Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 19, 1900, Image 3

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    WHEN TO MAnnv7
It la ft welMtnown not thnt Lyrtla
V flnlthmn'ri Vcffotnblo Compound
r,Bimedy. H therefore tnut bo tho
, powlblo inoillolno for fomnlo 111m.
Lfurcu niwiu ....... hmy uuiur
L( tblntclfifr t,mt' thy wl11 ftonic
ftlnir else, lmP,y bocnuo It In nuw.
!' .i... ...
ulU of nuoh experiment? In It not
ii.. in ilenunu unon u tniilif-ln.
)ifcl 'in8 1,00,1 tr' uccoanfully for
ilrty yen, "'" n never
,.n found wnntlnjf? Do not therefore
i.i.nvnno IterNUIlduyoU to trv amnn.
Wag which they any In Just rm kooiI.
WinnotboJutiis pod. Mm. Mnlt
jfcuna Compound In tho bent, and thcro
w be oiny "o uv. i inn im not it
c(ro assertion, but In a positive fnct,
dmlttcd by buudrods of regular
not a
Bely o yur own common aense,
!,nd Mrs. PlnKtiniii ' mo-iona; cxporl-
nMi nu y" wm ""' "o mifiiiiite.
toa't expewiueni wim your Health,
tt tako a medicine that you know
gd, ami m uacitca y nueu letter as
,et to Mrs. l'lnkhum :
varlan Troublas Always
lhl 4n I uriln f Dlnl, i
told to Lyma e. pink- i
ham's vogoiauio uom
! "I had been In poor hcnllh for
m J 1- B
flwenty years, hating Inflauimatlon of
irtrlea una womu irouuio. Alllioup-ii
Insted by physlclaua, I could not ir iiln
treogth nor do my work, and was mo
iir ipirlted and tired of life. A friend
lrtied me to tako Lydla E. Pink- i
ia' Vefjetoblo Compound. The first ,
me itrenjftneneu me, ana 1 vroto
t inv own
iisalnir, mm. m. w. Ain.Ln. Ho.
BM3 Canal Street, New Orleans, La.
"For Jthree years I suffered with
Inrlan trouble, liovlnp inflammation
nd an abscess on rJlit ovary. ' Had pain In mr back and head, nnd at
iimes wm unable to walk. Had suv
irsl doctors, but they did not do me
pen good, uno doctor said thnt I
iroald hare to have an operation nnd
tire the ovary removed. I becamo
lUcourageu una guvo up nil nones of
retting well. I began taking Lydla
rinkhajrfi Vecotablo Compound.
I wrote to Mrs. Plnkhamand followed
ler directions faithfully, and am bet-
urtnan 1 nave been lor tlirco years.
oare laxen ten ooitics, ana my
Htnds arc Kiirnrlsod at my ranld Im-
Irorement." SI us. W. 11. Waltkiis.
M Spring Harbor, L. I., N.Y.
tiupprossod and Painful
forlods Gurod by Lydla
ir nt f-k a
e rmnnam'8 vonoiaaio
tompound. ,
"I was thin, sallow nnd nervous. I
hi not had tnv menses for over a
Ittrand a half. Doctored with several
bjiiclans in town and ono spcclalUt,
ot did not get nuy hotter. I finally
tclded U try your medlclno. nnu
ot to you. After I had taken
rte bottles of Lvdla E. Plnkham's
Jtretablo Comnound nnd three of
flood Purifier, my menses returned,
W I feel as well and Htroncr as I
rerdld, and am gaining flesh.' M:s
pi Oajnks, Vlsnllo, Tulare Co., CaL
"Before taking tho Vcgetablo Com-
"oa 1 was troublea wltli irregular
nstruatlon, nnd suffered great
ay. My physlcinn gavo mo mor
ne, and I romaincd In bed. I doc-
deiffht venrH and L'ot norellef. and
doctors told me thero was no relief
Prmy trouble. Flnnlly 1 tried Lydla
ilnkham's Vcgetablo Compound.
Tille taking tho first bottle I felt
isv i was improving, I have taken
'Ten or cltrht bottles, nnd never had
;jthlng to do mo so much good,
rery month inv troubles hnvo irrown
M nnd less, nnd now at this time I
f cured." Ella Quin.vkv, No. 28
e Strcot, Haverhill. Mass.
WpQoftaoha and Womb
Wtoublos Suooumb to
ydla Em Plnkham'a Vono-
wtablo Oompoundt
"I hava linen fnr fn vnnrn fin In-
with feiaulu weaknoKs. and tho
torture and pain I suffered, no tong-uo
rUl tfill. T nikVAr urtMti f inn tunolr In
w ton years that I was froo from
PUD. Mv trnuliln win Inflninnintlon
Md concrestlon of womb. When I
Commenced to tako vour remedv I hnd
en bedfast for some tlmo under tho
reatmnilf. nt fwn r1 mil. Tincf nlttrnl.
'Wuis without racclvlno' anv benefit
HICiU can linnlnn tbn hnflt I de-
fifed from Lydla E. Plnkham's Vego-
uj uompouna wiien I tell you mat 1
''ve gained fortv nounds and am well
r thing I never dared to expect. "
Ms. 0. E. Foland, Monett, Mo.
"For a number of years I was
roublcd with baokacho and leucor-
UOOa. T lmiflmn tin iirnnl nml YT1 1 QPTV.
we that I nmiM nnt uttnd to mr
Wrk or studies. Tho least effort
joild completely exhaust me. Physl
Pas failed: to holp mo. I felt that my
Whwasbllo-hted. and the lifobeforo
Kf would bo ono of suffering and
Inert. rot. ji 1 j l. 1 ...
"cing your medicine. Beforo I had
ed ono bottle I was greatly rollovcd.
W naa not known a woll day for four
Eirs' hut now I foel better than Ihavo
:oco a chlidi ind H Js all duo to Lylla
ft 1 wkham's Vegetable Compound."
I41188 May B. Stkvbmbon, Alllanco, 0.
Us. PInkham has Fifty
I'touaand suoh Loiters
Whoa a man's aoroa aio on his hoarl
will bo suro to liavo lioartacho,
m toi uough Byrup. TatlesOood. UM yjt
m 1 - ' w ir sin
MM "iia ninn mi I all
At wlmt (iK) Nhould n in,,,, rnrrv,
, ,U,C' ' Hi" rcHINHIHlbllltlCM
i """Unmiy lit 25 tl, i, , , ro ...
J"w "'. 1)0 lOKlimiicd nfler Hint liit
my bo S? '," !!'U"y Vh'u
m, wi . u,u lml,lt of
i, 'i' ,,,M f:01" oi,,cr
,1 1,0 wl" t,0'"'" mi no m
h i , win y 'rH "f flK"' wllL,n ,l rent
nn h,. ?'".m 0V('r I,lm wlmt
III! I '"m ll,0 J,'Hl ,,0f"U
' Mm will propoHo, rlKht ..nil loft to
Jilt i i l'" i ',uttlt;("1,. until nt liiHt
" ' Itlekeil up, ot for himself, hut for
I'lH money or for IiIh poHltlon, or bo
raiiKo Homo uno Ih tired of ,eIIK culled
MIhh nmi WI,tH ,l0 novt., HullHntl0Il
of wrltluK "Mrn," ,cforo ,lcr Mnmo
An old man told n friend that ho
wanted to marry before ho died If only
to have hoiiio one to close Ills eycH.
'I'erhnpH," KUKKCHted the friend, "you
will Ki't hoiiio one who will open them."
It Ih not natural for a young j?lrl to
wlHh to marry mi old man. A fnthur
niI to IiIh dniiKlitcr. "Now. when It In
I tlmo for you to nmrry I won't allow you
I ,n tnrow yourHcIf nway on one of tho
, frlvoloiiH youiiB fellowB I hco around. I
I Hhnll Ki'lcct for you a staid, sontilblc,
, mlddlc-aKod man. What do you say
to one of alxjiit HO years of nRo?"
"Well, fnllier," replied the Rlrl, "If It
, Ih Just the snmo to you, I Hhould prefer
I 'wo of twenty-live."
j Perhaps the best advice one could
" " " " ' " "inner is 10
miy: ..Wnit umu v,,, ralmi wnit
loiiKcr." Walt, that Is to say, until sho
that not Impossible she comes with
smiles so sweet and manners so gra
cious thnt you cannot wait any longer,
then marry, and may you bo happy over
lifter! Ah to tho ago at which women
should marry, I am afraid of burning
'"' "''Ki' with that question. All I
shall say Is that If somo women nro
not worth looking at nfter thirty years
0f nge. there arc quite as mnny not
IMi.mi: 1 1 1 iiirst-i . inn in ii i in ill) l iimny
'Ither n child or nn old womnn." Phil
idelihln Imiiilrcr.
Thero nro 20,000 different kinds of
A statistician of smnll things figures
It out thnt the posterity of ono English
sparrow amounts In ten yours to some
thing like 27(1,000,000,000 birds.
There nro 1.200,000 miles of copper
wlro used In the telephone servlco In
tho United Ktntes, mid 4,000.000 calls
nro received daily In the telephone ex
changes of the country. The wire would
glrdlo the earth nt tho equator forty
eight times, or reach from the earth to
the moon live times.
Although Queen Victoria does not per
mit smoking In her Immediate neighbor
hood, yet she keeps on lmnil a stoek of
the most superb cigars for her guests,
nnd the consumption thereof Is about
threo thousand a year. They nre spe
cially mnde for her majesty, of the
most carefully collected tobneco leaves,
nnd when finished are hermetically
sealed In glass tubes In order to guard
against deterioration, connoisseurs In
sisting that the lenf Is affected by a
chnngo of cllmntc.
A now lightship of novel design Is
soon to bo moored In tho stormy
waters of tho dreaded Diamond Shoals
off Capo Hntteras. It has been found
Impossible to place a lighthouse there,
ami tho lightships moored on the spot
have, 0110 after another, been torn from
their fastenings. The new ship Is to bo
propelled by hteam, nnd furnished with
electric flashlights to bo displayed from
her mnsts, fifty feet above water. She
will bo anchored on tho shoals with
strong tackles, nnd In case sho Is torn
loose by n gale, can tako caro of her
self with tho aid oi her powerful en
Tho Ingenuity of architects nnd build
crs Is sometimes severely taxed to pro
vldo for tho comfort of tho dwellers In
lofty npnrtinent houses. In New York
City plans have been flled for a gigan
tic building of this kind to stand on
Fifth avenue, and to ho counected with
n well-known restaurant across tho
street by a tunnel, finely fitted up nnd
lighted, whereby the occupants of the
apartment house can go out to their
meals In all kinds of weather without
tho necessity of putting on hats. Tho
only drawback appears to be that they
aro limited In their choice of a restau
rant. WIlHcui W. Evans of Deal's Island,
Delaware, has n horso which has proved
a remarkablo Investment nnd has over
ridden the Ideas and records of the aver
ago useful llfo of horses. Twenty-Bovcu
yenrs ago Mr. Evans purchased tho
horso from Scott Coymston, who guar
anteed nt thnt tlmo that tho animal was
six years old. Mr. Evans proved to bo
a good master, and tho horso returned
tho kind treatment by retaining Its full
activity nnd energy, and now, nt thirty
thrco years, the horso works nearly ov
ery day, seo and hwirs well, and has nn
excellent appetite.
iillternoy In llussln.
Tho lllltnrncv of Itussla exceeds thai
of any other country claiming to have
a civilized government. In 10,000 vil
lages of tho vast umpire there Is not a
school, and It Is. estimated that not 20
per cout of tho population of tho em
niro has acquired even tho rudiments
of a common school education. It has
boon figured out that If tho Czar would
disband 100,000 men of tho vast army
be would thereby save uwuo, w
to provide a school for each of theso
For StventyUve Yean an Iniplrlntf Influence In the Home.
New Subscription Offer
for 1901.
MBUIOSE who lubscribe before November 1st, tending $1.75 with
'his lip or the name ol this publication, will receive the nine
November and December number! of The Companion Free, and
then the 5 weekly Issues ol the paper to January 1, 1902. This
offer includes the gift of The Companion's " Puritan Girl " Calen
dar for 1 901 a souvenir of rare and lastine beauty.
p :s
Full Announcement of Contributors and Contributions engteed for th
new volume will be sent Free tu ny address with sample copy of the
psper containing Sousa's article, "Some Experiences of Budmaster."
The Youth's Companion, ...Boston, Mass.
It Is a vory great thing to bo ablo to
hear tho abeonso of both humnn and
Divine, consolation, and lor tho lovo of
God cheerfully to accept inward doso
Ifttlon, and novor to soek or reflect
upon ono's deserts.
JJ.VHK, A powder. At this cenxon your feet feel
swollen, nervous nnd uncomfortable. If
you Imve Hurting feet or tight allocs, try
Allen's Koot-Kaae. It rests mid comforts:
makes walking easy, tlures swollen and
r-wrating feet, blisters nnd callous spots.
Iteltevcs corns and bunions of nil pnlu and
is n certain cure for Chilblains, Sweating,
Dump or Fronted Feet. We have over 30,
000 leMimuniaR Don't get lontsore get
Knot-Kase. Try it tnfati. Sold bv all
driipgists and shoo stores for 25e. Trial
jiHckane Fiike. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted. I,e Hoy, N. Y.
Every ono carries his destiny in his
own bossoip. Fate is tho deepest cur
rout of ono's nature.
The Host Prescription far Mttlkrln
Chills and Fover 1b a bottlo of Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply
iron and quinine in u tasteless form
No Curo. No Pay. Price fiOo.
Iho Spirit o( (Jhirst, when it enters
the mind, destroys selfishness and
makes ns feel that every human being
hus a olaim upon us.
Heathen religions give, us a viow of
men Booking after God, but tho Chris
tian roligion gives us a view ol God
seeking alter men.
Thero Is more Catarrh In this section of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the last few. years was supposed to be
Incurable. For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly falling to core
with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable.
Bclcnco has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio,
Is iho only constitutional cure on tho market.
It Is taken Internally lu doses from 10 drops to
a teaspoonful. It acta directly on tho blood
and mucous surfaees of the system. Tbcy offer
one hundred dollars for any case It falls to
curo. Bend for circulars and testimonials. Ad
dress, F. J. Cll KNE Y Si CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Drwrglsts, 75c.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
An enormous mushroom was lound in
tho neighborhood of Kickmansoworth,
England, recontly. It was perfectly
round in shape and measured nino
inches in diameter nnd 27 in circum
ference. Without tho stem the mush
room weighed 10 ouncos.
If wo could conquer our inmost eno
mies, wo could stand thousands of our
outwprd ones.
Tito Kind You liavo Always Bought has borno tho signa
ture of Ghas. II. Fletcher, and has been niado under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no ono
to decelvo you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-good" aro but Experiments, nnd endanger tho
health of Children Experience ngainst Experiment.
Castorla Is tv harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro
gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
nnd allays Foverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Tie Kind You Hive Always Bought
Boars tlio
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Write ui. Bend lor our Hew
According to tho Sioux Indian
wenthor prophets it's going to be a
hard winter. Those predictions aro
based on tho fact that tho buffalo grass
shows a heavy crop of seeds which tho
redskins declare is a suro sign of a
sovoro winter nnd deep snow.
Stops Iho Cough and
Works Off tho Gold.
Laxativo ilromo-Quinino Tablets cure
a cold in ono day. No curo, No Pay.
I'rico 25 cents.
Do not compel a child to eat that
against which its palate protests; it is
an unkindness, and may produce evil
Piso's Cure for Consumption Is an Infal
lible medicine for coughs and colds. N.
W. Samuel, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17,
Byron Bronan, the English consnl at
Shanghai, has spent 34 years in China,
where as long ago as 18GG he was ap
pointed a student interpreter.
Carter's Ink baa the endorsement of the
United States government and of all tho
leading railroads. Want any more evi
dence? Historical Erasmus hall, in its day
a famous school of Brooklyn, whiah
was erectod in 178(1, is to be torn
down. Aloxander Hamilton and Aaron
Burr contributed $10 each toward tho
construction of the building.
Mothers will find Mrs. WInslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period.
Wo have it from a certain Eastern
authority that the very strongest drink
ers are often not able to raise tho price
of a dtink.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig
nature is on each box. 25c.
Small spiders play havoo -with the
telegraph wires in tho Argentine Re
public They build long cobwobs on
the wires, nnd as soon as dew or rain
falls tho fine threads operate as con
ductors ol the eleotrio current. The
effect is to praotienlly stop the opera
tion of somo of tho lines.
Vegetables that have been aligthly.
touched by tho frost may often bo re-'
stored by soaking in "cold water.
Signature of
luiuuatea waiaiogue.
Little Liver Pills,
Must Boar Glgnnturo of
3eo Fec-Slmllo Wrapper Below.
Very amaU and aa eaajr
to take aa angor.
JVSIit, Purely TetretaMo-W
"My Audience And Blyself."
Mr. Itlchard Mansfield has 'written
for tho current isuso of Collier's 'Week
ly a remarkable article, wholly differ
ent from anything ho has already pub
lished, entitled "My Audience And
Myself." It contains many humorous
nnd pathetio touches and some ex
tremely interesting reminiscences.
When you tako Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonio because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottlo showing that it
is simply Iron and Qalnino in a taste
less form. No Cure, No Pay. 50o.
Stop, Look and Uatenl
The words quoted will recall to conn
try residents and visitois the familiar
signpost planted at many a .railroad
crossing. Ono may smilo at the ex
plicitness of the warning words, yet
doubtless to many an incautious trav
eler they have been as words of destiny.
There are promptings of the human
conscience aa persistent and continuous
when tho danger line is carelessly ap
proached. The signal system of the
moral nature did not happen. Its or
ders cannot bo safely disregarded.
Thla signature Is on every box ot the genuine
Laxative Bromo;Quinine Tablets
the remedy that cures n cold In ono day
The German government has set
aside 20,000,000 marks ($4,700,000),
for providing small homes for its rail
road officials. It is reckoned that at
least 5,000 more of these homes will
be built at once.
The indefatigablo energy of some
people has a terribly wearying effect
nn tho nfinnlo thnt nro nnmnollorl in nn.
eociate with them.
1 Piu-s.
(The Famous German Wood Preserver)
Pormanontly Destroys. ...
t One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. If
your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the
following distributing agents: Perfection Pile Preserving Co., Seattle.
"Wash,; Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn &
Co., San Francisco, Cal.
Gin, Brandy, Rum
12 full quart". $9.00. Per gallon, 2.M. XXX
Ortf era for $25.00 and upward delivered free to
nearest Railroad or Steamer Landing. Blank
Cases and Kegs.
Established SO Years.
Don't put off tak
ing tho Kfixlny
Treat nient. Take
It today. It Is the
only cure for alcoholism and drug addictions.
Send lor printed matter that tells about It to
314 Sixth Strcot
A guaranteed Cure for Catarrh and
Consumption. 11.00. D Lock Box 145.
W. H. SMITH & CO., Buffalo, H.Y.. Prop's.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Orkqok,
can give you the best barKalus in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel I XL windmill, sold by him, Is un
equalled. Allcaaaaot DEAFNESS or HARD-HEARINQ .
fere new CCIiiBLK by our new Inrentlnnt only thou bort
T)eeorlba your cms. Examination and ftdrlc? free.
Von can euro youraelt at noma at a nominal coat
International Anral Clinic. iZ'cLYd
IToreltr In Millinery.
A new adornment is finding faro
among milliners. This consists ot
skeleton leayes preserved exactly aa
they fall from tho tioo and retaining
their natural oolor. Tho leaves of tho
walnut, chestnut nnd platane trees aro
preferred for tho purposo; largo ivy
leaves and oak leaves aro also usoa.
Tho longest loaves aro formed into a
largo pailletto, onosido being composed
of a stiff painted feather, tho other of
tho skeleton leaf, thus forming a broad
garnituro. A lino invisible wiro fixed
to tho edge of tho loaf piovonts ita
crumpling. Tho smaller leaves are
made into garlands mounted onnnaiti
flcial or natural branch. Tho leaves
havo to do perfectly preserved ns their
beauty naturally lies in tho delicacy
and transparency of tho fiber. St.
Louis liepublio.
Pickled Fepperi.
Cut out tho stem of the poppers in a
circlo, removo tho seeds and wash out
in cold wator; then fill each with a
mixture of finely-chopped cabbngo,
horseradish, mustard seed, tiny cucum
bers, button onions and nasturtiums.
Hoplaco tho pieces cut from tho top
mid sow around with coarse thread.
L'iace in stone jars and cover with cold
In Sweden, Id 2,200 out of 2,400
rural parishes, tho saloon has been sup
pressed. Hut under tho "Gothenberg"
system, according to which the govern
nient takes the management of all sales
of intoxicants, the cities of Sweden aro
said to be the most drunken in Europe
New Ocean Greyhound.
The famous Deutachland cost $3,332,000;
displacement 23,200 tons: accommodation
1,057 passengers, has established a neir
record. Among the great remedies of ths
world Hostetter's Stomach Bitters holds
the recot-d with its fifty years of cures of
constipation, indigestion and biliousness.
Our Private Revenue Stamp is over the
neck of the bottle.
A complete set of Mafeking siogo
postage stamps was sold at a London
auction recently for $180, and two set
of Mafeking paper money brought $110)
The Siimsnisis
of Pure BBooiB
That Is what Is required by every
organ of the body, for the proper per
formance of Its functions.
It prevents biliousness, dyspepsia,
constipation, kidney complaint, rheu
matism, catarrh, nervousness, weak
ness, falntness, pimples, blotches, and
all cutaneous eruptions.
It perfects all the vital processes.
W. P. Keeton, Woodstock, Ala., took Ilood'a
Sarsaparilla to make his blood pure. Ha
writes that he had not felt well but tired for
some time. Before he bad finished the first
bottle of this medicine he felt better and
when he had taken the second was Ilka
another man free from that tired feel Ins
and able to do his work.
Hood's Sairs&jpariilm
i "
to cure and keeps ths
Accept no substitute, but
I get Hood's
You can't make a mistake 11 you get a
IWitchell, Lewis & Staiep fco.
TftkflitrtrvtiiD only. Oldest and Bit
uorrvipoatQC acnooi in id ni
Uaehtri for Un yttrs. Plwa a
tpprovtd bf Judi and Edu-1
.a. wjgroiD! 'F " IMV
H par. jnm couriMt i;out, hum
n neii, rrcputiory upn nw
UnUC chum for yoa. Ubtrtl
llUIflC pui rrf
Bpr ' Cormptadf Bk of Law v
102 Mjuug nuuauif, istnroii. nick,
Have made Dropsy and Hi com"
plloations a speoialty for tweatr
years with, tae moit wonderfal
sucoeis. llavecuredmany tttons-
auu cases.
Box N, Atlanta, Qs
1TC11INO riles produce moliturs and cauie ltcMnr.
Thli form, aa well aa llllnd. llleedlDB or Protrudlor
l'llei are cured b Dr.Boaonko'a Pile Remedy.
8top Itching and blooding. Abaorba tumors. 60oa
me about 7ur caae.
jar aiarugKiiia orient or man. 'i ream. irec. vyril
JJ16. jJUSAamj, ro iaaa, ra.
N. P. N. U,
Mo, 431000.
11 EN rrltlne t advertisers pleas.
menuon tola paper.