m WOMAN'S HEALTH t bottom from Women rto Sid of Pa'" byMrfl.Plnklmm. iLccd t lul0 yur ,"t',,lol,, I I W"1" . it...,.., MtfnKU vbody wemctl to pain In no mo i tlmo of monntruiitltm my Homitlhlnir torrlblo. I rtriK . ,, , i.,,4 &Vl.blnP KCTOrlll bottle Of liVllIll h-inldioyi'" Vcffotublo Compound till rbwl fMlinK" wero frono. a am now L, prlo your medicine."-Mns. I'.. '. Hnr 2211. ltoillcn. Mlnli. fc, FKBCI"'"" L,le TroublcB Overcome IptinMii"' l'lNKUAMi-Ihiid fomnle ff lttnt,nlolomi:b troublo. About I,,. ftlfo I happened to pick up a nut contained ' advertisement Frdls B. I'Inlchiim'H veKctuuio uom- E't .,ul when I read now It hud i,nd decided to ifWo H a trial. I I .l .... .. r.aillt mil now fVfllnrr IIOi nu . " Htctly well. 1 wUh to thnnk you for benefit your medlclno hns been to No nore I'nin DiinMnH. I'ihkium : YourVeife- Compound iiua oecn oi much sfltto rue. nlicii ray inclines iiral L,,.l tlirv wero very Irregular. f occurred too often and did not Is for week or more. I alwayn 6rcd at theso tlmcn with terrible i Id my back and abdomen. Would fa bed for neverni iay and would fie exactly rational nt time. I bjrila K I'lnklium vegetable Bpounil. anil inruw uctiuna ir;iiiur finlnii left mo entirely." Una. E. CsTi uruici ui. . ....I ... lwa In.. L from dlKonno In tunibly hrnvy. Eapoloon'" cjunpiilK" acroniftlio Nlo- nut 01 HU.uuu iiurauit, iiu wwur 45,000 Hiircumbcd In nix 'month. boslcKO oi I'lnvnn ino iuihhiiuih SO r cent of their drnuKiit mil- , ml 111 tlm I'-Kipmi" warn oi loos EDglli'li homos wero (llimbluil, of h 600 died from sleknoHH and only tho fluid of buttlo. ronrnon'H Mine. bew rfRiilutlon cor Introduced in wkU'Iick. workn no nccurutuly rtlie tlmo plecoii do not vary 10 tec fin a month. Jery saloon nt lulluliomn, Tenn., Been placed under the legal buy ed with Sunday liquor lolling. Trr Allen' Vnnt Kmtr, Zndcr to Ik- klmkcn Into the ahoe. At tnwit your frrt frrl fwollfll, nervoim tot, anil Rrt tirnl 'Hily. Iiyoulinve Itlni! feel r tielit .iliora, try Allen n ;Knir It cooln the fret and miiken lliiK ran)' ( nrm ingrowing nuim, llfii and twrntliiK frrt, bllntrni mid Da hkiIi itrllevri corns anil tiuulnn.i lii.iln mid clvm rrt and comfort. We K0,000 ifMlmoiiliil". Try it today, by All Iriiifi:lKtii ami Mion drnlrrn fo I rial farknirr Kill. K. AUdrcM Alien anltad, Lrltuy. N. Y. Crlinn 1'rrTnlcnt In llerlln. Hrnes of violence, whoso pflrpetrn pare remaiuod uudiiicovorod, hiivo ne m common in Jiorlin and its Bborhood thut the l'ruHalnu min Col the interior lmn Kiven notice all violent dcuths Hliull bo report cones tq a special buronnl which Ldecldo whether tho local or Her slice ahull tako up tho onie, and vuin iDKtuncofl nimii not lti own llvca to work. N. Y. Sun. rhytlcUn nml Mnrplilnv. M recent nddross boforo a grndiiat ii.iM oi inedlcnl ntudnuta occur goliowint;, "lOHt Honslblo advico 9le fowcr nhvMlcinnn become In than munition) of othur nrofoa a larger proportion bocomu ml I to the use of morphln. Opium f form in oxcoodinelr dnnBomuH "elf-ndmlnistorcd. No phyidcinn attempt to treat hlmsoll. but I" tnko tho advico and follow the jion of another phyaicinn." PAHD0N WAS F0HGED. rem rtNTIAHY. Mnu Wh.e A.lvtulrc. At-n ir. ... rd I. N,.w Mu ll,Mlrc """" r ii lliuiU lloiKtllrna. I '""I ttiiili-onil In ,,""::.r,."!M ,,rl""1"" ' ""'y., w,,,,m "" '"'i: IllVLMllv,. Kvll . ii.-i,.uM. Hirong mnnmny, with ..our! ; jj nu r out lliu moHt flnrlnK dmlH i M'ln.'U,i,,l'.,ll.,',, Wl""0ll tlMOHKl, .Ik , UIU , ( ,V11(( (illll'H Willi by EMEDY EQUALS PERUNA, SO THE WOMEN ALL SAY. Min Bman Wymar. s Snsan Wymar, teacher in the pouci school, Chicago, 111., writes ninn Bing I'o.ru.na. Hhnimvii! "Onlv Kfjio hnvo aufforod as I hnve, can iwiat a blessing it is to be ablo to fuei in l'OTu.uo. This has been Porlenoe. A friond in need is a tnueod, and every hottlo of Pe I ever bought provod a good to nio. Susan Wymnr. "inrgarothn Dauben, 1314 Suporior street, ltuoino Citv. Iwrites: 'I foel so wall and cood PPPynow that uen cannot de- Ii i! Po'ru'na 's everything to I have taken sevoral bottles of Inftfoi female complaint. I am change of life and it does me "e-ru-na hue no equal in nil 'Regularities and nmnnrencies Kr to Women pnuuml hv nnlvln -" j i . Pr6SB Dr. r ,re8 book for women only. Iiu Hemic WCnltll. AllHIlllllnlv ..III. Ollt I'dliHclencc. yi.i Hi'iiKlllv, 1.....1, lll'HI. HI,. (I,,. . M,,10 t ym ,m W( ll KIUIIII IIKIIIIIHl. i.'l'l ... . , mm nmtiiiin. I Imvc In mind ;""","" '"'vr, to my kimwlnlg.., been diipllnitcd In tlil ..,.u..ih. oiitlniied, "In which tl. Ingcnul'iy of one of thin i.uh wiih Mi'vendy taxed In .mi uiriirii out to H. a Hiirmmfiil nt "..i iu oHiiiin rcifiiHt- from a long wii oi impriHoiiiui.ut in Mm Ohio nuiii' pen, 1 n "B "iiiuilii Allen wiih . J. "r Hl'1 ,;,"" Nntloniil bun 11 .I-W lineilllH, OIK.' Of tllf MllOllglHt llllllllelnl IllHllliilloim II... ,.lv II.. lllld been eoiiiiecU.il with the blink for l" '-'ivi' yoiiiM iiiid win 111 "iiu firry erooU mill tuill of Hh uf- finro. He wiih limillcltly triiKtid both (li'iioHliorH mid directum. III!.. I! -.1 mummy evening a covered ex. preHM wngoii drove up Oiiiuil Klreet. " '"""UK mio ino niiey nt the leur or me imiik, wiim Imckeil up. mid IiihIiIo oi iiuir mi in.nr wiih loiided up with over ?.lir..(HMI of tlit bnnk'H euiii.in.v Allen liud hypotl nie.l nil tho Hccurl- llen lie could lay IiIh IiiiiiiIk on mfd linil iiiiliimwn to the prenlilent or dlrectom. neeiiu ciiiyH liefoie. ordered large Hhlp tllllttlu . . P I. . . .... .. .n , ninn inini mo imnu'H corre- NpoiiiientM III other cltli'M. me Iiihh wiih not dlHcovered until 'i'liemliiy moriiliig, when Allen was iiiNhi'iI riom IiIh phico in the Imnk. Monday chnnced to lie u legal holiday. .o there wiih plenty of time In which to plant Hie procicdN of the robbery. To thin day the hiding place of the bunk's coin Iiiin not been traced (JrcuiiiHlanccH nil pointed to Allen nml it warrant wiim ImmiiciI for IiIh nr rent. A itiarHluil went up to Cnrrnllton to nerve it and Allen wiih hodii In ciih tody, lie mfiiHed to make any explaim lion. He wiih placed on trial and wiih M'lileiiced to ten yearn at hard labor nt ( oIlllllllllH. "One morning the mall brought a let ter from Mm. Allen, then In WiiHhlng ton, directed to her hiiHband. iiiitiounc lug Mlie would lie Hi t'oIumbUH the next week, mid Unit hIic had Htrong belief a pardon would be grunted In a few iIiivh. Khe came according to appointment. 1 liree iIujh after lier arrival an olliclal looking dociiineiit wiih niiioug the mall of the warden. It nunc from the De pnrtment ,-of .State, WiiHlilngtou, I). 0., mid contained the information Hint a pardon had been granted to Allen. The next mall brought the pnrdon Itself, Klgned by I'rcHlilent (Jrnnt. Allen wan released, and, with Ills wife, left Ohio. It was nearly n week boforo It wan iIIh covered that the letter and pardon were clever forgcrlcH. Allen wns never dis covered again- nt leiiHt In thin coun try. He Is to day at the head of tho lending bunk In the capital of Hon durns Hp also owim the only line of railway ther lie Ih counted a multi millionaire. The only untrue thing nbout thin ntory Ih Allen's iinine." DISCOVERY BY A HISTORIAN. Name America Wns Not Derived from A merino Vrapiircl. That America derlven Its name, from Amerigo VeHpticci hint long been re garded as a certainty. Now, however, a historian comen forward and nssuren us thut this Ih not the case. This bis torlun Ih Itlcnrdo I'almu, director of tho National Library of Lima, Peru. In a book which hn Just been published, ho Insists that America wns not nnmed after Amerigo VchjiuccI, but that, on tho contrary. Amerigo Vespucci was named after America. Honor Palmn, who lias studied this ubject for years, maintains that Ves pucci's IliHt name wiih Alberlco. "Tho name 'America,' " he says, "Is derived from n pluco In Nlcuritgun, being the niinie of n hill lu the province of Chun voles. Furthermore, the pnnultlmato syllnblo 'lc' Ih very often found In the words used by tho Indians of South America mid by tho natives of the An. tllles. The syllnblo itself signifies something largo and lofty, nnd Is found lu tho niinies of non-voicuuic moun tains." Ho further points out that Columbus did not uso tho word ,rAmcrlcn" In his letters when lie referred to tho events of IiIh llrat voyage. "It is moro than probable," he continues, "that no learn ed through one of his attendants or the discovery of gold by some natives In a place culled America. In this way It Ih likely that the mi mo grndunlly be came known throughout Ktirope. At that tlmo the only geographical account of tho western hemisphere- was the one bv Alberlco Vespucci, which wits pub lished In Lntlu In 1505. nnd In German lu 1G08. Geographers presumably enmo to tho conclusion that Alberlco had given the nunio America not merely to single hill or mountain, out io mc entire country. "When tho tlrst mnp or tnc continent, bcnrlng tho tltlo 'Provlnco of America,' was published In Unreelona, in 1622, Columbus nnd his companions wero long dend, and there wns no ouo to pro test ngnlnst tho misuse or ino name. Furthermore, there was no one in nu Miirniin w in bore t 10 nniuo AiucriHu, and, ns Vespucci's name wns Alberlco, geographers aud hlBtorinns wouiu euro-1 ly have clrcn Ih now .nnii... .1.1. name if they had desired to honor him In this fashion. "Newly discovered countries wero n y named after sovereigns, ns wo hco 11 tho case of (ieorgla, LouIhIhiiii, Mary. 'Hid, nnd the Philippines, ,,nd when ex pIiirerH did give mimes to countries they Helected those of their own fnmlllcH, iih wo hod in tho ciiho of Vancouver nnd Miigellnii. The origin of such place h Coloinblii, Columbus nnd Colon enn " ho bo clearly tracod."-lJoHlon Her. 11 Id. LAW A8 INTERPRETED. An ordinance rcHtrlctliig heavily load ed vehicles to a specified portion of a street Is held. In Htuto vs. Hourilmnn (Me.), M I, n, A. 750, to be unreason, able, uiiIchh thut portion Is reasonably Htilted to tlio purpose, aud Its enforce inent Is denied when that part of tho Htreet Is absolutely Impassable. A Htnto statute providing for a Jury of eight instead of twelve persona In nny criminal ciiho not capital is held by the Kiipieine Court of the United Wilton, In Maxwell vs. Dow, U. H. Adv. HheelH, AW, not to be In violation of tho provisions of the Federal constitution respecting duo process of law and tho privileges and liiiintintleu of citizens. In estimating the damages sustained by tho owner of laud Injured by tho exercise of tho right of eminent do uinlii, It Is held, in I'hlladelphlii Hall Club vs. Philadelphia (Pn.), -PI I,. It. A. 721, thnt future profits of the biiHlness cannot bo considered for nny purpose whatever, and iiIko Hint the amount re coverable Is tho difference between tho value of the piopeity immediately bo foro and that Immediately after tho daiiingo Inflicted, uiiiin'ected by any subsequent change In the circumstances or condition of tho property. Paymcnth to n Htute, received ami ac cepted, though made In void treasury warrants which the Ktnte was not com pelled to receive, are held by tho Su preme Court of tho United Status, In Houston Sc. Texas Central Ilallroad Company vs. Texas (U. S. Adv. sheets, fiiri), to lie binding on the State, mid an nttempt to repudiate tho payments wns deemed to Impair the obligation of the Implied contract created by the trans action when the payments were ac cepted. In this case the warrants wero claimed to lie iincoiiHtitiitloiial because Issued to circulate iih money or as bills of credit, and iiIko void hccntiKc Issued In aid of the rebellion. Power of the legislature to authorize a municipality to acquire nnd maintain an Independent system of waterwork Is hold iu SkaucutclcH Waterworks Company vh. Sknncatcles (N. Y.). 40 I.. It. A. (i.S7 to be reserved to the mu nicipality on the granting of it fran chise which Is not made exclusive; but such franchise, though not exclusive, is held to he Impaired by 11 statute au thorizing tlie establishment of miill nlclpal waterworks, with the right to impose rates In such manlier as would compel the private company's property to pay therefor, mid would also author ize such a discrimination ngnlnst the company'H patrons as would absolutely destroy Its business. SIGNAL TOIVER8 ON THE LAKES I Will Me Placed nt I'oInU AlnnK Mlchl I Ban. Hnpcrlor nnd Huron. 1 In tho near futuro tho national , weather bureau will begin tho erection of n largo number of signal towers nt I various points In tho country for tho benefit of shipping Interests. From , theso towers will bo displayed flng, pennant nnd light slgnnls to warn ves sels of predicted storms nnd tell them tho directions from which tho storms will come. Twcnty-ono towers will bo erected within the Jurisdiction of the Chlcngo weather olllce. Lukes Michigan, Supe rior nnd Huron arc under tho Chicago olllce and at the various ports on theso lakes steel and iron structures nro to bo built. They will first bo placed nt those points where tho signal stnffs heretofore In use have been blown down or have about reached the end of their usefulness. The totul height of tho towers, Including topmasts, will bo seventy-five feet. At the baso the structure will bo ten feet square. Tho four standards or corner posts will slant Inwnrd nnd come together nt a point fifty feet above the ground. This will bo the top of the tower proper. From this point n mnst or flng polo will rise twenty-five feet. From the top of this mast will bo displayed the flng nnd storm pennnnts. Forty-flvo feet nbovo the ground will be placed the red light nnd ten feet above this the white light. These will bo the only light signals. Wherever It is pos sible Incandescent electric lights will be used for tho lanterns. In case no electric lights are available the finest oil lamps will be utilized. Where elec tricity Is employed the white lantern will bo supplied with two lights of llfty candle power ench nnd the red lamp will have four lights of fifty can dle power each. When the red light Is displayed alone In a Q 11 miliary. The number and variety of knives nnd forks that now grace a well-equip ped Hiid formal dinner table may well dismay one unused to such a varie gated outlay of cutlery and silver. There are forks for the oyster, for the lis Ii and for the ronst, nnd forks ns well for anything else that may be served. There are also knives to correspond to the forks thnt may be needed. Theso Implements that social convention de crees to be necessnry to convey food to the mouth are usunlly lnld out In for midable rows on either side of tho plnte. Tho other evening a simple Western maiden nt her first Kastcrn dinner surveyed her supply of knives and forks with growing trepidation. Her common sense told her that they wero lnld out In the regular order In which It wns Intended thnt they should be used, but nothing In her experience hud tnught her which wns the right end of the row to start In with. Final ly, In despair, she sought help from her next-door neighbor, n prominent pnysi clnn. "Sny, Doc," she questioned anx. lously, as she pointed nt the offending objects, "do you eat out ortnr row York Tribune. It will Indicate that there Is n storm ! coming from an easterly direction and I when the red and white are both turn ed on the storm Is approaching from a westerly point. Prof. Cox says that although the two lights are placed ten feet apart they will appear to occupy almost the same point when seen from a distance beyond five miles. Conse quently the light signals can be of no value when observed so far away. The Government recently Issued an Interesting document on the subject of the tower to the public In general and to Intending bidders on the construc tion of the signal stations. In this It Is stated that the tower Is to be con structed of galvanized structural steel, "the design being similar to thnt of the ordinary .steel towers used for wind mills, except thnt the tower Is extend ed upward In the form of a staff." Ileforo Grace. A vounc man who hns an Informal, not to sav discourteous, habit of help ing himself to bread or crackers as soon us ho is seated at table, received a mer ited reproof one day from an old coun try minister. Tho minister's pretty daughter wns the lodestouo that drew the young man the parsonage, and one day no was Invited to stay to supper. A plate of bread was near his place, and as ho seated himself he put out his hnnd and, tnklne n slice, proceeded to test Its quality by a, liberal mouthful. The old minister loonea at mm, nim then folded his hands nnd closed his es in preparation for grace. "For whnt we are nbout to receive," . Huld. with slow distinctness, "and for whnt our young guest has alrendy elved, the Lord make- us irtuy tuann- ful." The Thirteen Huperatltlon. "What, want to leave to-day, Jane, and you only came yesterday V" 'Well, yes'm. xou sco, you re 1110 thirteenth missus l'vo 'ad this year, and you're unlucky." "Why, then, Uia you come; - " 'Cause I 'ad to 'avo n thirteenth, nnd I thought I'd get It over. I leaves terulght, mum." Ixmdon I'fck-flie-up. By "advantages of n higher educa tion" Is meant sending a gin on iq school In order that sho may form s,o aualntauccs to visit In the summer. AJSINGINU MOUSE. Little K ode nt that Warbles Just Like a Canary. Mrs. M. E. Marshall, of Brownwood, Texas, has In her possession a singing mouse. This wonderful little animal was captured In a trap In Mrs. Mar shall's home several months ago. Pre vious to Its capture the Inmates of the house frequently heard loud and most beautiful singing which seemed to come from the walls of tho building. Tho notes of the music wero almost Identical with that of tho tnnnry bird, except the volume of music was much louder. Many long and fruitless searches were made for tho supposed hidden canary, and dually some of tho people who knew of the remarkable musical phenomena bad their supersti tion aroused and tho report wns circu lated that the house wns haunted. Mrs. Marshall, however, wns willing to live with such a musical ghost. One morn ing a beautiful dove-colored mouse was found In n trap In tho pantry. The color and general appearance of the lit tle animal attracted Immediate atten tion, and whllo the household were gathered about the trap Inspecting the captive It began to sing like n cannry. Tho notes were strong and clear. Tho news thnt a musical mouse had been captured at Mrs. Marshall's homo soon spread throughout the town, nud hun dreds of people called at the pluco nnd saw the little animal and heard It sing. A handsome cage was provided for It and It soon became completely domesti cated. It sings hour after hour and seems to enjoy tho distinction which It has attained. The house hns been vis ited by people from far and near, and no ono Is able to explain the remark able gift which It possesses. Austin (Texas) Correspondence Chicago Rec ord. Newfoundland Cadflsh. Tho annual export of codfish from Newfoundland Is about 1,350,000 hundredweight. i NEW BIONAr, TOWEIt, I he Tomtit, f Whoever to named New York's loomy prison choso an apt and signifi cant phraso. Many a wretchod crim inal has fomid indeod therein that tho path of sin is tho path of doath, and tuts mourned nt the burial of his own blighted hopes and ruined resolutions. liut "stono walls do not a prison imiko." Tli ore are thoao who sit im mured in "tho tombs" of n dead past 1 and woeful present. Themselves, ns miiton wouiu nave it, nro tneir own dungeons. Let thorn lift up their heads to tho dawn nnd freedom. God is not far from any one of ns. ilnptist Union. ' Do not omit tho lute cuonmbors for pickling. Tho seed may bo planted in Juno or July. Tho Whito Spino is an excellent variety, as it is nnifonn, round nnd of good length. It is also tender nnd very crisp, having a long stem, nnd thoy keop woll as pickles. They must bo picked off ilnlly or they will grow too largo. Wlint tVlll Heconifl of Clilnn? I None can (orsee the outcome of the qunrrol between foreign powers over the division of China. It is interesting to watch the going to pieces of this race. . Many people arc nlso going to pieces be I cause of dyspepsia, constipation and stom ach diseases. Good health can be retained if we use Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. I The Chicago Tribune thinks a cycle path for wheelmen may be considered u good thing on the side. - v I'opt'a Trouljlfs "The gas bill is twice what it was last month," said the poet's wifo. "There must be something wrong with tho meter." "I wish I wero a gas company," sighed tho poet. "Every time my motor goes wrong I loso money." In dianapolis Press. lilack cotton hose should bo dried nnd ironed on the wrong side to pre vent fading. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derango the whole sys tem vrhcneiiterlng It through the mucous sur faces. Such articles should never be used ex cept on prescriptions from reputable physi cians, as thedaraage they will do Is ten fold to tho good you ran possibly derive from them. Han's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O., contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous aurfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure you get the genuine. It Is taken Internally, and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Co. Testi monials free. Bold by Druggists, price "Ins. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The income of John D. Rockefeller, of tho Standard Oil Company, increases at tho ratu ot $084 nu hour, night and day. City Clerk Donovun, of Boston, has chosen for his messenger a 17 year old girl, Miss Annie G. Itiley, the first of her sex to hold such 11 position in Bos ton. The civil service commissioners being unnblo to supply a girl in re sponse to Mr. Donovan's request, ho chose his own messenger. Confusion in tho head, vertigo, stu por, faiutuess, nausea, vomiting, gen eral depression of tho nervous and cir culatory functions, follow the ingestion of large quantities of tobacco. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If yon haven't a regular, healthy rooremrnt of tht bowels ctcry day, yoo'ro sick, or will be. Keen yoni boirols open, and bo well, Force. In thnshapnol Tfolont phytic or pill poison, Is dangerous. Tin smoothest, easiest, most perfect way or keeping lbs bowels clear and clean la to take Unfortunately a willing person is nearly always a stupid person. of Jp CATHARTIC TJtAOf MAHH RIOWTIfttD ..Pleasant. Talatable, Potent. Taste qporf. Do O00A rteTerSloken, Weaken, ortlrlpe. lOo. UK WrlM (or free sample, and booklet on healtn. Address Bitrllai Rn; ('p.aj, Cbfeaffa, alrtal, fftw Tark. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN An Knay Job. "What is Smith doing now?" "He is traveling with a circus." "Pretty.hard work, isn't it," "Nn: hn bna nnthinir to do but to stick his head into tho lion's mouth twico a day." Tit-Bits. Silence la floltlen. Mrs. Stubb John, -would yon refei to a gnn as feminine? Mr. Stnbb I should think not Ma rial "And why not?" "Because guns can bo silenced." Chicago Evening News. HOITT'S SCHOOL. Menlo Park. San Mateo County, Cab. with its new buildings, newly furnished and complete laboratories, beautiful sur roundings and home inlluences, is one ol the best equipped schools tor the trainlm: of boys and young men on the coast. It is in charge of Dr. Ira G. Hoitt and is ac credited Btthe universities. Send for cat alog, Tenth year begins August 0, 1000. Eyesight is frequently impaired by the use of tobacco, dne to the paralyz ing of the noives controlling the iris, or paralysis of the optio nerve, some times resulting in absolute loss of sight. Mothers will And Mrs. Winston's Sooth lug Syrnp the best remedy to use for thrlt children during the teething period. Tho towns of Eddy and Moody. Tex., have each voted "no license," the former by a big majority. Ptso's Cure for Consumption is an infal. able medicine for cOughs and colds. N. W. Samuel, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900. In Prussia habitual drunkards may be legally put in charge of guardians. Thermometer a Nuraerr Keqiilalte. A thermometer is almost iudespensi ble in the nursery. It should, if possi ble, hang in tho middle of the room, away from tho door, window, wall and fireplace, where the mercury may be affected by the draught. Ii the room where the baby is obliged to sleep i very hot in tho middle of tho day, or u at night, hang a wet sheet over the window and leave the door opeu. Sprinkle the sheet as it drie.n with u whisk broom that has been dipped in cold water. Ladies' Homo Journal. We Are Direct Importers of ..AVEMARBUS GAfSBOUNEUM.m (The Famous German Wood Preserver) WHICH l'ERMAXKSTI.Y DKSTROYS CHICKEN LICE A1ND VERMIN One application is all that is required. It lasts for years. Price, 50 cents per quart. Write for circulars and information FISHER, THORSEN & CO., Portland, Oregon (PACIFIC COAST AOKNTS.) CHAMPION BINDER .. Best On Earth... Eccentric Sprocket Wheel, chain pulls on the long: spokes when doing- the hardest work, which is compressing- the bundle, tying- the knot and discharging: the bundle. We guarantee a g-ain of power of J 6 2-3 per cent at this time. Force Feed Elevator, warranted to waste less grain than any other. Send for Catalogue. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO. First and Taylor Streets, Portland, Oregon Branches: Salem, McMinnville, La Grande, Medford, Seattle, Spokane. AflE YOU COIiO OR HOT? You can be comfortable ftlwayn If you hare tho New Columbian tire grate lu your home, No imro trouble from smoke or Imlf-Ueatetl room. Jib.- a new system of draughts, thrown the heat tut o the room inaieau oi up uie cnimuey, aua saves ymi monev. Let us tell von about this new crate. It ti perfection fur any household. For particulars and full description apply to Til K JOHN It Alt HARD WORKING WOMEN Can And quick and permanent relief for serious 'and atieuctli destroying troubles lu Moore's Revealed Remedy Thousands have used It and thousands now praise It. It cures permanently. )1 per bottle at your drugsUt's. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. lliilUllncr or remodellne residences and stores. We carry a complete line of Mantels, Urates and Tiling, Tile Flooring, Tile Wain scoting, Andirons, Fenders, Pereeni, Klecttlc, lias aud Combination Chandeliers, and all sup plies pertaining to Klectrle and' (las Lighting, we also carry alt kinds of llatterlet. Hells aud Indicators. Photographs cheerfully sent 011 application, KltANK IIOI.COMI! 4- CO. x,D n Hsuiiigion sc., ruriinnu, ur. no an ll CHRIS VfHiRE All f LSf f AIIS. it flSf fIIS. 1 licet uougn Bjrup. Tastes uooa. Bold by druggist. Use I LATEST Uf El 1 A BEST WELL A 100 feet 1. 2Q0D ft. MARHINIPS UU L002IIS ft HYMAlf, TIFTIir. OHIO. JOHN POOUS. Portland, Oreooh, cun give you the best bargains iu general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X Ii windmill, sold by him, is tin equalled. DR7GUNN'SKPILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure flick Headache and Dya pepils, Remoite 1'lmples, Purity tbe Blood, Aid Ulges tloa.PreTentllUlousDeaa. lionotUrlpeorSIcken. To conTtnce you. will mall samp'e free 1 full box.tttc. D R. BOSANKO CO., niiaa.i,kia, fa. Coldbj Druggists. la 6 1J TiFtS OOtrtBlMd M U Pi- ft Bll CoDlaVa-laa. fxu. s, a, Jem CURE YOURSELF! Dm Dig CI (or unnatural dlschBrgea.lpflammaUons, Irritations or ulcerations of mueoua membranes, l'alnleaa. and not aatrlu lEiACtuuioiLCa, Sut or poisonous, MICimTI.O.HK s y DrntrclaU, -or eui in plain wrapper, by ipreaa, prepaid, for ai.wi, or a tottlea, S3.TO. Circular sent on requt.t. N. P. N. U. a Ho, 37-1000 III If mansion this pupar IIJCN writing to BUvartlavra Plaaaa