAIlIUAGi:. Maii.ixoKiikk. (.VviJu&b. I
DouKiornien.i tan or wmu
DX JORDAN & CO.. 1031 Millet SL. S, F.
SOL in tu iiAST
Trains leave Cottneo Grovii fur Port
Inml nnd wuy stations ai 3:07 a. 111.,
12:V0 p. in.
J.v. I'ortlrtiul R:"n,i, m. 7.Wp. m.
I.v. Cottoire Grove I :?t a. 111. li :T7 p. 111.
Ar. AhIiIbikI l?;.'i:t u. 111. II :VM a, rn.
Ar. Blrnlll('llto, ., r:(xi p. tn. -I ., m,
Ar. San Kraiuieco. 7;4r p.m. H:l6a. 111.
Ar. O'len fi :-tr n, 111. H MS 11. 111,
Ar. Deliver. H.00 11. in. 11:1)0 n. 111.
Ar. KniiMati City. . T.'Mi a. 111. 7:1!Tib. 111.
Ar. Oliiiaco 7:5n. 111. (Minn tn.
Ar. Ixii AiiKclua. . 1 :'.') p. in. 7:IM)ii, in.
Ar. HI Tiiiio (t:(K) p. 111. (1:00 r. 111.
Ar. Fon Worth.. . (I:!!0 n. 111. (iOit. in.
Ar. Cilrof Mexico OTiS a. 111. II rOfi n. m.
Ar. Hnniton -1:110a. tn. 4;(!()it. m.
Ar. Nhw Orh'ans.. 0:25 p.m. (I tt'fi p. in.
Ar. Wiifchinpioti.. (1:42 a. in. :42. 111.
Ar. iww ork..,.12:4:ip.m.l2:'i:ip.m.
l'lillinan nml TonrlHt cam on Ixith
trains. Uhair cars Sacrnnionto to Oi
dpii nnd K Paeo, nnd toiiritt mm tn
Clilcairo, M. Ixiuls, New Orleans and
Connpctlne at fian Frnnr'nro wild tcv
ernl BteniiiFlun I i ni;s for Honolulu. Jn
ran, thlnii, Philippines, Central and
bourn America.-
Fe I). 1 Awhrev, Acent, Cottago
uiuvo oia'ion, or nnnrusfi
'0. 11. Mamcimm, ft. P. A.
Portland. Orci;nn.
rnoruiEToit ok
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Choice Brands.
A Favorite Resort.
nll.A lu l,n.A1... ..I .I.-. . .
iilp horotpforo oxlsllmr between Mm. J11110
i1,0".""1!, "'' J- lloimon nnOor ttm rm iiiuiio
of llio Uoiiwin Druir Co., him this ilay boon iIIm.
Milyed by the iiiiitnf ninsoiit of the partlon, J,
H- Henjion retltliift thorolriim. 1 '
Tho bun Iiichh win be rnutliiuoa In tho firm
imnio miller tho miinnKeniciit of Mm. Jnno
,.?.!li"n0.,!'.V'h.l,'l""um0!' ,u"1 will pay nil claim
HKalnst Iho llrm.
Thn nci.i,iiu .1..
i t."uu uiu iiuiiB.iu.jiriiif I.U., navo
r.f,ll...i. l"ll"S' "llll IIIBirilHlHlIlll III
l.o Sin I """"V," or,1,r t"11' th bimlnomi may
inii Z. r.....'.' . Ill' '"f"'B pnrniur nun rotuin
li i Inlcrciit thorclti.
J.9, 1IENB0N.
Tho Hooth-Kolly Lnnihor Co., nro
olTering .10,000 feot of I" cull materlul
from -1 InulioB to 10 inches wide at $3 00
per M, They also have a lot of 's-l nnd
2x8 tit the uauio price,
Ill ...
twlly , r.x.
H ) i.l
10 1" III
All I PI
V rrquriir
ill.lilni.ll.Ml vf O
er. Him IkM.lnr r
NOTION Kip, p,,,,,,
UhIIikI Hii ...
' Alios,
Niiiluo In iietuliv
"""I Oflle.
i. iou!
pllimt'ii wllh Hie ,.,
Ill l'0l.
Of I'onnn'HH of .Inn
l .1 ..'"
nut for the nahmi
SIllll'M Of CllllfoMil.
itwi. v...."
iiihi wiiHiiinj-ion 'J
IH.In TowiihI
l. I . ,vf u . 'It
Ml, anil will ol '.! i.ruuit "r00
t . 1.1,1,1 HOI.Kllti. ,'. 'J tl
ca, ami
iiniiwr ur Mill 0 tliiii. 1... "r i
liiiritiMwi, mill tn i.Mni.lmi, , l'ili 'fl1
Hidtl hitiil hffnrn tin. (,..,' rl mio
i-aiver nf thU olll..,. m '"'I P
nnSatiinliiv tl. 211 1, .V..J . " '
1000. ' "wwiii,
IIO UlllllOH IIH tvillli.N.H
.lOMI'l ll 1'tlklllH, .lullll Ijh.1.
imiiiiii-. i. 11...."!',!:
(lll'l'llll. "
AllV mill nil
vcwdy tin.,.H,.,l.;,;r
I")"'" I" 1111' Illl'll ., ,M "
ollfeunn nr ln'fim n.u.I l"iii ,1..
ettnihiir, 1H00, lH) ul 1
:,lT- ",:""-'".lli'Ki.(r,
NOTicTi roit pri.ui vtios,
Ullll Olllce'llt ltucfiir.f Oripm
Allt'llMl 'Ml i.L...'
v,.iti... ty 1 1... . . ''y.
Iff 1PI IIITI'IIV L.w Ji 1 1. .1 ...
liittllig.itii.Hl miitl.-rluiH IHM ,,,
111 nlmil 1111 In 1.. .it,.. 1... .1 ... . 1
i.i.rl nf hi- i.luln. ,,...1 .. . '!n
will Imi nun io boi'iiii. ,,)L. it'll-!.' I""'
r'.,.,,...i-i,,,... 1.., . "" 1 .
Ori'imii. (in Oi'tnln'r
v.,i,,,.ir,,,,i, , , 1,, l.. HI'
'VIH (lii
II. WlliiTiiir, 1111 II. I
' H1W. it.
Sec. V2, Tp. It.. I. 4
Ho iiaineK lliu l.illuiiii wltncurti.
prove liiNcnntimimi n iili'ii.(Miiiii.J
..lltlVtl.)ll(,v,X 1 M
Alfred 8. l'oiM'll, of t oil,. (,. WIIIIh K. N-.Mll.ti aJ'
Oregon, Annul A . Kt iiiv. I,,i,( vl
Lackey, of Cuttiit;c liruvi-. Otiu.m.
J. T. IlllIK.H,
Wo furry !"t !l n e of
Sash and Doors
Kstitnnics Cheerfully given m
all classes of work.
Clcavelaoil : Collate :
Tiie I.'est Ready-Mixed Taint
the market.
Jenkins it Lam
NOTIOH POIt prithlf.UIOl
UulUtlSla in I.aiul tr...
tlnuiitiltlf . Iln. V 11,'lli.t 7. IJW.
Nollrc In hufoliy ivt n tnnl iii
mire Willi tun priivinimiiMii
ConcrwH pf June 8, ls7. MilHM "
.. t..w t... j..l.. ..f litidute IiiihIi.IiIM
SmtfH of Uiillforniii, Orwon.NijtiiiliW
Windiiiitoii Teiritory,"
of Knut'iie, eotinly of lini'.MiileoI 0
Mil, IIIIH HUH UllV lllfll III llliiuw
.....l.. u v.. 11711 bir Hie Hi
n.tu. il cull llll lilt .''.fvl ' !(,
ehiiHoof thoSW ?.,'of Kfiion
'I'...,. ul.l.. V.. fl VI r.ill..ll No. 2 W
"v r::,y v" j. . .u
nun win ouor prow in "" "'-
iniiii HiiMKiii ih more viiium -
Imp ir utlilli. tliilfl fur iiurii'iilturil nf
poet-H, and to i-hIjiIiIimIi IiIh cIjh
land before tho Ui-KUternml
tlim ollleo ut KoHODiiri!, uri-Kii. -dav,
the lUth day of Oi-tober, lOOO.
lie naniCHiiH witiH'fM'H. .,M
UharleN Ulcuu, Martin
Guilder KoniHtail, Thomas T. 0lw
r.' ,.
r.UKuni. wifKiiii. ..,Um
Aiiv and all persons elnhiili
I.. .1- I .... 'i Il I Imiilll Ut IP
IV UIU lllKlvC'iiri'oiiin-" ,.,,Kn
,.,,,.ji..,l l.. 111., ,'lilllllH III tllllOf
iiii or before mild IDthduyof OcKM
1000. ....
J , T, J.IHMWi nw-
The Weekly
and thv
One Year for
Snhscrihofor t'N"ZV.
hemlu minins nows, 1.WPW'
iemiy.1 ii.illl Mill pubh,. jn- tt-
net of AtiuiiHt !, lKii" ( V,.., 1 liv
0f0o.tRVl.nVe,?,,,, '
the iiiidIimhi' o i he m- i ... ' w