IT; BOHEMIA NUGGET. C. J. HOWARD - EDITOR. ltnlcrcil Ht Iho pnstolllro nt Cottnga drove, OrcKon im Hoenml Cliww until innttcr. Hulxrrlptlmi irlco. Sl.fiO, In ml mice. AIvorll"R nitfH mitiln known upim iIMllctloii. Friday, August 3, 1900, The Bohemia Gold Mining Com pany, with headquarters in Boston, Jias recently issued n neat mue KiGROlVTII OF TUB CITY. aw Collage drove Is Building L'p A Sidy itinl Substantial IitiirovLmiiiciif. O. II. Markha and passenger ng em i'neinc company, lias an nounecd that his road will carry free of charge all exhibits for the State Fair at Salem, to and from any point on its line within the state. This is enterprise worthy of the appreciation of the inhab itants of Oregon. The Southern Pacific people arc alive to the fact that by developing the people's in terests they develop and increase their own business, but at the same .1 ..;. . r . . ... . .. .. 1 folder forgcncral circulation, in re- UH,C ,cre ,s n blnru 01 ""eresL aim gardtoitspropcrtyaiidtheadvaut- determination 011 the part of the company 10 uo an in us power 10 I. . a , i- . . . tiro Bohemia tiiitmm district. The "c "isiruuieiuai in iiiniieriiig uie information contained iu this little welfare of the people of Oregon, namnlilct is cleaned from the most B,ul 11,0 courtesy extended deserves eminent sources of both scientific much Praise- The Bohemia peopl rmd nrnctical men. whose ominous sl,onId tnku advantage of this offe Kirrv welPht and whose sinceritv aud Prepare a splendid j - - - -0 - cannot well be doubted. and prepare a splendid cabinet of rich ores aud see that thev were on Prof. Geo. H. Stone of Colorado exhibit at the State Fair, accom Springs says that "this is a vol- pal by a man thoroughly con canic district and the formaticn is similar to Cripple Creek; the veins arc fissures and the mines already developed show that the gold is there." Prof. J. S. Diller, U. S. Geologi cal Survey, says. "Ihc deposits in the Bohemia district may becon sidercd as fissure veins." The Denver Republican recently said: "Take Bohemia mountain for instance: If that were in Col orado there would be one of the greatest mining booms the state ever saw." vcrsant with the ores and matters pertaining to Bohemia district. I.e us have a good ore exhibit. The Daily Mining Record of Col orado Springs and Denver -says: chlsions the reports "of Prof. Dilh urcgon s mineral weaun is just budding" forth. There is every in- Monday's Oregonian contained an exhaustive and accurately illus trated writeup of Bohemia mining district, Which consumed over two pages of that paper. It was not boom article, but based upon the historical, geological and statistica facts of the district. The Ore gonian also devoted much valuable editorial space in the same issue, in which it drew flattering conclusions relative to the district's future. citing as its authority for such con- er of the U. S. geological survey and Prof. Stone, the well known minrr- dication ot the rapid growth ot tuc aiogislt formerly of Coloiado Col- 1111 mil it iiifiiiirrv 1 irnntr in ir t in a ,J - lege. 1 lie space given the distiict state, uohemia mining district, 111 by Oregon's leading-journal will be the near future, will be another 1ighly apprecjated by every man cripple creel:. who owns property ; Bohemia, aiu comparisons are inane as ioiiows: wiu establish for that paper a record k XT' . rS1 1 r 1 I 1 ii..c yean, ago hippie creeK for ;ts fa;r and not cxagerated rc was 1101 su wen kiiowii as Douemia is today. In 1S91 Cripple Creek produced only $200,000 in gold. In 1899 it produced over $20,000,000, and made for the stockholders of Chicago men are in Portland now its various companies, iu dividends arranging for the immediate con and profits, $7,000,000. Every in- struction of the Oregon Midland dication today goes to show that railroad to run from Klamathon, iu Bohemia will develop much more Northern California, to Klamath rapidly in the next five years than Falls, a distance of S4 miles. The lias Cripple Creek in the past de- new road will open up the ira cade. The Helena and Musick, the mense resources of Klamath and tow largest producers in Bohemia, Lake counties and give the people are working in much richer ore than ' Southeastern Oregon quick the Cripple Creek district shows, transit with the outside world, and and are producing with ten-stamp wu taP the largest sugar pine pori 111 rue miucis 01 mining men who have knowledge of the mineral wealth of this section of Oregon. mills about $20,000 per month. Their assays run lrom $25 to $400 per ton . "The slopes of the ridges in the district are preqipitous, and the veins cut these ridges, and all work can be done upon these veins by tunnelling, thus eliminating from the expense ot mining the cost of heavy machinery for hoisting and pumping purposes." forests in America. The wood industry at Comstock is 111 a rushing condition just now Some forty teams are engaged iu hauling it to the track and piling it for the railroad company. Pilin 1 I I . a . ior uie iracK is ueing Hauled 111 quantities, and an air of push and energy is displayed on all sides. It is announced upon good an- The recent strikes iu Bohemia thority that the famous Musick confirm all that has been said of the mine has reverted to the old man- ore bodies there, and every foot of agement and its destinies will here deyelopment made brings the dis- after be presided over by J. W. trict nearer to the day when vast Cook, the former superintendent. fortunes will be the reward of the Mr. Cook is one of the best known and most successful miners in Oregon and his many friends will be pleased to see him return to the helm of the Musick. wainiannnraa SHOULD 1IAVK A OKKAMIiKV. In a Ictti'r lo tins oflicu from C mine owners. II. The Nuggut acknowledges re ceipt of a very unique circular, the compliments of Butterfield Brds., the popular jewelry house of Port land, advertising the Portland Street "r . : 1 ( -i ..!. i. 1 1 1 1'aii ami v.uiuivui WHICH Will Ue M....I.1...... 1 r..: .1.. .... 1 . ...n .mum, Ki-iiui.ii ui-iiii nun piiH.iL'iifjer held 111 that city from September nyent for tliuSonthurn I'nuilli: Company, 4th to the 15th. Aside from setting relative to thu ml visibility of mlvocul- forth the fact that the Carnival will ln 11 fwuery for this place, hostiyh: be an attractive feature, it extends umin, W!ei,1,.t of ,J'0'"' tavor ot J,,l-V . .... ... . . A 13th, nudum obliged to yoii for the iii- an invitation to the recipient to forinntion C011tailll!ll tl,-rcin. 1( thl)ro "make your headquarters with us aro 550 cows within a radius oflOmilus or any other business house iu Port- of Cottage Grove, you ought to have a land; the town will welcome and -Teainery there-, and if no ono can bo ihi mU will nnvlnrovnn " louim 10 UOI1IO 111 lrom tllO OlltSltlO to Astoria is to have a regatta this ,,av t'" buHi,,oss "cn of Cottago Grove vnnr M,nf tvill oil rw,ln J lk3 11,0 ""ittCr J" !'.!" WH8 doilO - - p. ....who 0y mo inorciiaiiiH 01 Ailniny. efforts in that line. Foreimi war- Yours Truly, e ,n r ... lf- JlAKKHAM. own will be there. There will be David A. Kauble, an employe of crews from the East, Bnttish Co- the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company lumbia and California, and the at the Coburg mills, met with a biggest time will be had that was horrible death on Wednesday morn ever seen in the Northwest waters, ing. He was caught by a belt August 23 to 25 inclusive are the while trying to throw it off, and dates. literally crushed to pieces. He was si,c..,ii.of.. u vZT..ii ii. n 4 years old. unmarried, and leaves bemw mininp! news, .fl. 50 per year, a father, mother and two sisters. There arc few towns on the Pa cilie Coast that have taken on more general improvement during the past year and a half than Cottage Grove. The growth has not been of u "rush" nature, but has been steady and of substantial kind, l.ust year some 75 dwellings were erected here, which, based upon a value of $500 many of them exceeding that sum twice over would aggregate an expenditure of $37,500. During the first six months of this year $18,500 have been expended iu im provements, say nothing of the street improvements, which aggre gate $7,000. With last year as a criterion it is fair to presume that the improvements of the citv for this year will equal and perhaps ex ceed the sum. expended last year, as the bulk of last year's improve ments were made in the fall. Cottage Grove has no boom on never had any didn't want it, but is growing year by year in a sub stantial and gratifying manner. MAIN STKHliT. Perhaps the most attractive and important structure now under way in tins city is the new Metho dist church, which will be under roof by the last of this wck. The estimated cost of this building is $3000, and it is said to be by far the handsomest building of the kind yet erected here. It is of Gothic design, the foundation overall being 60x64 lcct. The auditorium will be 40x50 in the clear. There will be two class rooms 10x28 feet and one 10x24 feet. It will be heated by hot air furnaces. The extreme height from base to top of spiie will be 72 feet, while the main building will be 24 feet high. The chinch will be given a wood finish, varnished. I Pews will be placed in the audi torntai while chairs will be the seats selected for the class rooms 1 he church will also be provided with a modern and convenient baptistry. Such improvements are a credit to any city and the people of Cottage Grove can certainly be .roud of it. LJrs. bchleet laid the stone foundation, 21x40, last winter for their residence, and now the ma terial is on the ground for a ten- room residence, the cost of whicl when completed will be about $800 Dr. Snapp has only recently com pleted a handsome two-story resi dence, foundation 20x27, valued at $600. L. Lurch a fine store building 011 iMltli and Mam, foundation 30x60 feet; $800. Also addition to Bohemia hotel, 30x35, 12 rooms at a cost of $600. E. R. Case business block This property was originally the old M K church, removed and te- finished, two stories, 10 rooms, at cost of$i 100. phrkin's addition. James Ostrander, residence, foun dation 16x4, story and one-half, wing 14x16. cost, $500. F, Kellum residence, one story 4x24, cost, $500. D. H. Hemenwav addition tn residence 8x22, cost $75. Kd McKibben cottage, 26x30, cost $500. MISCKU.ANUOUS. Joe Garoutte, 4th street, wing to dwelling 18x22, cost $150. Thos. Aubrey has remodeled and refinished his residence on 4th street, built new front and division fences, and made other substantial improvements in the sum of some $250. james 1'otts lias painted and otherwise added to the looks of his residence on 4th street during the last mouth. Mrs. Sears is building a hand some residence at the south end of 4th street in Long's addition. The foundation is 16x26, 5 rooms, cost $300. C. R. Moor residence. Tonne' addition, foundation 24x24. storv STOEE Iway&aFullStoc Oi egon, -7 MAIN STRKKT, and one-half, cost $.w. 1). 11. Chumberleii commenced his residence at close of last year, but is Gnishing this year. Foundation 22x26, two story, Jones addition; cost $600. D. Cooler barn, on residence property, improved last year. Mr. Cooter will probably add to his residence this year. S. U. Critchlow contemplates adding to his residence in Joueb addition this year. J. V. Thornton has now under constt uction one ot the smartest little houses being built this year, on his property in South Cottage Grove. The foundations are 28x30 and 14x26 respectively. It will he a seven-room house, and will cost in the .neighborhood of $Goo.' Johnson Taylor South Cottage Grove, cottage 24x26, 6 rooms, painted and fenced, cost $600. Mrs. Thompson cottage, foun dations 28x30 and 14x24 respec tively, 8 rooms, South Cottage Grove, cost $700. Jas. Thomas, commencement of dwelling. Jones' addition, founda tion 16x30, 5 rooms, cost $20. . Mrs. J. McFarland.ofiitebtiildiii.', near M K Church, 2 rooms cost $200. G. IT. Stone warehouse ad-, joining .mill, 24x36, cost i3oo. Improvements on dam $150. J. T. Allison, barn adjacent to residence property, cost $150. m'i'aki.and's addition. R. S. Smith cottage, 4 rooms and pantry, woodshed and fence, value of improvements, $500. J. S. Akin cottage, five rooms, proo.rcssion finished, cost $500. ' C. C. Coffman, cottage with ex tension, foundations 26x28 and 14x20, 6 rooms, fence, value of im provements $600. CejHRHL JWHRM McFAivLANJ) & CO. 'roprietors. ; 1 t I MM .'I('t(; Million, Ii'k- ! Vonl, Bacon, Lard, IrosJi Sruisnycs, Ij, ; 11 id GnniH in sen son. AT rr.U U LOAVJSSI HiK'KS, - LOI TAliIi GRuYi:, ORECftl UP TO DATE 1 Davie Sowing Machine ARE -JUST THAT Hall-ycaring and Hih-grade Votkj Feed and three under feed met Prices to suit. For sale tr Phillips & Davison - CO'iTAGIJ GROVE Rogers, bam, 24x25. stone foundation, painted, piobable cost $250. S. B. Larimer cottage, cost, $45o. W. A. Davison cottage, foun dation 26x28 with three porch foundations, 5 rooms, cost, $500. H. K. Harnett enclosure of residence property, cost $50. Cy Miller residence removed and refinished, foundation 28x12, stories, 6 rooms, cost, contemp lated impiovements for this year added, $900. David Young residence, story and one-half, main foundation 20x26, with wing 14x18, 10 rooms, value of improvements, $700. W. B. Hawlcyresidenco, founda tions 24x36 and 14x28, two story, 10 rooms, value $1200. Henry James residence, 12x18 story and one-half, 4 rooms, value !5Q. J. N. Boyd cottage, 5 rooms, 21x24 with 10x12 kitchen, cost $500. Mike Kebelbeck rresidence, foun dation 16x22, story and one-half, 4 rooms, value $250. I. W. Hawkins wing to cot tage, 10x12, cost $5. F. B. Phillips barn 011 resi dence property, 20x24, cost $150. Foster Phillips residence, ma terial on the ground and construc tion to commence immediately. It will be an eight room house and will cost in the neighborhood of $800. James Benson, enclosure nf !in. proved property and other im provements contemplated iu the near future, $50. . I COTTAUK OKOVI Wo are living In 11 rapid utto: m him of I'roy reunion. TI10 IVorHnri Hint yon iimihI niovo with it. Koop up with the tiim. If yon mo 11 clmtu'i' to la-m-lit jynwllp the ojiMrttinity. You Can Benefit Youwelf by Calling At .73ciison Drag- Cojiipany. ounm Purr. Drugs and Chemicals. Cbe GhJcago Cypewiter Price $35.00 The CHICAGO Cannot He Excelled fd Compactness and Clearness uf Writi"?. H is easy to learn to operate, and there's' small number of parts to get out of order. K. I,. Kino, Geu'l Agent for Ore. Albany, Oregon. C. J. Howard, Local Agent, Cottage Grove, Ore. Few Bargains in TT Real" Estate Offered by 1 No. 56 200 acres well improved land, 150 acres in grmviiigfi'N miles from Cottage Grove, 1-4 mile from railroad; $3S: easy, No. 78520 acres in Douglas county, 16 miles from Cottage Grove: wen watered, good house, large barn; 175 oaiauce pasture; 554, 500. acres in c ultivat""1 in. . f.ti No. 68 A2-acre tract 1 mile from depot: house, barn and ore'1''" 5 wis aim goon 2-story dwelling near v.;. x. ",u" r " No. 63 House and lot; $325. . , We have for sale several choice building lots, tracts, stock rancu . sash and door factory and Bohemia milling property. HEMENWAY & WHITE, Cottage Grove The soothing and licalinir n&n- erties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and permanent cures, have made it a great favorite with u. people everywhere. For sale by Bicnson Dkug Co., Cottage Grove. Ia'ons & Ai'1'j.koatk, Drain ollurlne. IW.OOOfwt -f l from -I InulioH to lOim'M " 1)jl(1J purM. ,Tlioy..lHol.aveIotu' -2x8 at tliQ Bunio-pn 1 , lacKieuMii aj'"" " . 19