LOS LA KJi. SALT Plans for the immediate con struction of the I,os Angeles and Suit L,akc railroad have been con smnated in Chicago by Senator Clark of Montana, the multi millionaire. The new company has nbsorbed the franchise and property of the Ios Angeles Terminal Com pany. This provides for the en trant of the new railway into the Southern California metropolis. The Morman church 1ms practically promised a terminal site in the Utah capital, and Pioneer Square, a tract of 10 acres, in the center of the city, will be turned over to the railway for its passenger and freight stations. Hetween the ter mini the whole unopened south west will be spanned. The Sierra Nevada will be pierced through one of its southern passes, and the su lueinacv of the Southern Pacific Railway, hitherto uuch 1 mged cn the Pacific Coast, will be effectually broken, at least in Southern Call fornia. The death' of Collis P, Huntington removed the last ob stacle to the "success of the Clark- Kerens system. The construction will require $25,000,000 in ex penditure. The syndicate has its eye on a vast commercial develop ment. Southern Utah and Eastern Nevada contain coal and the best iron ore, besides precious metals. The region will some day be the Pennsylvania of the West. R. C. Kerens of St Louis is one of the chief promoters and in reference to which he says: "We contemplate a second Illinois Steel Works there. We mean to make the iron and steel for the entire Pa cific West. Surveys have revealed the richness of the country through which we shall pass in the useful metals, and we propose to establish great smelters and metal works." PAT IIOGAN AND IIRYAN. IT HAPPENED IX A DKUti STORE. "Ono day last winter n lady came to my drug store and asked for a brand of cough medicine that I did not have in stoek," saya Mr. C. It. Grundin, the popular druggist of Ontario, X. Y."She wfis disappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could recom mend. I said to her that I could freely recommend Cliamberlain's Cough Ilemedy and that she could take a bottle of the remedy and after giving it a fair trial if alio did not find it worth the money to bring back the bottle and I would refund tho price paid. In the course of a day or two the lady came back in company with a friend in need of a cough medicinu and advised her to buy a hottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." It is for sale by Hk.nsox Dkuo Co., Cottage Grove. Lvoxs& Ai'i'LnoATn, Brain Druggists. o- MAMMOTH Al'PLUS. Charles McFarland stormed this office on Monday with half a dozen monstrous apples grown on the T n rT- i 1 4 jameb ivici-anana rancn uom an orchard that is 35 years old and that has never been sprayed. They are Northern Spies, Roxbury and Baldwin varieties. The largest apple in the bunch measured 13 inches around. They are on the Nugget table for all to look at and evefyone is welcome to come and see mem. inner apples never grew anywhere. Thanks Charley. Kli Perkins tells the following story which speaks for itself in no uncertain tones: ''Pat," I said to Mr. Hogau, wl 0 runs our elevator. "I suppose you Tammany Irishmen are all going to vote for Bryan?" "No. bceorry, tuns a lot uv us goin' to vote again him," "And why?" I asked. "Because, sor, our Priest says Bryan has said n doze.i limes that he would call the sdJiers back irom Manila and lave six million hall-civilized Dagos to burn up our $20,000,000 worth of Catholic chinches in the Philippines. And what would become ol the 75,000 Catholic friars? What would be come of our poor Priests and the thousands of Catholic converts? Why the Aguiualdiaus would kill every Catholic priest and Catholic convert and burn every Catholic church on the island Our Priest said so on Sundav. Vote for Bryan! It will be a sad day for! our blessed Catholic religion when 1 we vote for Hryau! We don't care! about Bryan's fiee trade and free I silver, but do ye moiud now, the Oirish w'ill uiver give him a chance to have the free killing of 75,oco Catholics in Manila. You hear Pat Hogan. Tho practical fi'ulo of science la reflected in M IB U HI m wu v. nun CTWtl 1 Vftt? a N Cl W HUM W Ml 1 r.r Ata ' ' ' ' . I 1 - .. 1 .. f ! 1 1 H . I ill. A monthly publication of inestimable value to tno 8uu.cn, . .v scientillo problems, tho mcehani,, the industrial expert, tho manufacture , tho inventor-in fact, to every wideawake person who hopes to bette. iia condition by using his brains. Tho inventor, especially, will lu.d m i lie Patent Record a guide, philosopher and friend. Nothing f importance escapes tho vigilant eves of its corps of expert editors. Everything 1 pre sented in clean, concise fashion, so that tho busiest ljmv take tune to read and comprehend. Tho scientific and industrial progress o( tho ago is nccur. atclv mirrored in tho columns of The Patent Record, ami it is llm only publication in tho country that prints tho official news of the U. S. Patent Olllco and tho latest dovclopcments in tho field of invention without fear or favor. si-nscnn-TiON nun; oxk dom.au ":b vi:au. THE PATENT RE&QRE, Baftinwro, ffld. I llli'HK'" . I'.irlliuul . ir'tnl I ti l.'i n in j Allnnll" ! US irc ! 0 11 111 Via limit Iniihin I Hiuifclltio ' I'lyer i 111 H III A THOUSAND TOXUUKS Could not express the rapture of rVnnio E. Springer, of Philadelphia, when Dr. King's Xew Discovery cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. She says: "After all other remedies and doctors failed it toon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can tcaiccly rcmcuihei doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout the Universe. " Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed to uro ail troubles of the Throat, Chest Lungs. PriceSOt and $1.00. t uaranteed. Trial bottles free at Dkxsox Dkuo Co., Drugstore. The New York Staats-Zeitimg says the Germans insist upon a dollar of any kind of money being worth 100 cents no more and 110 less. Bryan will get no votes from men holding this view. XOTICE FOR PUiiLICATION. Ste HtiCTtilSE BIOtGLEli&LFRI cnnMroralt.T i rniVrr WillOVI t limvi 1.1 nur.tnuu, T-, r ' ?.? zmnZfl. htaiv ln !ln rjcu lh Uiloriiuiir felu ri.o 001.., "n, 1 m tT. ritSif'Ja yr ."'i'vri'i1 TW tf ni'i I 1 0. Hum ! 'nl, o'l r "i i" " "'iow 111 .1 r .. , in"o II i 1.1, l r ,v ).m.o..; : t It '(! " ' "'' ''.I'thS i' a'p.i fur It. n.nl .1 in i it "'' i m"" nlit rn in it iv oiip rl o. nfii It m il i i.l !". xprUM rlmrKl oUn(oi JTro "mONTKOSC" atcycto $fi O.50 at our HniTlal Aci'iit'n siiuiilr prlro ir I J l"u" pr,"t.-5t li 1' villi In 11 Moyde lor c.R.mI W. Kllfrnnlw. It PqlHl to ony fill wlwol on I hi' nurkrt nrnl j wi iit.il ! m .t y5Jy, ? -VK! IT joii il.i not ll ! ii 1 en-irr"cnt. "' I.M I.I I I. HUM I.I. Jl.VM I'A l't IllillS nml nk tlil HK-thml vt uukklr liilrtliifliii( our 1800 JlOPl.lJ'. TliK Ut it ik m'l" nliii'l t tliMlow prloeli ma.1olo-oro 11 lUaCfl AOENTm iAiliton to rrwMitu nndl.-ii.sonl.-ni. uurawnw niaku moiwjr ft. .,,. fc rni'fSfriOHTinMO Frame, -t,fl upWlwln IndlM. S3 Inch. lle iit LUtrillA I lUrtbl Miclliv Kiimli'i" till In lth rontl coniwo; hami lur lt..yal Arrhi-nm 111 till' iTlflirntml Mu I. tlMlxalul lialwcr Iho "i 1 nr ii.tr known-. I(,ror.l ".Vtln- i I an.1 oi.oiM!w tnp-tr.twu li,llnonlliuninil.i'l. Trr-in iiuliu" 1 Milnc-r llclriilo ml,!loi in' ' ils t. 'i anil itrmmrira I lie W t ol,uliial.li l.n.iu.i ltd la lilark. iniir.u.n ..r.oi h k-rocn. tilfrhlr tlnWiiil anil nrnainonli.li nwlal ll-u Uril nlcki line on alllirlitht ! Wo Ui..n.uhly Uton-rj r"" of mat -i-l.il Hi t t.-'oa Into thti uiaiUne. oui kluillmc jrur'a nuur nntoo lioml Willi I'al'h Mrrclo. ''rljrP f any oni" H-niUiiK Hi" l(UiOcah In full HH onlfr o win I eenl rrco a penuino iiurillrk iu,wu n wrrvi ,iiit'i iik. ,mclcr: ora U(.!i ifrailo Hour jiumiv oiir moiipy i.' irk If youaru not nliriin UUCCI O Wi iln not manuf-wtitro tho rlicaii iloiwrt InbSr nntr.LOi rnimtMorolilralnf vhrrla.MKhaaiiianjri.r npriu lurtiiaii ....-in. OTiarantrti nor riTOni in matlrr who it how Htn ml , i ,l,n .it'll, I arlll"!'. 1 vf,nnl.tyuto i:KN A liu-vri.i: iv-i-iau-1' itifi.ri'ti-,vUi. WtiMidi l ',! In i-aeh town far Uili nm iiniu.. U liara .i-pml lim ilnil tl ll.VMI IVUCIll.t t I i ' '' hi. ll k lllrlo-e out ct 13 t i plic !u a! .one mo thontrM n mii:ii, i -.! TJ l-loil,iU n-ry cluT-i ul I Tl i--tla I .1. OI'R A;iU,ri'V H uimuestlvlirJ. IVo rorir to e-n ! ar.k . - In. I lew llW'M In l lilini;... i r ai y ri"w or rat!roaUc"mivinr. IVov I! rr.a .m l.ittcM cf rvforenn ,'.i 'ft f: i tno la-ret bailta In ' 'n -a;o If "I. i YOUR CRiJSt! f5Ti.i,'cr Jcrv.. .V'fil?;;.1"-"" iUiOU" drl w u Imth I x MiimIiii h i in MKtirilii) III . m I, it hi '. Mllnltl) 7 n III 'li o lliur anil ul. I can1 l(lifln ;: .'i n in Dully Time Scheilnlo A inn Mi Hull l.llkll, I iiiuor. I'l. i l III Wiiilli.tiniiiliii.Uaii- MH t It)', HI. l.i.UlK, i lii.'iiKi' nrnl rmt, Kali Uko, lii'iMor. I t, 8. Uimi Uiillll,lllllilnl,l"ll- ibit ( liy. hi l.oul. l lllOHK" fttitl 1 R,t' Wnlln Unit. l.owU- 7iu tun. HiHikHiiu, Mill- llMtill.lt. HI. I'Alll, I iiriitli.MUwanl.oe, clili'iiK" mi'l tlCKIN TKMltHlif I Jim All mlllllK ililU'K IU JCHit III clliUIU for l'inil., -hill every .lit fti.UMIIt IMVKR . 1 1', in.. KrKANKIW l.x.Sumt'y Tn Aatnrln iiml Wny. IjlllilllIM. II HMHTf K ItlVrllt (:!) HI i iiPif.ni rtly, Now bent V.x . Huiul'y sulom nrnl Wny..iinil tnr. Vll.MMKrTK ASK !l:flOllll Y.UIIIII.L II1VWMH Mill). W.mI. Oie.'im city. Dayloit nlnl I'll, ninl Wiiy-UuiUm:. ' KN KK ItlVltH Jwvu lUi uilutii l.ulnm. IiiHiiim IMlly 1 ti n in M'MMiiXs. In the Clu.ir.i"i-"T. . 0..1P.... !,, ,r ; St., To I,. Umlellicu,, lif. , 1" the nan,.. it,, ' t.'" ""!: VII I... "" SllltHlif IV iiiimv ii,' ' L ,,:,""-lton ""M ' ii"i ciniri nixl ,.,,- ""wwt, " " ". Ill lllf I,, i ' ui Hum mini, , w ,., IOIW llilt Kill, I1IV, t. l..tJCr I?' i!!!' '.".,."u.,: ''-- - iiiiliupw IMIHMIT, (, ,.,,, ,,'"Hf tnku iiiuiiin.,.1 1 .. "'""Ilit m .! Ilioielield.,,,,,,,,!,,, i'X"1 wit: dinm.lw,,,, ii... ," c"'"'l'l.fiii behv.'..,, tl.,. Hi,,,,.,,! ,, ; I'l I Willi. "811 i um r ll III llli i ih H i,ii,,ai,.i . , piMHIHIlt'd mill u( 1 I' . . iniliv llllllliv, 'HtY,, iiiK'tia wi'i'k i'cr i.ri... a nil , ri..:, 1 W. H. HURLBURT General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. C "is ' Tvva- C-tV' Vy B vioit DR. JORDAN'S oficat concerns anil ol r .ipplv houM i t'rorll-HJ and wll a- hlKll Kreilc Wt how. .r, at 15 tor? 'lilt im J: n-i: , i . Ii3.:oi'oniili'lo. Wo do nut mi moi d mora lil.l'Olll! I IMM.IIIM; a I lorlo of any ono iLo, no i chca:', wrl'o naa-idltt u tilM a liim r.inih up ennno3oii i -i I'-an I1EJARI I? ii R y .' J k II lV iM larf bO I !MU3EUf3 OF AHilTOW (' !C:i MARKET ST . SAN FnANCISCO, CAL 0 p A X r ILtlvc.a biilli mi lUrtblk ) natomlcal Uutruin III IH lu.l l' ,'1 iine.ni wi-ck ii i ,,.., f:'",wt limn nix weekH '"'. 'U llliy Of Oi'toliiT, , li i iV,,'"' II. It. Klilnii.l, ( llllllllhlilil. Ki.,1 .. 1.. I "'"IIH Cniiiili. ll.. " ..""Wt U Ai.KH.il A. I). VhnV' I Vh'M ""VIP. Onto of l'lmt puliii, 11100. .. '"'"HltKXn. v 'r phlntif! uiici'. role i i hi.icatioxT' bund Oillnun Id .tmro.()f(1?)lli "Kiniin, i'jrjut Nutlet Ih hi'H-liv IllUlllg-lllllllI'll HI '' that id. ui . i ii , " Iiih Iiii.'miIm,, i i ''" lyiict init of i i h i'Iiiiiii i!rtiln ttttrneUnn in IS CtfJ. A VfiiUitut tljht 'Ol I'lJIIOK. ii r iii4iira-. r any ninirari. . nl .ll.'..io,ii.li rlj ruia .lliv O Hi" ni I, i Hnn I. 1.1 .in Hit I'adtlo MaUllalirilMyuia. A PRIVATE DISEAS13 i ! ami in hi. I In r I ntrt'il mrii nin, ...o auir..,!,... x fi,.m iliu tiri-ru of youthful Ini.u. f I ri.'lli,u or rl, li, i..i.iii.. ' vMra. rf orviii ui ,1 itlivaii'Mi IImI.I 1 1 a ... ,..lrnr. , l.oal 3Iii..Ii...mI Iii all llni''ui. Land Office at Hoseliiirj.', Oregon, Sentembcr. 18. 11)00. Xotico is hereby given that the follow-hiK-muiietl settler has tiled notii-eof his intcntioii to nnike tinal iirnuf in sun port of his claim, imd that paid jiroof win uo niaiiu betore Joel Wuro, U. S Co.nniisfcioner, at ICiij-'ene, Lane Co. Oretron, on Xoveinbero, 1900, viz: Seof I'. Jneksnn. on 11. E. Xo. SOI".', for tho X6 SWnml sy, XV M, See. 32, ip.'l'J S., l. 4 West. He names the following witnesses to prove his eontinnotiH residence, tinon and cultivation of said land, viz: A. D. Addison, E. S. Addison., .lohn White, of Lorane, Lime Co.. Oreirun. Georpo M. llawley, of Cottage Grove, Lane Co., Oregon. J. i. iininaKS, Ite;ister. XOTICE EOH PUBLICATION. ItOBBEDTflE G It AVE. A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as follows : "I was In an awful condition. My akin was almost yollow, oyos nun ken, tongue . coated, pain continually in back and Hides, no appotito, growing weaker day by day. Threo physicians had given . m, -r .... jiio up. .moil i was auviEeti to use Electric Bitlers; to my great joy, the first bottle made a decided improve ment. I continued thoir uso for threo weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed tho grave of another victim." Xo one should fail to trv thorn. Only 60c. Guaranteed, at Benson Dnua Co., drtig storo. Land Office at Boseburg, Oregon, .Sept'. 19, 1900. Xoticc is horebv eiven that tho follow- nn.neo eettier lias men notico of Jus in tention to make llnai nroof in Runnnrt of his claim, and that said proof will be mane ueiore Joel ware, U. a. Loinniis sionor, at Eugene, Lane Co.. Oregon, on uciouer -J.'J, luuu. viz: Williani V. Canady, on II. E. Xo. OCOO, for tho Y y, SW '4, Sec. 8, Tp. 20 S., It. 3 West . no names the following witnessed to prove ins continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Isaac Wilcox, Henry Dreese, F. M. Smith, Charles Wright, of Walker, Lane Co.7 Oregon. J.T. Bitmons, . Itegister. The JOB OFFICE of this paper is at your disposal for the best of printing of any and all kinds at barely liv ing prices. r-J. TtinlarfMIA SVfl In Hi!' ir.cl 3T itrtilPt rn I lVrllhliraai f Ml .IU.'i,w,,a fl lli" m I, 1 Hnn I ..I H I uaiU l;Ulillli. i I dr. JonoA.'i- pnr La Voiintf iiich nir'tl Mirii who Ikiiii uio iir.-t-u oi rii'lloui or rji,,ai ,rrvuiia hi i iil.rairtu i . f.UMt 3llatlMl i.tiliini; H.ri-iiiitlnrrlHrii, lr,aii.,,.. Q liirn, (lonoi-rliirii, (llrri. a'l r.iir,i,'. lit I'rlniilluv, rlr. ll i, run iiiiM..ii ol A r.Mitilli.i. of Kr.-iit cur-illv,' ihih Ihf IIim-i... r onHM)itrriiini.,i u in i.irui'.ti ii,i,t it u o... utily aironl ltiili"illiila ti ll..f. Int( )orfiiiiiriit I I rnrf. i no laa ior mwl H"l claim lo fM-ir.ini. ' lillr.irl.. hut N WI'll knoii n lo ho a flr a.ol I i i i mm I'liv-.lrlan ami Mnrgrnn. l.rofiilucul ) In lili'rMn.ulty-Ilaritar .r Men. I hV...... ...... 1 I u ., . . . . , ,,." kmikiii, 1'rp'iir.ini iigm . I 111" aynttm iillli. ml 1 1, .. u.. nf yioirii, ,, Q Triiaara lliml hr nn i:iw,. llmllrnl K Ollrr for Illinium. A (illicit an.t m.li.i A dire for 11 lea. flaanrf. im I I'l. lulu). Ly V Ur. Jon. urn aprrlal lutnliM mrlliil. A IlVI'.IIV M.t.V aimlrlnif loinulllirrrlro V-1 I Otlr h'm'rt unlitt'm i,f litar..n.ilal..l. A II will Ounnmlrr a ISJSIT1 JS Cl'.77 i-'iiK'iiinii .ii i"iu:i. "il alrlrllr r'trato. Clt. turn's vkhv nKAkiixAni.it Tro itiuniit pria.iii.iily or liy Irin-r. A Wrlla f,,r llrw.v. I'll I l.ovol'll v ri' M Altltl Kill. Mm rl, I'uilt I A i..lni.... A book for mm.) Cnilurwnio ) 01. JORDAN h CO.. 1001 Market St.. S. F. O SOL l II AN JJ KAST ; vi v THE SHASTA ROUTE run h,,l ii ' .'.mil in ... m nn. I II, i ...i "rl ill Ih, mad,. I..-,,,,.. j, wipjl t nliilliiSHiiilii'r, ni I i ,.. iH,!v,rl .. ... " .iici.bati.a wiigiin, on ui tiiin, is.i'H,) vii.fv.7 ii. w.i.i'i'f.ir, i.n J;9 Sit. i.. Tp. .: s , ii. i 1 -v' II .... . Ill' IIIIIIIIM lilt' l.il.,l.,l ta-itn . I ......... i..- r ""i'i .llltlVllliillKlf aitnl I 1 1, I w 1 U I aiiri'ti rv ..n n , Drrgiin, Willi- ! I Oii-gim, Atii.'ii Liicki-y. of t'uti.ig. V'WI'H, 111 lUrtl '"'fv. Knit. 1 "'' thipm, J f. llmimu, Itiff'tf. Paints! j Wo I'art j a!.' Ua 0f I PAINTS. OILS, B1U SHKS I WAI.I. I'AI'KR. GUSSl !Sash and Doors OF ii Estimates Cheerfully given o:I all classes of work- AGHSTS l'OK. c The l.'est NOT IOK FOH PUBLICATION. I.ONG distance: The telephone change lias been made and is now in permanent quarters in the hardware store of Wheeler & Scott, and presided over by Miss Minnie II. Foss, a most agreeable, bright and proficient young lady, All repairs, connec tions and extensions have been made, including the Booth-Kelley mills, and the line is now and in tluWnti.ro will be kept in first-class cr,Jcr for its patrons. Land Office a Hosohtiri:, Oiegon. Septoni her 21, 11)00. Notice is horohy given that the follow-ing-nained settlor has filed notico of his intention to niako final proof in suppoit of his claim, and that said proof will he niado b foro Joul Wnro. U. S. Commis sioner at I2i.ge.ip, Oiegon, on November 12. 1000. viz.. James A. llnliiimrm n K sf ft!! K.for tIloia,: l'4' Sec' 10' lie names the following witnesses to prove ins continuous rcsluonco ujion and cultivation of said land, viz: George A. Miller, Wiimor Smith, of a.unum:, uickoii, i.awrenco lucky, ll. A. Burr, of Portland, Oregon. J. T. BUIDOKH. Kegister. KOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Land Office at Hosohurg, Oregon. Scnlnmlioi' Ol Hind Notico is hereby given that tho follow- iig-uameu seiner lias tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, anil Hint mill. i-ivrr( will bo niado beforo Jool Ware, U. S. Commissioner, at Eugono, Orogon,j)ii November 12, 1000, viz: George A. iiiincron ii j-;. no. 7428 for tho NW 1-4, Sec, 10.T.21 S., It. IK. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residenco upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James Itobinson, Wihncr Smith, of Eugene, Oregon, Lawrence Ilicky, II A. Barr, of Portland, Oregon. T. L't'inuKH. Ilegistev. When you need aii3rthing in the line of printing please remember that the motto of this office is good work, good material, neatness and dispatch, and the prices are within reach of all. No. 56 A Few Bargains in Real Estate Offered by J 200 acres well improved land, 150 acres in growinir urain- -miles from Cottage Grove, i-.t mild from railrond- , , ll ' Qjlgy rjijw, xiiiuin Ifie, Trains lcavo Cnttniro Orovo for Port Inuil and wuv htmioiia ni 3:07 a. in.. 12:0 p. ni. ;Lv. Portland R::i. m. 7:00 p.m. Lv. Cottngii (iroiu I r.'il n. m. 2:W p. ni. 1 Ar. Ashland V2;X it in. ll::iiu. t,t. iAr. i-Bcrnim'iit'i. .. fi:(Hip. m. I :.',r) a, in. ! Ar. San Frnmiei'o. 7:15 p.m. 8:160. 111. Ar. Ogdeii 11. 111. 11 11. 111. Ar. Denver H:('i). in. II :(( n. ni. Ar. Kansas City. . 7:25 n. in. 7 :2ft a. in. , Ar. Chirago 7 : 15 n. 111. 0 :)(i n ni. Ar. l.oi Angeles. . 1 :20 p. 111. 7:00 11. in. Ar. Kl Pno (1:00 p.m. 0:00 pin. Ar. Fort Worth.. . (i::i() n. 111. ll!"(ln. in. j Ar. City of .Mexico ll 155 n. in. 11:55 11. 111. Ar. Houston 4:00 11. in. 4:C0a. 111. Ar. NVw Oileana.. 0:25 p.m. (1:25 p. in. Ar. Waehinglou. . 0:12 a. m. (1:42a. 1.1. ! Ar. Nbw Yoik... .12:-np. in. 12:4,1 p. 111. 1 Pullman ami Tourist tars on both I trains. Chair ca.s Sacrnmento to Og I dn and I'.l Pneo, nnd ti.nrist rnrs to Clilcaeo, bt. Ix)uls, New Orleans and j W'ttrhingt. n. I Connecting at Ran Pranc'sro with aev- , crai nieamsliip lini-a for Honolulu, Jh- riaii, t nina, riiiiippiiieu, Central and boutli America. Fee I). T. Awhrev, Agent, Cottago Glove bta'ioti, or address O. H. Maiikium, G. P. A. Portland. Oregon. R. A. SANDERS, l'UOI'KIETOlt OK No. 78 -520 acres 1.1 Douglas county, iG miles from Cottage Grove well watered, cood house, lnrirr. l,nv. A' i,oio., . ' ' o i" cuiuvaiioii .1111U111.L usiuici p.,goo, No. 68-A 2-acre tract 1 mile from depot; house, barn and orchard ?,, No. 63 House and lot: 'i7'J. We have for sale several choice building lots, tracts, stock ranches sash mid door factory and Uohemia mining property ' . HEMENWAY & WHITE, Cottage Grove," Ore. I A cultivation,! Wines, Liquors and Cigars. : Collate : 0q Kendy Mixed Paint nl the market. Jenkins & km NOTICH Poll 11 lil.lt'ATION. rnlti'ilMii h I.11111I OBirr. i.,mi 11... iiuii.i 1. 15ij0, Notieu is hereby gni'ii thul iniumi mire with the piuviHioniiof the Art" Coiigri-HM of Jii.ioH, enlilltil " net for the side of timber lamlilnw StiiU'M of Cnlifornin, tiri'gon.Xcvxibw W nshlliglon Te.ritiirv." IM'liO PUK1I.M, of KiigeiH', county of baim, Miitel Ojt-1 gun, bus this day llleil in ow mwoiii Hliituniciit No. 1I7H, fur tlie Pl rhitr-oof theSW 's of miionNo.;, ''I ToW 'Hhlp No. 20 !S rniipo .""-."r;! mid will ollur proof to ilio lh,1!M laud nought is nioro viiluiiblcforiUl'' her or Hlouo tlinn fur iigriniltiira! l ..... .... 1. ...1. 1.., 1. I,... i-luhn IohKI I 11, I'niiiiriini. 11m , ,u mid before tho Heginter 11ml Ititeivl 111 nllUnl IN,Mlinii. ()ll-'llll,011 ll'i diiv, the Kith dny of (Mober, 1900. flit nniiiitu nu u'tf nnwm'H 11,1-iircnWlliE jiiiirii'M wiciwi, .11111 nn "" T, " Jl Giiiidi'i- KoriiHtiid, Thoinan r.0lienI 1,'. ......... n........ I Any mid all persons (Iiilinii;J,"'' Iv tho nlmve-ilritcrihi'il lamlH "j unested to lilo their elamis in A11.0?"! on or beforo said lOllnluyoI w'w' J . T. ItmiKiKS, Itegieltr- ,f...i. y "''" "'inu 10 incite. JCvert f Wo malco a full Una of rliles ; 'Price fi-nm nn - " ' urn to warranted I J. ST13VKNH ARMS TOll CO Choice llraiids. A Favorite Resort. COTTAGK GROVK, ORIvGON. NOTlCi: or JHSBOl.UTION Ol' lAHTNi:UHim ,:i'.otLt')lH.,1.c,"(,''' ti'lvoiiTlmt tlio co.iiurtiicr. shl. horctofiiro oxiKtlni; liotwi-oii M Jiiiiu ,1.;i,f.'""l J- H. lle.moii in.rtur th" (In,? immo "',! .V,ell.H,"" "f"? L'"'. bus this lny Leu lln. fi liPM-nX Ul?1"1"""1, ''iiont ot tho irtlM J. B. IJenjon rullrliiK tliorufrnin. ' llll) IjUBIiIBKII Will l,n ......l ... .t i'?,!,'1'?, ltr"or ljurtnom with liiNtr no ft 11 s nit I 1. ti 'rf.if' . 5.t.,rl" I'attncr .1111 rotiiln' MM. JANK IlENfcON, J. , llBWdON, Tho Uooth-lCullv l.iiinlin.. n. ollering ao.OOO feet of 1" cull materia! -i iiieiios to 10 inehes wide nt $3 00 per M. They also havo a lot of "ni and '-xSat (hi uatv.e jwiee. The Weekly oregonian The Greatest oBillicriicKie Coast, and the One Year for $2