k ThePr5,l':nU!l Buninesu Men 0f ColUKc Grove Advertise in the N"4, Bring Your Job Work to the Nuetjob Office. Prices Reasonable ... . IU-V..I...1 10 tlie Mining, Numbering and Fanning Interests of lhis Com m unity, lo Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake, " Oo tinge Grove, Oregon, !Pi'.idg.y9 October 5, 1900. NO. 88 jiUUUU voi:.,. :o: I'KOI'IJRSTONaL J. E. YOUNG Jllloiun'ij-nl-Uno ,, , Mnln tiecl, Weft Nli!o - (.mi i i;h Gitovjt, One. j. r, J'HINSON ami I G, EDY ; v Commfan-uULuir i 1 1 i'" " Hlven t Mlnlh,f'iriitmlt4in fi" iin.l MuiphbUIo Uw. , , ,i i', (. imiimnir. OTTA0K GROVE, ORE. j. S. MEDLEY to Wear I women see a Mtvli.sli. hniwlannin int.,.i t'ften hear them say. "Oh dear, I wish I had one like that, but I'm sure it cosU so much." O O t4tl,ini-n(-Law o iiii, on Until trOt-: c,,nu;u Gnovit, Oku. JEROME KNOX Ail" iicy-iiL-Lmu ,., i 1 1 inlil lii Mini UK lliflut-M. i ,: ri;ii Gkovu, Okk. L. L. STEVENS Jltorncy-al-Law o o u t , , til )! xtvon tn MlnlilK lti.lnen Mli'I ltllm-lU'I.". f.t lit'.NK, OltF.. I When I "iff 1 V Now it's the surest thing in the" world they're not familiar witli the PALMER GARMENT. They're absolutely correct for style none made any more perfect as to that, and the price is within reach of any woman's pocket-book. My! if every one could see them, how easy it would be to settle the question of WHAT SHAM, I WEAR? moes and Mimn lferr5 o tfonerfrl' irreir-e3rfo Miruruf Mon IP Eakin & Bristow.- aJtcBessfiisaK8BoEcKosaonoaons0oaoBonoBS2csctfoc9!zsBeaonoBHaoQoaoaEononoe M M w M W o .a , o M M M 9 .1 limMI-MlN IU t Hlllt'V THOMPSON & HARDY, g .,", i y w'Z Conn&elors ni Lair ., , ". i!lm rtven toite :w n( .Mli.cn i.;t:tiKN'i:, okk. L. T. HARRIS ." i j ami Coutmrlor at-Lair c,, fiiln-i Mve:i i i)iolw ' 'i;i.ci. l-i, . i v , i, mill It.ink Building. i:i ui:.sm:, ore. 1UC.. I. NILE dSSAVS. i 1 1 nut II icclve priimiil nc iilmi. FRANK P. WHITE, rolT.WK ulKW. OBK. i. . i I'll ,lmne ilamsnuitv, Mulmt. ,.t v 1.1 '.Y I.. T. W. KHVIU.. Lloyd. & Neviil Si . v i:siisKKim i h, in:, u rv MIKIIUAI. buiivkvoIis li. . iiis ,.1 .vi". ( Immlior of Commorce 1'OIITINI). OJtE. i n no o M O w II D m is s it I I'OR MIvN. Wf liiiiidlc Siiraniic (ilovoCoil)piiiiv' uoimIk. Tlii-y nrc coiiNlilured tin bunt Ur in the iiiiirkct. Oowl Yi How Oil Htoi'k with pateiiteil string fiiHU'tier WiindTOo. Our Si en in Troof lino are n noft, plla lili- kIovp, hk Mull iih diinibloj iiiimId with aU'iili'il ctriiig diHt-i-iiur Ke, $1 uinl $i 26. Uliliui'il Kit, foil fluinh, liiilking ll wry nWu ilrivini; nlnve. .f l 25. Hiirniini' Buck, light uejrht, fine Muck, mi hiinil. open hack, I'mlcr fuHtfiitT, wt'lltil.iviix linen thro:il mil anil jiliitUU1; nnilonhinlly the hi'xt glovu in the imirkit ... v tl 60. Unllni'il Chopper MitH, nil pniin fiilf tkin '. OOeiinil fl. I.incil Kit tilovcn, line Ktork . . t. toman if NewW COTTAGE UliOT'E, ORE. i-'or boys; Cotton Swotterf, pood quality, In nuiroon mid assorted striped color COu.. All-Wool, lifiht weight, assorted col ored Hi riped X 23. FOR MEN. Cotton, good quality, color ma roon fiOc. Mixed Cotton mid fi'ool, medium henVy, maroon SOc. All-Woolj nd quulity, modiiim iieavy, muriNin $1 10. Bamo as" tihiivc, only liner wool, iih ported solid eolcri-s fl 05. All-Wuol, very tint- quality, in :ic coi ted colored Htripe. . . 2. White, medium heavy (2 60. EOR CHILDREN. Lawn Hoods, made of lace ouen work; ery pretty dcHijns lib to i5e. I'hnbroidered anil Tucked Muslin (tud Swiss, diirerent di'Migmi. . . . 7ou to $ I ''. Ladies' Sim I'.onncts, made of chain bray, full back crown, stilched and lined, nasnrted colors. .50c. Ourllne of Lon?o Embroideries, Uib-biina- and Drygoods Notions is large. . Ladies' Summer Skirts, largo vari etyTiu price from 50e to .'i. Shirt Waist?, different colors and kind!) 50u to .G 75. Ladies' Keck Wear in latct ptyles. . 15u to GOc. The weekly summary of mining nots that usually occupies this space in the Nugget was omitted last week on account of matter that could not well be held over and alo to await fuller and more complete details in reference to the recent uncovering of the rich strata of ore in the Stocks, Harlow & llrush property, and other very valuable strikes in other portions of that vast mineral region called Bohemia. Since several weeks ago when the lucky owners of the Stocks, Har low & Brush property ran into the body of ore which assayed $13,600 per ton, they have steadily followed the vein about 40 feet and have, now run into a crosscut shule which goes $249,806.30 to the ton. This streak is about two inches wide on the hanging wall and the gold in it literally holds the rock together. The whole width of the drift is splen did milling ore. Experts who have gone to look at it say that it is the richest ore they ever saw. The last authentic reports from the mine was that there was then in sight and taken out over 4 tons, which would be over $1,000,000 in hand. It is told that the owners of the Vesuvius mine, which adjoins, offered to make a deed of their valuable mine for two car loads of this rich ore, which offer was refused. As the work ! goes forward the ore body increases and the values are retained. This j property a month ago could have been purchased for something like $100,000, but today it is not for sale at any price. It is understood that I the 5-stamp mill on this property has been put in thorough repair and started up on the ore already in the bin, of which they have on hand e. i about 60 tons oi high grade. When the gold product of this mine begins to come out the mining world will be in a flutter and many eyes will be turned toward Bohemia. Graber-& Ziniker of the Vesuvius mine are energetically driving their tunnel, which is in a large body of ore that assays $128 to the ton, The work in progress will be continued all winter, and when a length of 250 feet is attained they will have tapped the ledge at a depth of 300 feet or more. A few days since the famous old Musick ran into a mineral body of '.galena ore which is of high grade. This property has had considerable fluctuation. Since it was first offered for sale at $65,000 it has pjp'duced over $130,000 and today it is a grander and more valuable piece of property than it ever was. As development goes ahead it is proving its j worth and stability day by day. At the Helena mine two more shutes of splendid ore have been en ..countered. At the end of the drift in the old workings a body of base 1 ore was come upon which is 4 feet wide and averages $80 to the ton. A I new drift has been started further up the hill and fine free milling ore is G H O a o a a being taken out and stored, which is of high grade and will be worked a later on. The mill is runnincr steadily. The GARMAN & NEWLAND Tc . I' .e liiy H-i: . 11)11 Mrs. Kathcriiio Sclikcf, M. I). Diseases oi' Women ami Children COITAC.E C.UOVE, "MC. D. J. GOVER Prospector and Mine Locator. Vox Information . on Bohemia Mining District write inc.- Hfclnl Attention 'Uvbii to Corroiptmiloiico BOHEMIA, ORE. (iKO. O. KKOWI.EH. NOTARIES CIMM.lU GHTtY. PUBLIC UjhHmia, OkiC. Onioo Hi Musick Mine mid Kluiihuiit Mountain. BUSINESS. GO -1 MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fasldonahh Dressmaking. MAIN 8TIU5KT CoTTAGK GltOVK, OlU5. EAKIN & BRISTOW BANKERS Trammel ft Ootiornl llnnklnit IIwiIiiohm' In All Us llriint'lion. CoTTAGK GltOVK, Okk. J. W. BENTLY, The practical Boot and Shoe maker, located in the Case building, two doors cast of the Postoffiee. Repairing neatly ami quickly done and satisfaction guaranteed. Call. "3a;3!Sii;iiiaa8a0BssBsic8i(9SBO3HsasBaQj:oa0a9HeBeEGBe2O3issoJ5SH9E3ineEaao H. C. MADSEN, Watohmakkk. Hotwiring at loaminttilo rhurKCi. j All work uunranteeil Hwt-cUns. 1 WmeJiO,fti'littiid Jowolrjrut lowest ITU-en coTfAou GitovE, onu. ! Hotel - Eugene IIOLLEXBECK BROS, k BRISTOW. j Headquarters for MINING MEN. ELITE o Shaving o Parlor CoTTAGK GKOVK, OKK. GEO. E. GRIFFITH, Prop. ' Eugknk, uviutr WAST ATTBXmiU TO. Orkgon'. William Renshaw THE EXCHANGE AM'' WAI.Ki:1. Munngor. Iir.AI.KIt VA VI N K WINES, LIQUORS. CIGARS. Main street, OnttiiRo tln.v.i, B CAM. ON . L. PICKARD4& SON for HOl'Hi: PAINTING, l'APKIl HANGING, SIGN WOllK.CAUniAGIi 1'AINTING. Work gmiruiitco'l COTTAOH GUOYK, 0UH. TIIK JKWKUEIt. I AM IT! "Cop' FirBt-clasH Watch, Clock mid Jewelry IJcpairini,'. Hind and Soft Solduring. Wo will sell you anything in our lino at lowiwt HvitiB I'ricca. . W L. COI'PKUNOLL, Mgr. POR SALE. I have 75 to 80 goats for Sale. Vks Vkatcu. Parties desiring to build barns, sheds or other outbuildings would do well to take advantage of the low figure at which The Booth Kelly Lumber Co. are offering some cull lumber in : ijnehand 2 inch thickness. Call on (hem or write them for particulars. TnUe the holicin(a u:u- NOTICE VOK 1'UllLICATIOX. Land Ollico at Koscburp, Orcson, September 27. 1000. Notice is hereby jjlven that the follow-in-named settler lias tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that said proof will bo made befoio Joel Ware. U. S. Commissioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on November 23, 1000, viz: .Samuel L. Phillips 011 II. E. fto. 7407 for the Lot S, NWMSW 1-4, Sec. 2S, T. 10 S., It. 3 W. Ho names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via : Cliarlcs Colcord, O. W. Smith, A -bert rcrnull, James Law, of Crcswcll, Oie. J.T. Uitinocs, Register. "When vou cannot sleep for coughing, it is haidlv necessary that any 0110 should tell' you that you need a few dosos of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay tho irritation of tho throat, and mnko sleep possible. It ia good. Try it. For salo by Bkxhos Dituti Co., Cottago (irovc. Lyons & Ari-Lr-aArn, Drain Druggists. later on. The mill is running steadily. The accumulated concentrates are being piled up to hold for future shipment. The additional 5 stamps that were recently hauled in are being set up as rapidly as possible and the new rock breaker is being put into position. Everything is taking shape for the future enlarged working of this valuable property, and the Helena will render a good and full account of herself ere long. E. S. Lovelace of North Dakota, Brockman Holm and J. E. Ostrander have organized the Sunrise Company out of a group of mines on Adams mountain. Stock has been printed to the amount of 1,000,000 .1015 COULDN'T HAVE STOOD1T 1 If he'd had Itching Piles. They're ' terribly annoying; but llucklen's-Arnica Salvo will euro the worst ease of Piles on em tli. It has cuted thousands. For Injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it's shares and Mr. Lovelace has gone east for the purpose of disposing of a the best .'iilvo in tho world. Price few blocks of it. This company has done mucb development work and 25c a box. Cure guaranteed . Sold by I c,i c nr nr nn ,uP rin,,, wu;nh ,VJ11 nunv Cm n.tnn IM,,. men are steadily employed and will hammer awajgfethe tunnel all winter, as ample provisions and mine supplies have been taken in. Mr. Lovelace is the gentleman who bought put the Jordan interests recently which joins ou to the Sunrise Company. Bk.vson Dniro Co., druggist. DIVIDE ITEMS. Some hard frosts at night now. .Pall plowing and seeding has begun. School started up last week with Miss Ada Smith as teacher. W Canady's sister Mrs Wier has been visiting him and his family. Mr and Mrs Will Coffin visited their son Ed and family on Coast Fork last Sunday. Mr and Mrs Roy Coffin and family went to Eugene last week returning Sunday. Mrs. Dc spaiu and her two little children .returned from the east last Sunday af er an absence of about two months. Miss Hattie Canady while at the hop yards near Creswell had the misfortune to Ipse all of her per sonal effects.' Bohemia Nugget and Weekly Oregouian $2.00 per year. Che Chicago Cypewrttcr Price $35.00 The CHICAGO Cannot Be Excelled fop . Compactness and Clearness of Writing. It is easy to learn to operate, and there is a small number of parts to get out of order. E. L. King, C. J. Howard, Gen'l Agent for Ore. Local Agent, Albany, Oregon. Cottage Grove, Ore. "For three days and nights I sufTcred agony untold from an atfack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cuenm b'rs," says M. E. Lowther, clerk of the district court, Ccntcrvillc, Iowa. "I thought I should surely dio, and tried a dozen different medicines but to no pur pose. I sent for n bottlo of Chnmbor Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three doses relieved me en tirely." This remedy is for salo by Bu.nson Dnua Co., Cottage Grove. Lyoxs & AiTt.KGATi:, Drain J)ruggists. WALKER ITEMS. For sprains, swellings and lameness thero is nothing so good as Chamber Iain's Pain Balm. Try it. For salo by Bunson Drug Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons & Aitleqatk, Drain Druggist. F. St. Smith lias ceased his trips to Bohemia for tho winter. On tho last trip, the father being sick, Miss Chloa and her littlo brother made the journey without mishap. Charles Wright has completed n lino ndditloii to his house. His wifo lias been quite sick but is now mending fast. William F. Canady, through sickness, has severed bis connection with tho Hotel Eugene, and is now at home try ing to get well. Mrs. M. C. Smith and her daughter Chlo.i made a visit to Cottago Grove Inst Saturdny and wore entertained at at the homo of O. C. Cofriiian. Subscribe for tho Nugget nil tho Bo hernia mining news, $1.50 per year. g IT IS HERE! 3 Tlje largest Stock in Soiitlj Jjaie! f -CONSISTING Ot'- sz: Shelf and Heavy Hardware; Stoves and Tinware; Pumps, S Pipes aud AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS I 3 Sj Guns aud Ammunition, Studebaker Wagous, 2 SE Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows, Etc. 3 For Miners' Supplies, the only bouse South of Portland. S S (live us a call. 2s GRIFFIN & VEATCH, E COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. 3