Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 19, 1900, Image 2

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dlow's a man to write n sonnet, con you
How's he going to weave the dim poetic
, "When n-toddllng on the floor
t Is the muse ho must adore,
And this muso he loves, not wisely, but
' too well,
2Now to write n sonnet, overyono allows,
Ono must always bo as quiet as a mouse,
But to write one seems to me
Quite superfluous to be,
lWhcn you've got a little sonnet in the
i house. '
STost a dainty little poem, true and fine,
SChat Is full of love and life In every line,
Earnest, delicate and sweet,
Altogether so complete
That I wonder what's the use of writing
Paul Laurence Dunbar. , ,
IS morning. Tho rlslntr mm
ust tops thef crest of that por-
tlon of tho Appalachian chain
of mountains between tho northern and
southern boundaries of tho Stato of
;Kentucky, tinging its peaks nnd crags
twIUi a grayish vagueness. From every
ravine and gorge-huge clouds of smoke
jUke mist arise, assuming wondrously
iodd and fantastic forms In the uncer
itain light. The stillness engendered by
tho natural environments nnd the time
iof day is unbroken save now nnd then
liy the far-off bay of a foxhound float
ing faintly from somo mountaineer's
cabin, or the whistle of a dove's wings
Ins It flies swiftly by to the sedge fields.
The sun climbs higher, and conscious
of Its might, drives back to earth the
quenching mists. Tho rear guard
shadows of the night are mysteriously
disappearing The smoke of numerous
cabin chimneys can now be distln
sulshcd rising in curling columns of
iblue. Along the rutty clay road, or
xather mountain path, and hugging the
rwormeaten rail fence for safety s. red
Xox slinks under cover of the alder
Blushes, his whiskers nnd brush brist
ling with pendant drops of early morn
ing dew. A mother quail and her
brood, that have been pluming their
feathers on a topmost rail, with an
affrighted whirr fly to cover,
t Presently a soldier in his uniform
comes galloping furiously down the
road; he passes at full speed; the sound
of his steed's hoof beats grow fainter,
and silence for a few minutes again
reigns, only to be broken by a dozen or
more men in uniforms of the -other side,
jwho break coyer nnd also come down
the road like niad; their horses reeking
jwlth swtat and blood. The first man,
farther down where the road forks, has
'Turned to the right; these others take
the left-hand branch. In a few mo
ments shots are heard, and presently
a horse, the one ridden by the first
anan, comes galloping back to be met
and caught by a slim, dark-eyed moun
tain girl, who comes suddenly out of
rthe bushes from somewhere. She
ietands there holding the bridle reins In
ier right hand; the left is pressed hard
against her heart as if to ward off an
unseen blow. Her eyes stony in their
Intensity, look off far up the valley to
a break in tho mountains, where God's
good morning displays its brightest
xays. Her gaze Anally turns slowly to
the pursuers, who at sound of the shots
(have ridden back to the forks, and
catching sight of the girl and the horse
comes excitedly up the road toward
r '"Bob Jordan's darter," says one of
"Jes es I thought," laconically replies
le, who appears to be in command.
""The pesky critter 's got warnln' frum
aum'ers, or he'd bin'r gone fawn skin
afore now. Whut air you adoln' heah
at this time o' day?" he demands of her.
JFor the first time the girl seems to take
lull notice of their presence.
"Did ye heah whut I sed?" he de
mands more commnndlngly.
"I'd like to know whut consarn that
is uv your'n?" she replies, turning to
llm defiantly.
"Ain't er body got a good right ter go
whar they please 'thout beln' stopped
Jn ther road and pestered ter death
'bout bit by er lot ov big, cowardly
men? 'Ef you air crbllged ter know
;tho, I'm er going down to Bob Black
moro's to hep his mother. She air sick
in bed, an' hepless."
"Did ye mean ter ride Bob's hoss
down thar? I 'low ef my eyesight
ain't er fallin' me, that that air Is his
critter. Whar's Bob now?" ho con
itinued coaxlngly. '
"I don't know nuthln' 'bout him. Ef
you'uns want ter find him, you'd bet
ter look fer him."
"Whar'd you git his critter, then?"
breaks In ono impatiently.
"I stopped him in ther road, right
heah, es I come from down ther path
thar. The critter wuz comln lopin'
up, when I run out an' headed him off."
After parleying a few moments, tho
spokesman again turns to her.
"Wo'uns think thet more'n likely yo
iwuz tellln' ther truth Jest now," ho
ventures. "Spechully es yo air a mem
lier uv ther church, nnd your daddy
iwuz, too, an' er elder besides. Sissy,"
fro Insinuates, "nobody ever heerd tell
uv your tellln' no lio afore. Which way
did yo say ther critter wuz kummln'
frum?" She looks him steadily in tho
"That way," she says, indicating with
a. wavo of her band tho opposite direc
tion. "Ther Lord ferglvo mo," she
mentally pleaded, "for tellln' ur He fer
"Thet won't do, Sissy. Wo'uns Jes
kuin thet air way ourselves, right After
11m. We'uns had better look fer him
right er-round heah, I reckln, I bear
tell," ue said for the girl's benefit, "thet
whar thnr's enny pottlconts cr-round
Bob Blackmoro ain't fur er-Wny."
"You better look out fer yersolf," sho
scornfully replies. "Hc'un Is mighty
handy with his wccplus, and with his
fists, too. I reckln you know tliot, too,
don't you, Jim Wootcu? I hnv heerd
tell thet you an' him had er fight ter
wuncc, an' Bob didn't kuin out no little
end uv ther horn, neither."
"We'uns will fix all thet tlmr ef wo
ever git our ban's on ther ou'ry, good-fer-nuthln'
scoundrel ergln. He'uus
ain't llttcn ter live noways."
"Ho's or sight mo' fltteu than you
air," sho breaks In hotly. "He's alius
bin, or hard-worklu, sober man, an'
taken keer uv his mammy; sumpln you
never done. 'Sides thet, he's er gentle
man, an' alius minded his own busi
ness. Do you'uns call .this wnh?" she
demands with rising vehemence "Too
cowardly ter go way frum homo an'
fight ycrsclves, but lay round henh an'
take everything ennybody's got left.
An' soon's somebody that's Bob
Blackmore who's flghtin' fer his side
heahs his niaw's sick, an' slips off ter
kura an' see her, tor noun' him like er
dog an' try ter kill him. Hit's Jes cause
he's botter'n you nlr."
Tho faint winding of a horn down the
road arrests their attention, and hur
riedly mounting their horses they rldo
off, one calling back to her:
"We've got him, Sissy. Thet's Tom
Winburn. I tole him ter kum up ther
road, bo's to head him off an meet
we'uns heah."
The pursuers proceeded down tho
right-hand road beyond the forks, from
whence the shots seemed to have come,
where the road makes a sudden dip into
a dry ravine. Down there a man lies
still In death, his cheek pressed heavily
against the delicate ferns that grow
luxuriantly out of the cool shadows.
The trees meeting overhead almost ex
clude the light, but now and then a
recreant bough, straying from its place
through bidding of the gentle morning
breeze, lets In a feeble ray of sunshine
that touches up tho dead man's face
with a pallid coloring. Tho nodding
ferns caress his pale cheek in ynin.
The morning songsters sing their lays
to unhearlng ears. The pines nnd hem
locks mingling their foliage with the
poplars, and bowing their good morn
ings to the beeches and young hick
ories, sough in vain to arouse or soothe
the sleeper. He will never again take
cognizance of earthly things, nor inhale
the beauty and vitality of bis native
mountains his spirit has gone before
the last tribunal. A round hole In the
center of his forehead shows where
the messenger of death has entered,
bringing its Inevitable summons. His
slouch hat lies where It has fallen a few
feet away, his right hand still clutches
a pistol, his finger within the guard and
grasping tho trigger. His gnrb is the
same as they wear who find him.
He had sought unfairly to take hu
man life, and with his own had paid
the penalty. Coming from farther
down the mountain to meet his com
rades and seeing the fugitive he had
ridden aside into the ravine, intending
to slay him unawares as he passed.
But he had seen the Interceptor, and
was prepared, and as' the other fired at
him going by he too had fired in return,
and slew him. It was but a moment's
work to exchange his steed for the
fresher one of the dead man and ride
furiously forward again. The horse
deserted, frightened at the realization
of something wrong and scared at sight
of the dead man, gallops back to be
met and caught by the girl.
But now, heartbroken, overwhelmed
and frightened at sight of the inani
mate body they shortly bring up the
road toward her she flees stricken nnd
crushed, thinking It to be the other
one. And thus It Is for days nnd long
Weary days, until by chance she learns
the truth.
The war's over. Another bright
morning. A man rides leisurely up the
road; where It forks he catches sight
of a woman's form sitting on a fallen
tree, where Bhe has evidently stopped
to rest
"Mawnln', Miss Sissy," ho says. At
tho sound of her name the girl looks
up quickly, and then as quickly down
again, a flush surmounting her usually
colorless cheeks.
"Mawnln', Bob," she quietly re
sponds. "We 'lowed up ter our house
es how maybe you'uns had forgot us.
How's your maw?" quickly changing
tho subject.
"Hit did look bad in my not erkura
min' ter see you nil afore now," he re
joins, ignoring the last question. "But
I had ter kinder straighten up around
home a bit afore I got out much."
"I thaut you wuz killed wunce, Bob,"
she ventures by way of further con
versation. Instantly ho dismounts,
leaving his horse standing In tho road,
nnd goes up and sits down beside her.
"Why did you'uns think that?" he-
"I wuz ergoln' down ter your maw's
an' stopped your critter in tho road up
thar that time, an then they brought
ho'un that wuz killed, an' an' " she
could go no further at recollection of
her misery.
"An' did you keer, Sissy?" he asks,
leaning eagerly forward.
"You wnrn't dead," sho protests.
"Well, then uv ther fac' that you
thaut I wuz dead?"
She answers him nothing. A few dry
leaves flutter in the autumn air nnd
fall at their feet A wild grape vino
nods Its approval nnd swings In tho
breeze, and tho branches of tho trees
overhead rustle with tho gambols of a
young fox squirrel. A flame-crested
woodpecker flics to a dead pine and be
gins plugging unraolestedly away. He
puts his arm around her and draws her
to bim.
"Who writ that thar note, then, Sissy,
that wuz shoved under ther door that
night ter warn me? You will tell mo
that, won't yo? An' who tuck keer of
my mammy when sho wuz sick? Sissy,
honey" tho arm draws tighter "won't
I you marry hie?" Sho hides her fnco
ugnlnst his breast
'You air shore good at nxln ques
tlons, Bob," sho says, "an' I lovo ye."
Louisville Times.
Care May Prevent TrnnmilMlou from
I'll re nt to Child.
The question of heredity, or tho trans
mission of certain mental traits or
physical characteristics from parents
to children. Is one thnt has been nnicn
studied, but of which ns yet too little
Is known. Formerly tho Inheritance of
disease was belluved In implicitly, by
physicians as well as by laymen, nnd
the list of maladies to which children
were supposed to be almost Inevitably
condemned by the accident of birth
was a very long ono.
Among theso hereditary diseases
wero reckoned consumption and scrof-
uln, leprosy, gout, rheumatism, goitre,
cancer, insanity, epilepsy nnd many
other nervous affections. As wo learn
nioro about those mnhulles, however,
ope after another of them is removed
wholly or In part from this category
nnd placed among tho acquired dis
eases. Undoubtedly somo diseases are really
inherited, but their number Is certainly
not large. Many diseases run In fam
ilies, but are not on that account neces
sarily hereditary.
Consumption, for cxnmple, was only
recently regarded ns one of tho most
surely Inherited diseases, and is still
believed by ninny to bo so. But wo
now know thnt it is n germ disease,
which, whllo not "catching" in the or
dinary sense of the word, is readily
transmitted from tho sick to tho well
when the Invalid is careless in his hab
its, especially as regards expectoration.
It Is also acquired moro readily by
those of delicate constitution than by
the robust
The children of consumptive pnrcnts
nrc seldom robust, and so are predis
posed to any of the germ diseases, and
living constantly In a house where tho
germs of consumption arc necessarily
abundant, they nro very likely to be
come victims of that disease.
This is an important fact It teaches
us that since, as a rule, only the pre
disposition to the family disease Is in
herited, and not the disease Itself, the
chances of the younger generation's
escaping, If proper care is used, are
very great
The bringing up of a child In a con
sumptive family should be of a special
ly hygienic character. The best of
foods, of fresh nir and sunlight, not too
much study, long hours of sleep In a
well-ventilated room nnd, ns far as
possible, avoidance of exposure to tho
contngion of the family malady theso
are the weapons by which the malign
Influence of Inherited weakness of con
stltution may be overcome and many
precious lives saved. Youth's Com
When to Bueczc, 1'liiy, Work or Vrmy
Outline.1 In Ol.l-rime erne.
While It Is true that superstition is
dying out. It Is also true that in many
minds tliero lingers n llttlo vestige of
faith In bygone traditions. To Hml
proof of this one has only to enter sonm
of the largo stores ami see upon tho
Jowelry counter a display of rabbits
feet hnndsoinely mounted, nnd npprtj;
prlately labeled as fulllltliiB nil tho con
ditions supposed to be necessary to In-n-nmi
limit tn tho wearer of tho
In nn old book, written In the year
1030, are found some rhymes upon tho
'days of the week which hnvo outlived
many a piece of writing more worthy
of preservation. On rending some of
them ono somehow receives the Impres
sion thnt every day of the week was
either a Sunday or n holiday, nnd thnt
tho simple folk had nothing to do but
to piny nnd rest when not cngngea in
prayer, nn Impression not borno out
by tho "stubborn facts" of tho hard
working lives of tho masses In "olden
times." That Sunday was scrupulously
observed Is evident from the warnings
of tho direful consequences of cutting
the noils or even sneezing on tho Sab
bath. You know tunt Mundny Is Sundaye's
Tuesday Is such another:
Wednesday you must go to church and
Thursdny is hnlf-hollilny;
On Friday It Is too late to begin to spin;
On Saturday Is half-holiday ngaln.
Joints tuny present Irr.Ja,
iiumtH mid MlnViil..L. ",'V.W Wr
cIch of these mlw ,, ,,; " the my
luck of usu. mu "'"HI trot,'
In iiiniiy cases of ,.,.. .
y with ti.o ww,ii,eV,l!;l?1J ,Vt?I
v.m.niN nru usually nlI. i i T" '
row hours, ,10 J " c e b
moist weather. Then. M '0f fo1'' N
rheumatism, cm l(t (
imlM Ih felt chiefly nlo. n" t
no "HhinH." and WvH 1
fl lit fori t tii'nu ,
ittiMi n til ininiti......
..1.... il . I Mi.-.
niMiiimuKiii , 0IU. ,u .,r0le
ml... T,'mM
Cut your nails on Monday, cut thcra for
Cut them on Tuesday, a pair of new
Cut them on Wedncsdny, cut them for
Cut them on Thursday, cut them for
Cut them on Friday, you'll cut them for
Cut them on Saturday, a Journey you'll
Cut them on Sunday, you'll cut them for
For all the next week you'll ho ruled by
the devil.
Born on Monday,
Fair of face;
Born on Tuesday,
Full of God's Brace:
Born on Wednesday,
Merry nnd clad;
Born on Thursday,
Sour and sad;
Born on a Friday,
Godly given;
Bom on Saturday,
Work for a living;
Born on a Sunday,
Never shall want;
So there's the week,
And the end on't.
Hnw 1111'iiilior.H of the Chicago lire de
partment reach n high wlwlow when the
ladder Is too snort.
-One of ti, ,
f 'rent,,,,,,,"0;1 Ho.
nt'Xt to tho Nldtl llmn.i.. .
Tho administration f l1, ' Vr.
menus certain lo nrndiic.. ..... b;t
iiifpu ny the- regular . " Uf
Lot nir, or hot vm.or i. ', 7 .H
'"; Tho fact , ' ' ,, u l"'
""it of cel. ease f ,'. "
tlmlN largely
I. . .. VIII H'M.I.
ter considerable tin,,, has 71 i . tU
trials of dniL-H .,.. J l ?n,b
Among tho ,W,..H". 'ij
frequently useful Urn il... ... VH
potassium. ,. .. , ((
Tho following formula ...ny .;
. ........ Ill JMlWIHKllllll Klvort,. I 1
Tincture of lmiI,.,.... ue drjcls,
Water -'MMn
Mix, and take a tenK,',.,,...M.llm
tlmefl a day. ' K
Other cases will ).. h....,.n...., ,. 1
colfhleum with ,he a.kal.s aS
I'lo of such mixture Is the f0ow
ii .....
Wine of folchlcuin root
A Porrow.'ul Cliiinua In the Life of
r I m n t'cl.roilcr.
From the footlights, where n few sea
sons ago shu was u favorite, l'ulmn
Schroder has descended to the ranks
of the New York newsglrls. Once n
queenly beauty, she Is now n cripple,
supported by crutches. Miss Hchro
tier is a California girl, who first up
peared on the stago In "The Streets of
New York." Later she took part In
other plays and was on tho high road
to success when, one morning, whllo
riding her wheel to get somo mcliclno
iiieariionate of mitii..!..... n..... . . l
Itochrllu salts ' w HS
I'eppermlnt water. .I." "'Z 'l
TaKo u tnblcspoonful three ajJj
Wonnds Sometimes Ileal Rapidly lu
It Meats Do Not Become Putrid.
One of the American consuls In Ger
many has forwarded to the State De
partment a report made by Dr. Itowltz,
the physician of the German Fisheries
Society, who spent four months In the
Arctic last year, on some climatic con
ditions of that region. He mnde some
interesting discoveries concerning the
putrefaction processes nnd the healing
of wounds, nis steamer arrived at
Bear Island In the beginning of July,
Fish caught on the voyage and dried In
the Norwegian fashion showed not a
trace of putridity as long ns tho nir
remained dry and clear. Even the nnt
ural fishy smell disappeared. Walrus
meat caught on the island and left ex
posed on the rocks kept perfectly fresh
nnd sweet. It tasted, by tho way, much
llkoj beefsteak.
Wounds on tho hands, though ex
posed to tho contact of iron chains nnd
bloody walrus flesh, did not become In-
flnmed in fair weather, but they did
not heaL They remained raw, open
wounds. The surface gradually dried,
but showed no tendency to form a scab.
But it was very different in damp,
cloudy weather.
Then fish, though already almost
dry, soon becamo moldy and putres
cent. The walrus meat also soon be
came offensive.
Shoes bad to bo kept well oiled to
prevent molding. Tho slightest wounds
festered at once. In some cases the
pain was so intense ns to make tho
hardy sailors writhe in agony. But,
after lancing theso wounds healed rap
idly, sometimes in one night
In dry and germ-freo air, therefore,
there was neither Inflammation nor a
tendency to heal, whllo In moist, germ
laden air intense inflammation and pro
fuse suppuration wero quickly fol
lowed by complete healing.
It would seem as If tho system mado
no effort to heal wounds except when
the presence of bacteria makes them
specially dangerous.
Sneeze on a Monday, you sneeze for dan
Sneeze on n Tuesday, you'll kiss a
stranger; !
Sneeze on a Wednesday, you sncczo for
n letter;
Sneeze on a Friday, you'll sneeze for
Sneeze on a Saturday, your sweetheart
Sneeze on a Sunday, your safety seek,
The devil will have you for the wholi
of the week.
New York Tribune.
Now Industry in Florida.
The cultivation of tho camphor tree
In Florida has been so successful that
this section promises to bo a formidn.
bio competitor with tho far east Ih
China, Japan nnd Formosa but a small
portion now remoln owing to tho waste
ful metnocis or obtaining the gum from
tho trees, which In many cases wero
cut down, entirely. In Florida, on tho
other hand, It has been found that cam.
phor could be produced profitably from
the leaves and twigs, obtaining a pound
of tho gum from seventy-seven nonn,iB
of tho cuttings. Tho trco renuires nn
fertilization and is extremely ornamental.
By Innuendo.
"Ohollle is all right, but I think hia
cables have been cut."
"Cables cut?"
"Yes. Ho has no intelligence." in.
dinnnpolls Journa'.
"Forgettln' "
The night when Ia8t V saw my lad
His eyes were bright and wet
He took my two hands In his own,
" 'TIs well," says he, "we're met
Asthore machree! the like o' me
I bid ye now forget."
Ah, sure the samc'g n trlflln' thing,
'Ti more I'd do for him!
I mind the night I proiniued well,
Awny on Bnllandlm
An' evry little while or so
I tiny forgettln' Jim.
It shcaldn't take that long to do,
An' him not very tall:
'Tis quare the way I'll hear his voice.
A boy that's out o' call
An' whiles I see him stand as plain
As e'er a six-toot wall.
Och, never fear, my Jewell
I'd forget ye now this minute,
If I only had a notion
O' the way r should begin it;
But first nnd last It Isn't known
Tho heap o' throuble In It.
Myself began the night ye went
An hasn't done It yet;
I'm nearly fit to give It up,
For wbere's the use to fret?
An' the morning's fairly spoilt on mo
WId mlndin' to forget
-London Spectator.
"MlRlity Itloh."
A writer in the Outlook dePrih0 .
rldo he onco took with an old farmer
in a New England vlllnce. ,ii.Pin,
...i,!i. .r ' buuiu oi xuo men or tii nMi,.
borhood came under criticism.
bpeaklng of a prominent mnn in
village, I said: "Ho Is a mnn t
"Well, sir," tho farmer
uiucu money, but
inignty ncn."
1 ! j
I y i
"Ho has a great deal of In,i ,
I asked. '
"No, sir, ho hasn't got much land,
either, but he is mighty rich."
Tho old farmer, with a pleased smile
observed my puzzled look for a ino!
ment, and then explained:
"You see, ho hasn't got much money,
and ho hasn't got much land. i,nt .tin
ho is rich, becauso ho never went to bed
uwiuk uy man a cent in all his life
Ho lives ns well as ho wnnb. tn ii'
nnd bo pays ns he goes; he doesn't owo
anything, and ho Isn't nfrnld nf any
body; he tells every mnn tho truth, nnd
does his duty by himself, i.ia fnmii
and his neighbors; his word is as good
nnd child in tho own looks up to him
and respects him. No, sir, ho hasn't
got much land, but he's a mighty rich
map. becauso ho's got all he wants."
for her mother, who was then living
with her In New York, she was knock
ed down byi trolley car, dragged the
length of a block and left maimed and
helpless. Her mother, ulso nn Invnlld,
proposcu suiciue, nut tho younger
womnn refused. Instead sho got n bun
dle of papers, went on crutches to tho
uuui ui. uiu lyjiniiiu, wnero sue unu onco
been n fnvorlte, nnd took her station ns
a newsglrl. There sho may now bo
found, night after night, selling her
pnpers and eklug out a scanty living for
nerseir and her mother.
Tho "lucky" advertiser nlwari i. I
pun iu ihihkuxh n ioi or common im. I
rroiitnuiu Advertising,
For local ImisIiicsh the local bum.
pern nro by far the best adrm&j I
mumums. mo Ad writer.
Advertising Is valuable cxtdli h
proportion to tlie extent to wbicitu
thing ndvcrtlsed Is found to leu
tho claim made for It Montreal (Cm
The force and profit of adrtrtlikfl
consists in constantly krojiiog Wa
the people your location what j-oolm
to sell, the prices at which you wUh!,
and lu religiously keeping every pro I
Ise. St. I.OU1B Star.
Newspaper advertising It the Ter 1
best "hustler" any firm can mq.
going Into thousands of homes idj
reaching people who ore npiiroifUtltl
lu no other way. It Is an Indies-J
able part of every modem buslseu-1
Suglnaw (Mich.) News.
Tho question Is often naked, Viljil
newspaper advertising the moat pn& i
nblo? And It Is to be said that nosttf I
tho answers have failed In g-Ivlcr ti I
actual reason. The first reason Iittitl
the newspaper advertisement! dJC1
public mind when It is In an eitliI
tory nnd receptive condition. Vlail
person In his own time Is rcadltjij
newspaper, ho will naturally tilt H
with the news of tho outside wl
those facts which are of use la bm-I
ugemcut of his home nnd tlie purctuf
of his supplies. The second Is, wteatl
seller puts his ndvertlsemcnt Inattnl
miner he at once enters Intoopeaewi
petition with nil others In thesameW
of business; bis facts nnd prices
stated with the knowledge that tiff
will bo noted by theso compct"0"
well ns by the public, while the adrtf
User by clrculnr or sign aecms t
endeavoring to do a quiet, Bonl
,nl..,A l.n.lnn.a Prttntttnll 1.1,
lJUlll.VU UUDIUV.O, m.v.
...... Ilnnsf.
i,,u. ...... . . ,
N'nrlilno- pnn lie ko terrible to 80 W
mal as a human being. There are tu
,..i, ti, .ouiii tn recoEHuc"
Htlnctlvely thnt man belongs tonW
order of creation, and is sinc
a feeling akin to. awo In ms pnj
i., ..,n iio,,., vlllnce. BOttiVn
ago, there was a scare about someiw
aras which wero sum iu --
nau Arcordlngly "
whlto men, accompanied by several"
i w ..... tharn. Present
UYUB, BUI UU IU .......
they found a placo in tho long m
1 1 - A..i,innf Hint one or3
. . i in for thosm
uruics unu ruixui.; .
was still warm. ,
Tho natives formed a rwi. v
and tho hunters got their gjuwj
After a little whllo tho lwPeJJj
from tno long n " win
but not
" great bound, ho sprang on o.
whlto men, nnd brougl v him JL,,
18 ...,.i imminL' h s victim, ho ae
Clironlo llliouniatlnm.
This nnnlo should, accordlnir to all
medical usage, represent a continua
tion of an ucuto rheumatism in a less
Xlolent and painful form, and such
cases aro actually found under tho
nnmo chronic rheumatism. Yet this
name, as ordinarily employed, desltr-
naies several nnections, nil of which
aro characterized by pains In tho Joints
or in tho muscles, -which have a ten
dency to persist Indefinitely. 'Phnm i.
a form of chronic rheumatism which Brund' oluin : ' others,
affects tho patient like tho acute dS Una growled savagely -a t U o w I
(ease, except that tho symptoms aro less Tuo nnt,v?.. Iw the iWfl
mnrunii! tnern mnv im nn ...... nnu lueu. .
w uvur, mu
pain and soreness nro less Intense, tho
it-uuerness on pressure is comparatively
slight, nnd tho swelling of tho Joints
may bo scarcely notlceublc. As In tho
ncuto variety, various Joints nro n front.
ed successively. Tho dlseaso may filial
ly become concentrated and remain
fixed in a sluglo Joint In this dlseuso
thero Is but llttlo disturbance of tho
general health, lusufllciont, indeed, to
disturb tho patient's avocntlon. Yet
thero nro instances In which move
ments of the affected part causo con
siderable pain, nnd patients may bo
even confined to tho bed. After long
continuanco of tho disease the affected
IL.n III 11 BHOl, ...I,.
imu . . Ir,Su.
anrniiL' away. 110 II"" -., 4,JJ(
eiicd by tho guns, but the ycu
him. . in for 1
..,,,,n,io,i hunter hj
j.,o """"- ;- ,..,,,, tn eo Day
long time, una """": :mm
Knglnnd, as ono of bis eyes vra
Flowers uioom , "r.7,1.r.fort"'
nil ti.n veur rounu,
tLnn .Tnnan of tnei s
Bill "& -
ery Kingdom.' ,laM
rin,i ims the mosr m
l0f any country bJ Europe.
IE. I'