NOTICK FOU PUBLICATION. United State Lund OITice. Rosoburj;, Oic, May 22, 1000. Noticft ih hiTfliv diviii Unit in com dinners with t)ir provision!) of the net of Jongrcss oi Juno . Jtws. entttiai ". act lor the -ale of timber landn in tl btHti-H o( California, Orccon, Nevada and Washington Territory," DAVID FINN of Hcrrill, County of Lincoln, State of tVlffcontdu has thin day Hied in this etTieo iii eworn etntemont No. 1067, for ho tmrclinso of theliW w. of Section flfo. 12. in Township No. 21 8. lUna Ko. 1 V..and will oflur inof to show that the land souiiht is more niluablo lor iln timber or stone than for rtjjri cultural pnrwows. und to estahliah hi tdaim to rain lnnd before tho Kegiater and KecciriT ol this omco at Koseburjj, Oregon, on Monday the 13th day ol Au pint )!KM). He names as witnesses: John Cnrrin of Wildwood, Oregon, 0. V. 1,1111(1, II. J. Hansen, A. il. rsow man. of Kucone. On-con . Anr and all persons claiming ad' tersely the nbovc-dcscTibvd lanrts are requested to file their claims in tlii office on or before said 13th day of An gust JWO. J. T. IIbidoes, Register. NOTICE FOK PUIlMCAriON. United States Land OITice, ICoscburg, Oregon, av 23, 1900. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions f the act of Congress of June X, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lands in the Mtates of California, Oregon, Nevada and ashington Territory," KATE A . BOOTH, of Roseburg, Oregon, County of Dotig- jas, oiuiu ui un-guu, nan una uav uit-u in this olucoher sworn mtemcnt o. W7, lor the pnrehaso of tho north-east quarter of Section No. 18, in Township No. 23 S, Range No. 1 W., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is mora valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Ko.-eburc, Oregon, on tTiuay the 3rd day of August, 1000. Bhe names as witnesses: K. P. Phillips, I). H. Brumbaugh, MiHIp Spong, J. D. Palmer, of Cottage tt rove, uregon. Anv and all person? claiming ad versely tho above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this Rico on or before said 3rd day of Au gust 1900, J. T. BniiKJEs, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Uniteil States Land Office. Rosebure, Oregon, May 7, 1000. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lands in the States of California. Ore&m. Nevada. at'd 'Washington Territory." Martin Ilaagensonof Wet Superior, County of xrougins, Mate ot Wisconsin, has this day tiled in this office his sworn statu mens No. 1003, for tho purchase of the 8W 1-4 NE 1-4, NW 1-4 SE 1-4, SE 1-4 N V 1-4, Ji K 1-4 S W J-4, of Section So. 28, in Township Io. 21 b. ICance 2io. 1 W. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or atono than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim toaid land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday the 2Gth day of July 1000. Ho names as witnesses: M. Mattson. A. Aabv. H.J. Hansen if Eugene, Oregon, Gunder Kornatad of Cottage Grove, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad Tersely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 2Gth day of July 1000. J. T. Bbidoeh, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States Lund Office, Rosehurg, Oregon, May 7, 1000. Notice is herebv ulven that in com plioiicewith tho provisions of the act of Congress ot June ;t ihim, enutieii "au act for tho nnloof timber lands in tho States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," Gunder Kornstad of Cottago Grovo, County of Lane. State of Oregon, has this day Hied in this oflico his sworn statement No. i(w i. .....i....... ..r mi' i.j nf Section No. 24. in Township No. 21 S. Range No. 1 ., nml will offer proof to show that tho land sought is mora valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural nurnowca. and to establish hts claim to said land oeioro mo Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburu. Oregon, on Thursday the 20th day of July 1000. Ho names us witnesses: M. Haagcnson of West Superior, Wis consin, M. Mattson, A. Aaby, II. J. linneon, of r.ugene, Uregon. Anv and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are re- quoted to lllo their claiti'H in this office on or before said 20th day of July 1000. J . T. ltllttXIKS, Register. CONTEST NOTICE. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, April 24, 1900, .notice is nerei'V given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of fjongress oi Junes, 1H7, entitled "An act for the Bale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Sam C. Randall, elc.ugene,Uounty of Lane, Mate of Ore gon has this day filed in this office his Hworn atatcmont No. bGO. for tho pur chase of the W & SW H, SW 1-4 NV 1-4 NE 1-4 SW 1-4 of Section No 34, in Township Np.21 S. Range No. 2 W., and will offer proof to show that the land ought is nioro valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday, the iztn uay oi jury, luvu. Ho names as witnesses : OleOvland, Oriu Robinson, of Eu gene. Oregon, William Van Gorden Cottago Grove, Oregon, Martin Ophus, of Eugene, Oregon. Anv and nil persons claiming adversely the a bo ve-d escribed lands arc requested to Die their claims in this oltice on or toforo said 12th day of July, 1000. J. T. Bridges, Register. Don't Let Baby Suffer. THKRK IS ONLY ONE Till NO KNOWN for aiding toe teething process and alow growtn in infants and children, and that Is. for very ob- Tlous reasons, called ANTIr'IlET. It stops the fretting', restlessness, general feebleness, colic ana aiarrnoea. i-reveuis Drain irouuica uiiu M.nvnlslnns. ltenderi lanclne irumi unneces sary, it has been estimated that live millions of babies die annually (or want of mothers knowing what to do. Dentition is the danger us period of child llfo, far to serious to bo dis missed with the careless remark "liaby is cutting her teeth," Your child needs bone making material. ANTIKRET supplies this Want. Is tasteless, dissolves in milk and taken asily. One box will save your baby untold misery Bent postpaid by return mall on re reiptof 80 tents. Full Instructions witheacb. 'Address INLAND DKUQ CO., WSt Washington street, Ban Francisco, Cal. Antlfret so certainly Mlievea teething babies that we will on all tMckages. sold by mail refund the money by sending stamps in fall for those returned with in W days not rver one-fonrth used. Our garden 'tools are all right call and see them before you buy. Griwin VBAtcu Co. United States Land Office, Ro'eburg, Oregon, May 17, 1000. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office bv George U . Snapp, contestant, niraiust the home stead entry No. 9247, made Decemlwr 2, IHU3, lor b 1-4 Section 20, Township M s, itange w ., Dy ik;rt Jl. iJeatid- reau. Uontestee. in which it is alleged that the said entryman has wholly abandoned the tracts embraced in his entry for a period exceeding six months, nndliiisnot resided ujwn or cultivatetl the same as by law required, and that the abandonment is not caused by reason of his service in either the Army or Navy of the United States in time of war, said parties are hereby notified to to appear, respond and offer ovidencu touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. on June 80. 1900 before J. h. Young. Notary Public at Cottage Grove, Ore gon, (and that final hearing will be eld at 2 o'clock p m. on July 10. 1900 before) the Register and Receiver at the United States Land office in Rose burg, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affidavit, filed May 14, 1900, set forth facta which show that after due dilligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice bo given by due and proper publication. j. i. lir.iDots, u"gister. J. II. Booth, Receiver. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICF Notice Is hereby Eiven that I O. U. Snstw. have ticen dnlr annotated iirimlnljttrAtnr nf thA estate of Otto Freuerickson, deceased. AU per sons having claims against said estate are re- ;mrea 10 presentment in men ine noire ni erome Knox, in Cottage drove. Lane county. Oregon, with proper vouchers, within six monins irom inenateoi tnis nonce. Dated thU 19th day of May, 19(1). tl. u. Ssirr, Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Lnnd Office, Roseburg, Oregon, April 23. 1000. Notice it. herebv given that hi com plianco with the provisions of tho act of nnni.roH.4nf Juno 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber hinds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, NOTlOKI'OUrilllldOATlON. United States Um Ofllco, Rowbura, Ore, April 27. lWJO. v.i. i. .i.rol.v ulven that In c in- ii- ..ii..r':;'m. tliiimvlslonsof tho act oi "f 1'ongrei.sof Juno' 3, 1878 cut tin nml Washliipton Territory. Bristow. of Cottago Grove, County of Darwin il "Ail StatcH t)I Caiuornia. u . and Washington Terrilory,' Hr. KrohnliXof West Surior. Comity of lkrioiun , ui uuiuiku wiuir. vimv v Lane, Slate of Oregon, has this day lljcd In this office his sworn statement No. No. 089. for the purchase of thoSK 1-4 of Section No. 12. In Township No. 23 S., Range No. 2 W and will offlT proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stout than for agricultural purposes, nml to establish his claim to said land before tho Register mid Receiver of thu ofllco at Roseburg, Oregon, on Monday tho 23rd day of July 1HV. lie names as witnesses : Nat Martin. J. I. Jones. E. E. Lilly. Frank Williams, of Cottage Grove, Ore- on. Anv and all iteraons nlnimlncr nd verselv the above-described lands are re quested to tile their claims in this office on or Peioro said .'3rd day oi July, luou J. T. IlnttMIRS, Register. Dong as, State oi v ihcuiisui. i" lllell in ihiM.llleo his sw.un No. 983, for thu purchase of tlie, 4 t i u v 'i in Towns i i No20. NOTICEFOR PUBLICATION. Unitel States Iind Office, Riwubuig. Orc.May 10 1900. AottcuiH hereby given that in com diance with the provisions of tho act of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timlwr lands in the States of California. Oregon. Nevada. and Washington Territory," Herbert II. iiuwiey ot vantage uruve. uounty ot Line. State of Oregon, has this day tiled in this officehis sworn statement No. 1027. for thu purchase of the E 1-2 SE 1-4 of Section No. 30, in Township No. 21 S. Range No. 1 W., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday tho 9th uav ot August, iuuu. lie names as witnesses: MissOrpha Hawlev, W.W. Hawlev, J. W. Cook, Mrs. J. W. Cook.of Cottage urove, Uregon, Any and all persons claimlngadversely the aDove-deseriPed lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 0th day of August, 1900. I . T. BniooEs, Register. Ruiiuo No.2V., nml will oner prow i show thnt the lnnd soiigni i valuable for its UiiiIht or stone "" " agricultural purposes, and l; cMiibl h i ItTs claim to said land Udoro the HegiHtor mid Receiver of this office at Roseburg. Oregon, on Friday tho 20th day of Julv ItHW. lie names nswitmwsM: J. Carlson, S. L. Ilarshain, of W est Superior. WisiMiisIn, II. IX; f Cot tago Grove, Oregon, I. Iiudof Dorena, rAt.v''and all persons rlnlming ad versely the nlwvoHlescrllied lands are reques'tcil to lllo their claims in this office on or K'foro said '.Vin way oi July 1900. m V V II ..J J . 1. i limf, Register NOTICE Ittlt rUlll.lCATIOS. I'nlted Watei fjoid OlUce, Itiweburg, Oreei'ii. May II I9W. Notice l hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, ISTS. entitled "An act for thowle of timber lands In the8tateji of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," JOKOKNJ. 1IOVI) of Halatad, County of Normann, Hlate of Minnesota has this ilay Died In this oDIce bis sworn Matemen No. 1WI, for the purchase of the I.ols. 3, t, 9, 10 of Section No SI, In Tonn shlpNo.aPouth Itange No.l West, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber ur stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the llegister and He eelrcr of this ofllcc at Itosebnrg, Oregon, on Saturday the ltth day of August WO. He names as witnesses: Paul J. Langaunct.i'eder J. Jermitad. of Hal atad, Minnesota, It. J. Hansen, A. A. Aabjr.of Eugene, Oregon. Any and all persons claimlngadversely the above-described lands are rcincsted to llle their claims In this office on or before said llth day of August 1900. T. T. Ilitinnrs, Itcgister. Tho Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., arc offering 30,000 feet of 1" cull material from 4 inches to 10 inches wide at $3 00 per M. They also have n lot of 2x4 and 2x8 at the same price. Griffin & Veatch Co. are agents for the celebrated Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows and Cultivators. W. L. Coppornoll, tho jeweler of Eu gene, will pay the postage on all work sent him. Parties desiring to build barns, sheds or other outbuildings would do well to take advantage of the low figure at which The Booth' Kelly Lumber Co. are offering some cull lumber in i inch and 2 inch thickness. Call on them or write them for particulars. W. S. ClIRISMAN. Eli Bangs. The Fashion Stables Grisniai) & Bait5s, Proprietors. Jj Proprietors of the Bohemia & and K Black Butte Stage Lines. NOTICE FOK J'UUMCATION. Culled States Uml ORIce, Iloscburg, Oregon, May 1 1, 1!W. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress nf Junes, 187M, entitled "An act for the sale ol timber lauds In the States of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," I-EDKK J. JKItMSTAP of Halstad, County of Nortnand. Slate of Minnesota hs this day li'elin this ofUi-e bl sworn statement .no. for the purt-bsse of the Lots '., 5, 8, llof Section .So..' I, In Toarmhlp .So. 1 South Kange No. 1 West, and Mill olfcr proof to show that the land sitight Is mure valuable for its tluibcr or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim In said laud before the iieglster and Ittctlvcrof thlsofllce at lioscburg, Oregon, on Saturday the II day of August TAX). He names asnllnesscs: Paul J. Ijiugaunet, J. J. Hovd, ol Halstad, Minn., II. J. IlmiKii, A. A. Aaby, of Kugclie, Oregon. Any and all persons claimlngadversely the above-described lauds are requested to tile tbrir claims in this office on or before said llth day of August 1100. J.T. tlnibOES, llegister. NOTICK KOIl 1'OIH.ICATiON. NOT1CK l'OU l'UHMOATION. Uulled Stitlt'ii Iiml OfTlre. RoKoburg, Oifgon, April 27, 1000. Notice Is hereby g von Unit In om; pllnnco with tho provl-lons of t ho act of h i-Hof JunoS. 1878. ontllli-d "An not for tlio Kiiloof limber ImikIm In tho Slides of Cillfornlit, Ort-gon, Nfviula, ,! Wiishlniiton Territory," John (JarlHon of VVcst Hupor or, Counly of loiii;lit, Slide ol WIhinjiihIii Iimh .I..,, oi,., I in this n flcu hit wrtorii I stiiteiiicnt No. W, for tho n rein cf heSr.l-l of Section No. 21. in Town t ai.ti.Nii.20 8 ltunuc No. 2tt ..and will offer proof to show that tho hind nought is more vnlimble for its timber or rtonu thimfor iigrie'illiiriil piirMii.c.. iind to establish his claim l" fiilil land before the Rrglster and Rcn-iverof tht't officii at Ihwehiire, Ortvou, on Ft May thu 20th day of July I WW. Iliiniimrnas wltnewt: 11. Krohnhoefcr. 8. L. Hnrshiim, of West Superior, Wiscomdn, II. vow of Cottage Urovc, Oregon, I. I-and ol Doiviiii, Oregon. Anv and nil persons claiming ad verselv the alsivi-ihwribitl hinds ntp reiiucHlcil to lllo their claims Inlhis oirlco on or Iwforo said 20th dny of July J. T. Hmipoks. Register. "-vrici: for 1'iriiMCATiON. United Htates IJind OIUcp, Roseburg. Oregon, Slay 3rd, I WW. Nothvis herebv given that in tiim pllanro with the provisions of tho act of Conuress of June 3, 1878, untitled "An act for the saleof timlxT lands In the Slates of California. Oregon, Nevada, mid WaHhinclon Territory," Thccxlore Niclson of llollwk. County of Mttcoti, State of Minnesota has this day (llfl in lliisolllce ins sworn mimicm .. i';". for the iinri')ino of the 8W '( of Httlon No. 28, In Township No. 21 South Rnngo Nn. 1 West and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more vnliinhlf for Its tinilx-ror stono than for agri cultural piirwwcH, and to establish his claim to saiil land More the Rtvlslcr snd Receiver of this ofTice at RiHd)iiry. Oregon, on Weilucwlay the2Tith day of Julv 1WW. lie niinipt n wltncscn: J. K. Hamsfnd of Onlodmilii. North Dakota, Matt Malleoli of Miiitii'aMls Minnesota, O. O. Lund, II. J. of Kiiiietii'. Oretfon. Anv ami all person- claiming nd veiTi'lv the nliovt,-di'crllKil lands tin-re-iin'ftiH o tile their claims in this office on or More said 2."tli dav of July HWO. J.T. IIiillniKs, Register. Kwmi.umilUATJj Notice is liKSjlnnttt Plliuife with the p!, " ''I I In?; Conurtssof Jiint' l K7M ',,', "'HrtH uol?,r the, Ale , ifi V'tlllM1 Htutes ol California (vl l"nJ' lil InrHliiiin of Wist K ".' b? Jrmf DutlU IIR. Hint., ol U-V" yV,. I'OBnlJS "led in this omru l u r,nll-MI,M ... .i... . "'7 n"i'rn si.i.:-; Vit IIU'I I j," -w,. no. "'Lni itt !..!"'! Will offer ..".K PIMJ1V nun inn In,.. i ... . nixji la ... " """Itll Is ..grlc,,l.,,n,i;mr'Mone,h,S It a.-t.l i nni.Li July 1WK). 1 "w Ui III fill I III to Hi-glider mid iloKoburg, 20th day of , lie names ns wlim... . II. Kroliiihoeft-r. J. (,! 8HK.rior,Wu,.?)MHi;tf;,f;n off drove, I. Land of )rui.n nl!,tv"it Any mid nil ,,, '". n versdy tho a!.!.,, ' fj i H. rcMin-stitl to v their -uT L .'1' " olrtw on or Ufore .ild sjfe ' M I1W0. """'"oUjij J- T. llmiit(i li.i...r NOTICH FQH I'l'llUCATlOX, United 8lat,.sLll)1j0fflf. ItiNiburg. Oregon, Ma)- 1 Notlco Is hcrcFiy g ,..,, i,,. w Pll-nc.. will, ,r ,,?,"," '! Longrt'sa ol Jinn-II. act for the sale of NOTICK FOR riMIMCATION. tlln t 1.7 'I Slat, s of California, iwT," ami Wn.hliiKton Ti-rXv " .MnttHon of Minn..atK(s , LJ1 Henncp,,, State ol M i,,.,' day tilod in this otlli-., In. Imrut No Um for , he pn.clft , N 14 of Section No. 2S. in T.1..1 lNo.21 .South I!a,,oN: l wuioiicr pnxino sliow thm iu'G sought Is more valuable or J. urNtiMiothiiii for agricultural and liutilnl.llsli bis (.iml0 Mow thu Register nnd Rnrim JS iilhra nl Hoolurg. (Jr.jto... on Wri my iiif .inn uiir 01 juiy ilsjy, lie uumes mm witui-ssrs ThtNNlore Niclson. of IIoIIopV llatiMen. ' ?' . i i"."' lonii(.v! '.iMiiu, .ii. iiuiigi-iisi-ii olWntyc pcrlor, WlwDiisin. II. J. Ihnsmd I gene, Oregon. Anv mid all i.'non rllm!i) ii vcmily thf bImvi-iIitiU-,1 n,), mil iiitKtfd to file thrlr rlaims In IMkAi on or bvfoiu said 2th dav of Jnlr its J- T. llniusu, Itrj;Iitf. Unito-I Stab- Lmd Office, Krwchiirg, Oregon , May ;!rd, IWJ0, N'otico is hereby givcii that in com tiliainv with the p'tovli'iona of tho net o' Comrrcis of June 3, JS78, entitled "An act fur the sale of timW-r la ml-' in the State" of California, Oregon. Ncv.ula, and WaHhiuiflon Territory," .lohiiiinc" K. lliutiHlnd of Colnloiita, Comity of Traill. State of North Dakola has this day llled in thi" office his -nvorn state-1 slatcitit'iit No. liTii), for the iurchiirr of theNK 1 of Section No. 28. in towiplilp NOTICK FOK I'l III.ICATIOX Unltt-il Stnlis I jii.1 Off,.- Roi'i-butg, Ore. April 21, 1)1; Not I cm Is hereby giveu that inn jiliniico with the proviHiniiHof lliexK Congnns of June ;i. H7H. enlilW "h act for the dc of timber I111J1 ii U Satin of California. Orrgati, Ami, iitid Wtishliigtoii Tcrrltury," Mirti Ophus of Kiigcnc, Oregon," CooaHi: iilic. SlH'i-ot On-con. ha Ililsilji W In this office hissMorn slntrmretli Vo.'M Koiiili Nniim. v.. 1 UV-f 11 11,1 uin ' I", lortiie IlllrfllllCf Ol K JEV offer prK)f to show that the land soi-ght I N! a $w U of -S-i-tion No. 3l,in T(t Reasonable Prices -- 'First-Class mwm mum United States Itnd Office, Uoscburg, Oregon. May 11, two. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Junes, HQ), entitled "An act for the sale ol timber lands in the States of Callfornla.Orcgon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," PAl'I, J.LA.NUUNET of Halstad, County ot Normand. State of Minnesota has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No. 1019, for the pur- Tr t- 1 1 r I uo o 01 rcciiou ,-t(i,'.'i, 111 lomOOtS, IJcrublC Of Single TownshlpNo.atSouth BangeNo. lW.,andllt ,. offer proof to show that the land sought is more UHtage Urove, Oregon. vsluablo for Its timber or stone than for agrl- cnltural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Iieglster and recelrcrof this office at Itoseburg, Oregon, 011 Saturday the 11 uay 01 August 1900. He names as witnesses: leuer J. Jermstad, J, J, Hovd. of Halstad. inn., a. A. Aaby, O. O. f.und, of Engene, Ore gon. Any and all persons clslmlnit adversely ih above-described lands are requesteil to llle their claims In this office on orbeforo said 11 uay ot August 19C0. J. T. Driixirs, Iieglster. MONTROSE BWYOLEMTREE s more valuable for its limU-r or stone lltaii for agricultural purpoc, and to establish his clnitn tosnid laud Ix-forr the ltivi"ler and Receiver of I IiIh ofllco it Ro-ehiin.'. Oregon, on Wednesday the i'tth day of July, I WW. Ilenamesns witneo'cp; Then. Niclson of llollo-k. Minneola. Matt Mattson of Miiineapolis, Mimic ota, O. O. Lund, II. J. Hansen, of Kit- gene, Oregon. Any nml all pen'ons claiming nd vcrsely the tihove-descrilieti lands are room-sled to file their claims in this office on or leforo said 2."th day of Julv 1000. J.T, IlntrxiKf, Register. THE SOUTH AND KAST VIA SHASTA ROUTE OF THE CotUgo lUtions oreari llmrnnl. .IIm.., . - .. " ' prlcfrom any on. l. rtfaw It and wT will pVr aU .iSSiSiiS! at onr Hneclnl Amni'a JIl R.SO r s'sv aa si.u ui w m ilaa tlcycIaoTcroffered. Waira.rmi.Vri; at our Hoeclal Is Uis greatest bargain madatoscareifll-ff AOEttfln ehto and taka orders. OnrairenS trii. f..t wwa rrpr",cnt ?ncoii?ina ti nus rniM.fiAPHii,.i.jiu . .1 . ......... -1 nanaieoari uorai Area ero h.-. . .cr.r. .vsv. Pn ana : r- '"""i v navu nans and 14.0 jajuen nuuiing anown) jcra "A" tires, tho Uit and ih b-v . mort eirnrlT. Urt. on th mrktt The trenulM M,.l.r?, Ilr,iu i s. vl fdnei pelto, tools and acceorles the l.t ouKKnifiI?iI jj 1 Chti mU hmi with each bicycle. ,,,r sraar- FHEE Manri,?th.oifljcali la.fall with order win 0W MEAT MARKET! UHtAV WHEELS. ??.5,?f??f?. irt. concerns and Ug mpptr nsoses adrerUM andscli a blRhTrade. w.'!?ZtZZ2?u'Ti.Dn' h.r,.ttonr,orltos1aM mend them. UErouK uhUEUIKO a bicycle of anyone else, Sm? who ToThS r.'i'S b S?i "iWiS" 'o" ch we can save yon Sr. the . e mhlri.W "ou IIUARI r In tSIIV awhM weonas.llToutoKAIlN a llliivili 1,.,. to each towilor this r'r w."T?erlhan will close out at OK to aiolachl also sorneinwrniiSinS; ikS".,5 ifM? "M. . OVU IIKUAU1UTV Is unqoestloned. We refer to arir lankor LnVlnM. hon. in iT railroad coropany. Wo will send !""KSt v''."!Sr "7. "-"k or bnslness house irTcrilc;,S e7nre,.o. SEND YOUR ORDER tf-adi!S?a lu, MEMa GYGLE COMPANY, CMoaao, m. Oregon 1- IIAVE FOB H0BE TIU!t 3E IE1BS BEE5 CELIDUATED FOB TBEIB EXTBEKE1CC0IUCT I 7 ire matio our "Diamond" T 1' 1st 61 with two Suvtw-Ouiiota Mcax Tn tW1 a lenaths of barrel, O and 10 inches, liveru one guarantcetl. Price, Postpaid, $5.00 with , O-inch barrel t 97. oo wtth lO-inch barret. Wo make a full line of rifles ; Price, from $0.00 uptvaras. isvery arm we turn out is warranted SAFE. SOXjIT ATfP ACOTJBATE, JT. STEVENS AltMS SeitdStamfler Catalctut. J. O. Jlox & TOOL M97 CO. . . . e.aea, v Main Street ri W wove, Supply house for Cottage Grove and Bohemia. Send your orders by Telephone. W. H. Beagle, M'g'r. Trains lavs land and way n. m. I.Y. Portland. Grovo for Tort t S:07 . m.t m, 7:00 p.m. . B:.10 l,t. LotUge Urove 1:20 a. in. 2:67 p.m. Ar. Ashland. ... . . .12:3.1 a. m. 11 :30 a. m. Ar. Hacnimento, ., 6:00 p. m. 4:35 a.m. at. nan rrancuco. 7Mrip.m. H:ICn. m, Ar. Ogilen CMS a.m. 11 :46a. in v;uun. m. utuua. tu. Ar. naniuijiiy.. 7:26 a.m. 7:25a. m Ar. Chicago 7:46 a.m. 0:30 m. AT' Angeiea.. 1:20 p. in. 7:00 a.m. Ar' SllX8.?' 0:00 P'm- An I?!1 V?.rth:- 0:30 ":30b. m. Ar. City of Mexico 0:65 b. ra. 0:65. m. Ar. IJouiton 4:00 a. m. 4:00a.m. ?.rw.fleni1" o:26 p.m. 0:25 p. in at. amngton.. 0:42a.m. :42a.m. Ar. new l oric. . . . 12 :43 p. m. 12 :43 p. m. I ulhnan and Tourlit care on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ok den and El Paso, and tonriat care to V. " c"? ""Wi w Orleans and naihineton. Connectlni at San Frnnchico with Bf v- bum avcHuiBiup nnes ior Honolulu. Ja pan, China. Philippine., Central and Boutli America. Bee D. T. Awhroy, Agent, Cottago .w.w uoiivii, ur auurusi 0, II. Markiiaii, O. P. A. Portland, Oregon. R. A. SANDERS, l'ltOPIUKTOR OY Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Choice Brands. A Favorite Resort. COTTAGE GROVE. OREGON. Rohcmia Nuccot and Would v CirPnninn f2.00 per year, idilpNo. 1 K. Itmi'No oiiit prooi to mum Hint the U ml r?l b nioro viiliuihh' for its timber or rta tliini lor nitrii'iillurnl puriMierf. im (Hliilillhli hlKi-lnltu to Fitlil land Wn UtyintiT iiihI Itttvitvr oltliiiffd nt n.wi'ltun:. Onx'uii, nn Tlinrjdiilii I'.Mh dny of July, 111X1. 11m nniiioM ns uitui-Mi. Sum V. llnndull, Olu Ovlaml.i Er ! t!tno, (int'on, Orin Kohmfon, Wilw no (lonlfii, ol t'ottiikt- tinirf, unp Anv nnd nil pvrHiiH claiwiw ! veiyfly the nlxivr-HliTfriNil liil rriiiitititl to till- thi-ir rwimi in lit oiru-o on or Moro aid I2tli ttajr of J1?. llJ0. J. T. Ubiwiw, ltrtiilM. GLASS k BR05, PROPRIETORS OF -- Cottage Grove I'laiiiiKi Mill! We arc nmv prepared to ti ..r.. .1- r ti t...o AfnilldlllB mi Kimis in iiriLai:i.ii - uormco. aasu aim xtooia, w . . n iwtn. window iromcs, aacw Windows, Pickets, elc. iirAMdiiiA.i. r t nil iriiiua iu.- lltuiinuia v m . - repaired. We will also wow r" ing, Rustic, Siding, CeiBnft size Studding, etc. PRICES REASOMBtf ..HI SHOP NEAR S. P. WW n AVD HOIENBECK ikum BRISTOL Headquarters men. Every waat attended to. EuGUNJf, - - - for MfaW Quiet dellvery-The VfetW