BOHEMIA NUGGET I LATER NEWS. I'ulilUlirtl JSverjr rrlrtnx. COTTAOK GHOVK OHKGON I HER OF 1 WEEK Comprelu-nalvtt Itovlmr r tlin Import nut IlHiiKnliicit or Urn INint VTeck Gullt'd From tli T-li-cmili Culiiiiiiiii. Eight hundrod Boors surrcndorod t Vryburg, north of Kimberloy. riuguo in Honolulu ling been effoct tiolly stanipoil out, not recording a inglo caso in 40 days. , Itocent injunction doolsions have tirrod up tho labor onions, and thoy nrgo concerted action. The nuditor of tho war department finds it a big task to straighten out the Cuban and Ptiorto lUcan finnucos. Twenty-two miners, 10 whites mid 13 Negroes, lost their lives in nn oxplo ion in u coal mino near Kaloich N. 0. At Puoblo, Col., n negro fiend who ad ravished and murdered two girls in n orphan Home, was lynohed by mob. Grand Chief Arthur, of the Brother hooa of Locomotive Engineers, was re elected at tho convention at Milwaukee Wis. Gonoral Warren occupied Douglas after heavy fighting and without sus taining any loss. Tho Boers have re treated to tho north. Tho will of tho late Bonjamin II. Jto well, tho sucar merchant, of New York, disposes of an estate valued at f 1,600,000, and gives $15,000 to Brook lyn charities. , The Methodist general conference at Chicago, after considerable discussion, voted to abolish tho time limit on pas torates. The result of tho voto was re ceived with great applause. Another note recardinir the Ameri can indemnity claim has been handed to tho sultan's envoy, Terofik Pasha. It is couched in more prooise terms, in sisting on prompt settlement. Considerable California capital ha been invested in an extensive mining enterprise in Siberia and Manchuria. Concessions for large tracts of land have beon obtained from the Russian and Chinese governments, and tho work of development will soon begin. At the Knnsas Democratic convon- Oullaws in Utah assassinated two ifllccrs not far from Thompson. Charlos Woodward, a Chicago dia mond thief, is in trouble in Germany. Tho honlth ollicers report that now cases of plague lmvo bron discovered. Tho Boor ouvoys will conio as far west as (it. Paul and then return to Europe Through "powers- of nttornov" all valuable ground at Capo Nome is said to bo located. The movement of tho G. A. 15. to re turn captured confederate ihiua has been rone wed. Gonoral Kuudlo lias occupiod Senile kal, whonco tho Boers were driven out by a fow 8holls. Tho Boors will mako their last stand at Potschofostrooni, all their available men having been scut there MacArthur reports that six ollicers and 102 men with 101 rillos sin rend orod unconditionally at Cuvapo and Tarlao. Katherino S. Clark, dangthcr of Sen ator Ulark, of Montana, was married to Dr. Lewis Buthorford Moiris in New York city. ft t A. 1 .-. . . . a joue Jiicnwa.vnian nonr Mil s uitv Nob., robbed tho passengers in a sleep ing car and forcod the portor to assist him in tho work. Railway bonds havo all been sub 1 1 . ... ... Bcnuoa lor ana Jioiso, Idaho, is now snro of a lino to Butte. Construction is under way. Tho steamer Danube is on tho rocks near Hospital Point, Victoria. Sho was bound for Dawson with a big cargo and many passengers. Tho vessel has been nnloadod. Tho "Boxers" are now marching on Peking. They destroyed a small town and railroad tracks only 29 miles from ii . me capital city ami murdered a num bor of Chinese employes. For tho first time on record tho Czar of Itussia invited tho members of tho British embassy to dinner on tho occa sion of the queen's birthday. This in novation is regarded as of great polit ical significance. Emily Price, aged 18 years, daughter of a well-known farmer, was found dead in a pond near Yonngstown, Ind. There were clots of blood on her faco, and her clothing was disarranged. It is believed she met with foul play. Scouting, small engagements and the IS WARNING TO Itliiol Sum Siijrn Hi "llnrr u'lidilnirtnii. May UH. Tho CHINA. Mtul OTII rii, United Kruger Asks tho Burghers What Thoy Wish. fHE BOERS LOSING HEART Jt I ranr Thnt If Dutch llnve In Rx- cine They 'Will Doitrnr ths lmn (bars Mine.. London. Mav 211. When Lord ltolv orts wrote his first dieiiatch on Tiane vaal territory yesterday, thortly before 2 o'clock in tho afternoon, hu was II miles froln Johauuodborg and 7? mile from i'retoria. lllslntnicneely Miipcrioi foiccs had paused tho Yaal rivi'V, their last great natural obctaule, at throe points. Tho aal lias a uurvu of 80 miles on tho west to Zand Drift on' the ens-t The coucavo of the current Is toward tho Froo State. Thus Lord Roberts luivaiiutng along tlin rauwav, was in i. position to strike any part of thu ores cent by shorter linos - than those by which tho Boers could reinforce the threatened points. Tho Boom retreated almost, without a show of defense Geuoral French and General Hamilton apparently did not tiro a shot, ui ix)ra itooorts1 immediate tome 11 men, belonging to tlio Kiehth mounted infantry, wcro tho first to ford tho river. Thoy camo upon a Boer patrol looting at Vloljoen's Drift, and a skirni ish lasting 10 minutes followed. Three hundreil Boors tried feebly to hold the Yereonigini; colliery, but weie dislodged. Major Hunter Weston and Lieutenant Earl rodo in advance of Lord Boborts 40 miles iuto a hostile country to try to cut the railway be muu mo juoers neioro tlio Vaal was crossed, but they woro too late The Boor rear guard is at Mowjrton, 10 miles sonth of Vereoniguii:. Their main body is moving towanl tho Klin rivor hills that cover tho south bido of Johaunosborg. Whilo Lord Bohoits' 30,000 infantry, 20,000 horses and IJiO guns aro moving on Johaunesberg and Pretoria, tluough a parched and desert ed country, tho Bitnutiou at the Trans' vaal capital, as it was last Fiiday, is thus" described by an observer, who sent his message by private hands to Lourenco Marques yesterday: "lho situation, both from n military and it political r.... ,,..,,( linn taken a haiiil in tlio inm.rns.tou of ! China. Minister Conger has been strueted by the state dopartn e m. u- y form tho Chinese government United States government expects It tn stamp out promptly this Mieioty, and lo provide proper guar antees fortliomrtinieuHiuu i r-""" order, and the protection of the Wo and properly1 of Anierloain in wnm, all now threatened by the operation, of the "lloxers." There In no tndlca tiou in the instructions as to tho course Hi,. will ! iiursuod bv tho United States in case tho Chinese government falls to observe the warning cotnojou in this communication. Mr. i onger is acting on parallel lines with the ropio tentative of every Kunipoan power at tho Chinese court, but has not Joined in nnv concert of action. MINES AND Oregon Mlriln- hii..l 141 ' Men.l, . ,r K"liSII I'ortlmid. Mu , HI Anfflo-Amoploan Ai.ianoo in k rijJ tho Sonnio Afruin. lltilNliuil within aw ,..,roc"u are listed ami ""'I been ,na In .M,r hff "imit on stoek MU-, ' " nomi. ftilll U'lII I ... 1 . '"VII. TL wrtk l1B dlreetors SJl ,,,,K mr 11 in,,,,,,.... iQBi ferprUo has .,,,?' t,, M.lormlft and iitlirBol.iH.T'I,rt' ino tjremin 11, ii ".. . ''"")i(t.. lines micopssfiiiiy fi(" "k ,v nd Denvor and , """?'. !! .n., . "'" llt M .1,... ..... r IMA JENATOR WELLINGTON SI'EAKS lintiitrll )oniioll"ii Anmnfd of Hp. lug n Htiilill'ii t!;iilii Mai'lilim -Sulci Irt llv MUllr-"-l Tcmliiiniiy. STRIKE SYMPATHIZERS. At. tion. at Wichita, to elect rinWntpq tn the national convention, in his opouina sixth "Bmients resulted in tho killing prayer, Kov. Dubber set the delegates 01 4H 01 the enemy, the taking of 180 wild by the pravlug of the nomination Prisoners and tho capture of 300 rifles and triumphant election of Brvan. and a qnnty of ammunition The applanse lasted several minutes The water of a largo lake near the town of Zapotalan, Mexico, diwp peared in a great fissure m the earth, produced by an earthquake. The bed of the former lake is now dry, and the fissure can be plainly seen. It is over three miles long and from one to three feet wide. A tidal wave which swept In from the ocean after the shock did little damage. ,.f ..t t 1. . capture of arms and prisoners continuo r-nmn ,.riH.,i t- daily in Northern Lnzon. Last week's Tfistnrrlnv n,lmitt,l f,,r ti.n fi?., TMr?vL bUle fu' ,T'n,0ilt,,, tllnt n,attera 'V"V grave. Tho Iloer Thirty-third, Thirty-fourth and Thirty- determination is to trust ovon-thim- to a last stand on the Gatsrand mountains, to tho north of Potschofostrooni, whore 3,000 Kadirs aro digging trenches. To that point every availablo man and etui lias been sent. "Tho whole of tho western border of the Transvaal from ond to end is de fenseless, and General Baden-Powell can march in when he likes. Lord Boberts, on the other hand, will en counter the greatest resistance. The Aiwillirr Hint In SI. I.niua tempt lt Itltiw "r. St Louis. May 28. Sympathizers of tho striking street car men were again tho medium of a riotous demonstration todav, and as a result another name was added to the long lift of wounded. This afternoon, as a car on tho JolTorsoii aveiuio line, running poiith, approached Sullivan avenue, it was attacked by a crowd of men and boys. Several shots wero fired at the car. The policemen oil tho car returned tho fire, and in all about 100 shots were exchanged. Peter Wells, a patrolman, who was riding on the front platform, was hit in thu left arm pit, tho bullet producing an ugly wound. It is not known who lire I tho shot, as tho crowd scattered as soon as tho men on tho car drew their revolv ers. It vi as ruinoreii mat two men 111 crowd wero shot, but they could not bo found bv tho iiolice. Tho dilToroncoH exlNtini! between tlio niaiiaL'ouieiit of tho St. Loulls iV Suberlmii Railway Company and thu union men in its employ were catls factorilv adjusted this afternoon and all danger of another striko has been avert ed, at least for the present. Twenty-tuo miles of the Transit Company wero in operation today, x but few cars were running. At 0 A, M. an attempt was mado by somebody unknown to blow up a car on the Spauldini; avenue line of the Transit Company. The wlieels of the first car struck something that explod ed with a loud iioIh'j, and lifted tho car two or three feet iuto thu air. Wanlilimton. May III. In tho cotirso M a speech in favor of tho adoption of 1 . . .1 .1... ...... ....!.. 11 resolution oxnroiinu' ion iH'imm n i.i,,,, 1 .. ,, - - t in, .i . " H Itoern I.hI.IV. Wollillli. . ' '"r lll(l: " . ' r' . , 7 o r ,t understandhiu ,,,V"HM, 'ti!, ..... . .j... il, S'lnliw mill ..... . t . 11. u.. I.. Win, 11 I.miI.,11 ilnlillllllll'll I lllllllllil M...., iirruv in hiiii. " v n 1 - "iii , ,m.,v British are within 40 miles of Johannesburg. Much lumber is going to Cape Nome from Pugct sound points. Rioting in St. Louis' grows worse. Three men and a girl wounded. Ashland, Or., has quarantined gainst San Francisco Chinamen. Republicans of Alaska denounce Gov ernor Brady, and askforhisretiromen. Republican leaders do not favor Senator Washburn, of Minnesota, for vice-president. Tioer delegates will not be admitted to the floor of the senate. Their mis ion is-a failure. The Iron Dyke mine, in Union coun ty, Or., has been sold to Pennsylvania parties for $80,000. William R. Hearst, of the San Fran cisco Examiner, predicts tho inaugura tion of Bryan next spring. Mexican government is still fighting the Yaquias. additional trooni hninor sent to reinforce General Torres The war department refuses to ac cept the resignations of volunteer offi cers now serving in the Philippines. No municipal governments will bo organized in the hemp provinces of Luzon until the rebels are driven out. Fire today destroyed Beeves Bros., Boiler Works, at Alliance, Ohio. The loss will roach $144,000, witli $40,500 Insurance. 'Taylor and Beokham will both bo candidates for ro-election to the Ken tucky governorship this fall, and a ho election is expected. Colonel Bethune, while marching in the direction of Newcastle, was am bushed by a party of Boers and vory few of his force escaped. Nathaniel P. Hill, former United States senator from Colorado, ono of tho wealthiest men in tho state, is dead at Denver, aged 08. The village of Point Claire, 10 miles from Montreal, Canada, has been almost entirely wiped out by lire. Two hun dred people aro homeless. No fatalities. Dick Croker says he believes Bryan win Deai jieKiniey. He does not con sider Dewey "in it." The steamers Geo. W. Elder and Nome City tailed from Portland for Cape Nome with 750 passengers and large quantities of freight. The secretary of war has awarded tho contract for the' construction of a breakwater at San Pedro, Cal., to tho California Construction Company, at its bid of $2,375,000. Arthur Rehau, brother of Miss Ada Itehan and Mrs. Oliver Doud Byron died in Biooklyu, aged 88 years. lie had managed many of Auaustin Daly's theatrical road companies. Timothy D. Blackstone, formerly president of the Chicago & Alton rail roaa, ana one 01 tho oldest and mobt prominent railroad officers in Chicago, died suddenly at his residence in that oity. Captain Page McCarthy, ono of the principals in the famous McCarthy T 1 ,1 1 . . .murueci uuei, is ueau, me result 01 a long illness. Tho duel, which took place at Richmond, Va., in the enrin of 1873, was ono of the most celebiated since the civil war. General Wade, who was directed to proceed to the Northern Cheyenne In dian agenoy, at Tongue river. Mont, and investigate tho reports that the In dians bad the "Messiah" craze, and intended to rise against the whites. has telegraphed tho adjutant-general that he could hud no reason to antici puie iruuuie. no says tne Indians are in bad condition, but peaceable and well disposed. Commissioner Hermann, of the gen eral land pflice, has issued an order in structing superintendents of forest re serves throughout the West t plant suitauie saplings and trees where nor tions of the forests have been destroyed ny nre. lie is also making arrange ments for the establishment of a tele phono system, which is to connect all tho forest stations in certain districts o that in the future in case of a fire help may be summoned immediately. Collector of Internal Revenue Lynch is making preparations to establish an office in Honolulu, . the Hawaiian islands having been added to tho Dis trict of California. The internal rovo- at Park Falls burned toilnv nin rtnn Intrra nn Intn aITah. I 1 1 1 1 I f nA1 aa;i m. b ... i.n.ju iu jiimiiu on iu ui f uu,uuu. ine pronertv is wnl I TntiA 1 A All i. .1.. IT ,.i I 1 .1 mi . V " uuuv win uujjunun ut me iiunoiuiu I lusureu. xno town was Without ade. efl nn inlll n. aaIaaI.,1 I ..,.1 ,1 . . I , ,, ud buiuuiuu irum citizens 01 quaio ure protection, and at one time "". mo Biuuiiu oi ueer. wines, was inouL'nt wmini i n..u : i llnnnra nnlnm fnnM l . I I .... I... . . , , i mum tuuiiguu uuw i vui, sinoiBiiiucu irom iuediorn nil.l In . lw. ...Ill I , 1 1 I ... . . . . wju jDiuuun win oe iiispecteu anu in ventoried. Alter Juno 14 toods from ON AGUINALDO'S TRAIL. Jfxrili rwranllic III" Itrlirl I.rmlrr Ii. Nortlurii I.iiiiiii. Manila, Mav 28. Major Marsh, with a battalion of tho Thirty-third in fantry, a ni Colonel Hare, viith another part of tho regiment, whilo scouring the country northeast of Bangiicd. re lort they struck tho trail of a party of Filipinos traveling in tlie mountains and believe they are escorting Aguiu- uroof that such ail Med. Wellington sal ..Iretiiimtatiee. it was dllllcult to pre rent tangible proof, but ho believed tin, miHif could bo found in the cecritt archives of tho utato department NkIl'h mulled that under our form of LMivernment no such understanding could exist, and, as tho secretary of itntii bad emnhatluallv denied tho ox- iHtence of any alllanco or undersland lng, he believed tho country would hu cept his ftatement as trim The reading of tlio sundry civil up' iirniirlation bill was complelixl, but not all of the committee ameiidiueuis nave been dowsed of. A lively debate was nreclnitated over the prnixiMtlon to eoutiutiu the life of the Industrial coin iiiUmIoii until October 31, 1001. Chargen were made that tho coininls sloti was being UHcd as it Republican campaign machine, and that important testimony had been Mwprvuxcd. I no committee iimendment. bow ever, was agreed to. This was n dull day marking the near approac jouriiuinet. Tho AhmUa civil goorn in out bill wai' jumrcil, and hoiiiii odds and ends of legislation wero cleaned up. , Dalzell gave n'otlco that th antl trtiKt ref-olutiou and bill reported by the judiciary committee would Ixi con- sldereil Wednesday, Thiintday mid Fri day of this week under a sjieolal onler. understanding ox- tho latter part of Am-ii L9' Id that, under tho time in May dlUdeinl, i "p "n,y iimdeinU I,,.;' t V .Montana and ,HWt Vy lows: s ii MONTAVA lliutiin .t- .. ' .'.iiiiiiiiiii i Anaconda (U,wr Aiiialgaiiinted (Vinur Moidiiee, sliver. Montana Ore l'ur. Ho Lamar. . llulTalo lluiiin Hunker 11 111. . Kinplro State Idaho HAI10. n (Ml Salem, May ill) -Tu. ,. H ...i.. i - mitoAi i..i.i.K coiiipanieK wero ln Ihu past week-tl.e lfMi!f inn i reelanil t.VH Salem. -uiiimji Wit.hln,!.,,, , t'C,m. WORK OF OUTLAWS. In ol.I-. m...i. i lioer enueavor is to luro tho iiritisli snit across an exceedingly dillicult I into appearing to threaten Johannes- country, beyond tekvr.mli lines. berg with attack, an oxcuso thus beiin: given thorn for the destruction of prop erty. The Transvaal government will not daio destroy tho mines and property without an excuse. Much dynamite has been sent down tho lino, and 100.- 000 cases lie ready at Zurfontoin. near Johannesberg. "General Louis Botha and General Lucas Meier have pleaded for tho pres ervation of property. Both are largo landed proprietors aud fear confiscation, but they have not received satisfactory replies from President Kruger." liitTHl Station at Han Dingo. San Diego, Cal.. May 28. Cantain Field, of the United States steamer Ranger, has received orders from Washington directing him to make soundings in the bay and recommenda tions as to whether this is a suitable loeation for the establishment of a naval coaling station, and further to advise whether ono is needed here. The work of surveyina the harbor will be begun immediately. Tlio minimum depth of water will be reported, and also the cost of the necessary land, if the government does not already own iana near wnero the bunkers would bo located. The We.t Africa Triiuliln. Accra, May 20. It is reported that three European officers woro killed and Captain Aplin and 100 Hausers were wounded in a recent effort by the Lagos Hausers to break the investing lines of iriDesmen at numassio. The Ashnntl loss is reported to have been great, as tne uausors had three Maxims enim,! -i.i i. it.. ... .. " uimuiiKii inemsoives greatly outnum ha...l Tl. I. .. .. .1 I . i .. wuuureu Asiiantis are 8aia to nave been killed in a mevinnii action, ine risma is still snrenrUn. o Paper Mill Humeri, Milwaukee, May 20. Tho Flfiml.n Paner nnmTinnv'ii mill ... i . ii tYllitiHOUEO tho United States must bo stamped be- lore being sent to tho islands. out. Assistance . ... ADDotsioru prevented tho spread of tho flames beyond the paper company's plant. Inoludod in tho loss am ., papor machines, valued at $40,000 each. Berlin, with the approval of the kaisor, sent over 500,000 marks for the famluo sufferers in India. Six thousand passongers for Cape siQtno aro dookou lor May sailings ond all berths are preengaged. Miss Morgan, a San Frnnoisco girl, is the only woman among 000 art stu dents at tho Beaux Arts in Paris. In Now York city retail druggist. nave lormcd an association to compote witn aopartment stores. still Nearly 8,000 Spanish prisoners ore held by tlio Filipinos. Tho postofllco department has ap pointed over 70 postmasters for Puerto Rico. .Sergeant Barry and four privates of company B, Twenty-seventh regiment, have rescued the daughter of the presi dent of San .Mateo from mino Lartronoa, who had abducted her. Afterwards I 'J Ladroues ambushed them, killing the sergeant. Three privates stood off the baud until reinforced. Seven Lndrouei wero killed. Lieutenant Elliott, of tho cruitet New Orleans, died recently at Cavite i ... ui uijupiexy, resulting jroin a fcuu stroke. r.outi-il tlm ClMirlH.l.m. Seattle, May 28. During tho laM voyage of the Churruca from Aparri, according to tho Manila Freedom, tho steamer touched at tho island whero tho Charleston was wrocked, for the purpose of taking on a number of beeves. Several American civilians were passengers on tho ship and thoy seized an opjwrtunty to go ashoro. Ruins of a houee larger and moro dura ble than the cottages of tho natives at tracted their attention. While passing through tho placo thoy Stumbled nrrnau tho searchlight of tho cruiser Charles ton aud numerous other artinlnn. In. eluding a splendid caso of surgical In etrunieuts, tho proportv of the filmrW. ton's medical officer. No arms wero mono among tho loot, aud tho supposi tion is that if a i iv nl tiim,, r,.n .i.. hands of natives thoy wero taken across mo i mainland where tho robols nilgh IIOU tllUJJl. Dlmirilfr In Inle ,r .Irfrj, London, .May 28. Serious troublo is iiireateniiig between tho British aud rrencu residents of St. IJoliors, Island oi jerhoy, owing to tho pro-Boer attl tune oi uio latter. There have beon several collisions, and this morninK """i lurceu to cnargo with fixed bayonots to prevent the demoustrotors ,uvn",nl! tne French quarter, inirty erroots wcro made, Tho ljeuch cuhmii uas reported the ultnntinn tn . British foreign office, with tho result that tho latter has wired to tlin imtf. ernor, Lieutonant-Genoral Sir Edward nopion. noidiug liim personally ro sponsiblo for the maintenance of o'rdor. Germany will brlni niihm n ,. - a ".... y biiiiu uio emnrets dowuLMr,. .,i,.i....... 'V V "... 0 uovor "K"1" t0 "'low notor uuo ui nnB uaUL'. ennmv nt 1.', tn l.nM .. Xm ' '"i, w ..w.u uu U111UU Attiixlnalo Tito Oltlt't-ra Wlui Aro I'lirtillt-llrml Jlxii llmtriiirit. Salt Lake, May 31. A siKcial to the Herald from Thompson, Utah, mivc: A cowardly atn'iiMiuatloii oucurrod aliout 50 inileH north of hero ) wter-luy at noon. Sheriff Tyler, of (inind utility, and Sam Jenkins, u cuttle owner, wero idiot and liintautly killed by outlaws on Hill creek, about 50 miles north of here. Thu sheriff, Jenkins ami Deputy Sheriff Day have been on the hunt for cattle mutters for several days, In fact, ever since they killed George Currln on April 17. Tho potmo had Muirnted mini Nioriii rrecee, of Uintah county, and pomie, early in tho morning, tlio latter being about three miles awav when the shooting occurred. Thuitory of tho killing, as told by Deputy Sheriff Day, who was only about 50 yards away wnoti tno mooting occurred, Is as lollows: The officers camu uHiii the outlaws' camp nnoxpcctwlly. As omi an they saw tlio outlaws thoy illmnotinted and advanced towards them. When with- In a fow yards from tho outlaws, Sheriff lyicr spoke to them, sayiue. "Hello. Doy. Tho reply mode could not lio heard by Deputy Sheriff Day. but immediately inter it was untile, Sheriff Tyler and Jenklm tinned towards their horses, stippoedly with tho intention of leav ing to get moro iioclstance. Ah soon as their backs were turned, tho outlaws mot them throoeli tho back, the 1ml lets comitig out of their breasts, killing mum almost instantly. KEMPFF AT TAKU. Olympla M11V ' "J V " """rl'"ratei in WiiW in the hoimo, during tho week wero tlio ,! ich of final ad- "'l Alaika, of Seattle. Klh V I of HiKikane. and the Ktinttt, f kauo, tho latter camt.ii.i .- llon. w ,w reniiietoti. OtcL-nn t.. t .1 t..l.... .... III-..,. ." .' '"I Wi-I ...... i, n niriii rrci'k. JO mlkn burn, urn Im.Iii,. ........... , . - ...w VAHII1II IMI 1 terniiuo once for all whothtrcr J Jiniperty will warrant eitn.i,. J .i uinuuiii. Kll Will Hu.,,,, mi.... Portland, May tin a im.i.I for mining exhibit will U(-J .1... trn . " uiu r.iKs street carnival htrt ig toiuber. Orw will U obUiinl1 all rauips of Onxoii, Wsihlntui itiiiiii,. IiIhIii, llnr ArrliUii. Home, iiialin. May 30.-Tfi wero killed and two M-rlom! kil an oxphmlon in the tiirtuel oltwfj na Aiountatn mine at Hllvtrlie i men had drllltil into a mbwIkJ tho liiMvy vxploHiuu fullovrwl. !.( nf Id,. N.,,i,, Jink Seattle, May 30. Thofir.l il rvomn is over, t'p to djt J have left this ort for None, a more than 10.000'iwi, freight tonnage, and wutil It homeit and cattle. In the Klitiiillk riit7, raconia, May 30. Hhrw i less than two weeks old Mti til j . - ... kon river In (ihii to UnwuooCi? Utko Iloiinutt is iiImi open. foul 31 1 ii, Benton, Vanli . May iiO.-fri mine hero owned ami okmN. 'a years by n co -ope rat lie ccmK! been told to Jacob 1 tirtli. c( : for $00,000. (irfiup ii f Cliihiii llondfJ. Pendleton, Or., May 3J.-IM group in the Greeuliorn inoonuiai been bonded by Joe Hinder, clli!i to a representative of tlio fc'tmJ Company for $30,000. liavnm work now koIiil' on nroves milling will be done vigorowlji fall. KT il. "rf nr.rno or ironlilM tn Pfa.i I . . .... .. .-f..i.i uuh. Bakor Cltv. Or.. May 80.-1 1 of Colorado minors havo ititWi hero for tho North Powder wdll loted bv G. Downs, who owMl nrotiorties uii thero. Theyclila'l '' ""'" agawiKi iiisc Haturday thiug offered in gold iiiIum ami arrived at Taku lorts ycHterdav. :7."; 'r1' ,uu 1,10 ""IHHisi- Ilear Adniiral K'mnnlT tu n. paten, and his visit to Taku, tho near- spoicano, .May ou. mo " est point to Poking attainable for lareo m,u, country in Idaho will J vessels, has attracted much atinnH.... Pacillo & Northorn ncrna or Troiililn to irni.i American Ititernata. Washington, May 31. A cabletm.n ruceiven ut tno navy doiiartmont Kxlay stated that the Newark had ignatod to act an flagship of tho senior equanton commander, and that tho yes- The Tonga King Object.. Auckland, Mar 20. Thn kill IT nf iUn Tonga islands objects to tho olauso of the treaty between Great Britain mwi tho island covornmont rnlntivn t i. . . ' " V HI LilM In the Klondiko ours are now sollim? 1Irulsn Prowotorate. Tho king dosircs at ff 120 a case ond boof at $1.60 a n Protectornte only against foreiim pound. powers, and insists upon tho kingship William D. Hall, St. Lonis street KZr Co" car conductor, is in active service. al.7"."J 0 , . lMC umnuiiv win ue louud. A udrow's church. Kulclilo or n I'rlenl, Niagara Falls. N. Y.. unknown priest, supposedly from' Now York city, committed miipi,ia i,.. at Whirlpool rapids Ho doscondod t..u .0wu0r, nun, niter having his pin. turo taken, W,lkcd out on a rook, throw his hat and cane back of him, and ZyWlV1?1!1 ,,"D,, d'amntlcallyl shouted "Hood-bye," and leaped into the rushiiiK waters. II,. ..i..i A ln., ,na 1. " lilt OUj,, , M, j. u'Uonnoll, Idaho it It is understood that there is ulrcady a ,)U,lt ,nto tho heart "f " I !f formidable Meet of Huropean warships h 00 miles of extension wo gathered at Taku, and sinco tho with- l,0' Immense oro trnfllo U W tuim. iiui wmw ..a drawal of tho Wheeling the American ''V tho general manager of lleot has boon nnropresentod at that Kholby, . x,... , i .Ml. hll Propped to act concurrently nmn.wiiln. Or.. May 80.-1 witii, though iudopeudontly of, tho lirnwimvlllo. Or.. May Knnmean power, in the pYotocHon of S fL7Z& o life and property, of foreigners in Jl . the .t (Jliiini i- nt i r I ijinii county HUVO tw . M wiiiia, Admiral Keiiinff has mr.ii-nf.a. . i ... 1 1 1 nai V "it any intention of making a hostile demonstration in tho Pei-iio rivor. It Jt believed that ho is at Taku solely for till lUlfltStori n 111.. J i i , , 1 "um"K iih hear as iwssl 'do to Ministor CoilL-er n.wl n, a 7 i. 1-.- it . "7 jiniuii" mnntinn fUn Wlllfl Will hoavy timber country and m gold locations. CnllromU m.M Oatf. Bmt Vrnnnlu-n. MOV SO.-1 . com- V ...Ml . ... .. ., r..u mm i Vnln nl tlin Kllll 1TI1IIC"' - .11 .. '.I . ..llfnrn(l"a tno gom output oi '" 7 " , f, in. mi. Kiivor .tovhiv-,, niinos, rivor bod, bar mluM. ing yielded l,401,88fl. J" ininoHof the state 18,700 ployod Vinson on III l'"' r . iinv iiaKer uity wr.i , i .. ii... t ,niin nn i 11UIIH OH UIU lllli""--" - juji cltv,i . . , v.m.iu , untj (,, miuos is roporiu" .,(, utj 1'ildny, was found dead i his tw as W L Yiiieon i""' room hero yestordav. ir i..i i , ' " . .8t.nrt' XH y 1 U ... "rhs r,.. 4i.... . j - " "iuivii 19 innr iieaiii. . ".o gas, ami death from asphyxia on was tho result. Bcoohor was sent h'-ro from Salt Lake to assist in tho CMIIIpaltfU Whinh In ),nl. ,u MonnouUm, and oxnooted in ..... whio months. Ho wna ovll..H - Tlin Hancock nt Hon,, u Hong Koillf. Mav 111 l"l. .4 1.. I "7..".." . " '""I'"" ' xww.. ,,n iirrivuM iinvn tt.fll. 41.,. ,. ... "iu mo now Phlllppino miHsIon on Its way to Manila. I'OS Aliuolos. Mnv m !).. riiii.. i,,...i. i,:...i. ' : . "on. 'V.CU1H, llMM.H,r. fl ttlfculn.i.t... .- f ,t r.,, n . ; , ". oi mo 1,. who camo to this i teuton his foot auain. otiulnnoil with modoru I Illncoverlxii Aroiii" - - . . . A llnll '(M.- Gold Hill, ur., uiu - . 0H ,1 illiinnvnrlos lirO UWW " tfl " i. nmirtJ """i fiasrnrii nraiieii u . . 4 fllllfl t no, ft i fdoi Ii C gobl jo ri i"P0 N i bo's llckl p UMli Petoi Ittloi iAm Foson pr til atho niiigi 9i of lUlld P'lttl. till au ( )d i of froi, spat Hi oe. Bar der nay afl Him Btill otliors on tno wuv Hill imnlliar with tho usoofgas. Piuos, Pnl.'fi hat!