Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 19, 1900, Image 5

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" . . i - nr. ...1.1 i .. i.i
I)C), of the World lo spent
ilmrwith perfected Woo.
at the Opern house in the enjoy,
nicnt of grntul phonograph ami
jtcrcoptieati enterltiinnienl, a novel
innovation of iiiBtriietion nnl pleas
ure, presented by the head camp of
Woodmen oi tuc worm under lite
aunpicert of the local camp. The
lull was fiHf(l wil" t,,c l)C'st people
0fCottnBc Grove, a splendid enter
tainment wa given !'1(1 one that
will make a lasting impression on
,1,05c that had the pleasure of being
present- Such entertainments do
. vast deal of good, because they
,Kct the attention of the people and
jctthemto thinking hi the direc
tion Hint is most ennobling nnd for
thctlircct benefit of the individual
ami general good of the community.
The object k-ssoiw shown should
ami will materially assist in build
up the ranks of the local camp.
The order is one oi the gtnndest in
the fraternal gtfuip, and besides
giving on" standing in society it
assures him or her comforts and
consolation in sickness and distress
and an honorable tablet lo their
memory in their final sleep.
Last Thursdny afternoon I5ud
Jackson of Lynx Hollow came
. t ... t ..... , i. i.:.. iir i
lUlgll l liuat iu iwninn ill me liy
the unlooked for discharge of a
shotgun in the hands of his brother
Charley. They were out hunting
for birds and Bud wns about 20
feet in front of Charley when a
bird was scared up just ahead of
theai and to the right. Charley
saw it first nud in his anxiety to
bring it down raised his gnu lo fire and biyond his brother. The
gun was suddenly ' discharged and
the charge carried away the entire
side of Hud's hat and five shot en
tered his scalp just behind the ear,
grazed the skull and came out
over the temple. Dr. Suapp dressed
the wound and it is healing nicely,
hut it was a mighty close call for
Dm! Jackson.
ms si'ium'Aj. now
U'v. C E C.-.tndall preichcd
his iti'tial .sermon in Cottage Grove
before the congregation of the M.
K. church on Sunday morning last.
Tin- impression he made upon his
flock was an excellent one and
atigtirs well for the influence he
will exert in this field. His com
manding figure. pursttnsive elo
quence, clear diction and analysis,
and broad and charitable views
make him at once an ideal leader
and a sif; pilot to guide the wan
dering dinners home. The M. K.
church people are to be congratu
lated on having secured the ser
vices of so able a man to minister
to their spiritual needs.
livery day for the past week
ereat loads of farm produce has
been coming into town from all di
rections. Potatoes, apples, pump
kins, squash, grain nnd feed stuffs,
wood and shakes are daily being
hauled in and stored with the
merchants and sold and delivered
to our citizens for winter use. All
that is brought iu finds ready sale
at good prices. The good weather
is giving everybody a chance to
provide for the coming winter and
all seem to be taking advantage of
the opportunity afforded.
The county rock crusher has
f....liationa were sent out
again been moved from near the
cemetery on Silk Creek to a loca
tion on James Hawley's place near
the Divide, where it has begun
crushing and will continue at it un
til all the necessary repairs are
made in that direction. It has done
good service on the road to the
Siusluw and the travel that passes
over that road this winter will be
greatly benefited for the 'repairs
President Strong- of the Univer
sity ot Oregon will lecture Friday
evening, November 9, for the bene
fit of the public school library.
This is the first of a series ot
lectures by leading nieti of the state.
LOOAr will bo found
on the Fourth Page. I
Aflc-r many waits and hitches the
new edifice of the M. E. congrega
tion is about completed. The
church occupies one of the most
conspicuous !,,., in lhis lnrvilur-
C'ly. It is situated on the bank of
the Coast p0rk at the west end of
Main street, iimi from lis front steps
commands a view of the entire
street and away out over the hills
toward the rich cldorade of Bo
hemia. Its exterior is most at
tractive and finished iu white. The
belfry iu the steeple is over 70 feet
fioin the ground, and the clear
tones of the bell can be heard for a
wido range around the valley. The
interior is finished in corrugated
woods that have received three
coats of oil and rW nrPCr.MiL! n
j.imvin,) (1
handsome appearance. Besides the
main auditorium there are three
class rooms, which can be thrown
open at any time, thus making the
entire sealing capacity capable of
accommodating 500 people. The
hanging chandeliers and side lamps
will be fed with gasoline and when
lit will furnish 800 candle power,
which will flood the church with a
brilliant lulu. The dedication ser
vices will commence at 10:30 on
Sunday morning. Hesides the resi
dent pastor there will be present
Presiding Elder Ford and Dr. I. I),
Driver, and perhaps other divines,
as several havo been invited. It
will be a notablc'evcnt in church
circles and an earnest and hearty
welcome is extended to all to be
present at the dedicatory .services.
On Monday night the family of
Cy Miller wnnt lo visit relatives in
another part of town. Miss Willard,
who lives with the family, had
gone to choir meeting and return
ing home and not finding the folks
retired about 10:30, thinking they
would soon be home. Before re
tiring she thought she boiled all
the doors, but did not do so iu the
case of the front door on the south
side ol the building. At 12 o'clock
she was suddenly awakened by a
licht. in her bed chamber, and
though considerably frightened, she
looked up into the face of a tall,
slim man with a light mustache,
who wore a datk coat and was
standing by her bedside. He im
mediately drotmed the match he
held and sat down on the side of
her bed near the foot of it. She
threw the covers off and jumped
from the bed and he instantly left
the room, which she then quickly
fastened. He struck another match
in the hallway and went into the
dining rooui and unbolted the door
leading to the outside and quickly
vanished. She then went to the
kitchen, procured a match, lit her
lamp, made all the doors secure, and
then dressed herself and went to
find the family. He never spoke
a word nor did she, and there was
nothing taken from the house. It
is also said that the same evening a
man was knocked down and robbed
in the same locality. Could the
same man have done it? It would
be well for all to be on the lookout
for suspicions characters.
Scott Chrisman, the well-known
liveryman, is one of those genial
men who love a good joke on the
other fellow, and always takes it
good naturedly if it comes his way.
The other day a mining man came
down from Portland on his way to
visit the Bohemia mines, and
booked himself at the stage station
for passage next morning, ins
name was Peacock.. Soon after
Scott was out among his boon com
panions telling them that he had a
live peacock to send up by stage iu
the morning to Bohemia. They
all wanted to see it, but Scott said
it could not be seen until the stage
was ready to start in the morning,
and several of them got up early
and went to the stage office to see
the beautiful bird. .When the
mining gentleman appeared at the
stage office in the morning the boys
were introduced to the live pea
cock nud all enjoyed a good laugh,
but they have got it iu for Scott
and are only biding their time to
trip him up.
AH Akout'Yoti.
Dr. Hufilngor, Dentist.
Will Bodes of Kngotio waa In town
William Hemcnwny visited Portland
tnlH week .
Hon. L. T. Harris of Kugnno was in
town thin week.
Darwin U. Yointi of Kimono made
this city A vlHil this week.
O. I Knox Ih putting in about tlireo
noes each of alfalfa and clover.
Charles Lott of Loruuu was in town
on 1'iiUHdny and was wearing his Suit
day miillc.
Tickets for the '49 Drama are
selling like hot cakes at Goodman's.
Mrs. .1. K. tlarrult lelnrncd Wednes
day after an extended visit at Tuoomn
and Seattle.
Mrs. Sarah Modlo of Klmirn Ih visiting
her daughter, Mrs. John Holland, at
the Cottage Grove Hut 1.
Mrs. I'otrio went to the fair at Lorane
lam week and viHlted her people and
nriny friends there.
I. 1'. Ininan, the storekeeper and
postmaster at Lorano, wan In town on
hiisim-s early in the week.
Dr. Snniii) shipped some Amrora goats
cam hum ween, Ilioy will no quite 11
curiosity as they are not raised there
V. Thornton, who controls the
destinies of the hoarding house at mill
No. 1, came tip fioni Snginuw on Sunday.
The completed list of prize-winners at
the Lurauo Pair arrived too lute fortius
Usiio, hut will receive attention i.ext
0. K. Itussell, one of the progressive
and up-to-date ranchers of Ihu Siuslaw
came over fruni Lorane 011 business last
Only a few more choice seats for
the '49 Drama at Goodman's.
J. Jt. Elliott, one of the wealthy nnd
go-ahead farmers of the Siusluw, was iu
town on Monday and called at the
Nugget office.
W. X, Crow, one of tho prosperous
fanners of thn Siusluw valley was in
town on Tuesday and inado the Nugget
a plcapaiilcall .
James S. Benson has traded his for
mer home for other propel ty at the
south end of town and has moved into
anil on his new possessions.
Little Charlev Karl, eleven years of
age, last week while out hunting about
tin eu miles from town, killed a spike
buck deer with a muzzle loading shot
Dr. Colo of Grass Valley, Eastern
Oregon arrived in this city to be the
guui-t of Or. and Mrs. Snupp for a lew
days, from hero they go to Drain where
1 hey will locate.
Charlev Trimble, tho Ashland black
smith, stopped oil' here this week to
visit relatives and friends. He is going
10 Wendling to lix up some machinery
lor U10 mills at that place.
C. K. Campbell of Denver, general
organizer foi, the l'acilie coast of the
Woodmen of the Woild was in town
two days this week and did much good
fur the' advancement of the order heie.
Joe Perkins Is going into tho culture
of strawberries-011 an extensive
He has ulreiulv :i acres in plants and
will put in six more. His farm is just
east of town, and the setting out 01
plants will continue until the entires)
acies are in.
Rev. W. V. MeGeo and family left on
Monday night lur Aberdeen, Texas,
where he will lomain for at least a year.
Ills aged mother lives theieand is in
poor health and bis desire to bo near
lier in her extreme age is one of the
reasons w by he has gone to Texas.
George K. Webber of Medford is in
town iu the interest of Woodcraft, lie
is president of the Southern Oregon
l'oullrv Association, ami says the first
exhibit of that oiganizath;n will bo held
at Medford sometime in January . En
trance fees for any exhibit will bo 50c.
Stato Deputy J. W. Simmons of the
Modern Woodmen, will bo iu town to
morrow ami will accompany A. M.
Young to Hebron for tho purpose of 111
btalling 11 camp of the order there. He
will then go to Oakland and assist .
A. Wooliover in instituting a camp at
that place.
Those desiring good seats for the
'49 Drama should apply at once at
TTnllnml took in tho fair at
T.nrniHi last week. He has a host of
friends over that way and they were all
glial to see him. John was raised down
in tho Coyote section and tho familiar
scenes over about Lorano brought back
lumpy memories of boyhood days.
it s Pnnk nnd Miss M. Wilson of
Ynncolla visitid the Lorano fair and
.... tim oiu-Mts of Mr. and Mrs. Ionian
n Sntniilnv last thev drove over tho
,iin to visit friends hero and on
Sunday returned homo. Ihu Nugget
man met them at tho fair and has a
mighty good opinion of thoso pleasant
young people
G. W. Kelley brought to tho Nugget
nffluo on1 Tuesday four beautiful apples
thniimi' viirlatv. nnd which were iii liv Mrs. H. S . Webber, whd re
0 miles south of town on
Cedar Creek, for which Mr. Kelley and
the lady hayo our uianus. y..u
.!.,. iwmnili'M measured lli!.xl-
inches and has u rich, clear and smooth
T..1... U'i.rora nnd V. II. White caiUO
ill from Adams mountain last week for
tho winter, inoy navo ue.-n m,
all summer on tho Gettysburg and ha
ccnu claims closo to Martin's spr ngs.
They havo done 70 feet of tunneling.
im. f..,.n tin. fii.tU'shnri' tunnel is in
6 foot of good ore that will run $40 to tho
ton. " Tim Eugene has a 12-oot ledge.
Work will bo resumed again 111 the early
"Boiled down, it is free silver and
free trade on one side ana pros-
oritv nil d development ot) the
l Brief.
Dr. Hullingeri Dentist.
Call at II. C. Madson's for fine joweliy
For hand loaded shells cull ou Griflln
nnd Veatch Co.
All work warranted one year.
"Cop" the jeweler.
Get your dirty suits cleaned at the
Kugunc Steam Dyeing and Cleaning
Works. Geo. H. Grifllth, local agent.
Clippings for salu at the Cottage
Grove Cigar factory.
50 1'rs. Men's ami Boy's Boots nt cost
for spot cash nt Knkiu & Bristows.
Suits I SiiUh!! Tniior made suits!!!
Up to ditto in overv respect, from $15 up.
Call and see samples.
Gi:o. Boiii-mas.
Dr. A. J. Hullinger, Graduate Dentist.
Permanently located.
New lines in fancy sweaters for Men
and Bovs at Eukin & Bristows.
Griflln -Veatch Co. carry tho llncst
lino of Ammunition in South Lane Co.
"Cop" the jeweler buys gold
and silver at market prices.
Tho Kugcne Steam Dyeing and Clean
ing Works guarantees fast color on gents
suits. They come out looking like new.
Geo. K. GiilTith, local agent.
For quality anil cheapness in fresh
meats go to tho Central meat market.
Geo. 15ohIman,the up-to-date tailor,
will show you goods, all shades and all
prices. Think of it. A tailor made
suit for $9 and up! Pants $-1 and up.
Fresh candies every day, made from
pure sugar at the Tailor shop.
Caps for Boys and Girls nt 15c each.
Kakin & Bristow.
Dr. aT.I. Hullinger, Dentist. Latest
things in non-breakable plutcrf Gold
Crowns and Bridges. Permanently lo
cated. Over 00 odd patterns of wall paper to
choose from and more on the way, at
Jenkins & Lawson's.
For first-class watch repairing go to
II. C. Mudsen. .
Go to Geo. Bohlman's tailor shop
Main street and see his fall lines of
samples and goods. lie can pleaso yon
in any style or lino you may desire.
Emblem buttons and pins at
"Cop" the jewelers, M. W. A., V.
of W., K. O. T. M., K. of P., I. O.
O. P., and Masonic.
Every child who makes a cash pur
chase of 50u or moro in any of our lines
except groceri -s, between now and the
third Monday of tho hill term of school,
will be given a school bag or 11 Brownie
Lunch Box. Eakin &. Bristow.
Don't run around with dirty clothes
when yon can get them cleaned for a
song at tho 'Eugene Steam Dyeing and
Cleaning Works. Inquire of Geo. E.
Griflllb, the barl-er.
Tho Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., are
offering 11 nice grade of flooring, rustic
and ceiling at $10.00 perM, wlucli is
mostly in random and short lengths.
Intending puichasers would do well to
seo them before placing their orders
See tho lino display of millinery at the
parlors of Mrs. .1. S. Medley
Wo sell good goods at good prices for
our customers, Uentrai .Meat marKoi.
John Stoneburg's barbershop and
lvitlm. Also a line lino of cigars, to
bacco, confections, etc. Try him
Golden Rule selling out. Boots,
Shoes. Rubbers at cost. Groceries
at reduced prices.
A Span of Mules. Inquire of
Hememvay & White.
Some good fir bark.
Inquire at
this office.
For Sai.u. A team of fine work
horses and new Mitchell wagon at
a bargain; the horses weigh 1309.
Apply to G. A. Cobb at Elite store.
It has been the custom and re
quirement of the law for the
Sheriff of the Couuty to serve tax
warrants for delinquent taxes 011
the property of the delinquent tax
pa. er, but owing to the passage of
a new law such notices hereatter
will not be served or posted on de
linquent property, but a certificate
of levy will be filed with the county
clerk, and theu the customary
notice of sale of property for de
linquent taxes will be published in
one of the county papers. This
levy will be made Nov. 1st, 1O00,
and advertising commence imme
diately thereafter. Tax payers in
order to avoid expense of levy and
advertising should pay their taxes
at once.
'., , W. W. Withers,.
Sheriff and Tax Collector ot L,ane
County, Oregon.
5E We haveTMagidficeiit Stock of PINE SHOES,
jSE; our prices arc lower than like quality sells for any 15
r where else, and we guarantee shoe satisfaction in j5
w every respect at w
MoneySaving Prices.
jli We think we know what the people want.
j-- To suit the public taste and purse and meet popular dc-
10$ mand is our business ambition.
Sr We will fit any foot or pocket-book and assure satisfac- 5
lion, and then "the proof of the pudding is iu the eating."
Wo are living in a rapid age: an age of Progression. The World' moves
and you must move with it.
Keep up with the times. If you eec a chance to benefit yourself grasp
tho opportunity.
You Can Benefit Yourself by Calling At
33ensoia Drug- Company
Pure Drugs
W. S. Chrissian.
The Fashion Stables
Gfyrisirjap & Bars, Proprietors.
Reasonable Prices
First-Class' Turnouts, Double or. Single.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Wheeler & Scott - - . COTTAGE GROVE.
Special bargains in flooring, rus
tic and ceiling, in short length at
Booth-Kelly yard, Saginaw.
Sportsmen remmbor Griflln & Veatch
Co. carry a lino lino of Shot Guns and
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought
at the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with
us. We shall be pleased at all
times to quote you prices
upon all lines handled by us,
whether you buy or not.
Our Stock is New, Neat and
Clean, and having had years
of experience in business, we
assure you the very best goods
the market affords, and the
lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore.
and Chemicals-e.
Em Bangs.
'jg Proprietors of the Bohemia j
3 and
Black Butte.Stage Lines. 8
Sewing Machines
Ball-bearing and High-grade Vertical
Feed and three under feed machines,
Prices to suit. 1
For sale by
Here is a chance to get your boy
into a paying business on a small
capital. I have a choice lot of high
grade Belgian Hares that I will sell
in pairs at very low prices. There
is no need to send to California
when you con get the same thing
here at home. Lord Britain, Sir
Styles, Fashoda, Yukon, Red Rover
and other fashionable strains aie in
stock; F. A. Rankin, Eugene,
For tlje purpose of cleaning up their
yard, tho Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., nre
offering, for 11 short time, common
dimension lumber for $6.00 per M.
A car load of Columbia River cedar
shingles for Balo by Jenkins & Lawson.
The Prices will please
you, and in point of
Quality and Beauty
cannot be beaten.
(& 1