Tnc Proapif otis Business Men of Cottage Grove Atlvcrtiw !u the NufTECt. Bring Your Joli Wort to -the Nugget Job Office. Prices Reasonable jLba $ V'O.C. XX PROFESSIONAL, J. E. YOUNG jlltonwy-nl-Law x. oillro on MMii Klreol, Wcit Hlflo , CoTTAOK GlfOVH, OllR. ,l, (I .lOHN'SON ami P. 0, EBV Utorncus a iid Counsclor.i-at-Law u.,. lul Attention glten to Mining, ('orimrntloii 1 iiml Moti'iuitlld l.nw. i v In Old CO. liUllillnK. COTTAGE GROVE, ORE J. S. MEDLEY Jllorncy-dl-Lmu o o o : -Oillcuoii Main Jtfoet : CoTTACJH Gkovk, Oltlt. JEROME KNOX AUovncy-al-Luw 'r"in Attention piM to Mining lliilne. Cottagh Gkovk, Our. L. L. STEVENS Atlorncy-al-Lau) u a H;r.-lal ittlolltlon KlVOll to Milling HuiliieM iiml t'ollu-'iloiiii. kuuknk, oui:. iieimi w. TlloNIKnN I'll . t, II t ItliV. THOMPSON & HARDY S ?ittiriieysaml Counsrhn-tit Law o j-il nMpiitlon riven trtlho Inw nt kuuknk, uui:. L. T. HARRIS ?ltr trncy and Counselor -at -Law Kii'tnl iiiicntliin riven to I lie Inn "I Milieu. Kits! National Bank Building. KUUKNF., ()!tK. RELIjIBLH .'ISM VS. Vamy'.tt by inn 1 1 tcruUc inmiit nilc.ttloti FRANK. P. WHITE, ctJiTAtii: ciiiovi '. 'c Jiiinci IlenioiittBy, Main t. ' W. I.UIVI). T. W. NKVIl.t Lloyd & Ncvill iIIM'i KNfilNKIIIlH I'.H. 1)15. UTV MINCKAI. SUItVBYOIW Itooiim 538-KW Clmmborof Coiiimon-o Tc u,ihiino('ln)rKI7 1' ) llox 1018 I'OltTI.ANI), OII15. Airs. Kathcrlno Sclilcef, M. I). Diseases of Women ami Children COTTAOK GKOVK, OKU. D. J. GOVER Prospector and Mine Locator. l'or Information on Bohemia Mining District write inc. K.cciul Atlunllou (llvoil to Corrol'Oii(lonco UOIIEMIA, ORE. Oico. O. Oki-tyh. NOTARIES PUBLIC 'UOIUCMIA, OkJ. Odlco nf Mualek Mluaiuiil ElophiintMuunlnln. BUvSINESS. ao 'iOj. MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fashionable Dressmaking. main stki5kt Cottagk Gkovk, Oki. EAKIN & BRISTOW BANKERS"--2 Transact iv Uonornl llanfelnK Huslncss' in All Its IlrunchM. Cottagk Gkovk, OkK. J. W. BENTLY, IMte practical Boot and Shoe maker, located in the Case building, two doors east of the l'ostoflke. Repairing neatly and quickly done mul satisfaction guaranteed. Call Uevotcd to the Mining, Ln,beri OoUuo Q 3 TO When women see a stylish, handsome jacket, you often hear them say: Oh dear, I wiMi I had one uuc Hint, but I in sure it costs so much." kmA) cHoaencaanancnaoEoacnBoBoaoaoBBenonoHOHononoi2onoaoGanoaoH8nonoHeoEOHn30BOH9 o FOR MEN. We handle Siiriiniic CSlove C(iiiihhv'h Khms, They lire considered the bent glove in tin- market. Good Y How Oil Ptor-I; with patented string fastener CO and 7.r)0. Our Steam Proof lino are a Foft, plia bio glove, an well an durable; Hindu with i;ileiitud t-trinj,' fiiHt cner 8., $1 and $1 io. . I'nliiiPil Kit, soft flnixh, making a v;ry nico driving ylove. .Jl 'lb. Sarattan Huek, lin'"t weichl, Hue Htoi'k, tn hand, open h:iek, Porter faetetier, welted, wax linen tlitend inh and pliable; iiiidonhtcdly the beet glove in the nmrket ... tl CO. Unlliied Chopper Mits, oil grain calf skin Ol)e and f I. l.inl-d Kit (lloves, line stock . . .$1. : o lS i u o ta ! o a 1 o , a ! o n , o CI : 8 I ca : M la o T A "O kJ - j,j,, - - H. C. MADSEN, Watciimakkr. IIcpnltliiK t roiiwiniiblo charge. All work giianinleoil llrnM'l:nn. Wiilvhvc, Ulovkii unci Jewelry ut Low est l'rli'cs COTl'AUK OltOVK, OKK. ELITE o Shaving o Parlor Cottagk Gkovk, Okk. GEO. E. GRIFFITH, Trop. William Renshaw THE EXCHANGE AM' WAI.KI". Maimgcr. 1):AM5II IK 1'ISK WINKS, IJQUORS, CIGARS. Main street, Ootliic" Orovc, Ore. CAI.I. OS B. L. PICKARD & SON Kor 1IOUH15 1'AINTINO. I'At'KIl HANOINO, SKIN WOUK, CAItHIAOK 1'AINTINO. Work giiarnnlceil COTTAdK 'GKOVK, OUK. KOT1C15 OK l'lNAT. SI5'rn15MKNT. l i"e 4M.t loll nl. llnnl aeeount In aW C.llllllV OrCKIIII. lias lixuu juuii.m; rt'MohSr. im t the ho..r o ten o'clock A. M.UHlno iiuiuior hiioii the name. ,,.,,,. mui iiuioil thls'JlilU ilay of AuKiist, lwu. UlllCU UIUWIH (!, II, IIUIIKIini.PKR. Ailnilnlstrator. FOR SALE. I have 75 to 80 goats for sale. Vks Vkatcii. Parties desiring' to build barns, sheds or other outbuildings would do well to take advantage of the low figure at which The Booth Kelly Lumber Co. are offering some cull lumber in 1 inch and 2 inch thickness. Call on them ov write them for particulars. Ttt'kvthe Bohemia A'uroe'. ng and Farming Interests of this - roveL Oregon, .Friday,' September to Wear! Now it's the surest tiling in the world they're not familiar with the PALMER GARMENT. They're absolutely correct for style none made any more perfect as to that, and the price is within reach of any woman's pocket-book. My! if every one could see Vhem, how easy it would be to settle the question of WHAT SHALL I WEAR? Eakin & Bristow. Garman & Ncwjand COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. l'OR HOYS. Cotton Srettcrt, good quality, in maroon and assorted striped colors 50o. All-Wool, light weight, assorted col ored striped f 1 25. l-OR MEN. Cotlon, gooil quality, color ma roon " 50c. Mixed Cotton and Wool, medium heavy, maroon 80q. All-Wool", good quality, medium heavy, maroon 10. Same iih" above, only finer wool, as sorted solid colors $1 05. All-Woo), very line quality, in as sorted colored stripes $2 25. White, medium heavy i CO. Til" A TVT X. TVnC,TO7'T A - (. - - H...((l,(,n..nBniii!BfiinBii!iiroii.B2 Hotel Eugene IIOLLEN'BECK BROS, k BRISTOW. Headquarters for MINING MEN. KVEltV WANT ATTENDED TO. EUGKNR, - Orkgon. NOTICE. There will be a call meeting of the South Lane County Stock and Wool Growers Association at Cot tage Grove, on Saturday Sept. 29th at one o'clock p. in. Important business. J. G. PoWHU.. Pres. Jkkomk Knox, Sec. FIREMAN'S NOTICE. All members of the R. H. Co., are requested to meet Oct. 1st, 1900. J. C. Vkatcii, Sec. FOR SALE OR TRADE. I have two span of horses, weighing from 1300 pounds up, and a fine Jersey bull, for sale or trade for town property. Ed Undkrwood. Cbe Chicago I Community, to Good Government, J EOR CHILDREN. Iuvn Hoods, made of lace open worn ; very pretty uesigns .85 to 05c. limbroidercd and Tucked Muslin and Swiss, different designs 75c to $1 .'55. Ladies' San Flonnots, made of cham bray, full back crown, stitched and lined, assorted colors. .50c. Our lino of Loose Embroideries, Rib bons and Drygoods Notions is large. Ladies' Summer Skirts, large vari ety; in price from . . . ,C0c to $3. Shirt Waists, different colors and kinds 50c to-ifO 75. Ladies' Neck Wear in latest styles. . 15c to 00c. TVTT sW ENDURED DEATH'S AGONIES. Only a roaring fire enabled J. M. Garrettson, of Sail Antonio, Tex., to lie down when attacked by Astlnqa, from which bo suffered for years. Ho writes his misery was often so great that it seemed ho endured the agonies of death ; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption wholly cured him. This mar velous mcdiciiio is the only known cure for Asthma as well as Consumption, Coughs and Colds, and all Throat, Chest and Lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. tuiaranteed. Trial bottles freo at Unx hon Dauu Co., DrugStoro. A WORD TO MOTHERS. Mothers of children afTecled with croup or a seveto cold need not hesitato to administer Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It contains no opiato nor narcotic in any form and may o given as confidently to the babo as Jo an adult. Tho great success that has at tended Its U80 in the treatment of colds and croup has won for it tho approval and praise it has received throughout the United States and in many foreign lands. For sale by Benson Dbuo Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons & Aitlegate,' Drain Druggistp. Bohemia Nugget and Weekly Oregonian $2.00 per year. I AM. IT! Cop" THE j First-class Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. Hard and Soft Soldering. Wo will sell you anything in our liiiQ at lowest living prices. AV. L. COITKRNOLL, Mgr. Cypewiter Price $35.00 The CHICAGO Cannot Be Excelled for Compactness and Clearness of Writing. It is easy to learn to operate, and there is a small number of parts to get out of order. E. L. King, C. J. Howard, Gen'l Agent for Ore. Local Agent, Albany, Oregon. Cottage Grove, Ore. and Hustling for a Grub Stake. 38, 1900. FROM THE PHILIPPINES. The following letter comes from one of our brave soldier boys who went from here as a volunteer at his country's call. It will be of interest to many, and especially to mothers who have sons in that distant isle beyond the sea. Some of the minor details are omitted, but the main portion is here given: Mariquina, P. I., Aug., 13, 1900. Editor Bohemia Nuggbt: I received last night a letter from mother, who told me she had been to see you, and had given you the little piece I sent home; and also that you wished me to write a dis cription of the Philippino and his habits. Well, sir, you understand I am 110 professional writer or even a common one, but a very poor one, but I will try to do the best I can. The Philippines as a rule are a very peculiar race. They are not a real black color but more of a brown color and the women have long flowing hair, black as jet and shining like silk. The men's hair is cut in a kind of pompadore fashion. If you should see a woman walk ing along the street or elsewhere and she has anything to carry she always carries it on her head, no matter what it is. The men have a piece of bamboo on which hang two baskets, one 0:1 each end. In these they place anything they wish (o carry. They can carry 80 to 1 00 pounds with the greatest of ease, and keep up a sort of dog-trot all day long. The horses they have are small but strong. One of the little fellows often have to draw in a small cart three and four persons, and they never think of giving them a- rest, but drive them as fast as they can go till they entirely give out, for it is their belief that if they can go fast their horses have to, no matter how great the load; the plows they use have only one handle and are drawn by a carribou or water buffalo, a huge beast and very slow but strong. They cannot stay out of the water very long, two or three hours at most. On hot days the river can be seen lined with carribous large and small. As for dress the Philippino is never very extravagant. He wears white pants and a shirt which hangs loosly outside of his pants, and a pair of wooden soled shoes. The women wear the same kind of shoes that the men do. They are called zopadoes. They also wear for a waist a piece of calico which has huge but short sleeves in it, and for a skirt they take a common piece of calico, wrap it about them selves and it is made fast at the waist. This consists of the clothing. In nature the Philippino is some what like an American Indiau. He is cunning and deceitful aud often pretty sharp, but they have not a great deal of courage. It takes about fifty to seventy-five of them to whip ten American soldiers. Well, sir, it is not a very good discription of the modern googoo, but you can correct the mistakes g IT IS HERE! 3 g Te Largest Stock irj Solitlj liaise! 3j -CONSISTING ov- Shelf and Heavy Hardware; Stoves and Tinware; Pumps, Pipes and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS I 2 Guns and Ammunition, Studebaker Wagons, 2 Cantou Clipper Plows, Harrows, Etc. 13 S For Miners' Supplies', the Give us a call. E GRIFFIN & VEATCH, g: COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. and when I get home I will come and see you and give you better satisfaction, but at present I must close as fatiguccall is being sounded, so Adios'Senor. Yours Respectfully, W. B. Stinnet, Co. B, 27th U. S. V. Infantry. August 16th. 1900. Dear Sir: Yesterday at 6 p..m. another brave lad of Company B passed away. He was a friend to all so I have ventured to try to write a .very small poem, and send to you, which, if it suits you, you can publish. He died at the regi mental hospital and iu a very few minutes will pass by and we will turn out and pay our respects to our friend. The Death of J. R. Saunders, Pri vate of Co. B, 27th U. S. V. Infantry, Mariquina, P. I. One more brave heart of Company B, Ceased its throbbing yesterday, And today his spirit's with the Lord above; And his mother, now at home, Will soonjie with liim at tho throne, Where tho light of Christ in heaven makes all love. A brave, true lad, surely was he, Next to the pride of Company B ; And loved was ho by everyone, no doubt, But e en the bravest have to go, For he who rules all willed it so, And J. R. Saunders was not one to bo left out. So fare you well, brave soldier boy, We know that wjth Christ all is joy; But while God spares us wo will fight for dear Old Glcry. Before you're lain beneath the son, We'll offer up a prayer to God, For you who fought for tho flag in battles gory. NOTICE. There will be a campfire and en tertainment at Martiu's Hall given by the G. "A. R. on the evening of Oct. 6th. The public is cordially invited to attend. Admission 25c, Families with children will be given special rates. Parents come and bring your children. Comrad Griffin, Committee, NOTICE. The license on dogs must be paid on or before the 1st of October, by order of the City Council. After that date all dogs found without tags will be taken up and disposed of without further notice. Warren McFarland, Marshal. NOTICE. All cows found at large within the city limits after the 1st day of October will be taken up and im pounded without further notice. Warren McFarland, Marshal. NOTICE TO HUNTERS. Having leased the hunting priv ileges on the farm of O. F. Knox east of Cottage Grove, all hunters are warned against trespassing ou said premises. Chas. M. McFari,and Jeromb Knox. Subscribe for the Nugget all the Bo hemia mining news, $1.50 per year. only house South of Portland. 3 :3 3