fijjjlY 10 1 nm 1 611 IE FORTS m'j?JZZZL-.m TRARFDY Iff JfTPIKf Iresult of a fall 4 Is Not Ready t0 Withdraw From uuna. ISSUES A CIRCULAR NOTE jnclll",",,,M rrlliiiliiiiiy In II.. llniilHK I'"'"' IHpIHi, 'it. SO. Tin foreign olllt'o ,'rn iiiiiKiuiu'lnu tlmt tlio German gov 'puirut oiiiMltlnrn Hint mi luilihpuiiHit ut pioliiiiinnO' l" 1,1,1 '"'Kiiinliiu' of tr() JMMtllltlllllH Witll Clllllll IM till) dtlliermK "l t'lOMi who tvum ruxpou- liMu lor I"" oiiiii'g""- "" ,ui "i mo ..i..,niiilii' notis iin tlui North Gorman OttZf tte glcn It. ,M im folloWHt "IliO !Oti rnmt m in mu uinpornr hch! liM'timliiiiry to untiring iim.ii (jljjoiuiilio relation wmi lilt) i;niuoMe ' ... .i.... m. ...... . ... v . .. ........ rtUfrllHH I' t'N... ll"n" numb l ritlivortMl up who huvii boon protd In it tliu original "ml Nial instigators (i tlio uuimgi'H nKtilllHt liitiirinitliitiiil lr ulni'li I"1" oot'iimiil ia l'fkln. Hie duiii'iit "I thomi who with merely luntruiiD'iitiil in carrying out thtiMi out new ik '"" t!""t Wholcwilo i.xuuii tlou would Imi contrary lo tint civilized cnDft'ifiu'ti mill tliu uiruiiuiHtinu'OM of forbii group "' Iwi'lerii oaiinot bo com llftrly ascertained, hut a few whorio alH 1 iittrlittiM nlirtulil I id ilullverud up IDli Jllllllfllfll. 'I'll" r'pi'i'MntativuH of i tb power lit Putin iimi ill ii ixmitlou loiiliu r bring forwiird convincing I tvldflll-f. UN ll'CN llllKirtllllUII llttltclllH to tliu liuiiilitir puulMiiul thiiii their cfcunii'ttrit us HiMriiitiuiitM or icatit.rH. Tin gincrninetit believes it run fount cu tlie u ii ii ii i in 1 1' ol nil tlio I'liliiliiitN in rrraril to this olnt. Inasmuch un in-dllTi-relieu I" tliu 111 eu of J lint ntonu incut olil tin 'iii vutuiit to iudilTur tare to a repetition of it crime. Thu jowmiiciit propoiun, therefore, tlmt the rulillictB roiicurnud should instruct tlit-lr ri'iiri-M'iitatlvox lit Poklll to lndl itf tllOI-V leading Chilll'SO pomouaitoi (rem whose guilt in instigating inn) wr-t trnuuK outrages U (loiilit Ih pro Cu.IkI VON 1SCL0W." 'Hie iiotti Iiiin ln'i'ii M'lit to tliu (Hr- einliai-Mt-t at Wiinhini;toii, Lou id. t. I'ftcrnlniru, l'lirin, Homo, itimu hikI Tokio. 118.000 MEN AftE IDLE. I'd.i.n Itunln Mlnrr' Slrlkn l On In l ull IUhiI. l'liil.iilrlpliiii. hopt. 20. The luniU-t 'I Un' Mnku mivh that at llio L'liil of the .ecmii 1iiv j'lK.oOO of thu 1 -11,01)0 uiltiewm ki-rs in tliu alithraoitu lltililn rt- iiilu No teprui-oiitiitivu of tho n.iiip iiirnlor- iimiIju- u htiitutnt'iit foi their Mill-ul tho iinittiir. lint llnlhiiliml liulueuwiii-M iliHpnto tho Hlrikurn' lit,'- frri-h kui-iiii, tlinr.. urn tnfir.. liif-ti ill kcu tlian thu union lt'iiJcin will a li mit. 'Hie llrnt nilvaucu in tho prlco ol aiil. n k a ri-Milt of thu Htriliu, win mailu liy tliu J'hiluiltilphiii & licitilliiK jCoal Ciiiiipauy today, l!5 cpntH ur ton flii mlilu.l. Thi-i iiilvanco was nimptl.v nu t tiv tho local dcalerH, who ;lnacai.fl tho tirico to conauiiiurH &U entri a ton. A cioud appear on tho otherwise iMcefni liorizon in tho tlmpo of a ro rt liom 1 Iiirrlebiirj4 that it hittui feel- tg la ileveloidnu botwceii tho union fin! iinniinion inen in tho LykciiH din tmt, Imati'il In tlio upper etui of Dan liln county, and involving about 'J.COU ainr.vHrkurH. A i-om-t'H-ion whh voluntarily tiriint M Did n.flOO i-iiiplnyuH of tho Lehlnh P'al mill Nuvij;atiiii Company iu tho piuii went of Munch Chunk, who Mil hen-after work II) bourn 11 ihiv for coiitemiont incrc'iii-o in cnrnintrH. Jttfo Mitiii were iinoranized, and had 'Otprui-oiited liny KrfovaiiccH. iruii to ita doclaration iniiiln 1 in lore I'letttiko whh ordered, tho Philadol- "U & Jtoadlnj: Couiimiiy today fft-glit Ha muloH tn tho Hiirfaco in tho o mine,, in Hliiunokln that had boon wed by tlio dtriko. and announced tat they will bo nuriiiiiiiontlv abau- oned, This autlon makes it uocuseary r'thi) minnrK who huvo boon working ii tliofo colliorioa to seek work else- fhcro. The action of tlio 400 or COO era tojeaof the Wost Knd Coal Company 1 MocHnumia. noar WilkosbaiTo. in I'lcking to their work atanda out eminently as tho busy featuro of an omwIro idlo torrltorv. Thov ay they havo no Briovauooa, havo at- JS received tzood treatment from ''ir einployors, nnd, tboroforo, rosiat y etiort to luduoo thorn to atriko. IliKlll-ron tlon In Sulvilitor. Pan Dieco. Sent. 10. Tho stoamor eroilt brines o storv of tho suwiros' ou Of nil Inplnlnnt. Inmirrnr-.tlnn lit Pni. vlor. Minis tnr 'of War fiaatro was !' instigator of n plot to romovo tho I'escut nresidont. Tbomaa ltomilado. 1 llttVO himnnir nrnntnininil urnMidnnt tlie republic, lu liia plan's to brinu llt tho iimiirrnntlnii. flnHtro doomed Noccsmiry to romovo tho colonol of Dnrracks, nnd shot hiin down iu "'J lllood. Tt. u-nii not Irnnvvn until f'er his nrrcut for that crime tlmt tho 'irdcr was a part of tho plot to ovor- ww the profinnt Bovorumeut, but '9 illlnGtliMilr.. 4 hot '.Unit-nil tt... "0'8 Bchoniovas unearthed. Oaetro ' 'ound guilty of murder nnd nt 5 "lock the nfteruoon of Poptomhor U 8 Bliot bv order of tho nreaidont. 19 dMth of tho londor brought tho batoned inaurrootiou to n close. Solillora lllown Up, London. 9rvn'lin ttrtttflb pnm. fMernt T,,lfl, ,i,1nH tlmt n fnticuo "''y ongagod iu destroying gunpowdor . "US Uhmv li.ia hno.i l.lnw.i nil. INeen were kinn,i nmi na liHnrad bv ' 'xploslon. Lincoln, NU, "' I Ion. W. J, (). '' (( ott()r Itrvnn "ottiocrutiu 'ICfUptillg Hill nomination i,,f .....i... .... ii'ii.. ..i .... ' ' lHhUliim,.ii7,.,l 'I 111 V tWIII Milt In, .... . V. Itllll 111 L I.. I ax mi ou-M! 'I'I'o platfi.mi adopt,,,! Ilt K(II1N . (... ;;,u .7 .-S n3 "I'piowu. It (-(iiiriu,,.,,.,.!,, ., Uhii ..... """" 1'ieuiH Ul nuiorn inn couiitrv uiul "tatUH uhmrly "Mil without iiiulilmiitv on paity'H poHltlon I'OIIMllloriMl. on uvory ijUDitfou 'I'lio platform very proprlv Klvos Vwiulnm to thu tniHt ,,et! . TI.5 up l . Krowth of co..,Wtl. nZ , n "U',U ""rll, ," l'r("ul" Inl at.,,,, vtWM ,0,1(!11Mlv(!,y lhnt I'" Itupu . U,,n ,,ltrty ,a,kH rltl()r t, lr or tl, ..i.Uity t0 )lca, , , , eniuHtloii I'lTot-tlvuly. Tin. 1 Itoimiiimtie p,,rty llinkpN WHr 1 pon hoiiOHtly acouiicl wunltli: omlh,,. ilonu It 1, , "in, uL-uiiur . .. 1 , , ''"'ImrruhH rori)iatlons Y'BBii in ii'niilinate hiiHinewi but it ..... n r.miMi iiKiiitist coriK)ratlonH on turiiiK K,llt,; ,, MttuiiiiHiiiB to an. Hiinie coutmi f tho liiKtriiniontatlltieH Of pilVltltliiu-lit, Tin. platform rolterate- tho demnnd contalnod in the OliUmuo nlntf,.. f, an Aiiiurlvaii llnaiieial HyHtem mado by tho Ainiirlcati ih-ohIi. d,r ii.. i.... -i-i . un. purpoM) in ouch a Hyktom i to ro More mid imilntaiii a blmetallo lovol ol nriceo. nun In K.iliir ii.. be noum o.talnty ax to tho method ol n-Htonug bi.netallHm, the apuoillo doc liiration in lavor ol fruo and unlimited eoliuiKu at the cxlatliiK ratlootllJto i, iiHiepi-nileiit of tho action of other mitloiiH, in repeated. Tho deiiiund fur a constitutional iiiiimidnii nt providing for tho election of tenatotH by direct vote of tho people iippeiira for the first timo in it Demo cratic! platfoim. A mutator ia no lees thu repri'M-ntativo of the etato bucause he rouelvoM Iiih roiiimifaiou from the people tlifiiixnltiiH, rather than from the iiieiiilierR of the Htatu legislature. Tho platform indoraea the principle of ditei-t legiclatioii. Thla Is alrendy applied to thu mom important ques tions iu nation, xtutu iimli-lty. It rests niMni tliu found theory that tho people can b tiuited, and that the more re KKiniiitu the goveriiini-nt is to tho will of the people the more free it will bo from iiiiMiM. ami abupu. The platform renovta tho demnnd for arbitration between corporations and their employes. I cannot too ctrongly omphnalzo the impoi tiliiue of tho platform rocommou datioii of tho establlHhuient of a do-partmi-nt of labor, with a member of thu cabinet at its bond. The ( 'liimi-u exclusion act has proven mi advantage to the country, and its continuance and strict enforcement, as null as its extension to other similur rucen, are imperatively necessary. The Dumomcraiio party is iu ftvor of tliu immediate construction, owner ship and control of tho Nicaragua canal by the United Status. Thu time is ripe lor a systomatlo nnd extended ctTort to reclaim the arid lauds and ilt them lor actual settlers. Wo cannot connect ourKelves with Kuropeau nation, and sharo iu their jealousies and ambitious without losing the peculiar ndavutago which our loca tion, our character and our institutions givo us iu the world's affair. Tho doctrine enunciated by Mouioo and approved by succeeding presidents, is cn.eutial to tliu welfare of tho Unit ed States. Thu continents of North and Smth America aro dedicated to the development of free government. One republic after another has been ostab llshed, until today tho monarchical Idea has alien ly baroly n ioothold iu tho Now World. I inperlHlUin. Tho subjects, howovcr, treated in ' this letter, important as each n,ny 1 Ki'iini in itself, do not rrosa to imperii j tivuly forsolutiunaa tho question which I tho platform duclares to bo tho para I mount iesuo in this campaiun, Whuthor wo shall adhuro to ornbandon tlinmo ideas of novornnieut which have distiimuiahed this nation from othet iiAtlons and glvon to Its lilBtory its po. culinr charm and valuo is n question tho settlemont of which cannot bo de- laved. No othorquostion can approach it'll, importance no other question demands such immediate cousldera- tlon. II ia ensier to loso a reputation than to establish one, and thla nation would llnd it ,t long and laborious task to regain its proud position among tne .." .. n. i tnnta. niitious. if. under tho stress of tompta tin, it should repudiate tho self-ovidenl truths proolaimod by our horolo ancea - . .1 U-I tt.,,.. When tho doctrine that the peoplo nro tho only source of power la . f it .... nuidosecuro troing mruiur : 1 cnrn frnlllK Kirtlior BtWOK W fely proceed to tho settlemont ol miorous nuoftious which Involve call ea 5n-B- e'weihirVo our citizens. Very truly yours. tllU uumvmiw ...... W. J. BRVAN. Rlcainur Valencia I'rom Noiur. Goattlo. Sopt. 20. The stoamor Va- beatwu, cii i..i, nrtivml from Nomothis ntornoon with n largo passongor list nud .$500,- 000 in gold, consigned by tno trailing companies to two local banks. Tho v..n..,,ni.. i.hI..i.s news that a torriblo Kale raged at, Nome from September 1 to September B, but that only three deaths hud boon vonuoii. Wisdom is tho kuowlodgo of other people's miatiikos. Approprlatl"11 by M"l,0O City of Mexico, Sopt." 20. A bill haa boon introduced in tho Mexican concvoss providing for nn npproiiria. ticn'of $30,000 or tho Gnlvostou Buffer, ors. . . Now York's SiiunorlpUom. Now York. Sopt. 20.-Sunscrlptiona rocoivod to dnto iu this city for tho Bufforors iu Galvoston amount to $310,010. The pollco force Bav9 $7,738. " - w-.lW .....Ml. , , .,-.,,,.-...7 . I 111! IIIIIULUI Ul V I 111111 I Pni TnnrroM1 I.. Tt r"(.. i by the Allies. rHEin LOSSES WERE HEAVY I l.nrc I'.hco ur 'I limp. I'tmiilnjc In thn NrlRhlMirliuiiil ,.f 'I'nlt ii -A in,,i li-iin I'mliil Arrmi;iii).it1 Ilorlln, Popt. ', Tho f.okal An zoIklt'h ShaiiKhnt corrOHponilunt cabled that tho alliuH today capttred tho Pel Tiiiik and Lu Tal forts, with great It it) rumored on Iruntwortliy author ity in Khanuhai. hivh it dlHiiatch to thn Lokal Auztiluor, that Odriiiiinv will in- ""i iiz-uiKur, iinu uiirniiiiiv will 1U- it upon tho destruction of the Chlnoso coat (lofeiiHHH and tho YnniitHO forts aa a condition of her entrance upon peace negotiations. HiiiD-iiiliir of ToilK Di-inatiiteil. London, Hnpt. 2a. Tho Tlon Tuln rorrcHpondont ol thu Dally Nluil, ro forrini; to tho attack on tho Poi Tang and Li Tai forta, already captured by tho allien after heavy Iohbch, according to nilviccx received at Berlin, says: "Ihu Hiirrundur of tlio fortn waa de- 1' 'l a o'olook oa 'IucmIiiv. with !10 '''at of attack by tho ('orill1's '.d Uushiana in the ovout of ,e,uka, rrepnrotloiit for Ihn Altnck. Tien Twin, Sept. 22. Two thousand six hundred Germans left Tien Tain today to join a force forming in the neighborhood of Taku, already com poted of 4,000 Ituesians, 1,000 Gor mans and other foreign troops, the in tention bolng to attack the Pei Tang foils tomorrow at daybreak. Tho American ostal arrangements nro completed for Tien Twin, lirauch ollices havo been opened at the differ ent points whero thu United States troops aro stationed, and tlio service will bo curried as soon as possible to Pekiu. BOERS DISPERSED. Itiilinrti Hiiya ll llii. Srutlrrcit Tlielu Into 31 ii i-n ml I mi; Itiuiit. London, Sopt. 2'J. Lord Roberts cables fiom NoUpruitt, on tho Pre-toria-Dehigoa bay r.iilioad, not far from Komatipoort, the (rontior station, under date of Wuduekday, September 10, as followi: . "Of tho a.UOO Uopis who retroatod from Komatipoort before tho British advance from .Miichiulodorp, TOO have entered Portuguese territory; others havo doi-crted in vrrluus directions, nnd tho la lance are reported to havo crossed tho Komnti liver and to bo oc cupying spurs of tlio Lombobo moun tain's, t-outh of tho railway. A general tumult seoma to have occurred when they recognized tho hopolesancsa of their causo. Their Long Toms and Hold guns havo been destroyed and nothing is loft of the lloer army but a few marauding bands. Kolly-Kouny is dealing with one of these, which oc cupies a position at Doornberg." Tho war otlico has isuud a long r , port from Lord ltoberts on tho subject , of tho .lohanuesburg plot to overKwjr , tho garriKin and murder tho British ollicers aud tho deportation of foreign ers. After reiterating tho known ftwts of tho plot, tho l'.ritii-h cominandor-lu-' chief in South Africa says: , "Tho consuls of America, Frifnee and Sweden, subjects of which nations 1 wore arrested, mot aud fully diecuseed tho caso with the ilritish olllcials. I Tho iutorview wus most satisfactory. I Tho consuls concurred entirely in tho Ilritish action and 'nomlsod every as- ' bistanco." i Lord Roberts adds that lie fortiiwitn ordered the deportation of all foreigners arrostod iu connection with tho plot for whoso behavior their respectivo consuls could not vouch. Otherwise, vnrv few foroiuuers were deported, ox- 1 r..t om,)i0ves of tho. Noherlauds rail- r0M) wj10 rofusod to work for tho Brit- jsll ami actlvoly participated in tho w,r c.o,.,..o '- '-' Denver. Se, t. , 20.- ho New an nouncea this iiiornlng that Thomas . ' Walsh will receive ' ' Camp tfrn mine w . . . n - - i investors, hoadod by Aifrud lieu, tno South African diamoud kiug, and J. Mnrtfiill. the New Yoik imuker. It is sain iniu a draft cover- nt tno r in ti, Virst National diihk. jou Hays Ilnnui nIinil lib IJl TTnniinnnil. tho mining oxperi. ,1 ..t riiimv todnv to make a final , . , -,,,w nf Hll "V . ' ' examination . tho synd onto nnd expeote.l 1 deal will bo closed within 10 days, ltlleil Hl I'rlenil. Bait Lake, Utah, Sept. 92. Warren F. llarrisou." foromnu of the Rooky jiiouiuiwii j. - ... -i,,, ,i,l inatautly killed at Brig Mountain Bell Tolopiiono uompany, J)am cityt Utah, last night, by James JUlrk0i 0no of his linemen, jmrrmuu wag Ktnuding in a drug storo, when , ,,.., nt,.rod and without a word ot I uing emptiod tho contents of a shotRml into tho hack of Harrison s i i in was p nceti uiiuer miwt. but rofusod to give any reason for tho 00t( Both men had boen closo frlouds. Moiitima Town Hiiriiotl. T..nt Kont. al. Ilia ow" o i 1 man. West Mont.. Sept. a I. uio i... rt..rt tnMilV. HIH1 U11U Rilev, was binned to death. The lire originated in tho hotel owned by Itlley. The property loss is $15,000. Nearly nil tho business houeoa wero dostroyed, thoro bolng no firo dopartment or appa ratus. varis Sent 22 Tho Galveston fund hMna 'raised hero haa renohod 100,000 , francs. lir of llttHil. (lalveston, Texas., Kept. 21. Gov ernor Fu.vsr tonight telegraphed the following signed statement to the press: '"I ho Munition in nil parts of the stricken district, so far as known to mo, is improved, and will, 1 bolleve, should tho weather continue fair, con tinue to improve. The method of dls trilmtiiiL' the contributions of tho pco- ... . , , liaH bdcumo systomaDc, and is re- (lucod to tho lowest uxnonditiire nossi- bio, mid in this 1 havo had tho hearty ! and voluntary assistance of tho rail- , rond, telegraph and telcphono com- Philadelphia, Sept. 24. Tho tragedy ( anything half so convincing could bo panics, ull of whom have promptly and that has boen looked for since the coal- demonstrated Bs is done by tho inter without charge, transmitted supplies , workers' striko begun camo suddenly f esting atory relatod by Mr. Kdward T. and niossages, besides contributing to mid unoxpoctedly nt Shonandonh this ( Dudloy, n "practicing attorney for 25 the relief of tlio sufferers. nfteruoon. A posso, hurriedly gathered feara in f;flU Francisco, with offices nt "The loss of life occasioned by the storm in Galveston and elsewhere on tho southern coast cannot ho leas than IL',000 lives, whilo tho loss of proper ty will probably nggregato $20,000,- 000. Notwithstanding this severe af fliction I have every confidence that tho stricken districts will tapldly ro vive, and that (ialvoston, from her present doFolatiou nnd sorrow will nribe with rcnowed strength and vigor. "To tho people of the United States, 1, as governor, bog to tender my most profound and most grateful acknowl edgments, assuring them 'that their generous benefactions will be held in lasting remembrance by tho people ol Texas. Wo havo not been loft to stand alone in our trouble, but messnces ol i earnest sympathy, nccompaniod by largo contributions in money und sup plies and also in personal assistance through the Hcd Cross and other bo uevolcnt societies, have had tho effect to relievo tho situation of much of its sadness and misfortune. "JOSEPH D. SAYF.KS." Koveral human bodies were found today. No attempt was made to iden tify tliom, and they were immediately cremated. At a meeting of tho general relief committeo today, no ono waa found who would undertake the job of remov ing the city's debris on contract, as all state it would be impossible to make a dofluite statement. The nearest esti mate expert wreckers will makois that it will take 2,000 men 00 days to cleai away the debris, nnd get all of the tho bodies out, and that it will cost $50,000. Tho board adopted a resolu tion stating that it was the opinion ol the board that the best way to solve ' the problem of clearing away tho do- bris was to lot a contract to some one to do this work. They recommended to the general committeo that this be done. ENGAGEMENT WITH TAGALS. , richllng In the I.ncim" !) Hoy HUtrlcl Twelve A murlcuim Were Klllml. Manila, Sept. 21. During the last Beveu days there has been n distinct in- crease of insurgent ns-gressiou particu- larly near Manila along the railroad and iu the provinces of Laguna Mo - rong, Bulacan, Nueva Kcija and Pa - manga, culminating Monday in an en- gagmout uear Solouan, near tho end ol Luguua do Bay. in which detachments of tho Fifteenth aud Thirty-seventn m- fautry, 00 men all told, met 1,000 in surgents armed with rifles nud en treuchud. Tho American loss was 12 killed, including Caplaiu David D. j Mitchell and Second Liouteunut George A. Cooper, both of tho Fifteenth infan try; 20 wouudad aud five missing, who are nrobablv dead. Tho euomy had been pursued for several days Thorn nra rumors of attacks on the rnilroad and of trouble iu Manila. Refugees nro arriving hero from La- guua, Morougnud Pampagna provinces. Tho natives of Manila aro restless aud many aro leaving the city. The hos- tile demonstrations aro particularly alone tho railroad and along tho shores of Luaguna de Bay. Tho iusurgonti havo attacked garrisons nnd outpoast. In somo cases they have charged, towns flooiug when pursued. Gulgiuto, Polo, Malolos nud Calocau, have ba,on subject tu thla treatment. The Manila mail escort of 30 men was attacked at Cnbugao lako, n two- hours' fight eusulug. Cabugao wni nlso attacked, tho telegraph oilico there bolng destroyed. The insurgonta have burned tho vlllago of RosariO. Xhey havo been cutting tho telegraph wlros nud railroad at certain points Insuruenta have developed in the dis tricts of San Jose, San Mateo and Mari quina. In tho provinco of Neuva Ecija, ration wagoua with an escort oi 12 wero attuckod aud the wagons burned. Fivo members of the escort are still missing. 1 .L.ln.a fmin r!al.l1 ilacnvtllrt COVOrflt nui.v i.v,.i .v... ,.v-w.. attacks upon American garrisous neai tho capital. The American casualties, oosideof theSeulloan engagement; it is difficult to ascetraiu, nut thoy are at i.,Bi u VViiiiti Autorloii to Intorfero. Caracas, Venezuela, Sopt. 21. The Venezuela goverutnont haa requostod tho Uuitod States minister hero, F. B. Loomis, to Interfere through tho au thorities at Washington with a view to inducing tho French government to annul the extra duty imposed on cof fee. Franco imports a third of the Venezuela crop. A girl at Marion, Kansas, recently died from n wouud on tho baud made by tho barb ou tho back of a catfish. New York, Sept. 21.- Spring Lako, 1.. vi " ni.m.uu .waw.w mv... wv.. w..v, ' Among tho buildings burned wero three N. J., n summer resort near Sea Girt, of tho largost, hotels in tno piaco, ii fluo cottagos aud several storos. The total loss is estimated nt $250,000. Most of tho hotols nud cottagos hud closed for tho season. Toxarkana, Ark,, Sopt. 21. The plant qf tho Union Compress Company waa burned today, with 2,000 bales ol I cotton. Loss, $160,000. i Clash Between Strikers and a Posse. TWO PERSONS WERE KILLED uv - r riTr iiuiiiirri. mini wnni tiro.i n,,i.-i o,.t '. I " "" ' I uy Sheriir looio. or. HcnuyiKiu county, to meet an omorgency, was forcod to j Tire on it mob that wns threatening workmen on their way home under es cort. A man and a little girl were in stantly killed nnd fcevernl others full more or less wounded. Sheriff Toole lost no time in calling on tho National eventually paralysis, loss of memory Guard general to aend troops to aid and strength whioh, however, has lum. After a consultation, tho an-' yielded to proper treatment as explain thorltles decided to Bend troopa to the ' ed by him hereafter, turbulent region tonight. Feeling thankful (or the good dono Shenandoah's trouble waa preoipi- aim and realizing many others are in tated by tho closing of six collieries 1 similar condition, Mi. Dudley volun there this morning through the efforts tarily tells of the benefits in bis own of striko leaders. Moro will uloso to- way which is given without color or morrow as n voluntary nor, it is saw, i on the part of tho Heading Company. This is dono at tho request of Sheriff Toole, who hopes iu this manner to avoid further rioting. The outlook at midnight, however, ia dubious, as the foreigners aro in an ugly mood after the day's happenings. Elsewhere, tho situation is quiet, but peoplo are looking for an outbreak ia. the Hazletou district, aud armed sher iff's deputies uro much in evidence there. Tho Heading Company lias about dlscontiuned the sale of coal for future delivery, and tonight's rioting almost certainly means the shutting off of coal handling all over the anthracite field, at least. rHrtlculnm ol the lllot. Shenandoah, Pa., Sept. 24. A sher iff's posso fired on a crowd of riotous men near here this afternoon, killing two porsonsand wounding seven others. Superintendent Adam Boyd, inside foreman for tho railway, and breaker bosses James and William Mitchell, of Indian Ridge colliery, at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon were returning home irom worK wiiuii winy eiu wit ut im Lehigh Valley station by a mob with sticks aud stones. The mine officials drew rovolvera and flrod. Tho mob be came furious, after ouo of its number was shot, aud attempted to close In ou the officials. They ran up Lloyd . . .-I..V . t .. ... ...1 .1 . Street 10 K uarra s sutine, Ati.eru wiey wero imprisoned for two hours. Tho mob threatened to burn the stable, and Sheriff Toole, with 25 deputies, arrived and dispersed them, and the mine offl- 1 cials went to their homes. , The sheriff took tho posse to Indian Ridge colhory and escorted some work- men up Centre street. As they again neared tho Lehigh a ley station the men nurieu stones an ine uepuues ituu a shot was also lireil from a rrf The deputies then opened fire. They haiitened toward May street, in the meaniimu liriug uvui ouu juuib, nuu the mob hurling missiles of all kinds. One man aud a little girl were found lying dead nfter tho shooting. The crowd was finally dispersed and the sheriff and the deputies retired to the 1 Ferguson House, the most prominent 1 hotel in Shenandoah. Dining tho riot ' windows were broken, buildings ! wrecked and a number of persona were injured. troop Ontoreit out. Harrisburs. Pa-. Sept. 24. Threo , -imt.s nf infnntrv. a battery and n troon of cavalry were ordored out at i midnight by Governor Stono to assist , 3i,erj 'r00le in maintaining ordor in , tll0 gchuylkill region. This action wns ,jjen aft'0r a conference between the I governor, Adjutant-Genoral Stewart aud Gcmenw. Gobin, on the urgent so- j imitation of the sheriff, tho borough counoii 0f Shenandoah and many j prominent residents of that locality, iuiian in-mure San 1-rauoisco, bept. a. inreo rtus- Armedislnns, xiaro uurcnowiicn, juu rem , , c ,,' ; and Robert Sohoub, have reaohod mnnu this city in search of n phantom for- tuno of $35,000,000. Eight years ago they saw in the Warsaw Courier a statemeut that ouo Yakob Massek Harowitz, whose heirs they claim to be, died iu America, leaving the sum mentioned. Later the story was re- i.. peatea oy a oymg m i'm i' " "T tsohin, and convinced of tho truth, tho Russians, havo como to tho far west, and with their legal representativea are seeking lot clews to the alleged treaauro. Itnlloon Acolitent at Street Fair. Chicugo Sopt. 24. A special to the Times-Herald from St. Joseph Mich., says: Professor L. J. Kahler a young balloonist died last night from injuries sustained oariier in the day by a fall from his balloon while making an ascension. A street carnival was iu progress, and over 5,000 poopla had gathered to witness tho ascension, which wns one of the features. Knhler is one of four brothers who have met death thiough falling from n balloon. Wreck lllircli it Channel. Port Huron, Mich,, Sept. 34. The hargo Martin, in tow of tho steamer Maurice Grovor, was sunk in tho rapids at the entrance of tho St. Clair river tonight by tho stoamor Yuma. Captain James Lawloss, William Ross, Mrs. Bacon (cook), and ono sailor aro missing, Tho Yuma crashed into tho Btarboard sido of tho Mnrtlu and she went down like n log. Navigation through tho ohanuol ia blooked. Tho wreck will havo to be blown up in or. der to clear tho ohanuol. SAN FRANCISCO ATTORNEY FALLS FROM PLATFORM OP STREET CAR STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS. Ihock to the System llrlligd on Nirw J'roitmtloii How a Cure 1V AfTecteil. .... ... , Volumes might bo writton in praise .if n nnnulnr remedy for tho croatintr of rich, now blood and tho tip-bulldintr of n worn out body, but it 18 doubtful B8 City Hall avenue. Twotve years 1R0 when 39 years of age, fllr. Dudloy lost his balance while standing upon tho roar platform of a street car, caus ing him to fall, striking tho "ground with tho back of his hond. which. broucht on a feollnir of numbness nnd smbellishment as follows: "After the fall from tho car I passed tt by aa an accident that had loft no apparent ill effects; yet a few weeks later, in endeavoring to get on a car, L found I could not raiso my foot. From this timo paralysis began in my feet and in time my Tower limbs became aumb. I became pale aa a ghost nnd. it brought on a bloodless condition of i my syatein. From being a strong, healthy man of 180 pounds, I was ro 1 ducod to 146 oounds. aud my doctor told my wife that it waa only a ques- ti0n of timo when I should havototako to my bed. My 'wife asked if was I ;olng to die, and he said, 'No, but tho chances aro that he will lie on fho flat of his back for 20 years.' I thought would fool him. Medicines prescribed by the doctors and taken by mo did no jood, and my system was so drained, my blood so impoverished nud I wns io debilitated that at the time I started to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, if 1 fell down I could not possibly get up ngaiu unassisted. I :ould scarcely walk a block. Now I :au walk three or four miloa without I fatigue and as you see, can lift my , . ,. ,,, j,-r,t , - - bnln boxee I Dr. Williams Pills. About three ; t ears ago I saw Dr. Williams' Pinlc ! Pills advertised iu a San Francisco ' paper aud decided to try them, and 1 from what I have told you of my con- .... nri ,,,- t,, waaV rxA i . j 1 ,,A(t tryiiiK Dr Williams' Pink j g Aoft t,ma t)wt wag lckin up co,or nnd mv health and general system was much ! (lul not' c,)ange mv dIot, J (Hd j tflk6 other eaioiBo, and i nssert ,hat a3 a b,00( maker nnd buider Qf th(j 8V6toln they Br0 in , . b, - increaso in woltrht 1 from 145 to 185 pounds I can lay to . , ,ge Williams' Pink ..... "1 havo recommended them to hun dreds whoso blood was impoverished, whoso system was run down aud who eeded building up, nnd shall continue to do so, as I believe thoy are tho best medicine in tho world for that par pose." Signed, EDWARD T. DUDLEY. Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this 10th day of July, 1000. JUSTIN GATES, Notary Public, fn nnd for tho city and county of San Francisco, state of California.. All the elemonta necessary to give new life and richness to tho blood ami , restoio shattered norves are contained, j ,n a condensed form, in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo Peoplo. Thoy aro 1bo a apocifio for troubles peculiar to fomalea such as suppressions, irregular- , Itles nud all forms of woakness. Tbey ouild up tho blood and rostoro the clow , 3f health to pale and sallow cheeks. fn men they effect a radicnl euro in all oases nrising from mental worry, over (cork or excesses of whatever nature Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold in oxes (never in loose bulk) at 50 cents a . . , fn, -.' nnA mnv h box or six boxes for $2,50, aud may be jad of all druggists or direct by mail Zi-om Dr. Williams Modiciuo Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Quarantine tn Nevada. Reno, Nov., Sept. 22. Dr. J. K. John, quarautinu ofiicor for California, nd Dr. M. P. Matthews, secretary ot the stato board of health, of California, ire here to inspect nil westbound trains ja guard against tho possiblo introduc tion of smnllpox in their state, Small poxs is said to bo very prevalent in Green River, Wyo.. aud Boveral cases invo developed iu tho eastern part ol (ho state, Lontlmr Trust Ileiluee lSxpenael. New York, Sept. 22. At a rooent neetlng of tlio diroctora of tho Ameri can Hido&Loather Company, it was ieclded to rednco oporating expenses oy about. $150,000 a year. Today it tvaa nnuouueed that 23 accountants employed in tho local auditing depart ment had beou Cjlsebarued and that tho department had been moved to Chicago. lllC Tlru In Nt York. Now York, Sopt. 33. Fivo police men wero overcome by smoke today in Aa firo at what ia known as the Ter minnl stores, n warehouse block bonnd jd by Twenty-seventh nnd Twenty eighth streets nud Ouo Hundred nnd Tenth aud Ouo Hundred nnd Twentieth nvouues. The firo losa is ostimntod at $220,000. Tho' stock, prluolpally fur niture nnd enrpots In tho buildings, es timated nt several millions, is stored by a number of leudiuu New Yorlc louses,