Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 10, 1900, Image 4

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UnloretUt tho pnttolllro at Cottage Grove,
Oregon ns Second Class uinll mnttar.
Hii1iurltlnn iirlio. SI. BO, In muiintp.
AilvorllnliiR ruti-n miiiln Itnown upon
Kridav, AyousT 10, igoo.
Dire affliction, the loss of limbs
or sight, the emaciated form, the
distorted anatomy and sorrow laden
makeup of the professional beggr
always appeal to the well and
healthy who are blest with nature's
best gifts. It is meet and proper
that ihose who have much should
give their mite to relieve the real
distress they come in cqntact with.
But charity is not always well be
stowed. As an instance,, in the
early part of the week on our
streets appeared a cripple in a
small cart, which was- pushed about
by a hired man, while its occupant
solicited alms. Ho was sadly de
formed through the ravages of St
Vita's dance, and lnd been in that
condition since two years of age.
He is now over fifty years of age
and through all those year,s has been
a professional beggar. It is stated
on good authority that he is the
possessor of a fine and well stocked
farm in Crook county and is a man
of means. Charity bestowed on
such mendicants is sadly misplaced,
especially when there is much evi
dent poverty nearer home and
some, who, by their heroic fortitude
and patient Struggle, deserve well
at the hands of the noble hearted
and generously inclined.
E. D. Ainsworth came down
from Eugene last week on business
and incidentally called at the
Nugget office. He has but re
cently returned from the Nome
gold fields, and a more disgusted
man it would be hard to find when
relating his experiences in that
much boomed land. He came
down on the steamer Lawton,
which had on board over 200
people who were comitig home for
the same reasons that impelled
him. He says that poverty is ram-,
pant and that it is a daily occur
rence to see women begging from
tent to tent and glad to accept the
scraps left from meals of those that
have them. There is distress and
disease on all sides and dai'y grow
ing worse. Hundreds of men have
110 emploj rneut, no hope of getting
any, and no money to get away on.
AVhat gold there is in the beach
sands is so fine that not one in a
hundred is able to save enough of
it to supply his daily needs-. He
is now on the lookout for a chance
to do business on a less extensive
scale and dwell in the valleys of
Oregon where the red apples grow
and the trees are ever green.
no. in 20 iilvu n ir int.
From the reports brought back
from Nome by those who journeyed
therein search of gold and found
it not, one mav gather, with little
discernment, that those who had
the fever a few months ago and
flocked to Portland, Seattle and
ban rraneisco, to secure passage
aboard the several boats plying in
Alaskan waters, were indeed
fortunate in being turned away,
and that the most of those who did
secure the coveted transportation
would today, while looking
through their "hind sight," give
all their old shoes, had they met
with the response from' the ticket
sellers, "all sold." -Those who
were doomed to stay at home were
doomed to a mighty big piece of
good luck.
It is rumored that Mormans have
invaded Cottage Grove, Oh, well,
"there are others."
II. L. Slslt-r of Portland, traveling
ngent of the Chicago, St Paul, Mimie
apolis und Omnlm railway, wa'a in town
this weolc and called at tho Nuggot
oftico. Ho is a pleasant gentleman to
meet and the freedom of tliirf ofllco is at
liiu disposal at all times.
In tho writeup of tho Cottngo Grovo
irnprovomouta Inst week, the Nugget
wis tnndo to say by tppographiunl error,
that tho wing to tho Iioiibo of F.
Hawkins cost $G. It should liavo been
With more or less1 sleepy in
diffeicnce the good citizens of Eu
gene are gradually making up n
subscription to be used in improv
ing the road from that city into
the Blue River mines, a distance of
some 40 miles. When we say
sleepy indifference, we do not mean
that there are not citizens in Eu
gene who arc alive and awake, and
who are not indifferent to the fact
that in order to procure nn income
preparations involving more or less
expenditure, said amount of ex
penditure based entirely upon the
probable income to be derived,
must be made. There are runny
citizens' of Eugene who are enthu
siastic in the matter and are doing
all in their power to aid the propo
sition and show to the miners oi
Hlue River that they wish them to
make Eugene their headquarters
for supplies and their vacation
stamping ground. On the other
hand there are many others and,
strange as it may appear among
them the best able, financially, to
aid public enterprises, who, not
withstanding that they have made
most of their money in Eugene,
always wail a shabby excuse when
a subscription paper is presented to
aid public enterprises, and especi
ally is this true in the matter of
road building to mining camps.
Tile geographical location of Blue
River district enables it to be ap
proached fraui Eugene or from
Brownsville. Miners are a free
hearted, good natured, cleverclass
of people and as a rule will take
several snubs and kicks before theyJ
show resentment; but, awake to the
fact that they are not treated right,
they can show just as much resent
ment as any other class of people,
and when you weigh it in dollars
and cents, a great deal more.
It has been said that miners and
mine owners get more free adver
tising and assistance in various
ways than any other class of people.
Wc wish to admit right here,
speaking from experiences ;n the
matter of dealing with miners from
a newspaper point of view, that
they do get a good deal of free ad
vertising and many subscriptions
are made up which, directly or in
directly, as the case may be, bene
fit them; but again, speaking fiom
experience and close observation,
we wish to go on record with the
assertion that these people who go
into the rugged mountains and
search for prospects, then into the
bowels of the earth for the glittering
metals, thereby attracting capital
which ultimately establishes great
and productive mining districts, do
not get half of what they deserve.
Miners may be selfish, but if so,
only in this: They want good
treatment, good wages, encour
agement and a generous welcome,
and the money for which they
have risked life and limb flows
back into the public coffers as free
as water from the rugged mountain
For the benefit of the people of
Eugene, who today are standing
upon the brink of doubt as to
the advisability of spending a few
hundred dollars on the road to Blue
River, wc wish to state that
the time was when Eugene
could have won' lasting favor
in the hearts of the early strugglers
in Bohemia had they not guarded
their dollars not wisely too well
in thematterof helping put through
a practical and well built road to
the district. As it is, the Bohemia
trade slipped out of the reach of
Eugene forever; and now the ques
tidn arises, will Eugene let slip the
same opportunity relative to the
Blue River district and let the dis
trict's trade go elsewhere? For
every dollar Eugene spends, freely
and openly, for the benefit of the
men who are bufiiting with fickle
fortune in Blue River, that city
will gain one hundred. This is the
practical side of the situation mixed
in with a little charity and free
will offering.
AttornoyR. It. Gillner, of Portland,
who, accompanied by his wifo, hna beon
visiting California points, arrived hero
Monday morning and stopped ovor on a
idiorl vidt with bin tncii'l in this city,
Stocks & Harlow Run into Masses
of Prcc Milling Ore.
Ed McCornick, the well known
prospector, came in from Bohemia
Tuesday and repoited a big strike
on the Stocks & Harlow property
011 Fnirview mountain.
Something over a - year ago
croppings of the ledge was dis
covered, but nothing wns done
with it until recently when Messrs.
Stocks and Harlow drove a tunnel
on a level with their ore bin, and'
discovered the ore when in some
40 feet. The tunnel runs under
the road which goes to Bohemia,
and the strike wns made not 10
feet in trpm the road. Mr. Mc
Cornick is authority for the state
ment that the ore will pan from
$10 to $20 per pan. The speci
mens he exhibited here Tuesday
wore without doubt the richest ever
brought here. No information up
to the present has been received
from the proprietors, but it is pre
sumed they are too busy to think of
furnishing news to the papers.
However, the Nugget with their
many friends only hope the pay
streak is all Mr. McCornick says it
is. If it is, it is as good a thing as
one could want. The boys have
worked longnud earnestly 011 their
property and deserve all that is in
dicated by the recent uncovering.
They have a good 5-stamp mill on
their property and are in a good
position to handle their property.
It is rumored that the lead is
that of the Vesuvius which adjoins
the Stocks & Harlow property, and
which is now showing up in a
most satisfactorv manner.
Mr. McCornick, who has been
prospecting for Eugene parties, re
ports good success and according to
a piece of free milling ore presented
to this office has a good thing stored
away up there himself. He will
visit Eugene and in a few weeks
return to the hills.
Quite often an exhibition of de
pravity is given 0:1 our public
streets. Last Saturday evening
two young fellows who had smelt
of a cork and squeezed a soda
bottle imagined the)' were drunk
and tool: occasion to give a public
exhibition and make a holy show
of themselves on the main thorough
fare of town. They used much in
decent, immoral and blasphemou:
language and generally behaved
like ill-bred hoodlums. Many
ladies were passing to and fro and
their ears were made to tingle and
the crimson mantle their cheeks
when regaled with the vile epithets
and obscene expressions uttered by
this precious pair. Such creatures
should be promptly arrested and
imprisoned, that they may he
made aware that they dwell in a
Christian laud and amid decent
There is nearly always more or
less method in the madness of
those who make quick moves. Alf
Walker last week made a mad rush
to the hills to locate an extention
to his already large possessions
there. The cause of his flying trip
was not apparent until Tuesday
morning; 'August 7, 1900, when
another little io-pouud Walker
made his advent into the home
circle. Alf had a "phone" of the
little one, and so hied himself to
Bohemia and staked out a gold
mine for a birthday present. The
young man is in fine fettle, the
mother coming on nicely and papa
Alf is wearing a smile broad and
wide enough to decorate a Fourth
of July celebration. No, thanks,
no one smokes at theNugget office.
Last Monday night Mr. and Mrs.
J. N. Boyd, of this city, celebrated
their wedding anniversary at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. B. I,. Pick
ard. A large crowd of young
people were present and a pleasant
evening was spent playing games
and listening to the graphophoue,
At the close of the entertainment
ice cream and cake were served.
i a
ways a
M Cottage G
uracil, 1
ER'aiSoE'S in
"Uncle Billy" Wright of Salem,
who enjoys much fame throughout
the Willamette valley on account
of his excellent horseradish com
pound, which he delivers fresh and
sparkling at the door of the good
housewife luring the early spring,
was in Cottage Grove this week,
not with his horseradish bucket
but in close touch with his grind
ing machine. "Uncle Billy," is
also one of the victims of mis
placed confidence, in the matter of
the Nome boom, and has only re
cently returned from there, de
voutly thanking his lucky stars
that, through the good graces of a
worthy sea captain he was enabled
to work his yay home aboard the
"old tub." Mr. Wright, like all
the rest, has a long tale of woe to
relate, the substance of which in
that the Nome country is no good.
The other day while conversing on
the subject the venerable trnveler,
in his quaint way, said thai he
knew one thing at any rate. When :
asked what it was lie was so sure
he knew, he said, "I know I'm a
d fool; and I'm not the only
one cither."
FINK ork.
E. S. Adams, superintendent of
the Consolidated Mines Corpo
ration, brought to town this week
about 25 pounds of as fine looking
copper-galepa ore as has been
seen here this season. The ore
was taken from Else Dore mine on
Elephant mountain, at a depth of,
80 feet from the surface. Assays
from this ore range as high as 100, - - -
but a smelter test gives $54. A ' Progression
crosscut tunnel is now being run
to tap the lead at a depth of 600
feet. Five men are employed and
and the work of development is :
being pushed. Houses are being
erected and all necessary fixing up
is being done, so as to. be in good
shape for a long winter's work of
development. Mr. Adams went to
Portland on business and to escort
his wife and baby "Bill" to their
home, after having had them with
him at Wild wood for a mouth's
outing in the mineral belt.
NO I'lUI.D I'CR him.
S. M. Gillingham who came
here some two months since and '
opened up a job office in the Case'
building, Main street, packed up
his plant and stowed it away this
week. The gentleman did not find
sufficient field to justify him, in
the face of two other offices, hence
his discontinuance. Mr. Gilling
ham moved his family to Eugene
Monday where they will remain for
a time.
A, purse containing money. The
owner may have the same by call
ing on me, describing properly and
paying lor this notice. Chas. Mc-
Veul, J3a.coii, Lni-cl,
!IV(-?sh Snusno'es, Kjsj,
iiiicl On 1 lie in season,
Ball-bearing and High-grade Ya
Feed and three under fcl Diwr
Prices to suit.
Por safety
Phillips & Davison
Wo lire living in a rapid age: unapj of Progrewtioii
and ynii iniiHt move with it.
Kut-p ii) with the time. If yon wee a chance to bini'llt )or.mip
the opportunity.
You Can Benefit Yourself by Culling At
JBenson Drug; Compuny. 9
'ure Drugs and Chemicals,
Cfoe Chicago Cypewriter
Price $35.00
Tim fMtrPAf.n Pnnnot He JixcelM f
Compactness and Clearness of Writing.
is easy to learn to operate, ami there
small number of parts to get out of ore
C. J. Howard.
T Aeent,
r ...(.,,.,. r.rnve. 0
swinfc- '
E. Iv. Kino,
Gen'l Agent far Ore
Albany, Oregon.
Don't Let Baby Suffer.
iTil."i'.V"-,.f,0.?'Y(,N'E T1IIN' KNOWN for
nlilliiB tho tccthliiK iirnoawi nml tilow growth tu
li runts nml rhlMron, mid tmt In, for very ol"
vli.u? reasons, called AN'l I VUKT. itstops tho
trottinir, restlessness, Kenurul feebleness, oo
!li1.'L'1,luirrl'oeiV, ''fovonti bruin troubles mid
t'onyulslons, llenders liuicliiK Kums nnnoi'OK.
iYh, 1 '"V! bccn el,I,l"u.,c', that llvo' millions
EL y1"" 'I10, ''"""'illy tor want nf mothers
knowing what to do. Dentition Is tho diuiKor-
inlBt-ed with tho caroloss remark "Ilabv Is
S!'.,iliVK,,,cr.tcf-".xYi",r rtilM noo.lH fTnno
making material. ANTIKKK'f siimdlo this
n ",SU,US"1 :!!"""lve'' "taken
cnslly. Ono box will wivo your buby untold
co i Huff) (-0 I Is. lnll Insinuations wilhuaeli.
f ires ini,.ni mi O CO.,:)! wWiil nitn n
A Few Bargains in Real Estate Offered by
W. ii ; i , i o !n frrOtt'lllK b'r
ou -ju ntn.-: wen unproved lauii, i ju sun i" nn W'
miles from Cottage Grove, 1-4 mile from railroad; M.500'
No. 78 "jo acres in Douirhis eountv. 16 miles from Cottage r?
well watered, good house, large barn; 175 ncrcS 111 "
Dalnnce pasture; $4,500. , .Mt
Nn. n A tont . miir,,,i. 1.1.,,.. on imrii and orciw'"1':
No. 775 lots and good 2 story dwelling near C. P. chutcii, p .
No. 63-IIouse and lot; $325. ttS
We have for sale several choice building lots, tracts, stocK 1
sash and door factory and Bohemia mining propenj-
ttt-h t-,ttxt n r.mve. VI
rTLiiviii.iN vv j x cc W JhU JL ii, tJOttagc
street, Sun Frands-o Cul An I lire t so eo r t al 11 1 y u . A ' A ' 1
relievos teotl.lnK babies th! , Uu fV, , ,11 HKNSON DltUG Co., Cottfl
puckaircs sold by mall rofnnd tho 1' orov l,v LvONtj V, Anm ur
tu ..iMiiuotVverom) lomtl, ( Druggist-,.
The soothing and healing prop
erties of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, its pleasant taste nnd
prompt and permanent cures, have
made it a great favorite with the
people everywhere. Ior sale by
Cottage Grove,
1'ic, Dram
.... Co.,
Tho Bootl.-Kolly I'"'"" nl5l(
ollbrlng HO.OOO feci ,el,(
1 .1 1 to 10 inchea w"
porM. Tl.eyalsol.nvon lot ,
2x8 nt tho muni) price.
i.w n fine assortment
tackle and sporting goo