TORTURED A WITNKSS. Intense suffering was endured by wiftipss T. L. Martin. 01 iukk Kv.-. before he trave this evidence "I coughed every night until my throat was nearly raw; tuen trieu Dr. King's New Discovery which cave instant relief. I have used it in ray family for four years and recommended it ns the greatest rpmpflv for Coutrhs. Colds-and all Throat. Chest and Lung troubles It will stop the worst cough, and not only prevents but absolutely cures Consumption. Price 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed Trial bottles free at Bunson DkuC. Co. MEMORIAL, DAY PROGRAM The following is the- program which has been prepared for Memorial Dav by order ol the Memorial Day Committee appointed by Ord Post, G. A. R. this city: 1 The nost will meet at G. A. R. hall at 9:30 a. in. 2 The parade will be formed at 10 a. m. sharp, as follows. 1 Ladies of the G. A. R. 2, School childred 3, Union, Confederate, Indian war and Spanish war veterans. 4. Fire companies. 3 The line of march will be dierct to the cemetery, where the usual decorative ceremonies will be observed. 4 The parade will then march back to the city be dismissed for dinner, to reassemble at the Ma sonic hall, at 1.30 p. m., for the usual Memorial Day services. Everyone is cordially invited to come and join with us in observing these services, and those who feel inclined and can, are earnestly re quested to contribute flowers. G. W. McReynolps, O. D. WAEEUJR, J. W. Hicks, Committee. AN EPIDEMIC OF WHOOPING COUGH. I,ast .winter during an epidemic of whooping cough my children contracted the disease, having severe coughing spells. We had used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy very succeesfully for croup and naturally turned 1 o it at that time and found it relieved the cough and effected a complete cure. John E. Clifford, r"Pjtpprietor Norwood House, Nor wood, N. Y. This remedy is for sale by Benson Drug Co., Cottage Grove. Lyons & Applegate Drain Druggists. NOTICK FOR PUltl.lCATIOX. United Slates bund Office, Rofcbnn:, Orogon, Mny 7, WOO. Notice Is hereliv given Hint In com-pllom-c willi the provisions of the act 01 Centres of .luiieH 1878, entitled 'An net for the wile of timber hinds in the States of California. Oregon, NevRdn, ami Washington Territory." Guiltier Ivnl-nstml of CotlMtfl! ItlOVf. CoUlltVOf NOTION FOR PUBLICATION. U idled States Und Office, noelunt.Orcieon, April U8. UWO. N Hoe in herobv given that In eom plianco with the provisions of the not or I'onKroMof June 8, 1S78, entitled An act for the ale of timber laiulu In the o. ...... Cuiif.irniu. On villi. Nevada. u'Maiiiiiatnn Territory. Parwiti juie, Stuto of Ortyon. I"" tl- day rll-l , nrls(nw, of Cottage (irove, ( "' 0 11 thin otliccliiH sworn statement No. ! UtiP, State of Oiiyoa, Iihm thH day Midi 002, for the purchase of the S W 1-4 if j this olllco his sworn statement to. No. as'.i, for the pnrviww 01 moor, of Section No. 12. in Township No. -.N ino-i sv..i.m So. 21. in Tovvn-hii) No. L'l b l ....... Y., I U .1111 111 11 iM' lll'OOl IO show that tho land sought is nioro c,, iBK0 No.2 ., and wilt oner prooi c.luMti fnr it 1 in h,r nr stone t nan tor 1 1., li.iu- ili'it the ami solium is inorr ai;riciiltnral pnrpiws, and to establish ! valuable for its timber or slono than for his claim to said land before the ntriulturil piirvoe, and to establish Roister and Rweiver of tliii oltice at his elailn tosaid land U'Mro the tJeisier me sum ,,ii Ktvelvor of tin oince ai iiowuiirv. Oron, on Monday the sum uy 01 juiy IWO. He names n wltnoe fev. Nat Martin, J. I. .lones, U.K. Lilly, Vrnuk Williams, of Cottage Urovo, On- Ro-cbnn;, Oreitoti, 011 Tlntrwlay uav or July ivM. He names as wit newt : M H.UUCUSOH of Vwt Snierior, ts ennsin, M. .Malison, a. .huv, 11. j. Hanson, of hutene, thegon. A 11 v mid nil iMMKons claiiiiiim ml- verselv tliwabove-deeeiiliod lands are re- gon. Any imil nil ner-iniiH elailllllll! "lld- mestwl to (He their clain-s in thin office I vrelv Uiealhive-tioterilKKl lands aro it- on or before taid ITOtli day of July I WO. quested to tile their elaims in this office j . x. imtiKiRa. on or iforo un d 28itl dav of July. 1000. Keuister. ' j. T, inrnB, HATH I'D AND 15ARBKI5KI) Are luxuries that all can enjoy on the Observation Cur of the new North Coast Limited, in onerulion.on and after April ill, on the Northern Pacific. This Ob servation Car will boa dandy. Get a North Coast Limited leaflet. i Rcgtetor. WANTLD. A zoo.l agent on salary or commission for Lane, "county. Address ltox II Cot tage Grove or call at this office. Parties desiring to build bnrus, sheds or other outbuildings would do well to take advantage of the low figure at wjiich The Booth Kelly Lumber Co. are offering some ! cull lumber in 1 inch and 2 inch 'thickness. Call on them or write j them for particulars. V. S. Chkisman. Km Hangs. T! le Fashion Stables GI?risiian & BaQ!4s, Proprietors. ;jj Proprietors of the Bohemia f, I and I 4 Black Butte Stage Lines. Reasonable Prices First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single. Cottage Grove, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. Roscbnn:, Oregon, May 7, 1000. Notice is hereby eiven that in com pliance with tho pwviMons of the act of uongress ot June 3, IS78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Mates of California. Oregon, Nevada, ard Washington Territory," .Martin Haagenson of West Superior, County of Douglas, State of Wisconsin, has this day filed 111 this office his sworn state mens No. 1003, for the purchase of tho tV WJK W, AW 1-4 SK1-4, SK 1-4 A W 1-4, NE 1-1 SV 1-4, of Section No. 20, in Township No. 21 S. Ranpe No. 1 W.. and will offer proof to show that t lie land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land befoto the Register and Keceiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday the 20th day of July 1000. Ho names as witnesses: M. Mattson, A. Aaby, H.J. Hansen, of Eugenn, Oregon, Gunder Kornstad of Cottage Grove, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are reqti offlc Tice i n or before said 20th day of July 1900. J. T. Bmnor.B, Itegihter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. "United States Land Ofllco, Roseburg, Oregon, April 24, 1000. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Sam C. RandaJI, of Eugene, County of Lane, Stao of Ore gon lias this day filed in this office, his sworn statement No. WiO. for tho nnr- haso of tho W J 8W 14, SAV 1-1 NV 1-4 NE 1-4 SV 1-4 of Section No 31, in Township No. 21 S. Range No. 2 W and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is moro valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver of this office at Ro6eburg, Oregon, on Thursday, the 32th day of July, 1000. He names as witnesses : Olo Ovland, Orrn Robinson, of Eu gene, Oregon-, William Van Gorden. Cottage' Grove, Oregon, Martin Ophus, of KugetiOr C regon, Anv and all pcrsonBclainiingadversely thq above-described ramie are requested io file, their claims in this office on or lafore Baid 12th day of July, 1900. JT. BlttDOKS, ltcgister, 'IDO YOU KNOW THATV ss ii AGE 6E0T1 Is The Best Town Coast? On The Pacific It is the best town to invest in. It never has h ad a boom. Properly is cli ea p. Its growth is rapid. Property is advancing. BOEAjk JvllNES. BbACK BUTTE Jvllf-JES. TIJvlBER btNDS. ST06K ANGJHES. For Infornriatioi) Qall or or address. IT IS THE GATEWAY TO 4emenway and White. Mtl STREET, (BOTTtGE GROVE, OREGOJJ. NOrit'KFOH 1'UHLICATION. Itniiwl Slates Uml Odlro, NtM'UT. l'UHLIOATION. Unltml Htateii Ulliil Olllco. ltoHchuiK. OiHgon, Apt 11 'it, 1000. timi in ILv-ebura. tire.. April 27, IWW. Notice Is heuiuy K vwi Uml in w in lc. ri "e?w hivpii thnt i" ; ,,liH..cMvilhthe.rovh;h.i.. otjha wl ut ii. . uhl VihoiirovWoiaor the ad of 'nnm of JuimJt. IH7. entlllwl "An fcC..H ent.tle.l 'At'.actUlhe mlvnt llinlwr lauds III the let for I. sale "i .mH-r ' !! C,..llf..rnlH. rcn, Novmhi, ,te, raliform... O.egon, Neuula, , Washlnulon T.-rrltorv, Join. T Ih i B on Terrllory," Henry , fllrlm.n f Cvesl Sup;.i..r. 'oimly . .1.. lVitMiiiiiMin. fins iiiiPii iiiiaiinv iiirai in nun huum r-inn n No. OSS, for the purchase of ) of S'eetion No. 24. in Townsrilp N J' Itanue No.2W., and will o ler prool to ' K A .. i. ...i .mitf ii s more vahmble for ils tlmlwr or " "''' .'' agricullural p..ri.oi.. awl to Ml I s hi, claim to said land More the RcaiMe. ,111.1 Itwfiver of tins umee in wr' Oregon, ou 1'iiday the Wtli day July 11HX1. lie names as wiutwwcss: J.CarlHin, S. L. lUrilMin, of .. ,M jl.. ft Ilnur c tii,.iriiir. n i.i'iiiii.m. .. - - -- tage Urovo, Oregon, J L,,m' ' Uu,t'""' 0l.v 'nd all er ettthnlnK ad ,., alv,iv....timiiiliel lauds ar n-.mtwl lo llle their claims .ifliivou or bi-foru hi .l.ilyl'.HX). J.T. llimiiM. Rilfister o' Wesl of Cot- in uu 20th day Administrator's Sale Real Property. ol n i iivj 1'oiiBias, ruin'iM i'i- .,,!"" '.:. ,i ..i.uiu. ,i rthMl'ln IhUoftU-e Ui -worn - -,' iV! "VJ" ! minr, i"iuiwiimi -, hip No. 20 S Kiinnc No. 2 ., ami wll" offer prmif to show that I lit land wAnthi in moro valunhhi for lln limber or Unu than for ngrliMilturHl purHHN, mid 0 establish Ida claim l id Ulid hoh)i the llottiider and Iteculver of lhln nfflfi ,it Oretrmi, on Frldity tin JOth dav of July HHW. He mime dm wKiicmi: II. rrtihiihtMfer. 8. L. Harsham, West SuHriir, Wiwotwin, 11 Dnw 0 I'ottase !rove, Uitun, I. I41111I o DorciiB.llicgon. ... , Anv and all itiwoii chilnilitx ml verio)v the almvo-ilwrlbtxl Imid t loiiieotnl to tllo their claimn In till OVc on or Moro esld 20tli day of Jill. two. ,1. T, IlKIIKII s, Kcglslwr. NOTICK FOR 1'UllLICATION. Unilisl Stale I -Hid OfTlce, Hoiahtirjf, Orrgon, May 3rd, 1000. Not ire is Iwieby given that In com nllance with tho irovlfloii of lh n'l n ComrrrM of JuiiaS. IH78. nntlllwl "A' tcl for the slf nf tlinlwr lauds In th siaten of California, Oregon, Nnvaile 111. 1 Waliimrlon Terrllorv." Thcodor. Nlelsoii f llollock. Count v of Kiltwin iateof Aliiiuewila hat Ibl dav flll h Ihit odlre his sworn Mateiiient N'n. IW 'or 1 tie'hsf nf SW ' of Rwti' Vo. in Tinvn-dilti N. 21 South llatnr N'.. I 't ami will otter proof (0 lui' Mint the Nnd winsht l "life rnlunhb 'or iti lliiilarnr ttln than for nrH "iiltiiral puriKxcs. and lo eaiablish hi elaim to hM land bfi'i the RruUlc ind Rrcoivpr of thi d'Hw til RiHidnny Orpcnn. mi VediifrlRV the 25th day o .Tidr WHO. i .hi iocs n H')tnesa: .1. K. HunxIfKl nf Cs!-.I..iia. Xortl Dtfc'iia. Midi Mil 1 win of MliiiiMpoll" Minnesota. ". O. Lund, II. J, IIkiimii if Ktiifpne. Origin. Anv and all iHron .Hnliiihne ml vem-lv the abovitMleserihwI lamli art r "iuctfl to file tlmlr rlalin in llitn otlci on or More said ith ''v nf Julv Q00 J.T. Urimixh, RpieUler. Notlre U hereby riven. Urni by vlttno oUri (.nlcr iluly mmto hii.1 eatcro.1, ly Iho ' Conn of Une lonntv. DniiMii.'Uift Ai" Ji ITth. rwo.MUhorUlriK nie t-wtl ll f 0i re i.miwriy ( tia nt 't tt n l'. 0 '. V0 k imtiW iuitu, I will Uiorpforooii t-rt.lny tlio I h .vofJmio A. I) WO. l "HP 'k t day, ..11 tho i.remlneii i ll cmnle. Uuo1 on Row ler. Uao Comity, Oip.n. Mil t pnWlP Hiii-tlon, tormih In tmiol loltie IiIkIicm hikI I pi l.i.tiler allot lh follow lit rol riwrl l.uioimliiK l "I't ctte to ii . 1 he mlliel oiirtrier of Se-il.oi TwC'itJ ir, lolnH N eat t -olio Kiinll of Kmiirr lmiflW, J. M. ImwItliUniU of April WO. j.Mr. Htw.r Ailmlnlilintur. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United States Iind Oflicc. UoseburK. Ore;on. Mar , 14, 1900 Notice is hereby given thnt in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale ol timber lands in the States of Cali fbrnin, Oregon, Nevada, mid Wash ington Territory," Fred Anderson of Kngcne. County of Lane, State Oregon has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 903. for the purchase of the SV 1-4 of Section No. 14, in Township No. 22 S. Range No. 3 V and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for it timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednes day the 23 day of May 1900. lie names as witnesses: Henry J. Hanson, O. O. Ljitul, Louis Osburg. A mil ml Nmvmaud, of Kugene, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely theabove-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 23 day of May 1900. J. T. HuiiiGKS. Register. Hi r. n rtt c - m B?a maAN n . UNI HUSK S0Lsi!iLFilEl on approval to yonrMflrew VllTnUllT A DEHTIH AnUAunir? rf.HK V M 1. oq opproval, nllowln you to LnirJA -fJi'ii awr amioe ie iuiiv nprnra von Mi.r.t if im NOTICIi FOR PUBLICATION. United Stales Land office, Roseburg, Ore., Mar., 14, 1900. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tim ber lands in the States of Cali- ff ntn (-nrr r r XT-,,1- ...... I llf.. ..I. WMHUi WIViKUil, ill lit. ill I II W.ISI1- ' -1.- . ... ! w . , I in innnr iiusi jtruof I Jill JKlrl Ol fllK flAIUl, Mill! iiiKiwii luuujiy, MJUis USDlirj? Ol llmt Ml.l proof will tnmlo l,cfro Ih T.. n . . 1 r t r. . . t...i .. . ..... .... iiicni:, w11111y 01 J.niic, aiaiC Ol "cKniorniiii iiwtivor, i;. n. Jjinil OlllP OteL'on has this dav filel in th;u 1 i'"nf. frexun on Ai.tit in. ito vl office his sworn statement No. 902', i vv-7uhw If t iw' a for the purchase of the NW 1-4 of Ho nmno. u,0 roiiowitiic vIihmhw t ibectionNo. 14,111 lownship No. "'''"nimioun rc.ltleaco itin ttnl oultivmion si c it x- ... ! ... .r.ui.i 1 , ... . NOTICE.FOU PL'HLICATION. T'uitml Statosi Iiid nrTipp, RoiplMirv. Orttfnn. Mav Snl, 0!W, NotirnW liorpliv ifiven thit In com-nliam-r' with Ihp tiiovil i'u nf flip pI o' f'oiHjre" of .Line U. 1K7H, rniiili "Ar net for the .nlo of tinilx-r InmU In lh Slate of Califnniit, Oregon. Nevada anil Vahiniflon Tt'rrllorv." .lohnnno K, I of Coliwlniiia, diimlv o' Traill. Ktnl nf Norili HnLota liaH tlti il'i-IIIihI In tht- i.illiM, IiIm -worn ntnte hIhIu'mpmI No. 9"H, fnr lh tuirclirt'C o' tlipNK i nf Pprtloii So.'H In o nhlf W21 South Ilanae No. 1 t. and wll' off.T jiroof lo h'ioh thnt llie IhihI waih' Ih more vhIumIiIp for i I H timber or Mnnc than for nvruMd nral MirtKiM!'. and to en t .it'll eh liix I'lnim lo nid tnud Ix-forr tho Itev'i'ler and Iti'Ci'lV'"-f lliW nnVe I Hopbiin. flrcffon. on Wedneiwlnv Ihp Ktlidnvof Julv. 1W.X). Ilpnannn mH hm TIhhi. NW ii of ffnllo"k. Mlnnnta. Malt MnlHoti of Alniienioli. Mltiop. wiln, O O. Lund, fl. J. Uanceii, of Hit gpiie, Orriwn. Anv and all ik'wum rlaimint! ad vf'raflv Hip nlovp--lwcrllpt hunt hip reoiHtftlHl In flleltielr rlalma ill till" oWca on or before mid 25th dav of July 1000. ' J. T. JlKitmn, Ilojiiilr . NOTICK t'OH I'UHMCMTiO.. Nt)i if ' ni in iAmlOmccHt ItuMibiirK.Oroiioii, Teiinmry 2j, lto. KOIIo In heieliy kIvph that llie fulluwliix namnl wttlcr h HIo 1 notl ool hl liiloiulou claim for It, ana a btttcrTrLcel than you can ' i . . muw and Hen lit our Special AeenfH sample prlo of 4J R la tho irreaU-'iC banraln In a 1,1,-vr-u nri. i V to any ii: SEfiT sH . Kunge xo. 3 w., anu will proof to show that the land t Ii. ...n... l..l.t r au jidn.sSifi..iC'; ubul 13 viuu.iuie lor us iim- Swl!ttea beror st0I,e t'" for agricultural .60 I "i '' io esuiDiisu tits claim wh.ionth0ba-rket :iytef,xrni?"2 ;r t "V"lvu ,!5ier ii outr w a umuo u .t ithirf7; MreiUII. Oil WPtllleSf nv t in ti lo., oi iiay 1900. He names as witnesses. Henry T. Hanson. O. O. Lund Fred Anderson, Amund Nuwmand, . ,PTSnl VItru,f ""if.""1. "" omann'ntcdi nieclai if vou do our 1UOO 31U1IKIX. SPE8IFICflpOHS.&a black, inaroon oreoarli i-rwn. hlvl.itf fini.i..ui r."-1",.vnttlnl,wl.lrl um&iifea lili'lcelliig cn . ot material that irocs nntrn bond with each blrrcla. ' .u, ji-ar-. guar- OHEAP WHFFIfi.5f???J concern, ?d Ue .iTnhouKrTOrtS iSSh. .?il'5.i i!.V?..,J?.,''5,I.I!su ft UJel of any oro else, 11a matter wa do not raanufflotaro tho cheap de tart. lvocan iumun them, fruarantfn tim- ".JSU UNABLE fO RIlY SJI.?fl fa."a,8l,5OBtKAIIN A IIIUVOLK lrill. In each town for thU purrKWoT We h7wVcraThuidf A T Hl'cii AO 11 iavuxvuVm'C W. ne I "'"on SEHD YOUR ORDER WiThdran1? dm MEh GQfflPMt, oMnaao, . have roniroiiE than as yeabs dee cixedRatei) ion urErit KXTncMKAccuiucY ' fire mafco n"Vrjg T I iSlOl With IIVO 3rtvtni-rjui.ticw l;!cLTii-jtrl a icnrjtna or uarrei, o ana 20 inches. Jiinirn one guaranteed. 1't'lce, l'ostpaid, $5.00 with 2: O-incJi barrel t $7.50 with 10-inch huwi. we mane a full line of rifles f l1 rice, from $0.00 'ii2ward8. Every arm wo turn out Is warranted HAFn, SOIilT) ATfXi A O O TJ It AT JT: $ Send Stamp fur CafaUgur. ABMS Sd TOOL OO., I X', O. IIojo . . . . .. . v. IitAAAAAi!4lriAA a a. 1407 . 'I'lt-yi'ljl! 1'ALLS, mass, r of Kugene, Oreeon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 23 day of May 1900. J. T. Dkidgks, Register. A WOMAN'S AWFUL PURIL. "There is only one chance to save your life and that is tnrotnrh an operation" were- the startling words heard by Mrs. I. B. Hunt of Lime Uidce. Wis., from hr ,ii.. w . - -t - UWVIUI alter lie had vainly tried to cure m-Toia ingitttu case of Ktnmnot, trouble and yellow iattndice. r.nit stones had formed and she con stantly grew worse. Then she hr- gan to use Electric Hitters which wholly cured her. It's a wonder nil btomach. Liver nnd i?iM..n remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try it. Only wets. uuaranteed. For sale by Bijnson Dkug Co, tlun Of Will Irtll.I, vln iMUUiiiCHli'irtrtilHcfJIII-frt f,. HhorirliUo, Jco. II. Itttchle, I'otor McMiirtln, of Anion uroifoii. J.T 1IIUOONN, IlcKlnler. SOUTH AND KAST VlA I ME SHASTA ROUTE Ol' TIIK SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO Trains Icavo Cottauo Grovo for Port- ionn0nd Wtty litalio"M t 3:07 a. 111.. uuu p. m. id...... 8:n0n. m. 7:00p.m. i) drovo l:V(in. :n. 2;57p. tu. d......l2:nil a, ni.tlilldu. ni. Lv. I'ortldiid J.v. CottnKo Ar. Ashland Ar. Facrftinonto. . Ar. Han Frandtro Ar. OriJoii Ar. Donvor Ar. Kansas City CtWip. in. 4 me. ni. f w'p.m. H:lBa. in. n. III. Ii Ml) ft, in. u:uun. in. i: no. ,,, 7 :25 a. 111. 7:25.m. Ar. UiItiiKo.. 7:45 n. in. .3(,a nl aI'Iu" J?,rlhl 0ao-n. 0:30 a. 1,1 Ar. Oityof Mexico fj.CG a. m. 0:C5ft. m. a - ii ' ",V '; -iiuoa. in. -1:00 a, A Ar udtona.. ii!L" ii. n ii.ok r. waehiiiL'tmi. . n.j'j . , .'..''" ' . New York.. ..l2-.ini. Tn ia.n.. ' I'litlinan-R.Kl 'r,nrt Z'r: V.'1 V. llii'i'l Not In-1 plllllll'C m, t'Oiittrt'K.. ..I not Air III. . Sliilm ni 1 timl WitHin, milott i . lute (1.1 . Inyllli.i i,, , incut Nil. , . Kl..i , N'o. L"J SI;,, ir(Hi( t -1 1 . . 11010 Mil.. , hlttl him Htnlilili 1, lU' ItlKl. I, , it Itimcl ui 'III (In) .,f 1 If 0 mini. I'. L.s,.. Any mi. 1 "inly tin- Wllll'lil.Ml 1 . IllUt' oil .11 '"- 'I Kim... .:"y my. r 1 ""i:t, .'', -.:',,!:; 5 l'::.,r'fi'''' I l.i,. . 'n I, II ,1, I I.J.., . 't.u. 1 Ml 1 1 'j;i ' IC-.,i. 1 (lit-. Hl l. 1 T 1 NOTh 1 1 r.,,1 Notlf.- - , lUlli'i' M: 1 VlllvrcitK .,, I ol Iiir i!. , 'tiltn- .if 1 ml ViiI, ii,.. lurwli.iiii 1 1 IdhkIiih, 'i . .Ih in I . I . o. U"'.. 1..1 H V4 ami I II TOM tin), I : W.. .. 1 how I lint t1 ..lllllllili' f.11 ,l iV'ril'llltlll ll ; l1 cl.iiin 1 teviiKi r mi l oi'hiiri, 1 0th iliiv n( I 11m 11111:11 . II. 1. 1, iiiHrlir. W, irove, I I 11 Anv Hii i .. 'iiwly tin miiihttitt t. ffkHiiii ni ,., IO00. n I , l'" ' "Hi . 'i ii 1 'Ml. -. t , I i u. ''IS II Iff- . I . -r ir,.,i "'. (II 1' 1 (l J. fr,it " U.l'lJ i' 1 ni... i.j;.. J T 1 NOTICL 1 1 'I l-liiuro fl..'. i lt.HH-lltll 1 1 . Not ire i ii. .. jliHiire Willi : , .'oilrfCC'.'. of J.p it for tlic 1 tNlm l .1, I III I Vall,! MnttMon uf st i k'iiiiiiiu, si ' Iny IPixl in it. -nu'iit y. IiJ"c :;v i4 of s,-. t .. No. 21 s.,n: 1, 1. vill otri'r r mi wiiljjlit ih IIH HI . or .lom tliun I n Hill lolMt;iliii-i. ln;foro tlio lt 1: ' ofllett hi lt'i n, ilitv tlu i;.'.t!, I 1 lie ii.uiu 11, . I'l0.lll! . . otii. J. IC. II. in iMUtii, M. II prrior, Wiim-. ui tf,i;tic, Orinfoii. Anv uii.l' nil vrtly tin-ul . iineKwl 10 tllo ou or hWoic m.i.-I Il'llll4l Miii : ik td If f i'ln . "' it 1 i.i IliC f.. i.-N, iii.tU'Ti 2' 'i''! ii . , 1 lit . I ml 1S . J !f .Ml 1 I II , 1 , IV ni 1. I J.llul p. rS'ltll "J . ' . iillli' . Jl llifi J.T.6 rains. Olmlr cara Hacramonto 1 to Ok dn and K Paso, and tourist cora to Eott!;hCA1:,,1near!carhlllPI,IUe8 ntral 600 p T, Awhroy, Aeent, Cottapo Giovo Station, or address ' 0"aS 0. II. Maiikiiam, 0. p. A. Portland, Oregon. NOTICK 1-iJli ri'BIfl United Stat s Uti RoKcburp, On- m Mtri Notice is Jiei'by cotnpliance with lite y. the act olCoiiRrciS 0IJ8 entitled "An m t for tl timber lauds in thr-Sta'! fornia, Oregon, NVvaiiHl tiiKtoti rcrrttory, of.Miiiiicnjxjlis, county u3 State of Minnesota ! filed in this of!V o his 1 incut No. 00 1 r the the N 1-2 SK 1 1. and 1 ertinn TCd 11 in Ton 22 S., RaiiBe No 3 ff.j oiler prool to show u sought is more v.iluau ry clnn tlt'tn fnf Si purposes, and lo cslaW i until litwl lfr.r iht fl and Receiver of ilusoffirtl burg, Oregon, on lues day ol May njoo. t r.. iit iiuiiicsas viun,"-,! ll'IIICni, A M NCI' .1 ..ItlliJUIIi & . A.Am none. Oreiron. AIMf mil fill .lAMnilSH' vrrol.f in .llmirf.-iICiti'' HUM uiiil'U nil or utiu'x- of May 1000. T. T.u1 NOTICK OY l'INAI. r....jii' .MlllPll In tiRrohV L'lVOII l"".V 1 ........... ..,'.1... ...i.irafuir.':. i,.iiuiiliniritl(ir 111 mv vni""- 'f.iint iiuciiHUd. una rflimuii'ii. ! : im 111 II1U L.II11IIIV L,.iuri. VL.I .IVKIIH. ill IIHUI wu.. p of milil OHtntii: imil tlmtSlqlld.T. torm of notil Court iitioo' ",,! I Mitt I fill I IIYfMI IIV IIIU .1 Iho t 1110 for liciirlnif ""'"..i'Vitm lntorc.teil iiro herob rcauiw" & tllo tholrnlilootloimfu wrllU's"' uuuill huh iKiinu.b mv. ,Aimft. H JIlllOll UOUUgO uruiv, 1. iwu. , 5