TORTURED A WITNESS Intense suGerinjr was endured by witness T. L. Manin, of Dixie, Ky., before he gavethis evidence: "I cocghed every nignr. unui my throat was ncarlv raw: then tried Dr. King's New Discovery which rare instant relief. I have used it xn my family lor four years and recommended it as the greatest reinedv for Coucbs. Colds and all KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roselmrv:, Oregon, May 7, 1900. Nolle hereby given that in com p! oik with tho pYovisions o( the act of Co.iprossof June3 1STS, entitled "An net lor the yaleof timber lands in the State of California, Oregon. Nevada, s-Kl MasiuncioH ierric-ry, uumiw Kornet.vl of Cottage u dw. County ol Lane, Slate of Oreson, has this day tiled in t'lis office, his sworn statement No. 1002. for toe purchase of the SW 1-4 o Xownsrnp .o. -:i , t . fi ..,! t nnrr imtili1 I Section No. 24. in Townsh """J:" RngeNo. 1 V, and willoffer proof to "Wi '" " 1 .hn that lh Unri arulc- NOTICK FOU PUBLICATION. Uniled States Land Office, Roebnr.Orticoii, AprU'JS. UKX). V i".-. innliv eivon that ill CO III plia-oj wi.h i lie p-ovlsions of tho act of ConcrcMof June 8, 1S78, cut led "An m fr tlm ii do' timber lands in uie nf Pjillfnrn.t. Orptmll. NeVAillt ami Washington Territorv, ' Darwin Bristow, ofOottaRO Grove. County of ljine, State ol Uregoa, lias mis nay jiiw in t ii oflico i s sworn stateroom no Viv !K9. for the tiurchftse of tho Sr. 1- of Section No. 12. In Township No. 23 S.. Ranee No. 2 W.. and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more u,s hnc that the land soiicht is moro not onlv prevents but absolutely 1 cslnable for its timber or sumo than for cures Consumption. Price 50c and I agricultural purposes, ami to establish valuable for its timber or stonu than for hotl minranteeclin-s Claim 10 sani ina ueiore itcicd aim jtivitiri m Si. 00. Even Trial bottles free at Benson Drug Co. this MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM. The following is the program which has been prepared for Memorial D3y by order of the Memorial Day Committee appointed by Ord Pot, G. A. R. this city: 1 The post will meet at G. A. R. hall at 9:30 a. m. Itoseburc. Orecon. on Thursday the 20th day of July 1900. lie names as witnesses: M. HaajMnson of West Superior, Wis consin, .M. Malison, a. -aoy, 11. J. Hanson, ot fcupene, Uregon. Anv and all oersons claiming ad- rerselv theabove-described lands are re quested to tile their claims in this office 1. f - i v.i. .1... r T..i. iivui J. T. Bridges, Recieter. ore the I agricultural ptiriKwea. and to establish office at ' nYs ciAjm t0 Mid land before the Kcdeter BATHED AND BARBERED Are luxuries that all can enjoy on the Observation Car of the new North Coast Limited, in operation on and after April 2 The parade will be formed at 20. on the Northern Pacific. This Oh io n. m. sharp, as follows. 1 Ladies of the G. A. R. 2, School childred. 3, Union, Confederate, Indian war, and Spanish war veterans. 4, Fire companies. t The line of march will be dierct to the cemetery, where the usual decorative ceremonies will be observed. 4 The parade will then march back to the city be dismissed for dinner, to reassemble at the Ma sonic hall, at X.30P. m., or the usual Memorial Day services. Everyone is cordially invited to come and join with us in observing these services, and those who feel inclined and can, are earnestly re quested to contribute flowers. G. W. McReynolds, O. D. Waekler, J. W. Hicks, Committee. serration Car will be a dandy. North Coast Limited leaflet. WANTLD. Get a A good agent 011 salary or commission for Lane county. Address Box 3 Cot tage Grove or call at this office. ui.l Riwiver of thu office at Roscbuiv Oregon, on Monday the 23rd day of July 1900. Hp names as witnesses N'at Martin. J . I. Jones. E. K. Lillv Frank Williams, of Cottage Grove, Ore gon. Anv and all persons claiming ad vcrsclv the above-described lands aro re quested to til their claims in this office 1 . , re. 1 .1 t , .. 1 .. ,ivrw. on or ieioro saiu ru unr ui uiv, itoi J. T. ISRIIKIES, Register. Parties desiring to build barns sheds or other outbuildings would do well to take advantage of the low figure at which The Booth Kelly Lumber Co. are offering some cull lumber in 1 inch and 2 inch thickness. Call on them or write them for particulars. W. S. Gurisman. Eli Bangs. The Fashion Stables Glirisnjan. & Batst proprietors. Proprietors of the Bohemia and 2 ; Black Butte Stage Lines. Reasonable Prices NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. First-Oass Turnouts, Double or Single. Cottage Grove, Oregon. Do YOU KNOW eS2- m nam UU11A United States Land Office. Roseburc, Oregon, May 7, 1900. Notice is hereby riven that in com- pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory." Martin Ilaageneon of West Superior, County of Itouglas, State of Wisconsin, lias this day tiled in this office his sworn state- wens No. 1003, for the purchase of the SW 1-4 NE 1-4, NV 1-4 SE 1-4, SE 1-4 N "VV 1-4, NE 1-4 SW 1-4, of Section No. 20, r rr. a. r? T - r . . . r in xuwnaiup rto. a. lunge no. 1 tv., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or Btone than lor agricultural purposes, and Jtis the lest tOWJl to iflVest in. u vmiiicu ana ititui iu cuiu iuuu ucjun ti 7 7 7 0 nouer turn naco to uoonv. GB GrEOYE Is The Best Town On The Pacific Coast? the Register and Receiver of this office nt Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday the oin aay 01 JUiy iyw. Ue names as witnesses M.Mattson. A. Aabv. H.J. Hansen of Eugene, Oregon, Gunder Kornstad of uottage trove, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad xerseiy me aoove-oescriwu lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 26th day of July 1800. J. T. Bbidgeb, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, April 24, 1900. Notice is hereby jriven that in com . pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June3, 1878, entitled "An act for the 6ale of timber lands in the btates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and ir usiiiiigioii icrruory," &am u. Jiandall, of Eugene, County of Lane, Sta'e of Ore gon has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. tC8, for the pur- cnaso ot the w BW H, SW 1-4 NW 1-4 KJS 1-4 SW 1-4 of Section No 34, in Township No. 21 8. Range No. 2 W., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is moro valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday, the 12th day of July, 1900. He names as witnesses : Ole Ovland, Orin Robinson, of Eu gene, urcgon, wuiiam van Uorden. Cottage Grove, Oregon, Martin Ophus, of Eugone, Cregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely me aDove-aescriDea lands aro requested 10 iue ineir claims in tnis omco on or Peroro said 12th day of July, 1000. J. T. Rridoeb, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon , . , . May 8, 1900. Notice is IlCrebv Civen thnt thn fnllnw fug-named settler has filed notico of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that eaid pro.-if will bo mado before Register and Receiver at .uoaeuurg, uregon, on dune zi, 1UU0. viz J Eugene E. Finnen, on his H. E. No. 8193 for tho SE 1-4 NiV 1-4 Lots 5 &0& IXJS 1-4 BVv 1-4 Hec. 2, T. 22 S., R. 3 W. Ho names tlie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: All S. Powell, Iehnm Burnett, A. H. Powell, J, Taylor, of Cottago Grove, Oregon. JT. BlUDdES, Register. V Provertu is cJieav. Its growth is rapid. Property is advancing. BOE1lc1INES. BlaACK BUTTE JvllfJES. TIMBER brNDS. FrrMS, EItiY AND STOCK HANehlES. For Iforniatioi) Gall on. or address IT IS THE GATE WTO 4EMENWAY and WfJITE- Mcll STREET, SOTTiGE GROVE, OREGOJ. m. film MONTROSE BIGYCLESFREE SEND Ui I inT0 rotor, aeiffns ol zrmme sd ircr T,I.E V.HfVS - PProTiLl, allowing yo to Sncriuind iL ailn It fullr before 70a accept It? If It Unot all autmon W rJalm forlt, and a batter vluwl &u jroa can nt for nfwSV?c7ff.T! o5MinfftrKM1 V" mrth01 " quickly IntrodnciS; ooc- l0O auDKIA TM, offer or a eampla wheel at tbls&wDrteSa nadatoaectiraa JM0Jf A OEM Tin eci Urn and take orden. Our arena nSbTm.; r..S tawu w pi eaeat ue SPECIFICATIOHS. r I BJfkeUrr "WtPwTuSJr, ve. u tuai IfXKW UllQ UUI KOTinnournuicATiov. , notiob u nMiuoAT.oN. I notic, ,,,u ,,,,., UniUd Stated Unl Office. ..i.m. (U.... Aititl S7. 1WH. Notico i hen I'.v '" llmt com- t'niiii Kinti ijiti'i Oiriw, Ro'fhiiig, On-gon, April 27, HHX). V..H.... U rri-liv I'ivi'll that III (H)tll plhiiicc with Ihc provli-loiis of llm iiot of ;o"iBiw.f Jump a. J' ,, Iniio It l"!. cut tUtl".ni,.i fur tlm M 1 umovr 1.111.1. m im- .? Tf. c of ItiiiliV land 1" iMbihim ( CHllfornla, Oiigon, Ni-va. la, 5?it . CaUfo n In O.W Nv.ul. I n W.-htrntton Tcrrllorv," John nd W -hi m Tcrriinry." Um.rv r,(rIlMm West Super or, Cot.iily i)X ,,M ,"D.,,,f,,, l,,m,,, '''I "W0Vi nul l 'th onw hi .worn slalciiiciil I ,,n., NN,. tWI. fin; llin pnirimwi cl No W3 fir ho pnrcho of H- SW H ,u, ttK 1-4 of Socllon No. . In owi.. of on So. k TownMnp I -hip No. I '"igc No. 8 .. and will IIh! c V. and ..tier proof l iror pnwf to -linw that tin and houW!U al.a 41. leallil HIL'ML IB 111') I I J llllirli VII I II II 1 1 1 1' ll'l I I " 1 . . valuable for its timber or Mono serlcultural purpofcs. mid to iMabl Hi his claim to mid land li-forolho Ul'lw and Hiwiver of this office nt lt.cburg. Oregon, on Friday the Wth day ol Julv UKK). lie nami'9 ns wltnwws: J. Carlson. S. L. llar.ham. of SuiHriOr. Wiwm-ln, M. Iow of (. ul lage Grove, Oregon. 1. Und of T1!!''... nil nemons claiming ad- versdv tho alovc-lcivrilid hinds .inl m ill tlit'lr clalmi n otlice on or U-foro wdd IMlh July 1000. J . T. B UHlKil, Register nro tlllN day of Administrator's Sale Real Property. of Nolle la hertbr rlren. thl br Tlrtnsj of n t.. .ImI. m.iIji mnA tinterM. IjT lot LOUnlT Court ol Lane Couiilr. Orfcoii.ilatcil April Ihe 17lh. 1'AO.anlhotlilnK rne IiimII 11 ol the rral Sabllc ale, I will inarnore im rriua, m w erofjone A. D 1W.1 oneoclwk olaalil day. on Ihe precunei ol tald eiiaie. iuuaiei n Kow KiTr. Uni Conntr. Oregon, U l poMlf aurllnn. lorcaih In baud to the hlbMt anil beet bidder all of the followlnr real property teloniclnr to tald ttate loalt. Ihe uiulhwrnt quarter ol taction i-weiny-iour, iimu.un Tentyn muth of Kanre Two Wcet. . VI. Paled this -Tin ol April r.u). Jixu . 8Twr AUmlnUtratur Hum for agricultural piirwcn, nnu i ,.,lahllh hiK clnlm to kmiu mm urmiu the Itrglider and llcivlvcr of till" olflcD nt llwclmrc. Oregon, on Friday tint 201 h dav of July UW. He iiiimoK an wltnw: II. Fiolnihocfcr.H. 1.. Ilrtraliniii, oj WHtt Superior. WIkcoiihIii, II Dow id Cottage lirovt. Oregon, f. ltud of IHiri!i.tK'" ... . Anv and all Mmon claiming ad vcwlv the nlKivc-diMcrllMl laniln nre riMiicnlnl to llto their clulnm ollico on or Inifuro ld '.0th day of July J. T. Biiiimikh, Itcglntor. v .11 j.lliinrowlthth,. u,uZZ.S, vongr net loi Btllll'H null U'umI.I... . j..rah.,..i,orw;;,;;;;;ifti imii in huh n r .... ... '"Miti,, l No im I... .1... ' ,.,.. ''Ii BKttmil-.i;aZQ In Tom iim iiti N.. L; MA"wi La ami will " , IT..,. . I,... . "" ' "IHt I 4MH1CO IN lllll.l.v tilJl" ....... ..i.. ' Kvin ii ".p v .illll M. . - mi " MT the Ml,, , .."I78. ri,V ?.of Cul.for , "' r hbJl -.nun b-' w, jiKrlciillnriil pi,r lil claim to n il kit i . . :. "i nit... mow inni t in 1....1 ...I....I.I- i. . " Ollo ,l''"B iur uu iii,H.r it, ,i . II . fiHc., m "" Mini 'I nii-ur ami llcfcu,., ..'i IWIhilayof July .m, "n JoiinnuMimw,!.,,,,-, H I'roluiliiHfi j SuiM.rlor.WiMv.,.. .n.'!. i lln.v.. I I I ... . '") A NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Iand OlTico. Raseburg, Oregon, Mar , 14, 1900. Notice is hereoy given that 111 compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory." Fred Anderson of Eugene, County of Lane, State Oregon has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 003, for the purchase of the SW 1-4 of Section No. 14, in Township No. 22 S. Range No. 3 W., and will offer proof to ahow that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednes day the 23 day of May 1900. He names as witnesses: Henry J. Hanson, O. O. Lund, Louis Osburg, Araund Nuwniand, of Eugene, Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming adverselv the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 23 day of May 1900. J. T. Bkikgks. Register. NOTICK KOK rUllfdOATfON. United 8lal- fjittd Office, RoMburc, On-con, May 3rd, IIO0. Notice i" ht rrby k!vc n f',Bl 1,1 f,'" iilianco wild tho provl-lotm of the nrl of Conjrrcn of June 3, 1H78. ontltnl "An art for Ihc alool limiwr mini in uic State of California. Orecon, Nevada. ami Wathlnirton Territory." Theodore Nirlnon of Mullock. County of Klttxon, State of Minuexita Im" thin dnv (lie I in thin office hi Hworn afntemrnt No. TOS, for th purehe f the SW t4' ,.f Keel ion No. 2S. in TowiiKlilp No. 21 Houth KniiRp Vf, I. Ijh ,. I ..reiia ii 1 ' nv mi. I ,.ii .. "-"Mlri,. "V r"'iii ,i.r- vcr-ciy 110,.,,,!,! owiorti eaul "ii.i IIHK). aUtn 1 T 11. NOTICK KOIt I'nu.lCAHyj Ulllteil Hini.. I.-vi,,. 1?cImi,b. Oreo M.r,1? Notico in l.errl.v ...... T.'.r " .1 Hill I pliance wild 1.... . ' f!i....,r- ..I I.. "'"1l Hie . . r .7 ,nm. niL, oft iur uie wiinol turi j... i 1 I, of Cl.lor.a. oUl.l 1 ami ivneiiiiii.ti... t.. .. I Mattfon of M,,, " ,0"' . Hennepin, Hlute ol Mll1l.L;M, iur II In I In till. ..m.,. 1. 1 J 1. y " a. Ill - ineiilo. HUM for the mrrf."' NW H,vi.'oi, ...& ...1 1. v j:"''.i Xo. 1 W ril mul will oner Iiroot 10 mm v. i u, that the land wmalit 1m more, valuable w,ircr ,,r(-f , j ,', T for it tiu.l-ror alone Ih.m for rnrr I. mW)l)n , moru Va I i.,he ' ctiliural ptiri"eii. and to e-lahlli-h hi" or .tono than for uwri 'iilt. i 1 claim to .aid land litfore the Rcirbilcr mM lurstulillrh l, , , ltlt'in T? and Kmdver of thl oflli- at ieliiirp. Mlre !. Ilnit r ..,t 'l Mk) On-Kon. on Wednrwlny theUoth iluy ol Julv ll00. Me natnea n wltnew: J. K. Jlnintiol of (V.Ioii!ii. Norlh Dskoln, Mall MhIIoii of MltuiriMill. MinncHoln. O. G. Lund, M. J. Ifiiimcn, of Kitcene, Orxoii. M.i.l ll , Ifttitiini. n.l. ' . i. vcrelv the a.T.;l.Tril land are ro- X,,V .uiil 'all , .. rlll8(( Vl I Vl lail'IV PMIH I'MI J. T. flniiKir. flcirinter. offico at Itinoi.urK. O,, on T UMV 11113 STilli ly Ol J.ily Jjrjo, llonliit mi xiliii-aeiv: Tlicxlnrti NleliKoi. of tlf.M.l mil a. . I l ll....i..l ... ... J i'"1 iHijotn, ,u. iinnifeii.eit. M WN . "j. iiimtiu NOTICK KOK I'UIII.ICATION. iiicltii 10 lllo Ihrir rlainiiinH.ij on or Iwfoio aul atl .v olJnltii J- T, l!ttB I NOTICE KOK ITI1UCATK United Stntcs I,and 0S- 1 I y Kinciiur,;. uiegi.n .Mar. 15, id JNOiicc w Hereby Riven b complinncc with the prorpjrql 111c act ol congress of June ,M viiuucu mi ue 1 tor tne ail timlcr lands in the .Stales of ( fornia, Oregon. Nevada, and I J uigtoii rerriton-, Aslak A. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land office, Roseburg, Ore., Mar., 14, 1900. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June. 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tim ber lands in the States of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," Louis Osburg of Eugene, County of Lane, State of Oregon has this day filed in this United Stale ltnd OTiee, ftoehiirv. Oregon. Mav 3nl, IfXW. Notice i herebv tjlven that In com- pliance nith the piovliion of Ihe nel of Conirre of June 3. IM?H, entitled "Ant act for thu nate of timber land" in the. State of California, Orot'on. NcvimIh, ' ami Wahim:ton Terrilorv." Johanne K. Iliimlail of Collonln, Conntv of Traill. Htnlu of North Dakota him thi lav Mini in thi efliee hi 'worn ulate vfafvinent No. 000. fnr the purehne of IheS'K If of Section No. 'it In towimhlo V. ot C.1.1I. If v.. t If 1 ....1 :il ofTcr" proof to i.lin,v that the Innil hoiibIiI ofMitiuenjxdi.s. cotinly ofHetst in more valuable for It tlmlwr or alone atntc of Miutiexita lia Ik.. than for HL-ncMtural piinio-e . an- to fikd in this office his svvotoi i-mipii ..if ... Mm inmi iK"ore ,,..ii V, . f, it,. ....t..I thellrtfl-feraml lb-ceiver of ll.l ollico .O. 904, for tlie paittal it hWhurir. On-on. mi Weilucadav the l,lc " 1-2 or. 1 -4. and lots I, '..r)tli day of Julv. pkTO. I heel ion No, 34,111 Township !i M0tiam..-n wliii;o..- sa S.. Range No 3 W.. aoii nr... iriF'.ii 01 .iiihih'k. iinneotn. ,,rr. .... r 1 .1 . .1 1 Matt Man-on of mi-,,iu. i.. oHcrjiroof to show that the! ota, O. O. I.und, If. J., of Kit gene, Oregon. Anv and all peron cIhIiiiIiii; ad versely 1110 n'iovi-iecn licit UihIh are rrw.HiM.ln.1 In nt.. ill..!- ..I.IH.H 2.. .1.1 nfhco on or before aaiil 2th ilv of Julv ' n"d Rccciverof this office at IOOI1 ' ''l...... r .. rr l .1.1 , tJlllL:. UICLTUH. till lirMlll IKI . . 4 m J. I. IlHirmr. i ,iv nr i . nnn Iie2lter. ii- ,,, ,.,:.. Peter L. Hamstad. of W npolis, Minnesota. O. 0. 1. Ifnimon A f Kewinan. (It KOUTE K-'iic, Oregon. j Any :iii(l all persons chiaitfj verscly the nbovc-iIescnheJ arc rcnucstcd to file their chi this office on or before said tji of May 1900. J. T. IlKincEJ, I Kegbtel sought is more valuable fwms 1 bcr or stone than for agrinn purposes, and to establish hii to said land lefore the Rl THE SOUTH AND EAST VIA SHASTA OV TII3 Port- in.a Our klaalac jrar rue- FREE rT?? aJMeuh la mu with order m ntli aesd tree a srenulne llareUk lanno mila hnit SitSriiZ pvnscuf luunea. " CHEAP WHEFI fi. "AfM.nn' the.eheap decarl. eoncfftt. and big anprJ biu VlVerto aiaSi" JhI We'eSrS.Sif ?&P. 1 ? tell Ton how much we esn ears Ton ISiiSrJ or bow win cioaa ..q. at aio'iibiach, Asr,rjkvii.y- OI K KEUA1J114TV la unqrieaUoned. We refer to tinkortaTih'iT Utos In each town for thle pnrpoea. refer to ariT Lank or hn.ln. hl r,rr-r . SEHD YOUR ORDER tfw J. Z. WEEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Ohtoago, nt. h STEVENS RIFLES AND pTsTOLsTI Y We maco our ria "Diamond" r Pistol With two Stcvds-Oiahoo Kxa.TtKBPmJ, & lengths of barrel, G and 10 inches. Event . T . ... . T "na yuuruiuceu. jrricet srostpaxa, with 2 6-inch barrel : S7.GO with 10-inch barrel. ire mane a fuu line or rifles ; Price, from SG.on upwards. Every arm we turn out is warranted SAFE, SOIilP AJfP ACOTTHA.O'33. J. XJEVEiys ABMS So TOOL CO.. Std Stamf f,r Catatetut. 1'. O. Jlo , CIIICOPEB PALLS. MAs office his sworn statement No. 002 ' 1 TJ,ns 've Cottaae Grove for : for the purchase oftheNW im of fel"7 ,Utio1" at 8:07 octiiun iso. 14, in lownsmp No. j I.v. Tortland 8:30. m. 7:)p in 22 S. Range No. 3 W., and will , J. CottaK8 Grove l:V0a. m. 2:67p.m. offer proof to show tbni tin. UnA , Aihland 12:Mu im.1I :3il a. m. "-' iuii iui uiitiiuurai at. vyjjiitn purposes, and to establish his claim Ar- 'enter to said land before the Register and ' Vr' PLinaM C,ly Receiver of this office at Roseburg, ft Sft; Oregon, on Wednesdav the 21 dnv Ar. ElPa.o of May 1900. He names as witnesses. Henry J. Hanson, O. O. Lund, Fred Anderson, AmundNuwmand, of Eugene, Oregon. TAny and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 23 day ui amy lyoo. J. T. Bridges, Register. A WOMAN'S AWFUL PERIL. "There is only one chance to save your life and that is tnroutrh an operation" were the stnrilincr words heard by Mrs. I. B. Hunt of I ! .... - . irlMC lUURe, WIS., lrom her r notnr after he had vainly tried to cure her of a frightful case of stnomM, trouble and yellow iaundiee. Onit stones had formed and she con stantly grew worse. Then she be gan to use Electric Bitters which wholly cured her. It's a wonder tul Stomach, Liver and TTfri remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try it. Only Socts. Guaranteed. For sale by Benson Drug Co. 6:46 a. m. 11:45 a. m. UiOOa. m. 0:00 a.m. 7:26 a.m. 7:25a.m. 7M6a. m. 9:80 m. 1:20 p. in. 7:00 a. in. AillO n. in. R.IAf I XJ- E?.rt Vl'.rth.- 0:!W) B- m- OiSOn.'m! r. uu; oi jibiico v .00 a. m. u:M n. iu. Ar. Hou.ton A :00 a. in. 4 :10a. m. Ar.rew Orleans.. 0:25 p.m. 0:26p.m. Ar. JJahlnKton.. 0:42 a. m. 6:42a.m. Ar. New orlc 12:48 p. ru. 12 : p. in. ralhnan and Tonrlut cars on Villi trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ok- 7k 11 t:l "' wnrut cars w C ilcago. St. Louis, Now Orleans and nahlngt"n. Connecting at Ban Francisco with sev eral lUainihip lutca for Honolulu, J,t. 0,oCv. &J:' CoK0 . - .-..u,,. ... A4,U,UBa 0. 11. Maukham, G. P. A. Portland, OreRon. UU.MMKIt ItKSOUTS. H AN EPIDEMIC OF WHOOPING COUGH. Last winter during an epidemic or whooping cough my children contracted the disease, having sever,. vKiiig speus. we had used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy very succeesfully for croup and naturally turned I o it at that time and found it relieved the cotiL'h and efTeoii.,1 completecure.JoHNE.Cui'roKi), -.inciur isorwooa House, Nor wood, N. Y. This n-rnA ; sale by Bknson Drug Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons & AmwoATu Drain Druggists. "To the inountaiiiH our pcopIeM crcasinK nunilwrs yearly iook w uiiyn ol rcinxaiion aim rccrcauw surv to iniiintiiiii thu liiiinini nw fair work in: coiulition. Tliulaop ninth of tho Bciwhoro proves "1.1 ductivu whilu it liiHtH, hut nun;' decided that tho aiiimal outing jirovidu not only radical change ' ...til u. rrit ..iilt.itva fllu.l Hlltlll Intlnll of illltrirln.r I'lii.rL'iL'H ill viilu hrawn mul vltor for the f l ,l.,.r ,l,tu nr.... ihet ciiiul) and rauihlo, tho Imi'.ww 1 iiioiiniuin ptncri, mm 1110 i"-' ...i..i... i'.... ...... 1.. ..1. milltbVI IlilHl IllUllllitllll 1... . "In this direction thu SIimUS nr..... i.x. ..1 ..1 .... iinl.ll HOW HIIUrUB U Wl'UIHI UI ll.ll.'v..- , j entiro lino of load from AsI'UWJ Tiiuliiin., u ui. i.i.inji ...till iMinrnilnin nceesaiblu hotulH and camp!. I'CH chcor mul i!omfort ami nenWII roncitinliln inut mul u'lifO hunt, Halt, rldo, loaf, or piny with' funllltv." 110110 bettor can bo found, ho'ry than thu npriiij?B of Afhliind, AiiuerHon, liartiett, uyiuii "lloforo ylsitltiR Kuropo, thep !1 tho Northwest should ceo mt ll.. Vnllnu n.wl till) KQl m wuviiiiiu til v r a va , si' inniti.. r M..-I....U,. .wl (VlbVOW' T..ri Inqf concerning theiio attractive '""'Vl cciiii to .ir. u. 11. inR' .,. enii I'ltssenitur AKonr, l o"'"" v,,Ki hooklcls on Castle Cru, SIim bW .luwioiiii xvivur, luaviiii.f rates thoroto." ii WANTHD At a . ... n nff y a partner iu a gouu . . rr- ness. Inquire at Utis om