Vhe prosperous Bualneas Men 0 Cottasre Grove Advertise in the Nu&ger. 4 .' Bring Your Job Work to the Nugget Job Office. Prices Reasonable UvJl VOL.. II i PROFESSIONAL. J. E. YOUNG : jtllorucy-at-Luw Odl'o ) Miiln utreol, Wft fllilo - Cottaok Guovk, Okk. J, C, JOHNSON ami P. (!, HIIV $ttorncis aid Counxclon-ol-hiw ei mill Mor'jmttl Iaw, oill.-o I" M I'. 0. t.tllMln. COTTAGU GROVE, ORE. J. S. MEDLEY AUoviicy-al-Ldw o o o tillloe on Mulii uttcet : CoTTAGK GllOVH, Oltlt. JEROME KNOX Jllumey-al-Law Prompt nltotitl'in iUl '.WmIji (VfTAOit Gkovk, Oku. L. L. STEVENS Mt()riu'ij-l-L('u o o lill attention Klven to Mining llnrincM hiiI f 'olhpilimn. El'GKNK, ORE. Ilr.f Mflt Vf. TIIMI'oH CIIAK, A. IIAHHV. THOMPSON & HARDY Httonicy.Kiid Counschra-at Law hjr-il ntionll'in nlvwt to the lw of Hint. kugk:;i:, ore. L. T. HARRIS dthrncU aid Counsclor-at-Laic Ffci-ttl Bttoiitlnitjelvenj tlrtjjw."' Mlnof. l'irnt National Itiink Building. eugene, ore. RELIABLE JlSSArR. R-ii.le liy inni: rorelvo prompt utlcnllnn. FRANK P. WHITE, cciiT.MiK oitovn. tllll!. nricowlih Jmiioi lluinenwy, Xulimt. OtO, W. 1.I.HYI1, T. W. MIVILI- Lloyd & Ncvill li:mo listiisi'.r.its f .H. in: L'TY MINKKAL 8UUVBYOI18 ltooms KI3-&0 Chamber of Comniorro j,c y''ii"xtiiy 837 I'OKTWNI), OKU. Mrs. Kathcrlno Selilccf, M. D. Diseases of Women anil Children COTTAOK GKOVK, OKK. D. J. GOVER Prospector aid .Vine Locator. For Information on Bohemia Mining District write me. Bliei-lul Attention Mvon to Corrwpomloneo BOHEMIA, OUIi. OKO. O. KNDWI.KR. ClUIIl.BH OKTTVH. NOTARIES PUBLIC BomtMiA, OrK. Olllce Bt Mustek Jllne nml Elephant Mountain. BUSINESS. 00 '10 MRS. PET SANFORD'S For FasMonahle Dressmaking. .MAIN 8TIH5BT N CoTTAGK GROVE, OrK. , , , EAKIN & BIUSTOW BANKERS , Transact a Oonornl llimklnn nuino?s lu All Its UraueheH. Cottage Gkovk, Ore. J. W. BENTLY, The practical Boot and Shoe maker, located in the Case building, two doors east of the' Postofflce. Repairing neatly and quickly done and satisfaction guaranteed. Call JJevolccl to 11,. Mining Iumbcriif and Farming Lucres of this ..-9PSGb:-ove, Oreg6n5 ( What t i When women sue a stylish, handsome jacket, you often hear them say: " Oh dear, I wih I had one like that, but I m sure it costs so much." f uoBoaoEsaeHeaozoaonasoaottORoaejJoniSHoHsiHacoaoaonoEOHonaaenoEencnoaooaonoaHonoB FOR MEN. Wo liniitllc Snrnimc Glove Compnnv'H 0(hIh. Tlii'.v lire coiiHiduictl the bout glove in tlie uuirket. Gwxl Yt How Oil Slock with patented Htring fuwteiiur 60 anil 70u. Our Siwim Troof line nro n coft, plin hlo glove, an well tin durable; Hindu with pHtcnteil i-trin fnst unur 8ui-, f 1 mid 1 5. Unliii(d Kit, poft llnifli, nuiking a vory iiieu driving glove. .$1 '-'5. SariimiR Buck, light weight, fine Mock, no band, upon liauk, Porter fiiFtuiUT, ut'llpl,u'n. linen thread ciift mid pliublc; undoubtedly the best glove lu thuiuaikel ... tl GO. Unlint'd Chopper Mils, oil grain calf ykiu O'Ju and tl. Lined Kit (ilovos, ihiu stock fl. GAR mmioMimiwimBH H. C. MADSEN, Watciijiakku. J!lMlrliiK nt rcHioniiblc charges. All work gimmntcod llr.it.elM. Wuttliot.CIockBiincI JcHolryiit lowest Trices CO'lTAGE GUOVH, OKK. ELITE o Shaving o Parlor Cottagi: Gkovk, Oke. GEO. E. GRIFFITH, Prop. ' William Renshaw THE EXCHANGE AI.K WAI.Ki:, Mftnngcr. DHAWUt IN KINK WINES, LIQUORS. CIGARS. Main street, Online" lrv. Pro. CAM. ON B. L. PICKARD & SON Tor IIOUBH l'AINTINO, PAlT.It JIANOINO, SKIN WOUK.CAltUIAaU l'AlNTINP. Work Kunmntcoil COTTAGE GUOVH, ORE. I AM IT! "Cop . THE JEWliLUU. Flrst-cliiaa Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing . Hani and Soft Soldering. Wo will soil you anything in our lino at lowest living prices. ' W. L. COri'EUtfOLL,, Mgr. W. H. ROBINSON Practicing Physician. Office and residence on River street .near Wall, Cottage Grove, Ore. J. A. COBB ' Dealer in Groceries, Fruits. Qgars and Tobacco. Give us a call and we will treat vou right. Corner of Mniu and Second sts, We Now HVthc surest thing in the world they're not familiar with the PALMER GARMENT. They're absolutely correct for style none made any more perfect as to tlmt, and the price is within reach of any woman's pocket-book. My! if every one could see them, how. easy it would be to settle the question of WHAT SHALII WEAR? Eakin & Bristow, Garmaii NewU COTTAGU GROVE, ORE. EOR BOYS. Cotton Swullern, good (pndity, in maroon nml assorted ftriped colora '. . . . 50c. All-Wool, light weight, nesorted eol ( ored striped $1 'Jo. VOR MEN." Cotton, good quality, color ma roon ' 50c. Mixed Cotton and Wool, medium 'heavy, maroon 80c. A 1 1-Woof, good quality, medium nenvy, niaroon...' $1 10. Same uh above, only liner wool, as sorted solid colors $1 03. All-Wool; very fine quality, in as forted colored Ptripes. . .".$2 L'3. Willie, medium heavy ?1T)0. MAN & NEWLAND ... Hotel Eugene HOLLENBECK BROS, k BltlSTOW. Headquarters for MINING MEN. r.viiuv want Arrn.s'Dr.D to. 1 EUGUNK, Orkgon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Kosoburg, Oregon, September 7, 1000. Notico is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make linal proof in sup port, of bis claim, and that said proof will be mado before Joel Wnro, U. S. Commissioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on November 23, 1000, viz: Samuel E. Phillips on II. E. INo. 7-107 for the Lot 3, NW1-4SW 1-4, Sec. 23, T. 10 S., It. a Ho names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous residenco upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles Colcord, G. W. Smith, A -hert Keruell, James Law, of Creswoll, Ore. . J.T. Burnous, Register. When you cannot sleep for coughing, It Is hardly necessary that any one should tell you that you need a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay tho irritation of tho throat, and ninku sleep possible. It is good. Try it. For sale by Benson Dnua Co., Cottngo Grove. Lyons & Aitlwiatj;, Drain Druggists. Cbe . Chicago E. L. King, , Gen'l Agent for Ore. Albany, Oregou. Community, toG ood Government, Friday, October B O n o a o a o a FOR CHILDREN. Lawn Hoods, mado of lace open work; very pretty designs 35 to 03c. o a o H O M O B O rj o o B O a o a o a o o eh o H O a a a a Kmbroidered and Tucked Muslin and Swibs, different designs. . . . 70c to $1 So. Ladies' Sun Itonnetp, made of eham hray, full back crown, stitched and lined, assorted colors. .50c. Our line of Loose Embroideries, Rtb bo'iiH .and Drygoods Notions is large. Ladies' Summer Skirts, large vari ety ; in price from . . . .50c to $.'5. Shirt Waists, different colors and kinds COc to ?0 75. . i Ladies' Keck Woar in latost styles. . " 15c to GOc. a 0 a o JOB COULDN'T HAVE STOOD IT If he'd had Itching Piles. Thoy'ro terribly annoying; but Bucklen's Arnica Salvo will cure tho worst case of Piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it's tho best .-alvo in tho world. Prico 25c a box. Cure guaranteed . Sold by Bknson Dittm Co., druggist. "For three days and niehts I suffered agony untold from an ntfuck of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucum brB,"'sflys 31. E. Lowther, clerk of the district court, Ccnterville, Iowa. "I thought 1 should suroly dio, and tried a dozen different medicines but to no pur pose. I sent for a bottio of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three doses relieved me on tiroly." This remedy is for sale by Bknson Dnua Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons & Awlkqatk, Drain Druggists. Mr. Bryan's sneers at the full dinner pail will not efl'ace the mom ory of the workingmen. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good us Chamber lain' Pain Balm. Try it. Forsaloby Bi)K6o.v Dauo Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons & Ai'ulkoatu, Drain Druggist. Currency is now going West and South to move the crops. Never before did it have such a job of moving to perform. Bohemia Nugget and Weekly Orcgopian $2.00 per year. typewriter I I Price $35.00 The CHICAGO Cannot Be Excelled for Compactness and Clearness of Writing. It is easy to leant to operate, and there is a small number of parts to get out of order. C. J. Howard, Local Agent, Cottage Grove, Ore. and Hustling for a Grub Stake. 19, 190CX Grand. Display of Siiislaw Large Gathering, of People anil Splendid Showing of Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Grasses, Etc The Prize-winners and the Exhib ' its That Were1 Seen.. Once again the thrifty husband man has gathered the bounteous yield from orchard and field and stored full the barns, lofts and cellars, that plenty may crown the board and give joy and nourish ment to the loved ones that gather around the winter fireside of their peaceful homes. At this season the sturdy farmer loves to enter into peaceful rivalry with his neighbors for the honor of growing the largest, finest and best that his soil is capable of produc ing, and to that end agricultural fairs are instituted and exhibits brought together for comparison and mutual instruction. These fairs bring together in annual re union the families of the farmers for many miles around and form at once the most pleasant gathering of the year, and each succeeding one is looked forward to with awakened interest and a determi nation to excell in some particular product. On Thursday and Friday of last week was held the Lorane Agrl cultural Society Fair at Lorane Its president is P. F. Davis and Miss Mildred Lockwood is its secretary. Under their able man agement a splendid show was made of grains, grasses, vegetables, fruits, vines, plants, .flowers, dairy pro duce, eggs, poultry, dried fruits, canned fruits, jellies, preserved fruits, potted plants, minerals, fancy needlework, embroidery, relics, etc. The reporter, got there on Friday at noon, just in time to partake of the good things at the open-air banquet which was spread on the grassy slope near the exhibit hall, and presided over by the buxom wives and radiant daughters of the prosperous farmers. With appetite sharpened after a ride of twelve miles over the mountains it was in deed a treat to partake of and gaze upon the substantial eatables and delicious pastries that were piled up with lavish abandon. Enough is n feast, but after the feast was over, enough was left for a host. Half an hour was given over to horse racing by the young men, and spine right good running was seen for small wagers, just enough to put spirit and life into the sport. Then the scene changed to foot H IT IS MERE! sz Te Largest StQck in SQtlJ liaise ! i3 -consisting of- eE Shelf and Heavy Hardware;. Stoves and Tinware; Pumps. St: Pipes and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! Guns and Ammunition, Studebaker. Wagons, 2 SZ Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows, Etc. ZS SS . cS S For Miners' Supplies, the only house South of Portland. :S ! Give us a call. 3 g GRIFFIN & VEATCH, g COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. NO. AO racing for another half hour, and some excellent sprinting was done. When this was over all the men and boys gathered about the flag pole, from the top of which floated the Stars and Stripes, and with a will gave three cheers for the flag. Then three more and a tiger were given for the ladies. In the hall a fine program of instrumental and vocal music was rendered, while the big crowd in attendance wandered around the exhibit tables and admired the magnificent and varied products of the valley of the Siuslaw. There was such a jam in the hall at the closing of the fair and in the awarding of the prizes that it was almost impossible for the reporter to get track of all that was done and see all that was to be seen, and of necessity several exhibits were overlooked, which would gladly have been made mention of if they could have been reached. There were squashes that weighed 67 pounds, a beet that weighed 25 pounds, cabbages that weighed 22 and 24 pounds, (mam moth vegetables of every kind, potatoes that weighed 4 pounds and potatoes a foot loot long, a great variety of monstrous and luscious fruit of all kinds, several varieties of nuts, including the butternut that grew so abundantly around the writer's boyhood home in York state. What was seen and by whom exhibited is as follows: Hardy Crow. Burbank and Banner potatoes, 4 varieties of beets, the Glori Mundi, Ben Davis and Belftower apples, 4 varieties of squash, parsnips 2 kinds, carrots, sunflowers, timothy, . millet, white winter wheat, walermellons, 4 kinds of corn, 3 kinds of pears, quinces; J. W. Hicks. Squash, 2 kinds of beets, 2 kinds of carrots, green beans, tomatoes, 3 kinds of pota toes, sunflowers, cabbage, arti chokes with stems 10 feet long, leeks, a 25-pound beet, petite and Italian prunes, dried pears and 10 varieties of apples, W. N. Crow. 2 clusters of po tatoes. one4 and one 4 pounds, a Burbank seedling 1 foot long; 13 varieties of potatoes, 10 varieties of apples, dried petite prunes, 2 kinds of grapes, butternuts, 3 kinds of corn, 3 kinds of pears, 2 coops of Plymouth Rock chickens, Took first prize for general exhibit, $5. G. Davidson. 6 varieties of apples and 3 varieties of potatoes. Captain O'Brien 4 varieties of apples, the Glori Mundi, Maxeu, Rubicon and Baldwin. . S. F. Wheeler One dozen White Brahama eggs. These were beauties and extra large. G. B. Standisii A plate of lus cious peaches and 3 boquets of roses, each of a special variety and very choice. Mrs. S. J. Doty A squash that was raised a year ago and in per fect condition now. J,. R. Eluott Belflower 'and Baldwin apples, potatoes, nest-egg gourds, 22-pound cabbage, sugar Continued on 4th page. 1