Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 07, 1900, Image 6

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l'uhlUhctl Ever rrliTux.
ins of in
Comprehensive Itevlow of the Import
ul Ilnppcntnirs of tho rit Week
' yColtel Prom tho Telegraph Column!.
A Gcriniiu gunboat has beou ordered
"io Amoy.
A plot to bum Shanghai has been
Bryan 1ms docided ou au Eastern
itump tour.
Seventy missionaries from China
readied Vnucouvor, IS. C.
Washington fusionists renominated
Tohn It. Rogers for governor.
Nancy C. Kofi, great aunt of Gov
iroor Geer, died at Macleay, Or.
liressi, the assassin of King Hum
bert, was sentenced to life imprison
ment. 3t is reported that Prineo Tuau and
1,500 Boxers were killed in a great
Earl Li asks tho appointment of sev
ral Chinese oflleials to tho list of peaoe
Ytt, tho governor of the province of
ihen Si, is reported to have invited the
foreigners in his province to come to
his protection. About August 'JI, 60
-tooeptod the invitation and all were
It is said that tho Standard Oil Com
pany will soon bo purchasing the pro
duct of California wells, now having
obtained in the Kast a number of tanks
lor the storage, which will be located
ttTJakersfield. whore ground has been
toenred for them.
The Uuited States transport Thomas
trrived at San Francisco, -'9 days from
Manila, via Yokohama. She has on
board 201 sick aud wounded soldiers,
81 military prisoners, 51 cabin passen
tors, 178 in the steerage, and seven
itowaways. Seven deaths occurred
luring the voyage.
Br. P. S. Kellogg, who has just re
turned from two years' service as a sur
geon in the Philippines, denies the
charges of neglect on the transport
Sherman, made by Captain Crenshaw.
f Atlanta, in his aute-mortem state
ment. Dr. Kellogg, who came home
n tho Sheiman with Cieushaw, says
the captain was badly wounded; that
ltwas only a question of time when
ho should die, and it was nt his own
request that the captaiu was ullowed
io come home. Dr. Kellogg avers that
Crenshaw had every possible attention,
including the best physicians aud
JJoxors attempted to mine the Atneri
tan legation.
A striko of 140,000 anthracite coal
miners is threatened.
General Chaffee is preparing to win
ier 15,000 men in Pekiu.
Tho battle-ship Alubama averaged 17
knots on her otlicial trial.
The Nehalem and Tillamook fisher
men's strike is at an end.
Several of .Minister Conger's guests
have urrived at Tien Tain.
A movement to clear the country
tooth of l'ekiu is in progress.
Official American dispatches are be
ing tampered with in China.
From St. Petersburg it is repotted
that peace negotiations have begun.
Primury returns iudioato thut Crokor
will control tho Now York Democratic
Senator Scott, of Wost Virginia, say!
tho Republicans will lose 100,000 votes
In New York.
Ileuvy fighting is leported to have
occurred at Machadodorp, between
Boers nnd British.
1. G. Stewart, member of tho pro-
rUioual government of Oregon, is dead
it Tacouia, Wash.
Four townships surrounding Sho
ihono Falls, Idaho, have been roeerved
-for a national park.
San Francisco's population, accord
ing to the United States census, ia
(43,788; Bostons', 500,892.
Ten square miles of forest reserve in
the San Gabriel reservation near Los
Angeles, Cal., have already been swept
by fire, and still the Humes are devour
ing the timber. It was reported from
Btortevaut's Camp that the fire had
ipread on the north sldo df the west
fork of tho San Gabriel river and tho
outh side of thuTejuugu river, between
Devil's canyon uud the Short Cut.
Jose Castroy Garcia, who was arrest
d in Havre, France, on July '.'0 last,
charged with absconding from I'orto
Rico with ? 12,000 of Uuited States
funds, has arrived in New York. 11a
was in tho custody of Luis Barrios,
tssihtant chief of the insular police of
Porto Rico, who went to Uuvre to
bring back the alleged embezzler. By
bin extradition the French government
recognizes the sovereignty of the Unit
ed S.tatos In I'orto Rico.
it is stated that Germany will tako
more first prizes at tho I'aris exposition
ihnn nuy other nation.
.Fifty ics I dents of MusjUIoii, O., loft
for Oklahoma, where they will take up
laims ou government laud uud estab
lish a colony.
The comptroller of the treasury has
decided that it common carrier ia respon
sible for the losa of goods received by
it, oven though sucli goods are not uc--eainpuuiod
by a bill of lading r "hip
ping directions.
LA I tilt NfcWS.
Tho pay of Chinese officials has been
Hx-Govoruor Llewellyn, of Kansas
is dead.
Tho Ilritish garrisou ai Lndybraiid
la invceten.
German tioops have beou landed at
Wu Sung.
Several forest llres are raging in Coos
county. Oregon.
An outbreak has occurred ni Uohol,
Philippine islands.
Tho czar is trying to frustrate). Em
pexor William's plans.
War on tho foreigners was ordoied
by tho ompross dowager.
Tho outiro Democratic Btato ticket
In Arkansas, was elected.
Lord Roberts has issuod a proolama
Hon formally annexing tho Transvaal.
Labor day celebrations wore held in
many cities, Roosevolt aud Uryau
speaking in Chicago.
Labor dav was celebrated in St
Louis by a labor parade, wherein more
than 25,000 men of all trades partici
In an altercation near Walla Wllu,
Kilinnnel Kdwards shot and slightly
wouuded P. II. Knight in tho loft leg.
Tho trouble is said to havr started over
a horse.
Labor dav was celebrated in Ciuciu
uati by a parade of workingmeii. esti
mated from 12,000 to 15.000. it was
the best-appointed procession over seen
there on Labor day.
Santiago, Cuba, is experiencing the
sevorest weather known since 1877.
The lower part of the city is live feet
under water. The firemen and police
are assisting the sufferers.
Having lived 20 years, Miss Emily
11. Trevor, one of tho most popular
young womu of Youkers, N. Y., has
coma into a fortuno of $1,158,795.
This large amount represents Miss Tre
vors' share left by hor father, tho late
John B. Trevors, who died Decern bei
20. 1S90.
At a sheep slaughtering and dress
ing exhlMtiou at jnniauapons, run.,
Charles J. Gardner, of Indianapolis,
broke tho world's record. In 1898 he
killed and dressed 10 sheep in 32 min
utes and 9 seconds; this time he killed
and dressed 10 sheep in 30 minutes and
22 seconds.
So much of the general orders of
August 1 lust as direct Light Batteries
C and M. Seventh artillery, for duty
in China have been amended so as to
direct those batteries to proceed instead
to the Philippine islands for assign
ment to a station. Mujor George
Greenongh, Seventh artillery, has been
ordered to accompany the batteries to
the Philippines.
The public debt increased nearly $3,-
000,000 in August.
Philippine volunteers will begin re
turning in November.
There are 83 suspectod cases of
plagtio in Glasgow, Scotland.
Charles A. Towno opened tho cam
pnigu in Idaho for the Demorcats.
General Otis has been assigned to
command the department of the lakes.
The governor of Shan Tung has 20,
000 men ready to oppose German ex
pansion. Li Huug Chang is intriguing to set
the foreiguers to quarreling among
Thirteon persons were killed and
munv injured by a railroad collision at
Hatfield, Pa.
The Chinese situation now depeuds
on the responses of tlru powers to the
Russo-Ainerioan proposals.
V. W. Rockhill, American commis
sioner to China, says now is the time
to settle the status of foreiguers in
The Brallaiuer copper mines, situated
on Howe Sound, near Vancouver, IJ.
C, have been sold to Knglish capital
ists for $3,000,000.
A 18-year-old hoy accidentally shot
and killed his Ht-year-old brother at
Hutchinson, Kansas, while attempting
to remove cartridges from a revolver.
Secretary Fosters' annual report ol
the cotton crop nf the Uuited States
makes tho crop for 1890-1000 9,430.
410 bales, against 11.27-1,810 lust year.
About 25,000 idle tinplate workers
of the American Tinplate Company
have resumed work, owing to the tin
pi. to ninkers agreeing to a new wage
Fire destroyed the plant aud yards
of the Otter Creek Lumber Company,
at Humbleton, W. Ya., with 12,00o
000 feet of lumber, causing a loss of
Six hundred longshoremen who went
on a strike recently at the Erie rail
way oro docks, returned to work pend
ing u settlement of their grievances by
A serious conflagration oecurrod at
Guaymas, Souora, Mexico, a few days
ago, which cousumod the general iner
chuhdiso establishment of F. A. Aguil
lar. The building covered au entire
block and was the largest of its kind
on the webt coast of Mexico. The
stock of goods curried was valued at
$1,000,000, on which a loss of $300,
000 was sustained.
A Rear-End Collision Costs
' Thirteen Lives.
English army experiment with a bi
cycle corps as a dofensivo forco is pro
uouucod a success.
After living with her husband for 41
years a Topekii woman has discovered
that he is not her affinity and asks
Work has begun in Bultinmro on the
silvor serivoe for Roar-Admiral Schley,
to bu inudo from the silvor coin cap
tured ou tho Spanish oruisor Cristobnl
Colon. The cobt, when comploted,
will be about $8,000.
I.ncmmillve rimigeil Tlironli t h"
senger Conelin nl Criiliel Them
If They Were KgK Shell".
Philadelp'iia, Sept. 4. Thirteen
persons killed aud over 30 others in
jured is tho appalling record of a rear
end collisiou between au excursion
train and a milk train on tho Rotluo
hem branch of tho Philadelphia iVs
Reading railroad this morning at Hal
Held, Pa., 27 miles north of this city.
Tho wrooked train consisted of 10
day coaches aud was the first section of
a largo excursion made up of people
from llothlehom, Allentown and sur
rounding towus, to Atlantic City.
This section carried onlv thoso persons
who lived in Bethlehem and Allen
town. It loft tho uuion station in
Bethlehem at 0:05 A. M., exactly Ho
minutes behind tho milk train. Tho
latter train consisted of two milk cars
and two passenger coaches, aud had
stopped at every station on the road
from Uethleheni ou route to l'litladel-
phia. At 0:54 tho milk train drow np
at the milk platform at Hatfield, and
in loss than two minutes tho spocial
excursion train, running at tho rato of
35 miles an hour, crashed iuto tho
roar of tho milk train. Tho locomo
tive plowed through tho two passenger
coaches and crushed tueni as if they
weie eggshells. The milk car immed
iately in front was also badly damaged.
Four persons on tho passengor car of
tho milk train were almost iustantly
killed. Fortunately, thoro were very
few persons on this train.
Tho excursion tram was a picture, of
indescribable horror. Tho locomotive,
a mass of bent and broken iron, firmly
hold the bodies of its engineer and lire-
man beneath its great weight. Uehiud
tho engine six of the 10 cars woro also
a mass of wicekaco. The first car was
broken in twain and tho other fivo cars
wero thrown on their sides, completely
demolished. Nino persons wero killed
in tho first two cars, and tho others in
those coaches were badly maimed.
Au soon as tho crash came, a terriblo
cry roso from the smashed cars, and
those who had not been injured crawled
or jumped from tho cars and weut to
the assistance of tho injured. Mauy
wero pinned down by wrcckago and
and had to he freed by tho libt.ral use ol
sxos. With three or four exceptions,
the dead wero killed instantly, tho
others dying on their way to the hos
pital. All the injured were first taken
to a shed at tho Hatfield station ami the
dead woro removed to a barn. Mes
sengers were sent to the nearby villages
for physicians, and a relief train wis
ordered fiom Bethlehem. With 1
doctors nnd half a dozen nurses, a spo
cial train was sent from Bethlehem,
but before tt reached the scene of the
wreck it was signaled to return to
Bethlehem, as a social carrying nearly
all the injured had r.tarted for that
place. On the run from Hatfield to
tho hospital three of the injured died.
Much trouble was experienced in keep
ing the relative- away from tho iujuicd
on tho train, so that the doctors gath
ered from near llatfiold could attend
to the wounded.
Tho special train arrived at Bethle
hem at 11:30 and was met ly fully
5,000 persons all clamoring fov news
from tho wreck or trying to learn
whether relatives wero among tl.a vic
tims. Tho news of tho wreck reached
Bethlehem at 8 o'clock aud spread liko
wild tire. All tho policemen in town
were gathered at tho station, aud was
with great dilficulty that the injured
wero removed to tho waiting ambu
lances aud other vehicles which con
veyod them to tho hospitals. All dur
ing the day peoplo from Allentovui,
Catasanqua and other places came, pour
ing iuto Bethlehem, and confusion
reigned throughout tho city.
The second section of the excnrsuii,
made up of persons from towns other
than Bethlehem aud Allentown, left
soon after the first section, but was
(lagged bo fore it leauhed Hatfield. As
it could not get through ou account of
the blocked tracks, it was returned to
Bethlehem, uud there was great ie
joiciug at tho narrow escape of its oc
cupants fiom the catastrophe.
The coroner of Montgomery county
visited the wreck early and spent thu
entire day at the scene, lie at once
directed the removal of the dpad to
Lausdale, a short distance south of
Hutlleld. He promises a rigorous in
vestigation into the horror.
Wrecked III llehrlne Son.
Seattle, Sept. 4. Tug Wallowa,
from Nome, brings news of the wreck
of the dismantled bark Mercury in
Behriug sea. The bark was being
towed to this city by the tug and
sprang a leak in a heavy gale. Sho
was stripped of somo machinery and
abandoned in Cool; strait, whuro sho
sauk. She was owned by Captain I),
E. Caiue, of this city, und was sent to
Nome last Juno in tow of a tug with a
coal uud lumber cargo. She had been
condemned as a sailing vessel, Sho
was built 49 years ago iu New York as
a full-rigged ship.
No Ohlileai, NnvTl Apply.
Lima, Pern. Sept. 4. The Peruvian
senato yesterday had under considera
tion a proposal for preventing Chinese
immigration, in view of a possible ex
odus from China as a result of the pres
eut disturbances.
I'lllffUB Ht (lllHEUr.
Glasgow, Sept. 4. Another death,
supposed to bo due to the bubouio
plague, occurred heie today, Ninety
three cases of tho disease ar now un
der observation.
New t .iii.lllKiiin.
Manila, Sep.. ft.-Tho ',tI1'" " null
incapable of realising the scope and
,i o' function
l e commission ol peace 'I heir, "
possibility of separating the h'Ki 'l
from the executive branches of
uwernmont. mid. Ihe.efore, th ni
mission's announcement of its
tion of iowor met w III '
comments at the handi ol tho N.
lards and foielgners. uliosneei at t u
new arrangements, as they are apt
do. at every t.euellcial i.iur.v.ttlo
tho part of tho United States author!-
tiCTho co uuiission enters upon tho gov
ernmental field under Iho follow
II. A imllorilV lit tllU ilhlll'l-
' ers dosiro poaeo and the .resumption ol
business under American rum. '
aro so cowed by a long sciies ol mur
derous atrocities and destruction ol
property bv their armed countrymen,
that thov dare not actively show their
feelings," espueiallv liecanso experience
has taught thorn what such an expres
sion of sentiment will bring upon thein
from tho mercilessly revengeful rebels.
A gonuino reign of tenor is exercised
by insurgents ami ladiones over peueo
ful countrv folk in order to collect the
revenues and recruits their operations
require, aud widespread vengcaneii H
wreaked In the vicinity of uarrlxnned
towns. For example, the insurgent
General Cullies, in tho province of La
..., ,mt to dentil tho nresldent and
oillcoholders of tho town of Bay. on La
gnna do Bay, olllcials who had been In
stalled by tho Aineriraus, and gave or
ders that a similar fate should be meted
out to other adherents of the American
cause Ho also ordered that all Fili
pino soldiers who wild their rllle.s to
tho Americans should be killed.
Any change of policy involving the
withdrawal of the United Statos troops
wlthoat substituting for them an ade
quate defensive force is certain to ie
suit in fear of retaliation at tho ex
ponsoof tho "friendlles." The ap
proaching return of tho volnnteeii
tends to iulluunco the situation unfav
orably. In Northern Luzon the statu"
quo is fairly woll maintained and tho
people in that quarter aro quiet and
engaged in planting, except in tTic
provinces of Neuvu Kcija and Bulacaii.
whero thero has boon a recent outburst
of rebel and ladroue activity. But in
Southern Lu.on conditions aro far I est
satisfactory. Life thero is not safe
outside of the gairisoned tonus. Trav
elers are subject to umhii-h by guerril
las. Rarely does a day pass without
an encounter between the United
States trooop ami the insurgents or la
drones, resulting in casualties. There
aro 18.000 tioops in that district. Sen-;
oral Rates commanding, ami iu three
regiments over a third of the men are
sick. Tho activity of tho enemy in
creased last mouth. There is evidence
that the insurgents have come into pos
session of new lilies and that they wish
to annihilate some small American
Conditions in the Viiyas continue
virtually unchanged. The lack of
troops provonts aggiession. .Negro,
Rombiou, Masbate, Sibuvau, Talbus
uud liohol are tranquil, ail desiring
civil government. Mindanao also i
tranquil, except the districts of Tea
gayau aud Surigam, where occasional
encounters witli the Filipinos occur.
The enemy's fighting force there is
limited hut it has a number of rilles.
The surrenders, although they have
notably decreased since May, continue.
The experience of Northern Luzon
shows that the Amcrimu occupation of
any locality tends to iu pacification
and well-being. An unsettled Aoo ri
can policy retards the investment of
capital. Neverlhele.-s, the imports for
t!.o last quarter and a half were gieater
than during any period of the Spanish
regime. No doubt, tho needs of the
army of occupation aie responsible tor
a very considerable portion of this.
Tho internal revenue collections are a
tiiird greater than those made by Spain.
This is duo to au honest system of ac
counts, to a lack of favoritism aud to
impartial enforcement of the. law.
Tho military ollicials will tin u over
$0 000,000 (Mexican) to the commis
sion, aud this will probably bo expend
ed iu public impioeiiients, notably in
harbor developmments, the need of
which is greatly hampeiiiig tho ship
ping industry.
The commission will first nraguie
municipalities in the provinces, notab
ly in Pampauga province. Sub-e-queutly
it will turn its attention to
needed reforms iu the civil und crim
inal codes, passing, in due time, to
other featuies of its instructions, with
tho idea of establishing a cential civil
government during the next 18 months.
Twelve Americans, including two
captains and two lieutenants, have
been killod during tho past two weeks.
The olllcial lepoits of thu eueounteis
in which these casualties uccuried aro
Thoinna J. Towers Klllral,
Philadelphia, Sept. 3. Thomas .1.
Powers, commissioner of banking fir
Pennsylvania, was killed by lulling
from a train iu the outskirts of this
city last night. Mr. Powers was 05
'yeaisold, and was a conspicuous flgiuo
at Republican national conventions,
and was one of the 30 who held out for
a thiid term for General Grant. Oun
of his sous, Lieutenant Powers, Is iu
thu regular aimv at Manila.
To IIi'Iiir llimiK (1, liciitule.
San Francisco, Sept. 5. The United
States transport Lawton, which arrived
today In ballast from Soattlo, is to be
sent to Cape Nome to lellovo the desti
tuto miiiers, many of whom havo potl
Honed, through General Randall, for
transportation south before tho hard
Alaskan wintor sots in. Tho Lawton
will sail for the north as soon us she
can be got ready, probably within a
few days. She hat accomodations for
uboitt 700 men.
Serious Utitbroalc Roporlod
in Hohol.
r M.lvrmilth Volunteer. Lost
lillleil and Wmimled I'lllpln..
I,,,.. I'JH Killed.
Washington, Sept. o -Tho war do
pal tment today leeched tho following
dispatch from General MncArthiir:
Manila. Sept. o.-Adjutaiit-tien-cral.
Washington: (ieneial lluiibes
reports ait outbiook in H''hnl. Htt
Lieutenant l.oxak. Foityfonrth volun
teer infantry, ropoils au cngugoinoiit
near Carmen. At llohol. out loss in
killed was ono, wounded six! tho ene
my's loss in killed. K'0. Have not ru-
cehed futrber details.
llohol is un Maud in iho southern
part of the archipelago, 1105 tulles from
.Manila. It Res north of tho largo
island of Minihiumi ami Is not far
from Cubit.
The war department iccelved a cu
i.i thiu iiiornlut! from Goueiiil
' Mai-Arthur announcing that the trans-
port Stephens sailed Sopteiiiner l uir
Seattle. Mio has paymaster and army
wagons aboard for our force in China
uud will put them iihhoio at Takii en
route for this country.
General MaeArthur chronicles two
recent deaths among his iilllceis in the
Philippines iu cablegrams received at
tho win department today. Captain
George II. Betlcy. Foity-sevcnth In
fantry volunters. died on tho morning
of Auugst itl fiom wounds received in
action near Camalig, Lu.o i, Augukt
21. Second Lieutenant' Roy I. For
naltl, Tweuty-slxth volunteer inlantry,
was accidentally drownml iu tho .bul
bar rhcr near Pototan, Panay, Septem
ber 1. The body was not rocovuicd.
coNuntas 8
Hi Mii Will lie mi liiiiilry Into lilt
Oregon' JIUIiup,
Washington, Sept. 5. Tho report ol
Captain Wilde, exonerating overybody
connected with thoOiegoii 'roin'blnmo,
is not likely to cud with the ex-p.irto
statement of thu roiumaiiditig ollleer.
There will bo a court of inquiry to de
termine whother the gfent bHttlu-khlp
had tho euro uud attention wiiiuh
should have been given it by tho oil!
cers who wero aboard her.
Although them is a determined ef
fort to prevent anything like the con
trol of fhiiioM) territory by the United
States, thu best-informed here think
that it will bo inevitable, or that this
government will have to give up all Idea
of indemnity for the outrages which
have been perpetrated umjii American
TTieiu is a suspicion now that thu
movement of Russia for the with
drawal of Hoops was made with full
knowledge that thu other Kiwers
would not cou-ent, anil that it is sim
ply a plea lor another diplomatic sii
tion when negotiations oikiii with Chi-uu.-o
Kl,-rli,ii lii rbiii,k.
Little Rock, Ark., Sept. . Thu en
tire Democratic ticket, headed by Hon.
JoHVrson I),ii, ol Pomj county, for
governor, was electi.d in AikuiiMis to
day. Karly returns in licHtu that Hid
vote will be lighter than was exp'ictoil.
11. L. Rommel, the Republican cnudi
ibitu for governor, uiuilo u good show
ing and his increased vnto over two
yeais ago will probably reduce tho us
ually luigo Democrat!.: majority.
Thero was no opposition to the Demo
cratic ticket for any officii except tho
govcrnsliip. Thu negroes voted in
larger numbers than usual, hue their
vote is not large enough to affect thu
result. A fair estimate places thu to
tal vote us follows: Davis, Democrat,
lOO.OUO; Remind, Republican, 40.000;
Files, Populist, 8,000; Davis' major
ity. 07,000.
IIohI Dill lii Tho.
Vancouver, B. 0., Sept. C Four
campers from Vancouver put out in u
rowboat from a jxiiut near Powell lake,
short distance north of Vancouver,
last night, for the purtKiso of hoarding
the steamer Comox, for homo. Tho
Coinox in the darkness ran iuto thu
boat, cutting it in two. Two of thu
four. Aubray Lund aud A. Vaughn,
were drowned.
Kllleil While Hunting.
Spokano, Sept. &. Jay Carr, aged
12, wtis accidentally killed this after
noon by his 14-year-old brother, Burt.
The tragedy took pluco near the Carr
homestead, at WIlto Mud Luke, three
miles north of Colville, Wash. Tho
boys were hunting. Burt was carrying
ritlo, which iu some way exploded,
the bullet taking oil tho top of .lay's
(JermHin neeoinn InillgiiMiit,
Berlin, Sept 5. Tho presenco of the
bubonic plague at (HiiBifOw is com
tnentod upon hero indignantly un going
in show criminal negligence ou thu
part of tliu British authorities.
Manila, Sept. fi. The Unitod States
trausiHirt Culifornian arrived bore safe
ly this inurnlug. Sho was do!ayod 10
Jays at Guam with a broken propeller.
W 10,000 I'lrn lit iMIIu,
Viutoria. B. (J., Sept. C Tho steam
er Amur, Ironi Skagway, roports that
the biisiiiuss section of Atlin (lit..
nearly wiped out by lire Sunday Inst.
ion o( tho largest business buildings
weie destroyed. 'The hiss i nv,. .
000, with little, if any. insurance.
Hie peoplo worked like Trojans to havo
the town and nreventod tin, (,..,
lenohlng any government property or
-jinx. ma huwh reached Skag
way by telegraph and no details wero
obtainable when the Amur sailed.
iiiinii i hut r.,i,irm , ,..
' r,
Tllu eniiiiiilth'ii ni, ,,..
the He.iat.Mvur,. m,,,,,, ....J c
tti Invt'slluiitu the f.,... .. k..'""lM
and iifeuu...b,i,.,i u, Uo, '''"'S
IIkii. tho hiibjert ( ,, J'1'!!
ed piirtlim and hiuliimt . '
Hies In the cnuutn
Oilu uf tho gienle.t
to ntir foods, tin, ,
their ropoit, exini
"nri'im ft i
"'"""" MM, '
n in 'I
powders. The , " '
" lltllMil il
M ' Irs
.....1 .1.
iui-i iiiiwii v, nicy m, ,,j
cniiili'iiiiiator.v of th u,
baking jsiwilers, ami r-..,u, " " ",'
hiieli use bo proli.i,,..,,! u Z h
Soiiulur Mason, d.. ,, ,
aln tliu lepoit i
several bill, U,u.u Z"
toollect. said: "U,M
"Whoil made i,t. .Kltttt. ,
it IwwhI on tl mii,.,,,.,, ivtoruZy is ,,,!, -m
"";y""V . SJZ
may bo heio for tl... i, bi)k '
dor, I do not care b.. i,,,,,,......? T'
they piihlUh. there .... "j'
liuuiitii econoiuv ol , , d
thing called al,.. ll,.w,u.,X, ' ''
evidence of. h- Ie.,,1,,... ,,,7!!
scientist of thu .mmiM .h that it
ab-Jiliitely "'" ImmafV
and Hint in many m.,- ( j(,e ;
null, will , il,.. ....i '
the physicians -av ti,. rmuMw(,
iu their own pr.u ii, ,- tmo M( J"'
east uf the kldin-N .lr to llieruwt.i'
tiso of alum iu their iliuu t,rc4d '''
nun j on n. I a ..ilium, id J
.1 ..Il i.... i 1 '' '".M
iinV mi nii nun itM.ii. , It tmH
bio t mix It iilwav. ii, ,, a
that them will n.,t ... ,0,,iMo
of alum, wbl. h ittitnin, w
which conlrlbiitiw lim-nU to the
uf tho ieo.Ii. in tlur .mm
"I Wllllt to give the l-ii ,t Q (,
of the class ol nun ,ave ft ('
T'lii.y iin the leading ..unlldi t
BV4T.V collego l Hie l iiiii.,1 k(lte( ,UJ
wu eiiiild get hnlil i'i "
SeiMtor Mum. ii. (in ,, inrj ((
scientists who had ti- t. ie.) ni to :,
hnrtfiiliiess nf alii.n i iking ji.ii,,,
nd us tu the lii-itiii .iiiieim of crdu j
tartar powders, io. iiu-.ihm1 the .
.ppieioii, .io im i iTur.l.
of uliciimtry, lit im. I onmilj Ti
Idencc, R. I.
Arnold, .1. W. . pn-tersor. l'c;i
iiy nf Now Vi.rk.
Atwatcr, . . priiL-snr ti(;-ic
lor, uowrilllieut hti mental rUt''t,
Wiifhlnglon, D. '.
Barker, Georgi. I . i.r-ifi-wr Iji
torsity of lVniirt Imiiik,
( ilblWI'll, . . ii, l..iv wi
Uiiliurslly, HbaiM. v
Chandler, t'. I'. i " ur U. 'i
Ulltersitj , New v k
Gliittiitidett, ll... i ll II, tiro'--Vnlii
llnlieislly. IlniftiM n
('oriiwal I. II. B . i.i" u f
lty nl Princeton, New 'ei i-r
'rauiidou, i '. . i"'nej-ir. Diiwi
of clu'iiiiKry. Wnhnigt.ii D. f
I'lear. Willtiun, p.i.teir .ktti
lege, IVniiM hania.
.Icllkllls I dwiir.l II )i0!e-N" J
parlliicilt of iigiit uliiire oUlet ,
,l,.lii.-o)i. . W., pu.n -.or tt
lege. New 1 lu en. 'iu
Mallet, John U i hum. K1'"'!
Ullixcrsllv ol Virtinia
Mew. W. M.. yr. -
Medical Depailim
Miinrirt), Chaile" I 1
of cheinisti V. I '1111111
Wiithiugtiiii. D.
I'tci-cotl, Albcil ! . I"- lf"ir
vi-r-ity ot v-m i' w
rile". A. I'.. iiH-Vai ihrr tf
o.l States .Naval ll..-i-"'il. V.-fbi,'
'smait, Charles, iieuteiwut-rtj1""
assistant hiiigeon gei t'l.'d.
Status iiiuiv.
Sternberg. George M . irgenuw
eral, United Status WaihlBk ,
D. O.
e....i ... ten,, il nrulrt'
. in nri, ii ii.i- . ,
chemistry and chemist ot rMte
of lifiiltli, state ot New er.
Vimvlisii. Vii ti.r i '.. profiW
tersitv nf Michigan, Ann
V,. I,., i u . I. ITntliil Slulim NhiT. Vltlll!4'V,
'vui.i.. i'rif. ii. w.. unci
iltqiiiittiieiit of - iigii.ultnre. I"1
States, ftushingioti, D ('
wyiiian, wiiiiit. '"'e" .a
United States Marino irospital,
i. ........ it ii
ii, in,, ... ... . .
Mr. Pet.ig.ow-Was rhera wj.
niony wlitcn snoweu ii.v ,
casus of injury to health h""'6"1'
..i.Lmt t. itl llllllll?
Mr. Allison Ve; I can tern J mb)
inn insiinitiiiv. i.
I llltrd
v ,nl fl't
..a I'c em I
o itmiiuasixu in" i IMa imL:-"
lm senator. It has nlwiiy
avii impression that altnn W oi
ler is. injurious, but I Wi U; f " r.Khe
t nut uud niiiko It tmiptiatic Hent
.... ,. ..i t .in not care
.nr. ruiiiK.u" .
thu senator turn to 1 '
to tuiinhashcu the point
flu, wiiiutnr. It has always
tier is iujnrloi
it nut uud niiiko It
proof sustains that position.
Mi. l..w.ll.-I llllltH tlgrCM "
senator. It is claimed tM ,
not a country m K')l' mi Lut
.... .. ,r 1 1 1 1 in . l"1 inu iis.i "-, ..nniiirie1
Ji,,,,,. r four of the hMdl IK w
Fiunpe to which I bd
Hon called p.ol.lhittho usem
baking ioWder. ,,,.
Mr. Pettlgrew-Did ,k
who iiiiiiii before the "'a,iH'
imifessois. generally testii. , t
nrofessois, gem
I- ..! ,
lllSllll' "l ini'i- . nfl
ore..... of tart...' u".r&P
healthy and noes m ,
which is injurious w
t,. Ves; 1 N . .in"
eight ol
.. .1.... 11 P
a v. ves: nun i :
donee is, that wheuovi to
distinguished men, wW""" Jo
At,t .ui.eil Mien. w.o".- io
'"""""" i.,,llni! CI""'
Hi reputation, i" "
' V.,t ffc
tb colloues. wore "'w,"'((.t1 'l
the point, they tW"J
one of, to my iero""
4 th