Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, August 10, 1900, Image 2

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r.ilillhrl T.vtrr Trl.tnr.
VamprehenalTa Itevlew nf I lie Import
nut lIft,innIiiE of the l'imt Week
Onlleil l'ruiu tho Telegraph Columns
Japan, if nccossaiy, can send 70,000
men to China.
Kontuoky Populists nominatod A.
H. Card in for governor
Smallpox at Cnpe Nomo la well In
band and docroaaiug!
Iowa Republicans romombored Min
later Conger in thoir platform.
A 'workman was cnislm! almost to
Jelly in a Lane county, Oregon, saw
mill. New Hampshire Domocrats nominat
ed Dr. Fredorick T. Potter for gov
ernor. King Victor Kmauuol III, successor
to King Humbert, has arrived nt
In Germany, 3,650 ofllcors and 20,
000 men havo volunteered for Cliiueso
Government will investigate the
anarohist activity in the vicinity of
New York.
Chineso imperial povernment is us
ing diplomacy to check advance of al
lies on Pekin.
Sir William Vernon Harcourt, liberal
leader, estimates tho cost of tho Boor
war at $400,000,000.
Edicts of tho Cliiueso imperial gov
ernment issuod as late as July 2 order
ed the Boxers to kill tho Christians.
Ex-Governor lloger Wolcott, .of
Massachusetts, has .accepted the ap
pointment as United States minister to
It is strongly intimated that Oregon
school land business is manipulated by
oUicials for the benefit of a private
Senator Fo raker says the Democrats
have as much show of winning con
gress as they had of carrying Oregon
last Juno.
Navy department shares the general
distrust that all was not well on the
battle-ship Oregon when she went
The amount of gross gold in the
United States treasury is $431, 170,
764, tho highest in the history of the
The government of Nicaragua has
taken possession of the property of the
Martina Canal Company and removed
the company's cars, rails and property
to the interior from Greytown.
Crop reports from Yakima, Wash.,
and La Grande, Or., are rosy; grain is
turning out poor in Yamhill county,
Oregon, and farmers declare they will
abandon it for stock raising.
John Clark Bidpath, tho historian,
Is 'dead at New York.
Lightning killed stock and did other
damage- near Contralia, Wash.
A leak in drydock No. 2, Brooklyn
navy-yard, has caused a great amount
of damage.
The Tsung li Yamun refuses to de
liver messages in cipher to the minis
ters at Pekin.
Italian troops took the oath of alleg
iance to their new king at Home among
much enthusiasm.
It is oflicially Announced that no
citizen loses rights through the recent
marking of the temporary Alaska bound
ary lino.
Chineso troops bombarded Blagve
stohensk, the capital of Amur, July 26
and 28. The llnssiuns have burned
eg vera 1 villages.
Tho Auti-Imperialistio League has
written Senator Hoar a letter condemn
ing him for his decision to support
President McKinley for re-election.
The treasury department is sending
out tho new 2 per cent bonds issued to
take the place of the old issue. Of
the latter, $320, 680,000 have been sur
rendered. An undated message received at Tien
Tsin from Minister Conger confirms the
previous report of his safety. Tho
minister has provisions lor several
weeks, but is short of ammunition.
All late reports from Pekin agree
that tho attack on the legations has
oeased. The Japanese minister writes
under date of July 19 that the Chinese
authorities are apparently disposed to
In moving an address to the queen
with reference to the assassination of
King Humbert, Lord Salisbury de
clared in the British house of lords
that society is threatened by the depth
of human villainy that is beneath its
The fact that the ministers at Pe
kin are held as hostages perplexes the
allies. It is feared that if tho inter
national forces advance the Chinese
will, if defeated, retreat to Pekin and
put all tho roinainiug foreigners to
Invontory of tho late vice-president
Hobart's estate shows him to have been
worth $2,028,012.
Tho National Telephono & Telograph
Company, with an authorized capital
of $00,000,000, has filed articles of in
corporation at Trenton, N.J.
Hon. II. E. Estee, justico of the
United States district court of Hawaii,
baa appointed Wultor B. Hailing, . of
Portland, Mo,, a .nephew of Senator
Perkins, of California, olork of his
Domocrats svvoop Alabama.
General Miles voluntoors tol go; tt
China. 3, f &
New paraslto diseovorodwhich dtS-'t
stroys army worm.
Princo Titan and Li Ping lloag an
in control of affairs at Pokin.
The allies were dofontoil in a battle
with theChineso at Peit Bang.
Traus'tort Logan arrived at Pan Fran
cisco with rofugoea from Tien Tsin.
Rich striko mado in tho Concord
group of mines in Sumptor district.
Tho assassin wlw had desluns on the
lifq of Italy's now king was arrested.
Tho British are slowly closing in 'on
Presideut Steyn and General Dowet.
Good prospect ior Southern Pacific
railroad to build a lino to Klamath
Russia and United States are nego
tiating to uphold tho integrity of
Telophonio communications botweer
German and French cities havo boon
Ex-government officials claims re
ports of disease in Capo Nome section
arc untruo.
Japanese government prohibits tlx
emigration of laborer's to the United
States and Canada. ,
Mrs. Camo N. Walker, supreme
commander of the .Maccabees, died nt
her residenco in Dotioit, Mich.
Li Hung Chang has oflicially notified
tho consuls at Shanghai that tho min
isters left Pekin under escort August 3.
Dennis Coghlan, the wealthiest man
in Toledo and Northwestern Ohio, ii
dead. His fortune amounted to $15,
000,000. A collision occurred on tho St. Louis
Southwestern railroad, near Pino Bluff,
Ark., in which five men wero killed
and twoseriously injured.
Tho count of the population of Buffa
lo, N. Y., just completed at the censtit
office is 352,210. The population it
1800 was 255.004. The increase it
37.11 per cent.
A destructive forest fire is sweeping
the timber area between tho Uppei
Geyser Basin and tho lake in Yellow
stone National Park. The lino of fin
is 10 miles long and spreading rapidly.
Chicago packers have been asked by
tho government to furnish 2,000,000
pounds of meats within 30 days for tho
American soldiers in tho Orient. Ihia
is said to be tho largest requisition
ever issued by the government of the
United States. y
Fire at Ashland. Wis., did $1,000,-
000 damage.
The United States again presents ita
claim to the porte.
A passengor was shot dead by train
robbers in Colorado.
Germany is preparing to send another
largo body of troops to China.
Four men wero killed and one mort
ally injured in a Missouri feud.
War department forwarding war
supplies for six month to China.
Chinese attack Tien Tsin after allies
moved forward, but wero repulsed..
Boxers and imperial troops fought
together against Admiral Seymour.
General Chaffee has started for Pekin
with tho British and Japanese forces.
A fire at La Grande, Or., consumed
property to tho value of about $25,000.
Chinese government orders that the
ministers have, proper escort to Tien
rin. Will lto KrHtlj- for the MdtUM I"
Niivliinue r.
0. Tho ooro
Washington, AuguHt
There I Aim n Senrclty uf 1'mnl Among
the llurKlicm-Mnny Pretorlnun Hate
lleen Sent Into Kxlle.
Loudon, August 7. A special dis
patch from Pretoria dated Saturday
General Christian Dewot' 'is com
pletely surrounded near Koitzhurg, and
it is impossible for his forces to escape
through tho strong British cordon.
Tho Boots say they will mi.ko a stand
at Machadodorp. They are short of
ammunition and food. General Ham
ilton, by tho rapidity of his iilovo
monts, provonts reinforcements' reach
ing Commandant-General Botha.
''It appears that aftor tho train car
rying United Status Consul Stowo and
flying tho Stars and Stripes was do-
railed at Honing Spruit touth of
Kroonstad, concealed Boers fired, kill
ing 40.
"Many residents of Pretoria havo
boen sent into exilo for having bolmved
cruelly to British subjoots before or
during tho war. Tho terms of exilo
vary, in ono instanco reaching 2fi
1 tarv of thusiiavy; has iMHOcl. to hlp-
Dewet's Esoapo Impossible bniiiwis n'toraiiiu cTiyifig for owr wr
, ",,, tho construction ot hix aiinurcu
ThrOUgh British Cordon. erH( throe authorized by tlin not ol
March . 18l, and three by the act ol
.luuu 7. 1000. Thorn iiuthorlfcod by
tho former aot aro to ho sheathod anil
I eoimered. Two clusfOM of bid irr
called for regarding the first three, ono
r.r utiniitliinir mill cornier nit un;i me
other without it, tho department re
serving tho right to adopt either form
of contraction.
Tho plans will bo ready for distribu
tion to tho biddors Novombur 8. Nt
bid swill btveoi.hidoroil which propoH
to tarnish vessels of less than 13,400
tons trial displacement for unsheathed
vossols, anil loss than 13.800 tons trial
displacement for sheathed, or loss than
25 knots speed and a liunkor oapaoit)
of 2,000 tons. Tho maximum timo al
lowed for completion is 30 months foi
each' vessel, with penalties of $300
dav foroach day in excess of JUiat unit
for tho first mouth and $000 for oacl
subsequent day. For deficiency o'
speod not bolow 20 knots the voskeb
will bo aceoptod at a reduced compon
nation of $50,000 for each quarter kno'
to 21)s knots, and $100,000 per qunrtei
knot down to 20 knots.
Tho vossols will havo twin sorowi,
and bo littod throughout with' tho most
inodorn machinery. The main batter
ies will consist of four eight-Inch I
hroochloading rifles ot 45 calibol
longth, and 14 six-inch breochloading
rapid fire rilles of 50 caliber length.
Tho soeondary battory will consist of 18
threo-inch brcochloudiug rilles, 12 three
pounder guns, four ono pounder auto
mntio guns, four ono-iiouudrr single
shot guns, two throe-inch Held guns,
two machine guus, ix automatlo gum
aud two submerged torpedo tube).
Tho limit of cost of each' of tho three
ships authorized by tho act of 1800 it
$4,000,000, and each of thoso author
ized by this year's naval bill, $4,250,-000.
KllRHKKMieul hi. , V.-'tOo i.
WllKhlllirlnn A ' V,,"M.. ' '
.Dooliitos'lho DlsilrlotJll Right . IvZulr:!
for Practical Minors.
Ten Thntmtnil In lhetinni Wlin Hlmnlil
Niil II Thnie-Thlnl fln.rilltirnl
Nhiiulil I'rinlile Tliiniirlttllmi.
Iloer Miikn Another ('npture.
Loudon, August 7. Tho Lourenoo
Marques correspondent of tho Daily
Express, wiring Saturday, says:
"Transvaal advicos deolaro that Gen
eral Baden-Powell was wounded dur
ing a recent engagement at Ilusteuborg.
wlioro the Boers, according to their ac
count, took some prisoners ""ami cap
turod 324 wagons. "
Feeling against Boise, Idaho, watei
company may lead to municipal ownership.
Senator Teller says congress should
he called to deal with the Chinese sit
General Dewet is said to be so hem
med in that escapo fioin the British it
The United States civil commission
will take charge in the Phlllininos.
September 1.
aval officers are favorable to the
construction of a drydock on the
Columbia river.
Towne will announce in a few dava
whother he will stand as a candidate
for the vice-presidency.
In the Philippines, a small Ameri
can command, under Lieutenant
Altstaetter, was captured.
A bridge near Eddyville, Or., col
lapsed, carrying down five persons, one
of whom was killed outright.
A party backed by E. II. Harriman.
the railroad magnate, is looking for
copper on White river, Yukon territory.
Sheng says an imperial decree has
been issued that there shall be free
communication with the foreign min
isters in Pekin.
.One PjiMmicer llnnlntnil Their Ilcinuiiil
for Money.
Kansas City, August 7. A Journal
special from Saliua, Kan., says:
The Union Pacific east-bound pas
senger train No. 4, which left Denver
last night, was held up by two men
several miles west or Hugo, Colo., 00
miles this side of Denver. Tho pas
sengers in the Pullman sleepers were
robbed of tlieir money and valuables.
An old man named Fay, a resident of
California, who had been visiting Don
ver and was on his way to St. Ixmis,
refused to surrender his valuables and
fired a shot at one of the roh'bors, but
missed him. Thereuuon tho robbers
returned the tiro, oiio shot entering
Fay's mouth and coming out tho back
of his head, killing him almost in
stantly. Tho robbers stopped the
train, jumped off and escaped.
Tlie robbers got on to one of tho
sleepers near Limon, and after tlio
train had started the mon made a noise
at the door. The conductor, thinking
they were tramps, opened tho door to
put them off. Tho robbers, who wore
masked, pointed a pistol at his head
and ordered him to lead the way through
tho coaches. All of tho passengers
were asleep, and tho conductor was
ordoied to wako them ouo at a time.
The frightened passengers were told to
keep quiot or they would be killed, and
at the same time were asked to hand
over ther money and valuables. The
robbers obtained alwut $100 in cash and
a number of gold watchos and pieces of
jewelry. The robbery took place a few
minutes before 1 o'clock this moruiug.
I'lece ol trim Weigh Illc n Ton
Through h Itucif.
Now York, August 0. Three por
sous wero ' seriously injured and si?
others badly cut and bruised today bj !
the fulling -of five heavy pieces c (
structural iron ffrbm tno ton of a I-'' i
Seattle. AuciiMt 8. "iNomo n a
rlfht for tho uraoticitl miner, hut
. . . ... ,,,., i .i.i.
contains auout iu,iniu i-uh v
Mum who havo no IhihIiicch thuro," says
Chiii'lof! I). liiine, tho California mil
lionaire mining man. "Xonio," Mr.
liiiuo resumed, "in all I believed It to
bo and perhaps moro. There Is plenty
of gold there and the camp will demon
strato tho truthfulness of my iiHMirlloti.
I came away on IhImIiiohh and oxH'Ut to
return juxt as mhiii as lHiHxiblu. So
maiiv Inexperienced people being in
tho district Is bound to remit In dlnu
tnuiH coiiMMiicnce.i, Many of them am
broke and illscoumgoil. Thoy cannot
get away."
"Do you think the government will
provide them traiiHixirtatinii back to
the state?"
"If the government warns to do the
riL-ht thing it certainly will."
"How is the Hiiiallox situation?"
"It is not at all serious. Sealtlo
could have as many ciikus and nothing
would be thought of it. ' There uru a
few ciues of smallpox at Nome, hut
they am of tho very mildest form.
There hns been hut ono death from tho
dlcea.M'. and of the total number who
have had the smallpox there is not a
pitted man in tho lot. Thuro was no
'fc'ensio in such a seine."
Mr. liiiiiu Noku of IiImiwii operations
in the camp, ".vinn lie hud completed
! the Wild (iuo-u railway, which runs
I I V ! I. ' I.... . .... I. ...II
1 1 lllll .Ollll) I ll 111 IIIU Illllli llll illllll
creek, a distance of eight or nine inllen
It 1h now in operation, handling both
fn-lyht mid p.iMisiiu'firtl.
"As t iuiiig," Mr. I.iiuo fuid in
roiu'luHion, "thai has lieeii greatly re
turduil owlim to a lack of water. Up
to the time wo left there had been but
little ruin, thoiiijli wo hud a nhower or
two while wj wiii en route to Dutch
harbor, and tliaeo rains may have ex
. ui-i ii ...
1. 1 ivy iiepartment, ,tt'tNi,l
Nnvloa i , ' 'V,,.:1 I"""t 8-IW.
....... .. i in;, iu. I , -
mid woumleil. i ,, V"" Id in?,
J- tjure,.
Mill ,llVmi)0M
i-i v"'
"ii-lHj i
Fno. A in,,...
Mivlfc-ntlon, WiiHiiiiBin...
I Kirl, bnllavml r..lii,iu L 0 iriU
000 allies heavily mUl
t Pelt Hang, davl.g H 1
, I'elt Sang Is tho llt III
ibout six ... lies ....rih,
wi niuto to Pekin. TnuZ Li.l,,T
tho first dlHpa.,.,, nWh0,lW
... V...II .... . 1,1 (OllllniKj i
'"""""Hi WI llr i,
Interest in the n , " , '"
Intensllle,) thin ...ornn .. ', ' lH,,'
o two dls,mthuH , .
-nil oxuiiisive hoHtil.ti,, 1,
-lllod forces and r'l
Ino between T,.. U,,, ' ,7
IIIU IIIHpillC 1 1 IjH Inil,,...!. '
tliutthe ..,ef jt.
rarue.t, ami il,t ,, hwi
l..rn,ln,,d "P.-.m.u,,,
noither of the m,,. "'N
tloiii tho pieHiiic, .., ''2
nu IM.
' hum
Hurt ..I .. '
' Inilk ii n ......
I.. .1... - . .
... u.u r..,Kirieil i.liBiiBH,lBB ,.
orally ammmed at tl,,, MrAnZ
line, iu leant a
i. . .
ices- small arm
story building in tho course of eon tended to Nome. I think thorn will bo
structiou at Broadway and Walkei moro or lcfs of a rainfall at Nomo this
streets, rannio Cohen, 17 years oi, and if it come in sulllcleiit
ago; Morris Beichere, 10 years of oj;o, quantities the gold output of the ills-
1 t i -i tit t t ... ... ... -
nut. truvni Mttineiiianii, in, wero , tnet w ill yet lio cot.slderalile. In any
oiwuy mjureii tney nail to bo taken to I event, my faith in tint cump as an ulll-
hospital, and six others were painfull
injuied. All will recover. All of tin
injured perKonswero employed by M
Goldberg & Co., pockot-bnok manufac
turers, who occupied the upper twe
floors of tho live-story building or.
Vt'alker street, directly in tlio rear oi
the building in course of coimtruction.
Four heavy iron girder, each weigh
ing over a ton, were boitig hoisted tc
the top of tho higli bnfldinz, They
woro being swung around to tho top ol
the building when they slipped out ol
the chains. Three of the heavy girderi
crashed through 1 1 Hours to the base
ment, and tho fourth stuck at the sec
ond floor. Over 100 workmen wero al
work in tho building, but they escaped
injury. When tho big boom of vho der
rick was ro eased from tho cirders ii
mute gold producer Is unshaken."
All "hi I'nril
'li'nle III
ought Out hI m
Ml.. null.
l arniiiigton, Mo., August 8. Four
men weru killed and ouo fatallr
wounded in a shooting affair between
William Dooley ami his four r-out on
ono siilti, and thu four Harris brothers,
on the othui, Doe Itnn, ono of tho tit I ii
in, .ow ns oi t, i nincoiH county, as
tho roHiilt of u fued. William Doolt-v
ens I lurrln, .liimiti. Harris ami John
r....i . t.ii. ... ...
iAHiii-y were Kincti, i-nu.K Harris was
fatally wounded, iiml Maiy riittroll. a
young yiri, was ntruck ju-t ubovo tho
ankle with a rillu hall.
A few days ago the Harris Imy M-nt
iiKurewilvo rwirt in i c""
, ., " "iinir.
It Ih n vi Im r i i. .. ' .'""lit
,,,., n
blo slr.o, but not tt,iitc(. nll"'
this .i..t U not bxlJ
larger than a kimmI-hmiI ,.,.-.
ami it is thought that i, ttow, T
ily reached there ... ,llwU w'
i "u ni iiii lien. X
along thu river Mm mi Puklm-!
Tsin is a low ulitumi ,,4,D . '
I. ....... ...I. I.. r.. .. . . . 1 . '
iiiniKKiiiiin nir wueeieil telllclttlil
wot fwiMUi. and uiitlt-r iultui
statu of i-ultlvaiioii jt pit!Ml
natiiral ilitfmiKivo it-ainro, and tbx
iHiniin-iii kiiows no mmiogt r-w
why the ChlneM. nlmiilil lm,
utand thi-Mi. rather than hUuuiWi!
inoiiozeii uiiifi t nmt of th( us,
town of Tung ( bow. where itnm
liniiieiue nun. nut of prml.iom nj,
ii.u inn uny tn renin WOOli linj
uoihiiiii in ciicu oi mege.
Hle rtlorr Mrllt,
Baltimortt, Aiifiict 8 All tliutil
Jtovedores lit llaltininre. nnml
..t...... II r.m .. . 'I
mull ,iniii, wiuil oil H utrue tAjkl
ciiui-o tho xtciiuihhlp iigeiitn n'tstiil
Hgrco to employ tut morn tmsA
men. The trouble nmm Mttniiil
ngo. 'I his morning the lt-adcn e1 al
union prexonted to ihe iixcutiiiiirtl
uieiii (iiiiiiiug uiem to tiitiiis!l
men tixcltifUelv, whlcli ih iral
llliiililinously ileelliied to tigs. Al
striko was then ordered sikltpsi'!
obeyed. A laiyo number of oomxiI
men are at work lodiiy, ini it il
(hero have been no iittruiti ci4
part of tho strikers to interim k
swung around and struck a 14-foot iron I ,or'' t,"., Iiuy that thoy would
npriKht. HuutipiUL' it off and tbiuwim. ! '1" " 1,00 ,t,,n "M,l '"tended to run tho
in over tho side of tlio building Thli ' I)oo,,'yM n ,,,u unuiinls. .Iut how tho
piece welched over a ton. It -r,.heH ! Hl,00,i" ,M'K" iH 'lr- All tho
throuhg the roof of the Walker streol
rrl Cub JJrlvern Ntrlke.
Paris, August 7. Four thousand cab
drivers have gone on a strike, demand
ing a lower rate for renting vehicles.
mere have ueou no disturbances! bat
tho IJepublican guards protect the sta-
building, where 30 peoplo wcrtiat work
ou the top door. They wore buried in
the debris. Those who were not badlj
hurt made a rush for tho flro escape,
leaving a number of women who had
faintod and the injured persons lying
helpless on the floor.
Alfred Norton, foreman in qharge ol
the iron workers.. was nn. .
iiiirris oojs Hxeopt onn, mil, went
shut Oim was killed instantly. Three
of the Dooley boys, who wero unhurt,
eamo to ruriiiiiigtan and gao thorn-
solves up. 'ihoy aro in jail.
Ihillle Willi MooiKhlupri,
I'aul's alloy, I. I, August 8. Ah
a result of a pitched battle, with
moonshiners near Jnlnisoti, 20 miles
lion, raul's alley, onu tleputy mar
bles. A Ore at tho lipnilnniirtou nt un
Caimlee Cub Company at St. Ouen this c,,nr80 of criminal neglect and arraign- hhal wuh wounded" slij-htly and another, uesrroyeu nu tno cans and 15
horses. Ten persons who wero assist
ing the firemen to put out tho flames
were injured.
He wai
Wrong Mmi Killed.
New Orleans, August 0. Last Fri
day, when the mob riots were at their
height, a negro, supposed to be Burke
Jaokson, was taken uwuy from the po
lice aud shot to death. It now (level
ops that he was not Jackson. Jackson
was later captured at lola, .Miss., and
today was returned to this city aud
lodged in jail.
ed in the Center street court.
parolled until tonioriow.
limiting for Lout Son.
St. Louis, August 0. Christonbet
and Margaret O'Noil, traveling with
their tlvo children in search of nn lfi.
year-old son, Charles, who disappeared
Schrimpshor, of I'aul's Valley, is nilcs-
ing. J i.o outlaws eicapetl lu tho dark
ness, it is holloved Sohrinipsher fpl-
loweii tno hand and was killed. Bom-
lorecnients were sent from hero today.
mo outlaws aro a part of a band that
was rained near Centei a few days mo.
irom ins noimj in Fittsburp. l,i ,nn, w"en live oi itH mou.bors. ttiinih.ii-
man u year ago, are stopping here foi " hlu' tn' " iuantity of liquor,
u iw nuys. ino members of tho fam- i niKen. nw leader, named Tlco,
II., ...I.a ti ... n i-iilnr.... t .1 .. .U. .H,
v, nuu mu inivuuug overland in twe """lumm uiMiiier, alio other
wagons, have covered 017
miles since
In a decision at Albany, Or., Judge
Boiso held to the doctrine that it is the
buyer's loss if he accept grain from
warehousemen that belongs to storers.
The Russian war office has toceived
a dispatch from General Grodokoff,
dated Khabarovsk, announcing that
Aguin had boon taken by tho ltuseians
after a stubborn fight, and that the
Chinese wero being pursued.
Mlioloiiiirlen I'roni China,
San Francisco, August 7. The trans
port Logan arrived at midnight, 30
days from Manila, via Nagasaki and
Yokohama. Sho is understood to havo
on board a number of refugee mission,
aries from China, but no one will be
laiiuea until alter the vesbel is inspect
ed by the quarantine officer.
Confederate Cuneral Ileitil.
New Orleans, August 7. Genoral
York, a Confoderato soldier, died at his
home in Natchez, .Miss., today, aged
Hot Dnjr lit Iletrolt.
Detroit' August 7. This has been
tho hottest day of the summer in De
troit, tho thermometer registeriii" 00
Pol Plancon, tho opera siugor, sings
a whole opora in udiuirublo German
without understanding a word of that
New York Chinese havo issued a
proclamation saying none of thorn are
from the tribes involved in Boxer dis
turbances. A rauoh of 350 aores, with 200,000
chickens and an output of 80.000.000
eggs n year will bo established at Man.
agquan, N, J.
Chicago, August 7.--IJeat
caused two deaths -jud sovoral
trations. It was 04 in tho shade,
they left thoir homo in Pittshure
in.ll f. niiiii
t 1"'n- -eii sajs it.eir journey
will not end untiUheir son is found.
Cut In lVn(rl,
Joliet, 111..
that a straight cut of 15 per cent hai
been ordered in wages by tho American
.Steel & Wire Company. The red lie I said, will effect every om
ploje. -No official information can b
obtained here, although it is understood
w o uruer went into effeot yesterday
About 2,000 employed in local mills
aro concerned.
0le In United Kiiie,l,,iii. I
London, August 0. A severe gale ii
"imuBnuiu tne united King.
iota. Channol traffic is suspended,
causing much incouveiiienoo to thous
nds of excursionists who wished to
take advantage of tho August bank l.o.
Iday. luin and wind havo done much
damag, ,n the provinces. Sevora
""a"Le,".,H, lmv? "l.ore, and
-----v .mve ueou obliged to seek
rofuge in tho harbors.
11 Hod
four Injured lu OollUlon.
Columbus, O., August 7 An
trio car struck a largo wacon .. ni.i i..
hihi ii usiimik jimijr, gU HiaU Ftjee(
tonight and six persons wore injured'
Tho moro seriously hurt are; . jhui!
Hose, Boston, Mass., variety actor, leir
fraoturedj Fred Gefoller, spine injnrod
and elbow split; O. K. Fullor, two ril s
broken; Carl, Kilbort, bad wound in
back of head.
Our foroiguTrado continues to show
great increaso.
I'orent Klre.
LOS Angolos. Clll.. Am,.,- n i-...
forest fires continue to hum t.uZ 1f
!.n Madre mountains. A ro port from
Camp sturtevaiit says that although
tho llro does not threaten i, ..
much as it did a week ago. there still
remains much work for . nil l J'
memnitrH oi tno gang etcaped. After
lour uuys' pursuit they went located by
n i-osho oi deputies in a deep ravlno
near Johnson. A demand to Hurrender
was answered with a volley of bullets,
and hhots wero oxchui.ged 'for over an
hour. Tho deputies surrounded tho
outlaws- position to await daylight,
but the latUtr escaped during tho night.
Ileiuy Thunder St orm.
Plattsburg, X. Y., Augu'it 8.Tbn
severest wind, rain and thunder Miower
er experienced in this tection broke ms city tonight, Tho Lake
wuanipiiiin xaeht Club ho d its m,,.i
race meet hero toduy, and tonight the
Chiimplain, at Bluff Point. Tho storm
struck tho Hoot, and many of tho yaohtM
worn ......I u , .
'i v ii x,mr '"ooriiigH,
, ... ... uwuod ny W. B. Kings-
....., ii iiuriiiigto.i. vt was blown
"i v "-' uiu iiiko aiiout half n mile,
wneii ic capsized. Mr. Kiiigsland'H
hoi., a man of 20 years, who was on tho
win. ins lather, was drowned.
io .i.uiiir iiuiiniged to cling to tho
'Ky am. was lutor rescuod,
J luill ii r for lti-fiiKrr,
fit. 1'etersburg, August 8. A tolo-
a n. A n,,',l,'',,v'8k says: About
'.erf. ,,, u'ls7r'wr "'lloiHls and
he r families-have arrived here from
iiii. nu i otlinr unliitu ,.,i.... ..
coiyed orders from government lti..l
Ci.niiilli.ii 1'iirlllr Slrlkf.
Winnipeg. Man , tiiut -t
strikers met ttidav mid luuwril r
tions asking peoidi ikii to nitnotntg
Canadian 1'nclllc tmiiK, einr
etu. A coiiimlttee wiih iiptointH tS
wait on tho ciitereiH, wltoeiuisi!i.el
curxion to Hat I'ortiige, !i')nmt r
triliiiM, is to bo held 'llmrxlijiwi
asking that It be cai.celN,
railway orders e.xpiem strong
in favor of the striken-, mil
recentlv hud Mcret liiertlngi. l
company has Iued a clrcuitr
its side of tho unto. 'I Ida haitxwicl
to iirnvinchil nuliitx. ami villi ni'l
in ii tl ii iinhllii mini tiinioriow.
cials uru silent.
An ft ou Aerotllil ofllif Shil'
Paris, August 8. The French H
huvtt arrtisted. at Ablstville, .up
Valette. a diiiiL'croiiM iiiinrWiWi i
Hiititwii.iul tn Iiii iii Imeu tint inttlSlt"!
Salson's atleuipt uhii. tlio wmii
la. Va otto loft I'liris liiinifi'i
aftor tho crimo. He iiml Wla 'I
bo confronted. Todav tint lllce
- " . ' . m
to dfschargo Salson's levolvcr, j
one of tho five cartridges expiow"
(!uuo of tho way in which he htm
tho hammer.
fln.r.tluii for Churl" I'0"1'
Chiromont, S. Y., Angnnj 8-
l... ..I I n J II. l.TIUUl '
UIJK)IIHIlieill 1)1 dHIII--" c
ffiiru-nnl. nu Mlllirdillll of C haTJH
, .- -- ,
. .1.- ..i ..I..1.I iiainiHU
l, wio piaiwiBi". .t),J
i...... ...,.,., nmlmte coorttwi
1,1.11 LU1I.M1 .--
Mr. I.vfnnl will llStUIIIB ll)"'!
..ii .a- i .1.. I...alnn UuJIJ
oi an iur. iioyi n iim...v . j -...i- n,.IUirva mmow1!
posslhlo of .Mr. lloyt's j-frwpi I
tho nionotary value of union " I
tor of conjecture.
U.iioHH Lllll Mim.a u.u Ulirif llll ulA......n 4
checked a lartre are, f 7 ',r"..HO,on are 44 w, " . ,u" t",l!
(. . - , "J QiiHuaunoi i t -......uii nun ,j0 OI1 iV,.i(i
forest reserve in addition to tho 15 o 1Ht', Tlio Chineso Bail way Co , 5
SlXtaldwS nlready oevastated l tmJS
will be laid waste. Inuce pur,08 and for tho construct!, ,
nf nn... ; . ' """oirut
, -inur i0r otner refugeos,
.. . i.. Milrntn-
Chicago, August -'" i,, J
.ii... .' i iiorn l)roeu,v--
i. lull 1.1.1. l ntiiiw f. - . ,
... I . l.n.n tflflflj'
result oi tno ileal, o"'" -
vtinrmtrtr rimnlieil Uu (legrfco rtm
........., - ,...Mn.
eminent office tins "'ur r0jjl
t...l ...... .HtHiiL.. Tho wfl ' ...I
says tho hot weather will
Anurtihl.t lll.i 7 :nirctil
fl ili-mrn. AiieUSt o. . .L,tfl
riot; occurred mm , ...j (ree'"
nor of Twelfth and HW u
iiJhleli HK' neon b wore
Htrugglo with 45 policomen.
sons woro arrested, '"n0.ufJ ' ( 0,
Mm. r.tiov Parsous, ww" .
U. Parbous, who was exe m0
. . .. ,onn 1.. 1 1 1ll I'lllcll i"- ...llll
uor ii, iooi, in v.. , mri
ftbotting tho bombtliroY'" d nw
. u .a was Ul
inarKOi rjoi. n"" , rfiBjiitui
disorderly conduct M,, fl.
olicer. Hor Imll "lt("1
ford i
Hers j
i for
eral o