1 BOHEMIA NVGGET. C, J. HOWARD EDITOR Hntcrclnt tlio postoflleo nt Cottngo Oruve Oro jon MgciUiil Clnuinnll mutter. Huluilitlun prlio. 9I.ni)! In n'lVnnco Ail vttrlNtnc rated uiniln kiiumi iipn l)i1lmllnn. Friday, Junk i, 1900. riie L,ugeuc Guard, ever grasp fug at a straw for campaign thun der lias waxed wroth at County Clerk Lee for not allowing some thirty votes to be registered after the hour of registration had passed The law is specific on this point and allows the clerk 110 discretion whatever. If he could extend the time one moment he. could extend it a day or a week to suit his con venience. The Guard, if it knows anything at all. knows this to be the kiw, and wilfully, and with pure cusseduess aforethought sends out this puerile wad of blufT, hoping that people with common sense will be deluded into the idea that Clerk Lee overstepped the bounds of law and disfranchised voters. Such nonsensical and dirty attacks will only add to Lee's strength at the polls. It would perhaps suit the Guard to have the clerk violate the law just to give that sheet another howl, and when he stands by the letter of the law tile silly thing gets mad and howls anyhow the naughty fat boy. It needs some soothing syrup. jrit. DALY'S MOXEi'. Tliave five dollars to bet that Dr. B. Daly never foreclosed a mortgage in Lake county" Hon. Henry Tracy imported from Texas. This buncome was exploded at Martin's Hall Friday night' by the uuterrified sport from Texas. The facts are that he never knew Dr. Daly; that he was running a bluff like the advance agent of any onc liorse show and backing his opinion with the money that the doctor had dropped on his still hunt through Oregon. This is a fair sample of the doctor's methods of getting there. No wonder he dislikes to meet such men as Hon. Thomas Tongue or any other person in legitimate debate. i.v oversight. Oiviiitr to a mistake common to j printers during rush times, in the political report in last weeks Nug get a write up of Hon. Robt Smith's address at Mnrtin's hall on die evouine of the close oTthe joint debate here, was - unintcn tionally omitted. However, it is not too late to say that a large au dience rcncatedlv annlauded his many telling points as he re viewed the career ol R. M. Veatch in the legislature and fully agreed that he cited the facts from the records greatly to Mr. Veatch s discredit. His casv manner of flaying his victim alive and holding up his legislative fats to ridi:ulc brought down the house time and - . aeam. tie proved uevotui wic shadow of a doubt that Mr. Veatch was entitled to no other credit in the legislature that he represented for twelve years than that of being an obstructionist; that Veatch 's career was only dis- tineuished for the reason that he always voted the inevitable "no on every proposition, utuier wie cruise cl retorm. irrespective 01 whether measures under consider ation were worthy or unworthy, and was never a leader in any measure ot supreme importance. The national topics he discussed with reason and logic, eloquently and convincingly, perfectly at home 011 every snhject, he proved to be the right man in the right place, and received many plaudits, even from the democrats. A few more "hired" men like "Bob" Smith . is what the people want. He is a tough morsel for demo cratic digestion. AX OTHER RAIT. A: XI' OLD TJIIXG. The following conversation took place between Skipworth the citi zen candidate for representative and a- republican just before the re publican county convention, and shows that Skipworth is any old thing for office: Republican "Skipworth, I heard that you said that if you could get the nomination on the republican ticket for county judge, as a GOLD democrat, you would accept." Skipworth "I have said so, for you -know I am a GOLD STAND ARD democrat, and if I can secure that nomination without too much opposition I will accept, and I want you to FEEL- of the delegates- and find out about it and let me know How will this strike the free silver-populist-citizen following of hbnest meur who believe, a man should have his politics and con scientiously stick to his belief? Dr. B. Daly is having circulated the card bearing the imprint of a certain resolution that was passed by the senate of 1899. extolling the irtues and patriotism of the Ore gon boys duriug the late war with Spain and the Philippines, and in his smooth manner is fathering it. This he claims to be his own chivalrous conception and con ceitedly assumes tne sole honor of introducing and causing it to be passed. At the time of its passage The Lender or Inst week at tempts to lead its renders to believe Hint R. M. Veatch met and van quished the well known political speaker "Bob" Smith nt Coburg during the joint canvass, and winds up its harangue about Smith by snying that "thedose Smith got was enough to last him for the rest of the. season and he is not likely to run into Veatch 's net again if he knows it." The Leader forgets to state that Hon Robert Smith was here on the day of the joint debate at the Masonic hall, ready m meet all comers and to run into" any "net" Mr. Veatch mig sec fit to stretch. Mr. Smith was the Inst speaker on that afternoon and was billed to speak and did speak to a rousing and in terested audience that evening at Martins Hall. The Lender might also mention that this man Smith had the "pleasure" of tangling Mr. Veatch and Mr. Hofer of Salem up in such a snarl of facts two j ears nco that thev hardly knew which two of the hoys they were, as wit . . . r nesses a eoou sized audioi.ee 01 Cottage Grove people. Mr. Smith would ask no bettei fun than to meet Mr. Veatch at any point in the road he might see fit to name, and talk politics with him. LURC rs STORE. on hi re The Leader has attempted several occasions to cast dirtv sinuatious upon Mr. Knox the publican candidate for county judge. Such insinuations will only strengthen Mr. Knox's vote where he is known, and nearly every reader of the Leader knows Mr. Knox, and also knows that when the Leader casts a reflection upon him it is doing so without an inch of ground upon which to base Us assertions in fact the readers of the Leader know that the editor is willfully and premediatedly lying and slandering a crood man's chaiacter for no other reason than that of a difference of politics. However it will make votes for Knox. Remember that two 'of Cottnge Grove's prominent men are on the republican ticket this year, O. F. Knox for county judge, and James Heinenway for representative. When you go to the polls, re- the patriotic 'pulses of all Oregon ' member that it is to your interest Miners,. first class miners, are in demand in Bohemia District. What is-meant by this is that men who :iTe thoroughly acquainted with the various work attendant upon the duties of miners-, are needed It has been estimated by good au tuorutes tuat 100 hrst class miners oould get employment any day in tie district. When you cast your vote next Monday don't forget to vote for Squire Vaughn for justice of the peace of this precinct. Judge Vaughn is the veteran judge of Lane county, a man whose character is above reproach and who has aud will serve the people ia his official capacity, in au hon- orableaud itprtehtt manner. Don't &rgetto gt'ye him a rousing greet ing at the polls on election day. SulteoribiWor'tho Nugget all- tlio Bo Manila mining news, $1.50 yer year. was beating in unison for ourbrav boys across the seas, as they do now and will forever as long as history exists. Was this a feat of statesmanship to introduce a reso lution that the senate as a body felt and intended? The wily doc tor managed to get the introduc tion and is now claiming it as cam paign thunder. Not ono line of the resolution smacks of the-doc tor's composition and t no doubt never entered his mighty brail until he undertook the fruitless chase for congress. Egotism thou art Daly." iue uregou volunteers nave no doubt read the splendid eulogy of Hon. Thomas Tongue in congress and it will le with poor relisl that they read the apings of the doctor, who assumes to be the only one to discover the debt of grati tude we owe them. The re-election of Tom Tongue, to a congressional scat means that we will keep in office one of the best representatives ths district has ever had. It means that when we need a man to act upon any question that may come to issue, that we will have that man in the person of eloquent and ca pable 1 0111 Tongue, a man of the people, with the people and for the people. For once, if you have any prejudices, lay them aside and vote for a man who has been tried and not found inadequate in a single instance in furthering the legiti mate interests of his constituents, a man who all must admit is a credit to the state that honors him with a seat in congress. The Mormau Elder who blew out the gas in a Los Angeles hotel evidently had no acquaintance with Bryan. If so he would have known better than to attempt such thing.. to cast your ballot for these gentle men Always a Fill Stock. Cottage GroYe Oregon, 1 Hon. Tilmon Ford of Salem, the well-known lawyer and public speaker, js billed to speak to the citizens of Cottage Grove on Satur day evening, June 2, at 8 o'clock on the political issues of the day from a republican point of view. Every man and woman desiiou: of getting a true insight into public affairs of this country should not fail to hear the able speaker from Marion county. He will tell you in a plain, log: 1 . . . . cai manner wily ou should vote the republican ticket. JUEGR HISWITT'S ADDKHSS. Judge Hewitt addressed the citi zens 01 this city at Martin's hall last Thursday afternoon on the po litical issues of the day f om a re publican standpoint. Tliejudpe is a very able speaker and is perhaps one ot tne best read men on the political affairs of this country, in the state. His speech was tnrwtlv nrectea to the national issues and :ie handled his subjects in a candid and impartial the hour of his speech beincr in the atternoon the attendance was small but those who had the pleasure of listening to lum were deeply in- terested in the subjects upon which he spoke. A baseball team has been onran. ized in this city. Cottage Grove will have. a em.wl celebration.. LUTTKll FROM liOOTll. In answer to a letter of inquiry from Mr. J. W. Cook of Cottnge Grove, to Mr. R. A. Hooth, repub lican candidate for joint senator, as to the facts set forth in a certain circular letter, bearing an affidavit from John Q. Anderson, which is now being freely circulated in this .rtiim bv Mr. Booth's enemies, solely for the purpose of doing him j political harm, in which he (An-, derson) sets forth at some 1-iigth j the reasons for his discharge from the Booth-Kclley Lumber Co., the following letter relative to the affi davit of Mr. Anderson, is at hand, aud is certainly practical and ex planatory: G HANTS I'ass. Okk., May 28. 1900. Mr. J. W. Cook, Cottnge Grove. My dear sir: I am very grateful for your letter of a few days ago, So far as the employment of men Progression is concerned, or their discharge, I . have nothing to do with it, further than our superintendents, and wc give preference to men of families, and prefer that they board them selves. To carry out that policy, you are aware, 1 uiiiik, uiai wc built cottages for them at Saginaw, and charged them 3 50 per month as rent. It is necessary, however, that a boarding house be provided for the single men, and inasmuch 1 . as it is essential mat n Hoarding j IclIXlVVclIC house should be maintained, it is necessary that the single men shoiiU be required to board tlu-re. The charge for meals is 16 2-30. The boarding house at Saginaw, Me FA RL AND & CO, Proprietors. Dealers in MAIN STKKKT, Iteof, Mutloji, Poi'k, 'Vei 1 1 , .'Baco 1 1 , La vc WPru&h Si'ii ism sos, iOjjjjJ Mncl Game, in season, at t:h.k unvro - COTTAGE CROVK, Old U u hi i' living In it rapid Ullage ol I'rox'rt'iunxti mill tiiii iiiiihI iiiiivc wllli II. Kit- up with the Him-. If you nit? n vimiii'c to ltirfii jcmmjJ tliv ()pHirtiiiiity. You Can Ucticfit Yourself by Calling At ."Benson "Drug Company. 0 COTT.Uii: (iltl)VK out Pure Drugs and Chcmicab If you want anv thing in the Hardware line, come and Hi our goods ntid see how the pticcn suit. We Khali endeavor too full line of HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, to which reference is made by Mr. ,olovef 1 inwars, miners 5'.ipp:, Mechanics I oou. Cutlery, Ac Anderson, i.v imf, l-p.ttt lui nn i: 1 tjon washing Machine, Churru, Etc., and a Full Lie oi Arc selves, but bu a poor widow i Wkments. lady, Mrs. Rhodes, whom the good people of your place know. We do not receive any profit from it whatever. I have no suggestions to make regarding the matter, but presume that if the affidavit it published that you refer to, that it would be wise to have the other paper correct it. Very sincerely yours, R. A. Hooth. Phillips & Davison, Mr. Daly is still shaking hands on his still hunt for votes. No doubt that he pulls a leg cverytirae he shakes, for he has a string to his sack. Oko. O. Knnwi.ru. Chaki.ru (Imtv. NOTARIES PUBLIC .HOHUMIA, ORI. Odlco at Muslclc Mine una Klci.hunt Mountain. KOTICE R)K l'UW.IOATION. United Htntea Land OfHi-e, ItosohiirK, Oro., May U, 1000. .nticn id lir.n.l... .1... i.. plinnco with tho proviHioiiH of tlio act of Coiiltcsh of June 3, 1K78, entitled "Au J.. . : ""ic oi timijor IuikIh In tlm Wa& Idngton Territory," Perry II. .Slier wood o (JoUukb lirove, County of !,, fctnte of Ore-rim. iM ii.iu ,i..r. n. , , -p-.., Wl,y J.J til Ih odieu for the iih sworn Hiiitmneiit No. 1005 l-l MY 1-4, 8h 1-4 NK 1-4, of fcertion No. 8, in towimliln V. ' n...?..' " ""lfi0' .lrt.,l.oroval,1ul)0 for hi " m mini ior iiL'r ! tiinil l)im08C8. nild to nntnl.llMl, 1.1? "i .,. "' Buidlund before the Ke c? u He ceiverof Ui h ollico .it. U,,,,.!.,... , . imn I.VI.I.... .i....,"-, wru- TnA'd" ua ""yd AllgUHt, Ho nnmesiis witncBtes: F. P. Phillip, 1). II. remieuted to lllo Ollico on or August, 1000. nnii n "I ' ' -Ur 1111 )llll"h Any and nil persons clnhnhiK ml. irsely tlio it jovii.(l,.Un,ii.,..i i"tV 1,11 ted to iii tun . . 11,8 .pro " V I J l UU1IJ111 KIIIM Std day of J. T. Bitinaus, liegiHter. BEPUBLlCiH TICKET. CONGKIISSIONAI.. i?irst District T1IOS. II. TONGUH, Wash ington County. STATU. Supreme Judge - C. 1?. WOI.VI-RTON, I.inu County. Ifoodaud Dairy Com. J. W. liAII.IJY, Multnomah County. District Attorney GKO. M. UROWN, DouglasCo Joint Senator, I.anc, Douglas and Josephine R. A. DOOTII, Josephine Co. Ifor Representatives L. T. HARRIS. ofKiitT., JAS. IIIJMIiNWAY, Cottage IVAN McQUIJISN, I.ornue. Ifor County Judge O. V. KNOX, Cottage Grov lfor Clerk K U. LIvK, Junction City. Kor Sheriff R. D. IIAWLRY, Creswell. Ifor Commissioner J. I. TAYLOR, Hermann. lfor Assessor D. P. BURTON, Kucene. For Treasurer L. OILSTRAP, IJugene. Ifor School Superintendent 'vuumNiv JJOND. Thurston. For Surveyor-- . M. COLIJIJR, Kutrene. For Coroner G. W. GRIFFIN, Eugene. Those Shirt Wais A. frill lino of ft latest patterns 1 H 's authentionllv ciof,i n.i. Aguinaldo is not dead neither is Bryan. It fa har(1 to teU wbJch traitor will survive the other. The prices vl plea so you, in r;aint ol (fl ity and ben cannot bebente IleiDGDway 4 iniii ltd NOTIOU l-OH I'ltllUW"1" . Ui.lt.-d KUIW W n i Anrili"' luiri illllK) wi.""i i, 111 Notice Ih l.ori'hy riven iW'J liuiee with tlio iroy"'"":,,.u OoncroHH .f Juno , j'S net ior the hiiio oi hum1 - v Stilton of Cnlifornln. Onffn. ' nnd WHliinj!loii TerrilorVi Cunllejd, of CollaKO J'Xul Iuno. Ktnto of Oregon, M" ' Zi Seetlon No. 28. II Tow III thin OIICO lllH BlVurii eg 1100, for tho .lircl'rifVnV -.t 1 ...III ZilIlT Viiliiiiljloforlt8tliiihororK'ne ! iiKiienliiirul l"'J,0BUH,sXrtheR1Ml hlHclniiii tomiiil umlWW una neut iver oi Tj(y Ho tinmou ns wltnj"""' j J ' i J'J L iv. oi uoiumu "'T' v.tfidi Any mid nil person' "'"' M,n nfmuiwiluHur bod land? niJ to nio tlioircliilma ' l's jjod' Imfnrn atil.l ''3rd dllV Of Jf'IM