The Prosperous Business Men of Cottage Grove Advertise In the Nugget. Bring- Your Job Work to the Nugget Job Office. Prices Reasonable w JCVOleil t() the Millintr. Ltimllerino- ti.,,1 IN,-..,!.,,. T...- r ,1 . . ....1 tt.....!.-.. r i . 'i wuiiij4 AuimuMs ui mis community, 10 oooii uuvurnniuui, uuu xiusuing lor a uruu oinKe, 1 1 aol. :n.t PHOFHSSIONAL. " J. E. YOUNG jlltoniay-at-Law OMco Mttlu uttent, Wot HI.Io -COTTAOIt OHOVJt, OKU. J. S. MEDLEY jlHnvneil-nt-Law o o o OflU'toii Malli'ulrcel . , CoTTAGR GltOVIt, OlU. . " L. L.. STEVENS Atlovuey-rti-fMio o Hrll Hltrillloil KlVfli In MlnlliK IIiikIiicm mill I'lilloolliiiK, I?tJ;iiNH, OKU. JEROME KNOX jlUomcii-at-Law Prompt ttontlntiJ;Ji)Ji M Inline IIiihIiicm. CoTTAGR GkOVH, OkIC. IICLMU VT. TIIUMI'HUK flUH. A. IUIIHY. , THOMPSON & HARDY Attorneys and (Jounschirs-at- Law Hiolitl attention Klvcii tmln' law ot MIiich, KUGHNR, OltH. L. T. HARRIS :l'rncu and Comiselur-at'Luir rml attention Khon In Ihu liumf Mine. , ,rn KMIminl lUnk llilllillliK. Hl'gknk, Oku. Hin.:o by imi. 1 1 ri'i-elvo prompt attention. FRANK P. WHITE, cutt.mii: nitovi:. ouk. Ofllra ulth Jmc lloiiienuay. Mulii l. o. v. MJiVU. t. w. Hevai- Lloyd & Nevill H'N'ISII KXOINKKKH ! H. UK. UTV MINKKAI. HUllVKYOKH lliMimji Utl.'M CiiHiiilxiriir Coniiiiori-c iM' hTiuwki7 I'uumxn. OltK. H. C. PERKINS Deputy U. S. MiiicniLSuiTcior Special Ktluiitlnn Klven tn MlnliiK I'UInu uiul iriieurliiK or, 1'aleiita. Gkants Pass, Okh. Airs. Kiillicrliii Sclilccf, M. I). Diseases of Women anil Clillilren COTTAGIC GKOV15, OrH. (10 'illzsa. MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fashionable Dressmaking. MAIN HTItUET CoTTAGIJ GROVU, OrK. William Renshaw THE EXCHANGE" M.P VAl.KK', MmiiiKer. DKAI-KU 1H PINK HINES, UQUORS, CIGARS. Mnlnntroot, CoIIiibii lrv, Ore. CAM. ON B. L. PICKARD & SON lor IIOC8K I'AINTINCJ, I'Al'l.U HANdlNO, HION WOUK, OAlUtlAOK 1'AINTINO. -Work (fuiiriintogil CoTTAGH GROVK, OltM. EAKIN & BRISTOW BANKERS-2 TruiiBuct iv (iononil ItankliiK Uiislncss In All ltd llruiivhcx. CoTl'AGR GUOVK, ORR. CY. MILLER & CO. General Blacksmithing -Ttfo iloors North ot KnUln & nrUtow's- Cottagi? Grovr, Our. Shirt A large line of Shirt Waists that we are closing out without regard to cost. If you want a bar gain now is your time to get it. A few pairs of Men's and Women's Shoes in odd sizes, will sell you at 50c on the dollar. IP n8HonoHS3raacacEODaoaan3C8BOBOBncn9EOEon0BSEOHHenonoHonoHSHeHeonoBO0Boaeno ta 9 I OH MEN. Wu bundle Sarnniic Glove Company V l'immIm. They lire eoiiHidured the lient glove hi the market. n , a a Good V( How Oil Stock witli patented string fiiHtfiicr 50 mill I'm. is Our Pit'itin Trmif line are a coft, plia ble glove, m well n h durable; lllllllu Willi piltfllted Ml'illg fllHt- cult 85c, fl awl M "5. Unliiiril Kit, Knft llni'li, iniikitiK n yi'ry nii-c ilriviiir tlnve. .if 1 -T. Siiriinun Htick, ;'M weight, flue HtiK-k, no I'iihiI, open Imuk, l'orttT fiihttMHT, wclti'i'.-.Mi;: liiii'ii tlirt'iiil mft illi'l I 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 ; tiiiiliiiilitcdly tilt built i"lnVj in tlio inaikct ... l fit). Unliiicil Choppiir MitH, oil grain calf ckin U'Jouiiil$l. u n I I.illUll Kit filovtH, 11 11C HtOltk fl. ELITE o Shaving o Parlor! Cottagb Grovr, Our. GRIFFITH & CRAIG, Props. KI, O. KNOW..KH. Cll.MU.KH OKTTYK. NOTARIES PUBLIC ItoHRMlA, ORR. Otllfont Mine unit Ele.ihmit Miimitiilii. bU.MMHK UKSORTS. "To tlio niour.taiiirt our peoiile in in- creasint; iiiiinnern yciny iook iui ui diiVHof reluxation amJ .cc cation neces Harv to inuintaiii the IiIiiiimii macliiiK) in fair working condition. Thelaiiguoioiu ninth of the Hcushort ptovci very te iluctivo wjiilo it liifttf, but uiiuiy have decided that the minimi outing rthoulil provide not onlv radical cnungo oi iiiiilmirroundingD, but also .-inch stunu Intlon of lhirginn' entail's h will pio vido brawn and vsn for the return to labor. For thin tlie urge I he mountain climb and ramble, the balsam of the niutii hIiich. and tl. clear, un adulterated mountain air."' "In this direction mo aimuia nowalTbrds a wealth of attractions. I he uutlro lino of road t'lom Aah and to HeddingiM ftudded with unarming and m-cessiblo holels and camps, where are cheer and comfort anil healing at reasonable cost, and where you can hunt, Huh, ride, loaf, or play with equal tM"ofl you look for healing waters, none better can he found, hot or co u , than the uprings of Achlaml, Colejtin, AiXwjn, Uartlott, Myioii and Paso U"blleforo visiting Kuropo, the i.eonlo of the Northwest shouU. c.-o tho gloriea of YoHOtn to Valley, nnd tlio wondrous JrovJ f MnrlniWii and (Jn uvo !. tho ffilansaro likely to make inquiries w i cemlim tbebo attractive reeorts." Send t Mr. C. U. Markham, Oon end sseiiger Agent, Portland, for now book So K U Cn,g, t?hta Springs, MoOloud Klver, Yo.cmit, and excursion rates thereto FOR RENT. A gopd seveu room dwelling house for rent. Inquire of Mrs. I M. Thompson, Cottage Grove, Ore. Cottage. Grove, Oregon, ist Bo ns Garmaii & NewW COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. I'OR BOYS. Cotton Swx'ttera, imiruon mill colore jrooil quality, in HHwjrtcd Ktripcil 50l-. All-Wool, ll(-lit wuiBlit, nsgortcd col oml striped $1 25. I-'OR MEN. Cotton, good iiuallty, color niu- roon fitV. Mixed Cotton iiml Wool, nii'diutii heavy, maroon 80c. All-Woof, nuoil qnulit.v, iiiediuni nuavy, maroon $110. Sitmu aw" nlmvo, only liner wool, iih- Hortcd Holid colors $1 (13. All-Wool, very line quality, in s- coi teil colored Htiipes 25, White, medium heavy 50. GARMAN &. NEWLAND ! D J9.ll PS1 lKl'AKT I Time Schedules I AmtlVE Chloiiitn- Suit l.iiko. I envor. I't. Worth, Oinnhii.Knn mm City, Hi. U'lils, Chli-iiifo iiml timt. 4 p m l'nrliiiiiu IICI'llll j:l,iu m Atlnntlc i:xirc! Ul'n Via iliint liiKtou Bult Uiko, Denver, I't. Worth, liiiiH.iii.kiin. m City. Hi. Ixmls, Chli'iigo iiml r.imt. H:IJii in KiKiIcnno Wnllu WiiIIh. Lewis, ton, Siioknnc, Mill 11011110111, St. l'unl, I ninth, Mllunukoe, ChL'UBO Ijiat. 7 n m l'lyor 0 p m 8 ) in (K'K.iN STmasiltln All willtiiR iliucx tub- jcut to I'hmiKO. For Sun Kriinclni'o Sull ovary ."ulays 4 III Dully KX. Sumliiy s (I in Saturday 10 p m ti a in Kx. Hniuliiy. C0LUM1IU UlVKll SrK.VMKUS To Astoria ami Way Ijmillngs. 1 p. in Kx. Suiul'y Wll.I.lMKrTK HlVKIl Siregon City, NowtiorR nlomand w'My.Land. I p in Kx.Hniiil'y 7 a m TiiOH.'lhnr. uiul Sut. WILI.AMKTTK ANI YAMIIll.I. ItlVKltS Orotrnn City, Dayton anil Wny-l-aniUiiija. 11 m Mim. weii. iiml Fri. lxiavo I.owiston Dally U a 111 I.oa vo ltipariti n::-ia in Dally Snakk ltivr.u lilparla to LohIsIoii. W. H. HURLBURT General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Notice to' Tax Payers, The 1899 tax rolls will be closed August 15, i900 W. W. WlTHRRS, Sheriff and Tax Collector of Lane County, Oregon. Griffin & Ventch Co. carry a full line of Canton Clipper and John Pcerc Plows. None better. Friday, J?uly 27, 1900. o tow. a o o ta FOR CHILDREN. Lawn HooiIp, mndo of Jnce work ; very pretty dcHiuuti open o SB a a a a ta e ta o a u El ta a o H O CI n a o ta o Dl O . . . 35 to Ojc. Kinbroidcred nnd Tucked Muslin and SwitH, diirurent deHiniiH. . . . 75o to $1 35. Ladies' Sun Tlonncte, made of chnm hrny, full hack crown, ptltched uud lined, aetiorted colors, ,50c. Our.line of Loose Kinliroideriea, Itib buns and Drygooda Notions is huge. Ladies' Summer Skirts, large vari ety ; in price, from . . . ,50c to $3. Shirt Waistf, 'different colorH nnd kinds 50c to $0 75. Ladies' Keck Wear in latest ptyles. . 15c to COc. WALKER ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Walker and family visited friends on Mosby Creek Sunday. Miss Bertha Tait returned Mon day to Albany. Mr. anc Mrs. Jim Redford of Row River visited at N. P. Chris man's last week. Mr. Leopard Gardiner, Mack Castle and Bertha Johns went to Salem on their wheels Saturday, returning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Martin left last week for the Bohemia mines. Miss Helen Streeter and R. B. Tait spent Sunday at Pleasant Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Lee McCoy of Silk Creek were visitors at John Weeks' Saturday. Born. July 20th, to the wife of Fred Parker, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan of Clover dale and their .guests 'from Eugene, Mrs. Potts and Mrs. Curtis were callers at John Tait's Sunday. FORTHE "SEASHORE. "Newport and Yaquina Bay con tinue to offer for the summer vaca tion greater variety of attractions than can be found at any other i North Pacific resort. Excellent beaches and safe bathing, enticing rides and rambles, good boating and fishing, clams, crabs and oysters for gathering, and unequaled pro fusion for pebbles and shells and agates, Add to this cheerful and obliging hosts, who are providing at very reasonable rates homelike quarters, and most liberal fares. They won't let one go hungry at Newport. See Southern Pacific Agent for tickets and time tables, or corres nond withC. H. Markham, .Gen- Pnrthmd. A ,...JWtw - O ' ' Oregon.'' M NLS m The Sixth of a Series of logical Construction and Formation of Mineral Zones. CONTKIIIUTKD. The animal world during the Jurassic period, if we may judge, ofj i r c it ; l i li irom us iossii remains, mum .nave lajid and in the sea during the previous ages of the earth 3 history. From the circumstances in which the 1iTf of Mm loiifl nr frfnnpntl v tiipf iviMi ...W . ..W ..J ..... of the sea. Among the Jurassic strata there occasionally occur thin i bands which have received the name ous insect remains which they contain. Among these remains are forms and cock-roach. Fishes abound in the waters of Jurassic time. I hose ' of which the remains have been preserved are chiefly small ganaids; there were likewise various tribss of sharks and rays. But i. taking the Jurassic fauna as a whole character was uiven by the extraordinary development of its reptiles. So remarkably varied was the reptilian life throughout Mesozoic ages that ' this part of the earth's history been called the "age of reptiles." There were forms haunted the sea, others that frequented the rivers, some that lived onSJ the land, and some that flew through the air. Never before or siucej has there been such a profusion of stilt represented at me present lime; allegator; the modern turtles too are Jurassic times. But it is the long extinct types that fill us with aston- -j j iulimonf Oii nf thp miKt nhmitlnnt rf tlipm !: tlmf nf ttip sen Ity.nrd'. i occassionally more than 40 feet long in shape and bulk. Another form "Ceteasaurus," which was upward. , of 60 feet from the snout to the tip of the tail and stood 10 feet high,. , fed on the vegitation that shaded the rivers and lagoons where it lived..' ! bull more gigantic were tne ueinasaurs ot wuicu tne remains nave.' r.nj been found in the Jurassic rocks of 1 1 1 ....... i 1. 1 1, I ... r. . ... 1 . .. ICpillCD 11UV lEUviltU IXiU.VIll.llllA ill dllU Vaitg. JL ll M.WfJ. )( of these monster reptiles and, so far as yet known, the .most colossal!. ! animal that ever walked the earth was upwards of 100 feet in length and 30 It was in the Jurassic period that but they differed much from the modern bird; they had teeth in their. jaws and some of them carried long which bore a quill feather. On the whole they posessed certain peculi-s ' J arities that linked them with reptiles. The Cretaceous system receivedf' its name in Western Europe because in England and Northern France ' .1 its most conspicuous number is a thick mass of white chalk. It covers ' a far more extensive area of the surface of this continent than any of, j the nreceedine systems. The Cretaceous limestone of Southern EuroDC i and the basin of the Mediterranean are prolonged through Asia Miuoip 4 into Persia, where they cover a vast area. They have: been found like i Wise 111 luc nanus ui unuui.a ceous sea must have stretched right . . , , w, ,.. Cretaceous rocks cover an enormous area in North America; thej attain no great thickness in the Eastern states, but th?y, thicken south-j1 wards, until in Texas they present deeper and clearer water than elsewhere m that region'.'' They attains;,,! gigantic proportions in Colorado. Utah and Wyoming vneTe they aiq-, prolonged northward into the British territories, with a maximum thick ness of 11,000 to 13,033 feet. They have yieided a remarkably abund-jjj ant and varied series of organic remains. Rocks assigned- to the Cre- taceous system cover a wide region of Australia, aiid they also attain! considerable thickness iu New Zeland. j; . : : WAS IT A MIRACLE? "The marvellous cure of Mrs. Rena J. Stout of Consumption has created intense excitement in Cam mack, Ind." writes Marion Stuart, a leading druggist of Muncie, Ind. She only weighed 90 pounds when her doctor in Yorktown said she must soon die. Then she began to use Dr. King's New Discovery and gained 37 pounds ill weight and was completely cui'ed." It has cured thousands of hopeless cases, and is positively guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest, and Lung diseases. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Brnson drug CO., Cottage Grove. g IT IS HERE I H jE Te Largest Stock ii Sohtl Lare! j -CONSISTING OV- S Shelf and Heavy Hardware; Stoves and Tinware; Pumps, - Pipes and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS I 2 Guns and Ammunition, Studebaker Wagons, SZ Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows, Etc. Z5 For Miners' Supplies, the only house South of Portland. 3! jp: (live us a call. S5S H GRIFFIN & VEATCH, S . COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON. NO. 2.S M N NG, Articles on the Geo t ,. : . .1 t:i .... ueeti niuuii more vanuu ,uis.c m ty .... strata were deposited, relics of the ' m hfciilps nhiinflnnt rprciran of tll!lt - "!I . of "insect beds from the numer- of dragon-fly; may-fly, grasshopper " undoubtedly its most strikiugi thati! ' reptilian types. Some of these are. - lor example, rue corcouue una? deceudants of those which lived in! - and somewhat resembling a w North America. The hugest land! I; , . ; .. .1 ...I-? . 'Plin Inmaoll -'.ti the "Atlantasaurus," which wasi feet or more in height. 1 1 birds first made their appearance,! lizard-like tails, each vertebra ofHI uiuuiuaius, au llljlL LUC UJCll vicm- n . r 1, nu u ' across the heart of. the, Old World. massive limestone "indicative AN EPIDEMIC OF DIARRHOEA 12 Mr. A. Sanders, writing ft on: Cocoanut Grove, Fla., says ther has been quite an epidemic of diar' rhoea there. He had a severe atv tack and wis cured by four doses oj Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ands Diarrhoea Remedy. He says hejj also recommended it to others anc? they say it is the best medicine they ever used. For sale by Brn son Drug Co., Cottage Grove.' Lyons & Applrgatr, Drain Drug gists. For a 'fine assortment of fishinc tackle and sporting goods Grifi'ii & VRATGii Co. are the leaders. the ' a f, f 1 13 iff