BOHEMIA iiiininllAIII i MTT A T f ft a . "" wr-l TURPP T ANbHUKIO omu. 1 II I ill II 1 1 1 1 111 III I VIM IBI V I IU UK NUlitffcT laterNEWS. nrnnnr nr Aimi-linr nr Q - -- I IllNil 1 1! I H 0UUI1OIH .... I I hi I'lin I ill I.Hi' Mini in rill ill ............. t'urr nrr un ivm"""'' von Walderseo stortod for HU Ulll Ul Ulll I Ulll ill I uun . ir..m. m v,t,m. i i ii Published Xrarj I"Tlar. COTTAOE GKOVE OREGON I HER OF I ia VumprnholKlrn Itnvlew of the Import- Knt lliii)nlnrs of tlio Vast Weok CnllcMl From Mm Telegraph Columns. Tort Sherman, Idaho, is unsuitable far nn Indian school. .bx-becretary liontwell announces "lhat ho will vote for Bryan. Seven persons wore killed in n train wreck near Grand Rapids, Mich. The Prink slato wont through tho Washington Kopublicnn convention. Tho war department publishes Fill plno correspondence enpturod by Fun t ton. Pritchard Morgan says the powers nave dooided on a new form of govern ment for China. General Chaffed reported tho allies at Ma Ton, 30 milos from Pekin, tlireo er four days ago. Preparations to extend the railroad flown tho Yukon from White Horse to Selkirk are hi progress. China will send a high oflicial to Tong Chow to arrnugo for delivering tho foreigners to tho allies. Foreign and domestic wheat markets bavo a downward tondnncy, and the local situation continues dull. Oregon supreme court decides that iistrict attorney's fee must ho deposit ed with clerk when divorco suits are tiled. The transport Thomas, which left Nagasaki August 10, will bring 316 sick and four insano soldiers from the Philippines. Severe floods have occurred in Japan and it is reported that 3,200 persons have been drowned. Hallway traffic is interrupted. Three lives were sacrificed by fire as the result of an explosion of natural gas in Thirty-fourth street, Chicago. Three other persons are supposed to be in tho ruins. Secretary Gage, of the treasury de partment, ays that as long as tho United States maintains the gold stand ard and keeps the public credit good it tan retain for its own use all the gold It needs. 1 A severe hailstorm destroyed 40,000 acres of the finest grain in North Da kota, even that cut and in the shock being destroyed. Many of the hail stone wore, from three to four inches in diameter. Maurice Brennan, who is under ar rest at St. Louis, charged with being a dynamiter, was mdentiiied as one of the men connected with the blowing op of the stioet cars in the eouthorn .part of the city several weeks ago. Theodore Roosevelt will not visit the Pacific coos t. Shanghai has word that the Pekin le- agUons were desperately attacked Aug' st 8. In a collision near Colorado Springs, -Colo., two passengers were killed and five injured. President Kruger lias applied for temporary asylum in the American consulate, at Lourenco Marques. C. P. Hnritiugton, president of the Southern Pacific railroad, diod in the Adirondacks, X. Y., of heart disease Tho army of the Philippines elected General F, V. Greene president, Gen eral O. Summers as second vice president. The clothing factory of K. It. Olson & Co., of Chicago, was ddstroyed by fire, with a loss on buildings and goods of $95,000. Contractors are making close exam ination of the route for the Klamath Kails railway, preparatory to signing tne contract. Count China. Itoumanln and Bulgnrin aro on tho vorgo of war. Tho emperor and empress duwagor bavo loft Pokin. So:.utor Stewart, of Novada, will lupport McKiuloy. A tornado did great damage in eov aral Wisconsin towns. Lx-Senator John J. Ingalle loft an sstato valued at $'200,000. Japaneso aro beginning to distrust the Continental Europeans. Chicago's population as shown by tho United States census, is 1,008.575 More rebels are reported to havo sur rendered in tho united States of Co lombia. A drunken Kansas doctor killed throe porsons, and was shot dean by a en or llf's sou. William M. Johnson, of Now Jorsoy, succeeds Perry Heath as assistant pustmaster-genoral. Lord Itoborts issned a proclamation prescribing severe penalties for Boors who violato thoir oaths. Estimates of tho shortage in tho Pacific roast salmon pack vary between 600,000 and 1,000,000 cases. A posofllco employe killed a Kausas City woman and wouuded her husband as a result of n quarrel over rent. The Chinese government asks that Conger or somo other American bo ap pointed to opou peace negotiations. Tho Willamette valley hop crop is practically out of danger. Tho yield Chaffee and Romey Information. Send SMALL LOSS OF AMERICANS Unolr Sum' Troup KiiIpi'imI tlm l.rc- I ton (lriitinil ill A OVluck on tk KvKiitne uf th Will Washington, August 31. From. (Inn- era! ChnlToo today tho war department received official confirmation of tho fail' ot Pekin and tho roscun of the bruit-god legationors. Tho dispatch of tho American commander wan not long, and contained hut few detail, but the unconcealed satisfaction with which it was received hv officials of the admin istration indicated clearly tho anxiety that had been engendered by his pro longed silonco. His last communica tion to. tho government prior to tho o ceipt of today's advices was dated Aug ust 11. nt Ma Tim. almost !I0 miles from Pokin. Tho oxnlanatlon of his !siloi.ou extraordinary detachments of sick and a Rii"L'ostml iu nrtvicos received hv tho wounded on tho wav here from tlm Phi nninos and China. mi wan tents will bu erected insldo mo i" closure at tho rear of tho hospital ami I a lurvo tent to servo as a ward i'urrli Otrr Onn ! ' ti I MM. Kranolsoo, August 30. Thron transports sailed for tho Orient, inr Wurron carried tho headquarters, bun., mid two squadrons of tho Ninth (col ored) cavalry, under command of Col onel MotSrcgor; 75 hospital fori '"" under ooinnmndol Surgoou-Mnjnr Ives; 1UH recruits for tlm Mnth infantry, 1(1(1 drivois and other government em- lilnnw and alio a detachment of HOspil al corpi men for .Manila, tho warren ulsocariied $1,500,000. According to iir..unnr. inrilllneliielltN tho tlOOUM Will Im nt Nncos.lkl to II trails imrt that will take them to Taku. Tho Warren will then proceed to Manila with a few olllcors and mini together with freight. There am 1. 100 troops mid civilians on tho trunsiMiit, and tho cabin accommodations aro taxed to tl.nli- full limit. It Wild llOCOSKIIV tO loavo considerable supplies tho dock, ovviiiLf to hutk of room. Tho Aztec sailed for Kobe with 500 horses and innlos for China, mid tho Siam sailed for Manila via Cuum with 5.000 tons of freight. Tho general hospital at tlio rresnuo is to bo enlarged to accommodate tho Disastrous Storm at tho Town of Shoboygan. Steamer Deutsehbuid made the run from New York to Plymouth, England, in 5 days. 1 1 hours and -15 minutes, breaking the record. Bob Kitzsliumous and Tom Sharkey have been matched to fight August 25 before the Coney Island Club for a nurse of $35,000. Charley White is to be referee. The question of making the perma nent repairs on the Oregon at home in-, stead of in Japan has been discussed by somo of the authorities of the navy de partment and may result in her being brought back to the Pacific coast. The oflicial roport of the Colombian government commander in the recent battle at Panama says the rebel casual--ties were 600 and those of the govern ment 100. The commander intimates that the consuls favored the rebels, and that thoir intervention was dangerous and pernicious. The detective bureau of New York City, is looking for Antonio Peace, a banker, with ofiicos in that city. He has mysteriously disappeared. Scores of excitod Italian depositors havo thronged Peace's offices, and it is re ported to the police that the banker has gone to Italy, taking with him $16,000. Petroleum fields of some importanoe are being opoued in Japan. Belgium is one of tho few countries in which tho death penaltv, though still part of tho criminal codo, is never enforced, iii deference to public opin ion. Threo women, the wives of famous .husbands, have been accorded the honor will be heavy and prices are advancing. The state Board of agriculture orders tho erection of 150 additional stalls tor livestock exhibit at the state fair at Salem, Or. Caleb Powers, ex-secretary of state of Kentucky, issued a statement in which he declares his innocence, and says he had a poltical trial. The reported of tho plaguo in Manila for the two weoks ending July 17, as just reported to tho marine hoepitn-l service, is seven new cases and five deaths. Ot the new cases four were Filipinos and three Chinese. Tho Kansas Citv firemen. In a class created at the Paris exposition for paid nremen, won the world's champion ship cup. The officers received gold medals, and silver medals and the money prize, 600 francs, was divided among the officers and men. . The min ister of war. General Andre, presented the prizes to Captain Hale. Portugal won the volunteer championship. American troops shared in the as sault on Pekin. Ohio, caused a Fire in Wellington, loss of $50,000. Frenchmen accuse England of dupli city at Shanghai. Unirrigated crops in Idaho aro suf fering fiotn drouth. Another attempt was made to assas sinate the shah of Persia. The Typographical Union has refused to enter the political field. Two persons were killed in an acci dent at the Paris exposition. The population of Greater New York is shown by tho census to bo 3,437,202. Four deaths and 15 prostrations as a result of another hot wave in Chicago. Steel mills at Wilmington, Dela ware, shut down, affecting 1,500 men. The Shanghai muddle is beginning to assume a serious aspect, international tioops being landed. Puget sound salmon pack for this season is ubout 199,000 cases, compared witn o.'H.uuo lor IB9D. Philip Koeulgberger, a New York tobacco dealer, cut his throat in a bar her shop in Sau Francisco. Caleb Powers was convicted of com plicity of in tho Goebel murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. Lord Kobeitu will be recalled from mricu iu uciouer ana appointed com mander-in-chief of the British army trr !.. ni i . war in .;uina caused me closmi: ol large mill In Biddeford, .Me., throw ling 3,000 hands out of employment. buipinents of lumber from tho state of Washington for the year jnst ended amount, approximately, to -117,600,000 foreign anarchists, said to have come to this country to assassinate President MoKinley, are under arrest at New York. Ex-President Ignaeio Audrude. who was deposed from the presidency of Venezuela and succeeded by Cipriano Castro, the present incumho'nt. Is dead. A forest firo near Encamnment. Wyoming, has burned over a terrltorv eigui oy iu nines in extent unit now threatens two towns. Two thousand sheep and one man have perished in the tlames. mo general attack on Pekin beian August 15, in the morning, when the apanese demolished the Cham Chaui; Lang and Tong Chi gates and entered tho capital. The other armies entered by the Tong Qnlou gate, and sent de tachments ut once to the legations, wnero tne miuiHtors were found safe. navy department today from Admiral Komoy, who, telegraphing from Taku on tho 18th, says the telegraph fine bo- ween that point and Pekin is in terrupted. The cablegram from Admiral Homey contains some important information not mentioned by General Chafl'ee Ho makos the startling statement, on Jnpanoso authority, that tho inner citv f Pekin wus being bombarded by tho allied forces. Admiral Hemoy says also that the dowager empress is do tained in tho inner citv by Prince Yuu- gedo. Advices received last night from tho foreign oiiieo at Tokio, Japan, by tho Japanese legation iu this city confirms and 'amplifies previous ac (Counts of tho capture of Pokin bv tho allied troops. Following is the text of tho dispatch from Geneial Chaffee, us inudo public by tho wai- department: "Cho Foo, Angust 31, Pokin. Au gust 15. We entered legation grounds at 5 o'clock last night with Fourteenth and light batterv. Eight wounded during day's fighting. Otherwise all well. CHAFFEK." The dispatch, which was received during tho morning, was transmitted immediately to the president at tho white house. Ho expressed his grutili cation at the news it contained, par ticularlv at the small loss sustained by tne American troops. It will be notod that the dispatch indicates that the American troops en tered the legation grounds nt 5 o'clock on the evening of the 14th inst. Bv the ashiugtou officials and by several legation officials to whom it was shown the date of General Chaffee's commu mcation is regarded us an error of transmission. It is believed that tho date "15" should bo "10." All prev ions advices, official and unofficial, have indicated that the legations were relieved bu the evening of the 15th. Wednesday, after a day of sharp fight ing. Minister Wu, the Chinese repre sentative, and Minister Tuknhira, of Japan, wero quite positive on this point, all their oflicial advices being that the entrance to tho city of Pekin was effected early In the evenlm: of Wednesday, the loth inst. Tlm Seventh Artillery. Washington, August 30. Light bat tery M, Seventh artillery, which Inu been stattonod at Washington harracki for sovoiul months, will loavo here Friday for San Francisco, en rotito to China. Light llattory F, .Second artil lery, has arrived Intro from Cuba to ro llovo Battery M, anil will garrison the aresnal post for tho present. At San Francisco tho troo from Nu-inngtoii will bo joined by light battery U, also of tho Seventh artilloy, and will sail on tho first available titinsport. The equipment of Battery M. inclndlng hordes, has been shipped to ban rrau- cisco. SWEPT AWAY ALL IN ITS PATH frrt'Pilril ''.V .'' Hrn.-TliH. Nn On ... itllli-il Me Aliniut i Mlrm'ln - I.nm I'lniH'llv St-rnml Infantry Hurrying WpI. Kansas City, August 30. l'iv hundred and II ft v soldiers of tho Sec ond United States infantrv. destined for service iu China, being rushed through to San Francisco from Foit Thomas, Ky., avrivort hero from Chi cago this afternoon, with their ollieera and equipments, and wero hurried ou west. ! COLOMBIA'S TROUBLES. I'ruililrn t lla ltrli;nil ami I tin Vlr 'rilitint Sucrt-i-iU II 1 in Now York, August 30. A cablo dispatch was received hero from Ho gota. announcing the resignation n President Sauctlemetu, of the republic of Colombia. Yice-Presideut .Marro qnin will servo out tho four years that remain of his term. Tho action of Senor Snuotlemete will bring about a change in tho political system of Co lombia, ami may even end the revolu tion which has been iu ptogress for 10 months. II I K Ax I'liint lliiriiml. Alexandria, Iud., August 31. The entire plant of the Kelly Ax Manufao- turing Company, valued ut .$800,000, was destroyed by tiro tonight. It was the largest ax factoiy in the world. employing 900 men when tunning at IiitrrTxiillon nt Oiinti.U. Colon, Colombia, August 30. The tol lowing is the full text of the state ment regarding tho alleged inter en tion of the foreign coihuIs duriug the recent fighting iu Panama, us contain ed in tlio oflicial retnirt of (icueral Sa lazar, commanding the government forces, (itinera to.UImn, civil governor and military chief of tho province of Panama, who was iu command of the garrison when tho city was attacked by the revolutionists: "The revolutionary leaders, after full force. The Insurance ou the plant ruki,1.' positions around Panama, placed is mouglit to be $450,000. The (lie is -"""isuives ni co-iimiiiiicuton wltli thought to havo originated from an several foreign counils, hoping that overheated boiler. The fire was dis- t,,oir '"tervention would loud to tho covered hv the watchman, nn.l tlm '"render of tho city. The luterveu woodwork between tho boilers and the tion of tllu c0,",u''i produced such dan- grinding room was ablaze. TJio plant '-er0l,a "nl iwrnicious olfects, morally, was thoroughly equipped witli an an- ,nat on'v t,,e resolution of General tomatio sprinkler, but owing to tho steam in the boilers being so low it would not work. The great establish- incut was divided by a railroad switch, and all of the buildings on one side was burned. Tlio burned district in cludes tho forging, drop, grinders, poI Ishers and pattern makers' depart ments. In addition to the bnildiugs, machinery and half of the finished stock, .$150,000 worth of manufactured goods wero destroyed. Slain With h Hummer. New York, August 31. Catherine Soharf, aged 33, was beaten to death with a hammer iu her rooms on tho second floor of (174 Second avenue, some time betweon 1 P. M. and mid night Saturday, the body not being found until early this morning. J(er brother made tho discovery when hu came home after midnight. The wo. man's body lay in a pool of blood, face no wu warn, isoar by on tho floor n. a nioony Hammer and the rooms had ueen ransacked ot everything of value. it is tue opinion ot the police that a imoi entered tno house and was sur prised iu liia work by the ilrl and i,- no Kiiien ner to prevent identification Abordeeu, S. D August 21 i severe wind and rain storm is raging in this city. At Columbia consider able dumuge was done. Tlm ..r tho Congregational church was blown on , ami numerous barns and buildings unroofed. aiuan uverted serious consequences." HEIR TO MILLIONS A PAUPER. other '""VI . .. , ....... ., f bnrial in Westminster Abbey. They uamoneici, aro Lady Palnierstou, Lady Augusta 1 Ti Kansas City produce exchange HUnley, wifo of Dean Stanley, and hat) adopted a plau for Belling eggs by jxu .wmim jury ueaiueu mat a w e Jtue to (lain ii.r... is responsible for the burial exDonses Cane Town. Antrust at . - ...,uu..uu, nov s ueuianu ior tne nnrrn.u.. r .1.. ...itt-i. ----- , liimnfi inrwia in Nniirnob-.i i .dul-ibu lurcu ijtminiaiirir, . ... taken up so rapidly that few desirable """ed as a pretense of gaining infor ucres remain. matlon. Finding that Commando Nnlt An addition of two miles will short- LT" Jlu. ",'!?.ne,, .Uew" re ly be made to tho line avenues on the 1 ':" ", ' JJr. Gladftou. weight instead of by the dozen. Negroe Died From Hunt. Louisville, Ky Autrust 21 t... negroea died at Louisville today from heat. Tbs maximum was 98. KIIU I'minxr' Unit llri-un.. of ill. I'I'uvIhIimid nt h Will. Sau Francisco, August 18. Tho Ex- Bininer says: Asa Pucker Wilder, one of the heirs to the .$30,000,000 estate left by Asa Packer, tho Pcnnslvanla railroad king and coal baron, has dlnrt in poverty in this city, and vcstonlav was hurled in a pantier'a grave. He was a victim ol tho monihiiio habit. and until a few days ago worked at in- tervals for J. P. Ilogard, proprietor of a uramaiio paper, to whom Im ,i.ul,,u,i 1...11 ..i t.i . .. Jim in ma prospective estate. no was a nephew of Asa V,-rar wnoso win niiulu over his iiiumm., estate to ills children, but contained a ciause that should thev din wiihnm ihsiiu rne estate was to revert to two brothers, named Klisha and Jeremiah. .Yiiuer, who wero related to Packer bv marriage, or iu caso of their death to uir direct Heirs. Klisha Wilber mob. cnarge 01 tlio Lehigh Vallev rail ....... ...... ,m, i-acKer coal properties ..... ..(..-.niB,, i,,Bllll increasing the viuiiH 01 1110 property. One by one tl.o Packer children died, leaving no direct heirs, until onlv one daughter is left. drun and her lifo is said to he all that stands between the Wilber family and tho Packer fortune. Milwaukee, Wis.. August 32. tuechil from Sholmygan, Wis., savn: A terrific wind storm struck tho city this afternoon. The sioriii ouino very Middonlv fiom tho north. Light hirgn liuildlinl's wero completely wntokml 11111 "Oil small houses wuro blown down. The loss will ho more than $:i(l0,000. At noon it was dark us night and in teiisolv hot. A fow moments before o'clock tho storm broke, Increasing in force until a tornado was blowing Persons wero thiown down and fences and signs hurled hundreds ol feet. The storm raged for somo minutes and uassed 11IT to tho south. The storm started in tho western pint of tho city, nour tho cemetury, and swept down on to tho south side and oil" into tho lake, It was two miles wide and wrecked everything In its jmth. All was over iu 10 minutes, although it seemed hours to tho panic-stricken ik-oiiIo. Tho roof of tho largo warehouse ot tho Crocker f'omimny was blown olf and thrown against tlm largo factory Tho building was wrecked mid a largo stock of chairs was loft without protec tion from the rain, which lull in torrents. Tho street car barns woio wnntked, and street cars wt-rtt smusho-l to pieces. The electric wires were all blown down. Tho roof of tho miilthoiiso iv' the Kcnoiil-SchrUcr ilrowing Coniaiiy wus lifted from tho building, carried over lot) yarns aim mrown 11110 mo street. It mis carried over tho huge ventilators of tho browcry. Tlm American Folding Hod Company's plant was demolished and tho. sheds in the Sliiiluill & Sous brickyard were blown down and the debris scattered iu wvury direction. Tho storm struck the South Side Lu theran church, and tho steeplo was Mown down 011 to two residences, mulshing in tho roofs. Tho Fourth ward school house, a beautiful build ing, was completely wrecked, one tide I and tho front Isiing blown in, causing tho roof to fall and crushing tho floors I down into tho cellar. Tho plant of th Opotonberg & Soiitiaman Company was partially wrecked. Sovurnl freight cars standing on tho .Northwestern mil road tracks wero blown over on theii sides. That no one was killed seems aluuxt a miracle. Tho wind u recked build ing after building, with the greatest rapidity, and them was little warning of tho approach of the storm. Tho poo plo in every caso uerooutof thoir homes iH-foro the storm broke, and thoim who wore struck by dying debris were only slightly injured. In tho factories tho employes wero iu many cases bruised and cut from wreckage. Tho 6-veur-old son of Mrs. Thomas Atkins had a remarkable oscupo Tho houso was torn into shreds and scat tered alwut iu tho roadway. What was left of tho houso was only about three or four timbers where tho build ing stood. Tho child was buried in tho ruins, and when found was standing in tho corner, with timber piled in front 01 mm 111 much a manner as to shield hltn, and ho ciiH!d with only bruises rour box cars iu tho Cliic.igo fe Northwestern yard cro carried off tho track and stood straight ou end. Somn ot the bricks from tho Crocker Com pany-s waruiiouso wuro thrown with sucli force ugainst the adjoinim; build ings mat thoy passed throuuh tlm idi ot mo DiiiKiiiigH ami yet no 0110 was in jtircd Pnui-. '"llllr.l . 1 mm, n "lutein,.,. T'lHl W.i. 'liulli'Ul 1 (iiiorgittown, Ky lob Powers Usuod a l:l;H.HKl...l,,wlu,,;to1,( 1 o n nun 01 Ihn . J,'"1 fni-M.., L'... ...... . . . luU(st ll ..... . . ' " "'"'""-v h. ("""HII r. . ..." . " ",v.,r""- '",,ic t : ... mi ,,,(. . lift... l IMI.. - ' HlllJ.I . ''I tli fit I .... 1 .. . ' " Hill I Ism MUlllllst von 'Ii... ""'ni.U.1 one's 1 mst llfooonniH f.,r ,11!'t'1,1! oil hay inyior is, ... '""" mi lit Ills olUlte. and 1 . ' imn iiim'ii h IOI II I'll lri.,i .. It'll I '".Urn,. iiouou iiiuoeein-it .$100,000 mid (Ho for political trim pursieti. mil inlKtnldi has been made ,v ll rrw,i itratio lniri.v s n.-. 1 , .' -"'if-i ...1. ' ""ttici ...It 1 . . ' ""1NI'( II. .1. milium 111 WHICH w. worn f,.... .u"tl If.., ii, , ..H until m... 1 ,".,'"".)ll "' it.ii tlllirril 1 1. M. by tho people. tho imiiiiiitlgti mm wiuit nine in for tho rights mid 1 ... .V''M plo. That In n.v ..ri... Z ""j only (iironso I him. ,., ' ..."'.""'M Is tho only thlnu ii... 1... ' ml Hglllnst 1110. I swore to ,1. ?, P?l'l ti.stln.ony. I haw, , . .. .. ' ""iH'iogy , ..... . vu. now hiivo lug trim to tho trust ly a majority ol t).,, fit.... statu. Illstorv will ,1,.... M uiri.und tho... i.o mv I" 1110 mill illsgracod 11., 1... "'I bUokciiwl tho history 01 u,, .,7 S25.000 PACKAGE GONf I.oit Hunif.nlit.rK llpiw..... .t... iv.irllnet "Bl ii I Chicago, August 22 c I butufon Cbl..,!,.,. ., .. ,u"1'l tin oxiiruss pncKiigo ,i? ' tain $35,000 is alleged to h... astray. The Coinmereliil v..!.. bank of this city sent th.. . .... 11... Ilnrlln..!.. .. .. '':."'. ..... .IKKHI IfkllllL 111 inil I'LL. I llurli.1.... o. .... .. "mc'f. " - llllirCAi 11.1 lays ago on orders given fm, ,v.t I llngton huudiiiartors 111 thin citr u .. .... ., . . 'i nnnnrill uy 1110 MllltDJ Kltp I C'ompaiiy. When th,. i()llov fiom tho Chicago bank it mi.u n tho usual way in whirli ... In dup .imrsflut Ilurllngtoii agent of the mll.f . telved a similar tiackiiL'u. hnt h. . allied nothing by brown t wrapiKir I'oiitaiuiug the Hortblia pur was ritturnod to i likugo ladu, bank ofllolals aro .ertinii it U doIlj 0110 sent by thorn. ltopri-rnt.tiiN, tho corK.ratlons niterufU'd inthsni. tor sint 11 busy .lav todnv intntw. ing tho inyslHry of tho miMkw ago. and laying plans lor the mH tho rohbur, If tho umtiov wai iv;nl betwuoii Chicago ami litirlloggtoa. Ilriiiilli In KniKut, Kansas City, August 33 Tiro-tL-ii ol Kansas, west of the tlirtu mmrrx tiers of counties, is oxi-crimclng k of tho most severe droughts In the l.c tory of the state, and the gentr.1 oja ion is that tho Kansas com crop ill bo tin. smallest iu prnixirtlon to ill t illlrimoiits for feeding, that hit h ruiM-il in tunny yours. In 1899 tin was 335.000,000 bushels. SfatUtt Cobiim's ro.xirt of itmdltloiii In .li- gust iudicat.Hl u yield this Jri! ill about 145,000,000 luishclii. fiml thou then, havo lit-en two winkidfku dry woather, which has further aiKr- ally reduced conditions, ami tbt bmI I i Ural estiiimtes 01 wcll-liiformrd mtl 011 cliiiiiL-o do -not exceed 10.004, ' I busbolH, whllo iiiaiiv place the rwpitj not over .5,000.000 hushelti, TMpw ing for winter wheat is doliijfd l; dry condition of tho soli. IV.tortii'j dry and stock water in iiiuut tWl is scarce. 1'iirli) lllro Slrlkrm AU AU. Now Vork, August 33 Tho hr! Deiiiocriitio party leonved n letter tr day from Alwin llitshlcr, wcreUrjw tho I'odoriitioii Libre, a central hw lsody of San Juan, Porto Illco, for aid on IhiIihK of 11 iiiiiuberol ttritii loaders uhn wero arrested there. Tb 1 letter stated that thu cigiir rnrto. painters, ciirmiuters and bricklJf I 1 Philadnlphia. AlllMWt. OO 'IU froighters-tho llritish steamships Hey. milds, lrevanian and Itathmooi-have been churtired to ca.rv .-oul fmm ti.i. IHirt to hance. It U Htat(,( thltt more vesse U will bn yinmur purpose The miners' strikes n Geimany and Austria )mVo resulted n a scarcity of bituminous coal in rrauco, and for sovornl wi... ... of the French iroveini..i.r 1 - 1 endeavoring to secure ships i England ?nd thu country available fo Z ! luei, ' " Othor mrtions of tho bull.liii.. .1 . ' r . , ,'1,'!' wo"w wore 011 strike in San Juhd, nd ih , InJ . IT .." ,,'"r(,,, u,w,,Hl" ,mm' tr"0 "h iH-giuiiing to spriuid overtti of gh ss loft in he tornado district. wl.olo island,. In all, 30 strike It- Wf '! h " V,ectrk-'W' ""'llrolley VTH won, urtestcd. Th. .object w wiros and tKiles are torn down ,...,1 . . . , ..,.., n( th. u,.t , 1 . , , " "I llHlllglll Oil III ItlllllV S llirvin'o s reet car has not run in the city since cml,rH. !vdertion I'nioii. lit er , tri . t,,MH lter was read, and it was decided rir, r n . UTy I" C)lui contribution to the Iteto Kj , 'lBI PHuiT.rrer in the Crock.., strikers and also to ask President 10 . v,u",i",,,-v' w""" "wu is .$350,- Kinlev . 1 I V . llulhxra llrutrnpil t.ape May, .. .1., August 33. Ellen loung, Minna iNHWbouser and Albert .1. Sfhwuh, all of Philadelphia, wore u.MYjie.i 111 iiih sun at lupu May point oaining ami got bo joui tnoir uepth. Schwab uiado .. . o u. ort to save His coinpaiiions, .luiuiug ineir unconscious bodies ubovo w,o water 01 somo time. ,Ht as a uu"i, wiucii went to their euonou 111s side, Ho loosened !,( ,,,,, : , onthoon... nn.l -,..- ..... , hT? "till burning Tho women tfiuht. .vera III ken ul,.,.,. .....i ult !..... 1. .1 ... . " " ......wK , iiMml moinods for ri'susci biting drowning p,.op wrH n.M,TJitl . mey could not bo brought back to to act in tho matter, Mlll Mill Itunlll'l i..i.n...... die l... AiiLiimt 32. A'" ... .. ...... .I;. . . . ter many hours of desperate with deadly whitu diiinp. '" ' '"I siicccssivo roMiining parties succetut-i todav in locating the bodies 01 " I and William Thompkits huh I Iritis, who wore ontomhcl in tbt " I ..1.... .....11..... ti... nn mines M,,, ...lllll.l, . f.. wero in tho mina when it was I ... 1 11... ..... .1 Ul CH(l. u.rct. LtJ uu 1111 urn n." T. . .... In, hIV. '""B wuru raised 10 inu hiuii" ,h,i fierce V. DU - .Afl I ...1... .H1..1..1.. 1......H11.1 flverr iii.ut uu.uinin .u ,, n ' to extinguish tho flames. 1 ... I.r. " .... Idntfl Iirn'oln, N ''u jVuvmor- CaltlcniMll Aaaii.aiiiri, Wichita k'.it. 1 .... ir . -."v - . ..i r. nun, cattleman and f,.., 1... ,l..,i 1.. 1.. . . , ..nn snot m .us iiomti in Ciistur uKiiuioma, l-iiday night by "uu i.iuu 11 rouel. nn ...... .1 in. 1 ... " ",.. nn. now. .0 noru tiiero is said to bo tho ......w,. n f i,,. ....j ""'"-' - wu ami inoro trouble is feared conntv. some 0110, K. u... mihlisllHr of the ?... eau, at Wymoro, Nab., shotsud W his fathor. (Jantain CoIIIim A. ' 1 n...i.. . mduv. A cw"- jury iminedlatoly oxou.iriite'l W . Uoth father and son wore pro' )t iwlitical workers in which thoy reside. The Wl H fJ Hoif-dofonso. 'Ihosoiigiivo tho ofllcers. v . I""""' Taylor, .lIllllglOI. Alll'llSt, "II ck p. ' A,yMt s-'-HerK,iil Paris. August "Kli.L.Wr,f1S ytmn,aM W.. llsion, Fort fey, I'stimi Wail. Collision I" l'',rl'' ,!, 30. A " 7Mfritv 10 v r mi . ' ?.... atf'T. stews - ,i . -.:.""'" '"n t rrovt. ami mo (tie nt. -n the result'nJ ,y f """"'"Ption, Uluotrio and l.orso lines cro. , a , .ofU1,,r ontntn.l dudng injured will recover. - V,"'U UilHIIllllLMI. ' fiu mm I .i. name is said V. ' ' "wr w " Tatum. lt,;" ; ll rr' ......Id Ml well-to-do norchaut o v " 'mr The United States ftrniy""-, Ahi morthttut of Montgomery, mmo miners nt Cape '' 'S thoie those tlmt cannot old 't tl. nlos 1 em ( iduot tlon tills fheii ted.t SJ1 1 1