Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 10, 1900, Image 5

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f Hit MlNltUf)' Wltl.COMJt.
When the HttiKC from here pulls
up in Jloheniin at the Musirk mine,
It Is always given n hearty wel
come bv a big crowd ol fun-loving,
ar;t-liciirteil, happy-go-lucky and
open handed miners, who receive
the new arrivals will) Mich warmth
and vurigutcd announcements of
unlocked for and unexpected home
comforts, that the traveler for the
moment is completely nonplussed.
There is but Hllc hostelry, that
presided over by the genial Jones,
and the bunklioumi of the hale,
hearty and hardy miners. The
stage usually jjets there at early
twilight, so the traveler has at best
but a hazy view of his immediate
surroundings, and for the moment
he is completely carried away by
the vociferous yelling of the littu-(lrc'1-aud-oue
hotel runners who
greet him with their blandishments
and importunities for the favor ol
his patronage. The name and ad
vantages ot every hotel the boys
ever heard of is hurled at the new
comer, and it often has the effect of
so confuting and bewildering him
that indecision takes a complete
hold and for a moment or two lie is
so undecided that he is unable to
leave his seat. When he finally
docs gain n landing and recovers
his equilibrium he is approached
by the courteous and suave Jones
and politely and earnestly informed
that he must choose between the
Hotel dc Jones and the bunk
house. Jones is always a winner
rind triumphantly guides the
.stranger to a sumptuous meal and
a downy bed, and the calm stillness
ol iht- afternight lulls him into
A TKul ri'..- -
A parly of four wandering min
imis under the high-sounding
name of the Cissie Kelton Company
came to town last Friday morning,
t.ostid up their flaring bills, tooled
their horns up and down the wide
ntftiti'.-s and broad isles of this
flourishing butg, and gave a one
h rse cntirlaiumeut that evening
atMuiiin's Hall to a full house.
Smi- s.iy the exhibition pleased
them, while others, who have
traveled and know what acting
ought to lie, .say the performance
was very snide and that the troujx;
was am thtr of thohc bain-stoiuiing
nggni'.aiiims which periodically
hoo down on an unsuspecting
pi ilu ;i ikI .steal away their horded
iiimi'.. He this as it may. these
minimis sought to repeat the dose
on Saturday evening, and received
a i-olil frost, not a dozen people oc
uiping the benches for pay. They
went north.
Somebody shouted "Santa Claus
is heie!" on Fiiduy last, and look
ing down the street could be seen
appioaching something that for a
moment looked like a dromedary on
wheels. It proved to be an ancient
Columbia bicycle piled high and
strapped nbout with the effects and
trappings of an equally ancient
mariner. The outfit had come
through from Crescent City and
was headed for Portland. Crowds
gathered to look the old-time
bicycle over, while the owner laid
in a fresh stock of crackers and
cheese. It was indeed a curiosity
and was so dilapidated that one
instinctively thought of the once
"wonderful one-horse .sliay," that
was owned by the deacon gray and
went all to .smithereens one' sum
mer day.
The over frugality of sonic men
not infrequently bring about uu
lookcd for results, as happened the
other evening to a piano agent.
He desired to go nortli on the night
train and had grips and luggage
to handle audit was necessary to
have a call in time for the train.
He, however, was too frltgal to
pay 56c for his bed and prompt
and icliable service at the Hotel
Sherwood, where a night clerk is
always on hand, but limited up
cheaper lodgings, was not called,
missed the train, was thrown back
24 hours iu his dates, had added
expense piled up, and must have
felt somewhat chagrinned. It Is
not always well tob? too frugal.
cmi vi:..tin,.
For (he past two weeks a
tt'.'lrMr.rl mu ..i.... f 1
pr -
ituj uriH ncm 111 pro
gress in a large tent pitched in the
grove just east or town and pte-t-ided
over by Rev. V. J.
Good, assisted by Rev. V, 11,
Gtahuin, Rev. C. II. .Pcrccll and
Kcv. Mr. Green. These several
gentlemen have labored long and
earnestly to bring within the fold
of Christ the weary wanderer iu the
paths of Bin. Though not rcaliz
ing all they hoped to accomplish in
this particular field, they were the
instruments through which some
twenty repentant ones came for
ward to seek iu a contrite and
humble supplication the soothing
balm of Halvation. Among this
number several found the solace
they sought and the remainder got
far enough on the road to resolve
for nil future time a strict ad
herence to the Golden Rule. I.ast
Sunday evening being the close of
the endenvors in this field an au
dience of about 400 filled .the tent
and listened to the discourse by
Kcv. l'ercell, who pictured in no
uncertain speech the deep hole of
despuul wherein the sinner dwells
and the fdiinning heritage fitted
up for the emancipated soul. The
gathering has been a success
financially, the Cottage Groveiles
having generously contributed
funds enough to defray all ex
penses. The conference, which
travels by wagon route, left 011
Wednesday for the south. They
will hold forth at Rosebnrg next
Sunday, and will then journey 011
to Grants Pass, where a two week's
season of prayer and praise will be
KIU'T 1118 WORD.
It is a well known axiom that
fishermen arc proverbial prevari
cators, but it is our pleasure to re
cord one instance that redounds to
the great credit and manifest de
votion to -truth of our worthy fel
low townsman John .Sherwood. lie
and several boon companions spent
last week in the Bohemia district
scouring the woods for game and
whipping the streams for trout.
Now hunters, as a rule, make
promises with a proviso, but the
"lone fisherman" always knows his
catch will be abundant and makes
his promises ofl hand in advance-
never or seldom ever to be kept.
To know Mr. Sherwood is to ap
preciate the fact that he is the em
bodiment and real personification of
truth, therefore one can easily im
agine the savory deliciousness of
the feast of speckled beauties he
did not bring us. John, they
tasted fine and hit the right spot,
and you have our heartfelt thanks
In Harrisbu'rg, Linn county,
Oregon, July 30, 1900, Mrs. K.
Kby, aged 60 years. In the death
of Mrs. Kby,. another one of Ore
gon's pioneers has passed to the
beyond. She had made her home
iu Lane and Linn counties for over
forty years, and by her exemplary
livintr and loving kindness had tn-
di'nrL'd herself to a large circle of
friends and neighbors who deeply
regret her taking oh", and sincerely
sympathize with the bereaved
ones of the home circle. She was
the mother of seven children, who,
with her husband, survive her.
Attorney F. G. Kby and F. M.
Kby the well known blacksmith,
two of Cottage Grove's worthy
citizens, mourn the loss of an af
fectionate and loving mother,
whose gentle kindness will be
cherished while memory lasts.
On Monday, August 6, 1900, to
the wife of Frank McKibben, a 14
pound daughter. Frank McKibben
lives off Mosby creek a short way,
and since the advent of the little
miss he has been shouting the glad
tidings from.the hilltops. Mother
and baby are doing fine.
Alex Croall, the very efficient
'p-ardcner and pruuer of this city,
Iras gone to San Jose, California,
where he will dry prunes this year
for a former employer. Mr. Croall
is a capable fruit dryer as well as
n splendid gardener.
AH About Yoii. I
Dr. llullingor, JiontiHt.
Jus. Hart was down from tho Musielc
tins week.
II. V. Holme- of the Musick Is In town
01) bllsillUKH.
Dr. Snnpp niiulo n professional will to
Drain Saturday.
Mrs. Long nnido a pleasant trip to
Siigimiw IiihI .Sunday.
J. W. Cook was it. visitor to I'orllrml
Monday morning. '
Mr. ami Mm. II. 0. Combs of Amos
worn in thu city Saturday.
TI10 NugL'ol 11tpreuIalfcH n beautiful
l)Ofiiotof dahlias, tlio gift of Mrs. J. K.
Mrs. Shliilds has been very sick for
over a week and Is now iu u fair way to
F. S. Hinds came down from Bohemia
011 business Tuesday and returned this
Frank Hughes, who has been at the
Helena for somo time, was 111 the city
this week.
Kunford Mills and family have re
turned from a pleasant outing at tlio
Red urldgo.
Fred Byrnes, Hiiporlntondunt of the
wen Known uriz.iy group, was in town
this week.
hlzn Van Seliolack of Row 1 Ivor still
retains his well earned reputation as a
leer hunter.
Darwin Ilrislow is home from New
nor!. Mrs. liiistuw and family tire still
at the bead 1.
Mrs. R. S. Smith and her little bov
have-been very ill for a week, but uie
now recovering.
Mr. Kby had his finger badly torn
Monday while holding a high-spirited
uunun grass iioiho.
MoFurlund & Sons moved their meat
market lu ihu west end of tlieir properly
011 .1111111 street mummy.
Madge, the line Irish setter bitch, be
longing to Henry Vealeh was aeei
dentally shot this week.
Henry V catch left Thursday enroute
east to attend tho Woodman of the
World National Convention.
A son of Mr. Frost of Lynx Hollow,
stuek a knife into his abdomen onudav
this wcel;, making a sevcio wound.
Miss Kdna Wallace and Miss Sinn
Orrell made the round trip on their
wheels to Kiigcno and return on last
Miss Nora Sherwood and brother and
Mis Nellie Ilerry and brother formed a
parly awheel to Comstuck and buck
iaxt Sunduy.
Jnko Lurch and Ralph Whipple, who
have (leen rusticating 111 lSohcmia and
at the WarchiaiK', havo returned home
well pleased wtli their vacation.
Mrs. Iltimnhrev, who has been seri
ouslv ill with typhoid fever for several
days, is now fast getting well and was
a hie, to sit up awhile ye.-tentay.
R. M. Culpnf Wildwood, who was a
delegate to the Lane County Republican
convention, was 111 the city last l-iiday
and madu this otlicu u pleasant call.
Mrs. Herman, who has been for some
timo attending to tho wants of the
patrons of the lintel Sherwood dining
parlor, Is seriously ill wnn typiwiu icver
R. .1. .iKunimzs eamo in this week
from the Helena ami has gone t j l'orl-
hind on busincs for a few days. .Mrs.
Jennings and childr.fli visited in Kugene
this week.
Mrs. S. I!. Kakin, of Ltigcne, Mrs.
Herbert Kakin, the Misses Lunch, Miss
Clara Smith and brother, Mr. Thos.
Smith of San Francisco arc rusticating
at liuhemia.
U . K. Grillith departed on Tuesday for
a two week's stay in tho Jiuheiiiia hills,
to see if hueannot reduce his weight and
enhance- bis muscle in the chase for big
game and a still hunt for gold mines .
.1 . W. Hontly, who has been conduct
ing a boot and shoe repair shop in the
fiont of the Christian) harness shop, has
moved into the building formerly oc
cupied by S. M. Uillingham's job ofllce.
T. Blew ami familv eamo homo this
week-from the ISohemiu hills urn! Mosby
creek. Ho has been doing some im
proving on his homestead there and
giving his family their accustomed
summer outing.
F. I!. Phillips has been ot Comstoek
most of the week doing tho plumbing
work in tho tiriggs Hotel, an elegant
and commodious coravansary just
erected there for tho accommodation of
tho traveling public.
Mrs. Sarah Underwood, who hnsbe.-n
... fni.iiin hiMilth for some lime, left with
her daughter, Mrs. llattie Policy, for
lloiso, Idaho, 011 suniiay, wnuiunmi win
remain for some time in hopes of re
gaining strength by change of climate.
Cantain Worlev, the well-known min
ing man, who is opening up sniuo prom
Immi,. i.ronertv in Uohemia, left for tho
1. in? u'n.iiwwlhiv afternoon. Tim Cap
tain wasautl'ering an attack of nomalgia
of tho stoniiicb when he left hero and
was feeling decidedly unlit for tho trip
Theodore Jennings came in fiom t he
Musick this week on one leg. His
....... utnmliled over some rocks in tho
f.,1,.,,,1 hkvimi miles out. threw him
in thu ifiound and fell on his leg,
Hi., left leu very badly, and
for some timo tocomo lie will havo a pot
to nurse.
J W. Hicks called this week at tho
Nugget ollleu to exhibit a sample of tlio
millet grown on Ids place. It is of a
most luxuiiaiit growth, standing over
51 feet, fully beaded out and sprouts
shooting out fiom many of the joints.
Wodoubt if a Unci- specimen could bo
produced any wheio.
.Mrs. Martha McCarthy of Roiso City,
Idaho, who lias been visiting, her rela
tives, tlio MoFurlnnds, hero lor several
dnvs, made- a trip to the Mohawk this
. !.' , ..ImI with her s stor. Mrs.
Marv Vm null. Sho oxnects shortly to
return to her home at Jio so, where sho
Is extensively interested in mining and
other business enterprises.
horn. To II. Harvey uud wife,
a daughter.
hi Brief.
Dr. Hullinger, Dentist.
Clippings for salo at tho Cotlitgu
drove Cigar Factory.
If you want wall paper or books don't
forget to get prices Of .1.1. Ounlii the
Tho Dig Four l'eier Schiitler, Mc-
Cormlek, .1. 1. Case and I). M. Osborne
& Co. Phillips & Davison arc tlieir
Suits! Suits! I Tailor made suits!!!
Up to dull) iu every respect, from $15 up.
Call and sec samples.
Dr. A. .T. Hullliiger, Graduate Dentist.
Permanently located.
Why pay traveling agents such big
prices for sewing machines when you
can buy the best made for half the
money at Phillips &, Davisons.
For'fjuallty and cheapness in fresh
meats go to thu Central meat market.
Fresh candies every day, made from
pure sugar at thu Tailor shop.
Reforo you buy a wagon go and look
at tho Peter Sehutlerut Phillips and
For all kinds of plumbing and
tin work go to Griffin & Veatch
Rovd's Gallery Read theso prices:
$3.00 cabinets $1.50 per dozen. $1.50
panels 75 cents per dozen. 100 card size,
50 cents. Other sizes just one-half
price until August 15, 1(100.
Jco for salo at MeFarland's meat
Dr. A. J. Hallinger, Dentist. Latest
things iu non-breakable plates Gold.
Crowns and Rridges. Permanently lo
cated. If you want to get every fly out of your
room buy one of those fly killers at
Phillips & Davisons.
To THAI) 15.
Horses for wood. Inquire of I.
F. Settle.
Over 00 odd patterns of wall paper to
cluioso from and more on tho way, at
Jenkins & Lawson's.
It you want good work remem
ber Davidson the Jeweler.
Tho Old Reliable Peter Schutler
wagons at Phillips & Davisons.
Tho Rooth-Kelly Lumber Co., are
offering a nice grade of flooring, rustic
and ceiling at '$10.00 per M, which is
mostly iu random and short lengths.
Intending purchasers would do well to
see them before placing their orders.
Did you noticethose bath Phil
ips & Davison. They are beauties.
J. P. Citrrin has a choice lino of in
grain and figured wall pitpcr, at prices
to suit thu trade.
A car load of Columbia River cedar
shingles for Jenkins & Lawson.
Ice cream at the Klite parlors.
Try it.
The Crescent is tho popular wheel at
a standard price, and no better wheel
at any price, hold by I'.akin & unstow.
Horses for wood. Inquire of I.
P. Settle.
Hide a Crescent. They aro sky high.
$15.00 ami $;I5.00 at Kakin & Rrtstow.
See the lino display of millinery at tho
pallors of Mrs. J. S. Medley.
If you want a good job of plumb
ing done go to Grrffin & Veatch
Co, Wo sell good goods at good prices for
our customers, Lent ml Meat jMuruei.
Boys when you are going fishing
remember our line of flys are all
O. K. Griffin Vkatcii Co.
John Stoneburg's barbershop and
baths. Also a lino lino of cigars, to
bacco, confections, etc. Try him .
Fine line of tobaccos, cigars and
confectionery at the Klite, Baker
and Lockwood.
For watches, clocks and jewelry
patronize Davidson the Jeweler
A saw mill in good ord r and com
plete for salo. Kor full information seo
Mrs. Anlmif at tho Rudolph place, near
Latham, or at this olllce.
Wo find big bargains in drygoods, caps,
huts, underwear, and all going at cost to
inako room for our largo stockbf Shoos.
1'ins, 3e a paper. Thread, 0 and 12
spools for Loi!. I'luid dressgoods at Go
por yard. Men's Sweaters at !!8c. Mon's
Shirts at 20o and 25e. A lot of Matting
at cost. Call early and got your choice.
V. F. ScilULLEIt.
Varron MeFarland is back from
Cirants Pass and Hushed with prido at
tlio outcome of the match gamo played
there-lust Sunday. Tho business men
wero defeated by tho homo team with a
scoro of 2 'o 15. Warron did tho catch
ing for tho homo team.
Methodist Church services: Morning
''Soul Prosperity;" Kpworth League at
7 o'clock; evening subject 8 o'clock
"Churaetor" m . u, -uih.nk.
O. G, Outland and family arrived hero
this week from their former liOmo ot
Forest Grovo. Mr. Outland contem
plates locating, here. A good Idea.
We have a Magnificent Stock of FINK SIIOKS,
our prices are lower than like quality sells for any
where else, and we guarantee shoe satisfaction in
every respect at
w MoneySavin: Prices,
iv We think we know what the
M To suit the public taste and purse and meet popular dc
f.iS maud is our business ambition.
We will fit any foot or pocket-book and assure satisfac- 5
Sj tion, and then "the proof of the pudding is in the eating." jt
If you want any thing in the Hardware line, come and look over
our goods and see how the prices suit. We shall endeavor to cany a
full line of
Stoves, Tinware, Miners Supples, Mechanics Tools, Cutlery, Ammuni
tion, Washing Machines, Churns, Etc, and a Full Line of Agricultural
Phillips & Davison.
D. W. McGee, an organ agent,
while driving- to Drain last Friday
morning met with a serious acci
dent. Some miles on the road from
here repairs were being made to a
bridge and it was in an impassable
shape. Temporarilly a road had
been slashed out through the
brush around the obstruction, and
in going over this cutout the
wagon upset, throwing Mr. Mc
Gee out with such force that for
quite a while he was unconscious
and it was feared that he was
mortally hurt. The top of his rig
was badly wrecked. He was sub
sequently taken to his home in Sa
lem, and it is since learned that he
is well on the road to recovery.
We will pay the highest price for
wool and mohair.
During the civil war, as well as
in our late war with Spain, diar
rheoa was one ot the most trouble
some diseases the army had to con
tend with. In many instances it
became chronic and the old sol
diers still suffer from it. Mr. David
Taylor of Wind Ridge, Greene Co.,
Pa., is one of these He uses
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy and says he
never found any thing that would
give him 'such quick relief. It is
for sale by Benson Drug Co.,
Lyons & Appi.egate, Drain
Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought
at the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with
us. We shall be pleased. at all
times to quote you ' prices
upon all lines handled by us,
whether you buy or not.
Our Stock is New, Neat and
Clean, and having had years
of experience in business, we
assure you the very best goods
the market affords, and the
lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore.
For tho purposo of cleaning up tlioir
yard, tlio Rooth-Kelly Lumber Co., aro
offering, for a short time, common
dimension lumber for $6.00 per M.
people want.
We (Tarry a Full Line of
Sasli and Boors
Estimates Cheerfully given
all classes of work.,
The Best Ready-Mixed
the market.
Paint on
Jenkins I Lawson.
Timely information given Mrs.
George Long, of New Straitsville, '
Ohio, saved two lives. A fright
ful cough had long kept her awake
every night. She had tried many
remedies and doctors but steadily
grew worse until urged to try Dr.
I King's New Discovery. One bottle
wnoiiy cured ner; ana sue writes,
this marvelous medicine also cured
Mr. Long of a severe attack of
Pneumonia. Such cures are posi-.
tive proof of its power to cure all
throat, chest and lung troubles.
Only 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed.
Trial bottles free at Benson Drug
Co., drug store.
If you will call ot our store wo will
givo j'on tlio names of 25 farmers that
havo bought McCormick Machines of us
in tho last two years and you can see for
yourself what they think of them.
Tho Griffin & Veatch Hardwaro Co.
havo recently added a first class tin shop
to tlioir alreai'y well equipped house and
aro now propared to do all kinds of ro
puiring. H those shirt if
E:a full line of the
latest patterns.
The Prices will please
you, and in point of
Quality and Beauty
cannot be beaten.
Paints !
Ilcinenway &
i tut, 3 i
!" - . - . " I