'UCil, . in -aru j l von l'.t ftt bit. ml itb fit 111 loll in fi V bit A ,1 M I II hi Jul 13S-1 ,oi 1 invliod to wi'iio to '(cur,,! Z.. Plnhham for frao iSeo about iholr Itoalth, l-U.lj,J if' . . you tiava it u i iiu ui 0 wool ' io mom carious ; tj 7, of, woman, wnto to L. Plnkl tarns oho has r;i,l Zhcd multitudes. Your nut , ((0 VV" oum uuiy 1ldonuai iy(a HinKfiarn'a ' tinntnnunri In !esioiUM'" ----j--------- !ui whorovor the Enn- ' r!4 itlanguaga la epolton. lothlnff also oanpossl hbo bo sura to holp out- rfatf woman no otiior '! fiilOlRO nut uviitwM au isttVi ! irr0..J Qetnomhor this whon I ,omoi'r.0 oioo sa sug- It it J 'ml $WU tArR. pinictiam's aa- rose la Lynn, Mass, i for hoipmg nana is Ivavs outstratohod to JJ., of .1 ufforlng woman. fllim Fnlnil. Chop fine ono cup oi 1 . .n .L- mm run nf lircitd criitnliM in raj, n... w . . 1.. If mm nf Mivoi't milk: mid' urn ecu" vi. . jflo!ifiil each of dry e.iiHtard and eel- Ijiceil niid 11 IM I'lwr- an t. . ..nun ii'iii ntiil IifMit thorfiiiL'lilv. EiUruv.. , - n---.--STeliotoiia uiall platter, KarulHlieil lltbiliccii 01 imiii-Diuiuu 'h. Tr Alll'll I'lllll ICnr. I I. ... I... MltrlL illfi. III, tallfla A t 1WI10I. ftllli Eft " IKlly. Ifjiiuliinr IT . 1 ... - 1...... til..... K... r.... I ...... ly llm f....r unit 1. linn ECWUl-v ......... ., t .III.. I'liM'H I Ill.rtlU I III. tlllllia inoltll U'nl HI'.iihk feet, lillnler anil blkiol lpi' iiriirww i iirii nun iiiini"i,. E.iituiiii nml i'U rem und riuufnri. Bitew.WiO r-iiiiiiiiiiil. Try It imlnv. Iilibf a'1 ilriiiJKiH" anil M100 ildilcr .. ft Trloi iiiiokjii;- KltKK. Aildre .Mini piniilfttd. i.ri.oy. 1 , A Xebmnka mini who wnv a twUln Lrtwrlti'H about it to H liiilL'uzinn. I1I1 b.innli'CH at the Mart hut Miry HWtrliil when hoiiio larmor trien to xpll by haviiK IiIh liuiihu in itt patli. IIOITT'K N('l(IOI.. Hmlo 1'nrl. 8.H 1 Mntui Coi.iilv. Oil. iih ill now IiiiiIiIIiik, nrwly fnriii-bi'ii fa euiiifilNP liiliiiiaiorici1. neillillliil mr vjinlin? nml Inline liilliiciu c. Ik tine ' Jiilfit riutiiiiii'il Dcliool lor lhe tmliuiii ifboiiiunl viiiiiiu men nii'ilif euiil. Ii Inchame of l)r Inill. 1 1 oil t and i lie- Itdliril lit llir iiiilvi rIMe. M-ml fm 'iit lit' Trill ll M ar ln'KMih AuKiiat II. 1!"J. Altera man tlimhom 10 hu in ltciiiIt aworaucd if ho Ikih 'ouSugh InVir tf tt tauglo In it. .ike the eadfy UnderCurreait erasns one without wnrnimy. , 4 rjr "c mucous nicmbraiie which lines hl nnlirn l..l.. .... .1 .1 1 . . I ?raKeueu m some spot and disease , mr tsiuunsiieu. it may uc ot ii:c u"gs, the head, throat, stomach, weis, or any other oriran. Whei e- w it is, and whatever it seems, it " springs from the same catwe CATARR inflamination of this delionto nitifc membrane. The SVStoni ? winirr)ii'(1 ill win. The delicate 1 mini' is moii l5USCentihle to irritation or itiflmnni'j. pn, and thus we have pneumonia, I frrtn m jb'-Pi coins, cottgns, levers, etc., all tttarrllal conditions wln'pli innv sasily be checked by one catarrh prc i'e-ru-ua. That's the only way out of it. 'Oil mav don fnrci'er- vnii M'ilt M be well until you try the true ana tltat is l'e-rti-nn, You HV tllinlr 'rnw tMit1n its haiiiii "ner disease and not catarrh. Call lwnat you will, one thing is sure, lOUr svtn,.. rr 4...1 i i i,n treated, mui P,..rn.nn ,v ,ii niw jtemedy which reaches the richt Ltace and does cure. m "cat tough ejrriip. TMtei Coort. Vte iJTIiii " tln"1- Bold by ilruiriii. I THE CAPITAL OF CHINA. Htwrll,,,! Allltcrnllvcl, , ,he ,. luce allltfiiitir, 1. , V ml"mo and I 11 ,,K (III! lilii,.,, ,,f ..,11.., . . -J ;jll.n.." 0,1,,, lunoti,; " I 1 enrv v LA,,,,,,,n,. of despair ' . o 1 i w """" H,,'H ,l,,u "'o two io. SI lt,,',:"V'...vHltl,Ht are the inI 1 "I fr,nv,"" ml 11.U I " (Wfl"'VT II Is or In not to tl. irliijf tin. dymiHly of (Iioko MUibh, WI1.IH0 iuimu. wn tho wnrcry of the I nljiliiiCH, ni.d In (o.,lny In tho ...outlm 1 L !T of ",u w'crct M , '"" Krc-ni IIIIlciiltT of lilt-ne rule HiniiiiKPini-iit. It W'iin n rlly of but m-conil-rnlo liiiiiortiuin-. I Tl...lr nttfntloii w.in rIvi-i, lo the en- I ' " "v"1 "f "'" U"W ""If-WUHtod I ly of NniiUIn, oft,.,, culled "the nn , lonnl cnpltul." I.ui VvMu m been tho I l'Tf H , t'"1"1"1 lllro TaBluRN 10 ,llr"l" who aro limilllc.I to Hju-nk me f opinion Unit , nnjr notion of li.BnMlliiB It from Itfl j lirl.li. of p,., t 10 convonlcnco u. in roponn Mlploinnt-y. In foredoomcil to fi.llui... It I10t llly t)e cnl)tll, or tln .MiincliiiM. It In Uiu capital of tho .imnilnrliiH. rii,. oillclnl word In or tho 1 I'ltlniw. Nininp. Mini tho IVIdn.'M) In Uiu olhVlnl liiiiKim(!,'. the (oiikiiu or IIki Krndinii,. tuid iMlunitfil innn. To tho 'r It hiiH 11 plwiHiinter und Roftcr mnind (him thi rough dhilcctH of tho prov l.ici'N. find It Iiiih hcpii duvclopcd nod molded lo lhe clnlioriilo 11 lid orniito lil.riiHi'N of punt,. Hock'ly. Thn "hIi" Ih often hcird iimieiid of hiirder mid moro iineouiii coiijiini-tioiiN. - London Tcli ;niph. S lllerary auKiblosniiihy of William Dran lloni'lU. bearl.iK lhe lltiu of "My Acquaintance A. none Authorn: A J'eiHonal Heirospect of AiiipHciiii l.lt eralure," In tj be run an a serial before belUK broiiKl.t out In book form. Kllzahcth Itobblns, the American nclrcNN who calned u reputation In IviiKland oh an Interpreter of eharacterH In Ibsen'K playH, and whoso llrnt novel, "Thu Open (inoHtlnn," excited consid erable coiumenl hiHt year, will publlHh her Ki-coiid work or Motion In the au tumn. Maurice Hewlett, whose " Keren t Kovern" Is now two yours old. and who Iiiih In the Interval produced no hum tallied romance. In well on bin way lo complete a new book, or which the title In already announced, "Itlchard Yon and Nay." TIiIm Imperious Itlch ard Ih ltlchard Coeiir de I. Ion, of whom Scott, lo inline one only, lias made such Hue use In romance. "MInn .loliiiKion typewrites her own stories," writes Annie Kendrlck Walk er In the Now York Times Saturday Itevlew afler an Interview with Miss Mary .lohimtnu. the author of "To Have and To Hold." which Is now past Us L'lMlili thousand. "She spent last summer at a fashionable resort In the AIIokIiciiIos, and the click of her typewriter was frequently heard far Into the Hummer's iilfdit, as she was at work on the coneludliiK chapters of 'To Have and In Hold,' (hen ruunlni; serially In the Atlantic Monthly." Kverybody knows the tragic tale ot the burning of the inauiiscrlpt or Car lyle's "Kreiich Revolution" by .lohn Mill's housemaid. C'arlyle, who took so tragically the crowlm; or cocks and other minor distractions or life, boro this supreme trial with the heroism he worshiped In others. It Is Indeed hard lo say whether for Mill or for Carlyle the trial wore tho more severe. Mill looked so scared whon he camo lo break the news of the catastrophe that .it the slfiht of his face .Mrs. Carlyle was frightened. OiinuliiKhanio (Jra liam has now been through this ilcry ordeal. The manuscript of "Thirteen Stories" lie. had written perished in tho Ilallanlyne lire In the winter. I.lko Onrlylo, uudnlinlod, ho sot to work to rewrite them, and tho book will be tho next published product of his uncoil yentlonnl (his loo oelf-consclously un conventional) pen. Inipei'tliioiu.'o .liiHtly ltosciitoa. 'I would like," she said,-moving shy ly up to tho count or, "to get some col lars for my husband." "Yes, nia'ain," answered tho affable clerk; "what number, ploasoV" Then sl.o Hated up and replied: "Slrl The church I belong to doesn't recognize divorces, and wo have only lived In Chlcjigo six months, anyway." Chicago Tlnies-IIerahl. Sand Sprinkler. Tho New York department of high ways htm purchased four now sand flprlnkllng cults, which are to he used on the driveways of the park and on asphalted streets. They will sprinkle a fine layer of mind on the driveways to inako rough phicos smooth, nnd by tho Hiiiue process It Is thought that Hllppery asphalt pavements can bo nindo safer when covered with Icq or rain. MM...., vnn UKO 11 WOI1IIU1 SUlTt Ollt Of her liouso after daik In stealthy fash Ion. with a hup I" '!r nils- 11 inenns she Is on her way to drop kittens Into some yard. Nearly every mail tries to tell IrUh Btorlesi'only oue lu a thousand can tell I i i i BAD BLOOO have titlvii rAMnv I i ffl J& CATHARTIC . uoo.1 """Hlfk.n, Wnkm or fltlnf Kio. Me. I,..'.;' U.n.E N8TIPATIOH. ... '"" iM. in,.,.. ..,r..i. n,. r.. ju I To fold kowiih of dolicato Milk, or t those triiniiiod with delicate ribhonn, in , eiiHliiKH of white tiHne paper hchuih tho dainty and enitiiblo thing. HoiontiHtH, j iiowever, adviti tho uko of brown pa- i'1-i, m 111 me inanuiautiiro 01 wlilto pa per ehlorido of lime in used, and Ih likely to Injure tho tiilk. I.Wm l.lkn it I'rlnpf. fur n Wrek. fiiiltiug bomnthing for nothing is never renlixed in this tough old world, but you can come mighty near it by going from Portland to San i'riinoii c'o on tlm (). K. & N. HtuamurH leavihg Portland every fifth day at 8 P. M. A wonderful ocean trip for only !fl2 each way, with meals like mother need to cook and tho best, pnvelblo attendance, without being held up for a cent by waiters and othcr-i. Liquid hydrogen is transparent, and tlm lightest as well iih the coldest liquid known, u cork sinking in it liko lend. A whitish substanco seen at the bottom of the vessel on Profemor Do war's first exhibition was really solid air or air ice. '1 mil UI Sli'i'per. 'Die handsomest tourist sleeper that cvei turned a wheel. Tho olectrio lighted I 1 1 1 1 til ii 1 1 tourist sleeper on the "North Coast Limited," daily service between Portland ami St. Paul and Miimt'iilHilis. Try our "North Coast Limteil." The (ieorgia man who chained tip bis daughter because, she married in oppo sition to his wishes merely demon titrated that she was wise in marrying auyouo who would take her away from him. l)ropy trmieil fri-c by Dr. If. II. (Ireen's Soli", ui Atlanta, (in. Tin createst dmpy Mitciulil in ilit norlil. Ili'iitl ilii'irmhrr ttsemeiit in it 1 1' i lit r minimi of this paper. Shoo (Jlerk K.ntirely new toei will be seen in shoes this year. Customer Well, 1 guess 1 will bo satisfied with the painu toes I've alwavs had. Little Liver Pills. Must Boor Signature of See Fnc-Slmlto Wrapper Below. Terr nitl and easy to talus as sugar. FOR HEADACHE. CARTERS FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. PITTLE iiVER I PILLS. FOR SALLOW SKIN. BeaS FOR THECOMPLEXIOti , OJSMUirCM MUlTtUVIJIIATUJ; ctit I rardT TegetaBla., 29 BXSWMilun WW CURE SICK HEADACHE. (The Famous German WB mi Genuine Carter's WHICH I' K It 51 A SK.M'I.V 1IKSTKOY3 ..CHICKEN LICE AND VERMIN.. tfjgfOnc application is all that is required. It lasts for years. If your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the following' distributing: agents: Perfection Pile Preserving- Co., Seattle Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn & Co., San Francisco, Cah itche Are the best that can be made. Nothing is or can be superior to a Mitchell Wagon, because it is made of the best matiriai by experienced workmen which, cou pled with 65 years' experience in building . J..lntr u.filrh lime lhe minu waguiu, - - - -- --- facturers have had but one aim, and that .r,trr the. test COSS1D1C to DUlia. is a guarantee of quality. If you buy a Mitchell Wagon, you get the best that can be nude. AGENTS EVERYWHERE. If none in your vicinity, we will sell to you direct. Send for circular. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVERCO. PORTLAND, OREGON. Branches at Spokane, Seattle Salem, McMinnyllte, Med lord and La Grande. Mention tldi paper, Olabrnfril ftimlHn I'u.nlrr. Tho town of I-'codofiln, on tho Illnck m, (invo tho colclinitod niiirlnopnintor, MvnMlnUy, who dld tho.o in hl '8!Jd yciir, hojm nltor returning from St. I'otfcrcluirK. No eontomporury JtuBRlun imintor, oxcept VorcHtchuKin, lias en joyed n widir reputation, mid mont of tho (jreiit picturo (!HBri8 of Kuropo poHsefw uxnmpleH of AlviizofHky'H work. Kiiny nil Olieiip ViiiiiIIimi Trip. 1 .liiNt think of ridii.K 700 iriilflH ' for $1'-', on 11 NUiootli Hen, with no diiKt or lieiit, hum Kotting tho llnoHt men Is and evory poKHthlo attention, without extra cost. The O. It. & N. makos thin pos Hiblo. StcainorH every fifth day, at 8 1'. M.f from Portland to Kmi-Francisco. Kirulueiirp. s "Ho isn't nearly so orient as ho thinks lie In," said tho yonug woman who discusses her acquaintances. j "No,'' answered Miss Cayenne, I "and that's u very fortunato oircntn- ' stance. If ho were, we couldn't look at him without using u piece of smoked glass." Appropriately Niimril. I "Why aro they called pyramids, pa?" asked (Jcorge, who was looking ut a picture of. those wonders of Kgypt. "They aro called pyramids, my son," replied tho father, without hesitation, I "became, yon Fee, thoy appear mnid I thu general desolation of tho desert." 1 HOWS TtllST Wo offer Ono Ilunilrcil Dollars Kctmril for any case of Catnrrh Hint can no; bo cured by Hall's 1 Catarrh Cure. F. J. CIIKNEY t CO.. I'ror,... Toledo. O. i We tl:; imderi'lEiin!, have known F.J. Cheney fortlie tinmi5vnnrn, und bellcvo lilm perfectly lioiiornbl'- In all bnsln m transactions and fin ancial)'' ab'.c to curry out any obligation! made by tnclr irm. West A Truax, Wholctals DruitclHS, Toledo, ' WAi.nt.No, KiNKANiti Marvin, Vinolomlo Ilrufr'latB, Toledo, O. Knll'tiCotarrliCure I trken nr rnnlly.actlnR l7i-e y on tba blood and m.cous surfaces ot iiiuhm iu. it: 3 .cc per no uc. cam uy u ilriiK; lt. Teatlraonl.N free. ' uuirai amily l'lili r th- lcst. Caramel Custard One cup white sugar, put on stovo and brown, not bum. When well cooled add cup hot water. Keep on stovo until sugar dis solves. Heat six eggs light, add one and one-half quarts milk, flavor with vanila, then add syrup and bako slow ly. It should bo watched carefully, that it does not boil. , Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslnw's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for thf r sluldriMi during the teething period. Tho stato of New York has expended in the last 'M years $05,520 for investi gating committees of various kinds. A llmiti fur Mother! Formerly children rrlrrt when they bad to ULe in.'tllt lne, now they cry for the medicine - CHunrelf, I lie family ' laxative. All drug KlrM, lUe, J.V', 30c. j As a rule, the oyesit-ht of women is better than that oi men. Pio's Cure for ('iiiistimption Is an infill II. le incdifilif- for cinighs and colds. N. W. Samuix, Ocean Uruve, N. J., Feb. 17, liXO. The end'of'tho busy little bee is us ually a painful one. An old mail's idea of a useful person is oue who always has ttmo to play a game of checkers.- Carter's Ink I so good ami so cheap tliut no family can ull'oi-d to be without it. Is yours Carter's. The District of Columbia is first in thu field with its consiis report, giving a total population of 278,718, an in crease of 20.08 per cent since 1800, a rate that Would make the totnl popula tion of the United States about 70,000, 000. A WiMitlttrfnl rieiiiiiiro Trip. Steamers operated by the O H. &N. Co. betweeu Portland and San Fran cisco U'lvo been patronized liberally on every trip this summei. The trip down and back can be made for $24. That small amount includes meals and berth, witli everything first-class, nnd the best possible attendance. Steam-' ers leave Portland every fifth day, at 8 P. M. The lound trip from Portland to San Francisco and return, can be made in eight days, giving nearly four full days iu San Frnncisco for sight seeing or business. An oil painting of Frederick Stearns, of Detroit, who gave the Stearns collec tion of musical instruments to tho Uni versity of Michigan, has been placed iu the Stearns room in tire museum build ing. Tilt) painting was a gift to the university from Mr. Stearni' son. Wood Preserver) tea -"Winmifi1. IffflT " fT"Tir Wagons An Uneinli Nature.. "When I K8t to bo n man," said tho hoy, who has n good memory for phrases, "I'm going to strive to culti vate an unselfish nature." "That's right," replied his father. "How aro you going about it?" "Well, in tho first place, if I havo any little boys, I'll let thorn . shoot their own fireworks, instead of telling them they must let mo do it, for ear thoy will hurt themselves." While in congress .lorry Simpson saved most of his salary and invcstcli tho money in land and cattle. lie is now rated at $40,000. Whon ho first wont to congress ho had to borrow inonoy to buy a railroad ticket. The Aliii-rlnili Mini. Much comparison has been made be tween the endurance of the Chinese and the American working man, Tlioe with authority eay that the average working man of Amerlc Is as superior to tho Chi nese an Ilosictier's Stomach Hitters is to any other dyspepsia cure. The Hitters also cures constipation, indigestion und prevents malaria. Thro great man has greatness in him before tho occasion brings it out. i 1'ulliiiHti Sleeplne Cam. These cars are standard the world ovor; woll nnd strongly built, beauti fully furnished, service unequalled. The Northern Pacific is tho only rail way running Pullmans first class and tourist, Portland, Or., to St. Paul and Minneapolis. Try our, "North Coast Limited," daily service There is no extra charge made for traveling on this train. Irrigation is of tho utmost import ance in Persia, as cultivation doponds nK)n it, and water is extremely dear. It lias been suggested that artesian well manufacturers might find an ex cellent opening once that the success of these wells was assured. Atgc(able Prepnralionfor As similating tlicFoodandReflula ling iheStoinachs and Bowels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur ness andRest.Conlains neither Omum,Morphine norlineral. noxNahcotic. Ayr ofOUO-SANVELiminm ArrJim Seul' Mxjmiut ftfpomint -IliCorbmaltJtta Cfaiud Jiunr Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa non, Sour Slonvach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness nnd Loss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. K l5 if DON'T LET YOUR HARVEST SEASON FIND YOU "WITHOUT A STUDEBAKER WAGON. Made of the Best Materials, thoroughly seasoned, by competent workmen. It standi without an equal. Call on our Agent, or address STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO., 320-338 East Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. HARD WORKING WOMEN t'nu flinl quirk mid permanent relict for htIuiii mid ma'iuiu tlcttrojint , troubles In Moore's Revealed Remedy TIioiimiii1 liiive timl It nnd tlioutaniU noiv lu'iitm It. KiMucs)ipri)iuieutl)'. ?1 ' jer bottle at your di UKglm's. SURE GIIRE FOR PILES 1TC1I1NU riles produce inolature and caujo lichtotr. Tola form, a well at mind, lllcedlng-or rrotrudlni l'llea are curedliy Dr.Bosanko's Pile named'.. Stops Itcnloirauiibleedlusr. Absorbs tumors. fiOc a Jar atdruRBlits or scut by mall. Treatise free. Write uie about your caae. nit. UOSANUO, l'n lada, Pa, Dayton's Jly Killer Used a few minutes oven IngB, will rid your house of Flies and Mosquitoes. No mark or stain left on tho ceilings or walls. Works like magto. Price 25 cents. Write for book let, Dayton Hardware Co., 1'ortlaud, Oregon. In hot weather, nnd make It pure, rich and heajthy with Hood's .Sarsaparilla, which has a toning, invigorating cflect on th wholcsystcm. It erealcs.H good appetite, strengthens the nerves, overcomes thai tired feeling and brace you up to relt tho effects of the heat and the danger ol serious illness. Itomembe Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Host Medicine Money Cun HUy. lfoon's Film euro constipation. Price 23 cint From Itiohmond, Vfl., to Atlanta, Gn., along tho Una of tho principal railways, it seems as 11 jt were impos sible to get out of sight of new cotton, mills, either in operation or in course of construction. These mills are prin cipally the growth of the last deoado. For I.iidle anil Oentlrmen. While the old library or smoking car hauled next tho baggage oar iraa quite a convenience' for men, it prno tically shut ont the best half of human- j ity the ladies. The observation cot , on the Northern Pacific's crack train. the "North Coast Limited" gives up to tho ladies the best part of a thor oughly modern car, which by tho way is carried at the rear end of this train. Daily service and all classes of tickets aro honored on this train without extra faros. Scotch Woodcock. Cut some stal bread into thin slices and then into rounds and santo them in a little but ter in tho chafing dish. Spread them with anchovy paste. Into two well beaten eggs stir two tahlespoonfuls ol anchovy paste; add half a cup ot cream; turn ft into the chafing dish, and cook ovor the hot water, stirring constantly till thick. Serve it on sauted bread. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Thirty Years Here's a Proposition Isn't it reasonable to utipiiose that a Arm ol 30 yenra experience could tel) you lite best way to got (rooil value (or your money? It you are making Improvements lu your bouse, or build Inir a new hout,e, uo matter how small or largo the sum yon wish to t.pend In electrical or g fixture!, '(replaces, mantel furniture, uto., you will sure money and be well kiilted if you con. Slllt Til KJOIIN ll AltltK t T CO., IU Flr Strwttt, rortlaitil, Orecon. DROPSY 10 DAKS TREATMENT FREE. Bare made Dropty and its com plications a specialty for twentr veara with 11 success, llava cured many thou s- IU9 auu cases BI.n.n.OBEEN'3C0H3, Box H, Atlanta, Oft. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Orkooit. ran clvo you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X h windmill, sold by him, Is un. equalled. N. 1. N. V, Ho, 33-1000. w II KN writing to advertlsere iiliau mention this iapw, Bears the t Signature yLfi f Jp In njr Use J For Over Ml THE CENTAUR COMPANY, MtW YOBH CITY them well.