Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 19, 1900, Image 7

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o loioj
nada Dooldos to DIsposo of
Mining" Lands.
n"Ur Story
Lil H'l,r",," N,,t ''"oliiniid will
. Thrown "r jieinuutldii
1 Hoii
"I Mto,
iloo 0
r ft
n catr
1 IWtl;
rem tli
' toft
lo tlj
'llh 6
Iron til
a itiit
r pas
Hnra II, . ...
v.... . -
" IN Alfir.. M....
'"t(toU.owlr ?,, Trtmu,'t,)f 1110
".',t Hll0,,I'l I'o remarked In thl ,
Oct. 1 1.-AIVIco Iron, 1 Tihm" 1"' 'tht
ok ...... imi rmiiili-,,,1 r. . . .
iion, iinii"! Dujimuui in, nmu) .i ,,,,0 ronoi to servo
, tbo wtloof tho crown oIiiIiiih In tin. , "m"ur" armumont In till.
ooJIko country wiih to begin Goto- VI ""'r' "uI'rtimmt Ih estimated at
uir nuvmiii wuukh, Mini .. ' olli of lust JunC
uin Hindu November 2. Tho uotil ,Hl"" "rongth of tho honw i.k.
Uiiitoiior of tliodl-trlotimtlnmtwH lilirliii.iii amounted to
jnIUI- "" '! ' - , , IIIVHU quite a
rtn 6t0l)i) nun H'.uuu. mon wore
Korknlltlio latter part of Knptom-
. iicortalning tho oxnct iiiimliur.
jo this t'lO lllli'Hoi mi mo OliilniH
tie dUtrlot, about 20,000, liml to hu
Mi'l' Tho claims mo Hourly all
,n and old tlinorH ut Diiwhoii ho.
u thiit initiiy of thorn nro rich.
ill tho claims that tho inihlio will
porchum win no inrown open for
jtlOM nil " imui mu iini ih Jill I ) -
tA. No 0110 kuowh iiiuoii aiiout tho
joi, ns to wiioinur tnoy aro ncli or
litit it Ih bollovoii unit nomo liavo
ouuil'i und perhaps millions, hid
Tim Nnwa III Itiiwami,
rictorln, II. 0.. Oct. 11. Kowh thnt
iDomiiiloii Kovorninont Iiiin dooldod
SCUti 10 PUIU Mlt h"ul .IIIIUJIl. Ullllllin
tho Klomllko, liiiM boon locoivod
b moch joy in Dhwkoii, iih it iiioiiiih
devoloptiiunt of homo of tho hciit
ixtif Hi I no xukoii vn noy. tiio
(jmi to boolTorod inoliidod all tho ill-
ite clnlniH that huvo rovortod to
tcnva from variouR ciuihoh. It in
liottod that thuro nro holwoon 8.UUI)
10,000 ouch ulaiiim iu tho Klou-
tlllllll.OM ..I I I ...
' . r.i. """"7 "' ro reqnir.
- v ... uaikuhkiuh oi tlm Borvico
, h-w wrun iiuhih wiuoh aro not
artillory Htatioim.
It limy alo h0 Btntd that with tho
; "tcoptlon o( th nrtlllory Hohool ,.
ort Jlonroo. Va.. tl.oro Ih not in nn
linpor tant harhor in tho Umtod Htnto'f
ovon tho minimum number of ollloon
and ii.on required by tho coiiMt artillory
ruKuhitloiiH for tlio orvloo of modern
arinami'iit (iro. control and dirootlon."
Major Story commontH tiixjn tho nr
tlllnry R'orKanlzation lull now ponding
in t:oii(ri).8, and nayn It Ih a fiorioim do
foot of tho muamiro that it doon not
Hupply Rulllclont odlcorH for Btull ad
minlfitiation. "Tho numliorof ollloara now nbsont
from thoir bnttorioH," ho suyH, "U
probably in oxcohh of 10 por cout, mid
thoro in no pronpect in tho near future
of improvement in UiIh rcspoot. If tho
hill piisBcg in iu proMiut form thin un
fortunatu condition will bo HKKravntod,
Hinco olliairH nniHt bo withdrawn from
tho battorloH for Htair ndininiatratlou.
Jt Ih. thoroforo, oiimoHtly rocommondod
that tho artillory ho put upon tho eamo
IhiMh an inlantry or cavalry in provid
ing olllcorn for Htalt work."
in Part the
At In
IVrnmnmit Lnentliin ninir.l. II,.
Il iKiiillliiK iif tlm l'rt. mill iiui,.
Il uf IIohiI to I'ukln,
wl ij
3l 11
n Kimp f llhicrr Hnrmntin't I "r'1" Hroiiml
llrullirr nml Two Ollmra.
llcaeo, Oct. 11. A dlHiiatch to
I'bronlclo from I'lioonix, Ariz,
I.J1. Hnnim. cousin of .Murk Hunnn,
(rlntcnilciit of force t rooorvos for
na and Now .Moxlco; A. V. Her
brother ot Lund CominiMionoi
htt llernmun, and W. K. I'rico,
litbrilling oxporloncu and almoBt
itliolr Hvoh on tho denort hotwoon
I rrand canyon of tho Colorado and
Utah ttnto lino. Whon within 10
m of Leo's Forry they campod for
sight and thoir hones ucapcd.
llrco van loft from tho party und
it jnornoyliiB ovor bumliiK and8 all
, llanna waa ho oxlmtiated that ho
eld not proceed. Hermann contin
Ibii search for water, which ho (lis-
lend flvo milofl further on. Ho io-
bed with water to llanna who wa
xmcIous and almoBt dead. The
wlDK day a cowboy discovered
land Hermann wandcrinK aim-
I.; about tho dneort und dirootod
) to their doatinniton. A Bcarch-
party Inter found l'iorco, frantic
i taint. Tlio tnrco men wero takou
pgitatt Monduy,
Wnnhlngton, Oct. 13 Tho roply of
the gtato dponrtmont to tho Kronoh
note, rolatlvo to tho IiiihIh of Ohincse
neBotlatioiiH, was mado public today.
It reiulH us follown:
"Tlio fiocrotary of stnto to tho French
clmruo d'Airuirs. Bont to Jlr. Thio
baut, October 12, 1000. Momoran
dum: "The RovornmoMt of tho Unitod
HtatoH HKroeH with thnt of Franco in
recoKiilziiiK a tho object to bo obtain
ed from tho i-overnment of Chiiia nn.
Iiroprinto reparation for tho wiHt and
Hulwtnntial (!iiarnntecH for tho future
"Tho president Ih Kind to porcoivo in
tho IiiihIh of iicf,'otiationH put forward
in the memorandum of Ootobor 4 the
ppirit tuat hna nnimatod tho doolnrn
tioiiH herctoforo made by all tho pov.
crs intorestod und would ho plonsed to
Kto tho negotiations hotnin immedintoly
"i-iiu uio-usual verification of creden
tials. "It mny bo convenient to enninernto
tho clnubos of tho momoranilum and
to ndd homo obsorvatioim dictatod by
tho nttitudo of tho United States in the
present circumstances:
"First Tho punishment of the
Biiilty parties who may bo dosipMtod
by tho representatives of tho powers at
I'ekiu. Tho Chinese government has
already indicated its intention to pun
ish a number of thoso responsible for
tho recent disorders. Tho representa
tives of the powers at l'okin may bur
nest ndditions to that Htt wheu'nego
tiations aro entered. ,
"Second Tho continunnco of the in
terdiction npninst tlio importntlon of
nrniH. It is not underHtood that this
interdiction is to bo permnnont and the
duration of it nnd tho detnilsof its reg
ulation seem a proper subjoct of dis
cussion by tho negotiators.
"Third Fquitablo indemnities for
tho governments, corporations and pri
vate individuals. This is nn object
desirod by all tho powers. Tho Kus
slim government has suggested that in
caso of protracted divergenco of views
this matter might be commended to
tho consideration of tho international
court of arbitration of Tho Hnguo. The
president thinks this suggestion worthy
tho attention of tho powers.
"Fourth Tho orirnnization in Pokin
Konuor, ngou hb, oi JSenver .Meadow, I of n permanent guard for tho legations,
also a special ollicor, recoivod shot Tho government of tho United Stntoa
wounds in tho bead, but will rocovoij is unable to mnko any permanent en
Josnph Lekow, agod U8, of Sbopptou, a gagemout of this nature without the
striker, shot in tho groin and will I authorization of tlio legislative branch.
Slxlo I.npez II ran d It n n Cliiina;
Colorado Springs, Col., Out. 18.
Louis.R. Uhrioh, u member of tho No
tional oxocutlvo comrnltteo of tho An-tl-Imporiallst
Lcaguo, today rqcoived
a telegram from Sixto Lopez, in Hoa
ton, ono of tho foremost Filipinos nnd
a mnn who stands near Aguinaldo,
denying emphatically tho nuthonticity
of tho proclamation purporting to havo
boon issued by Aguinaldo in January,
1800, in winch tho i'hilippino loador
instructed his followers to occupy tho
liouso tops nlong tho lino which the
American soldiers should follow in en
tering Munila, nnd urging thorn to
pour oil and boiling water on tho sol
diers. Tho nlloged Instructions further
incited tho Filipinos to uso spenis,
which would leavo tho liend of tho
wenpon in tlin body of tho victim whon
tho shnft was withdrnwn, and urged
other and varied foima of torturo of
tho American Boldicrs. Lopez's tele
gram is addrossod to Mr. Khrich and
"lloston, Mass., Oct. 12. Tho proc
lamation to which you refer is n clum
sy forgery, which is only bolieved bv
bittor opponents. It is tho work, no
doubt, of tho Spaniards or tho monks,
who try to cronto ill feeling between
tlio Americans and tho Filipinos to tho
discredit of t'no latter. No such dis
graceful or diabolical proclaamtlon
was ovor issued by Aguinaldo."
fc'ixto Lopez's telegram wns called
fortfi by a query Bent to him by Mr,
i revolt is mm
Uprising Extends Over Entire
of Southern China.
Blx Dlatrlcta In tlm Wei Ilnl Wei Pre
feolurn Aro Now In tho Ilaiicla of
the Itobvla,
Hong Kong. Oct. 15. Tho roformer
Sun Vat Sen, nccording to dispatches
from Canton, has unfurled tho reform
flag in tho important town of Wei
Chou, on East river. This net has
given riso to considorablo oxcitoment
in militnry circles in Cnntou, as it is
belioved the object in raising tho flag
in Wei Chou is to denude Canton of
troops, bo that they can seizo tho city.
London, Oot. 15. Tho Times has
tho following from Hong Kong:
"Tho situation in tho Wei Hal pro
focturo is serious. In six districts tho
oities nro in tho hnnds of tho robels.
If nn outbrenk should occur in Cnnton,
its suppression would be difficult.
Berlin, Oct. 15. A dispatch received
here today from Shanghai Bays n very
aerious viow is taken nt Field Marshal
Count von Waldersee'a headquarters
in Tien Tsin. of tho revolutionary
Hnrloua Airrny In the An-
Ihrnolle Ilrcliin,
Hnzloton, Pa., Oct. 12. A special
H)llcoman waB killod, another wni
wounded in tlio head, a striker wns
probably fatally shot and 10 nonunion
men woro more or loss norlously wound
ed nt tho Oueidn colliery, of Coxo
Drothors, in a clash between tho ofll
oora and 500 strikers this morning.
The dead Killcomau Is ltalph Mills,
agod 50 years, of Heaver Meadow, who
was ono of tho officers convoyed iu a
special train early this morning iror..
that place to Oueidn. Ho was shot
through tho back.
Those seriously wounded are: George
Lhr Ich as to the authenticity of tho nl- movement. At Canton a false alarm
iisuii luuuiuirmiion.
OI(h Chlnoan OnicUla SUrkeil fot
Waihington, Oot. 11. Tho cnblnot
I'-ing today, which occupied about
ind a half hours, was tlovoted nl-
ftexoluslvoly to n discussion of tho
!B situation. Spocial cousidera
given to tho French uoto, and
nndorstood that n inoro or less do
ll conclusion wns renchod as to tho
"i of this government's roply, but
not yot boeii put in diplomatic
Its trarnort will not bo mndo
lis for tho present.
oerelopod today that Mr. Coniser.
'mplinnoo with a euggostion from
ary Hay, hnd uubmittod to tho
department n list of 10 or 13
of Chinoso oflloinls who woro
ilnent in tho lloxor movoment
"t tho foreigners nnd in a gront
nro wero rospousiblo for tho as
' npon tho legations iu l'okin.
f offlolals, Mr. Congor bolloves,
''H be included with Prlnno Tunn
others in any Tjuuishmonts whloli
lo lo infllotod upon thoso who took
imminent part in tho Pokin outrages.
aoi uniikoy thnt tho position of
tovommont in rogard to tho pun-
ent of theeo officials will be stated
W to tlio Fronoh uoto.
Actor Inatuiitlr Killed.
(0tlngton, V. Vn., Oot. 0. W. X
'""loy, of Philadelphia, nn notoi
m with "A Womnn iu the Cnso"
Pany, was killod todny by Ponrl
lan. MoCanloy and three friondi
e"torod a rostnurant and wero
S to Miss Dorsey Drown, whon
"an oponod flro, killing MoCnuloy
ln"y. Nowinnu oscupod to Ohio.
MJor Selilnn N. Clnrk nend.
Mhincrton. On. 1 1 ATnlnr
s Clnrk, a widoly known
ir ... . i i 1
" ii,ttu, VI1U 1JIIU LIUUU UUU
f With tho Washington bureau ol
W York Trihnnn fnr 99 v.mru.
""a todav of linnrt fnilnrn. Ho
" authority on political and ocon-
l'lllfvfln 1,. Tn.llu.
!nJon. flnr.. 11. Hnnhnnln
.nJ'" says a dispntoh to tho Daily
um iiombny, "is becoming opi
j lt many districts of tho Bombay
enoy. Alarming inoreasos are
i tr i ooun uuu ummiiuiii,
'"the COast imrtu nrn ).,fnnf,l Tlm
rn cron i.n ...i.i j i a i
T nn,l mi....
t v. "ijiipur aistnots in oonso
cof tho drought."
"Jger rolios havo boon sold at auo
probably dio.
Ton nonunion mon were stoned, but
only two of them woro toriously in
i jurod. They nro John Van Margin and
J a in oh Tosh, of Sheppton. Tho former
sustained scalp wounds, and the latter
had four ribs broken.
Tho Ouolda cull lory had been in
operation sluco tho inauguration of tho
striko. Tho union men nt Oneida and
Shoppton decided early this morning
to uloso tho mlno. They gathored in
groups on tho stroots as early hs 3
o'clock. As the nonunion men wont
to work thoy were asked by tho strikers
to lomniu at homo. Some turned back,
othors did not. Thoso who wont to
tho oolliery woro stoned. Van Blur
gin, one of tho nonunion employes, at
tempted to draw n revolver, but the
woapon was taken from him and ho ro
coivod a boating. This occurred just
boforo starting tinio ut tlm mine. The
strikers romaiuod at tlio colliery nil
Jnimn Tnrna tn Iluiiln.
Yokohama, Oot. 12. Tho tone ol
publio sentimont in Japan, while it
partakos of tho goneral bewildormont
arising from tho muddlo in China, in
dicates quito plainly that thero is a
decided tendency toward joining hands
with ltussia. should this ompiro's nnt
ural allies, Groat Britain nnd America,
turn tho cold shouldor to her. At the
samo tlmo it is perfectly well known
hero thnt Hussin's hopes nro contering
in nn ultimato nllianco with Japan
nnd it mny bo thnt tho lnttor, if the
Western friouds forsnko her, will turn
to hor somi-Asinio neighbor ns the only
rosouroo for tho sottloment of the Last
cm problom. That it will bo a db
agrooablo and nuwolcorao recourse goei
without Baying. Tho result of the
Chineso campaign nnd tho facilities for
comparison betwoen the soiuiors oi tue
fHfroront nationalities, which It hai
nfTordod, has boen to awaken a pro
found contempt for Ilusslnn 6oldlery
ou tho part of thoJnpaneso.
A Threo Dya' l'lelit.
London. Oot. 11. The Times pub-
harms tho followinc dispatch from
Vredofort, Orango Itlver Colony: "The
British column hnd n threo days' fight,
from October 6 to 7, with Genornl De
wet's commando of 1,000 mon and flv
guns. It took placo In a voritablo son
of mountains near horo. Tho Boers
woro dlslodgod and disporsod, and they
fled demoralized. Tho British casual
ties woro slight."
Joromo, Arias., Oot. 12. Minors em
ployed on tha 600-foot level of tho
Unitod Yodro coppor mine noticed ear
ly this morning tho ground giving
way ovor thoir bonds. Tho alarm was
immediately given, nnd in a short
tlmo tho 300 mon omployed in tho m ua
wero takou to tho surfneo without in-
Jury. At8o'lcook this morning no
sink had extended In succession to wio
varlouB lovols of the mine until the
top wna tonchod, tho sunken ground
showing that about 300 feet squnro had
beou affected,
but iu the present emergency wo havo
stntioncd in Pokin nn udequnto lega
tion guard.
"Fifth Tho dismantling of tho forts
nt Taku. Tho president reserves the
expression of his opinion as to this
mensuro pending tho receipt of furthor
information in regard to tho situation
in China.
"Sixth The militnry occupation of
two or threo poiuta on tho road from
Tien Tsin to Pckin. Tho samo obsor
vation which has been mado in refer
enco to No. 4 npplies also to this propo
sition. Uio president is unable to
commit tho United States to a pernm
nout participation in such occupation,
but ho thinks It desirable that tho now
era shall obtain from tho Chinese gov
ernment tho assurance of thoir right to
guard their legation in Pekin and to
havo tho means of unrestricted access
.to them whouover required.
"The preBidont boliovosthat the gov
eminent of France and the other poW'
iors will seo in tho reservations we havo
'hero mado no obstacle to tho initiation
of negotiations on tho linos suggested
aud ho hopes it will bo found practica
bio to begin suoh negotiations at an
early date.
"Depnrtment of State, Washington,
October 12, 1000."
The American answor to tho Fronoh
noto has given a satisfactory turu to
tho Chineso negotiations nnd woro it
not for the reports of militnry activity
in China on tlio part of some of tho
powers tho outlook would bo excellent
for a speedy opening ol the long do
ferred noace negotiations. In commu-
nicatinc tho memorandum to M. Thle
baut. Secretary Hay added his personal
nnnorntulntions ou tho course of the
French government, which ho looks
upon as tho initiation of a sntisfaotory
solution of tno uiunoso promem.
Situation la Critical.
Borlln, Oct. 13. Aocoidlng toa dis.
natoh received by the Gorman nnvy
lenguo, tho situntion in South China is
exceedingly critical. ino oispaton
says that Chang Weill Hong, who ad
vised tho empress dowagor to enroll the
Boxers In tho army, has boon appoint
ed governor of tho now Chinoso capital,
Siuau Fu. Ii is furthor assorted that
mnny Chinoso hav.o boon deonpitnted nt
Chin KInng, provlnoo of Kinng Su.
Finally, it is asseitod that General
Yuan Shi Knl has incroased his army
to 40,000 mon.
Man Want to Uncover roller on Wife
Whom lln Murdered,
Philndolphln, Oct. 13. A snit to re
cover insurance upon tho life of his
wife, whom ho killed December 31,
1803, hns been commenced in this city
by Professor S. O. Shortridgo, who is
now residing nt Kennett square, in
Chester county. The suit, which la to
recover tho sum of .$77,022 from the
Provident Life & Trust Company, ia
one of tho most remarkable in the his
tory of lifo insurance. The tragedy
which ended tho the lifo Mrs. Short
ridgo was enacted iu Media. Several
ycaia beforo Professor Shortridgo had
c,omo to Media with his wife nnd fam
ily, nnd established what was known
ns tho Modin acadomy for young men.
For several years the venturo was suc
cessful, tho school having a high-class
patronage Then Mrs. Shortridgo died.
Iu November, 1803, Professor Short
ridgo mnrried Miss Dixon Jones.
Shortly nfter his second marriage, tho
professor begnn to act strnugely. Tho
night of tho killing, six weeks after
tho marriage, Professor Shortridgo in
vitcd hia wife to go out with him for a
walk. A short distance from the house
he shot hor through tho heart and then
attempted suicide, but wns disarmed.
In tho trial which followed, Professor
Shortridgo waa acquitted on the
ground of insanity, and wna confined
in an asylum until a year ago.
October 7 cansed the Chinoso officials
to protest aaginst any occupation of
Chinseso territory. Tho Yangtso vice
roys, tho dispatch adds, openly affirm
that they will oppose nny advance ot
thq Germans into Shan Tung province.
Nun Accidentally Killed.
FTnlflnn. Mont.. Oct. 13. Sister Bn-
tlstfl. tenchorin n Catholic aondomy for
boys hero, waa accidentally killod this
evening by tho dlsciiargo ot nn oia
musket plnood on tho tablo by a small
boy pupil. She wns 23 years old, and
camo to Montann threo years ago from
Loavenworth, Kan. Her family name
was Flynn.
An abundant lifo does not show itself
in abundant areaming oui m uuuu
dant living,
General Fight Iletiveen American Car
airy und Cuban Police.
Havana, Oct. 13. At Matanzas yes
terday a Cuban policeman interfere).1
with two mombers of the Second Unit
ed States cavalry. Tho quarrel culmi-'
nated in a general fight between the po
lice and soldiers, who arrived upon the
scene simultaneously. Aftorthe polico
had shot Trooper Turey, of Troop D,
ono othor soldier nnd one civilian, a
number of troopers of troop D tried to
break into the gun room to get thoir
weapons, but tho quick action of Cap
tain Foltz of troop D in forming troops
L nnd M iu skirmish ordor mado it im
possible for tho excited cavalrymen to
pass. .Lieutenant N illard is said to
have been slightly hurt while endeavor
ing to quiet tho men. The troopers
deolaro they will havo revenge, and
Captain Noies has ordered all confined
to the barracks. Tho feeling is strong
between the Cubans and cavalrymen.
The authorities here look upon tho in
cident as a pay-day tight, but an inves
tigation has been ordered.
Gua Tank Kxploded.
Albany, Or., Oct. 18. Stephoi
Stoltz was killed and Frod Reis severe
ly injured by tho explosion of an acety
lene gas tank in the basement of Reis'
paloon, at 10:30 this loreuoon. The
gas plant had not been used for a year.
Stoltz, who was a plumber, and Mr.
Beis undertook to remove tho tank
from the ground. They carried a
lighted candle which ignited tho gas,
which had formed in the tank. Stoltz's
left arm waa torn nearly off, tho axil
lary artery waa severed, nnd he roceived
injuries from which ho died half nn
hour Inter. Itois was badly cut and
bruised from concussion, but will re
cover, stoltz waa aged Si and leaver
a wife.
Rebellion In the South.
Shanghai, Oot 18. Cheng, the Tno-
tal, hrta returns from General Lu, re
porting that n serious robolllon has
broken out in the southwestern part of
Kwang So province, that his 30,000
troops nro luadequato and that tho noods
at least 100,000 to copowith tho danger
which is directed nt the Mnnohus nnd
threnteus to bo worse thnn tho Tai Ping
robellion. It is .nndorstood thnt tho
Ynngt30 vlcoroya havo eont 20,000
troops to suppresa the rebellion.
Only 25 Per Cent of Population Educa
tionally Qualified to Vote. .
Washington, Oct. 15. The recent
census of Porto Rico has developed tho
fact that there nre 201,071 males of
voting ago in tho island, but that only
25 per cent aie educationally qualified
to vote. Tho native-born whites of
tho islana number 120,205, and the col
ored natives 73,010. The Spaniards
who now live in thv island number
6,002, and whites born iu other coun
tries aro 2,104.
Of the whites of Porto Rican birth,
85,307 wero liteiate, forming 20.4 per
cent of this class. Of the colorod, 12,
570 could read, or 17.2 per cent of the
race. Under the educational voting
qualification, therefore, tho number
entitled to voto in tho island would be
47.073, or 25 per cent of tho native
born males of voting ago, ana 24 per
cent of all mnlos of voting age.
In the citiea of San Juan and Ponco
ia concentrated a consdorablo part of
the foreign element of the island, and
here, if nuywhere, will the restriction
of the suffrage to the literates give the
foreign-born an advantage. It is well
therefore, to examine the conditiona in
those two cities. In the cities of Sau
Juan and Ponco tho number of persons
21 years of age and over, and who can
read, aro distributed as follows: In
San Juan, 1,025 native whites, 1,100
Spanish-born, 502 born in other conn
tries, and 1,822 colored. In Ponce
there are 2,100 native whites, 400
Spanish-born, 208 born in othor coun
tries aud 1,205 colored.
It nppoars that in the city of San
Juan tho native whites and the colored
each outnumber the foreign element
In Pence this proportion is oven great'
er, tho nati 70 whites being moro than
threo times as numerous us the foreign
element, while the colored is double its
Family Hunted to Death.
iioston, uot. io. rnroo persons, a
father and two sons, were burned to
death in a shanty in Roxbury at 2:30
this morning. Tho victims are: Ed
ward Tousealin, aged 45; Edward
Tousealin, aged 27; James Tousoalin,
aged 14; Tousoalin had lived in the
place 10 years. He carried on the bus
iness of wood peddling and one side of
his abode had a shed where ho pro
pared tho wood for market. . Tho
bodies of Tousealin and his bona wero
almost consumed, several years ago
Tousenlin'8 wife wns burned to death
in this same place, hor clothing hay.
ing caught flro while she was cooking a
tlualneaa fully ICcjlinl to Thnt of a Cor
reapomlliitr Period T,nt Year.
Brndstrcet's snvs: Though somo
measures of business volumo nnd value
make nnfnvo'rablo comparison with n
year ngo, nnd speculation is certainly
on a roducod scalo in nearly all lines,
other resistors of trado nctivity nro still
vaiy favorable and It is hard to resist
tho conclusion that, with fow notablo
exceptions, tho actual businois of tho
country is as a rulo fnlly oqual to if
not slightly lnoxcossof tho correspond
ing poriod of 1800. This, tod, In tho
caso in spite of tho distinctly ropressivo
tondenoy exercised by the present pres
idential campaign.
Prices of staples ns a wholo are firm,
after a sustained advanco for a month
past, succeeding a summor of quiet
steadinoss, but unhoalthiness of tho
short side in speculation has beou
brought forcibly to tho attention of
dealers in a number of staples, notably
hog products and flaxseed.
The event of the week in tho iron
nnd steol trado has been the taking of
160,000 tons of rails by tho Pennsyl
vania at $20 per ton, announced on
Friday. This action, which will
probably be followod by other com
panies, disposes of tho steel rail puzzle
satisfactorily to tho rail-makors, nnd
constitutes another element of strength
to tho industry generally. Despito n
decreaso of ovei 20 por cont in the cur
rent pig iron proudotion from four
months ago, furnace stocka aro reported
increasing nnd prices nro rather woak.
Wheat, including flour shipments, for
tho week, aggregato-4,202,855 bushels
ngainst 4,450,107 bushels last week. '
Business failures for the week in the
United States number 210, as against
177 last week.
Failures in tho Dominion of Canada
number 30, as copmared with 18 last
Locomotive Illeiv Up.
St. Louis, Oct. 15. A spocial tele,
gram rom Mexico, Mo., to the Post'
Dispatoh says: Engine 105, whilo
hauling the east-bound passonger train
ou tho St. Lonla & San Francisco, at
tho usual speed, exploded at Curjy-
vine, about 30 miles east of this city.
early this tuoruing and was blown al
most to atoms. John Mason, colored
porter, of Roodhouse, ill., hud hia head
cnt off, nnd several others wero in
jured. Fifty yards of traok was torn
up, and trains delayed for eovoral
hours. It is not known what caused
the explonion.
Coinage In India.
Simla, British India, Oct. 18. The
seorotary of stato hns completed tho
purohaso of 1,000,000 of silver for
coiungo Into rupees, and 1,000,000 iu
gold is boing shipped to London. Tho
silver purohasod replaces gold in the
current roasrvo, under tho recontly
passod not. Whon tho coinage of tho
last purchase ia completed, eight and.
a half crores of rupees will havo been
added to tho stook of rupoos since Feb
Alexlcnn Sliijor Expelled.
Chicago, Oct. 15. A apecnl to tho
Record from Monteroy, Mex., says: An
ofllolal order has just been issued by
Secretary of War Bernardo Roves, ex
polling from tho army Major Carlos
Glass, tho grounds for expulsion being
thnt the officer mado publio stntomenta
iu tha prosence of his superiors deroga
tory to tho institutions of Mexico.
Grain Qamhlera Arretted.
Chloago, Oot. 16. Twelve proml
hont speculntors in tho Chloago Board
of Trndo were nrrosted todny in the
raid mado by tho polico on the open
board. Among them woro Charles Al
bertson, president of tho open board,
The general charge mndo ia "gambling
ingrain." It ia stated that 80 moro
warrants havo been issued in connoo
tlon with tho attempt to suppress tho
alleged gambling in graiu and provisions.
Seattle market!.
Onions, new, lo.
Lettuce, hot house, $1 por crate.
Potatoes, new. $15.
Beets, per sack, 85c$l.
Turnips, per sack, $1.00.
Beans, wax, 4c.
Squash 4c.
Carrots, per sack, 90c
Parsnips, per sack, $1.25.
Cauliflower, native, 75o.
Cucumbers 1 0 20o.
Cabbage, native and California,
2o per pounds.
Tomatoes 30 50-.
Butter Creamery, 20c; dairy, 16
19c; ranch, 18o pound.
Eggs 25c.
CheeBe 12c.
Poultry 12c; dressed, 14c; spring,
13 16c.
Hny Puget Sound timothy, $14.00;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $25;
feed meal, $25.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3,50;
blended straights, $3.25; California,
$3.25; buckwhoat flour, $0.00; gra
ham, por barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
flour, $3.25; rye flour, $3.804.00.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $12.00;
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $10.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choico dressed beel
steers, prico 7jo; cows, 7c; mutton
7; pork, 8c; trimmod, 0c; veal, 9
Hams Large, 13c; small,
breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sldoa,
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla. 5454&o;
Valley, 00c; Bluestem, 68o per bushel.
Flour Beat grades, $3.40; gruham,
Oats Choico whito, 42o; choici
gray, 41o per bushol.
Barley Feed barloy, $15.00 brew
ing, $16.00 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $15.60 ton; mid J
dlings, $21; shorts, $17; chop, $10 pel
Hay Timothy, $12013; clover,$7
7.60; Oregon wild hay, $67 pertou.
Butter Fancy creamery, 4565o'
store, 30c.
Eggs 26o perdozen. "
Cheese Oregon full cream, 18o;
Young America, 14o; now cheese 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chiokons, mixed, $2.50
3.50 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs,
$2.003.00; geoso, $0.008.00 doz;
ducks, $3.006.00 perdozen; turkeys.
live, 14o por pound.
Potatoes 4065opor sack; sweets,
1?40 per pouno.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75c;
per Back; garlic, 70 per pound; cab
bage, 2a per pound; parsnips, 85o
onions, $1; carrots, $1.
Hops Now crop, 12j5l4Ko pei
Wool Valley, 1510o por pound;
Eastern Oregon, 1018o; mohair, 2E
per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethen
and ewes, 3io; dressed mutton, 0
7o por pound.
Hogs Grosa, choice heavy, $5.75;
light and feeders, $6.00; dressed,
$0.000,50 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.504,00;
cows, $3.00 8.50; dressed beef, C
7o por pound.
Veal Largo, 0M76cj email, 8
8gO per pound.
Ban Prauoiaoo Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, ll14opoi
pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014o; Val-
1018o; Northern, 010o,
Hope Crop, 1000, 12-14o.
Ruttei Fanoy creamery 28o;
lip soconds, 20t327J6oj fanoy dairy,
Cp; dosecouds, 28o por pound.
Egga Store, 28o; fanoy ranob,
Millstuffs Middlings, $18.00 0
23.00; bran, $16.60 10.60