HU KKl'T LAWN. ' Ourcstconicd lownaiuuii and well merchant, Ben Lurch, has rt)c of the finest and freshest look lug lawns in Cottage Grove. Now itiat the henl of summer in coloring ,IC fields and hillsides in brown mid unburn the close cropped bright tfrccii grass of thin luwn is very restful to the eye mid delightful to ,,c beholder The stranger in Posing instinctively pauses to ad mire the lawn, which is dotted with (jcaittiful Hliruuicry ami line fruit trees, and i the background under lie bow. -red foliage are easy clniir lor rest and comfort in the eventide. CM! AN City Marshal Mcbarlaud has notices posted in conspicuous places allovcrtowu for nil properly owners to repair their sidewalks, drive down nil protruding' nails, clean the gutters, cut down nil the ..! tivifiro rllll rdimi.iA ..11 tlUSl.' 4I11' 1 ' ...... iiiiwvv; Hll rubbish between now mid the loth of August. If these matters tire iiotntt'-mied to the marshal will liavc the work done and the ex jnse will be charged up to the owners ot properly. Outing Ovitu. If. 15. Goodman, attorneys Jvby and Johnson and Henry Lincoln returned on Saturday from their fishing and hunting trip. They caught upward of 200 fine mountain trout in Doud creek, a fork of the Row river. They are a unit in saying that the trip was one of the most enjoyable they ever made, l-acli vied with the other in enter tainment mid good fellowship nnd not a mishap marred the pleasure . f the outing. i.vJusTicu Court. Tlietascof Dr. Kathcrinc Sehleef, . AgusU Garoutte et nl. was 011 trial before Justice Vaughn and a jury on Monday afternoon. The jiiamtiff was represented by attor tisys Kby & Johnson and defendants by attorney J. E. Young. The case was warmly contested and much interest was manifested in thi outcome, and the entire after 111 ifi was consumed in the trial, vv' resulted- in a verdict for ;!a tiff of $18. Ki:r.r.ccA's. i'lie following officers of Rebecca Lodge No. 24 were installed re cently: Annie H. Hart, N. G.; Mamie White, V. G; Sarah Pitcher, treasurer; Sinn Orrell, secretary; l'va Hemenway, R. S. N. G; Grace brink, L. S. N. G; Mary Hart, R S, V. G; Anna M. Hart. L. S. V. G; Emma Hart. W; Olive Will anl. Con.. Mar McFarland, I. G; I.. Archibald, O. G; Louisa Thomp son, chaplain. HoRSit Diiti). On Tuesday a crowd of men and hoys were assembled on lower Main street, watching 11 sick horse in the death throws. Medicine was given, but to late, and the poor brute gave up the struggle. It proved to be a horse belonging to the show that held forth 'on Monday evening, and was the best animal they had. Hard luck seems to attend that nomadic troup since they left the coast. Hri.gians. Dr. Snapp has in his front door vard in a wire cage three fine speci mens of the Belgian hnre, which he lately received from Los Angeles, Cal. They are ol a superior breed, being the offspring of prize winners. The Dr. is now reading up on arithmatic so as to be able to figure out how many be will have, should he keep them all, by the time another year rolls around. Thr Dance. At Martin's hall on last Fridry evening a very pleasant social dance was participated in by n goodly company. The music was ex cellaut, the gathering select, the night balmy nnd mellow, and one nnd nil within the hall were sociable and bent on making, the best of the speeding hours apd in having a real good time nnd they had it. Chanokd Lights. Griffith & Craig of the Elite shaving parlors have this week dis carded the electric lights and put in two handsome gasoline lamps, winch fill, their parlors with a flood of'bfillianr lights "ASKMAI.L. Last F,il(iy alU-i iiooM the Boiie l,,m 11"1 baseball teams crossed bats on ,,e cHnmoiul east or town for whnr was expected to !' Hie star game f u,u S(jas()1 1 he financial iHl,nV(. wn8 $lQ purse put up i,y t,e btiBliicsstiicn. '.oveoftbespoitand the working out or ii teelinicfllilics t nmtlie.nalienl nlcely wm lopc(, would spur the boys on to put up a mime tli " """ i't-11 iiiueoui 01 the ordinary. Kmc, however, seemed to oidnin otherwise. No one was nt fault, no one seems to know where the fault was, nnd no one found any fault, yet the game was faulty, ns U,c Kcore Jnofit eer. taiuly indicates 28 to 46 which savors more of a running match than an up-to-date ball game. The young ladies of this city were all dressed in gain attire and decker! with the yellow colors of the Bohemia team, and brought enthusiasm and lent inspiration to the struggles for suprenieuej on the diamond. Yellow waved aloft, was on every side; the bicycle wheels were trimmed with yellow, and the pet dogs were blanketed with yellow drapery which bore the legaud "Bohemia." Thcganie was advertised widely and the greater portion of the town turned out to see it. The Loraue boys lined up in line array, and began with a vim when they started to play, but soon got hoodooed. Everybody seemed to enjoy the game and npparantly all had a irood tiin. The dav was the hottest of the season and maybe that had much to do with the laek of execution displayed. The most skillful batting was done by the Lorane team, but the Bohemia boys beat them out 011 sprinting. AM. Y15M.OW. After the ball game several young ladies, under the able diiectiou of Miss Sina Orrell and Miss Ethel Woolcj , tendered the contesting teams a cojling and refreshing spread of yellow lemonade, yellow cake and yellow iced lea, which was gratefully accepted by the boys alter their hard running. The banquet was held in the sample rooms connected with the Hotel Sherwood, and the good things were passed around by the Misses Ada Orrell, Nora Sherwood and Madge Gough. The room was elaborately decorated in yellow; tlie table set in yellow and blue. 111 1 harmony with the colors of each team. The prime feature of the occasion was the presentation of a biir chocolate cake with yellow settings, which was cut by Walter Baker amid great chunks.ol yellow aonlause. Yellow toasts and 1 yellow responses filled in an hour of yellow joy that the boys ana young ladies will long remember. DON T DO IT. . There seems to be a strong dis position on the part of a few of our . . . i . a r town people to belittle tne euoris 01 the home ball team, and throw a wet blanket on their best endeavors. Now this is not right. The boys nri' tint nrniessioiiuis. nor uu mcy claim to be, and surely no fair- minded and right-thinking man or woman can reasonably expect them to put up professional play. They Imw ilnne well in the past and are trying hard to perfect themselves in the manly art of ball playing, and should be encouraged to re efforts that tbev may attain more proficiency and skill. It is much to be regietted that any of our citizens should cast a stone. Bio Ratti.ek. On Thursday evening last young Chester Vaudenburg brought to this office n rattle snake he had just killed near the Christian church, which was over 2)4 feet long auu had eight rattles nnd n button. This reptile was a most vicious one, and just before it was killed it had coiled and struck nl and buried its . fangs deep into a two-inch plank. It is very rare that a snake is met witii in the city limits and this one must have lecetitly strayed in from the hills about town. Good riddance to his snnkesbip. Mm. PiWilier'H cow wae van down and killed by the cars w Thursday. &n About you. lr. Miillinjtor, DuntlHt. Mih. IIciihoii returned homo Thursday. p.n1' '''"M'wby vlHltod relatives at I'lill Crock HiIh week. iMr. inid Mrn. Oioim Stono returned lni'dday from Kuoim. Mm. K. Colvln of Drain culled on Dr. hnnpp and wifoon Monday. Hiipcrltilcudciit. Ili'lmoof tho MiihIcIc returned to tlio mine 011 Monday. MrH. l,aum Mc.Curdv went to Com Htock J uesduy to ionium a few weokn. Mih. .'innleun nisidiwi living trip to an I'runelhco nint returned on Sunday. Mm. K. Cannon of T,onK Uceek waH tni'KtiOHtcif Mrs. Dr. Snapp 011 Monday. The ScofitcrH on Sunday hint wont to IjHtlmiii and done up tho hall team at tluii phiee. ''' Ciirrln and wife and Mitm G.trtio 1 unlii'k camo home from tho seaside on Uitirndiiy. Mth. J. JohtiFon of Drain and sister of I.orano paid a ploaHant visit to Br. and Mm. Snajip hiHt Sunday. Dr. Lowe, thn eminent physician of r.iiKcno, will visit, Cottneo Grovo in a few diiys on a business trip. D. Ilurton of Kuu'cne, County nRHeMor, wiih In town on Monday, ami made a trip to liohomia to vlmt the mines. Superintendent .Toniiine,n of the Helena, wont up to the mine 011 Monday-, "flora Hhort vlnlt with liin family heio. MrH. Uerbcrt' Kakin, Mina Krmio eateh and Mien Lulu Currin returned 011 Wednesday from their outing by tho HOil. llaker Stewart, of Row River, his miiiily and niothcr, pawed through on Tiienilay to Kitnon HpringH to eami) out. MIhh. Mamie price went homo to Waltorvillo on Mundav, after a ilolight fuUiaitof three weeks with Mias Cad Win. Landcsa wont to tho JJohemia hilla on Monday. He intonda t'oiti,' all over the diatriet and his' may will be iiidelluite. Attorney .7. K. Yoiiiik made a living trip uwlieel on Sunday to tho JS'lack Hutto Hiilphur springa, and covered tho him home in 1 Iioiiih. Mra. J. Beat (neo flattie Thompson) left here on Wediaday lor her homo in Oervif, ami uill i-top over in Kugone for a couplo of days to see old frienila. Jatnca I.. Kiild of I.iabon, X. D., a millwright and inuchiniat, arrived on .Monday and went up to Bohemia to luok over tho Atlam'a mountain mine. 1'rofenHor Kendall left on Sunday moraine for the eeashoro in yuiirch of health and HL-cnic ehango, and will tarry indellnitcly where thou.dt wavea lave the chining niihIh. l'rank Bowers, the blackamith of ICugeue, with hi wiio and mother-in-law, Mra. Sparka, drove hero hint Sun day and spent the day in visiting tho family of John Sherwood. W. A. Wooliever, who has been in em ploy at Sagnuw for tumo time, haa Hov ered hia eonneetiuua there and in future will eng.igo in proselyting fur and in tho inleroata of the Moilern oolmen. a i 11 Briatow and family left on Wcdneaduy lor Nowjiurt on Yaipiina hay. They Imvo a 11u.1t rottago oa the aeaahoru and will dwell there aunm time and hearken to tho voice of the ocean wild. I'. S. Kennedy, foreman nt tho Sag- j maw nulla, anil lumily pubacd tliruugli town on Satuiday laat with a complete camping outfit. They were headed for the lihick Buttu hilla for 11 two week's outing. W. C. I'.iirau of Portland came down on Wednesday and went to Bohemia to perform aaauaameat work on his claim near .Klophaul mountain, and if tho alawing ia aatiafaetory ho ia prepared to push work with a vim. Sanford Milla left for Portland on Tuesday to combine huaincsa and pleaauro for a few daya. Although he aohl out Ilia business here, ho by no means expects to dwell in other parts, anil will most likely open up a new lino on his return. John Sherwood, Bob Veateh, Dave Markley andJ.W. Baker will light out on Saturday for the tall hilla. They intend to iuako camp near the ware house nnd remain about two weeks to liah, hunt and have a general good time and incidentally to throw 11 diamond hitch on 11 gold mine or two. David Goodsell, teerotary and treas urer and a director of tho Mnsiok mino, with his wife and two sons, David Jr. and Gerald, of Portland, were guesta at tho Sherwood over Sunday. They left on Monday for a camping trip 111 the Bohemia h'illa, to Hah and hunt, nnd aeo the great hodiea of mineral thero on diaplay. DIVIDE ITKMS. Mr. Hastings and family left this neighborhood and Miss Annie Underwood and Mrs. Ilutitly have moved into their bouse and will make their home with us. Reports say that wedding bells will soon be ringing around here. Jim Miller left home rather sud denly last week for unknown parts. Mr. Piper of Cottage Grove spent Sunday in the woods here. The wheels of industry are spin ning, brush piles are being burned and the woods are getting full of smoke. "We have sold many different cough remedies, but none has given better satsfaction than Cham berlain's," says Mr. Charles Holz hauer, Druggist, Newark, N. J. "It is perfectly safe and can be re lied upon in all cases of coughs, colds or hoarseness. Sold by Bun son Drug Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons &, Drain, Druggists. Ii Brief. Dr. Ilullingor, Donlisl. If you want wall paper or booka don't forget to got prices of J. P. Curiin tho diuggiat. Suital Suita!! Tailor made hiiKh! ! I Dp to date in every respect, from $15 up. Call and hoo aainplea. Gi:o. I'Voah candles every day, made from pure augur at tho Tailor slibp. Dr. A. J. Ilullingor, Graduate Dentist. Permanently located. Kor qnalilyand cheapness in fresh meats go to tho Central meat market. Before you buy a wagon go and look at tho Peter Schutlorat Phillips and Davidson For all kinds of plumbing and tin work go to Griffin & Veatch Co. Ico for sale' at McFarlnnd's merit market. Dr. A. J. Ifiillingcr, Dentist. Latest things in 11011-hreakahlo platea Gold Crowns and Bridges. Permanently lo cated. Over 00 odd patterns of wall 'paper to choofio from and more on the way, at Jenkins it Lawaon's. If you want good work remem ber Davidson the Jeweler. Tho Old Reliable Peter Schutler wagons at Phillips t Daviaons. Tho Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., are offering a nice grade of flooring, rustic and coiling at $10.00 per M, which is mostly in random and short lengths. Intending purchasers would do well to si-o them before placing their orders. Did you noticethoae bath tubs at Phil ips it Daviaoh. They are beauties. J. P. Currin has a choice lino of in grain and figured wall paper, at prices' to suit tho trade. For the purpose of cleaning up their yard, tho Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., are offering, for a abort time, common dimension lumber for $6.00 per M. Boots, shoea and harnesa made and repaired at Lewis &. Davidson's, 2 doors west of Opera house. Please give us a call. A car load of Columbia River cedar shingles for sale by Jenkins & Lawson. A good gentle mare to4rade for bay or wood. Inquire of Dakwi.n Bkibtow. Ice cream at the Elite parlors. Try it. Phillips will sell their black driving team cheaper than you can buy wild horses. Boyd's gallery is again open, ready for business. C.U and leave orders. The Creacent is the popular wheel at a standard price, and no better wiieel at any price. Sold by Kakin & Bristow. A few rolls of first-class China matting for sale at cost to close out at Sciium.krs Golden Rulo Store. Ride a Crescent. They aro skvhigh. $25.00 and $35.00 at Kakin fe Bns"tow. Sec the flue display -of millinery at the parlors of Mia. .1. S. Medley. If you want a good job of plumb ing done go to Grrfiin & Veatch Co. We sell good goods at good prices for our customers, Central Meat Market. For Intcst deaigns in spring millinery call on Mrs. J. S. Medley. We will pay the highest price for wool and mohair. IlEMKNWAY & BUUKHOI.DKK. Boys when yqu are going fis'aiiig remember our line of fiys are all O. K. Griffin Vkatcii Co. John Stoneburg'a barbershop and bathft. Also a line line of eigars, to bacco, confections, eto. Try him rine line of tobaccos, cigars and confectionery at the Elite, Baker and Lockwood. For watches, clocks and jewelry patronize Davidson the Jeweler. WE ARK FIKRK TO STAY. No goods misrepresented; full weight and measures and satisfaction to all is our motto. Wo solicit a share of your patronago At SciiUM.mts Golden Rulo Store All, For Biu.. Last week E. S. Adams, Super intendent of the Oregon Consoli dated Mining Company in Bohe mia, had occassion to come down the mountains to visit his wife and baby "Bill" at Wildwood, and thought he could make time and shorten distance by taking a cut off trail. He got tangled up in the dense undergrowth and windfalls and, getting bewildered, was lost; had to camp under a tree all night; had no matches to build a fire and no food, but plenty of pure moun tain water. He is not now sighing for "a lodge in some vast wilder ness, some boundless contiguity of shade," but consoles the mishap and exposure by the thought that it was all for "Bill". H Mdi?mniicr Smaslj-Price Sule zs By the last mail we received advice from the Royal Tailors authorizing us to cut the prices right and left on Standard Spring and Summer Styles. Here are a few of the Special Prices: $13.50 to $15 suits at $1 1.25 13.50 to 16 suits at 12.00 19.00 suits at 14.75- 20.00 suits at 17 50 Shrewd buyers will surely lake hold of this Grand Good Snap. Anticipate your wants. Don't wait, or you'll be late Now is the time and here is the place to get As 1 Tailor-Made Suits at " WE CAN E. WALL & WHIPPLE "THE FURNISHERS." y BBiniiauEaBiaeiioEBOsuBiB If you want any thing in the our goods and see how the prices suit. We shall endeavor to cany a full line of HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware, Miners Supples,. Mechanics Tools, Cutlery, Ammuni tion, Washing Machines, Churns, Etc., and a Full Line of Agricultural Implements. Phillips IS IT RIGHT For an Editor to Recommend Pat ent Medicines? From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad, N. C. It may be a questioivwhetber the edicor of a newspaper has the right to publicly recommend any of the various proprietary medicines which flood the market, yet ns a preventa tive of suffering we feel it a duty to say a good word for Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. We have used this medicine in our family for twenty years and have always found it re liable. In mauy cases a dose of this remedy would save hours of suffering while a physician is awaited. We do not believe in de pending implicitly 011 any medicine for a cure, but we do believe that if a bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy were kept on hand and ad ministered at the inception of an attack much suffering might be avoided and in very many cases the presence of a physician would not be required. At least this has been our experience during the past twenty years. For sale by BrjN son Drug Co., Cottage Grove. Lxons & ArruiGATE, Drain Drug gists. BELGIAN HARES. Here is a chance to get your boy into a paying business on a small capital. I have a choice lot of high grade Belgian Hares that I will sell in pairs at very low prices. There is no need to send to California when you can get the same thing here at home. Lord Britain, Sir Styles, Fashoda, Yukon, Red Rover and other fashionable strains ate in stock. F. A. Rankin, Eugene, Successor to B. F. PHILLIPS, DKAU3RS IN Groceries, Flour and Feed. All kinds of Produce bought at the highest market Values. Call and get acquainted with us. We shall be pleased at all times to quote you prices upon all lines handled by us, whether you buy or not. Our Stock is New, Neat and Clean, and having had years of experience in business, we assure you the very best goods the market affords, and the lowest possible prices . Remember the place: Phillips' old stand, Cottage Grove, Ore. ON 'is As fforld - MIeiipj Prices I j SHOW YOU!" r . 'DHDiflnanBGUBiBBHaifliiBauBii to r. Hardware line, come and look over & Davison; We Carry a Fall Mne of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES WALL PAPER, GLASS Sash and Boors Estimates. Cheerfully given 011 all classes of work. AGENTS FOR. leavclaml : Cotta : Colors The Eest -Ready-Mixed Paint on the market. Jenkins & Lawson. It' you will. call ut our store wo will Rive you the namea of 25 farmers that liavo bought MoCorniick Jlneliines of us in tho last twA years anil you 11111 see for yourself what tliey think oi them. Piui.tii'a & Davison. Tho Griflln & Veateh Hardware Co. have recently ndded 11 lirsteluss tin shop to their already well equipped houBenml aro pow prepared to do all kinds of re pairing. WHITE MAN TURNED YEL LOW. Great consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington, Ky., when they saw he was turning yellow. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and he writes: "After taking two bottles I was wholly cured." Atrial proves its match less merit for all Stomach, liver and Kidney troubles. Only 50c. Sold by Benson Drug co., Druggist. Miri,vMjt.ii.iJ.iiiijw'm,.NjM.TTieCTrrT fi those shirt H P WAISTS! if Paints S SIA FULL LINE OF THEZS 1 A LATEST PATTERNS. 3 W W jjj The Prices will please g you, aud in point of ffo (v.. Qualitv and Beautv AS ZL' ft f 3 & 1 Kier. S MAIN STREET. st Hemenway rs: 1 'am if 11 1 a !!