Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 15, 1900, Image 8

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United States Land Office .
Hom-burg, Ore, May 22, 1000.
Notice in livrobv kivuii that ui com
i hliniicu with tlio piovialons of tho net of
' uomm'tm oi Jtino a. 187, cnttiitM "A
act for tho suite of limber lands in tl
Htfltcfl of California, Orejzon, Nevada
anil Washington Territorv,"
of Itrrriil, County of Lincoln, Stafo of
VIpcoiiaIii has this day filed in this
office liiii Hworn Htutemuut No. 1057, for
the imrclinee of thcM 1-4, of boetion
No. '.2, in Township No. 21 S. Italic
No. 1 W..nnd will ofTor nroof to show
that tlto land sought is more valuablu
fur itH timber or stone than for nri
cultural nunxwen. and to establish In
claim to' nil! 1 1 land bofnre tho Kctriste
and Receiver of this olfieo at Koseburx
Oregon, on Monday the 13tl day of Au
gUHt WW.
lie names ns witnesses:
John Currin of Wild wood, Oregon, O
(). Lund, II. J. Hansen, A. .M. -New
man. of Eiicenc Oreiran .
Any and' all persons claiming nd
i Tersely the nbove-uesenbeo lamls ntv
i rco nested to lile their claims in tJii
' 'office on or be for,) said 13th day of Au
gust 1900.
J. X. Bridges,
United States Land Office,
Roscburg, Oregon, May 23, 1000.
Notice is. Iiereby uiven that in com
pliance witli the provisions f the act of
Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the cnlu of timber lands in the
Ktntes .of California, Oregon, Jsevuda
and 'Washington Territory, '
of Roscbuni, Oregon, County of Dong'
Lis, State ot Oregon, has this day filed in
this OHicehcr sworn statement .No. uw,
for the nurehuse of tho
quarter of Section Xo. 18, in Township
No. 23 S. Range No. 1 VS., and wfll
offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuablo for its timber or
than for agricultural Diirnoses. and to
establish his clxiui to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office
at Koseburg, Oregon, on iriuay the 3nl
day of August, 11)00.
She names as witnesses:
F. 1. l'hillips. I). H. BrumlKiuch.
Philip Spong, J. O. Palmer, of Cottage
Urove, Uregon .
Anv and all person? claiming ad
versely tne noove-uescnoea lanns are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 3rd dav of Au
Kiist 1000.
United States Land Office.
Roseburc, Oregon, May 7, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the net of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timler lauds in the
Suites of California. Oregon, Nevada,
ard Washington Territorv," Martin
lluagensonof West Superior, County of
Douglas, State of "Wisconsin, has this
day filed in this office his sworn state
mens No. 1003, for the purchase of the
SW 1-4 NE 1-4, NW 1-4 SE 1-1; SE 1-4 X
w 1-4 sw 1-4, of Section Xo. 20,
in Township No. 21 S. Ranee No. 1 W..
Jnd will offer proof to show that the land
'ought is more valuable fof its timber or
stone Winn for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office
t Rosebnrg, Oregon, on Thursday the
fith day of July 1900.
He names as witnesses:
M. Mattson. A. Aaby. II. J. Hansen.
if Eugene, Oregon, Guilder Komstnd of
ottjige (jrove, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming' ad
'ersely the above-des.-riLed lands are
eouested to filo their claims in this
iffice n or before said 2Gth day of July
J. T. BnroGFs,
United States Iand Office,
I Rosebnrg. Oregon, April 24, 1900.
i Tfotice is hereby given that in com-
,! t. r . i . . . r
. i iiuiiuo 1,1111 lilts jjruviejjuiig ui nit) nc( OI
? ' ongrcss of June 3, 1878. entitled "An
fit for the sale of timber lands in the
tates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
ashington Territory ,"Sam C. Randall,
If Eugene. County of Lane. Sta'e of Ore-
jn has this day filed in this office his
jvorn statement No. K36, for the pur
lase of tho W SW V. SW 1-4 NW 1-4
E 1-4 SW 1-4 of Section No 34, in
jwnsnip iso. zi &. nange xvo. nv., and
ill offer proof to show that the land
uivht in mnrh vnltintilp. fnr tta ttmtor
jjone than for agricultural purposes, and
1 untuuiinu ijid uiaiin iinuiu miiu ueiore
If J o Register ind Receiver of this office
Roseburjr, Oregon, on TliurBday, the
; tth day of July, 1000.
Ho names f.s. witnesses:
It Ole Ovtand Orin Pobinson, of Eu-
Ej'ne, Oieg.;i, V."ill'nm Vr,n Gorbn
L ' ittage urove, '.Vej-on, Mai tin Ophus. u
;gene, i. rejon.
Any and.ilt per!onaclainiincadvcr"otv
p ubove-defccribed land pro requested
nto their claims in tins otiicc on or
fore said 12th day of July, 1000.
J. T. BntDons,
Land Office at Koseburg, Oregon
U Mny 8, 1000.
ENoticc Is hereby given that the follow
l - . . . i i I i .;. t i
K'-Iiiiniuu euitier hub uieu nouuu ui iiih
Kention to make final prqof in support
Kiis claim, nnd that said proof will be
r ' t : . i i t : l
eou ouioru xvcisieivr uiiu a.ucuivur ui.
I? AwirtAn nn Tuna OO 1 AAA ,!-
BOWIIJ H , vivuti) j n j unv. j t uw .via
izonolO. Finnen, on his II. E. No.
)'; nr tln 8TJ 1.1 NW 1.4 T.ntn K . ft X,
H 1-1 SW 1-1 Sec. 2. Tv22 S.. R. 3 W
Flo names the following witnesses to
Ive his continuous resilience upon and
ttivntlon of said fanu, viz:
flf 8. Powell. Ishain Burnett, A. II.
veil, J. Taylor, oi uottago urove,
J. T. liniDOES,
I partner in a good paying busi-
Inquire at this office.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, May 7,1000.
Notice is hereby given that in com
plioncewith the provisions of the act of
ConprcMof June 3 1878, entitled "An
net for the saloof timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada,
and Washington Territory,' Uunder
Kornstad of Cottago Grove, County of
Lane. Stale, of Oregon, has thin day tiled
in this ollieo his sworn statement No.
1002. for the purchnso of tho SW 1-4 of
Section No. 24. in Township No. 21 S.
Rmgo No. 1 W., ami will offer proof to
show that the land sought is moro
valuablo for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land beforo the
Regisler and Receiver of this office at
Koebttni. Oregon, on Thursday the 20th
day of July 1000.
lie names as witmwcs:
M Haagenson of West Superior, Wis
consin, M. Mattson, A. Auoy, n. J.
Hanson, of Eugene, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely thealive-descriled lands art) re
queued to lilu their claims in this office
on or oetore sum utii inv ot juiv r.wo.
J. T.Biiiihiks,
United States Land Office,
Ro-'cbui-g, Oregon, May 17, 1P00.
sufficient contest affidavit having
been tiled in this office bv (.tcorgo U.
Snapp, contestant, against the home
stead entry No. 5)247, made December 2,
1S0S. for SW 1-4 Section 20. Township
20 S, Range 2 , by Bert M. Beaud-
reau. Lontestee, in winch it is ullegeu
that the said entrymau has wholly
abandoned the tracts embraced in his
entry for a peiiod exceeding six months,
and has not resided upon or cultivated
the same as bv law required, and that
the abandonment is not caused by
reason of his service in either the Army
or Navv of the United States in time of
war, said parties are hereby notified to
to appear, respond and bffer evidence
touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a
m. on June 30, 1900 before J. E. Young,
Notary Public ut Cottage Urove, Ore -
gon. (ami that final hearing will oe
held at 2 o'clock p m. on July 10, 1900
liefore) the Register and Receiver at
the United States Land office in Rose
burg, Oregon.
The said conte-mint having, in a
proper affidavit, tiled May 14, 1900, set
forth facts which show that after due
illigence personal service of this notice
can not be made, it is nereoy ontereii
and directed that such notice be given
by iltie and proper publication.
J. 1. liRIPRKS,
...... 1 t. i I V . r TT c
have been dnlrannolnteil ailmlnlstrator of th
estate oi otto Krelcrlcson, ueoeuseii. All per
joi.ii having claims against raid estate are re-
HUreii m iiresent mem lo me ai ine mnre ni
crome Knox, fn Cottage drove. Lane eonnty.
Oregon, with proper vonchers, within six
months from the 'latent this notice.
paled this ltlth dar of Stay, 19CO.
u. u. s ipr,
A good agent on salary or commission
for Lane county. Address Box 3 Cot
tage Grove or call at this office.
W. S. Chrisman.
The Fashion Stables
Gfyrisnrjan & Baisst Proprietors.
First-Class Turnouts,
amine it lauy
ciaim rorit, ana
at our S
Is tho ureal
to any MS wheel
www m
. . J-T,.,.. ""- 'W ?U1 tributlnircataloirne7forirs;fe.Vdays.' WaneedoMiSsj
&nint?.rin!?uWSb"ew?ra,tunil,,ECOKl) 1IANW WIIJUSU enintS?ewnlch2
wlllcloseootata8toloeacbi alto some shoDwom samniea end 'm ia.ii. .,hi.K:J r.l:."".,5,!.w.,
Si JLh S1 Y 'oniuestloned. We refer to any bank or bn.lness house In ChlcauoTor any eipress or
rlrasd company. Ws ijrtl send you i letters .of Kference c&rect f rem the Unrest banks In cS&go It loa w"S It
OUU HELIA11I1.ITV lnnnuetlone,l. v V.r i T.m'-
aCHU IUU11 UtlUSII lw1(iadwnrc'r5:VSSn.,'1 r0IvVno7tM:m1.pmen'Wlae''
simm mfm
JiStol With two SrrvDo-Duuiom Mac
lengths of barrel, 6 nnd 10
y one guaranteed. Jrrtce, Jfostpafd, Jfio.uu with
W G-inch barrel ; S7G0 with 10-inch barrel.
ire males a full line of rijles ; 1'rlce, from $0.00
upwards. Every arm tvo turn out la warranted
Strni Stamp for Ctlalogut. 1', O, Hon
United Slates Land Ollieo,
lliwnbnrc. Onvon. April 28. 1000
Notice ih hercbv given that in eom-
lliuneo with the provisions ot ino i ui
;ongressof June 3. 1878, entitled "An
no tnr tlm snlfi of timber hllldri ill tllU
States of California. Oregon, Nevada
mill Wiislilnuton Terr
, V.. ...... r3.... fVintttv
ONSlOiv, Ol 14)1 WK" wii v" .."
bine, State of Oregoa, has this day tiled
In this office his sworn statement No.
No. DSD. (or the purchase of thoSh 1-4
s;....rt,ui "n !. In Township f0. "J
S., Range No. 2 W.. and will oiler proof
to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its tiinlicr or stone man mr
agricultural purposes, and to establish
Ids claim to said hind More the Registe
nnd RiHH-iver of thU office at liosebun:
Oregon, on Monday the'23rd day of July
He names as witnesses:
N'.it M.irtln. J : I Jones. V.. V.. Lilly
Fratik Williams, of Cottage Urove, Orc-
Anv and all wrsons claiinine ad
verselv theabove-deiicrilieil lands are re
quested to lile their claims in this office
on or K'toro mm -am nav oi auiy, iwo
J. T. BlltlHlKH,
Uniteil States Land Office,
Rnsobuig,Oie..Mny 10 1900.
Xntieeis heieliv civeil that ill com
pliam-e with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878. untitled "An
act for the saloof timber lands in th
States of California, Oregon. Nevada
and Washington Territory." Herbert II
Hawley of Cottago Urove, County of
Lane. State of Oregon, has this day tiled
in this offieehis sworn statement No
1027, fortho purchase of the E 1-2 SE 1-1
of Section No. 30. in Township No. 21 S.
Range No. 1 W., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural p'trpos-es, ami to establih
his claim to said land before the
P.M.iut.., iiii.l lliiivir rvf thti nmtn ill
. u0S,.Uurg, Oregon, on Thuday the 0th
jllliv Gf August, 1900.
He names as witnesses
MissOrpha lluwlev, W . W. Hawley,
J. W. Cook, Mrs. J. W. Couk.of Cottage
Urove. Oregon.
Aiiv ami all persnnselaitningudversely
the above-uescriiKl lands are requested
to file their claims in this office on or
before said 0th day of August, 1900.
I . T. BltllKlES,
Griffin & Vcatch Co. are agents
for the celebrated Canton Clipper
Plows, Harrows and Cultivators.
W. f.. Onrmnrnnll. tho ieweler of Ell
1 I r , 4
gene. Will pay the poaltlgeon all WOrK
sent him.
Parties desiring to build barns,
I sheds or other outbuildings would
do well to take advantage of the
low figure at which The Booth
Kelly Lumber Co. are offering some
cull lumber in i inch and 2 inch
thickness. Call on them or write
them for particulars.
Eli Kaxgs.
Proprietors of the Bohemia
'I and
Black Butte Stage Lines.
Reasonable PricesV-t3""
Double or Single
Cottage Grove, Oregon.
O. o. D. oa anproTiL allowing IOu to ".5"i
.uerpr yoa ccept It. It It Is not all and mn ,",Ti
a utter wneel than you can pet for any when m, h.
Tho. "MONTROSE" Dtoyclo t&AcA
'?tCL?,f!?f.." Jff2tfa.Plce-,of OiH2
rtUKlonlhm.rkrc', VZi """Pf." " T"1
on the market, and yon need not
iv..,2.??tJ)?.'!.1.,', we "present We an EXCLI
oar 1000 JLtOOlIUi. Thi nrv r . -..l
11 ..1 1 ann uKM mu mtiuwf nf
w wi. unco is
the easiest rennln known, Jle.-d "A" tires, the btit and7nof the
mort cipenslTe tires on the market. The genuine 04 SI rtlnn-r JirsHeali
ssddlei pedab, tools and accessories the best oEtilniLb'e. Knlaflrd In
llnUhed nickeling on airbriuht paris. We thoronghlr testererioS
ot material Oast goes Into this machine. Oar bl41... J.
te bend with each hterclo. "w"f yeas' nar-
FBFF toronsenalnthe l&SOeash In fall with order wo win
J?. i,110 VuriUV 10,000 mile barrel TUTnijel"
CHEAP WHFFI 5- ?. no mannaeture the cheap depart.
liSi; -T.-' u,w
p Chicago, ill.
hm pistols
Tarut Para."
inches. Every
OO.. OUiKna A
United StateB I-nn" Office,
ny..l.iiM. Ore.. April 27, 1000.
Livin tlmt in coin
k"" : v
FrohnhiH'ferof Wet Superior, w 14 .
nmiL.hi. State of Wlneoiniln. Iuih thin day
iii.mI In thUot Ice his sworn
11 ICO ill lllirvu" v . ,
No. 1W3, for tho purchiiKe of tho M '4
..t u....,i.... v., In Townnhlli No0h.
Itange No. 2 W., and will oiler proof lo
ihow that the hind nought in .nor.
valuable for tt tlmlier or Htone than lor
agricultural puriioeen. audio ei.lalilHh
Ida claim lo Raid land before the ReglBler
mid Receiver of thin ollieo nt lto.-eburgj
Oregon, on Friday tho 20th day ol
Julv 1000.
lie natncH as witnee?:
.1. Carlson. S. L. llarHham. of wt
Superior. WlKCotiHin. II I)o; of Cot
tage firove, Oregon, 1. Uind of IKirena,
Oregon. ... 1
Anv and all jierNonn elalinlnit nd
versely the uliove-dexerilH'd landn aw
reqiientedlo lile their claliiiH in thin
ottleeon or before eald 20th day of
July 1000.
J.T. B in" if,
NOT1CK mil I'UllI.ll'ATION.
fnltisl Htaten IjouI Officii,
ItuselitirK, OroKiin. My II lw.
N'ntlrel hereby Rlvca th In Miii.llimre
with the prnvlilom of thenctiif CoiiKreso of
JniieS, 1K7. ciitltlo'l "An not for llioMle of
tlmbor lncllii thofUtcn of Cullftiriiln. rc
Kim, Kevmla, ml WhlnitiMi Tcrrlliiry,"
of lUUtnd, County of Normmm, ftate of
Mlui.eMiin hm ihta City lllot In thin oftU'C hli
nworii vtHtemen No. HMI, for tho iMirchinc of
the Lou. 3. I, tl. 10 of Sevtlon So. 21. In Town
hliSo.2tSouth Itange No. I nii'l will
olTer proof to shmr that the laml tomcat la
moro vrtluatilo for Its tlmbor or atone than for
agricultural purposes, and to ctalillh hla
claim to aald land before the IteKlator and lie
elver of thta nfllcc at ItorcburK, Oregon, on
Saturday the 11th day of Annual 1900.
Ho namca as witneuea:
raul J. Lanitaimet , I'eder J. Jermatad, of Hat
tad, Minnesota, It. J. Hansen, A. A. Aaby, of
Kugcne, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
abovc-dcecrlbcd landa are leipicated to lite
their clalina In thla oltlco on or before said
Uth day of August 1M).
J.T. IlmrxiEs,
fnltot .States I-and Onice,
Itoseburg, Oregon, May 1 1, two.
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provision of tho act of Congress of
June :l. 1878, entitled "An act for the sate of
timber lands In the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Vahlngton Territory,"
of Halstad, County of Normand, State of
Minnesota his this day fl'ollil this oftl-e his
snorn statement no. 1UM, fortho puri'bus ol
the lx)t -',5, 8, 11 of Seelloii .No.'JI, ill Tonnshl'
.o. it outh Itange No. 1 West, and "III otter
proof to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for its timber or alone than for agit
cultural purKes, nnd to establish bis claim lo
said laud before the heglsier uud Keculver of
thtsoltice at Itoseburg, Oregon, on Saturday
the 11 day of August l'JUU.
He names as witnesses:
l'aul J. Langcunet, J.J. Hovd, of llalttiid.
Minn., H.J. IIuiibiU, A. A. Aaby, of Kugene,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds aie ieuvs;ed to tile
ihrlr claims in this offlce 011 or before s.ild
11th day of August )9U0.
J.T. llRitMrji,
United States Ijind Olllce, Itoseburg, Oregon.
Jlay U, I'M).
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions ofihcact of Congress of
Junes, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in tbematcsofl'aliforiila.Oregoii,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
of Halstad, County of Normuud. State of
Minnesota has this day tiled in thla
office his sworn statement No. low, for the pur
chnse ot the Lots 1. 6,7, 11, of Section No. 21. In
Township Jso. 2lrouth ItangeNo. 1 V and will
offer proof to show that the land sought il moro
valuable for its timber or atone than for agrt-
cnltural.pnrposes.and tucstubllah his claim to
said laud before the Ite-lslcr and receiver of
this office at I(osebnrg,i.rcgonlon SatnrJay the
11 uay ot August 1900.
He names as witnesses:
l eucr J. Jermstad, J. J. Hovd, of Halstad,
jiiina., a. A. Aauy, o.O. Lund, of Kugcne, Ore
I Any nnd all persons
above-described lands
claiming adversely the
are requested to file
. ihelr cliilin. I,. ,hl. m.. ..
........ v ...w ui, ui uciuiu sa
Id 11
J.T. IlaiDOES,
Bon Ton
Main Street
B Grow, 'Oram,
Supply house for
Cottage Grove
and Bohemia.
Send your orders by Telephone.
W. H. Beagle,
feST. A 'IS..
UnlttM sJIIiiw Lnnjl 0"Ihs
Riwolmrif, Oregon, April 27, UXW.
k, eel h.'rehy ulven tlutt In m:
idlaneowi.h.huprovlHhn.BO inntnn
D.iiii. In. Mtlltl
otrifo IiIh ttworii
t i tn iiv I t'll III nun
ten en t N i. IWI. for Ui.- imroliiiHO c(
SI -l ot Section No. 21 . in Town.
. In No. 20 M Ihinge No. ,2 W ., nml will
.. ... in hIiow that the land Houuht
ignore valuable for IIh timber or Mono
t'hanfor iiKrleultnral piiriMi-fH, nnd In
twtnMlNli bin claim to nald lam beforo
the lleglMeriiml Receiver ol thU oirice
nt lbwcluiig. Oregon, on l-riday the
20ih dav of July 1000.
Ilennnieoiin wIHichh!
II. l-nihuhoefcr. S. L. Ifiiridmm, of
Went Supetlor. WImcoiihIii. II. Dow of
CotliUfn tirove, Oregon, I, I AMI of
Doiena.Oicgon .
Anv and all pernotiH claiming nd
vrrKelv Hie alHive-deocrllMil landu ttro
olHcc on or before wild '.Mth ihiy of July
m' J. T. nilllMIKN.
Unitiil Slates find Oflbe,
RoebnrL'. Oregon, May Hrd, 1000.
V,.tl... Im herehv given that In com
cultunil puriHiscK. and to cstahliMi hl
claim to nmIiI land In-fote the ReglHtcr
and Receiver of thi- offlce at liincbiir.
Oregon, on AVedneialnv the25lh day of
Julv 1000.
He naincH n- wHufffC:
J. K. IfniiiHliiil of rullonIa. Norlh
nnliota. Mutt M ittson of MlnnciiiMiliH,
Minnecnta.O. O. Lund, If. J. IIiiiikcii.)
of Kuitene, Oregon.
Anv and all peronH cliilmltlg, ml
verselv the nlmvo'dewrilMNl lamls an rc
(inei'tnl to lile their cliiiuiN in thl olllii
oiiorlK-foreHaldWlhd.iv of Julv 1000.
I'nited State Land OiTtce,
Ttoichurg, Onvon, Mnv Ilrd, I IKK),
Niittce i" herebv given that in com
plianiv with lite provision of tho act of
Cotitfrcin of June .1. 1S7H. enlll IihI "An
net for the mlo of tttutar liiniN in the
States of California, Oregon. Ni'vada,
nnd Washington Trrriforv," Johnnue
K. llninHfnd of CoImIoiiIii, Conn' v nf
Traill. Stale of North Piloitrt hn ililn
dav fl led in thin nfllcc hix Huorn
i-mhti t No. (Kifl, feir tlie purchnse of
In- SK of SiH-lhin No. 2 In township
Vo.2l South Ranee No. I Wet. nnd w'
fji-r proof topi pit that the In ml fought
:h more valuable for Hn HmlM-r or "fotm
than for nu'rlcnllurnl purp.iov, and to
iinnii-n iiih claim hhi in ml inidti
the Ifivisfer and Itceeivi" of thi olllce
l Ito-ehurL'. Oreiron, on Wolnchdny the
2.'ith ihiy of Julv. 1100. ivilne""".'
Tht-o. Nielnon of Hollo.-!,-. Mlii'iosntn.
Matt Mnltcoii of Miiiiictimll. Mlntif'
"otn. O. O. Lund, If. J. Hansen, of Kit
'cue, Oregon.
Anv nnd all p''ron cliilmiiift nd
vfrcply the iihnve-dpofrihcit IiiicIm are
reuui-iti'd l file their claimn in thl
oflice on or before wild 2Jith day of July
J. T. Ilmnon.
Trains Iravn CnUrrn Hm,.. n
- -- " u.w.ti ,ui i vir
mini mm way Blauona at a:t)7 a. lu
12:J0 p. m.
Lv. I'ortland 8:30. m. 7-(an . m
Lv. Cot Inge Cirovo I :"0 n, in. 2:f7p. in.
M. Ashliind 12:.'1:I a m. II :30 a. ni.
Ar. t-acrameiitn. .. 6sP0 p. ra. 4 :S6 a. m.
at. nan f rsnueco, 7Mfip.m. 8:16a. ni
Ar. Ogdcn 5H5 a. m. 11 :41a. m.
At. Kenver 0:00 a.m. 0:00a. tn.
Ar, Kanena l.ity.. 7:25a.m. 7:25 a.m.
Ar. lytuiopo 7:") a.m. 0:30a m.
Ar. lii Angeles.. 1:20 p.m. 7:00a.m.
Ar. KllW 0:00 p.m. 0:00
Ar. l;ort,ortll... 0;:)0n. ni. oY'
Ar. City of Mexico 0 65 a. m. 0:55 a. m.
Ar. Houston 4:00 n. ni. 4:00a. in.
Ar ,,!,w.9rlcan8 :25p.m. 0:25p.m.
Ar. Wnehlncton.. 0:42a. m. 11:42 a.m.
A r. Jj w ork . . . . 1 2 : 13 p. m. 12 :43 p. m.
1 ullnian and Tourist cam on both
trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Og
den and Kl Paso, and tourist rare to
t ihlcntto, bt. Iiuis( New Orlcona aud
Connectinft at San Francisco with sc v-
eieuniollip 111108 tor Honolulu, Ja
pan, China, I'liilippines, Central am
ouuiri America,
Bee I). T. Awbrnr. A
gent, Cottage
Oiove Station, or rul'dmaa
0. H, Mabkham, O. P. A.
Portland, Oregon.
Wines, Wqtiors and Cigars.
Choice Brands.
A Favorite Resort.
Rohemia NugKctnnd WppIv nrprn.,i,in
.OOper year. ' "
B r ',f jnun'.s. is78, entith,) ''- g S!j Kfwr",i!!ir ft
net for the naleof timber IhuiIh in
and WiiHlilngmn rerriior, mul WnNbliii'imi 'r...... ...m'1'.
I Nleleon of HnlliN'k. Count v of MIIhou, , of M i n ten in 1 1 ' "(' M"
1 State of Minnesota Iuih til" dav fled In JJIhwi. 01 ciiiiiiiiiiimii. (,01m. ,f
Tl o Ire il " w, r n H.ate.ncnt No. IW8. V.v'in'.1" n lim ,n '"'V
for I purchaN,. ,.f the SW !.( of S.-clion y "'r1 ' i,m ' wn t.t
No. 2S. n Townsl.lo No. 21 Bnnge ? W "V'10 ,,,,,','irf lit
No. 1 We-t and ill oircr pnvnf to M.ow $J U sSli I nJ ' ".' J"ml"P
.that the land 'ought li more valuable t - . Mount lumift.
I " , il.,... fur iu.rl. ' proof to Hhow tbnt ths'l.o
Nollco In 1hV.. "V .'"MTU
iimi n imiimuion Itiri Itnrv ' u 1
UnrHliiim of Wih.1 NyJvTit.,f'
HK H nml .UiIh si ami 1 ! ! !' H ol
owiiHlilp No, !o H ,,"'"'0 5i
.....I . ... ' linilun
"011 will n r ""flo.
lilt t ill iio.l . . UK .'
. T i ""Of III I.
vni inn 10 lor iih timiMT or h '"Oft
IlKlllMlltllllll pui , ,, , ' lMof
1 it r a in to mild ", , V"lll
iiegiHifr iinti Keutlvor
11, ,...i. i
; .."Tiors a..
1..-, i.uiH, ii-kiiu, on
201 li day of July Uhki.
IIP llllfllCH IIH WltlieHsrv
II. FrohiilMK-fer, J. (,,,!,.,,, .
Hiiperlor, WIhcohhoi,, . f J',' ) m
tirove, 1. UhiUr lV.reui.i,,;'V',UW
Any mid all pemn,,,
vemely I he iiUivttMltwril J W
riiiiifHled lo file their H,,itll T1
ollieo on or Iwforo niiiil am, a".
1000. 'U11;
J - T. IIK1M(
United .Shite Iwin.l 0mr
RoselHtrK. Oregon, Slav ;ir. nV,
... v-
uuro va I tin oil fur 11. '
,.r .lM,. 11 f- 1....1. .. ... .
. ....... .... t.K . .iiiiiii, 1 iMirfvM
and toi'Htiililli'li hht claim to Mil T
iM'fotolho lUvinter mid Iteivivernf
otllceat RiMebiirg, t)rt'oii. .in Wi-Jn
dav the 2ith tlity of July I two.
lie iiiiiiu'h an witiu--i
ThH-lore Nlel-on, of ll..,H k, Minn,.
Hutn, J. K. Iliitiislnilol
Dakota, M. Iliiiigetiseii. r Wot Si:.
icrlor, Wlscoimln, II. J. Ilmoeiiul J0.
gene, Oregon,
Anv nnd nil ihtshiim -luiining
vercly thenlxive-decilU-l I.uhIs atr tr.
ttieled fo tile their flmins in Hi..Ef,
on or U'foie mild 2Alh hi ofJnly lloj
J. T. llmiMiti,
NOTieTrFoiflT lll.lf riox.
United Statea hind Hirii .
Roscburg, Ore.. April :'. Itikl.
Notice In hereby given ttml in run.
tiliiuice with the proviHimis t tiicsrti4
I'ongtcHi of June :t, I7k ,1,1, 1 in n
act for the wile of timlx r lands In !t
Static of California, tir. g..., ,Vrsi!i,
and Wimhiiigton TeriitMrv." M. fa
f)ihiiH of ICiigcne, Oii-g"h Cii'iiirtf
Line. State of Oregon, ha l ilsrf!!r
in I bin office hi sworn slniiiiiriit o,
for the purehWe nflheNi, SY
. v i 01 eeiion 4o. ;i 111 Tumi.
i "hip No. 21 S. Ramte No . 2 W ., nnd mil
i "llor prmif lo hIioiv Unit the Inml rwiW
in more vaiuaoie tor u iimoer or (tone
1 1 li it for uuricilllnral piirimwD, tiilt)
etablih hi claim to caul luml l-frr
the IhuNlor mid Receiver "f till otTinj
nt Itis-i-linrv. OrcK'i'i.on ll.e
I2lh day of July, 1000.
He mime im'wiiuwsi- :
Sam C. Randall, Ole Ovlnml. of K'l
itetie, Onvon, Orin Robinson. NVllllam
Van tionien, of dttnue linve. Own.
Any nnd nil peroiiH claiinlii al
verxely the nlKtvc-diTi-rlljol InmlasiD
rrotiextiNl to file their claims in tlili
office on or Uifore en Id I2lh day of Jul;,,
J. T. ItllllKlKS,
Cote Grove
Wc arc now prepared to furnish
nil kinds of Brackets, Mouldings,
Cornice, Sash nnd Doors, Door and
Window frames, Screen Doors,
Windows, Pickets, etc.
Woodwork of all kinds made and
repaired. We will also work Moor-
inij, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling.
size Studding, etc.
Headquarters for
Every want attended to.-
Quick aelivry-The Weekly Oregon'
Nollco Ih hereby givV, ' .IVOO
jiHiine,. wit , the provl,,!, " 5S.
UonuiMHof JiinuU, JH78 ,,, I'iio.m
Holhir tlitiinu oltlt.i,?: l,,llctl"A