Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, June 08, 1900, Image 5

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    ' .... v Hltl'NION.
ToHcph I'owcll nuil wife
,.Wade uapp) i j-"-
, , miiiiy reunion meeting hi
I I 1 . If Kit1 I titf ti I u
t 1.1 el nun v. i. r
' ... . . . i l.mriifiiiiiM . niin. iiiiiii
fr. Sieve w. -
l"' . T flirn .....1
Mrs. JUtVI UVtl mill
i-cru"'- . . ....
frS Win-"11 "-"'
Lilies were present, also his five
.,d Messrs. V-Hlincn, vicuikc,
. . .1 I 1 ll
i . ... i.Mii'in nun iiuiii.-.t i 'uwl-ii.
Rouen - . ...
.. ..r.niiii'iiiiiiruii;
..i.i.ur eraudinilicr iminy nappy
r ii... 1 11 tin tiinrn.
Wl"- t I. 1 .1
nc n n "
fill1 OKI HI III J""-
.... it Mr. Powell was scaled in
iMVr of beauty, winner was
i ni i o'clock, a large dtsii
. .. nrfMinvititr
conPlcl,,,":' 1
.1- n....iiimr the reunion broke
sonic of tliecunureu going 10
I.Mflll'. will . .
..f tor the dear ones in the
i.oitic nest, and enen one
rKriiL iim i i
nit -- - -
TIlC CUllUUi"1 .W
1I t'il i'mvfif1 Crr,ti
.i rilV. L'lLIU lVili. wv
r ... uiiifi ii'iifi iiwnr
l . I il.n Vt3 It 111 until 111 'if
iiii: - -
,...... fMtnw 1nrift1 nf
ilmivw hue in a stale oi inioxi
l .i 1.1. I.K.limr fiif1 tt'IC flltltl'tl
the ground and instantly killed.
...! ,l...ri. i'rf tllirt flfwl MlfttlV
.1. itiiitri WMiilt iir
In. loid In Iiu 1:111 v.
.11 it .mi 1 ciiiit iiirri mill in
ct ivriu 1:
Geo. Jea is rusliiiig work in the
.. ..c 1:
IIPT 111 l'lilllllli? I'lJllllll .11 Ltd
l... .. . 1... I...
1.:.... 1 1. ;...!:.... .. ....... I
til i' 'in in iiiu iiihiuv; niiuwin
as a iioiiai'oii 10 uiccii'.
Mr. A. Krause of I'ortlntttl Ait
l'orllaiid, wlioeaincup .Monday
oniing .mil returned on early
am tlif same morning, made ar-
ni in 1 a ikiiii . .' i ocii.rcfin
have him locate 3 olaims in Ho-
una uilllll lie .i.-
in nave a or 10 parties woni
tlii! near future.
lllllll'.' IV
OlrirM- ,1r...a .t. lit'
. .tn . P f 1 ;.. .1
cuiicstiay lor indecent laiu upon
eklrct Tt
Atie indies o the ti. A. K.
rClf flirt n nmfifnliut iiiuiiiACti fif
luutivtiiiiv. 1 iiji tt v
m r cinit.1 ... ... .
election. They cleared about
4 WHICH will hp n irrp.-it nul tn
H PlrMo
Ivtliel, the little 7 year old daugh-
vi ii 1 . iiiin ri ri. 1 .inric 1 .1'lui.s
mat Kin...i s . t . - 1
" j a. tniia' unci iiuuii 11 .tk)w,
' iJiiiiK lllllf'lllllllir
Jenkins & Iawson have received
f r.n.....L . 1 .... 1
-".kiuv.1 401 UlC lllltl 1UI llllll
.lliaiilll Ul IIIG VJllJO
i v.uuiaiuvjK, x 111: Jinn win
UC WurK 1111s weov.
m 1
S Aiaone ilic (Jlnink J
"e vestibuled Tourist Sleeping
Wlflt nil . .A 1 ,1nia OAM.
!ch makes its first trip April 29,
rocure a North Pnnt T.imited
i 1: I'm 111 it.
fi'iviH'M nt MiiHiihic Hull
vmy S.unlay. M..riili.K l fH.fe.
''v"nln 111 "Vlm-k. H, ny H,nl
a 111. Kpwortli Umuuii 7 o'eloi-k.
I'rijyor munliiiK TLurwIay nlK,t 018
rim il. rtll (IIU Wcll'limi..
Itr.v. ,M. 0.
c v emineir
Services every Snndiiy except
second Huudny in enrh month.
.Sunday morning nt 0.cj0ek.
evening at 8; prayer meeting every
Wednesday evening; junior C. K
every .Sunday ut 1 o'clock; Sunday
school at 10 a 111.
Sunday the usual services will be
held. Subject in morning, "The
Lord's Fools;" evening, "Divine
I.ove;" Sunday school at 10 a in
and Y I' S C 1? at 7 p m. A cor
dial invitation to all people.
There will be a (lower mission
program at the C I' church June
lallmnik-r the auspices of the V
C T U, in lionoi ofJeiuiieCassady's
birthday. The object being to
follow out her plan; that of send
ing flowers to the sick, afflicted,
and other friends to whom you
wish to semi a message of the
Savior's love. All are invited to
contribute flowers for this woik,
also to remit the names of any
friends whom you wish to re
member with a boqtiel. Hither
names or flowers may bs handed to
Mrs Cy Miller, .Mrs. J,. A. IJakcr.
or Mrs. McUec.
The birthday of "Win. Jennings
DeiiK-rsl" the founder of Demorst
Orntoriral Medal Contest, will be
observed on June 11 with a contest
to be participated in by a class of
6 of Cottage Grove's young people,
to which the public is cordially in
vited. No admission will becharired
nt tin? door ns mstoninrv. hut n
free will offering will be asked for
the benefit of the work and to give
each ami everyone a chance to
help a link- in this irrent memorial
of the bravest of men who-e birth
day will be comuu inorntcd all over
the world ami one whose influence
will never die. More than forty
two thousand Demorst medals- have
been given and more than two hun
dred and sixty thousand young
people of this and other countries
have entered these contests.
- -
K. S. Adams sent a shift of five
men to the Lake property recently
purchased by him, and will com
mence work at once. Mr. Van
Ifleet started ii!) todav with the view
of burning 15,000 bushels of char-!
coal for Mr. Adams to fire the
smelter which is soon to be ertcted.
James DuviU will have charge of
thewoikat thinnine.
It has been decided, by the
Fourth of July committee that a
Goddess of Liberty shall be chosen
by po.-ular vote. Tickets will be
on sale at the stores at tc per ticket.
The voting places will be Uenson
Drug Co. and Currin's drug store,
and ballots may be cast June 8 at
1 p m. The count will be posted
each evening.
-l'OK S.U.K CHKAl'.
A good second hand carriage
and harness. Ivuquite at Kakin &
Dave Gover's family arrived here
from Med ford Tuesday and will
locate here with the view of being
near his mining property in Bo
hemia. A prize will be given by the com
mittee for the best decorated gents
wheel in the parade on July 4. Also
n prize for the best decorated ladies
Jndjjo David Goodwill of Portland was
in the- city thin week.
P. J. Jonninus of Portland arrived up
Bicycle parade at 9 p m July 4.
See it.
Ice cream nt the Elite parlors.
Try it.
It is stated that at Wallace pre
cinct there were plenty of republi
can cigars but the citizen's cigars
did not materialize.
With Main and Fourth streets
properly graded and academized
this season, the city will present a
greatly improved appearance next
winter, and then the good people
will wonder how we got along so
many years without it.
AH A)o(Jl You.
Utile cxcltciiiunloii elcdtlim day.
CIiiih. Gdlilnini'ljof was In tlio uily IIiIh
!lw. Mltoliell left for tho mines IIiIh
Attorney J. H. Voting was in ' Kugeno
Did you licitrsoinolhlng "drop" last
John Crowly Ih Just recovering from
tlio grlpp,
Dick .lonnliiBs eamo In from tho 1iilln
last Friday.
Jim Rears was down from tho hills
iiiin week,
W. H. Hliatio waa in from Holioiula
thin week.
Hnhl. Griffith rel in nod from IJiitiono
Geo. W. Kelloy returned from Ku
Kimi) Wednesday.
Clias. Hurklioldor wuh a visitor to Un
done Tuemlay.
Attornov Joromo Knos was In Hu
Kune Wediiocday.
Kveiimion traiiiH nre not a desirable
uiuilo of travul .
finin I.oi!ltwool was a visitor in this
city IiikI week.
M. J. H. Medley visited liur mother
in Kugenn tliis week.
It. J. .fcnniiiH ami Ilnt;Ii I'uhnerc
turiiiid to tin) mines Wcdnewlay.
Minn Ada Orrell Ih home from 11
week's visit with friciids at Kmkciiu.
Superintendent Hush litdinu of the
MiiHick was in tlioelty this wuck.
MiHfes Lulu (Iiirrin and Judo I!en
limn woi arrivals on Wednehdny afler
IK11111 train.
O. 0. l.inid of the firm of Lund it
llniiHen (lueators) of ICiigunu was in the
ritv Weilueedny.
J. H. Crow of Lornno, cnine in all
Htnilrs Tueiiilay, nud brought the re
turns (rotn Lorum.
The eleetion N over and there Isn't a
nrwHpuper 1111111 nt least in Lano e.o'unty
ulio is noi ((lad of it.
Ilert N nun won innnn the hoys who
emtio in from the Illui'l: iluttc quick
silver mines torus', hi" vote.
JJoyd's pnllery will lie rinsed Tucfday
June 12 and opened Momliiy June 25.
J. N. Ho vii.
The Ladies' Aid hociely of the Christ
ian Ch reh will htvu luiirli 011 the -lib
of Jul v. Look out fur further notico.
II. F. Ilollenbeek, uiannccrof Hotel
Uuene. 'Whs in tho city Tuelny and
uiado a visit into the milling; distriet.
Itoots, shoes iiinl harness made and
repaired at Lewis iV Dnvid-on's, 'J doors
west of Opera hoiite. Please ;;ive us u
D.ivo Oliver tlio well known miner
was in tlio eily tliis week making
preparations to visit his Interests in
The new residence of Dr. Snajip was
painted this week by L. 11. l'iekatd and
tson uml it now presents a very pretty
A. A. MeCreerva well known niininu
man from Clippie Creek, Colorado, is
visiting tho llolieuiiu district. Mr. Me
Creery is well pleaded with the district
and eonteiii)lntes reniaiiiiiig here.
lack Kloplieustein the well known
miner and prospector who has held his
pioperty in J'ohemia down sineo last
Gvtuho , wis sli.tkinir hands with his
many friends in thiseity this week.
A. H. (lannloir of Kansiis, spent this
week in Cottafo Ciiove, tlio Kiient of J.
W. Cook, an old time friend. Mr
GmicloiT was through this section
nearly live years n;;o and naturally
notices some changes.
John Woods, woll known in llohemia,
inndu a trip into the mines this week
accompanied hy his wife, also . his
father and mother, recently fioin the
old homo in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs.
Woods are well pleated with their son's
choice of Western btates and will
probably live here.
Tlio Guard quotes the Lucky Hoy
mine in Hluo river district as liavinj;
cleaned up a brick weighing 23 pounds,
the product of a 15-dtiy run. Tliis is
good, but there Is a slight difference be
tween it mid tlio brick from the Helena
in the Iloliemia district, which was tlio
product of a 15-day run and weighed 50
Comes from Dr. D . A. Cargile,
of Washita, I. T. He writes:
"KIcctric Hitters has cured Mrs.
Brewer of scrofula, which had
caused her great suffering for years.
Terrible sores would break out on
her head and face, and the best
doctors could give no help; but
now her health is excellent."
KIcctric Hitters" is the best blood
purifier known. It's the supreme
remedy for eczema, tetter, salt
rheum, ulcers, boils and running
sores. It stimulates liver, kiudeys
and bowels, expels poisons, helps
digestion, builds up the strength.
Only socts. Sold by BBNSon Dkug
Co., Druggist. Guaranteed.
SiibsovlbeJ'ov the Xttgyet.
In Brier.
U'o Primrose soap.
Hlojs ( olden Onto linking Powder for
lOi; ni Knkin k liristows.
Keo Miss Woodnrd's oil painting on
exhibition at Kiiklu & liristows.
The Ciesciiiit Hlcyelu is the wheel
that always stands up.
L.wci.v & Iiiiisrow.
If you want wall paper or books don't
forget to get prices of J. P. Uunin tho
Iluy Prlmroso soap,
Suits! Suits! ! Tailor inmlosiiilHllI
Up to date in every respect, from $ 15 up.
Call and see samples.
1'Vesli candies every day, made from
pure sugar at tho Tailor shop.
For quality and cheapness in fresh
moats go to the Central meat market.
I'eforoyou buy a wagon go and look
at tho Peter Schutler at Phillips and
For nil kinds of plumbing and
tin work go to Griffin & Veatch
Te.o for sale at MeFarland's meat
For watches, clocks and jewelry
patronize Davidson the Jeweler.
Ask for Primrose soap.
lCakiu it Hristow are aentp for the
(tciiuiiie Oliver Chilled and Steel
Plows and extras.
Over 110 odd patterns of wall paper to
choose from and more on the way, at
Jenkins & Lawson's.
All kidds of bicycle simdaries at Kakin
H ISrislows.
It you want good work remem
ber Davidson the Jeweler.
The Old Reliable Peter Schutler
wagons at Phillips it Davisons.
For a fine, assortment of fishing
tackle and sporting goods Guii'i'ije
& Vhatcii Co. are the leaders.
Send your watch to W. L. Coppernoll
llie jeweler, at Kugene. Ho warrants
all of his repair woik.
Tnko your laundry to Geo. K.
tirllllth, agent of the' Hugmie Palace
Laundry. Goes iown Thursday and
returns Saturday afternoon.
Farmers if you want a good culti
vator Gkiufi.v, Vhatcii Co, have
them. f
Did you noticethose bath tuba at Phil
ips it Davison. They are baauties.
.1. P. Currin has a choice line of in-
jjrain and ilgnred wall paper, at prices
to suit tlio trade.
If you will call at Tiur store wo will
jive you the names of 25 farmers that
have bought McCormick .Machines of us
in the last two vears and vou can see for
yourself what they think of them.
PuiM.ii'S it Daviso.v.
Tf you want to paper your hoin-e you
will do well to call midget prices on a
new line just in at J. 1). Cocmux
furuituie stoie.
Special bargains in flooring, rus-.
tic and ceiling, i;i short length ajtLe
Booth-Kelly yard. Sairinaw. ..
Mrs. J. S. Medlev has on display mil
liuery goods in alhiualilics and prices
to suit customers. Call ami so? them.
Last fall I sprained my left hip
while handling some heavy boxes.
The doctor I railed on said at first
it was a slight strain and would
soon be well, but it grew worse and
the doctor then said I had rheu
matism. It continued to grow
worse and I could hardly get
around to work. I went to a drug
store and the druggist recom
mended me to try Chamberlain';
Pain Balm. I tried it and one'
half of a 5o-cent bottle cured me
entirely. I now recommend it to
all my friends. F. A. Babcock,
Uric, Pa. It is for sale by Bknson
Drug Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons
ci Ai'pi.kgatu, Drain Druggists.
A new walk was laid this week in
front of Stonelmrg's barber shop.
E. F. Smith has got into the
habit of turning his horses loose
in the pasture with the har
ness and wagon attached to them
and last Saturday they ran away
and tore things up.
Blackberries getting ripe.
W. S. Miller went to Coyote
Creek last week, after his sou who
is quite sick there.
Will Miller went to Eugene last
Wood hauling will soon begin
and n large quantity will be put on
the track.
Men and Ladies' ITine Slioes.
Our line of Men and Ladies' SHOES comprise everything
that is new and up-to-date.
There's such a marked distinction between our high-grade
Shoes and the ordinary, that once you come here you
don't wonder at our continuous urging for "comparison."
A.bcmt' Your Hafc.
We give particular attention to our Hat Department.
It includes all the new blocks and new colors and combi
nations. Is it not worth something to you to know that your Hat
is strictly up-to-date?
You have to pay nothing extra for it at our store.
Don't forget our TAILORING DEPARTMENT when
you waut a New Suit or Overcoat.
A Few JftargisiBBsiBi Iteal Estate fffiercd by
No. 56 2co acres well improved land, 150 acres in growing grain; 2
miles from Cottage Grove, 1-4 mile from railroad; 3.500, Terms
No. 78 520 acres in Douglas county, 16 miles from Cottage Grove:
well watered, good house, large barn; 175 acres 111 cultivation,
balance pasture; $4,500.
No. 68 A2-acre tract 1 mile from depot; house, bam and orchard; $325.
No. 77 5 lots and good 2 story dwelling near C. P. chuich; $1,700.
No. 63 House and lot; $325.
No. 20 too acres bottom land, 45 in pasture, 45 in cultivation, 3 miles
from Cottage Grove: good orchard, dwelling, barn and other
improvements; $18 per acre.
We have for sale several choice building lots, tracts, stock ranches, a
sash and door factory and Bohemia mining property.
HEMENWAY & WHITE, Cottage Grove, Ore.
Prompt attention given and reliable work guaranteed.
The Ciescent is the popular wheel at
a standaid price, and no better wheel
at any price. Paid by Kakin & Hristow.
Hide a Crescent. They are skv high.
$25.00 and $35.00 at Kakin it Hristow.
See the fine display of millinery nt the
parlors of Mrs. .1. S. Medley.
A farm, 160 acres, 13 and 1-2
miles from Cottage Grove, 30 acres
cleared, 10 acres under cultivation,
good orchard, bearing. Good house,
barn, blacksmith shop. All re
pair work a smith can do in the
summer time. For sale ior$i5O0 on
asy terms. Enquire at this office.
Fine bred hound pups for sale,
for 10 or 15 days. Inquire at this
Wo Curry a Fnll Une of
Sasii and Doors
Fon salkoh ur.XT.
A good billiard table for sale or rent.
Inquire at this office or address box 10
Cottago Grove, Oregon.
If ycti want a gocdj ob of plumb
ing done go to Grrffui & Veatch-Co.
Wo sell good goods at good prices for
our customers, Central Meat Market.
Our garden tools are all right
call and seeNthem before you buy.
Grippim Veatch Co.
For latest designs in spring millinery
eall on Mrs. J. S. Medley.
Griffin & Veatch Co. carry a full
line of Cantou Clipper and John
Deere Plows. None better.
We will pay the highestvprice for
wool and mohair.
The Griffin it Veatch Ilardwnro Co.
have recently added a first class tin shop
to their already woll equipped house and
aro now prepared to do all kinds of re
pairing. Boys when you are going fishing
remember our line of flys are all
O. K. Grii'fin VliATCII Co.
Estimates Cheerfully given on
all classes of work.
Clcavelanil :- Collage : Colors
The Best Ready-Mixed Paint on
the market.
Jenkins & Lawson.
Of the Northern Pacific for the im
proved and new train service tak
ing effect April 29, are thoroughly
modern, electric lighted, and will
be cooled by electric fans. They
will accommodate thirty-six per
soiis at one time.
Mr. W. A. Hines of Man
chester, la., writing of his almost
miraculous escape from death,
says: "Exposure after measles in
duced serious lung trouble which
ended in Consumption. I had fre
quent hemorrhages and coughed
night and day. All my doctors
said I must soon die. Then I be
gan to use Dr. King's New Dis
covery which wholly cured me.
Hundreds have used it on my ad
vice and all say it never fails to
cure Throat, Chest and Lung
troubles." Regular size 50c and
$1.00. Trial bottles free at Ben
son Drug Co's., Drug Store.
Successor to B. F. PHILUPS,
Groceries, Flour
and Feed.
All kinds of Produce bought at
the highest market values.
Call and get acquainted with us.
We shall be pleased at all times to
quote you prices upon all lines
handled by us, whether you buy or
Our stock is new, neat and clean
and having had years of experience
in business, we assure you the very
best goods the market affords, and
the lowest possible prices
Remember the place: Phillips'
I old stand, Cottage Grove Oregon,