Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 11, 1900, Image 5

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    igjf roe rVK nu.mii.-
ijolm Itiund nml son, Ami row,
r .1 I I ! ,.r II,..
IWQ "' '"" "'""J milium i '"'
flemla, nml by tlic wny, interested
rjjt''' Sweep Stake croup, a vety
Rroiiiisint: ptopeity, having gotten
fijjcir woik
well in hand, have do
ERfal t-
make a trip to Cnjc
Nome, anil accordingly came out
jaSt Friday to make theii imnnge-
Beiits, pieparatory to slatting for
?jie northern countiy some time
Rcxtuiontli. Mr. Brund'sdnughtcr,
5Ir5 Marquette, who has (luting
" jKist eight months, presided
.. i . . . r ,i... u.. i
Over UIC oesunies ui wie jiuiiiu
eaUin, tame out Saturday, and will
flccoiiipaiiy her father and biothcr
SNniiu'. Miss Biund is hoiiic-
IBiHgof a mountaineer as well as
BSafi'iinplished niisticss of the
fiSusehoK!. At this season of the
walking is not overly pleasant
Even for the hardy miner who is
always on the the trails, and it was
?(uftc an nuclei taking for the lady
fcjfattcmpt the trip out of the hills
tffljnlerscct the singe, afoot; hut she
flim it, and in just an hour and
5orty minutes she coveted the six
miles to the foot of llardscrahblc
mriNfi 1(1! A I) V l'OU work.
Superintendent I?. .c. Adams, of
fclutlfeIC"lm'ii Knglc Mining Co., has
'jjlBccTi in this city this wee'; miking
ncllye op-rations to commence
.cany opeiauons uon uic coin
pony's prowrty, which is ex-
Silently situate ! on A Jams
gjSrinbuutain. The first work, and by
tlieEvay, a veiy important part of
TfTill he the clearing out of the
IKnotts trail, from the saddle of
Ks'lEairyiew mountain
to Admits
connect the
. .mountain, which will
company's property with the main
f Sonus to the mines. When this is
t'-nm e : I A, I !!
n Sun -r l ii I el 1 1 li'll I y ( 1 :l 111 -
".'".. .i. :.. .1
vnnvc siirioiu kuihiik in iuu mum-i
,etttng in the necessary inn-
v "y sac jt
CUincry, im-ill .UHl jiiuviaiu i: in
Ks2&e.ralc lhc m,nc" company
T .will do a (-(iiiiiIi'i:iIiIl- iimoutlt ol
oevelopmeut work this summer and
?BK 1..1.1.. .: .i. .1. ....... I, ,,t
jiroujotv l uuuiiiii: wui k. tiiiwiiiiuiii
the. winter.
55jNt5 little complaint is made at
lthik "Ollice with reference to the
Hsribut;ou of the pajwrs at Ho
livery subscriber,
nemia posioincc.
mailed a copy of each week's
i.'; issue.ev-ry Kiiday morning, and if
errors ocvur it is the fault of the
jfc 111 til sirvi W.iile wj da n Jt be-
IICVw II 1. I iv. I II l.4l illll I.J (
to retard the delivery of
y 'liiail still it reilainly occurs nt
1j'."!lSrae3 livery elTort should be
naleito avoid so doing as it is a
wjinixishii) wdicn a man walks several
il-.. : .- jiu. ' ...
sw--insr 1. ;
-Tunnies over a touk" 111uu111.ini 11.111
iton. his mail and then finds his
A comity pajier missing. Postmasters
over a
should be careful.
'KL'.nr.UT.v.iv tho well known on-
'Si "J&t- '
'xtici"an'Of liugene wdio enjoys the
distinction of being one of the best
opticians on the Pacific coast, in
.' commenting on the growth of Cot-
.,J?tS Grove in the past two years,
jjStfethc remark: "I was never
Knpesurprised than today when I
Sledjyour town, to note the great
jSjfgyth and general improvement.
Gott'age Grove is rapidly crawling
nLu'mJuto the front rank of prominent
bwnsin Oregon. I think this so
strongly that I have determined to
makoTthis place a visit every three
GiAnlaereeable surprise party was
Kcndered to Mr. J. I. Jones of this'
Jity;Titesday evening. The even
lynfmTmacle particularly intercst-
intr'ibv the rendering of a well ar-
xangeu program euusinuni; ui mu
simid games, after which n most
pleasing luncheon was discussed.
TKose present were: Messrs and
Mesclames J. I, Jones, J. S. Benson,
JSN'. Boyd; Misses Peail Hunter,
Mae;Mcrjueen, Gertie and Nettie,
uraiCK, i-ieo xevi, niuiy v.hhi,
11 1 -i t : xr rnvi.i
Minnie Foss, Ethel Wooley. Josie
IBenham. Daisy Arnold, Annie
arms, I,aura Jones; Messrs. I. S
...i, ".. r:... wTnii
4mm A r ' A r
Jesse Griflin, Roy Hemenway, Ar
Li mntfti Wvnne. Ilarrv rickard, Merl
tlk JacKsoii. Frank Whipple, Ralph
NhW l,A I'IKM.
1'. 0. Kby and J. C. Johnson,
two of the prominent lawyers of
Minion county who have heeti en
gnjed in the practice of their pro
fession at Woodliutn for the past
twelve years ariived h-.-rc this week
and will permanently locale here
foi the practice of.thcir profession.
The firm will be known ns Kb &
Johnson and the gentlemen rank
among the best attorneys of the
county of Marion. The Nugget
wishes them success.
Dr Wall is in receipt of informa
tion from I)r Job, who is still in
faithful attendance upon Mr. Ru
dolf, the surviving victim of the
Saginaw mill accident, to the effect
that the sufferer is resting easier
and that Tuesday night his con
dition was more favorable than at
any lime since the fearful accident
Ur Job says he can be moved Satur
Cottage drove now has a new
dentist in the person of A. J.
Ilullinger, who bears the reputa
tion of being one of the best on the
coast. The Doctor is a graduate of
the Northwestern University of
Chicago and post-graduate of
American College of Dental Sur
gery, Chicago. He comes highly
r commended and will undo rbtcdly
build up a splendid business here, i i.i..
lion. Ivan McQueen, republican
n aniiiee for leprercntalive, has
been seriously ill at his hunie at
l.ornue for the last two weeks. He
bad an attack of gtippe and after-!
wards was afflicted with
rhetimntism, from which
slowly recovering. It is
he IS ,
that his illness will prevent his at
tendance upon the joint cinvnss
now in progress.
Among those who attended the
funerni Gf ti,L. unfortunate acting j
superintendent of the Saginaw mill j
No. 1, Olio linioff, which took j
..1 . I"' 1. r,..A
World, of which lodge he was a
, member, took charge ol e re-;C
, mains at the grave.
(:f)r,i, pnosprfcr
It is now considered by those in
a position to kuo.v that Cottage
Grove has a splendid prospectto se-
Vfiuw una a .-ij,.-i
cure a militia company. The mi-
litia officials of the .state exptcss
themselves as very much pleased
with the interest taken in the move
ment to. 01 ganixe a company here,
and especially commend the busi
ness men of this city for the in
terest taken.
Hugh liehne, has been selected
as the new superintendent of the
Musick Mining & Milling Co., and
will start for the scene of his new
woik the last of the week, and ex
pects to start the mill on or about
the 15th of this mouth. Mr. Hehuc
is a thorough mining man and the
selection is a good one.
J. M. Durham is hard on rats,
lie opened his feed box the other
morning and discovered 16 of the
pesky ciitters therein. He didn't
do a thing but murder them every
one beforo they could hike out.
Armand Wynne bottled a big
spider almost an inch long Monday,
and presented it to the Nugget.
After looking at it the writer is in
doubt as to which he would perfer
snakes or spideis Ugh I.
The infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Miller died nt the
Inmily home at Sng'iiaw, 4 o'clock
Sunday afternoon, May 6. The
funeral was held Monday after
noon. FOR SAWC.
A farm, 1C0 acres,' 13 and 1-2
miles from Cottage Grove, 30 acres
c eared. 10 acres uucicr eiimvnuuu,
Sood orchard, bearing. Good house
' bum. hlncksmith shop. All re
nnir .vnri. n smith can do in the
pair work a smjtii
1 snininer time. For
! summer time. For sale lor $1500 on
easy terms. Enquire at this office.
iii vwiwik ! Alaska on tho 13th.
Frank liambiick, I-'rank Goodman. Frnnk Stron W. fennwn hpr0) w,,n
0-car Vanghn, John Miller atul hns lecn abfoiit fur two yon-H, It homo
Chas. Dutton. The religious sei-'on a visit with Ida mother, Mrs. Jane
vices were these of the Catholic strong, of this city,
church, and the Woodmen of the' K. A. Booth, republican nominee for
A'l cAlxmt, you.
Allmrt Hlnlkcr was fn llio oily this
John Urabor loft for llohetnlu Monday
lid MfKililien en mo In from thomineti
1. J. JonniiiKa went on to Portland
.Hin I'itelicrwntmriplntoH starting for
Oii) Noma next week.
Attorney Jeroaio Knox has iuturnod
(rum a trip to liohnmia.
Geo. Muinstor returned from a visit to
Yoiieolla Tuesday.
MinsHoHO Williams was a pasHonger
to Kuguno IiibI fiaturday,
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Blew were passen
gers to J-jiigono Tuenduy .
Mr. and MrH. I'urry Lung hnvo rn
turned from a vitiit to Eugene.
K. H. Adiiiim, Hupcrintouiloiit of tlin
(inldcn Englf Mining On. in in tlioeitj'.
Miss Ni-lliii Hurry vinitcd friends iil
Eugene- last Sunday, returning home
Monday., ' 1 '
MltmNuttio Wilson of ItoKubtirg was
legisloied at the Motel filierwuod htxl
Ranford Mills, ol "W'ooilbiirn, is fitlins
up a neat bar in the 1 J cm en way build
ing tills week.
II. K. Worley, superintendent ot the
Champion mine, arrived down from tho
ill Martin, lliu clever eily editor pi
tho Oregon Htnlc Jouruul, was In Cot
t.igo (irovu last Monday.
C. II. ISurkholdor left Wednesday
flight for l'oitluud, enroute to Kan
r't'iiui'ii-co.oii n ImxinoBH trip.
Mttrhlinl Mri'arltitid had u tti-slo witli
two ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 k h Tiieday. They weie very
vury quickly jailed, however.
Tho. Hunt who !h now in tiiu employ
of the Helena Miniiij; Co., expects to
viHit the Nome country thiHHo:tt n.
I' A. Wilxnn removed Ids luncli
counter from the (Vanent Imildini; to tin?
miilillo room in tlic Cue biiililinj; tliiH
Geo. Kolleny hwl the iniKfortimo to
get kicked by one of Ids Diablo homes 1
;iluniliiy, iruiHinj Iiia iitp eonHiiieruuiy.
Mr. and Mrs. .John Miller nt tendril
the funeral of ihu infunt dacghterof Mr,
nnd .Mm. Andrew Miller, at Saginaw,
Monday afternoon
and Mih. (). O. McClellen ro-
Plullmi will l.iovn
for Dawson City,
"' ' '
e ttrovwTlJpjH,
II. II. Mnenmber, P. P. frnijilit clerk
here, lias been n-movml to liranlu fans
tiiUI Uny t arlun 01 Koi-ouurg nibiiiueti m ,
Morfo McKibbcn in in fi-om the mines
jf,8 wt.e., Mor,,. nnd Ed who have
,m) at the Ilelenu, will ronnnie their
old p Hition at tho Musick noxt weolc.
V. L. I-ewis liaa arranged an nttrnetiro
news stand in tho cast room of t lie Caho
building. Floyd Ih a little rustler and
deserves the patronage of the people.
O. F. Knox republican nominee for
county judge and Jameu Ilemi'invay, re
puhliean nomineo for representative,
left "Wednesday mornimj for Eugeno to
j''" tho party of political eanvaers.
C. II. Jones and daughter, Miss
Laura Jones, formerly editor of tlte
Drain Watchman, have returned home
fioin a threo month's visit east witli
friends and relatives. They report an
enjoyable trip.
J li. luand of Cripple Greek, .
arrived 111 this city this wrck, and will
visit llio lioliomm msinei, 10 wnien " , it ... oti
has been attracted by tho cnthusiiiHtie "1f " ""(
reports of Cripple Co ke.s and tb. j gjatl
eurront press aeeoimta of tho. cdiniitiW. ijVoOV' ' r
visit tho P.ohomia district, to which Ii6.
district of Oregon.
Ed Hill, tho well known tourist
printer, hit the town hut 8und.iv just In
time to be of valuable assistance to the
Xuprot oil'ice during a rush of job work.
Ed la 0110 of tho best printers win)
happen along this route, and he nearly
always "happens" just at the rielit
time. --.
Read the Mayor's report in an
other column of this issue of the
Messrs. K. Hines and K. S.
Adams started for the mines this
. Mr.-I... ..r ,i. T .,Uv
i, v. wooiey ui uiu i,m"
visited his mining interests in Bo
hernia this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Prettyman
are visiting Mr. Prettyman 's sister,
Mrs. Otto Fredricksen of this city.
The repairs to the log haul ma
chinery at Mill No. 1 .where the ex
plosion occurred, are now in oper
ation and will be completed in an
other week
In Brief.
Commit meolim; lastTuCKday night.
ilubsci'lbv '' Ilia Xttfffct.
IGoz ( olden Oato Uuldng l'owdor for
40(! nt Kakln it IJHhIowh.
F. It. Phillip? Iiiib a fine young 1000 lb
mare for Halo cheap. '
If you would got good rciHiiltH advertise
in tin; Nnt?ct.
I'hillipH and Davidion received a car
of Giant Powder Inatiweek.
Spo Mius AVoodnrd'8 oil puintlng on
exhibition at ttakin &Uristov8.
Iloyd will ulvu 21 Btnmi photos with
eaeli dozen photon for the noxt ten days.
The Crescent Illcyelc is tho wheel
that always Kland iiji.
If you want wall paper or hooks don't
forget to e,ot priccB of .1.1. Cunln the
SuIIh! Suits!! Tailor made suits! ! !
I'p to date in every respect, from $15 up.
Call and see wimples.
Gko. Boiii.mak.
I'VchIi candieii every day, inailo from
pure Augac at the Tailor hhop.
For quality nnd chcapncBa in fresh
miintH go to the Central meat market.
T. A. I.owiH, hoot and fihoo reiinlr
Hhop. elrst eliiHB work, low prit'CB.
U ppoflite f-herwood Hotel.
lieforo you Jbuy a wagon c.o and look
at tho Peter Hehutler nt Phillips and
For all kinds of plumbing and
tin work goto Onmn & Vcatcli
I co for sale at McFai land's meat
Phillips and Davison received a ear of
McCormiek Hinders and Mowers this
lfor watches, clocks and jewelry
patronize Davidson the Jeweler.
Kakiu .V Ilrit-tow aro aeentH for the
Genuine Oliver Chilled and Steel
Plows and extras.
Ovor (10 odd patterns of wall paper to
choifo from and more on tho way, at
Jenkins & Lawcon c.
All lii'ida of bicyelo sundaries at Kakin
II Uriatowrt.
II you want good work remeni
j,er Davidson the Jeweler,
Ifor a fine assortment of fishing
tackle nnd sporting goods Griffin
K. V hatch, Co. are the leaders.
Send yoar watch to W.I,. Coppernoll
the ieweler. nt Kujicne. lie warrants
all of Ids repair work.
For the nest two weel;3, to introduce
111V work, I will extract tectli "rnEi:
when plntea are ordered. Will do plate
work for f2.50 less than the usual cost
Wotk guaranteed for 10 years.
Ur. A.J. HuLM.sarat, Dentiet.
Free with eaeh dozen cabinet photos.
I will eivo for thu next 30 days 0110 life
nizo portrait free made by Portland Art
I'll, J, .. liOYD.
Tnko vonr laundry to Geo. K
(iriflitli, agent of tho Eugene Palace
Unumlrv. lioes iiown iiiursaay
returna"Satuiday alternoon.
Farmers if you want a good culti
vator GiuiiFiN, Vkatch Co, have
OU you noticetho.-e bath tubs at Phil
ips A D.u'ison. They are beauties.
J. P. Cui rin has a choice lino of in
crain and figured wall paper, at prices
to suit tlic tratlo.
Phillips A Davison have in their sec
ond bhipment of gaidcn tools.
Special bargains in flooring, rus
tic and ceiling, in short length at
Booth-Kelly yard, Saginaw.
1 consider it not only a pleasure
but a duty I owe to my neighbors
to tell about the wonderful cure
effected in my case by the timely
use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was
taken very badly with flux and pro
f , f . efrected R mnent
. T ,.ocm - ',,.
.. . em,ri frnm tnt
sense. J. v. lyncii,
Tins remedy is sold
1 by Benson Drug Co., Cottage
Grove. Ivons & Afflkgatk
plrain Druggists
I "W. L. Coppnnloll, tho jeweler of Kn
eeue, will pay tho posUi);oon all work
Bent him
Griflin & Ventch Co. are agents
for the celebrated Canton Clipper
Plows, Harrows and Cultivators
Will often receive painful cuts,
sprains or bruises from accidents
Buckleu's Arnica Salve will kill
the pain and heal the injury. It'
the cyclist's friend. Cures Chafing
Plmnnpfl TTniul. Snrp T.irK. Burns
11 . '
Ulcers and Piles. Cure guaranleecl
Only 25c. Try it.
Sold by Bun
son Drug Co.
rAY up.
Geo Bohlraan announces that
he will declare all who are in ar
rears in the suit of clothes drawing
will be declared out of the coutest
if they do not pay up by the 15th
of this month.
Successors to CUMMINO & SUIIR,
of the old firm at a discount, will offer
n price. L'or the next 30 days the
choice variety of floor matting. Indies' & Childrens', Mens' & Boys'
shoes. Mens' & Boys' hats & caps.
Crockery, Tinware & Graniteware at
We invite a call and guarantee satisfaction.
SOMETHING STRICTLY STYLISH is what we are prepared to
show in our new summer lines of mens fine shoes, hats,, neck wear, and
mens furnishings of all kinds.
THE GRANDEST ASSORTMENT and display of elegance in
mens spring attire is now ready for inspection. Our new spring lines
are creating much favorable comment and substantial support.
BY OUR UNTIRING EFFORTS to always have our stock up to-
date we have brought out this season
shirts and neckwear which is characterized by the highest possible de
gree of dressiness rich originalty and the most delicate, illusive, un-
uamedable shades.
and colorings of fine woolens made
The city council at its regular
meeting decided to pay Marshal
McFarland $30 per month, allow
ing a per cent for collecting water
lents, and a commission on fines,
this creating a salary something !
like $40 per month. The council
also agreed to pay J. S. Miller $10
out of the city funds for night ser
vice as policeman, as long .as said
officer shall perform his duties to
the satisfaction ol the council. The
business men have made up a pri
vate subscription for Mr. Miller,
which creates a fair salary for him.
This is a good move, as the city
has been badly in need of a night
and day officer. No town of the
size of Cottage Grove should be
without adequate police force.
The Helena Mining Co., brought
to this city and shipped to Portland
this week the second clean up of the
great mine since it started a month
4 - jt4
ago. ims oriCK is 2 incues uiick,
4 inches wide and 9 inches long
and is worth between $10,000 and
$12,000, the product of a twelve
days' run.
The Crescent is tho popular wheel at
a standard price, and no better wheel
at any prieo. Sold by Kakin & Bristow.
Uide a Crescent. They aro sky high.
1)125.00 and $35.00 at Kakin & Bristow.
A purse, a cow bell and a, pair of ladies
gloves boionging to someone at this
iitlieo. Come and provo property, pay
for this notice and tuko 'em. .
See tho fine display of millinery at tho
parlors of .Mrs. J. S. Medley.
If you need glasses, don't fail to seo
Ur Lowo nest week, at tho Sherwood,
May the 9th and 10th.
The ancients believed that rheu
matism was the work of a demon
within a man. Anyone who has
had an attack of sciatic or in
flamatory rheumatism will ngree
that the infliction is demoniac
enough to warrant the belief. It
has never been claimed the jCham
bcrlain's Pain Balm would cast out
demons, but it will cure rheuma
tism, and hundreds bear testimony
to the truth of this statement. One
application relieves the pain, and
this quick relief which it affords is
alone worth many times its cost.'
For sale .by Benson Drug Co.,
Cottage Grove. Lyons & AppiE-
gate Dram Druggists.
llilllBIIIIMtlllll I I III I II
n DrlfA'c rnnm RnkltlP" Pnwder
Ur. I-TICe S Cwream OaKing I UV UCl
World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
having bought the entire stock
certain lines at a great reduction
following will be sold at cost. A
.... . . .
Blankets & Quilts,' Groceries,
the very lowest prices.
a line of mens fancy silk bosom
your summer suit made to order.
SA PLES of all the latest designs
up to your measurements from $13
is. watjT, a jririPFi,E.
Postma ster Sherwood will move
the postoflice from its present
quarters into the west room of the
Case building, which is now being
fitted up for that purpose, next
Saturday. The new quarters will
be highly appreciated not only by
Postmaster Sherwood, but by the
Dr. Snapp's residence is fast
neariug completion.
If you want a good job of plumb
ing done go to Grrffiu & Veatch
Wo sell gootl goods at good prices for
our customers, Central Meat Market.
Our garden tools are all right
call and see them before you buy.
Griffin Veatch Co.
For latest designs in spring millinery
call on Mrs. J. S. Medley.
Griffin & Veatch Co. carry a full
line of Canton Clipper and John
Deere Plows. Noue better.
We will pay the highest price for
wool and mohair.
Tho Griflin & Veatch Ilardwaro Co.
have recently added a first elnsa tin shop
to their nlready'woll equipped honsennd
are now prepared to do all kinds of re
pairing. Boys when you are going fishing
remember our line of flys are all O.
Griffin" Vbatcu, Co.
Oiib set of second hand harness, almost
as good as new, for sale by Eiikin &
Mrs. J. S. Mcdloy hns on display mil
linery goods in all qualities and prices
to suit customers. Call and see thepi.
Tliodrawin.' at Geo. llohlmnn's tailor
shop is attracting much attention at
present. Thus far four suits have-, been
drawn, 'as follows: John Graber, John
Millor, Theodore Jennings, nnd C.J.
Howard. Tho editor of tho Nuggpt.oels
rather swolled up that tho opportunity
is at hand whereby ho can cut a dash in
n tnilor mndo suit. If ho had to wait
until ho mndo it out of tho hlOQunng
printing business ho would go hungry
for clothes 47 years.
A froight was wroeked tho other aido
of Albany "Wednesday night, owing to a
broken beam. Sovcral ears wero
smashed up and tho traok chinnged
soiiio, hut no ono hurt.
Wanfed-An Idea
Who ran thlnV
of tome tlmplo
timtnf vniii Mefln t thnv mnv brtnir vuu wpalttl.
i Write JOHN WEUnEllUOUN & CO., Patent Attpr.
noyBi walilnBton. n. O.. for their 1.8W iirlie offer
I awl now list ot ouo ttiouuaud Inventions wanted.