Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 07, 1900, Image 5

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    , a ..... ninnn.
One .nig!" iF'jVTY "cnr lllc
inot. three hoboH attempted to
iilmlhiin - tipsy citizen out of a
.tor tlmt they had but n few mo-
" . r 1.1 1.!... '!!. ...
..i,ta uciorc sum mi". iity were
precious set of low-down sneak
thtcves tuid on some cunning pre
text K"1 possession of the ring
again. and tllcn lric(I 10 makc t,le
nf0rcsaid citizen think he had
jropped it or put it into his pocket,
and one of them was on the point
of putting ,lls m,lul i,,t0 lI,c i'ocket
0f the citizen, which contained
soaic silver coins, to hunt for the
ling, when Officer Miller put in an
appearance and culled a halt to the
proceedings. The hobos became
indignant at the officer's inter
ference, got saucy and threatened
mischief, whereupon the officer
promptly collared the most it-ions
0nc of the trio and started with
biin for the city cooler. On the
,vay and when near the Sherwood
Hotel the hobo showed fight and
Officer Miller about that time
didn't do a thing to him. When
tbis hobo gathered himself up
again and was about compos
mentis the other two came up and
mide overtures with the officer for
the Iclbw's release. As the mid
night trniu was about due the officer
concluded to rid the town at once
of the whole outfit, to which they
demurred, but Miller had decided
and wit'.i him action was quick, so
he pulled hi- g'i, faced the hobos
toward the depot and marched
them brl jre him to the other side
of the track and held them there
for a few minutes until the train
arrived, and then made them take
the blind luggage for pastures new.
After an absence of a mouth on
a i allege I vacation the Rev. F.
". HUlmgion filled the pulpit of the
Clirti.iii Church and discoursed to
n largo audience on the inlallibility
of the teachings of Christ by the
Apnstlrs in a logical and broad
gaugp manner. The reverend
gend man expressed his plcasun.
at once again being united with his
(lick and will put forth renewed
etfjrt-. in leading its members from
out tli-- shadows of the present into
tip ckar light of the future.
Tlumgh a young man", Mr. Hilling
tan is an earnest, logical, ready
and willing expounder of the doc
trine of faith and is doing good
work along the lines of his chosen
calling. His flock greeted him
wiili smiling faces and attentive
ear thus signaling their approval
of his efforts to guide them to the
higher home that awaits the re
dicmed through Christ.
tt'AM. strijht.
Contractor is pushing the
work of rocking Wall street in a
vigorous manner. The crusher is
kept at work to its full capacity
mid the teams haul the rock from it
as fast as it can be crushed, and to
fill in time some of the teams are
hauling large rock for filling in
deep places. Two blocks at the
upper end of Wall street have re
ceived their complement of under
filling and are ready to be rolled
and then receive the top dressing
of fine rock. The gutters for over
three blocks are completed and the
improvements in that street are
going along swimmingly.
Miss Lizzie Knox, who left to
take up her residence at Eugene on
Wednesday, was tendered a farewell
party by her young friends at the
residence of Ulysses Martin on
Tuesday evening. About a score
of her companions made the even
ing enjoyable with games and re
freshments until 12 o'clock, when
they bid her goodby with many
hearty wellwishes for her health
and happiness in her new home.
The ninth annual session of the
W. 0. T. U. of Lane county was
held at Creswell on August 28, 29
a"d. 30, with Mrs. Helen D. Har
ford, state president, and Mrs.
cia Addition, state organizer,
Present. Each of these ladies gave
a" evening address while there.
Jjine coijjaty has been greatly benc
hed through the persistent efforts
these enruest workers,
THH Hl'N'l ICIUi li HTt'KN.
Huntsmen Walt baker, aha-
Wy, Toot Sanders nnd Joe Landess
re home from u,e ciIMCi At.
torney Kby seems to have proven
himself,, hunter of mighty prowess
'id, considering tle during nohieve
ments performed, one can hardly
"nngine that he can assume that
calm indifference charactciistic of
I'll" while holding his hearers spell
bound with his deeds of daring
among the "Hills whose heads touch
heaven." In justice to Attorney
''.by it is fair to say that he does
"ot lay claim to killing all the
game on the head waters or Mosby
Creek and gives the other boys an
opportunity to divide up the
balance between them. Mr. Kby
wants it distinctly understood, also,
that the story the boys toll on him
about his being scared nigh unto
death and climbing a fir tree 140 feet
high to get awa from one of the
burros, is made up from whole
Owing to the resignation of
Councilman Wm. dimming it be
came necessary, at the regular
meeting Monday evening, to ap
point another and accordingly the
the mayor and council chose U. S.
Martin to fill the unexpired term.
The cow ordinance was referred to
committee who will establish a
pound for the keeping of animals
found on the street, contrary to the
ordinance now in force. The
remonstrance to the ordinance to
establish a grade on Fifth street
was referred to committee on streets
and was approved. The bill of A.
Nelson for electric light service
was cut down on account of non
service. Mr. Nelson was ordered
to make a report at the adjourned
meeting as to his intentions as to
improvement of street lights, and
if a satisfactory showing is not
made, inasmuch as the city is not
under contract, the lights will be
cit off.
For several days the clouds had
been gathering and threatening
rain, which wasb.fdly needed, until
011 Wednesday afternoon the skies
became suddenly dark, thunder
roared in the heavens, lightening
(lashed and old Jupiter Pluvius for
a little while turned the torrents
loose and gave the town a thorough
drenching. It cleaned the trees
and houses of dirt and did much in
the way of packing the dirt on the
newly graded streets. The atmos
phere was thoroughly renovated
and loaded up with pure 07.011c and
then Old Sol shone forth with
dazzling beauty, dried up- the
streets, and befoie night fell the
whole population assumed a spirit
of rejoicing because of the storm
About midnight it commenced rain
ing again and continued until day
Felix Currin was in Cottage
Grove last Saturday and had with
him a couple of samples of wheat
which he has just threshed. Mr.
r.nrrin had 10 acres of the blue
ioint wheat in this year wliicli
went 25 bushels to the acre. His
other wheat was not a good crop,
going something like 15 bushels to
the acre. He was looking up the
market on wheat, so as to deter
mine whether he should market it
or feed it to his hogs. Mr. Currin
has of late years paid considerable
attention to the raising of hogs,
and finds the occupation a very
paying one.
The great Portland carnival is
drawing people from all points
along the line and therefore Cot
tage Grove was called upon to
furnish her share, and the follow
ing are umong those who are doing
the city: Messrs. Chas. and John
Cochran, Frank Jordan, Lee Mar
tin, John Sherwood, Bob Sherwood,
Dr. Hullinger.W D Garraan, Frank
Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lurch
and daughters, Mr. and Mrs, Bert
Wood, Dr. Wall, Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Eakin. The Nugget
wishes everybody a good time.
BortNunn was a visitor to tho hills
thlH weok, Mr. Nunn and Mr. Jcnks
...111 -1- MnH.tltlll nflBllRHIlHlll t WOi'K
for vnrloiiH claim holders within the
next Jew weeks .
All About You.
Dr. Hulllngor, Dentist.
1 1 1 ! wee jj un 1 1 1 u Ba ia visiting In this city
I. II. Hinghnm returned to 1'ortlnml
Leo Martin camo In Sunday from thu
Helena mine.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Ilawlev visited Hu
gone Monday.
Dr.OglcHbyof Junction, was In tlio
oity this week.
Assnyor Frank Wlilto Is homo from n
quick tiiptolloheinia.
Hugh Holme enmo down from the
Helena luut Tuesday .
.Attorney J. U. Young returned
Wednesday from Hohumla.
Mrs. Clins. Vilas was a visitor ut tho
Poitland carnival this week.
Italph Whipple was 11 visitor lo tho
Portland earnfviil ttiiu week.
W. W. Hnwlcy, was shaking hands
with friend in Cottage Grove this week.
Tho Wednesday excursion train was
ciowded to overflowing as it paused this
Mrs. .loo Perkins visited tlio Portland
carnival, going down on Wednesday's
M. Hidwcll who has been ceriouflly ill
for Boino weeks, with fever, is now libit'
lo be out.
Geo. Sherwood, who bus been working
at Coinstock, was up this week on u visit
witn hiH family.
MiKH Lizzie Gugglsburg of Portland
Ii.-ih for tho past week been visiting her
parents at Latham.
Clins. Druncati, f tho Helena, came
in from Portland Monday, and is now at
the Helena mine.
Tlio inside finishing work on the
MethodiHt Episcopal Cliurch of this city
is progressing rapidly.
Mrs. Win. Orrell joined hcrdatighters,
Misses Sina and Ada, at tlio Patterson
iHianu nop yard iniirmlny.
Mrs. Nany Nunn, of Goshen, who has
been visiting her son IJert, in tins citv.
returned home this week.
Grandma Walker, who has been visit
ing her son Alf rein rued to her homo at
Springlleld Wednesday.
Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Wall returned
Monday from N'ewtVrt, where they
spent a very pleasant vacation.
Mias Gallic Garoutte has been vcrv
eiek for tiie past ten days with re
mittent lever, nut ih now recovered.
Mrs. C. AUtead, of Harriiburg, who
has been visiting her brother, H. U.
Mndsen, returned homo Wednesday.
Gertie Iiordick left htfct Friday for
Portland where she will accept a position
in an invalid food establishment there.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Andv Nelson went lo
Kiitienu Wednesday on a visit with Mr
Nelson's people, who ate now residing
E. J. Patterson is moving his family
this week from tlio J. H. Voting property
on Third street to the Knox residence
on Fo rtli.
P.J.Jennings, the well known min
im! operator, camo tin from Portland
last Saturday morning, on a shoit bnsi'
nctis trip.
Ilenrv Venteh is home fioui his Colo
ratio trip, where he went undelegate to
thu W. of W. head camp. Ho reports a
pleasant trip.
Superintendent J. W. Cook came in
Stindav from tho Musick, and reports
everything running smoothly at the
famous old mine.
Darwin llristow returned from Port
laud last Monday, accompanied by his
family, who havo been spending the
bcason at Newport.
James Ostrander is living on the
sunny side of easy street this week ow
ing to a huge boil making Its appearance
on one of his lingers.
II. M. Price, of Thurston, was in Cot
tagu Grove last Saturday, and was the
guest of Geo. Gumming near here. Tho
Nugget acknowledges a pleasant call.
T.J. Jackson, who recently arrived
hero from Holla, Missouri, has pur
chased tha-Ed Underwood property, and
will hereafter make his home in this
If tho averago man wero to attempt to
...... 1 ...... vtlilmr tlio (rovcrnuitint pub
lishes in one year, he would havo to de
vote about half a century to 1110 tush,
taking eight hours a day.
Tho Crackerjacks of this city played
thu Latham team a match game last
Monday afternoon. It was a rousing
game, 'and tho score stood 23 to li
fuvor of tho Crackerjacks.
Tim 'Miiifp'nf. iipknowledues receipt of 0
complimentary badge, issued by the
i),in.i Drivim? Paik Company, which
entitles tho wearer to the freedom of tho
park during tlio season 01 iuuu.
Mrs. Dan Heck is down from hor visit
to Bohemia, whero slio lias ueon cngajjuu
in picking nnd canning huckleberries.
She- reports berries very plentiful and
was successful in securing over forty
gallon for Jierseii.
A party of maids nnd mater, consist
ing of Miss Markloy, the Misses Ada
and Kina Orrell and Mrs. Orrell hied
themselves to the hop fields nearEugono
on Monday morning, to bo gone for tho
better partol a monui.
hi- n.,.l MrH- Ilnrhert Eakin. DC-
companiod by Miss Clara Smith, who
has been thoirguest forBOino weeks, went
to Portland Wednesday morning whero
thoy w nttomt tlio street ii ir n uu
. i Ktl.a Rni th will re-
turn to bur homo in Sim l-nmelseo.
Sam Bennett, of Grants Pass, was a
passenger to Portland Wednesday, ami
imparted tho Information nt tho depot
timi. im micht accent a position witli n
:..i..i,. ii.msn In Portland. Sam ia a
good printer and will bo a credit to any
l? ' . 1.1. I... .,1111 wfirk.
forco 01 men wiwi wuu" "
t it ii!t.nn wlm a closelv idonti
ii.l ...iVli.tlm Miifllnk. HllOOk lllUldS With
his many frlonds in this city last Satur
day. Mr. BInghum has only recently
nwxt from KruilCO. UUI uumiv"
standing ?o frog, zo Pareo, zo exporo
B.'" . ' E l el n old Iko, as of yore,
midevorybody gave him the glad l.n.ui.
Ir) Brief.
Dr. Hnlllngur, Dontist.
Call nt II. C. Madson't) for fine jowcliy
Clippings for sale at tho Cottage
Grovo Cigar Factory.
Phillips & Davibon have a fine new
hack, which has been used a few times,
for sale nt a bargain.
Suits 1 Suits!! Tailor made suits!!!
Up to date in every respect, from $15 up.
Call and seo samples.
Dr. A. J; Hullingcr, Graduate Dentist.
Permanently located.
Why pay traveling agents such big
prices for sowing machines when you
can liny the best mado lor nail tlio
money nt Phillips & Davisons.
Hidn aCreecent. They aro sky high.
$25.00 and $1)5.00 atliakin & Bristow.
For quality and cheapness in fresh
meats go lo tho Central meat market.
Fresh candies every day, mado from
pure sugar at the Tailor shop.
Before you buy a wagon go and look
at tho Peter Schutlerat Phillips mid
Ico for sale at MoFurland's meat
Dr. A. J. Hullingcr, Dentist. Latest
things in non-breaknblo plates Gold
Crowns and Bridges. Permanently lo
cated. If you want to get every fly out of your
room buy one of thoso fly killers at
Phillips Davisons.
Over (SO odd patterns of wall paper lo
ciiooxe from and more on tho way, at
Jenkins & Lawson's.
For first-class watch repairing go to
II. C. Madfen.
Tho Old Reliable Peter Schutler
wagons at Phillips & Davisons.
The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., arc
offering a nice grade of flooring, rustic
and celling at $10.00 perM, which is
mostly in random and short lengths.
Intending purchasers would do well to
aeo them before placing their orders.
Ice cream at the Elite parlors.
Try it.
The Crescent is the popular wheel nt
a standard price, and no better wheel
at any price. Sold by Eakin & Bristow.
See the fine display of millinery at the
parlors of Mrs. .1. S. Medley.
Wo sell good goods at good prices for
our cifstomers, central aieai iuarKei.
John Stoneburg's barbershop and
baths. Also a line line of cigars, to
bacco, confections, etc. Try him
Fine line of tobaccos, cigars and
confectionery at the Elite, Baker
and Lockwood.
For the purpose of cleaning up their
yard, tho Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., are
oilering, ' for n short time, common
dimension lumber for $6.00 per M.
" Phillips & Davison havo just received
notice from tho McCormick Harvesting
Company that their machines have been
awarded tho grand prize at tho Paris
exposition. Tins rs tno nigiiesi uwuru
ever given and places the McCormick
Harvester in tho front rank of all com
No Capital Necessary to sell our
In everv citv and town in tho states of
Oregon 'and Washington outside of Port
land. Ladies or young men woo nuyi
two or three hours per day lo spare will
find selling our Teas, Cuflees and Spices
pleasant work and they can mnko big
1 .1 AWilf. fni full
money lor iiiciiiduiii-o. .....w w.
particulars and catalogue Freo.
320 Washington St., 1'ortianu, uregon
.arceet distrihntorH of Teas, Coffees and
Spices on tho Pacific Coast. 100 stores
in successful operation.
We must Bell out our stock in tho next
GO davs, nnd Shoes, Uools, Ktiuucr
Boots nnd Overshoes, and everything in
tho shoo lino is going nt cost. Some
odd pairs and sizes are going at less than
cost. It will pay you to buy now, as
this stock will not last long at tho rate
it is going at. ltemetnber this is 110
show sale, but a genuino sale, as other
business requires my attention and I
must eell this stock out in tho noxt CO
dayB. Como early and got tho best bar
gains nt tho Golden Itulo.
W. Ft Sciiuu.eii.
A large lot of fine Italian and
Potite Prunes. Apply to
Wm. Landuss.
At Walker qn, Wednesday, Sept.
5, 1900, Mr. Duncan Colwell to
Miss Ruth La Joie.
A dog fight was tho attraction on tlio
streets Wednesday evening. Uruco, Dr.
Petrio's big bird dog and O. F. Knox'e
cattle dog wero tho principals. Like
many other dog fights it camo near ter
minating in a num fight. Dogs at tho
best aro n nuisance on tho streets ami
when of a quarrelsome naturo should bo
taken enro of.
Mr. H. D. Scott nnd Mr. Frank
Wheeler, of Morohoad, Minn., accom
panied by their wives, arrived hero
Wednesday afternoon.
Tlio geutlemcn aro looking for business
locations. Bhouia tnoy locate uere w,u
MifcW wisnes mciu
Wc have a Magnificent Stock of FINE SHOES,
our prices are lower than like quality sells for any
where else, and wc guarantee shoe satisfaction in
every respect at
I Money -Saving Prices.
l e t'"nk wc kw what the people want. ijv
To suit the public taste and purse and meet popular de-
W mand is our business ambition. W
5: Wc will fit any foot or pocket-book and assure satisfac-
g lion, and then "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." :3
We are living in a rapid age: anagi) of Progression. Tho World moves
nnd you must move with it.
Keep up witii the times. If yon sec a chance to benefit yourself grasp
the opportunity.
You Can Benefit Yourself by Calling At
I3enson Drug- Company.
ure Drugs
W. S. ChkismAN.
The Fashion Stables
Gi'isniai) & Bynsls, Proprietors.
First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
Cottage Grove, OrcROij,.
Phillips & Davison
Special bargains in flooring, rus
tic and ceiling, in short length at
Booth-Kelly yard, Saginaw.
It you want good work remem
ber Davidson the Jeweler.
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All hinds of Produce bought
" at the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with
us. We shall be pleased at all
times to quote, you prices
upon all lines handled by us,
whether you buy or not.
Our Stock is New, Neat and
Clean, and having had years
of experience in business, we
assure you the very best goods
the market affords, -and the
lowest possible prices.
Remember the place; Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore.
and Chemicals
Eli Bangs.
; Proprietors of the Bohemia
X and
Black Butte Stage Lines.
Reasonable Prices v-
Sewing- Machines
Ball-bearing and High-grade Vertical
Feed and three under feed machines.
Prices to suit.
For sale by
Here is a chance to get your boy
into a paying business on a small
capital. I have a choice lot of high
grade Belgian Hares that I will sell
in pairs at very low prices. There
is 110 need to send to California
when you can get the same thing
here at home. Lord Britain, Sir
Styles, Fashoda, Yukon, Red Rover
and other fashionable strains ate in
stock. F. A. Rankin, Eugene.
We will pay the highest price for
wool and mohair.
A car load of Columbia Itivor cedar
shingles for salo by Jenkins & Lawson.
The Prices will please
you, aud in point of jj
Quality and Bcautv mS
cannot be beaten;
1 110111
& 1
der. i