The Prosperous Business Men 0 CottARC Grove Advertise In the NufTRet' Bring Your Job Work to the Nugget Job Office. Prices Reasonable Devote,! to tlu. Mining, Lumbering mid Farming I.UercHtso7lhis' Community, lo.Cood Government,, and Hustling for a Grub Stake. z" $S3' wf w3ffl PROFESSIONAL. J. E. YOUNG jlUorvry-at'Law , uiiii-o mi' Mitln Mteol, Wert Mtlg Cottagu Giiovi!, Oui. C J. S. MEDLEY JlUOl'llCU'Ul-fAUV O O O Olllru im Mnlil nticcl'-: -C..TTA01C Gl(OVK, OKU. L. L. STEVENS Alloriipy-id-Law o a o ji,rlni n'lulltlOII Klvcll l Milling llllxltlCM mill Ciilloi'lj'UK. IvuciitNK, Oku. JEROME KNOX AUornetj-al-Law- a I'romi" iiiilliiM Wij'ljo MltiliiKlltnlnoH. ( oTTAGU GHOVH, OKU. (Jo(;l;n,o.0 Q-rove, Oregon, Friday, .August 17, 1900. NO. 31 Shirt Waist Sale I pans: A large line of Shirt Waists that we are closing out without regard to cost. If you want a bar gain now is your time to get it. A ibw pairs of Men's and Women's Shoes in; odd sizes, will sell you at. 50c on the dollar. akin Bristow. IKOUi w TIIOMI-IMlM CIUI. A. 1HHI.Y. THOMPSON' Ik HARDY SBaoHODaBonnoBoaoB3aoEBB9seaoH8HaeaeneBeHOBsaea(SHOBonoi38EeiiHoijeoaofjoHHOHBBg I Sf Devorod to Bohemia Nores and jtem5 of ffenered' inVcr'esV Vo Mining Men. :ltl(iriirns(in(l Counselor s-at Low 8rm o"C"lliPtl Klvoil tlitlltljHW ill Mll.f Kt'GHNIt, OllIC. L. T. HARRIS .ill'irnriJ 1111(1 CounSClor-at-Lau Hdl uiu'iillon Klvcn to. tho I"?4?'."' M'hft. lint N" inn) Hank Jttill.l 1ik- El'CKNU, OKU. fmii!c b mall rccclo iirumilalle'iiliiii. FRANK P. WHITE, miiTAiii: oiiovi:. oiii: GK.-ownfi Jiiinun llciiienuBjf, Mult, m sr. w i.i yd. T. w. srvu.i.. Lloyd & Nevill MIS IN" I.S0ISi:i'.l8 i in:, utv jnxKitAi. fionvnvons Itcoino 1.1: !M f hninlier nf t'littuiiorru IHUTWSK, om:. Te h .lit' lit) K.I7 1' I) lii.x luis a o n o a M CI m a a a o (9 O a o lu I IS i a o n o n a a e a o n o tt a o a o a 3 a o ta o a a fet a El FOR MEN. 1 Wc liuntlle Narnnac Glnvo Company' , uikkIn. They ore considered the best glove in tin' market. tiooil Yi How Ol! Slock with patented Ktring fastener ... 00 mid 7fns, Our Strain .'roof line nro n soft, plln uio giovc, uh well ii3 (iiiraine; luiiilu with patented Mring fn at enur 8, $1 mid $1 'Jfi. Unliiic.l Kit, oft Ilni-li, innkiii n very nice driving (dove .$1 25. 1 Snraiian lluck, light weight, fine block, no band, open l ick, Porter faclciicr, wclted.wnx linen thread oft and pliable; undoubtedly the Im'bI Klovuin (lie nun l;i-t ... ... : $.1 ro. lliilinwl Chopper Mils, oil grain e:df fkln t0citnd tl. Lined Kit Oloviw, line Block . . 1. Gillian & Ncwland COTTAGE anOFE, ORE. FOR BOYS. Cotton Swcttcri", (jood qunlily, in ninrooii iiiui aasorteil milieu cotors . . COc. All'Wool, liplit weight, UEsorled eol orcd striped f I 25. ' FOR MEN. Cotton, good qunlily, eolor mn roon " fiOc. MI,ed Cotton ami Wool, niediiun ' heavy, maroon 80c. All-Wool, good quality, medium iieavy, iniiroim .. "... $1 10. Sjiino as" above, only finer wool, as sorted folid eolor? $105. All-Wool, very 'fine qnidity, in as torteil eoloreil ctripef . . .2 25. White, medium heavy $2 50. FOR CHILDREN. .awn Hoods, made of Inre open work ; very pretty designs 35 to 05c. Ktnbroidered and Tacked Muslin and Swiss, difleronf-designs t 75c to 1 1 35. Ladies' Sim P.onncts., made of eimm hray, full hack crown, stitched and lined, assorted colors. .50e. Our line of Loose "Embroideries, Itib bons and UryKoods Notions is large. Ladies' Summer Skirts, largo vari- - - ety'; in price from. .. .50c to $8. Shirt Waists, different colors and - ' '.kindH.-. 50c to $0 75. Ladies' Iscck Wear in latest styles. . 15 to OOc. GAR MAN & NEWLAND a 9 m o u o ta o a o B O n 19 O a o a o a Q o a o a 9 a a o o a o a o ia o a -.O S3 O ES O a o ta t) a Although little h.n been said of nohetnia this venr. it 13 no Indication that the district it not full of life ana activity. In fact there is more activity this year than ever before, especially is this tfuo of Iho prospector and tho men wdio nro developing their property iff a small way .""l'rospcctois have been oncouraged by tlio way of rich strikes wliich.havc been made this vear. and work is eoinu on in a determined and interested manner. Mrs. J. T. Finnican, owner of the Knott property, has returned to Cottago Grovo after a three week's visit at the property. She iH n most interesting lady, and her many friends only wish her unlimited success with the famous old mine. Innpeakingof the property Mrs. linniean stated that the completion of the55 foot shaft just finished, will probably end the development work for this year, as this was all the work laid out for tho season. However, as soon as the season opens for 1001, accompanied by her husband, sous and daughters, jlie will again take up tho work and push it forward with the view of putting in a mill. Tho strike recently made is all the more promising at the bottom of the shaft, and nextspring a cross cut and tunnel will be run to determine the exact width of the vein. ' Stocks & Harlow, who recently struck a fine vein of free milling ore, showing abundanco of gold to the naked eye, arc much encouraged and feel that they havo their property well in hand now. It is understood that there is an awakening of interest "abroad in Bohemia affairs now andthal in the next two or three months many prospectors and min ing men from various mining sections will visit the, district. This was antici pated early in the spring, but no doubt tlio Nome boom, which has only just now died a natural death, had much to do in keeping many mining men who were on tho move and who contemplated a visit hero, out. of tho, district. However it is not too late, as there is at least three months of good prospecting weather left, and many will yet visit the district. W. P. Wagy, ono of Portland's responsible mining brokers, visited the camp th's week in company with Hugh Uehne. H. Lig.xn of Lon Ion, E.iglan.l, wdio reprasonti English mining capital, was a visitor last week to tho district in company with Superintendent Fred Byrnes of the Grizzly gioup, which is considered one of the best properties in the district, and which is now under active development. This property is backed bv Eng lish capital and the management is going ahead in an active and business like manner to make tho property a dividend payer, and at no far distant day it will take itsplaco among the best paying mining properties in the Northwest. STOCK AND FARM. H. C. PERKINS Deputii V. S. Mineral Surveyor lf al attention Klvcn toMlnfiiK C'UIiiik mid nrutuirliiKof 1'iitoaU. G uants Pass, Okh. SHCB6aCECS!S8SaSEl!0'93HI3HE3a8HST3!SBOE(9n9aOHSISOBeHOEe2C?:OCSCSOaGSOE8ISffl airs. Kiillicrine Selilccf, M. H. Diseases ol Women ami Children Cottagu Gkovk, Okh. BUSINESS. MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fasliioiutblc Drcasmal-inu. main' sthhkt Cottagu Gkovk, Oku. William Renshaw . THE EXCHANGE AI.K WAI.KK't. Miumor. hi:am:u in wnk WINES. LIQUORS. CIGARS. Mnln utrcct, Oottab'ii (nv, Oru. CAM, ON B. PTP.Tf APT), ft SON 'or 1IOURH I'AIMTINO. VAPI'll HAKQINO. HlUN WOUK.CAHUIAOU rAIN'UHU. -Work Kuiimntccil Cottagu Gkovk, Oku. EAKIN & BRISTOW BANKERS"2 Trnnsnct a (ionomt llnnkliiK Uuslnoss In All Its Uriinclies. Cottagu Gkovk, Oki , CY. MILLER & CO. General Blacksmithing -Two Ooors North of Eakln .t Ilrlstow'n CnT'iAri flunvTf. Ouit. ELITE o Shaving o Parlor Cottagu Gkovk, Oku. GRIFFITH & CRAIG, Props. (iKO.'O. Knowj.r. NOTARIES C' Okttys. PUBLIC HOIIHMIA, Oku. . Onicont .Mnnli'k Mine iiml niopliant Mountain. D. J. GOVER Prospector and Mine Locator. For 'Information on Bohemia Mining District write inc. S.cvlnl Attention filvou to Corrqjiomlenco ' BOHEMIA, ORE. J. a JOHNSON and F. G. M ? ttomnis ami Caunsdors-at-Law Special attention given to Mining, Corpoiationand Mercantile I.nw. Office iii 011 P. O. building, ' COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. J. W. BENTLY, The practical Boot and Shoe maker, located in the Case building, two doovss cast of the Postofllce. Repairing neatly and quickly done and satisfaction guaranteed. Call BELGIAN HARES. Here is a chance to get your boy "...i. - ...... i..n- hitsitiess on n small 1I11U il llil l"b " " . . , ,. l nave a uuuin; i"k capital, i nave ui. . o grade Belgian Hares that I will sell in pairs at very low prices. I here is no need to senu to nmuuuu when you can get the same thing here at home. Lord Britain, Sir Cf,.i. ifnohndn. Yukon, Red Rover and other fashionable strains nie in Stock. F. A - RANKIN, ougeue, A MOTHER TELLS HOW SHE SAVED HER 'LITTLE DAUGHTER'S LIFE I am the mother of eight children and have had a great deal of ex perience with medicines. Last summer my little daughter had the dysentery in its worst form. We thought she would die. I tried everything I could think of, but nothing seemed to do her any good. I saw an advertisement in our pa per that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was highly recommended and sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had in the house. It saved my little daughter's life. I am anxious for every motder to know what an excellent medicine it is. Had I known it at first it would have saved me a great deal of anxiety and my little daughter much suffering. Yours, truly, Mrs. Guo. F. Burdick, Liberty, R. I. For sale by Bicnson Drug Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons & Aw-MSGATU, Drain Druggists. PUBLIC SCHOOL COURSE. An Outline of the Work .Planned for the Cottage Grove Schools This Year. Through the kindness of School Clerk J. K. Barrett the Nugget prints the courses outlined for the Cottage Grove schools for ,the en suing term under Professor A. S. Briggs and staff, as follows: JNinth Grade English grammar, American literature, algebra, ancient history and physical geography. Tenth Grade Rhetoric, Ameiican lit- orature, Latin, higher and mental arith- metic, medevhd and modern history, physics. Eleventh Grade English literature, Latiiu higher algebra, English history, commercial law and political economy. ' Twelfth Grade English liteiatuto, Latin, geometiy, American and civil government, bookkeeping. Griffin & Veatch Co. carry a full line of Canton Clipper and John Deere Plows. None better. STORY" OF A SLAVE. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slaver)', George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., ir lfi bus been so belli less for live years that she could not turn over in bea nione. uier u Untiloo nf ttlpotrie Bitters U1K w. ----- she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female dis eases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, head- ache, DacKacue, miming Tf i n (rnilsend to weak, sickly, run-down people. Cure guaranteed, utuy 5ue. oum . Uunson Drug Co., druggist. Subscribe for tho Nugget all tho Bo hemiu mining nows, ifl 50 per year. DIVIDE ITISMS. Mrs. De Spain and two little daughters left for Illinois the first of the mouth on a visit to friends and relatives. Mr and Mrs Jacob Geiwity ar rived at Mr Geiwity's home from Silk creek last week, and last Sun day gave n picnic to which a number of friends were present. Wat Robinson arrived here last week on a visit to his brother John. Monday they left for their old home in Washington. Mr Tapp met a bear while walk ing in .the woods last Sunday. Threshing has begun but the yield per acre is small. Tire farmers of this community should take into consideration the creamery' proposition. Statistics are authority for the statement that creameries are always a ready money getter, and that the money derived from the patronage of a creamery always comes regularly and at times when it is difficult to realize upon other products. A creamery is to be established 'at Silverton, Oregon, by N!r. P. j K. Miller. I Creamery butter from LaGrande, Or.', has recently been finding a market in Portland. Eugene is agitating the creamery question. Why should not Cot tage Grove have one? Hens when kept in confined areas are likely to contract quite a number of troublesome, habits among others the annoying trick of eating their own eggs and the nasty habit of pulling one another's feathers. As a preventive of egg eating nnny cures have been rec ommended from time to time. Hi our experience the most effective is that ' of filling a number of egg shells with a mixture of ftaft soap and carbolic acid, and. placing these in the nest most frequented by the offending birds. Afler dosiiig themselves with two or three eggs so treated the birds will usually be found very chary of at tacking 'even natural eggs sub- Butter 40 and 50 cents per roll and. not a pound to be had in Cot tage Grove. How about a creamery, anyway? sequently. Farmers' Gazette. Thus far indications point to very satisfactory prices for this season's hops. Farmers who start a tnall foun dation herd of pure bred stock will be surprised ttt rapid growth of the herd when all the females are kept for breeding. You want a pure bred bull to grade up, and two or three females will, in ten years, give you a good herd. The de mand for pure food stock of all kinds is greater than the supply add is rapidly increasing all over the laud. The markets demand the superior quality of the im proved breeds Rural Spirit, Port-laud". THAT THROfiBING HEAD ACHE. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents. Morey back if not cured. Sold by Bunson Drug Co., Druggist. IT HELPED WIN BATTLES. Twenty-nine officers and men wrote from the Front to say that for Scratches, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Sore Feet and Stiff Joints, Bucklei's Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for Burns, Skin Eruptions and Piles; ascts. a box. Cure guaranteed. 'Sold by Benson Drug Co., Druggist. Take the Jlohcmla jVujtfeJ. g IT IS HERE! g Ts Largest Stock in, Solitlj Lcaie! 5j - i mot p - CONSISTING Ol' Shelf and Heavy Hardware; Stoves and Tinware; Pumps, Pipes and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! - Guns and Ammunition, Studebnker Wagons, 2 Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows, Etc. ZS S . 3 For Miners' Supplies, the only house South of Portland, 3 S Give us a call. g GRIFFIN & VEATCH, ' g COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. IS