Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 12, 1900, Image 3

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Chinoso Trouble
in flfrnmiir Hliinf Hlirns or I'ruimr-
n(r n .llllll III Cnllllllllll AlllVllllllllll
Kurlr Mtll'lilnt Km-.
W'mliliiKt011' 0' r'uvornlilo
ff mn runehod Washington from Dm
rnroponn oimncoimniiM, innirutlng
J,, a complete tiKroomunt na to China mvr, cmno l0 t, ,
" ..ii.. ..I. .lit 'I Mm iiirritiiitwitit ...Hi ' li. i .iwunu
WOll till) I'llflH Of tllO JirOJIOIlltlolKI llllll
Lnliy Hinwtiiry Hay In IiIh iwtu of
liWillllll BIK"". v"i'pi will
inly 8, Mi'' 1,10 nwuMot "tM treat
; 'on tho subject. Tho accord of Kmc
iifiion 10 """J"1"" minutes. T in ('u u..
Rvirnro vory much lirightor than thoy
Bjrere ouo week ago.
Hir. CUrk n Mm l,or nml (ImIik rroni
llm UprUliiK In Olilnn.
Ilonton, Oct. At thn ConKroaa-
Kieoiil inliilnUiri)' inoetlug thin morning
pi principal Hpeakor wiih Dr. ItiviicIh
i. Clark, prenKlent ol tlio Unltod
irutlnn Kndunvor, wIioho Hubjoct
mi, "lOsst'H nnd Gaiim From tho Up-
j!dj in China." Dr. Clark, who has
Lilted Mtrornl miiwioii Htationa in
v'ortb China whoro tho imiHsacres lato-
yecenrcd, HiiyH in part:
"The (Imgon'H tooth of wnr nnd man-
icre were howii by tho foroignora who
:u come in tho Hpirit of coiumerclal
ttedto puh tholr connunsta. Turn
be tblcs for n moiiiDiit and imagine
Vm forcing lior good upon uh at tho
jfntof tho Hword, Koudlng her opium
ere to dobauch our youth nnd com-
IIIdp us to buy it, Hoiaing tho wholo
Uto( MnaFachiiKottH becatmo of two
biatmen murdurod by a mob, nnd
pecan Imngiuo somo of tho foolingii
sich nuiinatod tho lloxom or tho
r-orc iatolliuont ihiwon behind tho
5ier. A heroic chanter of mission-
7innals bnB been written, a ohaptor
ooio records can never bo dimmed.
flpniitlvo convert has provod himsolf
orthy of tho Savior who dlod for him.
fbetannt of ricli Christian!) can no
-user bo thrown in his faco. China
m been nwakoned from lior sloop of
P. SIio can novor again fall back
Pto the samo comntoso comlitiou asbo-
. A truinnot call has boon issuod
I' the Christians of Anioricn and Great
"tail) to go in and posses tho land,
"tee to it that thoir comrades havo
ioldlodin vnln."
llerxlvnr Will Ha Arr-loil.
fan FranolHco, Oct. 4. Doputy
ited States Marshnla Shilly Monok-
poind Goortio II. llurnhain. loft to-
M for Ronttlo. from which nort thoy
111 embark for Capo Nomo on tho
Nmer Senator noxt Thursday. Thoy
re charged with tho mission of nrrost-
v(Alox McKenzlo, tho recoivor m a
smoer of Nomo miniuir suits, nnd to
him beforo the Uuitod States clr
lu wurt of nppoals to answer for con-
fopt in having rofiiRod to obey the
rtt of supersedeas issued bv Judeo
'orrow somo wooka ago. Thoy nro
'fther iiutruotod to call upon tho
llted Stains niilitnrv nntlinritlns to
P'orco tho roturu of the various min
P8 claims to tho poonlo who hold
o prior to litigation.
"panltli MlnUter mi KiiibncElar.
Kow York. Oct. 4. A disnatoh to
19 Herald from Valparaiso sayst It
eitimated that the amount of monoy
'eged to lmvo been ombozzled by tho
'"Spanish mtiiliitnr. Kulvnilnr Lnnnz v
ltjarro, is raoro than .$100,000. Tho
ey bolonged to Spnuisli subjeota,
'"O nro vory indignant. Looz rooolvod
19 'nnds from tho Chilean government
' I'ay domnnrln sitRtiitnnil hv Rnuiilnrils
"jug tho revolution of 1801. Ilo
'"Og prosontod hia papors of rotiro-
'""ti tlio Hiltitutnr illunimnnrnd. with.
I ' paying a cont to tlio claimants.
Huulc lit Collision,
fnlladolnhlo. Oct. 4. Tho British
Iwmsbip Eaglo Point, Captain Hewl
Q fmn T 1 T11.11...1..I Ul..
M l i.onuon, lor J,iuiuuuipnin,
"Ich nassnd In hn Dnlnwurn lirnalt
todav. rnnnrts that nt 1 onlc!A
I'terdny morning, ho collidod with
Itrltlol. i nll xr.
0K, Sentnmhni. HO tnv TVfntinlinqtftr.
'8lnd, nua tlmt tho latter vessel
Tho captain of tho Eaglo Tolnt
wts that all hands woro takon of!
' "tela boforo aha Bank nnd will bo
DM-. . .
rvusnt hero,
. ...... In Annnrrl ir RofrnB 1 Towiihii'i?.' lliinJ'..?.0!' 4'" Wiiifinlti
tolii. 1,11111,1 j,,w'",h i'iy
Was lit , . . . '. """Kinil
I,,., . " riiuuiru"
""1110 1M 0110 llllll! out III town
h , " v .!:.' 1,ur 1,,,Hlm"11 ' t
. K,,'t r" co,,t'' fr"" '. She
IdhmM.,,!,,,,!,,,,,,,,, Th0tll0
MOKnilolt, lint returned in about 111
n . . """-u mill in ii niru.
(OmplClO HIIW. W..n imu p ,t WIIH pilSHlllg a0,g t1(l r(m,l t ...
fcli. WitH low hat nil of tho HorniitothelmLin ' V"'
KBiopf"" inttlotm probably nr.i placing uuuro escape.
ibm.olvo in position to take ndvni,. j Ah hooi, hh Mm. Harrington van rc
0Q tho opening by tho Unit- sto.ed to congou n Zl gv'
rfSUtM. mill noon will be ready to be- tin, lrm. TJl0 A mS
J negotiation for ft rcttlumont with All tin, stoma In Electric Z ,t-'
S, Cblnoio government. Tho Bus- i ly olono.1. tho ginneries, .d si. 1 ,, 1.
already havo notlco of nuol, shut -low..; the people u(t their wag"
BfpoM5 W il li tho toxt of tho ms In tho road and their plows in the
nt&eh nolo on thin subject, referred IIoI.Ih uii.I gathered for a pursuit of tho
dlntodiiy'H proHH (lUimtohoH. hii not , noUro. Tim noBro wi.h mion found on
rrtchod thu Htnto tlopnrtiiiont, tho olll. tho north outskirts of Kluotrlc. 'llioio
ciiUiiro FialHlhul tlmt it In corroctly ho wim confrontod by his victim, who
Mflrtod nnd that I-rnnoo, liku UuhbIu. i Iduntifled htm.
urMily to noKotlnto at onuo. Abimt 11 o'clock n cowd of sovornl
! U for Gernmny, oltliur tho poiiltion hundrml wim in tin. Uttln vm.. 'i i,
U thflt Bovoriimoiit Iiiih boon inlmitidor- notjro wim tiiktui to tho odfo of tho vll-
tood or It Iihh MiHiHinon n cIihiiko of Iiiko nnd preparations for IiIh death
olod. I'oindbly tlio former in tho cimo, worn quickly mudu. A ropu wiih tlnn
tut, hoovur that may bo. it In juito over tho limb of n IiIk oak and 100 men
rtrttln from tho ndvicon which Imvo stood ready to Bwinir him mi.
'rechBl WiiKhlUKton that tho Gorman Then a halt wiih called, and tho mnn-
Ijorernmciit, upon cnroful iimpuction of nor of death wiih dlHetiHied by tho mob.
jih plain lor n fottlointint projectod by A voto wiih taken, and tho ballotiiiK
W United Stntoi", flndH i heroin noth- ehowed n iimiorit V of tlincrmvil fnvnirul
Uiicon8itont with tho Gorman hh- death at tlio ntul:o. Tho Htako wiih
MmIIoui. Thoroforo, it may Ihj ox- piopared, and tho ncro wiib bound to
wtcil that Gormutiy, too, will bo pro- it with chaiiiH. I'mo knotn woro piled
Ural won to join in thin common nbout him, and tho Munich woro started
movement lowani n Boiiiomoiii. jt ny mo uiiHUauil o lilg victim. Ah they
ir bo itatttd that Altogether tho proo- leaped to tho doltd'h llesli lio uttorei!
tof on adjuntmont of tho Chinufo wild cries to ood for mercy nnd help.
lliflicaltleH without roHort to formal Tho crowd looked on deaf to his crieH,
nnd in an hour tho negro wan reduced
to iihIich.
Towncoiul, boforo being lionnd, con
fowied tho crime, and xaiil ho was aleo
' impllcatod with Aloxandcr Floyd, who
wiih hanged two wcokH ago, for an at-
. tuinptcit imcniilt on MlrH Kato I'earion.
Ho Haul ho and Floyd had planned other
criiiieH of liko cbaractor.
Mini llritt to lleiitli Willi an Iron llnr
No Ulrtr to Amntlliint.
Wallace, Idaho, Oct. 4. Matt
Mailoy was found murdered iu hie
store this morning. Just boforo 0
o'clock this morning a passer-by saw
IiIh body lying near tho rear oud of Ji is
cigar storo, and untitled tho officers.
Ilotli doors wero lockod, and blood on
tho tloor caused tho boliof that ho had
suicided. When tho door was forced,
ho was found to havo his throat cut
and hia skull crushod in thrco long
streaks. An iron bar 18 inches lout:
by ouo and oiio-liulf inches wido nnd
threo-eightliH of nu inch thick lay be
side his body, covered with blood, ami
lit uicoly in tho cut places in his head.
A towel had beeu tied around his head,
evidently for a gag. An examination
of tho premises showod the sufo locked,
tho monoy in tlio drawer undisturbed,
ouch denomination being in sopurate
compartments, mid A watch was on the
cdrptto. Tho body was vot warm but
doath had occurred somo time beforo,
oither of four wounds being sufilcient
to produce it. Nothing was missing
oxcopt tho koy to tho door, tho niur
dorer ovldently taking it with him nnd
locking tho door. Ouo witness saw
tho deceased enter tho storo with a tall,
aliin man about 0 o'clock, but only had
it back view and did not rocognlzo the
other man.
Mailoy had lived in' tho Coour
d'Alonos about 15 yoaia, and hnd no
known enemies.
Amount Over 8:iilO,000-Steamer Cut
but Ntlclitly Ditiuiigeil,
fionttlo. Wash.. Oct. 4. Tho Tuciflc
Coast Steamship Company's steamship
City of Topeka arrivod from Lvnn
canal points. Sho brought about 150
pas?ongors nnd .'00,000 in gold, most
ly in email amounts in tho hands of
paHOiigera. Tho Topoku'a olllcora ro
port that tho steamer Clutch, which
was on tho rocka this side of Skag
way, appears to bo but slightly flam
aged. A wrocklng company ia at work
eudoavoring to lloat her.
Tho steamship Sonator arrivod from
Capo Nomo nnd St. Michael this morn
ing, bringing about 100 passengers nnd
SlilU.OOO iu troasuro. Sho loft Nome
Soptombor 21. Among hor passegnera
la John Noyoa, tho llutto, Mont., mil
lionaire and mining oporntor, who ia
accompanied by hia wife and sou.
,N. P. It. Hatch, of San Francisco,
wns also a passenger on tho vossol. He
ia ouo of tho attornoys for tho defend
ants in tho rocoivcrshlp case at Nome,
iu which Loudbloom. Liudborg and
others aro interested, and is said to bo
on tho way to San Franoisco to secure
a aupplomontary ordor from tho federal
district court thero.
MlMlonnrlei ami Unci"" Safe.
Paris, Oot. 8,-Tlio Froiwh consul
conornl nt Shanghai, midor dato of
Soptombor 30, telegraphs that ho haa
boon informod by tho governor of Gent
One Li that, through tho intermedia
tiou of Shone (tho administrator of tel.
ecraphs nnd railroads) tho mUsiouarios
and onginoo.a at Thong-'iiuR- i woro
aafo and souud Soptember 23 tlmt tho
military and civilnnthor tioa had taken
precautious to protect all tho mission
nrioa nnd that the Belgian mission at
King Tian Lung was safo.
Secret Society Said to Havo
Broken Loose There.
Unrrt In tint Two ICuuiic I'mvlnrna
I'lirxniMiilini of Cliil.tliiim llm, V0,
llnvlti'il In Slum luiif,
1ondon, Oct. 0. Tho London mora
fug papers aro virtually engrossed by
tho parliamentary gonoral elections,
and they havo little to say about tho
now Geiman noto. Tho Daily News,
which describes it as "clear, stiaight
forward and manly," oxprosica a hope
Unit all tho European powers and also
the United Statoa will agree with Em
peror William's last pioposal.
llrltinh corrospondonts in China com
plain of tho "weak attitudo" displayed
by Groat llritaiu and tho.Untod Statos,
ns well aa tho othor powora, in with
drawing from Pekln and displaying
generally a yielding mood.
A dispatch from Tien Tain, October
2, says: . 'Gasoloo claims that tho
British from tho gunboat Pygmy woro
tho first to receive tho surrender of the
Shun llai Kwan forts."
Tho Morning Post's correapondent nt
Paku nesortB that tho persecution of
ChristiuuH haa been revived in tho
provlnco of Shan Tung.
Shnnghal dispatches announco tho
dipinlsHiil of two Tartar gencrala, who
havo been defeated ny Itussians in
Manchuria. Tho head" ofllco of the
Chlneso commissariat has been re
moved from Chlng Kiting, on tho Yang
strait, to Taku, and tho viceroys have
bcon ordorod to establish branch ofllcos
in tho provinces of Shon Si.
A dispatch to tho Daily Express
from I long Kong roporta a serious rising
of Triada in Canton, and tho wholo
country to tho south is said to bo iu a
ferment. The Hong Kong correspond
ent of tho Times, wiring Wednesday,
"A thousand braves have left Canton
to suppross a robellion instigated by
Triads at Waiclian, iu tho Sauou dis
trict. There is grave unrest iu tho
two Kwang provinces, and precautious
hiuo been taken at Kowloo."
Wreck ol n Jiiiiiiiichh Hall Ilout-1'uclOo
ChIiIh Contract I.t.
Vancouver, B. 0., Oot. 0. Tho
etoamer Miowora, which arrived from
Svdnoy this ovening, brings news of
tho wrock of tho Japinoso mail boat
Futnmi Maru, which ttruck a lock ou
Miudora island iu a calo and was a to
tal loan, boiug brokou iu two. Tho loss
of ship nnd cargo aro placed nt.f l.GUO.
OOO. Thu pasteugors and crow, num
bering 150, woro saved.
Tho plaguo has broken out again nt
Townsvillo, New South Walos. Five
cases aro reported, with two fatalities.
Jt ia announced that tho tender for
tho construction of the Pacific cablo
has been awarded to tho Telegraph
Construction & Maintenance Company,
Limited, which offered to lay tho cable
for $0,500,000 and to finish tho ecu
struction of tho cablo within 18
months. The government is delighted
at the contract prico, which is lesa
than was estimated.
A big colliery striko is in progess at
Nowcastlo. Fonr collieries nro idle
ns a result of a dispute between tho
mnmigors and tho mirers, and 1,100
men are idlo. The disputes are over
mining regulations mainly, wagos bo
iug a secondary grievance.
Five men porishod iu the snow flolds
of Mount Arrow-smith, Tasmania, Au
gust 28, whero 10 days earlier another
man had perished in tho anow. The
cold wna so intense that a rescue
party almost shared the same fato, tho
cold affootiug tho men so badly that
blood oozed from their bauds nnd facca.
A story comos from Los Negros con
cerning tho, wrecking of the bark Al
mond, a trading vessel, aud tho murder
of the onptnin, two matea, three white
sailor8 and 15 natives. Sho ran nshoro
pu a coral roof and waa quickly sur
rounded by hundreds of savagen. Tho
captain, oflicers nnd crow woro then
beaten to death with oluus. lier aecKS
wero litorally running with tho blood
of the unfortuuato victims, and tho
fierce savagos then carried from tho
wrock everything movable. B. Lyue
was tho murdered ekippor. The first
and second oflicers wero John Garland
und Peter Mullou.
Shot by an Unknown AnIn.
Mifflin, Pa., Oct. 0. While refin
ing ou a chair bosido an open window
last night nt his home at Oriental,
Juauita county, Adam Goodliug waa
shot in tho mouth by an unknown as
aassin and instantly killed. Oh Sun
day Mr. Goodliug was hoard to remark
that ho had but two enemies in the
world, of ono of whom lio was tommy
in fonr.
lioxera Attacked (lerinnni.
London, Oot. 0. A speoiul cUspatctr
from Shanghai; under dato of October
5, says tho Ohineso roport that 2,000
Boxe'ra attacked no battalions of Ger
mnna at Kau Ku Men, near Pokin.
Tho Boxers, it ia added, lost 400 raon
nnd tho Gormana five. Tho latter nro
now said to bo burning tho Boxers' vil
lages around Pekiu.
Slum Hal Kwiin FovU Surrendered1.
Vienna, Oct. 5. Tho admiralty has
received tho following disriitoh from
Taku: "lu accordance with tho re
quest of Couut von Waldersee, the seiz
uro of Shan Hal Kwiin was decided
upon by a council of tho admirals, Sep
tombor 20, ana all wns prepared for
action. English ships wero sent to
domand its surrender, and the Chinese
vncatod tho plaoo. Tho British then
hoisted their ling, and tho other Hug
ships thereon went thither and put up
their rospHotlvo flags on the forta.'
Still tlia Miner Itefiiio to llotura to
Philadelphia, Oot. 5. There wore
no developments of spoclnl importance
today in tho minors' strike An in
teresting featuro was tho Beading Com
pany's notlco to its employes that in
addition to its offer of a 10 pot cent In
crease, it was willing to enter Into
arbitration with them rolativo to any
grievances thoy may havo. Nono of
tho strikers, howover, haa yotlndlcatod
an intention to return to work. Af
aira wore oxtremoly quiet today
throughout tho anthracite region.
General Gobin in command of tho
stato troops recently sent to Schuylkill
county on request from tho sheriff, to
day diioctod another of tho regiments
to return homo tomorrow. Ono regi
ment loft Monday. Thuro romnina but
ono rogltneut, a battery of artillery and
a company of mounted troops.
A secret conference of tho leading
ofllciulH of tho miners' organization waa
held nt Hazlcton. At ita conclusion,
President Mitcholl said tho question of
calling a joint convention had not been
considered. Ho added that out of
142,000 minoworkers, only about 5,000
aro at work, and those, ho said, would
bo out in a abort tlmo. Tho timo limit
of tho Lncknwanna Company's offer of
increased wagea will oxpiro tomorrow,
but strlkora generally exprosa their
determination to pay no heed to the
Iluril Flghtlnc Iletwneu llrltlull Forces
and Nutlvn.
London, Oct. C. A dispatch to the
Morning Post from Kumassie reports
that heavy fighting took place last Sun
day between Colonel Willcock's column
and tho Ashnntees, at Abu Ashn.
"After heavy fighting," says the dis
patch, "tho British column made nu
ineffectual attempt to charge the
Ashantce positions, but was obliged to
retiro nnd to rcsumo the rifle dnel
whilo awaiting reinforcements. Event
ually, after hard work, Colonel Will
cocka captured the positions and occu
pied the villngo of iBnashu without
more opposition. Becently the British
carried three ' other villages nt the
poiut of the bayonet nnd burned them.
Seventy Ashnntees were killed. Tho
British losses were Major Moliss nnd j
Captain Luard, soverely wounded; i
thrco officers slightly wounded, three
men killed and 28 others wounded.
A flying column of 800 men, with two
gnus, waa sunt Monday iu pursuit of
tho enemy."
lloera Captured a ConYoy.
London, Oct. '5. The following dis
patch has been received from Lord
"Pretoria, Oct. 4. A convoy of 23
wagons, escorted by 00 mounted men,
wns nttacked by 140 Boers October 1,
near Dejagers Drift, while on the way
to Vrybeid. Twelve of the men ea
caped. Tlio fate of tho others is not
known. '
"Tho Boora derniled a traiu near
Pan yesterday evening. Five Cold
stream guards were killed and 19 in
jured. 'Commandant Dirksen, who has been
opposing Paget, has surrendered, after
a personal visit to Komatipoort to as
sure himself that Kruger has gonejjinto
Portugneso territory."
The Vllluloboi Hare.
Washington, Oct. 5. Tho dispatch
from General MnoArthur last week an
nouncing tho disaster sustained by
Captain Shields' party on the Islnnd of
Marinduquo, loft in doubt tho fnto of
the gunboat Villalobos, which had con
veyed the troops to Torrijas. In con
sequent tho navy department has been
receiving a number of telegrams and
lotto) s from friends nnd relatives of tho
crow of tho gunboat, nsking for infor
mation ns to the affair. A cablegram
was sent to ltenr-Admiral Kempff, at
Cavlte, and tin following reply has
been rocotved:
"Ca7ite, P. I., Oct. 6. Secretary
Navy, Washington: No truth in any
uufavorablo roports concerning Villn
bolos or hor crew. Mnuiln paper of
September 8 published false reports.
Runtlan Won Two Fights.
St. Petersburg, Oct. 4. The war
ofiico announces thnt dispatches from
Kharbnrovsk and Khnrbiu say General
Tsohitachagoff sent Colonol Kopeikeu
with a detachment of Cossacks, rail
road troops nnd volunteers to engage a
forco of Chinese, who had occupied
tho railroad at Snu Chaknn. The Rus
sians won two oubstinato fights. Fbr-ty-threo
dead Chinese wero loft in tho
trenches after tho second engagement.
No Strong Irlnk for Tommy.
London, Oct. 5. Lord Wolsoley, the
cominnuder-in-chiof, In nn open lettei
asks tho publio wishing to honor the
returning soldiers "to refrain, while
extending them n hearty woloome,
from offering them intoxicating liquors,
as, liko all of us, they nro open to
temptation." The commander-iu-ohief
also says he trusts tho greeting to the
brave soldiers will bo something bettor
than an iucitoment to excessive drink.
Atlanta, Gn.,, Oct. 5. Reports from
nil pnrta of the stato indicate thnt the
Democratic mnjority iu todoy'a eleo
tion for stato oflicers, members of tho
Kcuornl assembly and local county
oilloes, will bo nbout 50,000. There
being practically no opposition to the
Democrats, tho voto wns light.
rittaburs riumbera Struck.
Pittsburg, Oot. 5. Fifteon hundred
journeymen plumbers, employed by
115 firms in Pittsburg, struck today for
uniform wagos and n rovlslou of the
rules governing the trado. All the
shops owned by members of tho Mas
tor Plumbers' Association are affeoted.
Jealouay Wai tho Cauie.
Rouklin, Cal,, Oot, 5. Rnssoll
Laudia tonight shot nnd killed his wife
nnd mortally wounded Constablo W,
J. Clyde JnalnusT was tho causo.
Tried to Engage a Russian
Allied Squndron Will Korco the Wnr-
lilln to C'miltuliitn, or Will Jleatroy
1 liiiln KdlcU Heine Intiml.
London, Oct. 8. It Is ropoited in
fit. Potorsbnrg, according to tho corre
spondent of tho Times nt tho Russian
capital, that tho Chinese fleet in For
mosa strait attempted to engage tho
ltussinn oruisor Burik, but the lntter'a
speed frustrated tho plan. The corre
apondent says tho allied squadron will
forco tho floot to capitulato or will de
stroy it.
Shanghai tolegrama announce that
tho imperial edict, datod Septomber
1)0, ordering tho court to bo romoved
to Slnan Fu, wna issuod owing to tho
famino at Tai Yuan Fu, capital of tho
provinco of Shun Si. They also ex
press tho opinion that tho object of the
recent edict regarding the degradation
of tho Chinoso personages of high rank
is moroly to gain timo to enablo China
to be in it better positiou to doiy the
powers, as tho now capital will bo vir
tually Inaccessible to foreigners. Tho
Shanghai correspondent of tho Morning
Post, discussing this aspoctof the case,
"Tho German troops havo no means
of transport, and any attempt to fol
low tho Chinese conrt would be, there
fore, quite futile."
He says the Chinese firmly beliove iu
tho existence of a Riisso-Germau agree
ment, under which Buasla will take all
tho territory north ot the great wall,
and Germany tho provinces of Chi Lf
nnd Shan Tung.
The Times' representative at Shang
hai says:
"It is believed here that highly In
flammatory edicts are being issued
secretly, aud that the recent publio
edicts are only iuteuded to hoodwink
the powers."
Why Mot Une n Portion or This Money
for IteaervolriiT
t The history of levee constrnction on
tho Mississippi river has been a long
one. The first levee was begun in
1717, which was, when confpleted, one
mile long, erected to protect New Or
leans, then a mero villago. This levee
was four feet high nnd 18 feet acrosa at
the top. It waa not, however, until
after Louisiana had been ceded to tho
United States that levee constructiou
was beguu on a large scale. Aa tho
work progressed up the river and addi
tional basins nnd bottoms wero em
closed, the levees necessarily increased
iu height. The average height of tho
levees iu Louisiana above New Orleans,
is now between 13 nnd 13 feet, nnd this
heigh'1' proved insufficient in tho great
flood of 1807. This flood indicates to
tho official engineers that three or foni
teet additional will be required.
Fortunes Appropriated.
Millions nnd millions of dollars have
been appropriated by the federal gov'
eminent for tho building of these levees
nnd other constructions intended to
protect the surrounding country lrom
floods, and millions more must be ap
propriatod by every congross to como
unless other stops nro taken to provent
these llooda. These measures ot tho
government aro merely palliative; they
Uo not go to tho root of the evil. The
report of Captain Hiram Chittenden, of
the government engineer coips, how
over, ahows that there is a way to
strike at tho trouble itsolf, and largely
prevent the floods instead of trying to
pnolose them betwoeu bauka after thoy
navo bo co mo such.
Storage ICeservnlra.
3e shows iu his official report thnt.
by tho building of n series of great
storage reservoirs at tho head wators of
tno Missouri, floods can bo prevented
through tho diverting of the excess of
waters into these artificial lakea.
Surely thia ia something for congress
to give Ita nttentiuu to, Iloro is a
practical plan. An ounce of preven
tion is worth a pound of euro. Con
grosa will go nhoad appropriating mil
lion8 Ovory session for flood prevention
without a question, but it will not ap
propriate tho sanio amount for a plan,
which, according to tho government's
own engineers, promises far greater ro
suits. Ol course, tho storing of tlisso
reservoirs wonld menu the reclamation
of largo tracts of land to irrigation;
but this need not worry congress, even
its Eastern members, for the Eastern
merchants are already alivo to the situ
ation, aud realizo that tho reclamation
of the arid West would open to them
tho finest market in the world.
Confessed to ltobbery.
Snn Franoisco, Oot. 8. A mnn giv
ing the name of Frank W. Travora has
surrendered himaolf to tho police, al
leging thnt ho robbed hia brother, D.
R. Travers, of 41 Park Row, Now
York, of 1,000, last July. Ho anya
tlmt ho stolo the money from tho cash
drawer after his brothor had rofusod to
lend it to him.
I.loyd MoKlin (lurrlmm Dead.
Spriugflold, Mass., Oct. 8. Lloyd
McKini Garrison, aged 83 years, a Now
York attornoy, is dead nfter an illness
of about six weeks with typhoid fever.
Ilo was a rolativo of William Lloyd
Garrison, the note abolitiouist.
I'owder Kxploslon.
Shamoikn, Pa., Oct. 8. By nn ox
plosiou at ABb'ury Powdor Mills, near
hero, last night, two men were killed
and another was so badly burned that
be is not expected to recover.
Business Mot let Seriously
by Politics.
Brndstroot's says: Dospite somo ir
regularity both ns to demand and
prices, duo partly to warm rainy
wonther, but likowiso n reflection of n
hesitnnoy to embark largely in now
business, ponding' political ovonts, tho
general tone of trade is n favorable ono,
and confidence as to tho outlook for
business in tho xemninder of thu year
is notnblo. Somo diminution in tho
volumo of jobbing business is notod nt
large Western centers, nnd continued
rainy weathor In tho Northwost nliko
checked tho movement of whoatto mar
kot, injures tho grade of tho same, and
discourages retail nnd jobbing distri
bution. Ten cent, cottou is tho koy to
tho very favorable report which cornea
from tho South and the character of ro
ports from this soction is moro nearly
favorable than for ninny yoara past at
this timo.
Tho indisposition to contract heavily
as to tho futnro is perhaps most markod
in tho iron and steel 'trado aud horo,
also, tho most markod tendeuoy toward
weakness in tho cruder forms of pro
duction ia noted.
The industrial outlook has boon im
proved by tho signing of tho tlnplato
scale, but tho anthracite coal situation
is, on tho snrfaco at least, rather mora
unfavorable than n week ago, mora
mines nnd miners being idle und pro
duction steadily diminishing.
Spocial strength ia noted iu provis
ions aud hog products, iu which tho
very stroug statistical positiou is ro-
,coiving moro attention.
Wheat, including ilonr, shipments
for tho week, aggregate 4,450,107 bush
els, against 4,242,810 busbela last
Business failnres in tho Uuitod States
for the week numbered 177. as against
160 last week.
Seattle Markets.
Onions, new, l&c.
Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate
Potatoes, new, $15.
Beets, per sack, 85c
Turnips, per sack, 75o.
Beans, wax, 4c.
Sqnash 4c.
Carrots, per sack, $1.00
Parsnips, per sack, $1.25. '
Cauliflower, native, 75c.
Cucumbers 1020o.
Cabbage, native and California,
?o per pounds.
Tomatoea 30 50?.
Buttor Creamery, 2Go dairy, 10
19c; ranch, 10c ponud. f
Egga 26c.
Cheese 12o.
Poultry 12o; dressed, 14o; spring,
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $12.00
13.00; choice Eastern Washington
timothy, $10.00.
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $25;
feed meal, $25.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50;.
blended straights, $3.25; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $0.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
flour, $3.25; rye flour, $3.804.00.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $12.00;
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $80.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beol
steers, prico 7 Mo; cows, 7c; mutton
7; pork, 8c; trimmed, 0c; veal, 9
Hams Large, 13c; small, lSXi
breakfast bacou, 12c; dry salt sides.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla. 6550o;
Valley, 59c; Blueatem, 59o per bushel.
Flour Beat grades, $3.10; graham,
Oats Choice white, 42c; choice
gray, 40o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $15.00 15.50;
brewing, $10.00 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $14.50 ton; mid
dlings, $20; shorts, $10; chop, $15 per
Hay Timothy, $12 13; clovor,$7
7.50; Oregon wild hay, $07 per ton.
Buttor Fanoy creamery, 4555o;
storo, 30c.
Eggs 20o per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13o;
Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo
per pound.
Poultry Chiokens, mixed, $3.60
3.50 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs,
$2.003.00; goose, $0.008.00 doz;
ducks, $3.005.00 per dozen; tnrkeys.
live, 14o per pcfand.
Potatoes 4055o per Back; swoets,
ljo per pouna.
Vegetables Boots, $1; turnips, $1;
per eaok; garlic, 7o por pound; cab
bage, 2o per pound; parsnips, 85o;
onions, $1; carrots, $1.
Hops Now crop, 1214o por
Wool Valley, 1510o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 1013o; mohair, 25
per pound.
Mutton Grosa, bc8t sheep, wethers
and ewea, 3feo; dressed mutton, G
7o por pound.
Hoga Gross, ohoico heavy, $5.75;
light nnd feeders, $5.00; dressed,
$0.000.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.504.00;
cows, $3.ooos.ou; uressea beef, 0
7o per pound.
Veal Largo, 0574o; small, 8
8Ko por pound.
Ban Franoisco Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, ll18opex
pound; Eastern Oregon, 10J4o; Val
ley, 1018o; Northern, 0I0o.''
Hops Crop, 1900, 1314o.
Butter Fancy creamery 28o:
do aeoonda, 2027jo; fanoy dairy.
25o; doeocouda, 23o per pound.
Eggs Store, 28o; fanoy ranoh.
Millstuffs Middlings, $18.00
23.00; bran. $15.5010.60.