Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 12, 1900, Image 2

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unu iuiimiiuu
roblUhcd Kvery Friday
tmiitrnnTn DbVASi Al iun
Compreheniilva llovlow of the Import
ant Happenings of tho rilit Week
Culled l'rum the Telegraph Columns.
Fighting has
btokon out ngnin in
Shnn Ilfli Kwan forts surrendered
tho British.
A plot to assassiuato President Mo
Klnley hns been discovered.
In a train hold-up near Counoil
Bluffs, ono robbor was killed.
Fassohgcrs on No mo 6teamorvwere
Taciiiated on account of now outbreak
of snmllpox in Alaska. .
Evidenco claimed to hare boen found
-which proves that Mount Baker ruinos
flro not in American toiritory.
In an explosion at tho Corning Pow
der Works nt Santa Cruz, Cal., 0.
II crier, an employe, was killed, and J.
Valencia was fatally injured.
Portuguese officials at Lourenco
Marqnos have warned President Kruger
to make no more speoohes and forbid
his wearing insignia of office.
Tho latest report of cotton damage
to the stato of Toxns by tho recent
floods places the estimates at 400,000
bales. The vnluo is estimated at not
less than $20,000,000.
Boors captured a British convoy and
wrecked "n train. Of the convoy's
escort of CO men only 12 escaped and
in the train wreck, fivo Britons were
killed and 10 injured.
The population of Arkansas, as offi
cially announced by the United States
census bureau, is 1,811,564, an in
crease over the population of 1890 of
183,385, or 10.25 per cent. ,,
General Wood, commanding tho
United States forces in Cub, has made
Ms annual report to the war depart
ment. It contains bis recommendation
that all troops in Cuba bo mounted, to
gether with an account of the with
drawal of the troops during the past
year. The health of the tioops, ho
Bays, has been good, and their conduct
is commended.
C. E. Gallaway, aged 89, died at
Denver. Colo., from injuries received
by being struck by a tramway car.
Ho was believed to bo the oldest news
paper editor in the United States He
was born in Portage county, O., Feb
ruary 13, 1812, learned the printing
trade in Lawrenceville, Ind., and pub
lished and edited newspapers in Ohio,
Illinois, Missouri and Utah.
The allies captured Shan Hai Kwan.
Germans routed a Boxer force noar
Roosevelt received a gTeat ovation in
Lincoln, Neb.
Hanna spoke in Chicago on tho Tam
many ice trust.
Minister Wu confirms tho reported
indictment of Prince Tuan.
Prospects are again good for settle
ment of the Chinese question.
British election returns continue to
Bhow large Conservative gains.
A business block at Shariiko, Or.,
was completely destroyed by fire.
Daily Democrats of Montana, nomi
nated Thomas S. Hogan for governor.
Massachusetts Democrats nominated
a full stato ticket, headed by Robert
Treat Paine, Jr.
A negro fiend was burned at tho
stake at Wctumpka, Ala., for an at
tempted criminal assault.
The population of the city of Seattle,
as officially announced by the United
States census bureau, is 80,671, as
against 42,837 in 1800, an increaso of
37,834, or 88.32 per cent.
Tho Peruvian cabinet has resigned,
owing to a unanimous vote of censure
by congress, being inevitable as a re
sult of .tho scandal in connection with
tho purchase of arms in Belgium and
the alleged nse by Senor Belamunde,
ex-minister of finance, of government
funds for his private transactions.
According to semi-official state
ments, tho Russian naval estimates for
1901 show a total o'f 97,007,666 rou
bles, an increase of 10,000,000 roubles
for the current year. The ordinary ex
penditure swallows 60,000,000 roubles,
of which 16,000,000 is intended to'
strengthen the fleot, 3,000,000 roubles
for harbor work at Libau, 2,000,000
roubles to be expended at Vlndivostock
and 3,000,000 at Port Arthur.
Kate Carmaok, wife of Georgo Car
mack, the Klondiko millionaire, filed
a suit in tho superior court at Ilollls
ter, Cal., for divorce, allegiug deser
tion and infidelity. She demands half
of tho oommuuity property, which con.
elite of valuable Klondike mines, real
estate in Seattle and other places, and
large sums deposited in Hollistor, San
Francisco and Seattle banks. The en
tiro property is appraised at $1,500,
000. Carmaok proposes to contest tho
suit, and a sensational trial is anticipated.
A man in North Missouri is named
South AVost.
Lord Roberts is duo in London on
November 1. Buller is to command in
South Africa.
Tho postal service establishment of
tba United States is the greatest busi
ness concern in tho world.
Belgium uses mora tobacco! in pro
portion, than any other country, about
110 ounces per capita yearly, while
Italy uses only 23 ounces.
Bryan mado 14 spooohos in Sotthorn
Tho Chiuoso court refuses to toturn
to Pokiu.
Franco is anxious to onuox Yunnan
Russian troops may withdraw from
Chamborlain is mentioned as a pos
sible successor of Salisbury.
Tho ministerial majority in tho Brit
ish parliament will bo from ICO to 160.
Trados Couuqtl orders striko on Seat
tle's buildiugs. Ovor 1,000 men are
Tho Boors now occupy Wopnor, as
well aB Rouxvillo and Picks-burg, in
Orango Rivor colony, and tho British
are attempting to surround them.
Fivo porsons woro killod and 75 in
jured in a railway collision at Karls
thor, Germany. Tho accident was due
to an orror in signaling. Ono official
has been arrested.
Andrew C. Armstrong, ono of the
founders of Scribuor's Magazine, and
ono of the oldest publishers in Now
York city, died at his country home
nt Stamford, Conn., agod 71.
Fivo thousand pilgrims assomblod at
tho St. Nlkandoi monastery, in the
Porkhoff district. St. Petersburg, for
n roHglo'us festival. During tho night
ono of the upper Moors collapsed and
many of thoso sleoplug thcro fell upon
those below. A panic was caused by a
falso alarm of fire, and four men and 36
women woro crushed to death, many
others being seriously injured.
Arrangements for building 8,000
freight cars for tho Baltimore & Ohio
railroad by tho Tollman Company, at
Pullman, 111., has been completod.j
Tho contract calls for 2,500 box cars, i
each with a capacity of 60,000 pounds,
and 500 flat cars. Tho total cost of tho
rollinc stock will be $1,865,000. This
is tho second largo .order for freight
equipment given by tho Baltimoro &
Ohio management within tho last week.
Tho first order was for 6,000 steel cars,
to cost $6,000,000.
Having found tho natives of Tutuila
fit to serve as policemen and maintain
peace and order, Commander B. F.
Tilley believes they would uiako excel
lent soldiers to man tho fortifications
of Pango Pango harbor. In private
letters to officers on duty he has indi
cated that they would make effective
artillerymen. To enlist a regiment of
natives, it would be necessary to ob
tain special authority from congress.
The natives who are acting as police
men were enlisted by Commander Til
ley as landsmen. It is likely, how
ever, that a forco of marines will be
permanently stationed at Pango Pango.
The Boers aro-active in Orange River
Roosevelt spoko to two big meetings
in Chicago.
Japanese troops aro withdrawing
fiom China.
Bourke Cockran discussed the issues
in Topeka, Kansas.
Tho battleship Texas may be perman
ently retired from Bervice.
A collision on the Great Northern
line near Seattle resulted in tho death
of an engineer and the serious injury
of another.
A tornado struck tho town of Biwa
bik, in Northern Minnesota, killing
nine persons, injuring several others
and doing damage to the amount of
The secretary of the interior has de
cided to dispose of the Indian lands
ceded to the Chippewus in Minnesota,
amounting to 74,125 acres. They con
sist of pine and agricultural lands.
Firo on tho docks of the Atlantic
Transport Line, in tho North river.
New York, destroyed one of the piers
of tho company, with all tho merchan
dise on it, entailing a loss of $175,000.
Tho population of tho city of Taco
ma, Wash., according to the United
States census for 1000, is officially an
nounced as 37,104, acainst 36,001 in
1890, an increase of 1,708, or 4.84 por
It is officially announced by tho cen
sus bureau that tho population of the
state of Now Hampshire is 411,588.
In 1890, the population was 370,530,
the increase being 35,058, or 9.30 per
Li Hung Chang has ordered tho re
lease and safe escort to Pekin of five
Belgian engineers and 15 missionaries,
who have been kept prisoners many
weeks at l'no Ting Fu. Li Hung
Chang is apparently doing his utmost
to please the powors.
At Trenton, N. J., Eddie MoBrldo,
10 years old, died from burns received
while playing "Indian" with compan
ions. MoBride was tied to a stake and
his clothing saturated with gasolino
and then ignited. The boy broke loose
and ran screaming to his home, where
he died.
Tho war department has approved
an exhaustive opinion by Judge Advocate-General
Liober to tho effect that
absentees from a voluntoor regiment,
save prisoners of war, aro discharged
from the service .on the samu date upon
which their organization is mustered
out. The decision was important as
arfooting tho pay and status of many
officers serving on detached duty.
Wellington. Oct. O.-Au , 1.. erosu K
, 1 picture of tho TranMaal nnd hei K-
At Least Nine Lives Lost and
I n a rei.ort to tho Mate ln' "
Unted Knifes
Tiir nil in
lilt ML LI CO
Many Injured.
Chinoso Court Will Not
turn to Pekin.
Locmnotlvon Were Shifted From tin
Track nnil J'ouuded Into Seriililron
Mluca lllanblod.
niwabik, Minn., Oct. 0. Tho tor
nado that raged in this vicinity last
ovonlng was most violont. Tho .storm
cut a pathway 150 foot in width
through tho iiorthwostorn cornor ol the
town, completely wreoKing roverni
buildiuus. Tho property loss is osti
I mated at $100,000 and tho known fa-
talitios number nine, with n scoio oi
I moro injured, Bomo severely.
Tho storm swopt in n northwesterly
direction aftor leaving hero and struck
a littlo Finnish tottlcmout near Pike
lake, whero a number of building
were wrockod, in ono of which an en
tiro family, consisting of husband, wife
and four childion, woro instantly
killed. So far thoir names havo not
boen obtained. It is believed when
tho more remoto districts are heard
from further casualties may bo ro
The house in which tho Marowita
family lived was completely wrecked,
and tho body of Mrs. Muruwltz was
found 400 foot away, ovory bono in
her body bolng broken and her clothing
completely stripped off. Tho body ol
her husband was found amid tho debris
of their homo horribly mutilatod.
William Ililstrom was Btruck on the
head by a falling treo and his skull
crushod. Ho afterward diod at tho j
Tho engine houseof tho Duluth, Mis-,
sissippi & Northorn railway was com. ,
pletoly wrecked and a numbor of loco-'
motives and cars wero shifted from the 1
tracks and pounded into ecrnplron.
The engine on which Murray and An-'
derson wero when tho storin broke was ,
blown from tho track and tho men ,
were pinned beneath it and horribly i
burned by tho escaping steam. Sev
eral cars wero blown from tho Duluth,
Mississippi & Northern tracks and wre I
found in tho Duluth mine pit, him-1
dreds of feet away. Many of the
buildings destroyed wero owned by the
mining companies, and tenanted by ,
thoir employes. Tho ahaftbouse and
buildings of three minss were reduced !
to kindling wood. 1
The tornado which lasted less than i
flvo minutes, was preceded by an uu .
usually severe thunder and rain etorni. ',
Tho rain has flooded many of the open
pit mines, and they cannot be operated
for some time.
in a ropurv mli
from Unted Mines ""';
Sto ve, at Capo Town, dated Angu.t
i7 lrtH . Ho had just returned to the
Cai o from a trip through the two ro
yZiT Ho says that for hundred
It miles U tho wire fencing 1 d
and cannot bo used aptin. I 1
havo boon burned tor iuui
replaced with iron postn, owiuit to tlio j
11 1 : . ... i... ri.. ii im'tni! ill
comparod with
s.-nroitv of timber.
. to llmitlld.
jiruti.a "" .,. ,, ilirL.n
former years, ami muiu
market for American cereals. J
March, IDOL agricultural maehlnorj
will Wo wantod.
Meat and livestock will continue o
bo imported. Johannesburg had only
thrco days' supply ot moat when Mr.
Stowo left the town. W hilu tho Boors
who havo returned aro anxious to get
to work, sovoral months must olapxo
boforo things sottlo down to a normal
basis. The government is building a
now lino of railway from Ilnrrismith
to connect with tho Orango Colony sys
tem, so that tho Netherlands railway,
with its 200 por cent dividends, will
no longer havo a monopoly in tho
Transvaal. There will bo , big do
maud for bridge material and olootrical
mahcinery and supplies.
Lord ltoborts has appointed an nd
visory comuiittco to assist him in tho
reopening of Johannesburg, and to so
euro tho rotum of the mining popula
tion, which tho prosperity of tho town
dopends upon. It is questionable
whother an nndosirablo olemout com
mon to all mining towns will be al
lowed to return to Johannesburg.
Explosion of 7.SOO round of Dynnmlte.
Duluth, Minn., Oct. 9. A special
from Eveleth, Minn., .tonight, reports
n disastrous explosion; Seven thous
and live Hundred pounds of dynamito
in tho powder magazine at tho Prucc
mine, situated a half milo from town,
blew up about 5:30 o'clock this after
noon. A holo 100 feet square ami 25
feet deep marks the spot whero the
magazine stood. The forco of the ex
plosion was so great that it smashed
every pane of glass within a radius of
two miles. Tho mine laboratory and
warehouses were totally wrecked.
At leabt 200 peoplo were hurt moro
or loss from being thrown down by tho
shock or hit by shattered glass. The
explosion was plainly felt at Biwabik,
12 miles distant. Tho cause of the ex
plosion is unknown.
Tnii Line In Coniplelrd nnd the Flril
Melange Sent to HciHttle Ytxlerdnjf.
Scattlo, Oct. 0. Tho first telegram
from Skagway to Soattlo, marking on
epoch in tho history of business bo
tweon Alaska and tho outsldo world,
was rocoived hero today. Tho timo oc
cupied by tho messago in transit was
seven hours, which, however, will bo
reduced ouo-half as noon as the lino is
in working order and businoss roducod
to a system.
Tho" souto taken by tho messago was
from Skagway to Atlin, thonco over
tho old Atlin-Lillooct lino to tho
Fraser river, thonco to Ashcroft and on
to Vaucouvor, from which placo it wan
sent to Seattle.
The lino over which It passod to Van
couver is that which tho Canadian
government has beeu engnged in con
structing for the paht four months. It
is not yet completed, and will not bo
for about a week. Howover, in order
to got the first message through today,
a toaiporary lino was put up connect
ing tho unfinished portion between
Lillooet and Afihcroft. and in this man
ner the transmission of tho mosuigo
was accomplished.
According to tho reports rocoived
hero todav, tho wholo work of tho Ca
nadian government will bo concluded
by October 10, alter whioh tho through
lino will be open for commercial busi
Vl.rlr I'lrnl Kliip Win Miiiln nt Tnl Tumi,
hut the I'lni'K ' N"1 '"'"l'l""'
it Hf On
Washington, Out. 10. Tho effort to
induce tho Chimino imperial court to
return to 1'okhi linn filltl. alter u
wouk's poulstniit olTort on tho part of
tho poior. Nowh to that olTuot wmh
brought to tho stato department today
by tho Chlnonu iiilnlctor, who received
it via St. rotorshiirg from Viceroys
Liu Kinn Ylh and Chang Chili Tung,
under date of October 4. Mlnlntr Wu
rrti-olved tho mesmigo last night. It
1 was as lollows:
"Tho departure of thoir imperial ma
jeatloH for Shen Hi (province) was duo
to distressing condition at Tal Yuan
Fu. There is a scarcity of food nup
plies in tho provinco of Khan Si "
count of tho long continued drouth and
! urni lncial capital (Tal Yun) in ill-
nioct desortod, tho tradtw people having
loft on account of tho (lUtiirbiincurf
paused and continued for moutliH by
tho Boxer rebols, who had Invaded that
provinco with tho encouragement of
Govornor Yti. Their inajotlen, there-1
foro, woro obi Igod to proceed totilieu'
Slfil, where telegraphic communication
, with Shanghai and other parts of th
omplro is open and rapid comimiiiloai
tion with their mnjontioH may theroforo
bo carried on, thus court mid olllulal
businoHs may bo transacted more oxpu-
ditiuusly by thoir prcnouco in Shen Hi,
rather than in Shan Si.
I "Tho reawns for tho tomporary post-,
poneinent of their majesties' return to
Pokin aro tho presence of tho allieit
forces thoro, on account of which no
licitous fear la doubtless entertained, 1
' bofliles a danger of tho outbreak of epi
demic disease, which usually follown '
after groat dihturbaucos, destruction of ,
property and military operatlou. It
is hoped that the power will bo con-
ilderato in thoir judgment in this mut
ter." Tho important feature of tho inciwigo
is tho confession that tho court is ro-,
strained by fear of tho allied forces j
from returning to Pekin. Tho move
ment takes tho emperor and cm pro
dowager about 300 miles farther away ,
from I'okin, though, according to tho 1
ttatomciits contained in the messago by ,
reason of tho direct telegraphic com-
muuication with Shanghai tho court '
practically will bo nearer for tho pur-
iioses of negotiations with tho ouUido
world, than it was nt Tal Yuan.
''Km, in ltl nj, V-MUh
Manila, Oct. l, .V"' '
nn t Itu it ti.l
niiir trnoK. .
"Vt C(llllMlH(if , ' "
havo recent v rclnfuiin.i ' '"'"Hrr
KitntH nrn concentrating n, . '"m.
tnliiKof North mi Houtli nV
iicom under tl, Iea,le,Hilp , " A
the iix-oonuuuiilcatod nrL ,' TH
General Tlnlo and (i(,III)rill
uavo, who had b,mu 1
time, are now Hhowin,. LiLi ,
ig notlvo as tho eml (,i n, "... ,,Cl0'-
oa approached.
Of llltu tlliirn In.,, l
eautiiiir mid nklrmi.i,,,,, iTT
ineox of Abra and N..,.i. n . !'"
without duclslvo ,hii. T.i-',ll0,rt
t -"ilMl
limt'iii'itt ili.i
HllplnoN uro more i.lkllliiltl,ni ,!w
lyundthnt tho llidd !
AiMorlcat.H are being f.dlowc.l b,V
Hcnor Matenl. tl,0 (,,' ft"1,
nillml Filipino govon,,. 1 J
captured by thu Aimirte,,,,. i:t ,? "i
nor ami lodged m j,m , '
noon iliieratod. ,n , ,, w
HistontlyrefiiH,,! to take ,
leglauco to the United Kttc 1,
iiiont ho had
i.ioy nun limiOVO (..l I,.",
reached a nrlvnti. Illlil.....!... it l
tho American authorities 'wl,fPi,5
Kociiroil bu mi ' wmcfli,,
he has lost coino of' U , l!'.!M1,J,
thougli ho U Httll consuUm,,) th ,J
of tho dormant rovolutiuiiMrj doZ
ThlMwook tho coinmision wu3
thuw-orkof reviling the trlff, ,S
tiso of thn rnmi l .... u
nt tin. iifiiii. I......i ... .! .
. . .17 iiiiimiiwil 111 II In minu .
to give Ainorlcaii trade a better club!
A Wliolo Krclment Will lis Sent to
Washington, Oct. 0. Tho following
cablegram has beeu received at tho war
,, . - ...... ! claim deed
MuauiiH, uct. o. rirsi iniantry i iin,inr,1M
lloem Short of Aminnnltlon.
London, Oct. 9. It is estimated, ac
cording to tho Piotermaritzburg corre
spondent of tho Daily Mail, that 4,000
to 5,000-Boers have retreated from Pil
grim's Best, northeast of Lydenburg,
with four long toms and 22 other guns.
Tile correspondent understands that
their long torn ammunition is almost
Lord Boberts, tho Dail Mall an
nounces, will leave South Africa dur
ing tho last week of October. Tho au
thorities have decided to limit tho
number of colonial troops who are to
bo the queen's guests in London to 500.
goes to
Ilundiirniirn Mllilnc I'roprrlr That U'm '
I. oft ljr Dying Pluura.
St. Paul, Oct. 10. Through tho'
publication of a dispatch in today's ,
Pioneer l'rcsn, Mrs. 11. K. Butterilold,
1 of this city, has discovered that sho is
f 200,000 wealthier than sho imagined. ,
In 1890, while on tin excursion to tho 1
Pacilla coast, sho became acquainted .
with Thomas P. ilarkin, of Boston,
also a member of thu party. They bo
camo engaged and tho wedding data
was fixed. Shortly after Ilarkin wa
taken sick nnd died. Befuro his death
ho exooutod for his affianced n quit
to a mining property in
Communication with tho
r, r .i it' . ' Iloudiirau government oIllcialM led to
General Haro is to com-, .,, i.i...i i i
mand the island, with orders to push ! UonM.II naT
T"?'1,iT"01c. i0",SBt,Ln!,u.1 ,for. Last winter, however, thu
""1" J T8 . " ' a"? neatly increased in value nnd the
lllf iniiimittTi. it I Ulttllll
WAUailHIUit" -,
than it has heretofore eujoved tZ
to tho lilgh duties. 1
Tho tranHportH Kumiier and ym,
iniiu ruiiuil mr IMU ISIIIIIll o JJidf,
uuqiui, on tnu west coait of Luioo (w.
rying two battailous. Tho fonwrhj
nlruady arrived tliori. Tlio M9W
Logan will reinforce tho Twentoim
uiiiiuu Btates iniantry uovriaJlaa.
IVopln Itrqulri. Mxlrrlnl (, llulld Db,
Onlvoston, Toxhh, Oct. 10.-Jlia
Clara llarton, president of the Sato,
al lted CrorH f-'ociuty, today lm,i t
Ktatement to tho umnufictartriM
busluess men of the countr; luibirii
mio appeals to them (or aid lntbtn;
of initerlal to bo used In tb hi:dii
of houioH for tlioju uho loitthtiri'il
in thu recent xtorm. It it Utntd
"To tho iiiuuufactiirorH and oWns
lumber, harilwaru, builder's niitriiti
und liousoholil goods end to UeM
noHs men in general of tho I'cifci
States," and nays:
"Wo believe it is roliahlriutaitbi
there is not ono house in the en oil
tho storm undamaged by it, Ahr;;
proportion of those p"rooi fond;
occupiytig them uro strict!; (Dtlit'j
without houioH or oven itclttr, un
mich as pomonn nearly as dtitirotoi
thomsolves can nlfer them temporiK'
to thoir own great iiicoutelean ui
"Tho number of this homelMti'i
is extimutcil nt 8.000 or more. 1VI
is less than two month fl &
'though a mild climate, (till ioou'
ico aro known hero. If tenuvotl!
protect, whioh they will not, tbe
would not hold thorn dtwn. in
substantial nheltcr must U Ui ij
on co for those peoplo.
"Tho havoc wrointht by tbtora
Galvoston nt onco was much Utff
loss of llfo and property tlmn t Jo-
town, but thu donations lu moneji,
far hnvo nuurcL-ated one-tlilnl li
both tho city and mainland tbiaw
to that had it in charge offcro.1 ; Kiyeti at Johnstown,
s attorney 200,000 for n quit I , "While the Iwiiutlfnl ontjHj
deed from Miss (iiillin. j I the pcoplo's generosity has eBabWi.
Ponrls are boing found in great quan
tities in tho Black and St. Francis riv
ers, in southwest Missouri.
General Richard O'Grady Holy, the
new commander-in-chief of tho British
.troops in Canada, won tho distinguish
ed service order in the Egyptian expe
dition of 1882.
During tho Inst threo years Russia
has been colonizing Siberia as far ns
possible. At least 200,000 colonists
havo been sent iuto the country over
the Trans-Siberian railway.
Crime of un IiKane Mother.
New Yoik. Oct. 8. Mrs. Lillian
Smith, of Inwood, borough of Manhat
tan, while insane this afternoon shot
and killed two of her children, wound
ed a third and committed suicida.
Tho tragedy took place in tho old
Frank Leslie mansion. Mrs. Smith
was the wife of Walter N. Smith, who
has been connected with a largo grocery
house in this city for 21 years. They
had been married 13 years, Mrs,
Smith had beon in poor health of Into,
nnd long brooding over the prospect of
death is believed to have uusottled hor
American Collier Floated.
Suez, Oct. 0. The American steam
collier Emir, which recently sank in
tho Suez canal whilo on her way to
Manila with coal for tho American
fleet, but was successfully floated yes
terday, has arrived nt Suoz roads. Sho
is unable, howover, to outer tho port,
as sho draws too much water. Her
cargo is being discharged, nnd divers
will oxamino hor bottom to ascertain
the extent of hor injuries.
Penry Not Yet Comlnc Home.
St. Johns, N. F., Oct. 0. The fail
ure of tho Peary exploring steamer
Windward to return from tho north
leads local observers to botlevo that
the explorer will not attempt to get
back this autumn. Probably tho sen
eon just passed was an opon ono in tho
far north. Should that havo beon tho
cnBe, uieuionnuii reary is likely to
have taken the Windward into some
high latitude, hoping to nse her in a
j further expedition next season,
Tho above dispatch rolatos to rein
forcements sent to tho Island of Marin
duque, where Captain Sliiolds und 51
men of tho Twenty-ninth volunteer in
fantry were either killed or captured
by the insurgents. At that time Gon
eral MacArthur sent Colonel Anderson
Hnd two companies' of tho Thirty
eighth volunteer infantry, with tho
Yorktown and two gunboats, to tho ro
liof of Shields and his command, if
they wero still alive.
Collision nt Hun I'runcUoo.
San Francisco, Oct. 0. Tho naval
reserve ship Marion and the United
States ship Banger wero in collision
this morning and both were damuged
about tho lowor rigging and along tho
Captain Bollos and Bulger, local in
tpectors of steam boilers, comraoncod
an investigation today of tho cause of
tho collision betweou tho steamor
Columbia nnd tho ferryboat Berkolev.
The captains of tho two vossels nnd
mombers pf both crews wero oxaminod
as witnesses. Additional ovidence is
to bo takon and tho caso will then bo
submitted for decisiou.
Aiidrun'1 Oreenlnnd Kxplnrutlon.
Copenhagen, Oct. O.Lioutonaut
Andmp's Greenland expedition has ar
rived hero on board tho Antnrctlo. Tho
mombers of tho expedition explored
and approached a hitherto unknown
stretch of laud extending from Cape
Town, latltudo 00 degrees 28 minutes
north to Agassiz lund, 07 degrees 22
minutes north.
mannor, howovor, all traco of
I that young lady had boen lost and not
oven tho names of her parents colud bo
i found.
I Mrs. Butterfleld, on reading tho dis
patch today, at onco took stops to
identifv liorsolf ntlll will ulinrttir n.r.nlw.
tlm emu, cm.,, ...I, l,.l. l.. 1.. BliL'Ilt lMOIlRUrU of tllO
" ,...w. bumvn lu ill), ill no , - - . 4i..,n
ruimiuuo a manner, iior liuslianil In ,"41'" : '
i clerk in tho Great Northern Railway
unnnnil rolliif rmniiiittee ami tHll
Clow) to feed the hungry, clothe itj
naked nnd rendor tho strcetn of 0iIJ
ton partially passable, nothing mi
i .1 ..I mlnttltlSf til
jrufc uuuil lltJIIU luniuu v.-
impoverished survivors iu houses itJ
.. ------- ,.. ,
Tin I'lnte 31111a Iteauiun.
Pittsburg, Oct. 10. Thu Amoriciin
Tin-Plutu Company will havo in opera
tion this week 20 of its tlu-plato plants
put of 35 giving employment to ut least
35,000 workmen. Tho lin-plato com
pany employs iu nil ovor 50.000 work
rnon, und within a fow weeks, it is
"It til tnr tlin liurilOSO 01 aWU'
tho sympathlos of tho American pwf
and further nnnoa U112 to wui -i
.... . nw,.lll these IBUt'l
from tho hardships ttill wb(kb 1
!... ti,f dm forocoluK stale""1!
hnvo beon put forth."
m ."....lll'l'l.
Mnnlln.CVt. lO.-Thc report J
pturo of about 00 men ol tlioljw
fald, every plant in the country will bo SX&ltoton
m ?"T A 'L'" U' of duquo island is confirmed tM
i'"ii uuu mo ono 11,i0HnnH t Mnc.rtliuruuu..--.
nt Keunington started today, and tho ! lu"jTi ainuuibut detaiUM
others will follow
" u iiuDotuiu, in ,(,. ri'iA vnr au nu a
01 "V .,l ,n l" S. bolt Will i , ,"in,i t Tonijos
. . tf.n.
on iuo ,
Dutch WiiMlilp, Ordarnd South.
Shnnghni, Oct. 0. Tho Dutch war
ships Geldorland nnd Holland havo
suddenly boen orilored to Swatow nnd
Arnoy respectively.
Cliarned Willi Halley'ii Murder.
nllnco, Idaho. Oct. 6. Tho corou.
er s inquost on tho body pf Matt Mui
ley, who was murdered Monday morn-
in, tuuunmuu tonny. Tlio
cointnntinn tmifr.lif ti.wl t... i ,
... W.B..., ,v ,, ouu ut j pnimt and uiarcHuu -
tho week every ono of tho 20 will bo I Cruz which w s the proposed rW
otieratiuir to thoir full ,.n,mn(r rn. i yruz' wnlt". w" ... .... .i.ot uncoil'"'
Plants have beeu idio OnSTi I '? J?? T oV 8
dolinlto regarding tho Pt,JJji i
tion of tho scale in Juno last.
HItimtloti In Siinto Homlngo,
Santo Domingo, Oct. 10, Tho gov
ernment has dooiood the suspension of
the constitutional guarantees on no
count of tho revolutionary movement
in tho intorior, headed by Gduoral
Bichardo, although it is acsortod that
order han boon restorod nnd that Bioh
nrdo hus boen enpturod. All is quiot
Dlatniai In Cubit,
Hnvana, Oct. 10. Govoruor-Gonoral
Wood, who roturnod yosterday from n
tour of investigation in tho provinco of
Enutn Uara, reports only a partial re
covery from the effoats of thn in
that section of tho island. Althonch
hu fuuud no actual want in thn diatri.,
of Saucti Spiritus, for iiistnnco, thore
was great need of assistance to nllovi
"to ngrioultural dlstroEs.
fnr1lnf nskfid fnr iv tin tnnnlntnnlU.. I r- i.1
charges Ed Bice with the crime. Hico PpiHtus, nnd hns boen granted by Gen
is in custody. mi Wood f (ho luor ? ue
is nossiblo that tho robols have (
od tho cajitives to Luzoik
Cnlctn, Oct. lO.-An
od drought is provan.i.H v e0
of Chachar nn.l BlHiot. provtaj
Ba,n, causing the
regurd to the tea nnd othor croj.
' in0,0
riilladelphli Sent -hl Cl-'
Philndolphia, Oct. J"- itlIen
contributions mado uy ' he Tt
UU . nil I
intldne. am-
I! Hi
19 fi
fiit nitv to tho roiioi l""
flood sufferers now "MW, trlj
Tills is exclusive ' 'C. LfH
londs of provisions, uiui.-n.
othor utriolos sont
ruddier.' StrIM " " jje
ton. a reduction rom ff. " y,
resumed touny nu
'0. I
e i