Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 24, 1900, Image 5

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    WSUvcuwY' is the title
Ilfour-oct piny to be produced to
I btnl Mnttin's Hull l)y n com
jL gotten up ' of well known
people to support Mr. Verne
Lrmaii, a knight of the foot
Lhts. A N,,B8cl reporter was
riviieBc(l 10 wil"css 11 mrlial rc"
Lsttl one evening this week n,u1,
j g from the work done, feels
Ufidcnt that the piny will he
! jjtubly produced and will merit
C approval of nil who go to see it.
(js 0I1C of those melodramas so
I JC t0 everyday life nud so olteu
'ting enacted in the lives of many.
,vc ftiacl jealousy, passion and rc
Kuicnce, sorrow and destitution,
rials and fortitude, the mercenary
illain, the devotion of true friends
econcilintion and the happy cli
v Programmes have been
Luted and well distributed giving
synopsis of the play In detail and
cflst of eliaiaclcrs, which should
Bnsure a pactccu uuiihc. jh who
blend this entertainment toniglit
lull I'0 loul,t s 10 lllcir no"ws
i'telit'K we compensated for the
time spent and the trifling fee of
admission "'! wil1 cherish a grow
ing pride for the high order of
ulent that is budding out and
dwelling in Cottage Grove.
Having finished all the work laid
out for this season on the Knott
property, the party, consisting of
8 Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Miinicati. .Mr.
find Mrs. Douglas I.ndd and Mr.
Lid Mrs. W. C. Meagher, arrived
Jjere- Sunday. The party will
leave here some time this week for
Portland, where they will visit
I friends and relatives for a time and
I then will return to California for
the winter, with the view of mak
ing ilu twTPssiirv arrangements for
"fi ' "
the shipping of a five stamp mill to
be placed on tne property ni me
earliest moment in the spring
I M. t. .1.!.. .. ...... ...-.. t C ft
nie won; mis M.iinun iuusbw n
55 foot shaft sunk on the ledge,
ond in which they made the great
strike at the depih of ay feet and
3 incite. At the closing down the
Miaft was 55 fc-t deep and the
last assay taken at this depth,
taken from the scrapings after
tlio 1nt time.
gave a return ol t75 20. a cm
year Mrs. Finnic. will put in the
5 stamp mill and make other
necessary external improvements,
as well as crosscut the ledge and
drive a tunnel.
Ninety years old and surrounded
by her children, grand children,
great grand children nud great
great grand children. Such an oc
currence happened at the residence
of J. W. Crow on Sunday Aug. 12,
when ubout 90 or 100 of Grandma
Crow's relatives and neighbors
came to help her celebrate her
birthday. Propped up in her bed
which she. has been unable to leave
for several months, she smiled
and talked with her friends and
seemed to enjoy herself nicely.
Especially did she enjoy the sing
ing, with Mrs. Folsotn of Junction
and Mrs. Banibridge of Klkhead
presiding at the organ. After a
Very pleasant afternoon refresh
ments were served and the guests
departed for their several homes
each one wishing that grandma
may see tunny such hoppy birth
Wednesday morning there came
near being n serious runaway ac
cident at the bridge at the mill dam.
A lady was driving a horse hitched
to a hack, just in the rear of a team
driven by u man. As her horse
came upon the bridge it became
frightened and almost backed the
buggy off the bridge which is with
out railings. The man seeing the
trouble jumped out of his con
veyance to the assistance of the
woman, and 'his team, becoming
frightened, almost plunged into
the race at the other end of the
bridge. - Fortunately, the teams
Were controlled before any serious
damage was done. Several farmers
have spoken nbout that bridge and
the one at the mill being without
ratlings, and the county or city,
which ever is responsible, should
ee to it at once.
A good many bricks have been
pipped into Cottage Grove during
e past few years for the reason
thn this city lm, I10t bcci, provided
wilh n brick kiln. C. II. Wallace
Sons, who some years since
brick here, this spring
tned up their yard again, ,. the
Have McKarlnnd estate, d are
ow completing the first kiln of the
season, and intend to fire the kiln
Monday. The kiln emit
000 bricks and it will require some
.-'K'h uays to complete the burn.
Another kiln will be built and
burned this fall which will contain
some 60,000 biick. This product
is not intended for contract work,
but for local trade. These gentle
men have had years of experience
in the matter of brick making and
laying and will undoubtedly put
out an excellent nrtirdo. 11
after it will not be necessary to go
t 1 r . . . ...
imroan mr imck to build a six foot
Hue. The builder can buy just as
good an article at home and keep
his money in his own community.
Patronize home industry.
TIIISY ")'IT." -
S. C. Mills and Enoch, one of
the celebrated Siwash characters
who has ornamented this thriving
little city for many years got into a
dispute "over money matters"
ast Saturday nioriiinir and a scran
was the result. Enoch claimed
Mr. Mills owed him is cents and
Mr. Mills claimed he had paid the
bill to Enoch's illustrious father.
Enoch became abusive and Mills
tried to look pleasant and avoid
him. Finally Enoch said some
awful swear wouls to Mills and the I
little fellow periled away at the
"Injun" but missed. After a
warm mix-up and any ouantity of
wild swings during which Mills
landed on the Indian's mug a hot
right, Marshal McFnrlnnd made
his appearance and put an end to
an affair which would undoubtedly,
if allowed to goon, ended 111 the
red man being pounded into an un
recognizable black and blue pulp.
It will be gratifying to Mr. Mills'
friends to know that he was not
brow beaten into paying that 15
cents over again.
Geo. Lea, of this city, who was
awarded the contract for the grad
ing of the streets, being disap
pointed in his effort to secure one
of the county's rock crushers, went
to I'ottland last week and purchased
one outright. Mr. Lea is an enter
prising, progressive and up-to-date
business man and he don't propose
to let a little thing like the pur
chase of a $600.00 rock crusher
stand in the way of fulfilling his
contract. The crustier is now set
up and ready for business.
Fred Tones, who runs the Hart
Cafe on River street, got drunk
airatn Monday night, and 111 creat
ing a distuibance in his own house,
was promptly pulled by Night
watchman Miller, and landed in
the city sweat box, where he did a
a good job making the night
hideous for those who were un
fortunate enough to lodge within
several blocks of the jail. Tuesday
morning he was taken before Judge
Medley and fined 55.00 and costs.
Rev. C. H. Wallace met with a
serious accident Monday afternoon.
He was in his barn loft pitching
hay, when he fell through the
floor, striking ncross the manger,
breaking two ribs and sustaining
internal injuries. Dr. Job was
summoned and reduced the fractures
and at last accounts Mr. Wallace
was resting as comfortable as pos
sible under the circumstances.
discontinued husinkss.
Mrs. E. J- Humphrey, who has
so successfully conducted the Acme
restaurant, owing to ill health, has
decided to close her place of busi
ness nud, in company with her
daughter, Mrs. Perry Long, will
leave the last of the week or the
first of next for Florence, where
they will take up their residence
for the time being.
Tho town has presented a lively ap
pearance tills week.
AH About you.
Dr. Ilullingor, Dontlst.
"Right Avenged."
"Jiohemia" Sharp wan In town thin
J'oHtor I'lillllj)B viHitod the mines thin
Al Parker wan in from U10 mines
til in Wfcl'lc.
Chas. Mitchell was in from the IiIIIh
this week.
lien butch was a visitor to Kimono
Mrs. J. S. Medley visited In Portland
tliiH week.
IlertXunn Is homo from a miick trip
to tno milieu.
Frank MeFarhtnd I suffering from u
sprained knee.
Olio thotimiiui head of Hheop for sale.
Apply to Jerome Knox.
Damon Sherwood Iiiih returned from
a trip to Redding, California.
lames and Win. Hemonway are
visiting the mines this week.
Oeo.CriiHnii has commenced painting
thn MiihomIu hull of HiIh eitv.
W. Masterson returned to the
minus thin week, Wednesday.
Win. Ostrandcr is in from the Adams
Mountain Mining Co., property.
Captain W'otley Is homo from the
mines and is feeling much better.
The Drs. Schleef nro having their
olliceaiid new residence painted.
Don't forget it! The plav'a the
thing. "Right Avenged" tonight.
Superintendent J. W. Cook, of the
Musick, was in the city this week.
Miss Nannie Spong. who has been
ipiitesiek, is again in good health.
Cv Bingham lias returned from a visit
to Portland and is again in tho hills.
Morse MeKihhen came in from the
hills hti-tSattiiduy and will remain for
some time.
.Miss Nora Carson of Portland, arrived
hem Monday, on 11 visit with hereousin,
T. V. Jilew.
John Holland of the Cottage Orove
Hotel made the round trip to Black
Hutte yesterday.
John Cardwell left for the hills Mon
lav. where lie will mit in the next three
weeks prosp. cling.
O. I-'. Knox lias been under the
weather this week. Hiifloring with an
attack of rheumatism.
Attorney A. C. Woodcock, of Kugene,
was in Cottage Urove last Tuesday,
transacting legal business.
Dr. Pctrie, Willurd Martin nnd II.
Yancy, aie spending a week on the
head waters of Moaliy creek,
Mrs. X. K. Itodelheim, of How Ittvcr,
is visiting in this city, the guest of her
brother, Dave Mcl'arliiud.
Mr?. Martini McCarty, of noise City,
Idaho, who lias hi-cn visiting relatives
here, lias returned to tier home.
U. A. Sanders has moved his family
from tho Jordan pioperty on .Main
street to the llcmetiwuy cottage.
Thero is every reason to believe that
the fall trade ol uoiiag" inovc win u.
heavier this season than ever bcfuic.
Wm Opfnll IimiI tint tii'mfnrtmw t (tp!
his hit lid caught in a grab hook last
. . . t . . 1 t :. 1 11..
weoK wrenening nis iiiumu ipiuu uamy
Howard Beagle accidentally scalded
his hand last week and men got poison
oak into tho burn, making a painful
J. U. Andrews, formerly of Kugene,
hiituow of Corvallis, was the guest ol
his sister, Mrs. I). T. Aubrey, of this
city, last Satuiday.
Dr. Snapp is in receipt of a seven
dollar gold nugget from a friend in
M.iu'sou. u-hich h has mounted, making
a beautiful watch etiarm.
Dado Miller, of Saginaw, fell from
the rear end of a wagon backwards, last
Monday and sutained a dislocated ankle
and came near breaking his leg.
Jack Lawrence, formerly of tho
Mustek mine, eamo in llio last of tho
week bid his many friends good-bye,
and lefl Sunday for ltisbee, Arizona.
Tho postoflico at Cottage Grove has
been raised from a fourth chiBs to a
third ehiBS. A better evidenco of tho
growth of tiio Bohemia metropolis could
not bo named. Kugenc Hegister.
Harlio Hiegler and Miss Grace Ziegler
of liugeue, Georgo Small of Albany and
Miss Tumi ltoacli of llarrishurg drovo
hero on Snndav from Kugeno and were
guests nt tho "Cottngo Giovo Hotel.
G. II. Crusau and son Karl, accom
panied bv Jr.ek Baker, returned homo
Sunday from a trip to Bandon, where
thevhavo spent tho last two weeks
hunting. They report a pleasant time.
Attorney A. C. Woodcock, of Eugene,
was in tho city Monday in consultation
with Attorney Jerome Knox, 111 tho
matter of tho Citizens vs City of Cot
tago Grove, relative to Wall street im
provements. Sanford mills and family havo gone
to their former homo nt Wooduurn,
where tho family will remain this
winter and tho children attend school.
Mr. Mills expocts to go south on a busi
ness ventuie.
m...i....i.. n....niiinn iivs : "The Chi-
cago Typewriter, manufactured by the
Chicago Writing Machine Co., was
awarded tho gold medal, Paris ex
position. C. J. Howard, agent for
Cottage Grovo.
A. J. Cooloy of "Woodburn, who has
been in tho llvo y business at that place,
has sold out hii belongings there and is
now herolooking for a business location.
Ho is very favorably impressed with
tho outlook hero and will probably cast
his lot with Cottago Grovoites.
J. 0. Johnson and Henry Lincoln woro
hunting on tho head of Mosby creek,
near Perkin's prairie, on Sunday last
nnd brought down two fino bucks-11
spiko and a two pointer. Lincoln shot
t ie deer and Johnson used up his an.,
mution shooting at white spots, but bo
earned bis sharo of tho game by pack
Ingono of tho bucks for about three,
miles through tho brush and over the
roughest kind of trulls.
In Brie'.
Dr. Hulllnger, Dentist.
Call at H.C. Madsen's for line joweby
Clippings for sale at tho Cottage
drove Cigar I-'actory.
If you wnnt wall paper or books don't
forget to get prices of J. P. Curiin tho
Tho Big I-'nur Peter Schutlnr, Mc-
Cormlek, J. I. Case and D. M. Osborne
it Co. Phillips & Davison aro their
Suits I Suits!! Tailor made suits! ! !
Up to date in every inspect, from $15 tip.
Call and see samples.
Dr. A. J. Hulllnger, Graduate Dentist.
Permanently located.
Why pay traveling agents such big
prices for sewing machines when you
can buy the best mado for half the
money at Phillips ft Davisous.
I-'or quality and cheapness in fresh
meats go to tho Central meat market.
Fresh candies every day, mado from
pure sugar at the Tailor shop.
Before you buy a wagon go and look
at tho Peter Schutlerat Phillips and
For all kinds of plumbing and
tin work go to Griffin & Veatch
Ieo for sale at MoFurland's meat
Dr. A. J. Hullinger, Dentist. Latest
things in non-breakable plates Gold
Crowns and Bridges. Permanently lo
cated. If you want to get every fly out of your
room buy one of those (!y killers at
Phillips & Davisous.
To TKAD15.
Horses for wood. Inquire of I.
F. Settle.
OvorllOodd patterns of wall paper to
choose from and more on the way, at
Jenkins &. Lawson's.
For first-class watch repairing go to
H. C. Madsen.
If you want good work remem
ber Davidson the Jeweler.
The Old Reliable Peter Sehutler
wagons at Phillips & Davisous.
Tho Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. , are
ofTering a nice grade of flooring, rustic
and ceiling at $10.00 perM, which is
mostly in random and siiort lengths.
Intending purchasers would do well to
seo them beforo placing their orders.
Did you noticethose bath tubs at Phil
ips it Davison. They are beauties.
If you want a good job of plumb
ing done go to the Griffin & Veatch
Hat sale, all going at cost, i-mno and
get your choice at the Golden Rule.
J.P. Cnrrin hns a choice lino of in
grain and figured wall paper, at prices
to suit tho trade.
A car load of Columbia River cedar
shingles for sale by Jenkins & Lawson.
Ice cream at the Elite parlors.
Try it.
The Crescent is tho popular wheel at
a standard price, and no better wheel
at any price. Sold by Kakin & Bristow.
Horses for wood. Inquire of I.
F. Settle. .
Rido a Crescent. They aro sky high.
$2.".00 and $35.00 at Kakin it Bristow.
See tho fino display of millinery at the
parlors of Mrs. J. S. Medley.
Wo sell good goods at good pricos for
our customers, Central Meat Market.
Boys when you are going fishing
remember our line of fiys are all
O. K. Griffin Vuatcii Co.
John Stonoburg'8 barbershop and
baths. Also a fino lino of cigars, to
bacco, confections, etc. Try him
Fine line of tobaccos, cigars and
confectionery at the Elite, Baker
and Lockwood.
For tho purpose of cleaning up their
yard, tho Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., aro
odering, for a short time, common
dimension lumber for $6.00 per M.
ThoGriflin & Voatch Hardware- Co.
have recently added 11 lirst class tin shop
to their nlreai'y well equipped houso and
aro now prepared to do all kinds of re
pairing. We will pay the highest price for
wool and mohair.
Selling out at cost all Glassware,
Crockery and Granitware. Como nnd
buy now while they last; thoy aro big
bargains. A great many things going
less than cost. Must mako room for
my largo stock of Shoes and Rubbers.
W. F.- Seiiui,u:n, at thoGoldoiiRulo.
A saw mill in good ordur and com
plete for salo. For full informotion see
Mrs. Anlauf at tho Rudolph place, near
Latham, or at this office. '
To the wife of Mr. Husted, in
this city, Monday, August 20, a
We have a Magnificent Stock of FINE SHOES,
our prices arc lower than like quality sells for any
where else, and we guarantee shoe satisfaction in
every respect at
MoneySaving Prices.
We think wc know what the people want.
To suit the public taste and purse and meet popular de
mand is our business ambition.
We will lit any foot or pocket-book and assure satisfac
tion, and then "the proof of the pudding is in tile eating."
q We aro living in a rapid age:
jfe" and you must move witii it.
Keep up with the times. If
the opportunity.
You Can Benefit Yourself by Calling At
Benson I3rug Company. $
ure Drugs
W. S. Chrisman.
(71irisiian &. Blls, Proprietors.
'First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single.
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Phillips & Davison
If you will call at our store wo will
give you tho names of 25 farmers that
have bought MoCormick Machines of us
in tho last two years and you can seo for
yourself what they think of them.
Pmi.iai'S & Davison.
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought
at the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with
us. We shall be pleased at all
times to quote you prices
upon all lines handled by us,
whether you buy or not.
Our Stock is New, Neat and
Cleau, and having had years
of experience in business, we
assure you the very best goods
the market affords, and the
lowest possible prices.
Remember the placel Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore.
an age of Progression. Tho World niovea
you see a chance to benefit yourself grasp
and Chemicals,
Eli Bangs.
Proprietors of the Bohemia
'6 and
BlackButtc Stage Lines.
6 . 5
Reasonable Prices J0m ."
bewino Macrnnes I,
Ball-bearing and High-grade Vertical
Feed and three tinder feed machines.
Prices, to suit.
For sale by
Timely information given Mrs.
George Long, of New Straitsvllle,
Ohio, saved two lives. A fright
ful cough had long kept her awake
every night. She had tried many
remedies and doctors but steadily
grew worse until urged to try Dr.
King's New Discovery. One bottle
wholly cured her; and she writes,
this marvelous medicine also cured
Mr. Long of a severe attack of
Pneumonia. Such cures are posi
tive proof of its power to cure all
throat, chest and lung troubles.
Only 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed.
Trial bottles free at Benson Drug
Co., drug store.
v - - b
jg The Prices will please g
j you, and in point of
1 1 Quality and Beauty fe
1. cannot be beaten; fit
t faeiiway I 1
Hier. m
i. '
t 1
1 .-j
I it
i -
! If'..!