Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 05, 1900, Image 2

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Fubllalicil ISverj Prltlar.
I WR Of IDE ffift
Couiprolu-nsl vo TUivlonr of thn Imimrt
ant Happenings of tlio lust Week
Onllott I'rmii tlio Tolccr;ili Columns.
Hoodlums nt Victor, Colo., attacked
Gorornor lloosovolt.
Conger will not yot begin nogotia
Mons with tlio Chinese commission. .
Buffalo, N. Y., is nindo tlio eighth
ity of tlio United Statos by tlio now
census, having passed Cincinnati and
"Ban Francisco.
Tiio Parkland l'ishing & Packing
Company him been iiioorpoiatod with i ter, Or., sis lumber niilla are in opera
a capital of $20,000. Its headquarters i tion. Tlio timber iu that district is of
will bo Parkland, Pierco county, Wash.
British rocapturo tliuir tfima from tlio
llrynn mado a dozon epoches in
Tho popo favors tlio American policy
In tlio Philippine.
Germany denies nuv ngrooiuout with
Franco and Russia.
Mnny business mon will join oxeur
lion to Wnllu Walln.
lloosovolt spoko to 30,000 or 40,000
Kobraskaus iu MuCook.
Idnho minors convicted of conspiracy
to obstruct mull train during big strike
of 1800.
Wnshingtou stoakmon confer with
Commissioner Hermann regarding
grazing on forest reserves.
Tho population of tlio city of Los
Angeles, Cal., according to the census
of 1000, is 103,471), an increase of hi,
048, or 103.35 por cent since 1800.
Within n radius of 1'.' miles of Sump-
uf ll National
II I Inn Amo
Wants Czar and Mikado to
Help in Restoring' Peaoo.
NatwItlKlnmlliijr Tlirun KtllcH Vr.'!''""
tloim Wnr Aro Still Itrpnrlinl
Khnn HbI UiiiilnriMl by th Allien.
1 n..lA.ll.l ...... II 1 l.n. i ..'..
BpiUUUlll IJIlltlil. 1IUU blJUlU IO 111. l.v.t.v
market for it.
John K. Hudson, president of the
A pnfisonger train on the Fort Worth
& Rio Graudo railroad ran into a wash
out near Nock Creek, Texas. One
person was killed and eight badly in
Goorgo P. Draw, tho first Democratic
governor of Florida after tho war, died
At his
Tfifo died from the effects of a stroke ! reduction in their wages, to take effect
f apoplexy. I October, and against whroii they
Hows has been received of hurricane j ""k
at Offord, Iceland, September 30. The Tho Austrian steamer Llovd hiu
wind, it is said, blow 1 I'd miles ar. sailed from Lourenco Marques, bavin?
on uoarti 400 irausvaui roiugees, pur.
of them being Irish-Ainciicaiis. .ll
thoir oxpeuses have been paid by the
Americau Boll Telephone Company
died suddenly in tho iloston & .Maine
railroad station at Beverly, Mass.,
while waiting for a traih.
Tho 700 employoa of tho Beading
homo nt Jacksonville, aged 73 i Iron Company, of Deauviuo. ra., do-
Two hours before his death his I oided today to accept tho So per cent
lionr. Nearly all tho lishing smacks
were driven ashore, houses were razed
and several persons' were killod. 'I hero
was great destruction of property.
Tho Republic Iron & Steel Com
pany's works iu Hast St. Louis, III.,
Jcnown as tho Tudor Iron Works, have
resumed operations after a suspension
f two months on account of the fail
re to ngrea upon a wage scale. An
agreement has now been reached and
signed for tho ensuing year, and up
wards of 800 men are at work.
A Winnipeg, Manitoba, special says:
O. K. Stevens, a Methodist mifioiiury
at Oxford House, in the ditrict of
Kowateen, in a letter dated September
10, 1000, states ttiat during the Into
winter and early spring of this year
between 20 and 30 Indians of the Sn ni
ton u tribe, lesiding near Andy Lake,
died of starvation. Rabbits and deer
havo fed this people, and although they
ate evon the hark of trees, they were
not able to sustain life.
M flu. Inail Flanoit Lull u-nu !? rpura nlil
SjV largo timber-land deal wis com- : Two of th(J i,ora03 wero ku,e(j 0utrilt,
plated at Albany, Or., by the tiling in i
tlio office of tho county recorder a deed i Count von Waldersee has nt lived at
irom W. H. Stimsou, of Los Amilees, , Tien Tsin.
Oal.. to Theodore O. Wither, ol La T1)0 Chinese government has ordered
OrosHO, Wis., conveying about 4,500 tj,a degradation of Priuco Tuau.
aoros of timber land in the southern I , ,
part of the county for tho consideration i Germans want A a dorseo to offer a
o! 10,800. Two other deeds of 100 reward for the head of I'riuco 1 nan.
aeros each wero tiled in favor of With- ! An audienco of 20,000 people was
er, tho consideration being approxi- ' addressed by Roosevelt iu Kansas City,
matoly $10 an acre, a high price for f Mo.
! Transvaal government. Kach man re-
I ceivetl 30 shillings and will lie paid
$43.00 ou landing at any jKirt which
may be selected by them.
; Captain J. V. Henry, of tjnitii'.v,
', 111., who has juht resigned us u-Mstiint
' postmaster, wos arrested for the al
' leged embezzlement of .fil.HPO, funds ol
1 tho National Railway Mail Serviet
! Benevolent Assuiatlou, of which behai.
boon secretary and treasurer since if.
organization. Henry had given tin
association a bond uf $10,000.
Sim Lcop was killed at Carson. Or.,
by being run over by a logging wagon.
The accident occurred one-half mile
from lirown's saw mill, where he was
employed. Ho was driving a heavily
loaded four-horso logging wagon down
a steep guide, when the brake failed to
work, and the horses ran away. The
driver jumped, but was caught under
London, Oot. 2. lloyoud a inimbot
of imperial edicts, which throw into
still worso confusion tho complicated
Chinese sttuation, tlnro is littlo in to
day's news to urrost attention. From
Shanghai comes an unconfirmed report
that tho allies havo seizid Shan llai
All tho nows "ith regard to the
I edicts ominates from Shanghai. Ac
cording to tho advices, in addition to
tho edicts ordering (irand Councillor
I Kun Kaug to offer oblations bofoni the
collln of llaron von Kottelor and tin
J edict diroctlug that Li Hung Chung'
outiro plan bo followed iu regard to
! tho punislnnont of tho princes and
' high ministers of stato responsible for
tho outi-forrign outrages, ond the de
cree ordoiing that funeral honors b
' paid in I'ekin and Tokio to the remains
I of Sugiyania Akira, tho murdered chau
collnr of tho Japanese legation, Hmper
j or Kwang Hsn has addressed further
I lotters to the czar and mikado renew
ing his rcquost for thoir aid in the
i peace negotiations.
j Various opinions are expressed as to
the impoitaiico of tho edicts, 'lhe
, Shanghai correspondent of tho Morn
1 iug Post says:
I "Tho sevoro punishment ordered by
Emperor Kwang Hsu will only mean a
money lino. There are traces of Li
Hung Chang's hand under Amciiran
j mlluenco in the edicts." On tho other
hand, tho Standard's Shanghai corre
spondent remarks: "Tho empress now
realizes tho truo nature of tho crisis,
i After consulting the omperor she sum
moced the court dignitaries and on
their assembling, through which she
' remained silent, tho emperor in a loud
' voice delivered a tirade lasting a couplo
i of hours against tho courtiers. Then
j in an angry voice ho dismissed them,
j After this the decrees were issued.
1 While these havo been promulgated,
I feverish war preparations are still re
, ported from Shanghai, and new ap
pointments havo been made to the Chi
uese army and navy."
1 limbor land, indicating au iucreasod
demand for such property
Germany is about to
General John M. Palmer, of Illinois,
i dead.
Galveston appeals for help to rebuild
the city.
Four persons were killed by a tornado
in an Iowa town.
Epidemic of smallpox at Nome lias
boon stamped out.
Von Waldersee will demand the sur
render -of leaders of the ontruges.
Americau troops, except a legation
guard, are ordered from China to Ma
nila. Senator Boveridge, of Indiana, opened
the Itopnblican campaign in Illinois,
-with a speech iu Chicago.
Senator Caff cry, of Lonisana, has
officially declined the presidential nom
ination by the National party.
At Tvre Haute. Ind.. Tho Abbott
broke tho world's trotting record of
2:03, hold by Alix, making tho mile
in 2:03.
Another death from bubonic plague
was reportod at Glasgow, inuking tho
seventh shice tho outbreak. Only 40
persons are now under observation.
Prince Henry, of Prussia, is now
coniiuander-iu-chiof of the First Ger
man squadron, succeeding Vice-Admiral
Hoffmann, who has heou relieved fiom
tho post.
The Austrian press bitterly con
demns tho attitudo of the United States
.towards China, attributing to tho
r.ourso of the Washington government
"tho arrogant dellanoe with which
China is treating the allies."
Tho Isthmian canal commission
stated that it would be able to submit
a report to congress sufficiently com
prehensive to serve as a basis for tho
action of that body at the approaching
cession, if it should bo desirablo to act.
Dispatchoa nnnonnce that among the
missionaries killed by Chinese in the
massacre in Ynuuau province wero
Bishop Fantonsalli and Father Quirlne,
of tlio Roman Catholla church. It
was said that the bishop died after tho
most awful tortnro,
It is roportod that Chicago and Lon
don firms will invest $20,000,000 in
Colorado mines.
Spirit distillers and distributors have
formed a co-openitlvo association em
bracing all tho distlllorlos in the Unit
id States,
A Victoria (B. 0.) dispatch says tha
tho money has boon subsroibod for a
now railroad from the Great Lakes to
tho Pacific coast with a branch line
to Dawson,
I Governor Savers soys ho has re
j ceived $072,470 for aid of Texas suffer
declare war on I erd'
To date, 2,339 bodies have been offi
cially leportod found at Galveston,
The postofllce at Mesa, 12 miles from
Phoenix, Arizona, was robbed of $1,000
in stamps and $200 iu cash.
Thomas G. Sherman, the famous
lawyer and single-tax advocate, died at
his homo in Now York, aged CO.
W. Burke Cochran spoke against ex
pansion in tho Coliseum in Chicago be
fbro an audience of 12,000 persons.
Imperial statistics show that 514,
283 children below 14 years of age aro
An Ativan of lo l,.r Ont In thn An
tliroclt. dm! lttj;liHi.
Philadelphia, 0,ct. 2. An offer ol
nn incieaso of 10 por cent in miner's
wages was today made by tho Phila
delphia & Beading Coal & Iron Com
pany, and this move, it is slated, will
be followedby similar notices at every
colliery in the anthracite region.
It is oxpooted by tho operators that
this incroase in wages will bo satisfac
tory to tho men, and thev believe many
strikers will take advantage of the
offer and return to work. Minim:
operations will in this event hegheu
au impetus, and the operators expect
there will bo a gradual resumption un
til the collieries will again have their
full complement of employes. The
Philadelphia & Heading Company
operates 30 collieries, and of these 27
havo beon shut down owing to insutllo
ient working force.
Whether the miners will accept tho
proffer of the company and return in
siilllciont numbers to operate tho minef
cannot be foretold tonight, licports
received from several points iu tho
Schuylkill region, where the Heading
collieries are located, rather indicate
that tho mineworkers will follow tho
Tho vista that H.o '"
rlgatlon reveal, wtyn tiro U Ai w I
Herald, is almost stupom ouh. as a fM
facts nutl figures prepared by tiro
tional Irrigation -WoHatmn demon
strate. The federal government to ay
owns 100,000,000 a.-ies of lam 1. w
is worthless only beoaiiHo It is inui.
I This "unwateFod empire " ' "
'claimed by Irrigation and im i '
capable of sustaining a population o
at least 60.000,000 people. n tn
words of tho teoretary of agrioultuio iu
his last annual report: "M" tlm"
ouo-thtrd of tho country depends upon
ii fi,.,.ni nf irrlL-ation to maintain
tho people, tho Industries, ami
Htntimn of that area,
futuro growth will also bo measured by
tho ineroaso of tho reclaimed men. In
a region which, in the uxteitt of diver
sity of its mineral wealth, hai no
equal on the globe, tho riches
mines in tiro hills aio alieady surpass
ed bv tho productions of tho Irrigated
farm's iu the valleys, and tiro nation at
largo is at Inst awakening to tiro fact
that tho development nf the use of tiro
rivers and arid lands of tho West will
constitute ouo of the most important
opoohs iu our increase in Kpulatimi
ami material wealth."
Work for thn rmlrrnl lliivcriiinrnl.
These stupendous possibilities also
present a colossal problem How may
this gigantic desert be transformed
into a laud of proiperity? Who is to
redeem the national domain by a com
prohonsivo systom of reservoirs? It hai
been demonstrated by 20 vears of expe
rience iu iuigation development and
by tho roorts of government experts
and engineers that tiro great problem
cau only bo solved by the federal gov
ernment. Captain Hiram M. Chitten
den, engineer corp, U. S. A., in his
report on "Surveys for liesorvoir Sites."
declares emphatically that reservoir
construction in tho aiid regions of tiro
Wost can properly be curried ont only
through public agencies. "Private
enterprise can novor accomplish tho
work succossully. As between stato
and nation, it falls more properly
under the latter.''
Ten Warn Wonlil lEerlithn Hi.
It is estimated that $113,000,000
would reclaim tho arid lands of the
West; that an expenditure by tho fed
eral government of $15,000,000 a year
for 10 years would open up lands for
tho settlement of a population a big as
that of the entire country at present.
An appropriation of $100,000 wasmadn
at tho last session o' congress for pre
liminary surveys to discover tho best
locations for tho immense reservoir.
The assistanco of every inn
and of every individual in lornarding
this all-important work shoulld bo wel
comed and assited iu everv possible
engaged in industrial pursuits iu tier-instructions of their organization offi
cials ana remain away.
President Mitcholl, of the Mine
workors, received no notice of the in
tention of tho opsrators to offer tho in
crease in wages, and tho intimation is
thus given that tho miners' organiza
tion will receive no recognition from
the operators.
j Liontenant-General Miles in his an
' nual report renews his recommendation
' for tho further use of the automobile in
1 the army.
i Tho plant of the Illinois Steel Com
j puny at Joliet, 111., has been shut down
; owing to a lack of orders. Two thous
and men aro affected.
I The population of St. Joseph. Mo
according to the United States census,
is 102,070, against 52,321 in 1800, an
increase of 50,055, or 00,81 per cent.
1 A city detective of Cleveland, Ohio,
was shot and instautly killed while
trying to put a stop to a shooting afl'uiy
1 between uuiou and nonunion molders.
Khot Down In I lit) Street,
Omaha, Oct. 2. A special to the
World-Herald . from Beatrke, Neb.,
save: W. J. Hum was probably fatal
ly shot this afternoon by Dr. W. V.
Lee, one of the most prominent physic
ians iu the state. The two men room
in separate apartments in the Davis
block. As Hum was passiujr Leo's
rnl .SitlrinUlieH Murine tlm Week
Civilian liNiipiieiir.
Manila, Oct. 3. Tho Filipinos in
the vicinity of Manila have bn moro
quiet of late, although last Wednesday
night there wero brisk attacks at Las
Piuas and Paranaipie, ninth of Manila,
as wnll as outpost tiringat linns Baconr
and Mnutin Lupa. The American otli
cers are satisfied that tho alleged ami
gos, living in and around the towns iu
question, participated in these uttacks.
Official reports havo been received of
insurgent activity in Ham bales province
and in Batangas province Two skirm
ishes occurred during tho week on tho
Bicol river, iu the province of Souih
Camarines. It is estimated that tho
insurgents lost 00 killed iu tho various
; Two civilians, John Mo.Mahon and
' Ralph McCord, of San Francisco, who
started on a business trip for Vigan
and Baugued, in northern Luzon, havo
not been heard from for three weeks.
, It is feared they havo" boon killed or
captured by tho Insurgents.
A Itlch Mini OfiuT.
j Indianapolis, Oct. . W. V. Wol.
cott, of Boston, died at St. Vincent's
hospital from a stroke of apoploxy sus
tained on a Big Four train yesterday.
Mr. Wblcott looatod in St. Louis about
, 30 years ago. He becamo it luonibiir
! of tho firm of Wolcott & Hume, pub-
Ushers of tho Journal and Times, at
St. Louis, and later was presidont of
tho St. Louis Car Coupler Company.
Jlo owned largo interests in .Missouri
Parttoulnrs or tho Affair in
Ainerlenin AImi Mini Mi.vuml Wiuiniloil
-Tliy Were tlio Vlellim of lii'iii-ln
mon lti.lndTlii lU'llnf KM'iidltloil.
Manila. Oct. S.-I'ml8ltiiit niitlvo
reports, which mo generally beliovod
to havo been cm rent In Mimlltt for
eral days, are to tho I'lfwt that (
tain Deveroux Shields mi l company I-,
f the Twenty.i.iiith Iniantry. consist,
lag ol 45 men. stationed at Hong, Mar
lnlluquo island, embarked Simtoiiihor
lit on the gunboat Villalobus and hind
rd on tiro Murlndmnio coast Sept her
I I where 300 of tlrooiroiiiv. armed with
lilies MipiKmidlv from l.iiwm, sur
prised the Ameilcans. Tlm IUt
fought for several Iioiiim, until their
ammunition was exhausted, ami they
were overpowered and siirrciiditii'd, re
lief being Impossible. At least four of
tiro soldiers wero killed. mm"K wlium.
according to roortH. wore Captain
Shields. The Americans also had sev
eral wounded.
Lieutenants Hid IT and Hales, mi
board the gunboat Yorktown. left Ma
nila Monday. After gathering troops
at Batangas tlroy proceeded t to Marin
dtique to verify tho roirts regarding
tiro fate of Captain Shields ami his
men, and in caso the native rumors
were well founded, to punish tiro rebels
and release tho captives. Nows from
this expedition is awaited with Mime
anxiotv at Manila. In tlm mean
while, the censor prohibits tlm trans
mission of news concerning tho affair.
Colonel Fdwward K. Hardin, of tho
Twcntv-nliith regiment, who Is now
In Manila, admits it is Impossible that
the native reports may bo correct.
" l.,r
Till: UNI ISP Al
GUAM I l:h
(liven Hp III Mli. I,, i
i iHiiim, ,
- lion n,. si,, , ,(
Prnin tlm ri.i,.,, v,
To escape death nfi,
i'.v mil r uoeinrH, mihI
to family and in. n,.
not grunted v ,
pencil to M,. i, ;
uoilu (owiixhtii, ii
Mr. Ilowmi Is a Im ll(lr
resuieii in Mapii.,,
ril'IK HUH cltv iiiiir-hi.l
""1 IKjWLN
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n ticufl
of the Masonin
mi enviable lepninii,,,, i, . ,." '"M
lioiiestv mid nn, H.i.i... .. ... """mill
llo told his (,, lr
''"' " ' r. ...rt.,r recent). I
II.. .... It. '
it) kiiiii;
'! tt'..U b.l.l.l.... I . . .
mir in. nl luiir. 'i i "III
llm doctor was hastily
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I Ulilli.lllll I'll HIV ,nnl. O100
mid Mild thai II... .i WMN
inn pawage nl a l,.ni. r, ih. iu 1
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J M'lllllUliy, nil, ..
nave u inui spell ., tuo
itelntltni lleleen til" Two Uolllltrle.
Not till- 5lol Aeieewlile.
New York, Oct. 3. The Herald's
corrosjKident In Bogota says no action
will be taken on tiro protocol recently
signed by Minister Uribo and the gov
ernment of Kciiador. Tiro protocol Is
not approved because of tlm Columbian
authorities waiting for lnipor;mit data
in regard to the attitndii of Kouiulor in
connection with tho invasion of tiro
southern frontier of Colombia. Colom
bia is also Investigating whether Hcuii
dnr has been In connivance with Vene
zuela. In tlm meantime tho Colombian gov
ernment has given orders to tin mili
tary authorities on tiro Fcuadorian
frontier to maintain tlm strii tust iron
tralitv. The Libenil revolution is not
limited to guerrilla warfare iu tho lit
paitmcuts of Cuinliii.i, Mart-a and Toll
ma. The reolutionists iu tho north,
commanded by General Santos, have
offered to capitulate.
(ienoral Pinen, tho hero of tiro
northern campaign, becamo minister
of war on .September 10. Ho has
strengthened and made the department
moro jmijiuIii r
The Mairoquiu government is now
recognized by tho diplomatic corps re
siding in Bogota. Communication be
tween Lake Miuacaibo and F.cuado has
been re-established.
Neven tliiinlreil Tliiiimiiiiil Itolliira Con Hp lo II, tie,
Galveston, Tex., Oct. 3. John
Sealy, chairman of the finance com
mittee, a suh-committco of tho Gulvos
ton central relief committee, and cus
todian of tho Galveston rolief fund, has
given out the following:
"All supplies that have been turned
avor to me up to and including October
1, 1000, from all sources, amount to
$781,013.03. This amoiiut includes nl'
money received by me direct, all re
ceived by Major Jonos, and aleo $300,
600 remittotl to mo by Governor Sayors
out of subscriptions madu to him. Tho
governor has also ordered a further re
mittance to mo of $100,000, which
should reach mo in thn next few days,
and ho will sond me from time to time
such additional funds us he may re-
eino mines and at the timo of his death ' colve. Wo oro arranging iu pioper
i (InnrH. thn nlivKielnti n i.lll
For tho fiscal year ending June 30, against 1 1 urn for services and a quarrel
ensued, Jlum struck at Dr. Lee, but;
missed him. Dr. Leo drew a revolver
nnd flrod, Hum staggering back into i
hin wife's arms shot in the right breast.
Tho bullet outored the lungs, and Ilnrn 1
is not expeotod to live through the '
night. Dr. Lee gave himself np and I
was released on bail.
iuuu, mo toiai nutnuer oi postage
stamps of all kinds issued in tho Unit
ed States, including ordinary 'stamps,
postago duo stamps, stamped envelopes
aud postal cards, reached the enormous
total of 5,833,000,000, valued at .$08,
! 000,000 an increase of 400,000,000
stamps over tho preceding year.
General MaoArthur recently issued
1 tho following general order for the bet
' torment of tho government of tho city
of Manila: "Existing orders requir
ing residents of tho city of Manila to
' couflno themselves to their homos after
. 10 o'clock P. M., are hereby
to oxtend the hour to 1
1 which hoar the streets
by the police. Saloons will be closed
1 at 10 P. M., and tho sule of liquor pro
1 hlbitod after that hour."
was senior partner in tho bankim? firm
of Wolcott & Co., of Boston and Now
York. A search of his effects brought
to light tho fact that he carried with
him a largo fortune. He had in his
valise $500,000 in government bonds
and ubout $2,000 in cash on his
shape a full itemized statement of all
receipts and amounts expended, which
will bo duly published."
Two Klllu.l In n Wreck.
Guthrio, O. T., Oot. 2. The Sauta
Fo through express lor Kansas City
was wrecked 15 miles south of hero
this afternoon by spreading rails, ond
amended 1 the baggage and express cars derailed.
tho smokor thrown off and turnod up
sido down and tho day couches partly
derailed. Two peoplo woro killed anil
a dozen or moro injuredall passengers
in tho smokor.
11. P. M., after
wtll he cleared
lloort Coining to Ainm lcii.
St. Paul, Oot. 1. The Globe tomor
row will soy: "Hundreds and por
haps thousands, of Boors will emigrate
irom South Africa to tho United States
and settlo in the Northwest. Theodore
Van Credit, of Holland, who has oi
late years inado his homo in the South
African republic, is in St. Paul to ar
range satisfactory railroad rutos over
tho Western lines. Mr. Van Grecht
will bring a large contingent of Boers
to this country in tho spring if condi-1
tions are lavorublo. Tboio uio thous
ands oi uoors, no
Tho ereat world's fair that was uu
iiouuced for Brussols iu 1005, has been
abundonod hecuuso of tho failure oi
tho Paris exposition.
AVotnun Commit Sulol.le.
Seattlo, Oot. 3. Elizabeth A. Lang
ley, 24 years of age. wifo of a Dawson
ineairiciu man, commuten suicide at
The now year at Wost Point bogati lier ,10m0 lu tllls clty this morning by
with 434 cudots on tho rolls, the o"DKing caruouo ao u. Tho caso is a
lurgost numbor by 00 that was over at !ntory. btio leaves tliroe little danght
HlVfl. w in nrn m,v.
iously awaiting anomiortunltv in i.ivn
their present environment and oinhnrk I disagreement with his fathor, King
iur uuuuiur iauu. norououi,
Tronlilen of tli King ttl Cnmboillii.
l'aris, Oct. 3. I'riuco Vkanthor, foij
of the King of Cambodia (Fronch ludo
China), who was recently a guost uf
Franco at tho exposition, and who dis
appeared somowhat mysteriously, was
found iu Brussels. A dispatch sent iu
his bohalf says ho did not sail for homo
last wook from Marseilles, as was ar
ranged, because ho has not iccelvcil the
French government's reply to tho lot
tor of grievances from his father against
tho French officials iu Cambodia, of
which ho was tho bearer. He adds
that the oiily response he received was
a telegram irom his father, ordering his
return, but ho explains that ho cannot
do so until ho has received the reply of
tho French government, so ho has gono
to BrnsHels. lhe prince denies having
"""''I Kith M.I
i ... .. ""II
i',,l Mint nn lu.... I
(IT thru!. I
duration, ilnt Im, I.I. i. i . 'I
told agony.
"Kiiiullv I in ..
iiuipilltl-ii II Pi'('llll!M HO fcUttd (Jul
I did not bate gnnel. i,ut tbootbtil
nn iiitiiiiniiiiKiii t,i tlm ktomtch.
coutltiiii'il lii visit lu,,, until tbtetj)
August. Then I l,r. ulu cotiiplrt,!
iKiiii iiKien nun sent i.,r another do
no canon in v mtomot liillainiint
of tho bowels mill ir.ntpil tne for tnii
I IM'OIIIIIO Di-tter. I ,it III I1II0W1I
legs swollen up mm i hhi
i "lliouortnr laui ih n't, b,.n Dyfl
faculty ol Kusii M 1 1- ii ! i ollfjf j
1'iigo, mm it wan tbitlttl
neuralgia oi the -t , i, wui-I
ed for that until I t.ut cootlii
mil to grow wt,rM. I tiei tli ixtI
said, I can t dn ,i .inv got ji;J
tuu Help I Kniiw i' r mhi tiutpinl
nun. cry win, i rt'iuua, p k
Htul otMintto If that left for m'I
This whs on mhi, In v I ho tin, io) tUB
operation was M-t I r Toesdir Kil
cillliireil wen, sent i,,r, mm i yqavl
for thn worst.
" lho appiiinli-il nine r.inif CKhtij
doctors presi-iit rxiiiiunnl tnelwtH'
hours, then tln- r.-iir. tl umt cjS'iVI
for tho shiiio leiiiitii , tim lie
concluded that tln-v t t not know tW
ailed mo. Tiro bead phuliita uW
periiiihiion tn 'ftii.' ,i lu, i'irrlit
'and find out.' 1 n-ii-l how Uf
pliii'o ho wanted tn , t. lltuiJV
thought four inches fr euoi;b.'
knuw t'limigli not to allow nj n&
hide-iillil-scck g.imo to Im playeil i
me, so tlm operation ilitl nolcc-'.t,
i-ontlniioil under the ,l.etor'i !. hi
in v caso was rifini.liTi'.l hoW. I
inado mv will, balanit-il mv w
and made cm i v preparation f rii
"I ciilltlliueil to grow Midilt
Day after day was pim-ed laii
aifony. As a hist rewtt 1 tiU.
Iilretl limn to brliiif me. the Deittiv
ho went to town, a t.t,jt of Di.Ml
liaiiiH' Pink i'hls (or l'alu I'eODli
had read i-onsidoruldn aUiut Ihenu4! I would trv tlli'lll.
infill v iifler liL'llltllIIL' tllO B0 ol lis1!
nliU I i'i,,,iiiii.i,i.i.,l tn feci tM-
llrfcf 1 tnnlr film i.itl three
lint increased the doi-o to three
Ihrnn llmi.k ilnv. Ill tWO
u'na.nitl of I, .til ami tiriltltli).
In fle.i uniikii 1 took a trip to Mi
lt.tfi lint, thlu trln Wltn a little M
my strength and I camo home wl
to go to bed. I again liegsu th Bf .1
tho pills. The effect was M w ", '
fourdavsl was on my foot, ,w
bchii thoro over since. Innits i"
pink iMHs for PnlePoopii
I hnrohr rertlfv tho atwve lUte
h trim, in thn liest of lllY kDOWW
mid Wlnl. LK BOY nOVt
Witnesses: J. A. MuMest"),
Lo Hoy Bowen.
M lln.....,.lu nnatolTlre
I l Mi.... llo irll L'UJIfW
jojiiuiuiii, ..liutt. i." - .
I llnJ in tlldkB tUCWl
niyc iiii, iiiii..i..v
. ..- ...l..
MHitip ior repiy. . a,.
It was nature's own nitV' thill tlllrO CnllfCOl',
pure blond, for Dr. Willl'
mil. i. ii.. i tAfttita urn 1'Oinr
vegetah.o remedies tjmt exort
IUi lllllllOIlCO ill piliuj . V)EJ'
llltf tllO OlOOll. .null i -.lj,
.... .1... ...iinnl tirofossi
supposed uy uio niu...v.. - . - - .
lin Inntirti
tent luiiueiico oi i"''"" i'v. ,PMi
versal remedy Is sold by all JWK
tho academy.
British capitalists havo aoquirod op
tions ou more than 1,0,0,000 acres of
oil fields m northern Wyoming and has
organized tho Western States Oil Com.
pony of America.
trs hero.
ltullroHil M.. Suloltte. Ilr.ltU" B,,,,"a " V"!ft"
Blrmluiiliom. Ala Oct w... 1 I,0DK KoK' 0t- 8. The British
w! ZXlTsulvh the village
South and North Birmingham Mineral , ii a 1 !' VJ? , cht rlvor' ln re'
m..M - .. -"i"Hi "uu mineral tallntinn tnv tlm ll,,.l,lti.ta ui
uivisious oi uio ijonlsvillo & Nash.
viuu ranroau, committed sulcido nt hii
tuliation for tho inhabitants flrlnu mi it
British stoamor. Tho riugloudord woro
Her husband is in tho north. 1 residence this city today by shooting I a,torwiml f ""L"00"'
Now Premier of QeUe0. ! M "m . " "8-caliher ' Mre iu CI,IcbBo.
Qnoheo, Oot. 2.-S. N. Parent ha. S i , ''' Newbold lost his wife Chicago, Oot. 3,-Firo tonight do-
accepted ho premiership of tlKrov- hs "8' J that timo I "troyed an elght-story building on
luce to succeed tho tati premier Mar I 2f PTl' to.i ! ?.arkot K -00.000 dnmago.
. .. .I r 'T.i IUI"U'8 "tea wil ed ino prinolpal loser is H, A, ltothsohild
has shocked tho community, , & Co.
i Kiniim Aliliutt'f rio-
n,.f 1 A SDOOilll
nl I1 fw... MllwuakCO, )'..,"
plication has been inado t0 J ""gurult
bor for tho appointing . eB.
for Soth Abbott, fat ior oi " ad(JI
n.u.1 M. A ihott n9 "aJu i.i I
ii in ouuuu. - instil'!
. i-.i... -,i,i,.nn ronrts l"" : .1
insano in mo uiit.-i.- . .,rPi io '
dav. and his commitment
unultarium at Wnwlo. .
cation lor n guanuiui i
crick Abbott, a son, who mmI
ormo suitable persoii w u fllf4i
guardian. Judge
tho heuring for October U.
aoine """" . Maximal
Havana, Oct. ""1
h... wrltton a letter, i i
"Many persons are
prolongation of the Aw m
tion. MHVIoyIowtby'Jillll'
posslmistio light. fl;odeWli
cans aro not to blamo for tho i
tho Cubans have P" do."
their path. No l-'f
that the promiwa of tho uu (rfcl